HomeMy WebLinkAbout14 RENAME BRUNO DR 11-01-99NO. 14
NOVEMBER 1, 1999
SUMMARY: Itt July 1999, the Community Development Department received a request to
rettame "Brutto Drive", a public street within the Barcelona Community (Tract 14295) itt Tustin
Rattch, to "Bruns Drive", in honor of Tustin High School Class of 1949 graduate attd Korean
War casual~y John Bruns. Streets within the tract were named in 1992 and selected from a list
based on .the American Legion Post #227 Tustin War Memorial Inadvertently, the list provided
to the City contained an incorrect spelling of Mr. Bruns' last name. The City surveyed Bruno
Drive residents to receive their opinions on the requested changed. Of the 'thirty-five (35)
property owners, twenty-two (22) oppose the change, eight (8) support the change, and five (5)
did not respontL
Pleasure of the Council.
Bruno Drive is a public street within the Barcelona community (Tract 14295) of Tustin
Ranch approved on January 20, 1992. The name "John R. Bruno" was listed on the
original City of Tustin Street Naming Committee approved "List of Street Names" dated
January 3, 1989. During the preparation of the "List of Approved Street Names" in 1988,
· Gerald Feldman, Chairman of the Street Naming Committee, sent a letter to Mr. Tony
Coco of the Tustin Historical Society asking him to review and update as necessary a
potential list of names (see Attachment B) for use as future street names. The list
included the name "John R. Bruno" and other names based on the names on the Tustin
War Memorial dedicated by the American Legion Post #227. No correction to the spelling
of "John' R. Bruno" resulted from the correspondence. The list was then presented to the
City Council at their meeting on January 3, 1989, and incorporated into the overall list of
approved street names for future developments within Tustin Ranch. The name "Bruno"
was subsequently used for one of the street names in the Barcelona development.
City Council Report
Bruno Drive Name Change
November 1, 1999
Page 2
On June 24, 1999, staff received a copy of a letter to the editor of the Tustin News from
Ms. Marjorie Gorrie making an open request to rename "Bruno Drive" to "Bruns Drive" to
honor Tustin High Class of 1949 graduate and Korean war veteran John Bruns. To
determine support for such a change, staff sent a survey on July 21, 1999, to the owners
of the thirty-five (35) properties located on Bruno Drive and the Barcelona Homeowners'
Association. Staff received twenty-one (21)' responses to this survey, with two (2) of the
responses being supportive of the change and nineteen (19) responses opposed to the
change. At that time, many of the responses questioned the impacts of such a change.
Staff sent out a second survey to the thirty-five (35) property owners on August 13, 1999,
with the following information:
· The City would change all affected street signs at no cost to the residents;
· Residents would not have to change legal documents such as grant deeds,
trusts, and wills. Generally, these types of documents refer to a property's legal
description rather than a street address. The proposed change would not alter
the legal descriptions of any of the parcels on Bruno Drive.
· Residents would not have to file an address change with the United States Postal
Service. The CitYwould notify the Postmaster of such a change.
· Residents would need to change the addresses on their personal stationary,
checks, and bills.
Staff received thirty (30) responses to the second survey. Of these, eight (8) respondents
support the change and twenty-two (22) respondents are opposed to the change. Staff
was unable to contact the five (5) non-respondents. A summary of the survey responses
and comments is provided as Attachment C.
In addition to the formal survey responses, the City has received numerous letters from
members of the public on this issue. Specifically, the City has received eighteen (18)
letters supporting the proposed change from all over the country and a petition supporting
the change with 154 signatures.
The following alternative actions are available to the Council:
· Direct staff to prepare a resolution to rename the street;
· Name a street after Mr. Bruns in the second phase of Tustin Ranch Estates. A
portion of Tract 13627 is envisioned as a custom lot estate subdivision. At this
time, subdivision maps have not been filed and street names have not been
assigned to this future development.
· Name a street after Mr. Bruns in the future Medium-Low Single Family
Residential development on Lot 6 at the northeast corner of Rawlings and
Township Drives.
City Council Report
Bruno Drive Name Change
November 1, 1999
Page 3
Name a future street or park within the future Tustin Legacy development at
MCAF-Tustin after Mr. Bruns (This alternative has also been suggested by a
number of the survey respondents).
Dedicate a memorial to Mr. Bruns and/or other war casualties. In keeping with
the theme of "growers, pioneers and patriots" for Phase IV of Tustin Ranch,
Cedar Grove Park could be a suitable location for such a memorial.
Name or re-name a park after Mr. Bruns.
Elizabeth ~. Bins~ck
Director of Community Development
A- Location Map
B - Letter dated November 1, 1988 to the Tustin Historical Society
and List of Names
C - Survey Summary
.-ION MAP,?~'
I ~0555 ~ ~
LO r,..~'T' t~~J
NOVEMBER 1, 1988
City of Tustin
~-.."' November 1, 1988
....... 'Mr. Tony Coco
- .:
--Tustin Historical Society
-. ........ .P.O. Box 185
.' ".:. '; Tusti n, Calt forni a 92681
· .
· .
Community Development Depmtment
Dear Tony' · .... .-
As you may be aware, the Tustin City Council recently appointed a new Street Naming
Committee to establish a.list of possible street names to be recommended in East
~.i · Tustin developments. At its first meetinq on October 27, 1988 the Committee
". :~': determined a preliminary set of criteria to ~e utilized in their recommendations-as_
follows' - -
. ..
- Recommended street names which utilize a proper name shall not be living
_ .
Recommended street names that utilize a proper name shall have been a Tustin
City resi dent.
- Stree~ names that cOuld be considered might also represent historiCal events
in Tustin history or features of agricultural, geological, archealogical or
paleantological significance to Tustin.
· .
- Street names might also reflect Tustinites who lost their lives in defense of
..- ~0ur country (i.e.W.W..I, II,.Korean or vietnam War).
The-Committee also reviewed a list of historical names prepared some time ago by
i. '" the Tustin Historical Society, which was provided to the Irvine Company for their
"use in naming streets in East Tustin. · ......
