HomeMy WebLinkAbout16 CIP 600103 11-15-99 Inter-Com DATE: NOVEMBER 15, 1999 ~ TO: WILLIAM A. HUSTON, CITY MANAGER FROM: PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT/WATER SERVICES DIVISION SUBJECT: MAIN STREET RESERVOIR AND BOOSTER STATION CONSTRUCTION (C.I.P PROJECT NO. 600103) SUMMARY This Capital Improvement Project involves the construction of.a 2.2 million gallon subsurface reservoir, a booster station, a new well, a permanent generator, chlorination facilities and two public parking lots that will provide 74 additional parking spaces. The construction of this facility will provide needed operational, fire and emergency water storage for the service area and will allow other reservoirs to be removed from service to construct necessary repairs. The' additional storage will .also allow the City to reduce the amount of imported water purchased from the East Orange County Water District and replace the demand with less expensive groundwater from City wells. This item provides a current status report of the project along with a milestone schedule. RECOMMENDATION No formal action is required at this time. Upon completion of the design plans and specifications, the project will be agendized for Council approval of final plans and specifications and authorization to advertise the project for construction bids. FISCAL IMPACT This project is a multi-year project that has been programmed in the Fiscal Year 1999-2000 Capital Improvement Program with a total estimated co st o f $ 6,337,323. To date approximately $1,217,000 has been spent for design services, property acquisition, and demolition of two structures and construction of a new well. BACKGROUND In October 1990, Daniel Boyle Engineering, Inc., completed a Water System Storage Evaluation Study. The Study determined that there are deficiencies in the system in both quantity of storage and structural condition of existing reservoirs. Approximately $40 million worth of improvements to the storage and distribution system are necessary. The construction of the Main Street Reservoir is the critical component of providing necessary storage for the entire water system. Completion of the project will allow other reservoirs to be taken out of service for structUral repairs and expansion. As part of the distribution and storage improvement program an emergency generator has been purchased and the Vandenberg Well, the Rawlings Reservoir retaining wall, and the Newport Avenue Transmission Main have been constructed. Currently, construction of the Rawlings Booster Station ($690,082), replacement of the telemetry system ($329,300), installation of chlorination facilities and electrical upgrades ($560,294) at five wells and the replacement of several distribution lines ($729,000) are underway. Additionally, the design of a new Simon Booster Station has been completed and property acquisition is underway. StructUral modifications to the Foothill Reservoir are being designed and the Draft Master Plan is being reviewed. Main Street Reservoir and Booster Station Construction November 15, 1999 Page 2 DISCUSSION The proposed project is located at the northeast comer of Prospect Avenue and Main Street and is now being used as the Water Division's operational headquarters. The existing facilities include an administration building, a garage, a water treatment plant, underground piping, two functioning wells, an abandoned well, and a 190,000 gallon holding tank. As previously mentioned 6,875 square feet of land has been acquired at 240 E. Third Street to allow for the construction of a 2.2 million gallon underground concrete storage reservoir; and 6,210 square feet of land has been acquired at 275 E. Main Street to provide for the construction of a new well. The on-site caretaker residence and the commercial structure that was located at 275 E. Main Street have been demolished and the new well has been drilled. Currently, the Water Division is waiting for approval from the Department of Health Services to operate a temporary pump at the new wellhead. The new reservoir borders Prospect Avenue to the west and an existing convalescent home to the east. A new booster station is proposed to be constructed on top of the concrete reservoir. The booster station will be used to distribute the water from the reservoir into the City's water distribution system. A chlorine storage building and a wellhead building with an emergency generator and a subsurface 3,000 gallon diesel fuel