HomeMy WebLinkAbout07 MULTI-WAY STOP CONTROL AT INTERSECTION OF ROANOKE, CANTERBURY & KINGSBOROAGENDA REPORT Agenda Item Reviewed: City Manager Finance Director MEETING DATE: APRIL 2, 2013 TO: JEFFREY C. PARKER, CITY MANAGER FROM: DOUGLAS S. STACK, DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS /CITY ENGINEER SUBJECT: CONSIDERATION OF REQUEST FOR MULTI -WAY STOP CONTROL AT INTERSECTION OF ROANOKE AVENUE, CANTERBURY AVENUE AND KINGSBORO CIRCLE SUMMARY The City Council received a citizen request to install stop signs at the intersection of Roanoke Avenue, Canterbury Avenue and Kingsboro Circle. A traffic engineering study for multi -way stop controls within the community has been completed. It was determined that no changes in intersection traffic control are recommended at Roanoke Avenue, Canterbury Avenue and Kingsboro Circle. However, supplemental warning signs and raised pavement markers along the curves are recommended throughout the community, in addition to periodic enforcement. RECOMMENDATION Receive and file the Traffic Engineering Study of Roanoke Avenue - Canterbury Avenue at Kingsboro Circle and Similar Intersections in Tustin Meadows prepared by Tom Brohard and Associates dated March 20, 2013, and implement supplemental warning signs and raised pavement markers as recommended. FISCAL IMPACT It is estimated that the cost to install curve warning signs, advisory speed signs, "stop ahead" signs and supplemental yellow raised pavement markers along the loop roadway within Tustin Meadows is approximately $1,600. Sufficient funds are available in the Fiscal Year 2012 -2013 Operating Budget for traffic signs and markings. BACKGROUND /DISCUSSION A resident of Tustin Meadows community requested the installation of stop signs at the intersection of Roanoke Avenue, Canterbury Avenue and Kingsboro Circle. Concern has been expressed regarding accidents that have resulted in damaged property, such as parked vehicles, landscaping, fire hydrants, and occurred within the internal loop roadway within the Tustin Meadows. The single - family residential community of Tustin Meadows is bordered by Walnut Avenue on the north and Red Hill Avenue on the west. Vehicular access to the community occurs at two signalized intersections at Walnut Avenue /Oxford Avenue and Red Hill Avenue /Sycamore Avenue. An internal loop roadway provides access to all of the local residential streets. Centennial Park is located at the center of the community. Consideration of Multi -way Stop Control at Roanoke, Canterbury and Kingsboro April 2, 2013 Page 2 Existing intersection traffic control around the loop roadway includes three -way (Multi -Way) "STOP" control together with marked white pedestrian crosswalks at the two primary access points to the loop roadway, Oxford Avenue at Roanoke Avenue on the north and Sycamore Avenue at Devonshire Avenue on the west. On the loop roadway, three -way "STOP" control is also in place at the intersections of Canterbury Avenue at Sycamore Avenue on the east, Brookshire Avenue at Glenarbor Avenue on the south, and on Devonshire Avenue - Roanoke Avenue at Darcy Circle on the northwest. The Darcy Circle "STOP" control was the last to be made and was installed in 1991 without a traffic study and warrant analysis. Pursuant to this request, a traffic engineering study was completed to determine if multi -way stop control or other traffic control measures are needed at or near the intersection of Kingsboro Circle at Roanoke Avenue and Canterbury Avenue and similar intersections. This included analyzing vehicle, pedestrian and bicycle volumes, vehicular speeds, and traffic collisions. Traffic collision reports for the last four years for the Tustin Meadows community were collected and analyzed. In summary, there were no "correctable" collisions at the intersection of Kingsboro Circle at Roanoke Avenue and Canterbury Avenue. There were a total of 14 reported collisions in Tustin Meadows, of which eight occurred on the loop