HomeMy WebLinkAbout08 M.O.U MCAS TUSTIN 10-04-99'AGENDA NO. 8 10-4-99 DATE: OCTOBER 4, 1999 Inter-Com TO: FROM: SUBJECT: WILLIAM A. HUSTON, CITY MANAGER CHRISTINE SHINGLETON, ASSISTANT CITY MANAGERo~ AUTHORIZATION TO EXECUTE A MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT UNDER SECTION 106 OF THE NATIONAL HISTORIC PRESERVATION ACT FOR THE MCAS-TUSTIN PROJECT SUMMARY: Conceptual agreement has been reached between consulting parties on a Memorandum of Agreement (MOA)for the MCAS-Tustin project under Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act. Ci~ Council approval of the MOA is requested. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended the City Council approve the Section 106 Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) for MCAS-Tustin subject to corrections requested by the City and authorize the City Manager or Assistant City Manager to execute said Agreement subject to approval of the City Attorney. FISCAL IMPACT There will be an approximate $25,000 cost for the City to conduct the marketing process for the Hangar 29 complex. This cost will be incorporated into future Redevelopment Agency budgets. BACKGROUND As part of environmental process for evaluating the impact associated with closure and disposal of Marine Corps Air Station-Tustin, the Navy must perform a series of steps to determine and mitigate the anticipated impacts to historic resources at Marine Corps Air Station (MCAS) Tustin. Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act (NH-PA) governs this'process. The intent of the law is not to mandate preservation of all historic properties but to identify the adverse impacts of disposal and reuse, attempt to avoid impacts wherever possible, and mitigate those impacts where they cannot be avoided. The culmination of this process is a final consultation process involving the federal Advisory Council, the Navy and local Authorization to Execr .VlOA under Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act for the MCAS-Tustin Project October 4, 1999 Page 2 community and other invited consulting parties (i.e., interested advocates for historic preservation) which results in the execution of a Memorandum of Agreement (MOA). Blimp Hangars 28 and 29 are on the National Register of Historic Places. In addition to the two blimp hangars, two adjoining helium buildings and five concrete landing mats have been determined potentially eligible for inclusion and designation as a National Register District under the NHPA. The eligible district consists of two discontinuous elements described as follows: Element A o Blimp Hangar I (Building 28); Heating Plant 28A; Mooring Mats 1, 2, 3; Connecting roads between the Hangar and Mooring mats contained within mapped boundary. Element B- Blimp Hangar 2 (Building 29); Heating Plant 29A; Mooring Mats 4, 5; Connecting roads between the Hangar and Mooring Mats contained within mapped boundary. Beginning'in December 1998, and equipped with the leverage provided by SB 1557, the City of Tustin has held a number of meetings with representatives, of the Department of'the Navy, the Advisory Council, State and federal elected officials and the State Office of Historic Preservation. These discussions have positively impacted recent consultations with the Navy and other consulting parties on the Section 106 MOA. The final draft MOA is attached for the City Council's consideration. Major provisions of the Agreement can be summarized as follows: The Navy will complete a Historic American Building Survey (HABS) for Hangars 28 and 29 and the discontiguous historic district and donate original and reproducible copies and plans and other archival materials and records. No other measures will then be required to mitigate adverse effects to the eligible discontiguous historic district. The County will be permitted to market the Hangar 28 complex, and the City will market the Hangar 29 complex to determine whether an economically viable adaptive use for each complex exists pursuant to marketing guidelines in the MOA. · If marketing efforts result in the identification of an economically viable reuse proposal, a preservation covenant or other preservation measures would be Authorization to Execute DA under Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act for the MCAS-Tustin Project October 4, 1999 Page 3 applied to the initial or subsequent deed transfers of a hangar. If there is no economically viable reuse identified after the marketing efforts of each agency, the Navy would transfer the applicable property without a preservation covenant or other preservation measures. Staff would recommend City Council approval of the attached MOA subject to the Navy making a number of minor changes to the document which are included as Attachment A and also handwritten on the document. Staff would request that the City Council delegate to staff the authority to complete negotiations and actual changes to the MOA on these items with the Navy, subject to City Attorney. concurrence. Attachments - Attachment A - Final Draft MOA A TTA CHMENT A TUSTIN REQUESTED CORRECTIONS TO FINAL SECTION 106 MEMORANDUM. OFA GREEMENT FOR MCAS-TUST1N Stipulation II, para.3, line 24. Delete "and public institutional uses.'" The high school site is 1/4 mile north of the Hangar 29 complex, and will not be developed by private developers. Stipulation III, para. 1, line 34. Insert "or E" after Appendix D. Appendix D is really only caretaker layaway standards and is not the level of activities that were previously agreed to that would not be subject to further consultation (however, please note that any interim leases would still provide a process for Navy approval). I might note that the proposed Appendix E is the same list of improvements that are permitted in interim leases and the City has seen similar activities in other Section 106 MOA's not subject to further consultation. The County and City support this change. Stipulation V, para. 2, line 41: Delete "repair" and insert after Appendix D" or E". See comment above on this. On line 36 insert "or within the contiguous historic district" after complexes. Marketing Plan, preface, paragraph 1. Insert at end of paragraph after "funds: .... "and in the case of the Hangar. 29 Complex, which provides adequate income for land acquisition costs at comparable .market value, payment of required "fair share" infrastructure contributions and all other development costs." Marketing Plan, Guidelines, #3., line 28. This issue has continued to be one of the most significant for the community. The RFQ/RFP process should be no different than would be applicable to any redevelopment project. An objective is stated, in this case consistency with the MCAS-Tustin Specific Plan/Reuse Plan and the historical preservation of the complexes, and the applicant or respondent must submit a proposal that is responsive to this information. The City has complete discretion over determining what is consistent with the MCAS-Tustin Specific Plan/Reuse Plan, and we do not want to get into an argument later with the Navy or other participants if a proposal is inconsistent with the plan. A respondent should be required to demonstrate consistency. Any respondent before submittal of a response. would have the opportunity to request a use determination, and this approach would be consistent with the plan so there would be no need to qualify the criteria as you have done. While Navy staff has indicated that they have read the plan and believe that there is room for incompatible uses to be approved, this in not at the Navy or other consulting party's discretion. The City does not want .this to become an issue later and for any consulting parties to argue that the marketing effort was not compliant if the City or County rejected a proposal because of inconsistency with the MCAS-Tustin Specific Plan/Reuse Plan. The plan is the community's to implement. Based on discussions with the City management staff, and broad community participation and comments received during the City's planning process, inconsistencies will not be supported. The Ci_ty questions what hidden agenda or interest the Navy_ has in not supporting the community's reuse plan. Department of Defense policy is clear that the community's reuse plan should be given deference! Revise line 28 and 29 to read as follows: Is the development concept consistent with the MCAS-Tustin Specific Plan/Reuse Plan. Marketing Plan, Guidelines, #5., page 6, line 1-3. See comment above and revise to read as follows: Does the proposal contain adequate evidence that the proposed project is consistent with the MCAS Tustin Specific Plan/Reuse Plan?" Marketing Plan, Guidelines, # 5, page 6, lines 1-6. Revise to read: "Does the proposal present adequate evidence that the proposer has the financial capacity and means to carry out the project, including, in the case of the Hangar 29 complex, land acquisition costs at comparable market value and support for all costs such as required "fair share" infrastructure payments and all planning,' pre-construction, marketing and operational costs. Retitle Appendix D "Caretaker Maintenance/Layaway Levels." Attach Appendix E and title" Actions not requiring Further Consultation." CITY OF TUSTIN 714 838 1602 P.04×05 Appendix E A. Activities invoivinq non-historic properties which will have no impact upon historic properties. B. Repair and replacement of streets, sidewalks, gutters: street lights, traffic siqnals, water mains, storm drains, sewers, and other underqround utilitv svstems such as electrical lines and qas mains. C. Routine maintenance which typically consists of the following: 1. On~qgi_ng maintenance of immediately surrounding landscaping, to include planting, in areas previously disturb_ed by these activities and removal of hazardous veqetation and dead or unsalvaqeable trees. . Modifications. of any sort to n_on-contributing buildings. 