" .In preparing our recommendations,"the Street Naming Committee has asked that I
_ ...-... contact the Historical Society and request that you review and update the list
previously provided to the Irvine Company based on the above criteria. I have also
.'.]'...attached a list of.names of casualties of World War II and Korea. Any information
...... that you might have on these names Would be'appreciated
._-.. ~-' Please do not hesitate to contact Christine Shingleton if you have any questions,
'. as she is the City staff member assigned to the Committee. We appreciate your
' ~- input and look forward to hearing from you.
' .: .... Street Naming Committee
'. -.ii.?.- i;i.' ~::':; -' .'.~ :..: .i: ..... "'
· ..' .... CAS:pef .....
-":'.'.-~;.: Attachment- ' Li st of names
. .
300 centennial Way · Tustin, California 92680 · (714) 544-8890
Tustin War Memorial
Casualties of World War II
Korean Confl i ct
Charles O. Alstot
Edward R. Bristow
John R. Bruno
Edward R. Burrier
Guadalupe Castaneda
Ernest R. Costello
Arthur R. Dishman
Marvin E. Gray
Paul C. Kimball, Jr.
Charles E. Mueller
Ralph P. Plumb
Theodore Taul bee
Derrel C. Wolert
Donald E. Yniques
Luther D. Yapp
Dedicated to the Memory
of These Men from this
Di strict who gave their
lives in defense of
their Country.
Americal Legion Post No. 227
Tusti n, Cali forni a
Eight (8) survey respondents were supportive of the proposed' name change.
Comments enclosed with their survey responses include the following:
· The name should be changed to reflect the original intent.
· Any inconvenience caused by having to revise checks, documents, business
cards, etc. is trivial in relation to Mr. Bruns' sacrifice for our countrY.
· (Respondent is) supportive but would like to see a delay of six (6) months to
allow residents to use up stationarY, checks, address labels, etc.
· It is the right thing to do regardless of where the fault lies for the typographical
· Since it was the intent for this street to honor Mr. Bruns and the remaining
streets in the development are named for other war casualties, it would not
mean the same if another street is named for Mr. Bruns.
Twenty-two (22) survey respondents were opposed to the proposed name
change. Comments enclosed with their survey responses include the following:
· It would be too costly and time consuming to change all of the affected
documents, labels, checks, etc.
· Name a different street after Mr. Bruns.
· There are too many people to notify and things to change. (The respondent)
doesn't need this on top of the approaching Y2K issue.
· Too much time and money has been spent on this issue. Bruno Drive has
had its existing name for seven years. Name a new street after Mr. Bruns.
· There are enough new developments where "Bruns" could be used, including
at the Marine Corps Air Station.
· There are four listings in the White Pages for the surname "Bruno" in the City
of Tustin. The City should see if one of those households has a war veteran
who could be honored by the name "Bruno Drive".
· It has been too long to claim that this is a typographical error that needs to be
· The time, efforts and resources of the City of Tustin should not be driven by
people who do not reside within the city limits.
There were five (5) non-respondents.
property owners by phone and mail.
Efforts were made to contact these
• Douglas A. Bell
10535 Bruno Dnve
Tustin, CA 92782
November 1, 1999
Tustin City Council Members
300 Centennial Way
Tustin, CA 92780
NOV - 4 1999
Subject: The Renaming of Bruno Drive
Dear Mayor Worley & Council Members Doyle, Potts, Saltarelli, and Thomas,
After tonight's mockery of a City Council Meeting, I felt that I needed some input from you to understand
and learn about how things are done in Tustin. Why did the City of Tustin waste money or time with two
(2) surveys? When was the public hearing on this issue? The decision was made by Council Members
based on the input of some very vocal people that have more time than the twenty -one residents that
responded against the renaming of our street have. The survey apparently meant nothing. I felt that my
preparation and appearance was a total waste of my time. The issues that I had raised in my previous letter
are still not answered.
The residents of Bruno Drive received a letter stating that City Staff would present these `findings, letters
and alternatives' to the Council on November 1, 1999 No discussion in this notice mentioned a final vote
would be taken. The only way that one would know a final vote would be taken would be based other
knowledge. I see now that the decision would not be based on the ones impacted, but purely based on
politics and a desire to put `the issue to rest'
I appreciate the fact that the Council had already heard from numerous non - residents on the `mistake but
did you really think that people from outside our community that were against this issue were really going
to take the time necessary to `fight'? I think that the answer is no. There was not one person from
elsewhere that would take the time since there is not quite the impact on them.
When did Council take the time to really understand where the residents were coming from in a forum such
as an Open Hearing? I did not see one member of Council take time to discuss this issue with all residents
of BRUNO DRIVE. Tonight's meeting did not include any such hearing. Twenty -one out of thirty-five
voices fell on deaf ears.
Obviously I am very upset with the actions tonight. Do you honestly think that I don't believe in correcting
a wrong? Or that I am not patriotic? There seems to be some issues that if enough people make enough
noise, the ones that are quiet will always go unheard — survey or not!
I look forward to your prompt reply to this and my previous letter since the Council Meeting does not seem
to be the forum to have unbiased discussions on issues. You may write to me at the above address, call me
at (562) 593 -3212 during normal business hours, (714) 730 -6205 in the evening, or via Email at
bell @asyst.net.
Cc: Elizabeth Binsack, Community Development Director
�glas A. and Cheryl L Bell
10535 Bruno Drive
Tustin, CA 92782
October 23. 1999
Tustin City Council Members
300 Centennial Way
Tustin, CA 92780
Subject: The Renaming of Bruno Drive
OCT 251999
n / t - ` "
/ c.-z-
Dear Mayor Worley & Council Members Doyle, Potts, Saltarelli. and Thomas.