roadway. Half of these collisions occurred during hours of darkness. A review of the collision reports indicates that alcohol was a predominate contributing factor in eight of the 14 reported collisions. Additionally, the analysis fully supports the posted speed limit of 25 MPH and therefore periodic enforcement through radar may certainly be used. The 2012 California Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (CA MUTCD) sets forth guidelines used by local agencies in California to evaluate the need for various traffic control measures and was utilized for this study. The CA MUTCD provides guidance for the use of a multi -way stop control at intersections through the satisfaction of a warrant analysis. The application of this guidance criteria and analysis of collected data resulted in the following summary: Warrant Analysis Criteria Result Interim Measure Prior to Traffic Signal Installation Not Met. Five or More "Correctable" Collisions in 12 Months Not Met. Volume on Major Street Not Met. Volume on Minor Street Not Met. Lower (70 percent) Thresholds on Major /Minor Street Volumes > 40 MPH Not Met. Installing a multi -way stop at this intersection would require vehicles to stop on Roanoke Avenue or Canterbury Avenue when they hardly ever see a potential conflict from a vehicle entering from Kingsboro Circle or from a pedestrian or bicyclist crossing Roanoke Avenue - Canterbury Avenue. As a result, stop signs on the loop roadway could be expected to be violated as they would not be likely to command the necessary respect of motorists in Tustin Meadows. It is concluded that no changes in intersection traffic control are recommended at Roanoke Avenue, Canterbury Avenue and Kingsboro Circle. However, supplemental warning signs (curve warning signs, advisory speed signs, "stop ahead" signs) and supplemental yellow raised pavement markers to provide further delineation of the roadway centerline during hours of S: \City Council Items\2013 Council Items \Denial of Request for Multi -way Stop Controls at Roanoke - Canterbury- Kingsboro.docz Consideration of Multi -way Stop Control at Roanoke, Canterbury and Kingsboro April 2, 2013 Page 3 darkness are recommended. This would provide motorists with additional guidance to maintain reasonable safety operations throughout the community. It is also recommended that periodic enforcement by the Tustin Police Department be implemented as resources allow. Stac , P.E. Public Works /City Engineer Attachment: Traffic Engineering Study — Tom Brohard and Associates S: \City Council Items \2013 Council Items \Denial of Request for Multi -way Stop Controls at Roanoke - Canterbury- Kingsboro.docx March 20, 2013 Mr. Eric Loke, PE TE City of Tustin 300 Centennial Way Tustin, CA 92780 To &ohard and AscQdates SUBJECT: Traffic Engineering Study of Roanoke Avenue - Canterbury Avenue at Kingsboro Circle and Similar Intersections in Tustin Meadows Dear Mr. Loke: As requested and as authorized on February 19, 2013, Tom Brohard and Associates has conducted a traffic engineering study to determine if multi -way "STOP" signs or other traffic control measures are needed at or near the intersection of Roanoke Avenue - Canterbury Avenue at Kingsboro Circle in Tustin Meadows. It is my understanding that concerns have been expressed to the City by neighborhood residents regarding vehicle speeds on Roanoke Avenue - Canterbury Avenue as well as traffic collisions in the vicinity of Kingsboro Circle. Three very similar intersections within Tustin Meadows (Canterbury Avenue at Munton Circle, Devonshire Avenue at Darsy Circle, and Devonshire Avenue at Grandoaks Circle) have also been reviewed as part of this study. EXISTING CONDITIONS As shown on the enclosed March 7, 2011 Google Earth photograph, vehicular access to the Tustin Meadows community occurs at two existing signalized intersections, one via Oxford Avenue from Walnut Avenue on the north and one via Sycamore Avenue from Red Hill Avenue on the west. An internal