3. Minor. in-kind replacement of buildinq or site features as p..a.rt of emerqencv repair, or routine maintenance not part of a larger project. 4. Those repair and/or maintenance actions carded out i~ conformance to the standards and procedures contained in the Secretary 0_f._ln_t~_r!or's Standards for Rehabilitation. These sort of activities include: a. Repair or replaceme_nt of siding, trim, or_,hardware when done in kind to match existina material and desian:. b. RepJ_.a_cement of glass when done in kind to match exisfinq material and design. Repair'and replacement of doors, when done in kind to match existing material and desiqn. d. Repair and replacement of roofs or parts of a_roof that are deteriorated, when done in kind to match existinq material and desiqn'~. e. Repair or replacement of stairs when done in kind to match existing material and desiqn, NU~-iS-1WWW 14:25 CiTY OF TUSTJN 714 838 1602 P.05/05 f. Repair of Window frames by patchinq: splic!ng, consolldatinq,_._o.r otherwise reinforcinq.or_r_e_p_lac!.nq in kind those _parts that are otherwise extensively deteriorated or are missing. The same confiquration of panes will be retained. _cl. Painting interior or exterior surfaces when the new paint matches the existinq or original color. h. Painting interior and exterior surfaces of historic properties in non-traditional.colors for temporary uses, if there is a bonded aqreement between the property owner and the lessee that the lessee will restore the laro~)erty to its original color scheme when the tempo_rarY_U, se is com~)[ete. i. Replacement or installation of caulkinq'and weatherstrip_p_ing around windows, doors, walls, and roots. i, Re~air or replacement of floor coverinq, when done in kind to match existinq material and desiqn. k. Installation of securit'v devices and systems. Installation' Of fire or smoke'detectors. m. Installation of'heatinq; Ventiiation, and air conditioninq (_H_VAC) ecluipment., plumbinq; and electricaL_systems, where such activities do not affect the visual character of historic properties or contributinCl properties within a historic district. D. Environmental restoration and remediation of hazards which pose a threat to human health and the environment, but do not have the potential to affect historic property(les). TOTAl_ P. 85 .1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2O 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 3O 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 4O 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 Agreed Upon Versio,, 9/15/99 , Memorandum of Agreement Among the Department of the Navy, the California State Historic Preservation Officer, and the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation for the Disposal and Reuse of Marine Corps Air Station, Tustin, Orange County, California WHEREAS, the Department of the Navy (DON), has determined that the disposal and reuse of Marine Corps Air Station Tustin (MCAS Tustin), pursuant to the Defense Base .Closure and Realignment Act of 1990, will have an adverse effect upon Hangars 28 and 29 which were included on the National Register of Historic Places in 1975, and other elements that, when combined with Hangars 28 and 29, were determined eligible for inclusion in the National Register of Historic Places as part of a discontiguous historic district in 1996. The eligible elements include buildings 28A and 29A, mooring mats !, 2, 3, 4, and 5, and the roads that connect these elements with Hangars 28 and 29. The district is depicted on Appendix A; and WHEREAS, no archeological sites or deposits remain at MCAS Tustin, as documented in several surveys; and WHEREAS, DoN received no.expression~ of interest from any of the approximately 100 Native American Tribes that were provided an opportunity to request excess federal property at MCAS Tustin in 1992 and 1993; and WHEREAS, DoN consulted with the California state Hi'storic Preservation Officer (SHPO) and the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation (Council) pursuant to 36 CFR Part 800, regulations, implementing Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act (Act); and WHEREAS, the City of Tustin, California (City), recognized by the Department of Defense as the local redevelopment authority (LRA) for MCAS Tustin, has developed a reuse plan for MCAS Tustin which may preserve Hangars 28 and 29 and buildings 28A and 29A, has participated in the consultation, has been invited to be a signatory to this Memorandum of Agreement (MOA), and has agreed to assume certain responsibilities and obligations under this Memorandum of Agreement; and WHEREAS,. the reuse plan for MCAS Tustin necessitates the demolition of the remainder of the historic district, which include mooring mats 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5, and the roads that connect these elements with Hangars 28 and 29; and WHEREAS, the County of Orange (CountY) proposes to reuse Hangar 28 and building 28A for recreation and ancillary entertainment, retail, and special event uses as part of a regional park for which a public benefit conveyance through the Department of Interior, National Park Service (NPS) is proposed, and has participated in the consultation, has been invited to be a signatory to this MOA, and has agreed to assume certain · responsibilities and obligations under this Memorandum of Agreement; and WHEREAS, the Department of Interior, National Park Service (NPS), acting as the federal agency sponsoring the proposed public benefit conveyance of Hangar 28 and building -1- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2O 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 4O 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 Agreed Upon Version 9/15/99 28A to the County of Orange pursuant to 40 U.S.C. 484(t~) has been invited to be a signatory to this MOA; and WHEREAS, the California Preservation Foundation (CPF), Tustin Area Historical Society, lrvine Historical Society, Orange County Historical Society, and Heritage Orange County, Inc. were invited to participate'in-this consultation and have been kept inforrfled of all consultation efforts for this MOA; NOW, THEREFORE, DoN, the SHPO, and the Council agree that the'lease, disposal and reuse of MCAS Tustin shall be implemented in accordance with the following stipulations in order to take into account the effect of the undertaking on historic properties. STIPULATIONS in the event that disposal of MCAS Tustin is selected by the appropriate decisionmaker and memorialized in the appropriate National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) document, DoN will ensure that the following measures are carried out: I. HANGARS 28 AND 29 AND HISTORIC DISTRICT .. A. Historic Ameri'can Building Survey (HABS) . . .. The National Park Service (NPS) has advised DoN pursuant to seCtion 110(b) of the Act regarding the level of HABS recordation appropriate for Hangars 28 and 29 and the discontiguous historic district. DoN shall complete the recordation prior to conveyance of any property within the discontiguous historic district and shall ensure that copies of the recordation are made available to the SHPO, the City, and to any local or other archive facilities designated by the SHPO. B. Curation of Architectural Drawings, Photographs, and Archival Materials Within 90 days from execution of this MOA, DoN shall donate original or reproducible copies of plans and architectural drawings and other archival materials and records, as available, concerning the layout and the buildings and structures that made up the original Navy lighter-than-air blimp facility to a local curation facility that meets the requirements of 36 CFR part 79. The City or its designee will also be provided with copies of these materials. - C. Other Measures With the exception of Hangar~ 28 and 29 and buildings 28A and 29A, which are addressed in Stipulation 11, upon completion of the tasks described in I.A and I.B above, no other measures will be