tank will be constructed as shown in the attached exhibit. The use of chlorine gas will provide disinfection at the wellhead facilities. Adjacent to the chlorine building, a fluoride feed and ammonia feed building may be constructed if mandated by the State. Since the existing administration building at the site will be demolished, new facilities will be required to provide chemical storage, operational storage, wet laboratory faCilities, tool storage, restrooms and a control room. Additional on-site facilities such as piping will be constructed to transport the water between the reservoir and the booster station and to the City's existing distribution system. Two asphalt parking lots will also be constructed for use by the employees, visitors, and the public. The intent of the proposed design of the facility is to make the site effective as a water production facility and provide a visual enhancement to the downtown. The architectural style and features have been selected to complement the downtown area and provide a transition from the style of the Civic Center to the classic styles within Old Town Tustin. The proposed architectural style combines stucco walls, brick veneer wainscot and glass block windows. Pre-cast cornice molding continues around the top of the building facades with pre-cast comer caps above the molding. The proposed color palette includes tan outer stucco with brown accent stucco in the center of the faCade. The brick veneer wainscot and the pre-cast moldings are also shades of brown. Green awnings are located above the large vents that are required to ventilate the equipment within the buildings. The proposed light features on the facades are also green to match the awnings and accent the shades of brown on the facade. Main Street Reservoir and Booster Station Construction November 15, .1999 Page 3 Two comer plaza areas are integrated into the site design. The comer plaza on the northwest portion of the site, adjacent to Third Street and Prospect Avenue, is designed with decorative stamped concrete with accent bands and raised planters. A more predominant plaza is located on the comer of Main Street and Prospect Avenue. A semi-circular raised planter with seating and tree wells will surround a surface level jet water fountain. This area is paved with colored concrete sawcut into three (3) inch squares. An archway with Old Town Tustin signage is the pedestrian access into the public parking lot and water facility. Old Town Tustin siguage also appears on the face of the semi-circular planter. This plaza encourages pedestrian traffic and creates an eastern gateway into the downtown. A portion of the site adjacent to Main Street will be converted into public parking for the downtown area. A total of 48 new parking spaces will be created in this area. Additional par'king is also located on top of the reservoir at the comer of Third Street and Prospect Avenue. The site design of the parking lots includes landscaping and lighting to accent and enhance the area. The parking lot adjacent to Main Street is screened from the fight-of-way by a landscape berm. Raised planters will be constructed to provide landscaping in the reservoir rooftop paring lot. Trees are proposed to be planted and maintained to screen the Water facilities. The existing street trees along Main Street and two specimen trees on-site are to be maintained. Around the perimeter of the site and between the Main Street parking lot and the water facility buildings, gold medallion trees are to be planted to create a landscape screen. Italian cypress will also be planted around the water treatment facility buildings. Low maintenance shrubs and ground cover are to be planted between the sidewalk and the masonry walls along Third Street and Prospect Avenue. The water facility will be enclosed with a six foot eight inch (6' 8") high decorative masonry wall. The 6' 8" wall also separates the public parking lot adjacent to Main Street from the water facility. The masonry wall has a tan stucco finish with a brown brick cap and pilasters to match the colors and materials of the building facades. Lower thirty-inch (30") high masonry walls with the same decorative finish are located around the reservoir top parking lot at the comer of Third Street and Prospect Avenue. The proposed architeCtural style, site design, landscape amenities, and decorative features integrate successfully and create a visual and functional asset on this prominent comer .site within the downtown. The project will enhance the downtown area, while also providing necessary improvements to the City's water facilities. It is anticipated that the project will 1se constructed in one phase and will necessitate the transfer of the Water Division to the Field Services yard. The modifications to the existing Field Services facilities to allow for continued efficient water service are currently being developed and will be brought to the Council for approval and any necessary budget appropriation. Main Street Reservoir and Booster Station Construction November 15, 1999 Page 4 The following is the anticipated schedule for completion of the project: Complete Design Review ........................................................................... 11/30/99 Final Approvals ........................................................................................... 12/15/99 Approval to Advertise ................................................................................. 01/15/00 Award of Contract ....................................................................................... 02/25/00 Begin Construction ..................................................................................... 03/15/00 Complete Construction ............................................................................... 10/15/01 Tim D. Serlet~--' Director of Public Works/City Engineer ~f Gary R. Veeh Water Services Manager Attachments: Colored Site Plan Colored Water Feature Building Elevations Color Elevation TDS:klb/S:\City Council Items\99 City Council ItemsXaMain Street Reservoir.doc 001 WOO-OW-096W L-V o1/ °Nana 40 ISMS wk :•01 1S 5330 0 13 190 W® 1L um Ens aro 11AO1I4d9 909994/0 SOWERS 951090 099Z6 'VO 'NIISf11 133111S NIVW 3 SEZ NOLLV'3UI 10941 1110 4 59 :10 NOLSMXdIIS I180Nf1 08117,1711.1 SLN3W3AONdINI S3111110Vd 133tl1S NIVW YOA Nnd NOL1.311815NOa Elea ISi MEW 411 :Au OHAO8ddV opu9/9190 **WW1 14133eart 'Pena :AR a88Vd88d SNHOH 0I'IGUd 40 1NISW1NVd8Q VINII03PIV0 NI,LSRIL 3O /,LID SNOISG3N e SNOI1VA313 ONIOlN1S A111IOVd OV3H113M 31HOS 01 ION SI ONH 03011039 N338 SHH ONIMH2JO SIHI NOI111A313 H1f10S yy 30903 091911 0001/ 31111110341 933X30 53140 XIN1 93314 09}119 1031411 '53010 15410 .19 939438 433030 53106 4981 1119 033931 31900 901 33010 95811 .9 13901X081 103/413313 333 1/11411 '1191 1103 1491411 '10100 143330 0341110 —111 —•1111 •1.11111 140444 1II 1111 •1411 IIII I1I 111111 31 1931411 '035015 NI '1'0 —�— 1391015410191108 930030 833430 19190 0901 .01'091 13 090911 40 4m 1910100 1319014 1503 1031411 09 9315814 1503 909403 10130 03119111130.1 NOI1WA313 H1NON 04 19 l3 10011 0X111.08349 833930 99185 MIN 033130 03rls 1931411 '81103 _ 143339 033400 830134 433x30 33195 449X1 P1196 933X30 30180 NIx1 53301510998110 9993314 09X10090 1099419313 135 1031411 '1811 1100 1431414 '033019 NI '1.3 430430 033030 IYIIWI NINA 18409911 30 401 041011 8315014 1503 11014 03 0315014 1907 981403 10134 03151911304 Innmm�un4��In nullunnnmmnnnnll 300 5 03 3 4834° 31106 039111038 6/339010 033031191 JO 301 10x0 1115 933130 0339 930031 0331130 1119 133930 0 1001411 1311101 13 1134411 NV 5311101/110 1071 1931411 • 1131411 '03301 830138 033931 5110100 1031411 411 93 091403 10130 03151X1 NOI111A313 1S3M 14030331] ga� _ I 0I g � ®q �y] _ u up o oo�' I ••••• 0 y� ❑ M � ❑ g ME • •.J-68 ❑ Doom] ree I IW N iWTL:F:iT ® _ __ _ $ X31190 1111° l lllnmn0111n 1 11001 1 11°00 n nml � � m mnummt TIIIID 400011 1 11/6°1 n n1 11111n110111 l 1 11111111111111 11 ji In 0116 NW/ WW1 13 A==-4W .54'131 13 530013 911/01340 1116 033030 X3190 NIN 133430 033015 1116 933139 33186 990 11101/41 193000 03333900 53018 55415 .9 53498081 4131/110313 335 107141E • 1143 109411 '033049 41 r 0 030034 433330 37140 4191 .51'991 13 101039011 30 811 1010100 931501 /690 1071411 83 9315014 1017 341403 10130 03191914394 NOIINA313 IS113 av 101411 ''81103 103339 '•I IIII 3111/1111 1111111111 111.1101161111111111111111111111 II IINInllllll 111111114 l ll11111 Il4411 0II11111n 111111101111111 111111111 Illl111111l1114404444111 1101111 II411111111111.IID111 — I•••• - UL. _ ®��® M � • II111111111 N•J•I S•3•a V\INvai • • • • 57Pcca F7N�s/t Ltl4 7E- Su 1 frao ahts-tirvi Elevation of Seat Sign A -A Section thru Seat Sign B -B Section thru Raised Seating C -C Section thru Pop -Jet Fountain D -D D E S I G N TEAM Prospect Avenue LITHDCHROME CHEMSTAIN APPLIED TO UNCOLORED CONCRETE (S,T W.W.IC trot CS' Mpyu.PnNr 53.11= geTrrsso .S. 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