loop roadway consisting of Roanoke Avenue on the north, Canterbury Avenue on the east, Brookshire Avenue on the south, and Devonshire Avenue on the west provides access to all of the local residential streets within Tustin Meadows. Centennial Park is located at the center of the community within the loop roadway, with pedestrian access to the loop roadway on each of the four sides. Existing intersection traffic control around the loop roadway includes three -way (Multi -Way) "STOP" control together with marked white pedestrian crosswalks at the two primary access points to the loop roadway, Oxford Avenue at Roanoke Avenue on the north and Sycamore Avenue at Devonshire Avenue on the west. On the loop roadway, three -way "STOP" control is also in place at the intersections of Canterbury Avenue at Sycamore Avenue on the east, Brookshire Avenue at Glenarbor Avenue on the south, and on Devonshire Avenue - Roanoke Avenue at Darcy Circle on the northwest. All of the other intersections along the 81905 Mountain View Lane, LaQuinta, Califomia 92253 -7611 Phone (760) 398 -8885 Fax (760) 398 -8897 Email throbam n eadhGnknet Mr. Eric Loke, PE TE Tustin Meadows Intersections — Traffic Engineering Study March 20, 2013 loop road are "T" intersections and do not have "STOP" sign control on either the loop roadway or on the entering side street. The loop roadway is 40 feet wide between curbs and has sidewalks, street lights, and fronting single family residential homes on both sides. The loop roadway has a posted speed limit of 25 MPH and is delineated by a double yellow centerline stripe. Forty -five degree turn curve waming signs with advisory "20 MPH" speed plates are posted on the loop roadway in both directions in advance of the 90 degree curve at Devonshire Avenue - Roanoke Avenue as well as westbound in advance of the 90 degree curve on Brookshire Avenue - Devonshire Avenue. No turn or curve warning signs, or advisory speed plates, exist in the southbound direction in advance of the 90 degree curve on Brookshire Avenue - Devonshire Avenue or in either direction in advance of the Roanoke Avenue - Canterbury Avenue or Canterbury Avenue - Brookshire Avenue 90 degree curves. At each of the four 90 degree curves on the loop roadway, short cul -de -sac roadways provide access to six single family homes on each side street. With the intersections on the outside of the 90 degree horizontal curves on the loop roadway, sight distance of at least 260 feet exists. This distance provides for safe stopping of at least 35 MPH, 10 MPH above the 25 MPH posted speed limit. DATA Vehicle Volumes — The number of vehicles were manually counted and tabulated every 15 minutes between 6 AM and 6 PM on Thursday, February 21, 2013, a typical weekday under dry weather conditions, at the Roanoke Avenue - Canterbury Avenue intersection with Kingsboro Circle. Over the 12 hours as summarized in Table 1, 1,410 vehicles entered from the Roanoke Avenue - Canterbury Avenue loop road (97.7 percent of the total intersection volume) and 33 vehicles entered from the Kingsboro Circle cul-de -sac (2.3 percent of the total intersection volume). The highest hourly intersection volume of 186 vehicles (about 3 vehicles per minute) was recorded between 7 and 8 AM. Vehicle volumes at the Roanoke Avenue - Canterbury Avenue intersection with Kingsboro Circle are typical of those found at similar intersections in residential areas. Pedestrian and Bicycle Volumes - Volumes of adults and children walking across each of the three legs of the intersection as well as bicyclist crossings at the Roanoke Avenue - Canterbury Avenue intersection with Kingsboro Circle were also manually counted and tabulated every 15 minutes during the same hours on the same typical weekday. Over the 12 hours as summarized in Table 2, 15 adults, 3 children, and 1 bicyclist crossed Roanoke Avenue; 7 adults, 4 children, and 2 bicyclists crossed Canterbury Avenue; and 46 adults, 9 children, and 10 bicyclists crossed the Kingsboro Circle cul-de -sac. Very low volumes of adults, children, and bicyclists crossed the intersection during the 12 hours counted. 