Please allow me to introduce us to you. We, the Bell Family were one of the first families to move to
Bruno Drive back in December 1992. After reviewing the many discussions, articles and letters on the
subject of renaming the street that our home is located on, we felt compelled to write a letter. The issue is
not a simple matter of renaming a street. The issue impacts the lives of the 35 families that live here. We
have all read the remarks by the many people who do not live on Bruno Drive or for that matter even in the
City of Tustin. There seems to be some confusion about the impact to those of us that live on Bruno and I
would like to point out some basic observations about a street name change.
First, we have noticed that the individuals who have written in support of the change have made incorrect
statements, such as the City of Tustin caused this error or that the error occurred over 50 years ago. To my
knowledge, the error was caused about 7 years ago and whose fault it was does not effect the final outcome
of this issue.
The United States Post Office (USPS) has stated that a street name change will not affect mail delivery but
they already have a problem getting the mail delivered correctly to Bruno Drive. The USPS is just one
agency what about UPS, Federal Express, flower & restaurant delivery services, and all the other delivery
agencies that rely on accurate maps? How long will it take for map companies such as Thomas Brothers to
update all the books or Mapquest to update their databases on the Internet that show where 'Bruns' Drive
is located?
The cost associated with this change may be incidental to some, but for those of us that are faced with the
change we think this is an inconvenience that we should not be faced with. The changes that we are faced
with include, but are not limited to, new checks, new address labels, change of address notification for the
DMV utilities, magazines, associations, credit cards, friends and relatives, stationary (for those with home
based businesses), and legal documents (e.g. Personal Trusts). These costs are not only monetary but also
time consuming and will be an ongoing process for many years to come.
We have been accused of not being patriotic or not caring. That could not be farther from the troth The
truth of the matter is that we believe that there is enough other developments (including one right across
Pioneer) that could have a street named after John Bruns. The man did die for our country along with
many others, and deserves to be recognized.
I must ask the question, that if this was such an important issue to be corrected, why was this not corrected
5 -7 years ago? Public information about this error has been available for several years.
The logical solution to this problem is a compromise between the efforts of the Tustin High School class of
1949 and the residents on Bruno Drive. The suggestion to name a new street in the area after John Bruns is
by far the best solution for all parties. We are just twenty-two homes verses many non - residents. Please
listen to the majority voice of the neighborhood and implement a plan to honor John Bruns with another
Contrary to some opinions, Bruno Drive does have a meaning — it means `home' to the residents of the
street. Thank you for reading our thoughts.
Douglas AI Bell Cheryl L. Bell
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Wednesday, October 13, 1999
To City of Tustin
City Council
Mayor Tracy Worley
300 Centennial Way
Tustin, Ca 92680
OCT 18 1999
Patrick G Hayes
32 Margin St.
Haverhill, Ma
Ms Mayor, President of the Tustin City Council City of Tustin
I am a former United States Marine who served in Tustin, Ca in
1967 -1968 while Tustin served as the home of Santa Ana Marine
Corps Air Station
I resided near Tustin while serving out my enlistment at El Toro
after a year and four months IN- COUNTRY, Vietnam, as a helicopter
door gunner
I am disabled because of that war, and
John Brims, is dead
His WAR was Korea
I live on to remember men like John Bruns, who fought the fight for
all Americans and paid the supreme price with his life. John Bruns'
family suffers his loss more than I can speak.
I feel compelled to Right a Wrong when a silly Wrong is so defended
by so little logic.
AU to often our Veterans are neglected Tossed aside as used goods
after a war while new and popular ideas emerge and take shape for
the future. Ideas such as the new home development built in Tustin
and a pledge to name the streets after Combat War Heroes.
I applaud you for doing the right thing, then,
I am now writing asking you to right what you did wrong
John Bruns was a Man and a Marine.
• •
That makes him not only my Brother -In -Arms,
but every Marine who ever wore the Eagle Globe and Anchor his
Do you really want to be flooded by mail from upset Marines all over
the world? Some, who've never heard of Tustin will hound you until
you do the right thing by changing the street sign
You obviously do not understand the concept of Brotherhood as we
United States Marines do, we fight to die. It is an honor!
John Bruns died in combat to save the very people who now live in
the homes where John Bruns use to fish as a boy
It is only out of respect that you do the right thing and correct the
spelling of the street named in John Bruns honor!
Ms. Mayor, City Council President, and City Councilors.
Please do the right thing by honoring the true man on Bruns Street.
Bruns Street is the correct spelling
Patrick G Hayes
Former United States Marine
member of
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To Mayor Worley and Tustin City Council Members: /19//,//s, 1p 1g99
As a close friend of John Bruns, growing up in Tustin, was a very special t� /��
To balk at changing a letter in a name on a streetsign seems to me a small item to correct
for a young man who was doing what he felt was-his patriotic duty and lost his life.
I sincerely hope this simple letter correction would not be too difficult for anyone to
I do not know a Mr Bruno.
I did know a John Bruns. He was hit with a mortar shell and lost his life in Korea,
serving as a U.S. Marine.
frAzczeAl- (c)
Hubert Wilson
Class of 1949, Tustin Union High School
SEP 2 7 1999
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Arthur Ormerod
2427 NE Blossom Pl.
Bremerton, WA 08311 -8620
3d n
City Council of Tustin
Tustin City Hall
300 Centennial Way
Tustin, CA 92780
Dear Members;
SEP 2 7 1999
966 Ccu LI P ort
Ojai Ca 93023
21 Sep 1999
This is a request for your support of honoring John Bruns by correcting the miss spelling of the
that was to be named in his honor
Lyle Carson, -=
Class of 1949 Tustin High School.