required to mitigate adverse effects to the eligible discontiguous historic district. -2- 1 2 3 4' 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2O 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 3O 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 4O 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 5O 51 Agreed Upon Versio/, 9/15/99 .ii. BUILDINGS 28 AND 28A (HANGAR 28 COMPLEX) AND BUILDINGS 29 AND 29A (HANGAR 29 COMPLEX) NPS involvement under this MOA shall be with respect to the Hangar 28 Complex only. if the Hangar 28 Complex is not conveyed to the County of Orange by NPS, NPS shall have no further responsibilities or obligation under this MOA. As described in the LRA reuse plan for MCAS Tustin, preservation of the Hangar 28 Complex is dependent upon its marketability for economically viable adaptive uses. The County, the most likely initial transferee of the Hangar 28 Complex, does not propose to expend general fund revenues for the preservation of the Hangar 28 Complex. The reuse plan proposes that the 85 acres Surrounding, and including, the Hangar 28 Complex be used for open space conservation, recreation, community resource services, commercial support to the park through concession agreements, and historic preservation facilities. For either a Federal Lands to Parks or Historic Monument program use, the County will seek to have part or the entire Hanger 28 Complex adaptively used by the private sector through a concession agreement. As described in the LRA reuse plan for MCAS Tustin, preservation of the Hangar 29 Complex is dependent upon an economically viable adaptive use being identified. The City does not propose to expend !ocal tax doilars for the preservation of the Hangar 29 Complex. The City seeks to have the parcel that includes the Hangar 29 Complex and surrounding parcels developed by private developers for commercial/retail, business, industrial;{residential,-~..~d 2' ,h~h-,. i,-,~;~.,~+~,-,,,.,~ uses. ¢~1.¢1~ ' '" --; ............. .... A substantive effort must'be made to determine whether there is an economically viable adaptive use of the Hangar 28 Complex and the Hangar. 29 Complex. DoN, SHPO, and the Council agree that this shall be accomplished through a comprehensive marketing effort for each complex that is carried out in accordance with the guidelines contained in Appendix C. A. Marketing Efforts for Adaptive Use 1. The City/County may initiate the comprehensive marketing effort for the complexes at any time after the NEPA Record of Decision. . During the marketing period, the City/County and its designated representatives shall keep DoN, NPS, and SHPO apprised of the status of the marketing efforts and shall provide any written information requested by those agencies. , Notwithstanding the provisions Of Stipulation XIV, DoN, NPS, and SHPO shall be afforded 45 days from receipt of the report required pursuant to Appendix C to determine if the marketing effort has been in compliance with the terms of this MOA or other measures agreed upon by the City/County, DoN, NPS, and SHPO. , If DoN, NPS and SHPO determine that the marketing effort has not complied with the terms of this MOA or other measures agreed upon by the City/County, DoN, NPS, and SHPO, DoN shall consolidate all comments and obtain agreement on a consolidated written determination. DoN shall -3- Agreed Upon Version 9/15/99 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2O 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 3O 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 4O 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 5O 51 forward this determination, including a description of the actions required to complete the marketing effort, to the City/County. If the parties cannot resolve any issue regarding the marketing effort, any party may invoke the provisions of Stipulation IX. B. Historic Preservation Measures , if the marketing effort identifies an economically viable adaptive use of either of the complexes, that complex will be encumbered by a historic preservation covenant.consistent with Appendix B or by other preservation restrictions acceptable to NPS and/or SHPO. In the case of the Hangar 28 Complex, these measures shall balance the needs of the adaptive use and the needs for effective operation of the Federal Lands to Parks or Historic Monument programs. o If Nps and/or SHPO determine that, despite a.marketing effort which complies with the terms of this MOA or as agreed to by the City/County, NPS, and/or SHPO, an economically viable adaptive use of the Hangar 28 Complex a~d/o~r., the Hangar 29 Complex was not identified, NPS and/or SHPO shall promptly advise DoN and notify the City/County that the mitigation measures in Stipulation III are required. i11. MITIGATION MEASURES. -. The County .shall be responsible for completing the following mitigation measures in the event the Hangar 28 Complex' is conveyed without a- historic preservation covenant or restriction. The City shall be responsible for completing the following mitigation measures in the event the Hangar 29 Complex is conveyed without a historic preservation covenant or restriction. Notwithstanding these 'obligations, the County and City may agree to collaborate to complete a single history, exhibit and video. These measures shall be completed before any modifications to the affected hangar complex(es) may commence or the complex(es) is transferred without a covenant. If modifications conform to the items listed in Appendix D, no mitigation is required. A. Written History- The City/County will prepare an illustrated hist~ory report on the MCAS Tustin, with emphasis on the initial construction of the air station and its World War ii Navy lighter-than-air operations. The City/County shall provide a scope of work for this report and draft reports to the DoN, .SHPO, the Council, and the consulting parties for review and comment as provided .in Stipulation XlV. A professional quality reproducible copy of the report will be distributed to the SHPO, DoN, County, and City. ' B. Exhibit- The City/County will prepare a professional quality illustrated interpretive exhibit with emphasis on the initial construction of the air station and its Word War II Navy lighter-than-air operations. The exhibit will be displayed in a location that will allow viewing by the public. The City/County shall develop the -4- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 .19 2O 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 3O 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 Agreed Upon Version 9/15/99 plans for the exhibit and provide them to the DoN, SHPO, the Council, and consulting parties for review and comment as provided in Stipulation XIV. C. Interpretive Video- , The City/County shall prepare a professional quality documentary video that shall not exceed 30 minutes in length and combine still photographs, any available historic film footage, current film or video footage,, oral interviews, narration, and appropriate music documenting each hangar. The City/County shall provide a concept plan for this documentary video to the DoN, SHPO, the Council, and the consulting parties for review and comment as provided in Stipulation XIV. o The City/County shall undertake a one-time distribution and outreach program for the documen'~ary video. This effort wilt include producing, packaging, and distributing tapes for broadcast and to local public libraries, schools, and interested organizations. IV. CARETAKER MAINTENANCE Until the Hangar 28 and/or Hangar 29 Complexes are conveyed or leased, DoN shall provide caretaker maintenance of these properties at the minimum levels described in Appendix D. Those actions listed, in Appendix D will not require further consultation.,. · V. ' LEASING AND LICENSING ACTIVITIES' In order to reduce caretaker Costs and/or to further the redevelopment of the installation, DoN may enter into leases and licensing agreements for properties at MCAS Tustin. All real estate leases and licensing agreements shall include provisions that the lessee or licensee shall not undertake any activity, including construCtion, demolition, alteration or repairs to the hangar complexes, except as provided b,elow. . '" ~ , , t For leasing activities, if the Lessee deterrr~nes that construction, alter,/~ati~n or repairs are needed at either of the hangar complexe~..the lessee shall prepare all documentation that may be requested by DoN to enable compliance with Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act. All requested documentation shall be completed to the approval of DoN, SHPO, and/or the Council at the expense of the lessee. Upon concurrence of SHPO and/or the Council, DoN may grant approval for the action. If the lessee determines that certain ~ activities listed in Appendix D~ to facilitate - ~'f¢' their use of either of the hangar complexes, no further cons-L~ltation will be required. VI. PERSONNEL QUALIFICATIONS DoN, in cooperation with the signatories, as applicable, shall ensure that all historic preservation work pursuant to this MOA and involving the planning for and physical rehabilitation of historic structures is carried out by or under the direct supervision of a -5- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9. 