2 Mr. Eric Loke, PE TE Tustin Meadows Intersections — Traffic Engineering Study March 20, 2013 These pedestrian and bicycle volumes are typical of those found at similar intersections in residential areas. Speed Measurements - Vehicle speeds on Canterbury Avenue near Cape Cod Avenue just south of the curve at the Roanoke Avenue - Canterbury Avenue intersection with Kingsboro Circle were also measured between 12:30 PM and 1:30 PM on the same typical weekday. The speed of each of the 100 vehicles is shown on the enclosure together with the following calculated speeds: > Average Speed — 31.6 MPH > 10 MPH Pace Speed* - 22 to 31 MPH (78% of all vehicles) > 85th Percentile Speed ** — 31.6 MPH * indicates the 10 MPH speed increment with the largest number of vehicles ** indicates the speed at or below which 85 percent of the vehicles traveled While the posted speed limit on the loop roadway is 25 MPH, the vehicle speeds measured on Canterbury Avenue near Cape Cod Avenue are very typical of those found on similar roadways in residential areas in any community. Traffic Collisions — Traffic collision reports for the last four calendar years from January 1, 2009 through December 31, 2012 for the Tustin Meadows community were provided by the Police Department and each has been reviewed. A total of 14 collisions occurred (11 resulting in property damage and 3 resulting in injury) with 5 collisions in 2009, 2 collisions in 2010, 6 collisions in 2011, and 1 collision in 2012. Eight of the collisions occurred during hours of darkness, a disproportionately high number when significantly lower nighttime traffic volumes are considered. Typically, there are twice as many traffic collisions during daylight compared to darkness but the reports for Tustin Meadows indicate just the opposite. A map of Tustin Meadows together with the locations of the reported traffic collisions is enclosed. With the single exception of a pedestrian being struck by a right tuming vehicle at the traffic signal at Walnut Avenue and Oxford Avenue, each of the 13 other collisions involved a moving vehicle striking a fixed object (parked car, curb, tree, or fence). These collisions occurred at various midblock locations scattered within Tustin Meadows and none of them are considered to be "correctable" through the installation of intersection traffic control measures such as "STOP" signs. Driver distraction was a factor in six of the collisions. The collision reports cited such items as friends on the sidewalk, animal crossing the road, baby crying in the back seat, falling asleep, child passenger dropped ice cream cone, and driver dropped CD's on the floor as creating driver inattention. Alcohol was also a contributing factor in 8 collisions. 3 Mr. Eric Loke, PE TE Tustin Meadows Intersections — Traffic Engineering Study March 20, 2013 Of the 14 collisions in Tustin Meadows, eight occurred on the loop roadway. Of these, six occurred within 100 feet of or in the roadway curves themselves, with four occurring during hours of darkness. The number of nighttime collisions on the loop roadway is also disproportionately high when the significantly lower traffic volumes during the hours of darkness are considered. Typically, there are twice as many traffic collisions during daylight compared to darkness but the reports on the loop roadway indicate equal numbers day and night. In addition, the overall collision rate on the loop roadway over the last four years has been 2.2 collisions per million vehicle miles travelled, nearly 2.5 times greater than the average collision rate of 0.90 collisions per million vehicle miles travelled. ANALYSIS • MuIti -Wav "STOP" Control - The California Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices 2012 Edition (2012 California MUTCD) sets forth guidelines used by local agencies in California to evaluate