September 21, 1999
Tracy Worley, Mayor
Tustin City Hall
300 Centennial Way
Tustin, CA 92780
Dear Mayor Worley
• •
SEP 2 7 1999
I am writing to you in support of the efforts to correct the street
sign named in honor of John Richard Bruns, who died for his country
in Korea, 1951
Although I am no longer a resident of Tustin, I went to school with
Johnny Bruns and further served my country in the United States Marine
Corps in Korea
This street sign, located in the section of Tustin East of Browning
Avenue, is among those streets in the area off Patriot Way and Jamboree
that have been named after veterans of this country pioneers of Tustin,
and early citrus growers
Not only did John Richard Bruns give his life serving this country, the
Bruns' were early citrus growers in Tustin, yet the street sign dedicated
to his honor has beared the incorrect name of "Bruno" for nearly 50 years
It is long overdue that the City of Tustin correct the sign and show
John Richard Bruns and the Bruns family the respect that the dedication
of the street sign intended in the first place
Leroy Gill
2179 Scotts Valley Road
Lakeport, CA 95453
(707)263 -5224
ayor Tracy Worley
City Hall
300 Centennial Way
Tustin, CA 92780
SEP 2 1 1999
ADMINISTRATIO§e,ptember 17, 1999
Re: Correction of Street Name from Bruno to Bruns
Dear Mayor Worley
From newspaper articles I have learned of the spelling error when the subject street was
originally named and of the intention of your City Council to vote on whether the spelling
should be corrected. I have also learned that the majority of owners of the several
residences located on that street are opposed to the correction. Although I do not live in
Tustin, I have worked in your city for several years and would ask this opportunity to
comment on what seems to me an important issue.
As a native Orange Countian and someone who lost a family member in combat, I have
appreciated Tustin's tradition of concern for its citizens in military uniform. It is very
commendable that the City would wish to honor its war dead by naming streets in an entire
neighborhood for those people. That is a shining example of Tustin's patriotic commitment
and, indeed, one thing that has set it apart from many other cities in the County
I suspect that few, if any, of the residents of this street have served in the U.S. military, or
lost a family member in combat, or are old enough to have been directly affected by the
Korean War Even so, there is no reason for them to dishonor the memory of a fellow
citizen who gave his life. They are enjoying things that an early death denied to Mr. Bruns,
including the blessings of living in what was his hometown. If these people feel
inconvenienced by having to get new checks, address labels, and personalized stationery,
their "inconvenience" should be recognized for what it is - insignificant.
Mr Bruns left to Tustin the priceless legacy of a truly good name. Names of the other
streets in that neighborhood honoring your war dead are spelled correctly The City owes
nothing less to him than to ensure that his named is spelled correctly, too. Since it was a
City error in the first place, you might even find it in your budget to provide, say, $25 per
household to those 19 residences for having checks, stationery, and address labels reprinted.
That would amount to the grand sum of $475
I urge you not to allow a tiny group of selfish, ungrateful residents to dictate the conscience
of your City John Bruns paid the ultimate sacrifice. You can thank him by a small yet
meaningful gesture of respect. When you consider how to vote, please ask yourself "What
is the greater good ?' There is only one answer to that question, and that is to correct an
unfortunate error It may not be a popular decision with a handful of residents, but it is the
right one and you will live in solid comfort with it for the rest of your life.
r Judy A. Higdon
24931 Sunset PL
Laguna Hills, CA 92653-4902
• •
SEP 2 3 1999
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City Of Tustin
Council Members
Soo Centennial- Way
Tustin, Cpl g278o
Dear Council Members,
SEP 2 3 1999
This letter is in regards to the current request of
correcting the spelling of Bruno Dr in Tustin. 1Ne
would ask that the spelling be corrected to Bruns Dr
as was originally designated in honor of John Bruns
John was killed in action in the (Korean conflict forty
eight years ago today.
Thank you for your consideration.
"Very Sincerety,
Van & .Mari Aposhian
September 20, 1999
Van Aposhian
21322 Astoria
Mission Viejo CA 92692
• •
September 17, 1999
Ms Tracy Worley, Mayor
Tustin City Hall
300 Centennial Way
Tustin, Ca. 92780
Dear Ms. Worley
SEP 2 3 1999
Since the whole area around Patriot Way is named for Tustin men who
lost their lives fighting for their country, it is only fitting that Johnny's street
be correctly named to honor him.
I can't believe any resident in that area would object to the one letter
change, knowing the meaning of "Patriot Way" — Bruno has no meaning but
BRUNS does.
I was a class -mate of Johnny's since kindergarten at Tustin and feel
since he died for our country he deserves that honor
Barbara (Yarbrough) Sch ntz
Class of 1949-
• •
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OCT - 5 1999
To: Tustin City Council Members
From: Arvid and JoAnn Bollesen
Subject: Bruns vs. Bruno
October 5, 1999
Dear Mayor Worley & council members Mr's Thomas, Doyle, Potts &
Salt arelli
Just a short note about renaming a street in Tustin from Bruno
to Bruns. I understand that there is a certain amount of inconvenience
involved and certainly there will be a cost impact. However the cost
impact has to be small compared to the money spent on other items
within the city budget.
The simple solution is to admit that there was a mistake made at
the time, apologize & state that the error will be corrected.
Additionally an apology & explanation should be sent to all residents
on the street and ask for their understanding and cooperation.
Common sense indicates that this is an error government
officials should correct without an outcry from the citizens of the area.
Thanks for your consideration,
Arvid & JoAnn Bollesen
14271 Olive Tree Circle
Tustin, Calif. 92780
• •
My name is Al Enderle. I live at 13722 Judy Anne Lane.
I am privileged to present to you a petition signed by classmates and friends
of John Bruns in support of correcting the street name error in the Barcelona
tract where the streets are named after those from Tustin who were killed in
John graduated from Tustin High School in 1949 Back then Tustin High
was a small school and everyone knew each other John was class president.
I remember the hikes he and I, along with others, took over the very land
where Patriot Way and the street that was supposed to be named after him
are located. None of us, especially John, ever thought that a street would be
named after him.
It would be convenient to leave Bruno Drive as it is in favor of naming
another street somewhere else after John however, the error would always be
there In a development where the streets are named after our dead, Bruno is
out of place. It may be a good name, but not there.
Seldom do we have the opportunity to right a wrong particularly when it
concerns someone we all loved and respected.
Having had phone numbers and street names changed, I can understand why
not all of those who live on Bruno Drive are in full support of a name
correction however, I believe that, were John their son, or from their school
and town they would want the error corrected.