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2O 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 4O 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 5O Agreed Upon Version 9/15/9 9 person Or persons meeting, at a minimum, the Secretary of the Interior's Professional Qualification Standards (48 FR 44738). VII. REPORTING DoN, in cooperation with the City and County, shall provide bi-annual status reports to all signatories and consulting parties in compliance with the MOA. DoN will notify all Parties when all the terms of the MOA have been satisfied. VIii. DISCOVERIES The City and County shall notify the Council as soon as practicable if it appears that redevelopment of MCAS Tustin will affect a previously unidentified property that may be eligible for inclusion in the National Register or affect a known historic property in an unanticipated manner. The City and County shall stop construction in the vicinity of the discovery and will take all reasonable measures to avoid or minimize harm to the property until the City and/or County concludes consultation with the Council. if the newly discovered property has not previously been included in or determined eligible for. inclusion in the National Register, the City and the County may assume that the property is eligible for purposes of this MOA. The City and County will notify the Council at the earliest possible time and consult to develop actions that will take into account the effects of the undertaking. The City- and County will notify the Council of any time constraints, and the City, the County,.and tl~e Council Will mutuallY agree upon time frames for this consultation. The City and County will-provide the Council-with written recommendation that take the effects of the undertaking into account." 1f-the Council does not object to the City and/or County's recommendations within the agreed upon time frame, the City and/or County will modify its scope of work as necessary to implement its recommendations. iX. DURATION OF MOA · This MOA shall remain in effect until all stipulations have been fulfilled as determined by DoN. X, DEFINITION OF SIGNATORIES DoN, sHpo, and the Council are the signatories to this MOA. These agencies have sole authority to execute, amend or terminate this agreement. The City of Tustin, the County of Orange, and the National Park Service are "invited signatories. These agencies have assumed responsibilities in this MOA. Xi. RESOLUTION OF OBJECTIONS Should any signatory or invited signatory object within 30 days to any action(s) provided for review pursuant to this MOA, DoN shall consult with the objecting party to resolve the -6- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2O 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 3O 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 5O Agreed Upon ~ersion 9/15/99 objection. If DoN determines that the objection cannot be resolved, DoN shall notify the remaining parties as to the nature of the dispute and request Council participation. Within thirty. (30) calendar days after receipt of all pertinent documentation, the Council will either: (a) provide the DoN with recommendations, which the DoN shall take into account in reaching a final determination regarding the dispute; or (b) notify the DoN that it will comment pursuant to 36 CFR 800.7 with reference to the subject of the dispute. Any Council comment in response to such a request will be taken into account by DoN in accordance with 36 CFR §800.7(c)(4) with reference to the subject of the dispute. Any recommendation or comment provided by the Council will be understood to pertain only to the subject of the dispute; the DoN's, the City's or the County's responsibility to carry out all actions under this MOA that are not the subject of the dispute will remain unchanged. Xll. PUBLIC OBJECTIONS At any time during the implementation of the measures stipulated in this MOA should an .objection be raised by a member of the public regarding the lack of compliance or violation by any party of the terms of this MOA, DoN shall take the objection into account, notify SHPO and the Council of the objection, and consult as needed with the objecting party. Xlll. AMENDMENTS TO THE MOA Any signatory, including invite~l"signatories, to this MOA may request that it be amended, whereupon the signatories and the consulting.parties will consult in accordance with 36 CFR §800.6(c)(7) to consider such amendment. Such a request shall be supported by adequate documentation. XlV. REVIEWAND COMMENT pROCEDURES Whenever a Stipulation in the MOA provides for review and comment by SHPO, the Council, or consulting parties, the SHPO and consulting parties will be allowed 30 days after receipt of all pertinent documentation, and the Council will be allowed 40 days after receipt of all pertinent documentation to 'provide comments to the requesting party. The requesting party shall immediately forward copies of all comments received to facilitate review. The failure of any signatory or consulting party to comment within the timeframes shall not prevent the requesting party from finalizing the document provided for review. Any objections to the submitted documents or actions provided for review shall be resolved pursuant to Stipulation XIV. XV. FAILURE TO CARRY OUT THE TERMS OF THIS MOA. In the event that the terms of this MOA are not carried out, DoN shall notify the signatories and the consulting parties and request further comments of the Council pursuant to 36 CFR part 800. If DoN cannot carry out the terms of the MOA, neither DoN, NPS, the County, nor the City will take or sanction any action or make an irreversible commitment that would result in an adverse effect to the historic properties covered by this MOA, or -7- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 .14 15 16 17 18 19 2O 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 4O 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 5O 51 Agreed Upon Version 9/15/99 that would foreclose the Council's consideration of modification or alternatives that could avoid or mitigate the adverse effect on historic properties until the commenting process has been completed. EXECUTION OF THIS MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT by DoN, the SHPO, and the Council and implementation of its terms, is evidence that DoN has afforded the Council an opportunity to comment on the disposal and reuse of MCAS Tustin and its effects on historic properties and that DoN has taken into account the effects of the undertaking on historic properties. DEPARTMENT OF THE NAVY BY Date: CALIFORNIA STATE HISTORIC PRESERVATION OFFICER By: Date: ADVISORY COUNCIL dN-HISTORIC PRESERVATION. · BY Date.': INVITED SIGNATORIES CITY OF TUSTIN By:_ Date: COUNTY OF ORANGE By:_ Date:. DEPARTMENT OF INTERIOR, NAT.IONAL PARK SERVICE By: Date: -8- 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2O 21 22 Agreed Upon Version 9/15/99 Concur: California Preservation Foundation' By: Date: Tustin Area Historical Society By: Date: Orange County Historical Society By: Date: Irvine Historical Society By: Date: Heritage Orange County, Inc. By:. Date: -9- APPENDIX B Architectural Preservation Covenant Grantee hereby covenants on behalf of itself, its successors and assigns, to the United States of AmeriCa, acting by and through the Department of the ~, to preserve and maintain Hanger and Building ..A, (hereinafter referred to as "the Buiidings").located in the City of Tustin, County of Orange, State o¢ California, more particularly described in the legal description attached hereto as Exhibit , in a manner that preserves and maintains the attributes that contribute to the eligibility of the Property .for the National Register of Historic Places. Such attributes include exterior features (such as facades and fenestration, scale, color, materials and mass) and interior features (including the heavy timber trusses and connecting systems). (1) The Buildings will be preserved and maintained in accordance with _The Secretary of Interior's Standa¢ds for the Treatment of Histo'ric Properties and Gul.d:elines (National Park Service). No construction, alteration, rehabilitation, remodeling, demolition, disturbance of the ground surface or other action shall be undertaken or permitted to be undertaken on said property that would materially affect the integrity or appearance of the attributes described above without the prior written permission of the .., and signed by a fully authorized representative thereof. (2) Upon acquisition of the property, the Grantee will take prompt action secure the property from