the need for various traffic control measures such as traffic signals, traffic signs, pavement markings, and striping on roadways throughout the State. Section 2B.07 on Page 137 of the 2012 California MUTCD (enclosed) provides guidance for the use of multi -way "STOP" control at intersections. These various criteria together with the results of the analysis of data collected for this traffic engineering study of the Roanoke Avenue - Canterbury Avenue intersection with Kingsboro Circle are as follows: > Interim Measure Prior to Traffic Signal Installation — Volumes of vehicles, pedestrians, and bicyclists do not meet any of the 9 warrants for traffic signal installation — Not Met. > Five or More "Correctable" Collisions in 12 Months — "Correctable" collisions include right turn, left turn, and right angle (broadside). The two collisions (one in 2009 and one in 2011) involved solo vehicles and are not considered "correctable" — Not Met. > Volume on Malor Street — Must exceed an average of at least 300 vehicles per hour for any 8 hours but the highest hourly volume was only 182 vehicles (and each of the other 7 hours was less) — Not Met. • Volume on Minor Street — Must exceed an average of at least 200 units (vehicles entering plus pedestrians and bicyclists crossing) for the same 8 hours but the highest hourly volume was 11 units (and each of the other 7 hours was less) — Not Met. > Lower (70 %) Thresholds — Thresholds of 70 percent of the values above (210 vehicles on the major street and 140 units on the minor street) are used if the 85th percentile speed exceeds 40 MPH. The 85th percentile speed was measured at 31.6 MPH — Not Met. 4 Mr. Eric Loke, PE TE Tustin Meadows Intersections — Traffic Engineering Study March 20, 2013 Vehicle, pedestrian, and bicycle counts made on February 21, 2013 at the currently uncontrolled Roanoke Avenue - Canterbury Avenue intersection with Kingsboro Circle have been evaluated against the 2012 California MUTCD criteria for the installation of multi -way "STOP" control at this intersection. At least 300 vehicles per hour for the eight highest hours of the day on Roanoke Avenue - Canterbury Avenue together with at least 200 units per hour for the same eight highest hours of the day on Kingsboro Circle are needed to satisfy the criteria. Volumes are significantly below the required minimum hourly traffic volumes during all hours. At the intersection, 97.7 percent of traffic is on Roanoke Avenue - Canterbury Avenue and only 2.3 percent of traffic is on Kingsboro Circle. The 2012 California MUTCD guidelines for multi -way "STOP" control are not met at the Roanoke Avenue - Canterbury Avenue intersection with Kingsboro Circle. No "correctable" collisions have been reported at this intersection over the last four years. Installing a three -way "STOP" at this intersection would require 43 vehicles to "STOP" on Roanoke Avenue - Canterbury Avenue for each vehicle exiting the six homes on the Kingsboro Circle cul-de -sac. Under these conditions and with these traffic volumes so far out of balance, motorists on Roanoke Avenue - Canterbury Avenue would not understand why they are being required to "STOP" when they hardly ever see a potential conflict from an entering vehicle from Kingsboro Circle or from a pedestrian or bicyclist crossing Roanoke Avenue - Canterbury Avenue. As a result, "STOP" signs on the loop roadway could be expected to be violated as they would not be likely to command the necessary respect of motorists in Tustin Meadows. RECOMMENDATIONS Intersection Control — No changes in intersection traffic control are recommended to the uncontrolled "T" intersection of Roanoke Avenue - Canterbury Avenue with Kingsboro Circle. Right of way assignment at this intersection is addressed in California Vehicle Code (CVC) Section 21800 which requires traffic on Kingsboro Circle to yield right of way before entering Roanoke Avenue - Canterbury Avenue. Waminq Signs at Four Curves — When the advisory speed posted