Bruno Drive is where Bruns Drive was supposed to be. The Barcelona tract
and Patriot Way are where his comrades at arms are and, while it may be
mostly sentiment, isn't that what makes us different?
A couple of hundred years from now I don't suppose Bruns street will mean
much to those living on it yet we are a people who value memories,
especially of those who died so that we didn't have to die.
I also choose to believe that everyone who knows about the error would
want to see it corrected. Not just because it can be corrected but because
they know that John died in someone's place, another Amencan, who might
have been their son, their brother, their father or their husband.
e Lib
Z ' Q
September 24, 1999
We, the undersigned, petition the Council Members of the City of Tustin to correct the spelling
of the street named for John Richard Bruns in the Barcelona tract north of Patriot Way in Tustin
Ranch from BRUNO Drive to BRUNS Drive. John Bruns was killed in action on September 20,
1951 The other four streets in Barcelona are named to honor Ed Bristow, Edward Burlier,
Guadalupe Castaneda and Rick Costello They lost their lives in World War II.
NAME. Print
NAME. Signature
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• •
September 24, 1999
We, the undersigned, petition the Council Members of the City of Tustin to correct the spelling
of the street named for John Richard Bruns in the Barcelona tract north of Patriot Way in Tustin
Ranch from BRUNO Drive to BRUNS Drive. John Bruns was killed in action on September 20
1951 The other four streets in Barcelona are named to honor Ed Bristow, Edward Burlier,
Guadalupe Castaneda and Rick Costello. They lost their lives in World War II.
NAME. Print
NAME. Signature
CLASS /Other
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• •
September 24, 1999
We, the undersigned, petition the Council Members of the City of Tustin to correct the spelling
of the street named for John Richard Bruns in the Barcelona tract north of Patriot Way in Tustin
Ranch from BRUNO Drive to BRUNS Drive. John Bruns was killed in action on September 20,
1951 The other four streets in Barcelona are named to honor Ed Bristow Edward Burlier,
Guadalupe Castaneda and Rick Costello They lost their lives in World War II .
NAME. Print
NAME. Signature
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September 24, 1999
We, the undersigned petition the Council Members of the City of Tustin to correct the spelling
of the street named for John Richard Bruns in the Barcelona tract north of Patnot Way in Tustin
Ranch from BRUNO Dnve to BRUNS Dnve John Brims was killed in action on September 20,
1951 The other four streets in Barcelona are named to honor Ed Bnstow, Edward Burner
Guadalupe Castaneda and Rick Costello They lost their lives in World War I1
NAME Print
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• •
September 24, 1999
We, the undersigned, petition the Council Members of the City of Tustin to correct the spelling
of the street named for John Richard Bruns in the Barcelona tract north of Patriot Way in Tustin
Ranch from BRUNO Drive to BRUNS Drive. John Bruns was killed in action on September 20,
1951 The other four streets in Barcelona are named to honor Ed Bristow, Edward Burlier
Guadalupe Castaneda and Rick Costello They lost their lives in World War H.
NAME. Print
NAME. Signature
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• •
September 24, 1999
We, the undersigned, petition the Council Members of the City of Tustin to correct the spelling
of the street named for John Richard Bruns in the Barcelona tract north of Patriot Way in Tustin
Ranch from BRUNO Drive to BRUNS Drive. John Bruns was killed in action on September 20
1951 The other four streets in Barcelona are named to honor Ed Bristow, Edward Burlier,
Guadalupe Castaneda and Rick Costello They lost their lives in World War II.
NAME. Print
NAME. Signature
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• •
September 24, 1999
We, the undersigned, petition the Council Members of the City of Tustin to correct the spelling
of the street named for John Richard Bruns in the Barcelona tract north of Patriot Way in Tustin
Ranch from BRUNO Drive to BRUNS Drive. John Bruns was killed in action on September 20,
1951 The other four streets in Barcelona are named to honor Ed Bristow, Edward Burlier,
Guadalupe Castaneda and Rick Costello They lost their lives in World War II.
NAME. Print
CLASS /Other
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• •
September 24, 1999
We, the undersigned, petition the Council Members of the City of Tustin to correct the spelling
of the street named for John Richard Bruns in the Barcelona tract north of Patriot Way in Tustin
Ranch from BRUNO Drive to BRUNS Drive. John Bruns was killed in action on September 20,
1951 The other four streets in Barcelona are named to honor Ed Bristow, Edward Burlier,
Guadalupe Castaneda and Rick Costello They lost their lives in World War II.
NAME. Print
NAME. Signature
CLASS /Other
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• •
September 24, 1999
We, the undersigned, petition the Council Members of the City of Tustin to correct the spelling
of the street named for John Richard Bruns in the Barcelona tract north of Patriot Way in Tustin
Ranch from BRUNO Drive to BRUNS Drive. John Bruns was killed in action on September 20,
1951 The other four streets in Barcelona are named to honor Ed Bristow Edward Burlier
Guadalupe Castaneda and Rick Costello They lost their lives in World War II.
NAME. Print
NAME. Signature
CLASS /Other
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• •
September 24, 1999
We, the undersigned, petition the Council Members of the City of Tustin to correct the spelling
of the street named for John Richard Bruns in the Barcelona tract north of Patriot Way in Tustin
Ranch from BRUNO Drive to BRUNS Drive. John Bruns was killed in action on September 20,
1951 The other four streets in Barcelona are named to honor Ed Bristow, Edward Burner,
Guadalupe Castaneda and Rick Costello. They lost their lives in World War II.
NAME. Print
NAME . Signature
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• •
September 24, 1999
We, the undersigned, petition the Council Members of the City of Tustin to correct the spelling
of the street named for John Richard Bruns in the Barcelona tract north of Patriot Way in Tustin
Ranch from BRUNO Dnve to BRUNS Dnve John Bruns was killed in action on September 20,
1951 The other four streets in Barcelona are named to honor Ed Bnstow, Edward Burner,
Guadalupe Castaneda and Rick Costello They lost their lives in World War II
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• •
September 24, 1999
We, the undersigned, petition the Council Members of the City of Tustin to correct the spelling
of the street named for John Richard Bruns in the Barcelona tract north of Patriot Way in Tustin
Ranch from BRUNO Drive to BRUNS Drive. John Bruns was killed in action on September 20
1951 The other four streets in Barcelona are named to honor Ed Bristow, Edward Burlier,
Guadalupe Castaneda and Rick Costello They lost their lives in World War II.
