HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD 24 (1930))p ✓✓ O1�DINt NC'L N0. 24. Ali O':-DINANCE OF THE CITY OF TUK IN, ORDERING, CALLING AND PROVIDING FOR THE HOLDING OFA SPEC LCL ELECTION IN THE CITY OF `iUS`'IN ON MONDAY, THE 15H DAY OF APRIL, 1930, FOR THE PURPOSE OF SUBMITTING TO THE QUALIFIED ELECTORS OF SAID CITY OF TUSTIN A PROPOSITION FOR THE INCURRING OF BONDED INDEBTEDNESS OF SAID C -Y FOR THE U �C iASE, ACQUISITION, AND CONSTRUCTION OF MUNICIPAL IBv'ROVEIvIENTS FOR SAID CITY FOR Till FOLL&NING PURPOSES: THE PURCHASE AN ACQUISITION OF MODERN FIR: APPARATUS AIdD EQUII'MEN� A_�D = UtTCHASE AND ACQUISITION OF LAND FOR ^ IE _UR20SE OF CONS'TRuCTING 'U., 23ON A FIRE HALL THERL^'ON AND THE 2URCHASE AND ACQUIS>1TION AND _ ::OPIS'U +UCTION OF SAID F'I E HA.i L AND FUitP?ISAI :GS AND EQUIP- MENT FOR SAID FIRE HALL;' DECLARING i.l ESTIMATED COST OF T Nn OF PRINCIPAL � THE APdOUi SAID T UT ICI AL L t ?OV t.QETS S, , E R AND -, m ^ � S D T0 BE IN CU1?RED 1 d�_.�FO , I� � lIESS �ROPO i OF SAID INDnB��D THE bAxBjUy Rk2j,' OF 1N`iEREST T'0 BL PAID H :EON FIXING THE DATE OF SAID ELECTION, THE Mtihi6ER OF' HOLDING SAME AND CON- . SOLIDATING OF SAID SPECIAL ELBCTION dIT3 -2'1E GENERAL MUN L UIPAL ELECTION 0 BE HELD IN SAID CITY OF 'US`TON ON APRIL 14TH, 1930, ESTABLISHITdG PRECINCTS AID POLLING PLACES AND APPOINTING BOARDS OF .ELECTORS THEREFOR AND P70VIDING TdOTICE :.'HEREOF: W iREAS, the Legislative Branch, to -wit, the City Council of the City of Tustin, California, a municipal corporation of the Sixth Mass, did, at an adjourned regular meeting of said Board held on the 24th day of February, 1930, by a vote of two-thirds of all members of said Legislative B inch of said City pass and adopt its Resolution No- 11, wherein and whereby it was determined that the public interest and public necessity of the City of Tustin, and of the inhabitants thereof demand certain municipal improvements in and for the said City of Tustin, as follows; to wit: The purchase and acquisition of modern fire apparatus and equipment and the purchase and acquisition of land for the purpose of constructing a fire hall thereon and the purchase and acquisition and construction of a fire hall, and furnishings and equipment for said fire hall; and that the cost of said proposed municiapal improvements is estimated to be the sum of Thirteen Thousand i)ollars, ($13,000.00) and is and will be too great to be paid out of the ordinary annual income and revenue of said City of Tustin. IIOW, --HEREFORE, The Board of trustees and City Council of the City of Tustin, do ordain as follows; SECTION 1. A special election is hereby called and ordered to be held in the City of 'Tustin, Orange bounty, State of California on Londay, the 14th day of April, 1930, the object being to submit to the quAlified electors of said City a proposition to incur a bonded indebtedness by the City of Tustin, in the amount of Thirteen Thousand yollars, (13,000.00) for the purpose of the purchase and acquisition of modern fire apparatus and equipment and the purchase and acquisition of land for the purpose of constructing thereon a fire hall and the purchase, acquisition and construction of a fire hall and furnishings and equipment for said fire hall, the estimated cost of which improvement is Thirteen Thousand J)ollars, ($13,000.00) lawful money of the united States of America, said siun of Thirteen Thuusand Dollars, ($13,000.00) being the amount of the principal of the indebtedness to be incurred therefor. SECTION 2. The City Uouncil and the -board of 'Trustees of the City of Tustin hereby finds that the said City of Tustin has not heretofore incurred any indebtedness for city improvements. SECTION 3. The bonds authorized to be issued pursuant to said election shall be-negiotiable in form and be of the character known as "Serials" and shall bear the ate of interest hereinafter pro- vided, to -wit, interest at the rate of five percent (5J) per annum, payable semi-annually and the principal and interest of Said bonds shall be payable in lawful money of the United States of America in the manner following, that is to say; a portion of the whole amount of the principal indebtedness, to -wit, not less than one - thirteenth (113th) thereof shall be paid each and every year, after the sale of said bonds, at the office of the City Treasurer of the Uity of Tustin at a date hereinafter to be fixed by the said i City Council, which is the Legislative Branch, together with inter- est on all sums unpaid at such times, provided interest on said bonds shall be paid semi-annually so that there shall be a payment of interest on all sums then unpaid in each and every one-half year, one of which semi-annual payments of interest shall be at the date of the annual installment of the principal of such indebtedness. Andprovided further that said interest shall be evidenced by proper coupons attached to said bonds for each semi-annual payment of interest to become due on such bond. And it is further ordained and ordered that the total in- debtedness authorized to be created at such election shall be i evidenced by bonds payable in the manner aforesaid in such issues and such denominations as the Uouncil of the said Uity of Tustin shall author4ze,_ and said