with a warning sign is 30 MPH or less, then the 90 degree curve warning sign is used rather than the 45 degree turn warning sign. For consistency within Tustin Meadows, 90 degree curve warning signs with advisory speed plates of 20 MPH are recommended in both directions in advance of the Brookshire Avenue - Devonshire Avenue, Roanoke Avenue - Canterbury Avenue, and Canterbury Avenue - Brookshire Avenue 90 degree curves. The turn warning signs in place in advance of the Devonshire Avenue - Roanoke Avenue curve should be removed as the intersection at Darcy Circle in the middle of the curve is controlled with a three -way "STOP" and the existing "Stop Ahead" warning signs near the tum warning signs provide conflicting information to motorists at this location. 5 Mr. Eric Loke, PE TE Tustin Meadows Intersections — Traffic Engineering Study March 20, 2013 Raised Reflective Pavement Markers — With the number of collisions during hours of darkness on the loop roadway together with the lower traffic volumes during those hours, additional delineation to supplement the painted double yellow centerline should be considered. Raised reflective yellow pavement markers on both sides of the existing double yellow centerline stripe every 24 feet apart are recommended to provide additional delineation of the roadway centerline during hours of darkness. Periodic Enforcement As Resources Allow — While enforcement efforts are constrained in many jurisdictions by budgetary limitations, review of the collision reports over the last 4 years in Tustin Meadows indicates that alcohol was a predominate contributing factor in eight of the 14 reported collisions. The collision rate on the loop roadway is also more than double the rate experienced on similar roadways. The information contained in this report fully supports the posted speed limit of 25 MPH and therefore radar may certainly be used for enforcement. The City's Police Department should consider periodic enforcement of the posted speed limit and other CVC provisions as their resources allow. The opportunity to conduct this traffic engineering study of the Roanoke Avenue - Canterbury Avenue intersection at Kingsboro Circle as well as at other similar intersections in Tustin Meadows is appreciated. If you should need any other information or clarification of this study, please call or email at your convenience. Respectfully submitted, Tom Brohard and Associates Tom Brohard, PE Principal Enclosures 1) March 7, 2011 Google Earth Aerial Photo of Tustin Meadows 2) Roanoke Avenue - Canterbury Avenue - Kingsboro Circle Vehicle Counts 3) Roanoke Avenue - Canterbury Avenue - Kingsboro Circle Ped /Bike Counts 4) Roanoke Avenue - Canterbury Avenue Vehicle Speeds 5) Tustin Meadows Traffic Collisions 2009 -2012 6) 2012 California MUTCD Page 137 — Multi -Way "STOP" Guidelines 6 w.7\4;)4\T ...,,,,_ •••:, 4, .10 ‘0, •••*" ' 4 0.> ► ... 1 y • ... �. ✓ . 1 y_ • , Y 11. „ G• •• P r•� gyp ' X it r • i .. :, A A •/ '' � •� ,, . , err f •) Si/4-'4 ' �' •.� - • ` ; N. � at 4 d7. • I y4 �} A r a •*'\.mot / . 1.,-..4\, 4 ot , , i ?� 'e . ,I, Y• _ \ • ,, l .4 ox '" '� - Q „, � .0.) . ! r .; ' ^,t�• ' ,.., , 'fir.,• .' " -- .. .. ` i J s. f .r •+ ; ' `fir • y * • • # \!••r •'‘.7 ti /4 ; y SY Table 1 Roanoke Avenue - Canterbury Avenue at Kingsboro Circle VEHICLE COUNTS TIME VEHICLES PERCENTAGES Time ROANOKE CANTERBURY NB + SB Greater Than 300? KINGSBORO CIRCLE WB Greater Than 200? INTERSECTION TOTAL Greater Than 500? ROANOKE CANTERBURY MAJOR Less Than 60% KINGSBORO MINOR More Than 40% 6 AM to 7 AM 66 No 3 No 69 No 95.7% No 4.3% No 7 AM to 8 AM 182 No 4 No 186 No 97.8% No 2.2% No 8 AM to 9 AM 129 No 1 No 130 No 99.2% No 0.8% No 9 AM to 10 AM 90 No 3 No 93 No 96.8% No 3.2% No 10 AM to 11 AM 102 No 1 No 103 No 99.0% No 1.0% No 11 AM to Noon 105 No 1 No 106 No 99.1% No 0.9% No Noon to 1 PM 94 No 7 No 101 No 93.1% No 6.9% No 1 PM to 2 PM 116 No 1 No 117 No 99.1% No 0.9% No 2 PM to 3 PM 103 No 3 No 106 No 97.2% No 2.8% No 3 PM