NAME . Print
NAME. Signature ADDRESS CLASS /Other
1 Vctt IL-JA uvG rv¢ s
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September 24, 1999 (714) '547 .2.12 %
We, the undersigned, petition the Council Members of the City of Tustin to correct the spelling
of the street named for John Richard Bruns in the Barcelona tract north of Patriot Way in Tustin
Ranch from BRUNO Drive to BRUNS Drive. John Bruns was killed in action on September 20
1951 The other four streets in Barcelona are named to honor Ed Bristow Edward Burrier,
Guadalupe Castaneda and Rick Costello. They lost their lives in World War II.
NAME. Print
NAME. Signature
1 Y,u,st /-I. S.eaEt-
1 I I I I Fb:f9 M4' ,,s yr.
/So/ e Co.it !`.#C Semi= 4t
A5V/ Act inigz Dr, S,gn/n,4Ala Y•
• •
25 October 1999
To Mayor Tracy Wol =xv
City of Tustin
From Jay A Lindsey
Subj John Bruns
OCT 2 8 1999
My name is Jay Lindsey I am a retired Marine Gunnery
Sergeant I was stationed at MCAF(Santa Ana) later MCAS(H)
Tustin in 1965 and 1966
I am writing in the matter of the correct spelling of the
street mistakenly spelled Bruno
My point is simple A mistake was made it should be cor-
I have been told that Tustin has advanced certain state-
ments why this cannot be done
(1) Someone else made the mistake Patently ridiculous
If the name on your door was mis- spelled, would you
accept the error if the "culprit" was no longer
around to correct it?
(2) The current residents would suffer a hardship of
some sort in changing the spelling In the middle
60 s street names across the county were consoli-
dated not the least of which was Delhi Road
starting at Red Hill being changed to Warner and
Warner reaching the ocean It can be done
Over the years Tustin has benefitted by the presence of the
Marines Not just the occasional purchase of a haircut for
example but Marines spending for goods and services Former
and retired Marines are even now residents /homeowners part of
the Tustin population The Base itself annexed by Tustin
will further contribute to Tustin's fortunes I cannot under-
stand why over the years the city would have no problem accep-
ting this bounty from Marines and yet be so reluctant to honor
a Marine in return especially since John Bruns was one of
Tustin s own
I m not a Tustin resident hence not a voter I cannot
influence your vote but I can suggest as a Marine that you
do what is right Correct the name of a fellow Marine and
honor him
S; cerely
Jay A Lindsey USMC(Ret)
• •
NOV - 1 1999
City of Tustin
City Council
Mayor Tracy Worley
300 Centennial Way
Tustin, CA 92680
Dear City Officials & Citizens of Tustin:
12804 Pine Tree Lane
Fort Washington, MD 20744 -5354
(301) 292 -4053
October 25 1999
This letter is to seek your support in correcting an inadvertent error that has been committed in
your fine city of Tustin. The error is the incorrect spelling of a street name. Tustin had named
the street BRUNS in honor of a young Tustin citizen, John Bruns, a Marine who had been killed
in action during the Korean War However, due to an unintentional error the street signs display
the name BRUNO
I am sure the city officials and citizens of Tustin have no intention of dishonoring the memory of
John Bruns. Likewise, I am sure that Marine Bruns would not, and members of his family do
not, wish to create a problem for the city of Tustin.
However, I believe that it is only proper that this unintended error be corrected. The street
should be officially commissioned and called by its originally designated name BRUNS. To
properly honor a young man who made the ultimate sacrifice for his country, city and his fellow
Americans surely takes precedent over the desire of a few residents who wish to avoid the short-
time bother of having to modify the street address of their current home. Furthermore, if
statistical mobility trends remain the same, a majority of the current residents of BRUNS Street
will move from that location to a new location within ten years.
I thank you for your time and consideration of my request
Lloy Stimson
Sgt (former) USMC
• •
NOV - 1 1999
,e> c& —? 7,7 o fc
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• •
City of Tustin
City Council
300 Centennial Way
Tustin, CA 92680
Re. Righting a Wrong
Nov -1 1999
Dear Sirs & Ladies
I am writing to add my name to others who urge that you vote to restore `Bruns Drive"
from its current (& misspelled) 'Bruno Drive "
For tens of thousand of Marines since WWII (and their families), the City of Tustin is
synonymous with one that honors its war heroes (alive & dead) Many Marines of my
generation (including myself) boarded military aircraft at El Toro that took us to
Vietnam, where I spent 33 months trying to serve my homeland as Tustin - native John
Bruns so faithfully did
To learn that Tustin s managers decline to correct a mistake made by your predecessors
(i e , Bruno" instead of "Bruns ") is difficult to accept, owing to the City of Tustm's long
association with and support of American fighting men and women who have — one
generation after another — secured and guaranteed this nation's freedom Many died in
that pursuit
As a former resident of Santa Monica, San Francisco, and three other U S states, need I
remind you of California's reputation as a state second to none when it comes to righting
wrongs and implementing leading -edge action to resolve difficult social and
environmental problems? Please don't drop the ball on this one
Respectfully submitted
Frank Duffy
P 0 Box 25752
Honolulu HI 96825 -0752
• Marilyn Jo Manning
17791 Norwood Park
Tustin, CA 92780
(714) 544 -4544
JoMannl2@4OL. corn
City Council Members
Tustin, California
October 27,1999
Re: Renaming of Bruno Street
Dear Council Members,
WV -11999
Years ago, an unintentional mistake was made m naming a street Bruno instead of
I commend my fellow members of the class of 1949 for pursuing a correction, but I
disapprove of their way of amending the error
The residents of Bruno Street are being made to look like villains and unpatriotic
because of their unwillingness to have their street name changed. It is more than
check changes and address changes. Personal papers, wills, deeds, plot maps, etc
must also be changed. Why should they bear the burden and complication of their
lives for a mistake made years ago?