the elements, vandalism and arson', and will undertake any stabilization that may be required to prevent deterioration. Grantee will make every effort to retain or use, to the extent practicable, the Buildings. (3) In the event that archeological materials are encountered during construction or ground- disturbance activities, work shall cease, in the immediate area.until the ~ is consulted and provides written permissio'n to recommence work. Should the'~ require, as a condition of the granting of such permission, that the Grantee conduct, archeological survey data recovery operations or other activities designed to mitigate the potential adverse effect of the' proposed activity on the archeological resources the Grantee shall at his/her/its expense conduct such activities in accordance with the Secretary of the Interior's Standards and Guidelines for Archeological Documentation (48 FR 447344-37) and such standards and guidelines as the may specify, including, but not limited to, standards and guidelines for research design, field Work, analysis, preparatior~ and dissemination of reports, disposition of artifacts and other materials, consultation with Native American or other organizations, and reinterment of human remains. (4) The Grantee will allow the , the City of Tustin, or their designees, at all reasonable times and upon reasonable advance noti'ce to Grantee, to inspect the property in order to ascertain whether Grantee is complying with the conditions of this preservation covenant. (5) The Grantee will provide the ~ with a written summary of actions taken to implement the provisions of this preservation covenant within one (1) year after the effective date of the transfer of the property. (6) Failure of the to exercise any right or remedy granted under this covenant shall not have the effect of waiving or limiting the exercise by the ~ or any other right or remedy or the invocation of such right or remedy at any other time. · This covenant shall be a binding on Grantee, its successors and assigns, and shall be deemed to run with the land. The restrictions, stipulations and covenants contained herein shall be inserted by Grantee, his/her/its successors and assigns, verbatim or by express reference in any deed or other legal instrument by which it divests itself of either the fee simple title or any lesser estate in the Buildings, or any part thereof. Appendix B -1 ° 1 2 3 4 5 ? $ 9 10 11 12 13 15 17 15 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 2? 28 29 3o 31 32 33 35 36 3g 39 ~0 ~2 ~3 ~5 46 47 48 APPENDIX C Marketing Plan Guidelines Preface Generally, the purpose of the marketing plan is to provide a structured approach to the development of sufficient market information from which it can be determined whether an economically viable adaptive use for each complex exists. The term 'economically viable adaptive use' means a proposed use that maintains the historic and architectural integrity of the structure and that generates sufficient income so as not to' require the infusion of local taX Hnllmr~ r~'r local nublic funds ~,~-6{ The marketing plan will clearly present the property and encourage an economically wab adaptive use in a manner that preserves its historic and architectural' integritY.. 'Each Proposal received will be graded and ranked according to a predetermined set of criteria to ensure selection of the proposal that offers the best preservation measures for the property. The marketing plan will be based on a two-step process. The first step (Phase 1) will involve the issuance of a Request for Expressions of Interest (REI) in a format consistent with the provisions of the plan. Those persons submitting an Expression of Interest containing the informatiOn required by the RE! may be invited to participate in the second step of the process (Phase 2) and to submit a proposal in accordance with the Request for Proposals (RFP). The marketing plan will identify the Criteria and rating factors that will be used by the City (Hangar 29 Complex) or County (Hangar 28 Co~plex).to evaluate and rank proposals received in connection with the RFP. The City/County will submit a proposed marketing plan for-said buildings to the NPS (for the Hangar 28 Complex only), DoN, SHPO and the council'for review and comment in accordance with Stipulation XiV. The marketing plan submittal shall demonstrate how the timing of the marketing effort will not inhibit the identification and implementation of an economically viable adaptive use for the complex(es). After the City and/or County has evaluated and ranked proposals, if any, and before it takes any action thereon, the City and/or County shall submit a report to DoN, SHPO, NPS, as appropriate, and the Council for their review and comment describing the results of its marketing efforts under the plan, pursuant to Stipulation II.A.3. if the marketing efforts have not resulted in the submission of an economically viable adaptive use proposal consistent with the MCAS Tustin Reuse Plan, the City and/or County submission shall include a plan of action and milestones for completion of the mitigation measures required by Stipulation III. GUIDELINES The Marketing Plan shall include the following: 1. An information package about the property, which shall include but not be limited to: · Photographs of the property. · A map and area description. · Anticipated date the property will be available for redevelopment. Appendix C - 1 - 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 !5 16 17 18 19 20 21 .22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 3O 31 .32 34 35 36 37 38 MCAS Tustin Reuse Plan land use designations, zoning designations, and the LRA's goals and objectives for the property. Infoi'mation on how to obtain the complete document shall be included. Information on the historic/architectural significance of the hangar complexes. This information shall include a thorough description of the improvements and the land area available, identifying elements and character defining features of the historic properties, which should be given special consideration in the redevelopment. Excerpts from the Marine Corps Condition Assessment and Economic Analysis for Reuse of the Historic Blimp Hangars that discuss the condition of the buildings. Information on how to obtain the complete document shall be included. For the Hangar 29 Complex only, provided that an adaptive use for the Hangar 28 Complex has been selected, sufficient information concerning that use to enable recipients to design proposals which will not unduly conflict with the redevelopment of the Hanger 28 Complex. Information on available financial incentives for rehabilitating historic structures, including but not limited to, the Federal Rehabilitation Tax Credit for Historic Properties, funding sources seeking participation in federal rehabilitation, tax credit projects, Mills Act, etc. Information on the existing infrastructure, including utility connections and services, and proposed infrastructui'e improvements as outlined in the MCAS Tustin Reuse .Plan/Specific Plan. ' Information on environmental and soil conditions on'the property and the presence of any hazardous materials in the vicinity of the historic property, time frame for remediation, and anticipated impacts of those remediation activities on the use of the property and buildings. An advertising plan and schedule, including a list of local, 'regional and national publications and electronic communication tools where the availability of the property will be publicized, including but not limited to, the National Association of Installation Developers. Information to enable parties to tour the property. A distribution list of entities to which the request for Expressions of Interest will be sent. , Expression of Interest Guidelines - Respondents shall be required to submit the following information for consideration: o Respondent's name, address, e-mail, telephone and fax number, type of legal entity, and resumes of all principals of the firm. Appendix C -2- 1 2 3 .4 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2O 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 . · A description, in narrative form of no more than five pages, of the site development concept and approach for use of the historic property in relation to the required land use designations in the MCAS Tustin Reuse Plan/Specific Plan, and a description of the expected effect on the integrity or appearance of the historic properties. · For the Hangar 29 Complex only, if appropriate, a description of how the project would be compatible with the proposed use of the Hangar 28 Complex, so that it will not adversely effect its economic viability. · A description of any additional infrastructure requirements' above existing systems or identified in the MCAS Tustin Reuse Plan/Specific Plan, including utility connections and services, that would be required to operate and