to 4 PM 160 No 2 No 162 No 98.8% No 1.2% No 4 PM to 5 PM 148 No 5 No 153 No 963% No 3.3% No 5 PM to 6 PM 115 No 2 No 117 No 98.3% No 1.7% No TOTALS 1410 33 1443 97.7% No 2.3% No Table 2 Roanoke Avenue - Canterbury Avenue at Kingsboro Circle ADULTS, CHILDREN, AND BICYCLISTS COUNTS TIME ACROSS ROANOKE ACROSS CANTERBURY ACROSS KINGSBORO Time ADULTS CHILDREN BICYCLISTS ADULTS CHILDREN BICYCLISTS ADULTS CHILDREN BICYCLISTS TOTALS 6AMto7AM 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 7AMto8AM 0 0 0 2 2 0 9 0 0 13 8AMto9AM 1 0 0 1 0 0 2 1 0 5 9AMto10AM 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 1 0 5 10 AMto11AM 0 0 0 1 0 0 5 0 0 6 11 AM to Noon 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 3 Noon to 1 PM 0 0 0 0 0 1 3 0 0 4 1PMto2PM 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 '0 2PMto3PM 1 0 0 2 0 0 5 0 1 9 3PMto4PM 6 2 1 0 0 0 4 2 2 17 4PMto5PM 3 0 0 0 0 0 11 3 5 22 5PMto6PM 4 1 0 1 2 1 0 2 2 13 TOTALS 15 3 1 7 4 2 46 9 10 97 TOTAL VEHICLES SURVEYED ii■■■■■■i■■■■■■■■i■■■■i■ ■i ■i ■i ■■■■ii■■■■i■i■■■■ii■i■■■i■■ ■ii ■■■■■■ ■iii■■i■■i■■■i■■ ■ii■ ■iii ■■i■■ ■ii■■■■i■ii■ii■iii■ ■i ■i ■i' ■i ■iii■■■ ■■iiiii■■■ ■ii■■i■ii■il ■ ■ii■■■i■■i ■ii■i■■i■■■■■i■ ■iii ■■■■■■■■i■■■i■■i■■■■■■ ■■■iiiii. ■i ■ ■ ■U ■i■■■■■ ■■■■■iii■ ■iii■iii i■■i ■ii■ ■i■ ■ ■■■1 ■■ ■■i ■ii ■i■■ ■i ■ii■■i■ ■■■ ■ ■■i■■i ■i■■ ■ ■■ ■iiiii i■■ii■i ■■i■■■ ■ ■■ ■ii■i■ ■■■■ ■iii ■ii ■ii■i■ ■ii■■i■■■■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■i■ ■i ■iii■ii ■ ■ ■ ■ ■■ ■iiiii ■ ■ii■ ■iiiii ■ ■■ii■■■■■i■■■■■■i■i■■■■■ ■■■ii!, ■i■■■■■■■i■■i■■i■■iiii ■ i ■i■■ii i ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■i ■ ■■ii ■■i ■ ■i ■ ■ ■ ■ ■■ ■ ■ ■i ■■■■iii ■ ■ ■ ■i ■ii■■i ■■ ■■ ■iii ■i ■i Eaii■ii■i■i■i ■ ■■i ■ ■■ ■i■i■■i ■■■i Ea ■i■i■i■ ■ii■■ ■ii■■■■■■■■■i■i■i' ©i■ ■■■■■■■■ii■i■■■i■iii■■i ■iii E3©■ ■ ■ ■■■ ■ ■ ■■ii ■ ■■ii■i ■■i■i■iii EICEI ■■■■■■■■i■■i■■■i ■ i■i■■i■i Ea■■■i■ ■■■■■■iiiii■■ ■iii■ ■ ■■ ■ii CI IIEN■ ■■■ ■■ii■i■■i■■■■■i■■■ii ■N ©Eal+E3 ■■i■■ii■i■i■■ ■iii■■■■■■■■■' Ea131 <F31r+■■■■i■■■■■■■i■■iii■ii■i■■ ©EE: Er+D2+ ■■i ■ ■■ ■ ■ ■ ■■■■ ■■■■■■iiiii E3E3E © ©■i ■ ■i■■i■i ■iii■ ■ii■ ■■i■■■ © IEI NICF3■■i■i■■■■i■■■■■■■■i■■■O EXIEVE IMEE<E3i ■ii ■i■iii■■i■i■i ■ii, ©©EEEEE<EE ©I3■iii ■ ■ ■ ■ ■■i■ ■ ■■ ■iii, © EaE3� +�+CE` ©EaEa■■■i■ii■■i■■■■■i■■ Ea©EIDECE©EEa■■■■i■■■■i■■i■■■ ■iii ©� ©E3DE2Ea■■ ■iii■■■■ ■■ii ■i ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■■ 121:031:311M1111111111111111111111111111111111111111 Eli3Di ■i ■iiiii ■ ■ ■ ■ii ■ ■ii ■ ■ ■■ ■iii EaEaEai■i■■i■■■i ■ i ■ ii■i■■■■■i■■■■ ■ii■■■i■■i■■i■■i■i■iiii ■iii■■■ ■■i■■■■■■■■■i■■■ ■iiiii■■ ■ ■■ ■■■ ii■ ■iiiii■■■ ■ ■ ■ ■ii ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■i ■ ■ ■■ ■■■ ■iiiii ■■i■■i■■■■■■ ■i ■ ■■■■■i ■■■■■■■■i■■■■i■■i■■■■■■■■■■i■i ■ ■iii ■iii ■ii■■i■■ ■■■iii■■■■ ■i■ ■i ■ ■■■iii ■i ■ ■ ■ ■ ■i ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■■i i■■i■■■iii■■iii ■■■■■■■■iiiii ■ ■' ■■ ■■iiiii■■ ■iii ■■■■■■iiiii ■i ■i MN ■ ■iii ■i■i■■■■i ■■n■■■■■ ENGINEERING AND TRAFFIC SURVEY CITY OF TUSTIN LOCATION: ROANOKE AVE /CANTERBURY AVE SPEED IN/.M 60 59 58 57 56 55 51 53 52 51 50 49 48 47 46 45 44 43 42 41 40 39 38 37 36 35 34 33 32 31 30 29 28 27 28 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 18 15 14 13 12 11 10 NB 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 SB 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 3 0 2 3 2 3 5 7 TOTAL YEHICitt 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 2 3 1 3 4 5 b 5 7 10 11 12 10 7 5 3 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 2 2 2 0 0 50 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 50 100 A C LIMITS (BTN): DATE: 2/21/2013 DAY: THURSDAY SYCAMORE AVE 8 KINGSBORO CIR OBSERVATION POINT: JUST S/0 CAPE COD AVE POSTED SPEED LIMIT: COMMENTS: ACCIDENT HISTORY: ACCIDENT RATE: EXPECTED RATE: PROPOSED SPEED LIMIT: ADT: 185TH %: 25 MPH PARKING ON BOTH SIDES OF STREET COMMUNITY CENTER IN THE AREA NORTHBOUND 32.4 TIME PERIOD : 12:30 PM TO 1 30 PM OBSERVER: WEATHER: ROAD SURFACE: ROAD CONDITION: ROAD SEGMENT LENGTH: NUMBER OF LANES: STREET WIDTH (Ft.): DATA COLLECTION METHOD: DEVELOPMENT: ROBERT PARTLY CLOUDY DRY GOOD 2 1,67 RADAR RESIDENTIAL SOUTHBOUND NORTHBOUNO.SOUTHBOUND 30.6 31.6 50TH %: 15TH %: 10 MPH PACE: % IN PACE: OVER PACE: % UNDER PACE: ARITHMETIC MEAN: SAMPLE VARIANCE: STANDARD DEVIATION: VARIANCE OF THE MEAN: STD. 