Many of the petition signers and letter writers no longer live m the City of Tustin
A simple solution is to name a new street for John Bruns with perhaps a dedication
ceremony This would save both time and money and put the matter to rest.
Thank you for yo ntion.
�/C- git...&7-i t)u��
Marilyn Manning
Tustin High School Class of 1949
• •
TO Mike Doyle, City Council
City of Tustin
Tustin City Hall
300 Centennial Way
Tustin, CA 92780
DATE November 1, 1999
NOV - 1 1999
These days, the word "hero" is loosely used in reference
to prominent people in sports, entertainment, you name it,
a trend that we find unacceptable
But the dictionary defines a hero as one who shows great
courage, a man adm.red for his achievements and noble
qualities John Bruns is such a man John was a selfless
hero who could have claimed exemption during the Korean War
as he was an only son Instead, he answered America's call
and volunteered for the time - honored United States Marine
As long -time Tustin residents and Tustin Union High
School graduate (Barbara- -Class of 1945), we heartily
commend the fact that streets in a newly developed east
Tustin tract have been named after Tustin's war dead, an
honor long overdue
HOWEVER, we have been surprised, shocked, appalled and
disgusted that the majority of the residents on Bruno Drive
in that tract would find it "inconvenient" to change the
address on their checkbooks and stationery to Bruns, as the
street should have been named in the first place! We're
sure that the family of John Bruns found it "inconvenient"
to lose him
Do the Tustin City Council members truly honor our local
service per`nnel, especially those who paid the ultimate
price when answering America's call?
Bruno Drive should be changed to BRUNS DRIVE
Robert M Phillips Barbara Armstrong Phillips
17662 Westbury Lane
Tustin CA 92780 -2526
Ph (714)838 -0197
• •
10590 Costello Drive (Barcelona)
Tustin Ranch, CA 92782
October25 1999 URGENT
The Honorable Mayor Tracy Wills Worley
Tustin City Council Members
The City of Tustin
300 Centennial Way
Tustin, CA 92780
Re: Street Name Correction
Dear Mayor and Council Members:
OCT 2 7 1999
As residents of the Barcelona development, we have been following the on -going rhetoric of
newspaper articles and council meetings since June regarding correction of the street name from
BRUNO to BRUNS. We are at the point of embarrassment for all Barcelona residents, which
lead us to writing this letter
Lest certain individuals and the general public view ALL residents of Barcelona as unpatriotic or
insensitive and selfish, we would like to avert this perception. We want to be included in the
numbers that are FOR changing the name and correcting the mistake that was made several
years ago As family members of a 40 -year Marine veteran, we know about patriotism and
sacrifice. We also know what it is like to have our family name misspelled on too many
occasions, by inattention to detail or simple assumption.
As one of the original Barcelona families for 6 'A of its 7 years, when we first moved here we fell
in love with the pristine surrounding areas. We would hate to see this issue spread all over the
country on nation -wide news programs, marring the tranquility and ambiance of our homes.
Many of us had no idea that the streets were named for our War dead. Now we know If this
issue is not settled very soon, then it could very likely get unsavory national attention, being
viewed as a petty issue blown out of all proportion. The City Council should do all possible to
avoid this happening.
We DO NOT know the Bruns family nor any of his classmates, living or dead. We realize we
live in a democratic country While enjoying these freedoms as the norm, there are times when
democracy is not required. In this instance, all that is required is to make the correction, and
inform the residents of the change. We personally know several of the residents on Bruno and
consider them to be highly intelligent, reasonable, sensitive and caring neighbors. While it might
be an inconvenience for a short period of time, they will get over it, some soon& than others.
Putting Bruns' name in another development will not have the same impact or meaning as
having it here in Barcelona. This is where it was originally intended and this is where it should
stay 'JUST DO IV'
/5.- 4 IJ " G 1-
;i C !s 2✓
cc: Barcelona H. 0 Association
• •
Staff received the following phone messages in support of the name change from Bruno
to Bruns Drive.
Sunday, October 31, 1999'
1 Robert Torres 949) 770 -0466
Monday November 1, 1999'
1 Tracy Murphy
2. Margaret Marcheso
3 Charles & Margorie Bell
4 Richard Hernandez
5 Ronnie Shipley
6. Elizabeth Trammell
7 David Smith
8. Diane Van
• •
October 30, 31,1999
We, the undersigned, petition the Council Members of the City of Tustm to correct the spelling of
the street named for John-Richard Bruns in the Barcelona tract north of Patriot Way in Tustmitanch from
BRUNO Dnvc to BRUNS Drive John Brans was killed in action on Septuuber 20, 1951 in Korea The
other four streets Barcelona tract arc named to honor Ed Bnstow Edward Burner, Guadalupe Castaneda
and Rick Costello They lost their lives in World War II John Brans was a resident of Tustm who
attended Tustm "schools "from Kindcrgaitwithrough High School He Senior Class President of the
Class of 1949 of Tustin High School He was a Marine
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19 Teri bi I I as /2)(1 / /-Y-IC /f v %G r/ r (; C4 %7 /0
• •
October 30, 31 1999
We the undersigned, petition the Council Members of the City of Tustin to correct the spelling of
the shu,tnamed for John Richard Bruns in thc Barcelona tract north of Patriot Way in Tustin Ranch from
BRUNO Dnvc to BRUNS Drive John Bruns was lilted m action on Scyt /ober 20 1951 m Korea The
other four stnxts m Barcelona tract arc named to honor Ed Bristow, Edward Bunter, Guadalupe Castaneda
and Rick Costello They lost their Ives in World War II John Bruns was a resident of Tustin who
attended Tustin schools from Kmdergartcn through High School He was Senior Class-President of the
Class of 1949 of Tustin High School He was a Marine
NAME.Pr nt
teak 'LJtiThC £ 7'" t O5 fr 6- _=S Cti /`/1002 l
iIvl Jo(ef4'tJ
5 lc H Mtniv,'sc
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7 A4 / k e e e V_r I S 7 4119E0- vN i .vr7-I'e+ /'J 1% P c-L Ail /t IC,,' 31' E'
8 / J d (le,/ art E v [ Lilt. cw .✓..e --N ba L I A-, it.- ts 1 is 4% 1"C
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r L✓oX /9r fta2Ie Pct. e- (' 7�zts
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17 Mike tel Opo v' S��O CA L:1.Fiy of l �l S IlA {AO .G t%Go t
is '3" 4 i
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/2 6 S 5 t6 �F ,r-L' iet t' sc4 9'c-
• •
-October 30, 31,1999
We, the, undersigned.,-petition the Council Members of the City of Tustin to correct the spelling of
the sLuR named for John Richard Rams in the Barcelona tract north of Patriot Way in Tustin Ranch from
BRUNO Drive to BRUNS Drive. John Bums was killed in actionron SL,ptL.mbcr 20, 1951 in Korea. The
other four streets in Barcelona tract are named to honor Ed Bristow, Edward Bunter, Guadalupe Castaneda
and Rick Costello. They lost their lives World Wari. John Bnmswas a resident of Tustin who
attended Tustin schools from Kindergarten through High School. He was Senior Class President of the
Class of 1949 of Tustin High School. He was a Marine.