maintain the property in accordance with applicable codes. · A description, i~ClLldir!g re'ferences, of previous relevant experience in ownership, development, and operation of similar projects to th'fi.t being proposed. · A list of potential funding vehicles being considered or proposed and, if available, evidence of committed resources. · A copy of the most recent audited year-end financial statement of the respondent. This shall be submitted as 'confidential' under separate cover. · A statement as to whether the respondent has ever filled for bankruptcy or had projects that have been-foreclosed or served a notice of default. If so, provide ad explanation of the cir. cumst-ance when 'they oCcur'red. Evaluation criteria shall be developed and used to evaluate the EXpressions of Interest. These criteria shall be based upon the reqUired Expression of Interest submittal information. In addition to complying with the requirements of the RE! in terms of providing information, the following list of criteria are provided for consideration: · Does the respondent or firm appear to have the professional experience and organization for this type of project? · IS the development concept compatible with the MCAS Tustin Reuse PlanaglO:if. /,~ · · Does the project appear to be economically viable? o in the case of the Hangar 29 Complex, does the project appear to adversely effect the economic viability of reuse of the Hangar 28 Complex? o Can any unique infrastructure needs of the project be met? o Does the respondent appear to have experience in developing and operating the type of project being proposed? · Does the respondent appear to have experience in management operation and ownership of similar type facilities being proposed? · Does the respondent appear to have the financial capability to carry out the project? Appendix C 10 11 12 13 14 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27' 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 , Based upon evaluation of the Expression of Interest submittals, a short list of qualified respondents '~hail be provided the opportunity to submit a proposal (Phase 2). As a result of Pha~'e 11 it may also be determined that no economically viable proposal has been presented. The marketing plan shall include the .guidelines for submitting the proposals. These guidelines shall include: a. Identification of the complete development team, including each member's role and qualifications. b. A complete description of the development concept and program, including a detailed description of the type of improvement and changes to the property. Any changes to the integrity or appearance of the historic property shall be discussed, as well as whether the development concept and program are compatible with the land use designations in the Reuse Plan. c. Description of how the proposal.is consistent with the Secretary of Interior's Standards for the Treatme0t of Historic ~rOpe.rt~ies .(!36 cFR pa~ '6;~). d. Site plans, circUlation plans, utility plans, and others that may be needed to describe the proposal. e. A detailed statement of development costs, including the following: g. · in the case of the Han~gar 29 Complex, estimated land acquisition cost; .. . · A breakdown of hard costs for construction, on-site improvements, off-site improvements and other similar costs;.. "' .. · A breakdown of soft costs, including professional fees, permit fees, insurance, legal fees, overhead, project management, and similar costs; · A breakdown of financing costs, including points, fees, construction loan rates, terms, and schedule; Identification of sources of money for construction and permanent loans, together with a description of proposed loan terms and related security devices. The discusSion should include a description of the financial incentives for rehabilitating histodc structures that are proposed to be utilized. A detailed development schedule for all program components. If the development is to be phased, a development proforma for each phase shall be provided as well as a combined development program for the total project. In the format to be provided at a pre-proposal conference, a complete operating financial proforma will be required for the first five years of the project, and the tenth year, identifying the values and assumptions for: · Lease rates, both gross and triple net, where applicable; · Other potential income, such as common area maintenance assessments, common marketing assessment, etc.; Appendix C 1 · Estimated vacancy factor; 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 Estimated operating expenses, including common area maintenance costs, marketing costs, leasing commissions, utility costs (if applicable), property taxes · (if applicable), as well as any reserve funds to be established. · Debt service; Proposed distribution, if any, of net income among the partners and the developer; Committed dates to start construction expressed in elapsed time; All contingencies spelled out, i.e. occupancy timeshares; specific market or financing conditions which could delay the project; Average rates of return anticipated. h. Letters of interest by financial institutions for providing construction and/or permanent financing. In the event a proposal includes in the income stream for the project funds from other types of sources, such as grants from government or non- profit institutions, the proposal must include statements from such sources that the requisite funds will be ma~de .available if the proposal is accepted. i. A statement of the t~pe of tenants envisioned for the_project, any interest by primary anchor tenants and any letter of interest ..... j. A statement describing the marketing strategy and leasing approach for the project. Describe the on-going management structure that will be implemented to ensure a high quality of operations and maintenance for the project. k. A list of at least five (5) references that have knowledge of the respondent's ability to manage, operate, and develop the projects similar to the one proposed. 5. The marketing plan shall also identify the criteria that will be used to evaluate the proposals. These criteria shall be based on the information requested in the RFP requirements. These criteria should include: Does the proposal display adequate financial evidence that the proposed project is economically viable? Does the proposal present adequate evidence that the proposer has the requisite personnel who have the necessary experience and expertise to manage the project described in the proposal? Does the proposal present adequate evidence that the project will be consistent with the Secretary of the Interior's Standards for the Treatmeqt of Historic Properties (38 CFR pad_ 68)? Appendix C Does the proposal contain adequate evidence that the proposed project ~ is compatible with the land use designations in the Reuse Plan~, Does the proposal present adequate evidence that the proposer has the financial ~.-~f means to carry out the project, in~!d~ing, in the case' ~if the ~a,ngar ~?~ Complex, ¢ .'"~ ~lan'd acquisition costS~.~ ¢...¢~~_'~'~ ~~ '~-['~ ~'-~P~ ~ ~[t ~ . Does the proposal present adequate evidence that the development of all program components will be implemented in an orderly and timely manner? ~ ~ppendix C Appendix D Actions not Requiring Further Consultation Hangar Complexes '. Level I Prior to Marketing and/or Adaptive Use Identified and Prior to DoN Conveyance Building or Ensure building shell is weather tight. Where possible block open interior doors to allow for Facility: air circulation. Take corrective action as necessary for repairs. Ensure secured utilities remain tagged and locked out. Month/y. ~erform visual inspection of exterior and interior for signs of deterioration, damage, water intrusion, moisture damage, musty air/odors, mold/mildew, unauthorized entry, vandalism, or any other unsatisfactc~ry conditions. This is in addition to daily observations by security. .. Inspect for pest intrusion, evidence of rodents such as birds, bats, cats and dogs. Implement control procedures as required. Visually inspect roofs for signs of deterioration or damage. Visually inspect water/plumbing systems to ensure systems are secured and dry. Check the operation of and perform routine maintenance as needed for security and other special equipment or mechanical systems remaining operational. Bi-Month/y. Visually inspect heating, ventilation, and air conditioning systems and sub components to · ensure safe condition, and unit housing is complete and free of damage. Check boilers to ensure units are dry and free of any damage. Quarter/y. i lnspect exterior doors, widows and other openings for deterioration, proper fit, damage and weather tightness. Inspect any installed protective covers for proper fit and any signs of deterioration including roof mounted equipment. Annua//y. Prior to start of the rainy season, inspect all roof drains, gutters, and downspouts for proper function and ensure systems are free of any debris. . After each rainy season, perform a Complete roofing inspection. Check flashings and appurtenances for signs of deterioration and damage. ' Ensure roofing shingles, tiles or other materials weather tight and in a safe condition. Inspect for structural soundness of floors, roof framing, and other structural members. .Stabilize or repair any unsatisfactory conditions. All elevator, escalator, and dumbwaiter systems are secured and tagged out. Visually inspect to ensure systems remain secured and tagged out of service Fire Protection and Alarm Systems Monthly. Inspect portable extinguishers. Perform maintenance or replace as needed. Quarterly. 