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The vehicular traffic volumes on the through street or highway exceed 6,000 vehicles per day; B. A restricted view exists that requires road users to stop in order to adequately observe conflicting traffic on the through street or highway; and /or C. Crash records indicate that three or more crashes that are susceptible to correction by the installation of a STOP sign have been reported within a 12 -month period, or that five or more such crashes have been reported within a 2-year period. Such crashes include right -angle collisions involving road users on the minor - street approach failing to yield the right -of -way to traffic on the through street or highway. Support: 03 The use of STOP signs at grade crossings is described in Sections 8B.04 and 8B.05. Page 137 Section 2B.07 Multi -Way Stop Applications Support: of Multi -way stop control can be useful as a safety measure at intersections if certain traffic conditions exist. Safety concerns associated with multi -way stops include pedestrians, bicyclists, and all road users expecting other road users to stop. Multi -way stop control is used where the volume of traffic on the intersecting roads is approximately equal. az The restrictions on the use of STOP signs described in Section 2B.04 also apply to multi -way stop applications. Guidance: 03 The decision to install multi -way stop control should he lased on an engineering study. oa The following criteria should be considered in the engineering study for a multi -way STOP sign installation: A. Where traffic control signals are justified, the multi -way stop is an interim measure that can be installed quickly to control traffic while arrangements are being made for the installation of the traffic control signal. B. Five or more reported crashes in a 12 -month period that are susceptible to correction by a multi -way stop installation. Such crashes include right -turn and left -turn collisions as well as right -angle collisions. C. Minimum volumes: 1. The vehicular volume entering the intersection from the major street approaches (total of both approaches) averages at least 300 vehicles per hour for any 8 hours of an average day; and 2. The combined vehicular, pedestrian, and bicycle volume entering the intersection from the minor street approaches (total of both approaches) averages at least 200 units per hour for the same 8 hours, with an average delay to minor- street vehicular traffic of at least 30 seconds per vehicle during the highest hour; but 3. If the 85m- percentile approach speed of the major - street traffic exceeds 40 mph, the minimum vehicular volume warrants are 70 percent of the values provided in Items I and 2. D. Where no single criterion is satisfied, but where Criteria 8, C.1, and C.2 are all satisfied to 80 percent of the minimum values. Criterion C.3 is excluded _from this condition. Option: 05 Other criteria that may be considered in an engineering study include: A. The need to control left-turn conflicts; B. The need to control vehicle /pedestrian conflicts near locations that generate high pedestrian volumes; C. Locations where a road user, after stopping, cannot see conflicting traffic and is not able to negotiate the intersection unless conflicting cross traffic is also required to stop; and D. An intersection of two residential neighborhood collector (through) streets of similar design and operating characteristics where multi -way stop control would improve traffic operational characteristics of the intersection. Chapter 213 — Regulatory Signs, Barricades, and Gates January 13, 2012 Part 2 — Signs