NAME. Signature
1. li
ti e-vt
g7C)► R't1Nnik&o7 C �In VALLEY Q /i
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w 8-0A Si- fan, PQ bake , QA X1073,
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rppte 1,7 //if ('» /fl21 edMC/ e'ed
C � 3 e
• •
October 30, 31,1999
We, the undersigned, petition the Council Members of the City of Tustin to correct the spelling of
the street named for John Richard Bruns in the Barcelona tract north of Patriot Way in Tustin-Ranch from
BRUNO Drive to BRUNS Drive. John Bruns was killed in action on St,ptember 20, 1951 in Korea. The
other four streets in Barcelona tract are named to honor Ed Bristow, Edward Burner, Guadalupe Castancda
and Rick Costello. They lost their lives in World War II. John Bruits was a resident of Tustin who
attended Tustin schools from Kindergarten through High School. He Was Senior Class President of the
Class of 1949 of Tustin High School. He was a Marine.
NAME. Signature ADDRESS_
"WC •r 2a
fiYti'?• ,4 it, o7
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4. / ( /" !1
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18. Ort S,',11 I $.111 tAr F 042(4 �
19 J` y��fiG1,, t t
• •
October 30, 31,1999
We the undersigned, petition the Council Members of the City of Tustin to correct the spelling of
the stroet named for John Richard Bruns in the Barcelona tract north of Patriot Way in Tustm Ranch from
BRUNO Drive to BRUNS Dnvc John Bruns was lalled in action on September 20, 1951 m Korea The
other four shwtsm Barcelona tract arc named to honorEd Bnstow, Edward Burner, GI ti4alupe Castancda
and Rick Costello They lost their lives in World War II John Bruns was aresident of Tustm who
attended Tustin schools from Kindergarten through High School He was Senior Class President of the
Class of 1949 of Tustin High School He was a Marine
NAME Signature
1P4\Q \�a
2 ?' c4.6 %.0.,A eAl 5
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N' a,
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18 (^ �� ��yz �D p 2,>?�
1tA.7 fi-c-7-?
• •
October 30, 31,1999
We, the undersigned, petition the Council Members of the City of Tustin to correct the spelling of
the street named for John Richard Brims in the Barcelona tract north of Patriot Way in Tustin Ranch from
BRUNO Drive to BRUNS Drive. John Brims was killed in action on September 20, 1951 in Korea. The
other four streets in Barcelona tract are named to honor Ed Bristow Edward Burlier. Guadalupe Castancda
and Rick Costello. They lost their lives in World War II. John Brims was a resident of Tustin who
attended Tustin schools from Kindergarten through High School. He was Senior Class-President of the
Class of 1949 of Tustin High School. He was a Marine.
NAME. Signature
s 1kr 9 Lid, i1
2. 1160-jcl
3. i Ll%IG Ll'n' v1/lJ
j1 :.i /,(F / lr l r %j, -.. J
t/t;tn l� 11
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6. 44 ut `J e. / ).) rJ 4.„ yr t_ •-_6 / Y i- =` L /J
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JGMi'( Nat Va_I�: .7 Ill- 6or
#5614 2,_)
156,1; CkE{ra Flit 'LZ. ti l 3i‘l,4 w/ r->"
� 26' 5-0 Z
• •,
October 30, 31,1999
We, the undersigned, petition the Council Members of the City of Tustin to correct the spelling of
the shu t named for Johnitichard Bruns in the Barcelona tract north of Patriot Way in Tustin -Ranch from
BRUNO Drive to BRUNS Drive. John Brims was killed in action on September 20, 1951 in Korea. The
other four st u.ts in Barcelona tract are named to honor Ed Bristow Edward Burrier,-Guadalupc Castaneda
and Rick Costello. They lost their lives in World War II. John Bruns was a resident of Tustin who
attended Tustin schools from Kindergarten through High School. He was Senior Class President of the
Class of 1949 of Tustin High School. He was a Marine.
NAME. Signature
1. ft?c7 Jot rn,c- 2 / / VS" S So /iitdry7 Can so'✓ O 7057-/o
2. /fl //C (2U/n*. nC 2'7 $ S 5ct/more re'(rl50 rc; yc+ p
3. f/ CJ It LOA!_ z y C' ? Z.715 Tc/Ni9 ; p.';' /9 A C.q
6. MIt
s. 1
03 /
wJ / Jr LS:// 4 %7,
iocceit Di rick Celli) 4:-
del Grp- G1 )f,