'Visually inspect operating fire protection systems. Ensure that unused systems are tagged "out of service." Report an)/deficiencies. Semi- Perform routine maintenance to fire protection systems that may have been left operational. ,annually. ..., Annually: Fire hydrants shall be inspected, greased and opened. Ensure inoperable hydrants are bagged. Pest Control Annually. Perform a pest control inspection by a qualified inspector. Develop control procedures for rodents, carpenter ants, powder post beetles, and other insects that can cause serious structural damage. Provide recommendations to CSO for eradication Special Conditions Immediately. After severe storms and catastrophic earthquakes, facilities and systems will be inspected to ensure safe and weather tight conditions. Any emergencies will be resolved. Damage , reports will be provided to the CSO for determination of action Any corrective measures will be completed in accordance with the Secretary of Interior's Standards for the Treatment of Historic Propertie_s (36 CRF Part 68) and its Guidelines. Appendix D -1 ' Hangar Complexes Level !11 No Adaptive Use Identified and Prior to DoN Conveyance Building or Ensure building shell is weather tight. Where possible block open interior doors to allow for Facility: air circulation. Take corrective action as necessary for repairs. Ensure secured utilities remain tagged and locked out. Annually. Per~orm visual inspection of exterior and interior for signs of deterioration, damage, water intrusion, moisture damage, musty air/odors, mold/mildew, unauthorized entry, vandalism, or any other unsatisfactor7 conditions. Inspect for pest intrusion, evidence of rodents, birds, bats, cats and dogs. Implement contro'l procedures as required. Pest Control Annually. Per~orm a pest control inspection by a qualified inspector. Develop control procedures for rodents, carpenter ants, powder post.beetles, and other insects that can cause serious structural damage. Provide recommendations to CSO for eradication Special Conditions :.'-. Immediately. After severe storms and catastrophic earthquakes, facilities and systems will be inspected to ensure safe and weathertight conditions. Any emergencies Will be resolved. Damage reports will be provided to the CSO for determination of action' Any corrective measures will be completed in accordance with the Secretary of Interior's Standards for - the Treatment of Historic PrOperties (36'CRF Part 68) and 'its Guidelines , · .. Appendix D Appendix D "~ Ac-t;oi~s --'- .~. .......... '~..-"--- Co,isuitat:3n llUl. J'~JUIIIII~J I ult, llC~l Hangar Complexes , Level I Prior to Marketing and/or Adaptive Use Identified and Prior to DoN Conveyance Building or Ensure building shell is weather tight. Where possible block open interior doors to allow for Facility: air circulation. Take corrective action as necessary for repairs. Ensure secured utilities remain tagged and locked out. Monthly. Perforrfl visual inspection of exterior and interior for signs of deterioration, damage, water intrusion, moisture damage, musty air/odors, mold/mildew, unauthorized entry, vandalism, or any other unsatisfactory conditions. This' is in addition to daily observations by security. Inspect for pest intrusion, evidence of rodents such as birds, bats, cats and dogs. Implement control procedures as required. Visually inspect roofs for signs of deterioration or damage. !Visually inspect water/plumbing systems to ensure systems are secured and dry. Check the operation of and perform routine maintenance as needed for security and other special equipment or mechanical systems remainin9 operational. Bi-Monthly. Visually inspect heating, ventilation, and air conditioning systems and sub components to ensure safe condition, and unit housing is complete and free of damage. Check boilers to ensure units are dry and free of any damage. 'Quarterly. Inspect exterior doors, widows and other openings for deterioration, proper fit, damage and weather tightness. Inspect any installed protective covers for proper fit and any signs of deterioration including roof mounted equipment ..... Annually. Prior to start of the rainy'season, inspect all roof drains, gutters, and downspouts for proper function and ensure systems are free of any debris. .. After each rainy season, perform a complete roofing inspection. Check flashings and appurtenances for signs of deterioration and damage.. Ensure roofing shingles, tiles or other materials weather tight and-in a safe condition. Inspect for structural soundness of floors, roof framing, and other structural members. Stabilize or repair an)/unsatisfactory conditions. .. All elevator, escalator, and dumbwaiter systems are secured and tagged out. Visually inspect to ensure systems remain secured and tagged out of service Fire Protection and Alarm Systems Monthly. Inspect portable extinguishers. Perform maintenance or replace as needed. Quarterly. Visually inspect operating fire protection systems. Ensure that unused systems are tagged "out of service." Report any deficiencies. Semi- Perform routine maintenance to fire protection systems that may have been left operational. annually. Annually. Fire hydrants shall be inspected, greased and opened. Ensure inoperable hydrants are bagged. Pest Control Annually. Perform a pest control inspection by a qualified inspector. Develop control procedures for rodents, Carpenter ants, powder post beetles, and other insects that can cause serious structural damage. Provide recommendations to CSO for eradication SPecial Conditions Immediately. After severe storms and catastrophic earthquakes, facilities and systems will be inspected to ensure safe and weather tight conditions. Any emergencies will be resolved. Damage . reports will be provided to !he CSO for determination of action Any corrective measures will be completed in accordance with the Secretary of Interior's Standards for the Treatment of Historic Propertie_s (36 CRF Part 68) and its Guidelines. Appendix D Hangar Complexes Level !11 No Adaptive Use Identified' and Prior to DoN Conveyance Building or Ensure building shell is weather tight. Where possible blOck open interior doors to allow for Facility: air circulation. Take corrective action as necessary for repairs. Ensure secured utilities remain tagged and locked out. .. Annually. Perform visual insPection of exterior and interior for signs of deterioration, damage, water intrusion, moisture damage, musty air/odorsl mold/mildew, unauthorized entry, vandalism,' or an), other unsatisfactory conditions. Inspect for pest intrusion, evidence of rodents, birds, bats, cats and dogs. Implement control procedures as required. Pest Control Annually. Perform a pest control inspection by a qualified inspector. Develop control procedures for irodents, carpenter ants, powder post beetles, and other insects that can cause serious structural damage. Provide recommendations to CSO for eradication Special Conditions 'Immediately. After severe storms and catastrophic earthquakes, facilities and systems will be inspected to ensure safe and weathertight conditions. Any emergencies will be resolved. Damage reports will be provided to the CSO for determination of action Any corrective measures will be completed in.accordance with the Secretary of Interior's Standards for. the Treatment of Historic Properties, (36-CRF Part 68). and its 'Guidelines Appendix D -2- Appendix D Actions not Requiring Further Consultation . Hangar Complexes Level I Prior to Marketing and/or Adaptive Use Identified and Prior to DoN Conveyance Building or Ensure building shell is weather tight. Where possible 15lock open interior doors to allow for Facility: air circulation. Take corrective action as necessary for repairs. Ensure secured utilities -emain tagged and locked out. Monthly. =erform visual inspection of exterior and interior for signs of deterioration, damage, water intrusion, moisture damage, musty air/odors, mold/mildew, unauthorized entry, vandalism, or ~any other unsatisfactory conditions. This is in addition to daily observations by security. ~ i inspect for pest intrusion, evidence of rodents such as birdS, bats, cats and dogs. Implement Icontrol procedures as