HomeMy WebLinkAbout07 2000 PLAN UPDATE 10-04-99DATE:
NO. 7
! n t e r- C o rn
OCTOBER 4, 1999
Summary: City staff is continuing to work on addressing potential Y2K problems
and equipment compliance. Monthly status reports will be presented to the City.
Council summarizing new information, equipment ch. anges and Y2K compliance
That the City Council receive and file this report.
Future fiscal impacts to implement Y2K compliance and equipment for the City of Tustin
continue to be undetermined at this time.
At the April 5, 1999 City Council meeting, staff submitted a report to the Council
identifying Y2K planning activities and actions that have taken place during the past year.
Staff indicated that monthly status reports would be provided beginning in July 1999.
The following are key updates and completed tasks for the month of September 1999:
Emergency Generator Test. On July 30, 1999, the Public Works staff conducted a test
of the Civic Center's Emergency Generator. The purpose of the test was to verify the
capabilities of the power backup system and to verify which circuits would be powered
during a power outage.
Public Works is in the process of obtaining quotes to connect additional work areas to the
emergency generator.
Water Operations. The Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) system
contract has been awarded to Shasta Electric, Inc. The factory acceptance test of all
system components is scheduled for the end of September. Field Installation will begin
the first week of October and should be completed by the end of October. Field testing
City Council Report
Year 2000 Plan Update
October 4, 1999
Page 2
and training will occur during November and the project should be completed by the first
week in December. The project is currently 40 percent complete.
Public Buildings. The Public Works Department is working with several contractors who
will test the fire alarm systems at the Senior Center, Tustin Family & Youth Center,
Columbus-Tustin Gymnasium, Field Services Maintenance Yard and the Water
Operations buildings. System replacement will be installed, if needed.
The Public Works Department is currently reviewing a proposal from Southern California
Edison to conduct an Electrical System Audit for the Field Services Maintenance Yard.
Once the audit is completed the system and the generator will be tested.
City Hall Building Access No new information to report.
Computer Systems. The City's Management Information System consultant is
continuing security upgrades for all computers. This current work effort will be completed
in October. Other updates will be installed as other vendors release them.
The Orange County Fire Authority (OCFA) provides monthly Year 2000 Plan updates to
the Executive Committee. Dudng the months of August/September the Authority
continued to test their fire engines and trucks for Y2K readiness; GTE and PacBel 911
equipment upgrades were completed; Hazardous Material response Team and Helicopter
equipment was evaluated and upgraded, and the OCFA's Incident Reporting
/Emergency Medical/Training Records systems will be replaced with new programs.
A copy of the September 22, 1999 Fire Authority Year 2000 Plan Update Report is
attached as Exhibit A.
On September 15, 1999, a representative of the Community Development Department
gave a presentation to the Tustin Effective Apartment Managers (TEAM) on the City's
Y2k planning efforts. A copy of the same information that was transmitted to the
Homeowners' Associations in August was provided to the TEAM members with a request
to distribute this information to their tenants.
Finance Director
'Elizabeth A. Binsack
Community Development Director
Exhibits: A- Fire Authority Year 2000 report
OCFA - 9/99 Year 2000 Updato . Page 1 of 2
September 22, 1999
Executive Committee, Orange cOunty Fire Authority
Hugh Wood
Chief, Technical Services Department
SUBJECT: Year 2000 Plan Update Report
This item is submitted as an update on the Year 2000 Plan.
Receive and file report.
The year 2000 issue involves systems and electronics that use calendar dates within their software. In
the 1960's when many of the programs used today were developed, they did not include the century
when they processed information using numerical dates, such as April 1, 1966 became 040166.
OCFA has known for quite some time that some of its key equipment and systems did have this
problem but were able to identify solutions for each. We are in the process of completing our
programming and/or equipment replacements of those affected systems. It has also come to our
attention that some less critical equipment and systems may also be affected. We are in the process of
identifying these potential problems so that solutions can be put in place before January 1, 2000.
The following are key updates for this month:
OCFA continues to test the electronics of its fire engines and trucks for Y2k compliance as they
are schedule for normal maintenance. This procedure is in addition to receiving written
confirmation from Detroit Diesel, which manufactures the electronics, on their Y2K readiness
as well as a hard copy of their testing plan and results.
The Finance/HR System upgrade was completed at the end July. The upgrade process is
scheduled for the back-up system in September.
3. The replacement of Y2k compliant Xerox photocopier machines was completed in July.
The H~ardous Material Response Team and Helicopter program equipment evaluation and
upgrades were completed in July.
5. GTE 911 Plant Equipment and PacBel 911 MARS equipment upgrades were completed in
6. The Accounts Receivables (AR) system migration to the Finance/HR Banner system was
completed in August. The conversion of historical data from the old Prophecy system to an
http ://www.ocfa. org/docs/y2k-sep.htm 9/21/99
OCFA- 9/99 Year 2000 Upd~' Page 2 of 2
Oracle based system is expected to be completed in September.
7. Compliance notification was received in August from both the OC Federal Credit Union and
the OC Employee Retirement System.
The Steering Committee and Working Team continues to meet weekly on the replacement of
OCFA's Incident Reporting system (OCFIRS), Training Records System (TRS), and
Emergency Medical System (EMS). A contract was awarded to SunPro Inc. in July and they
have met with OCFA staff several times since the beginning of August. SunPro will be
finalizing the system requirements with the individual OCFA sections during the week of
September 7th. It is expected that the system will be loaded on. OCFA hardware during October
for preliminary system testing. Training for OCFA personnel is scheduled for mid-November
through December with production release on January 1, 2000.
OCFA's Intemet Webpage continues to be updated every month with our status and pro'vides
links to other Internet Y2K sites.
An Authority-wide contingency plan is being developed which will cover Y2K related
emergencies, which may impact operations demand and external resources. A final drag of this
plan will be submitted to Executive Management in September for their review. A report of this
plan will be submitted to the Executive. Committee in October.
Fiscal Impact:
Capital Improvement Plan includes budgeted systems and equipment upgrades and replacements.
Staff Contact for Further Information:
Roger Stites, Manager Information Systems
Year 2000 Plan, July 12, 1999 Update
http ://www.ocfa.org/docs/y2k-sep.htm 9/21/99