bonds shall be known as "Municipal Improvement Bonds of 1930". Said bonds, if issued, will be sold by said City to the 'L highest bidder for cash, and for not less than their par value after advertising for sealed proposals thereon. That said City Council and -board of trustees do hereby submit to the qualified voters of said City at saic Specialilun- icipal Llection the said proposition hereinabove described. If, at such special election,it shall appear that two- thirds of all the voters voting at such election are in favor of and authorize the incurring of a bonded debt for the purpose set I. forth in the propositions therein stated, then such proposition shall be deemed to have been accepted by the electors and bonds will be issued to defray the cost of the improvements specified in such proposit on and to the amount stated therein. SECTION 4. In the event that said municipal improvement bonds, issue of 1930, shall be issued and sold, then said Council, at the time of fixing the general tax levy provided, shall levy and collect annually until said bonds are paid for until there shall be a sum in the treasury of said city set apart for that purpose sufficient to meet all sums coming due for principal and interest on said bonds) a tax sufficient to pay the annual interest on said bonds, and also such part of the principal thereof as shall become due before the time for fixing the next general tax levy. SECTION b. That the said special municipal election celled and ordered to be held shall be and hereby is c nsolidated with the general municipal election to be held in -said City of'ustin on the said 14th day of Lpril, 1930, and the proposition herein pro- posed and submi,ted shall be placed upon the ballot used at said general municipal election and at said election there shall be one set of election officials, one ballot, and one set of equipment for the holding of said consolidated election. SECTION 6. It is further ordained and ordered that the manner of holding said election and of voting thereat for or against the incurring of said indebtedness shall be as provided in this ordi- nance, and that in particulars not recited herein such election shall be held as provided by law for holding municipal elections in said City and that in all particulars not recited herein and not provided by law for holding such municipal elections the general election laws of the State of California, as far as the same may be applicable, shall apply. Said election shall be conducted by 109 Boards of election consisting of one inspector, one judge and two clerks for each precinct, whose duties and powers shall be the same as those of boards of election and such election officers respectively under law governing municipal elections and in part- iculars not covered by such law, then under the general election laws of the State of California. If any of the members of said boards of election hereinafter named fail to attend at the opening of the polls in the morning of the day of such slection the electors of that precinct present at that hour may supply the place of any absent member by appointment as provided by such general election laws. SECTION 7. That the polling places hereinafter designated shall be opened at Six o'clock in the morning of said day of election and shall be kept open conti:uously thereafter until Seven o'clock of the evening of said day of election when the palls shall be closed (except as provided in Section 1164 of the Political Code of the State of California) and the election officers shall there- upon proceed to canvass the ballots cast thereat, and to make and deliver the returns thereof to the Council of the said City of Tustin. SECTION 8. Any qualified voter of said City may vote in favor o or against the said proposition hereby submitted, by stamping a cross X in the block or space or voting square to the right of and opposite the answer he, or she, desires to give; and all ballots stamped with a cross in the square to the right of and opposite the word "Yes" shall be counted in favor of incurring said bonded in- debtedness stated in such proposition; and all ballots stamped with a cross X in the square to the right of an opposite the word "no" shall be counted against the proposition so voted upon, and against incurring the indebtedness stated in such proposition. SECTION 9. Any person legally registered as an elector of said municipality, and residing therein, shall be entitled to vote at said election. SECTION 10. The ballots to be used at said special election sha have printed thereon in addition to the list of candidates for office at said general municipal election, the following: 1r7 D E i C I P A i 2 I C' i; INS''2EUCTI011S 'i0 U01"ERS MU To vote fororagainst a proposition, stamp a cross (X) in the voting square after the word "ices" or after the word "ro." All marks except the cross (X) are forbidden. All distinguishing marks or erasures are forbidden and make the ballot void. If you wrongfully stamp, tear, or deface this ballot, return it to the inspector of Election and obtain another. P R 0 Y 0 S i `i' I O N Shall the Oity of Tustin incur a bonded indebtedness in the sum of 'l'hirteen "Thous- and Dollars (13,000.00) for the purchase and acquisition of 1odern