required. - Visually inspect roofs for signs of deterioration or damage. Visually inspect water/plumbing systems to ensure systems are secured and dry. Check the operation of and perform routine maintenance as needed for security and other special equipment or mechanical systems remaining operational. Bi-Monthly. Visually inspect heating, ventilation, and air conditioning systems and sub components to ensure safe condition, and unit housing is complete and free of damage. Check boilers to ensure units are dry and free of any damage. Quarterly. Inspect exterior doors, widows and other openings for deterioration, proper fit, damage and weather tightness. Inspect any installed protective covers for proper fit and any signs of deterioration including roof mounted equipment. Annually. Prior to start of the rainy'season, inSpect all roof drains, gutters, and downspouts for proper function and ensure systems are free of any debris. After each rainy season, perfocm:a~'-,Omplete roofing inspection. Check flashings and appurtenances for signs of de{erioration and-damagb.' Ensure roofing s~ihCes, tiles or other materials weather tight and in a safe condition. Inspect for structural soundness of floors, roof framing, and other structural members. Stabilize or repair any unsatisfactory conditions. All elevator, escalator, and dumbwaiter systems are secured and tagged out. Visually inspect to ensure systems remain secured and tagged out of service Fire Protection and Alarm Systems Monthly. t inspect portable extinguishers. Perform maintenance or replace as needed. .. Quarterly. Visually inspect operating fire protection systems. Ensure that unused systems are tagged "out of service." Report any deficiencies. Semi- Perform routine maintenance to fire protection systems that may have been left operational. annually. iAnnually. Fire hydrants shall be inspected, greased and opened. Ensure inoperable hydrants are bagged. Pest Control Annually. Perform a pest control inspection by a qualified inspector. Develop control procedures for rodents, carpenter ants, powder post beetles, and other insects that can cause serious structural damage. Provide recommendations to CSO for eradication Special Conditions 'Immediately. After severe storms and catastrophic earthquakes, facilities and systems will be inspected to ensure safe and weather tight conditions. Any emergencies will be resolved. Damage ,reD°rts will be provided to the CSO for determination of action Any corrective measures will be completed in accordance with the Secretary of Interior's Standards for the Treatment of Historic Properties (36 CRF Part 68) and its Guidelines. Appendix D -1 - Hangar Complexes Level Iii No Adaptive Use Identified and Prior to DoN Conveyance Building or ~Ensure building shell is weather tight. Where possible block open interior doors to allow for Facility: air circulation. Take corrective action.as necessary for repairs. Ensure secured utilities remain tagged and locked out. Annua//y. Perform visual inspection of exterior and interior for signs of deterioration, damage, water intrusion, moisture damage, musty air/odors, mold/mildew, unauthorized entry, vandalism, or any other unsatisfactory_ conditions. Inspect for pest intrusion, evidence of rodents, birds, bats, cats and dogs. Implement control I procedures as required. Pest Control Annually. Perform a pest control inspection by a qualified inspector. Develop control procedures for rodents, carpenter ants, powder post beetles, and other insects that can cause serious :strUctural damage. Provide recommendations to CSO for eradication Special Conditions Immediately. &fter severe storms and catastrophic earthquakes, facilities and systems will be inspected t© ensure safe and weathertight conditions. Any emergencies will be resolved. Damage reports will be provided to the CSO for determination of action Any cOrrective measures will be completed in .accordance with the Secretary of Interior's Standards for - the Treatment of Historic Properties (36-CRF Part 68).and its Guidelines Appendix D -2- Appendix D Actions not Requiring Further Consultation Hangar Complexes Level I Pri&r to Marketing and/or Adaptive Use Identified and Prior to DoN Conveyance Building or iEnsure building shell is weather tight. Where possible block open interior doors to allow for Facility: air circulation. Take corrective action as necessary for repairs. Ensure secured utilities remain tagged and locked out. 'Monthly. Perform visual inspection of exterior and interior for signs of deterioration, damage, water . intrusion, 'moisture damage, musty air/odors, mold/mildew, unauthorized entry, vandalism, or any other unsatisfactory conditions. This is in addition to daily observations by security. Inspect for pest intrusion, evidence of rodents such as birds, bats, cats and dogS. Implement · ~ control procedures as required. Visually inspect roofs for signs of deterioration or damage. I Visually inspect water/plumbing systems to ensure systems are secured and dry. I Check the operation of and perform routine maintenance as needed for security and other special equipment or mechanical systems remaining operational. I Bi-Monthly. Visually inspect heating, ventilation, and air condition, ing systems and sub components to ensure safe condition, and unit housing is complete and free of damage. t Check boilers to ensure units are dry and free of an)/damage. 'Quarterly. Inspect exterior doors, widows and other openings for deteriorati.on, proper fit, damage and weather tightness. Inspect any installed protective covers for proper fit and any signs of deterioration including roof mounted equipment. Annually. Prior to start of the rainy :season, inspect ali roof drains,, gutters, and downspouts for proper function' and ensure systems are free of any debris. ,After each rainy season, perform a complete roofing inspection. Check flashings and iappurtenances for signs of deterioration and damage.- Ensure roofing shingles, tiles or other Imaterials weather tight and in a safe condition. i Inspect for structural soundness of floors, roof framing, and other structural members'. Stabilize or repair any unsatisfactory conditions. i , All elevator, escalator, and dumbwaiter systems are secured and tagged out. Visually inspect to ensure systems remain secured and tagged out of service Fire Protection and Alarm Systems Monthly. Inspect portable extinguishers. Perform maintenance or replace as needed. Quarterly. Visually inspect operating fire protection systems. Ensure that unused systems are tagged "out of service." Report an), deficiencies. .Semi- Perform routine maintenance to fire protection systems that may have been left operational. iannually. i Annually. Fire hydrants shall be inspected, greased and opened. Ensure inoperable hydrants are bagged. Pest Control Annually. Perform a pest control inspection by a qualified inspector. Develop control procedures for rodents, carpenter ants, powder post beetles, and. other insects that can cause serious structural damage. Provide recommendations to CSO for eradication Special Conditions Immediately. .After severe storms and catastrophic earthquakes, facilities and systems will be inspected to ~ensure safe and weather tight conditions. Any emergencies will be resolved. Damage , ,Ireports will be provided to the CSO for determination of action Any corrective measures will be completed in accordance with the Secretary of Interior's Standards for the Treatment of Historic Properties (36 CRF Part 68) and its Guidelines. Appendix D -1 - Hangar Complexes , Level III No Adaptive Use Identified'and Prior to DoN Conveyance Building or Ensure building shell is weather tight. Where possible block open interior doors to allow for Facility: air circulation. Take corrective action as necessary for repairs. Ensure secured utilities remain tagged and locked out. Annually. Perform visual inspection of exterior and interior for signs of deterioration, damage, water intrusion, moisture damage, musty air/odors, mold/mildew, unauthorized entry, vandalism, or any other unsatisfactory conditions. - Inspect for pest intrusion, evidence of rodents, birds, bats, cats and dogs. Implement control" procedures as required. Pest Control Annually. ~Perform a pest control inspection by a qualified inspector.. Develop control procedures for irodents, carpenter ants, powder post beetles, and other insects that can cause serious structural damage. Provide recommendations to CSO for eradication Special Conditions Immediately. A, fter severe storms and catastrophic earthquakes, facilities and systems will be inspected to ensure safe and weathertight conditions. Any emergencies will be resolved. Damage reports will be provided to the CSO for determination of action Any corrective measures will be completed, in accordance with the Secretary of Interior's Standards for. the Treatment of Historic Properties, ('36-CRF Part 68).and its Guidelines Appendix D -2-