fire Apparatus anc, equipment and the purchase and acquisition of land for the purpose of constructing thereon a fire hall and the purchase acquisition and construction of a fire hall thereon and furnishin;-:s and equipment for said fire hall for the said Uity of 'Tustin. YES No SECTION 11 The precinct and polling place for said election at which the polls in said precinct shall be open on said day of election in said pity of Tustin shall be and the same is hereby established, created and designated as hereinafter set forth and the following named persons, being competent and qualified electors in said City and in said precinct, and duly qualified persons, are hereby appointed officers of election to act as a Board of Electors in said rrecinct and voting place next preceding the names of said o-ficers, to -wit: that for the purpose of such election, the two voting precincts heretofore established by the Hoard of Supervisors of Orange County, as the election precincts for the City of Tustin, to -wit, rrecint, Tustin iVo. 1. and rrecinct, 'Tustin, 1Jo. 2, shall be, and the same are hereby consolidated into one consolidated election precinct to be known as Uonsolidated Voting rrecinct "A", which said consolidated precinct consists of all the territory with- in the exterior boundaries oP the said City of 'Tustin; that the said. election shall be held in the City Sall in the {. Y. Building, on Mt.in Street, in the City of 'Tustin, and the said City Hall of the City of Tustin is hereby designated Ls the polling pla:;e in which said election shall be held. 99 That the following named persons being competent and qualified electors and residents of s aid City of `-'ustin and krecinc are hereby appointed officers of election for the said election and they sha11 hold said election and make return thereof in the manner Provided by law: 1IV82EC'20 � Chas. Artz. JUDGE: F. S. Shiffler CLERYS: John Kiser and George Smith. The s:zm of $6.00 per day shall be paid to the said inspector and the sum of $p5.00 per day to each of the other said election officers hereby appointed to c:nduct said election and the same is hereby fixed as the amount of their compensation. SECTION 12. it shall not be necessary to print and send out sample ballots for such city election, but said Cit; Clerk shall cause this Ordinance to be published once a :geek for a period of two successive weeks in "THh TUSTIN ISE'inS" a weekly newspaper of general circulation, printed, published and circulated weekly, in said City of Tustin, and same is hereby designated by said council for such purposes and one insertion for each week for two succeeding. weeks shall be sufficient ~.;ublication therein; no other notice of said election need be Eiver_. SECTION 1�.Thi_s,ordinance, being an ordinance calling and provi ding for an election, shall pursuant to the laws of the State of California, take effect and be in force from and after its final passage and approval. SECT ION _14. All ordinances or parts of ordinanee�, in conflict with this ordinance are hereby repealed. introduced at the regular meeting of the Cit- Council and Board of 'Trustees on the 3rd day of March, 1930. gassed and adopted as an ordinance of the City of Tustin b- the City Council and Board of Trustees for said City at a regular adjourned meeting thereof on the 10th day of March, 1930, by the I ollowing vote: AYES: And in favor of the passage of the foregoing ordinance: Councilmen: E. L. Miser, Chas. Logan, F. L. Schwendeman 'y9m. Huntley. ISOES: Against the passage of the foregoing ordinance: Councilmen: None. :BSET'T : -OIdE Mayor and President of the Board of Wrustees for the City of 'ustin. ATTEST: (SEAL) C irk of the Uity of Tustin. I hereby approve of the Foregoing ordinance this 10th day of March, 1930. MAYOR ±!D?': SIDt NT OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE CITY OF ' USTIn. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 16 16 17 18 1s 20 21 2z 23• 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 MORRIS CAIN ATTORNEY-AT-LAW SANTA. ANA, CAL. ORDINANCE NO* 24. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN; ORDERING; CALLING AND PROVIDING FOR THE HOLDING OF A SPECIAL ELECTION IN THE CITY OF TUSTIN ON MONDAY, THE 14TH DAY OF APRIL, 1930,FOR.. THE PURPOSE OF SUDIITTIHG TO THE QUALIFIED ELECTORS OF SAID CITY OF TUSTIN A PROPOSITION FOR THE INCURPING OF BONDED INDEBTEDNESS OF SAID CITY FOR tHE.PURCHASE ACQUISITION, AND CONST.RTjCTION OF MUNICIPAL IMPROVEMENTS FOR SAID CITY FOR THE�FOLLIJ-wm PURPOSES: THE PURCHASE AND ACQUISITION OF MODERN FIRE APPARATUS. AND EQUIPMENT AND THE PURCHASE AND ACQUISITION OF LAND FOR THE PURPOSE OF CONSTRUCTING THEREON THE, REON'A FIRE HALL THEREON AND THE, PURCHASE AND ACQUISITION AND CONSTRUCTION OF SAID FIRE HALL AND FURNISHINGS'AND EQUIP- :tNT FOR SAID FIRE HALL, DECLARING THE ESTIdATED. COST OF SAID•IWNICIPAL IftPROVEMENTS, THE AMOUNT OF THE PRINCIPAL OF SAID INDEBTEDNESS PROPOSED TO BE INCURRED THEREFOR, AND THE MAXIMUM RATE OF IFTFREST TO BE PAID THEREON FIXING THE DATE OF SAID ELECTION, THE MANNER OF HOLDING SAME AND CON- SOLIDATING OF SAID SPECIAL ELECTION WITH THE GENERAL 117JNICIPAL ELECTION TO BE HELD IN SAID CITY OF TUSTIN ON APRIL 14TH01930, ESTABLISHING PRECINCTS AND POLI, ING PLACES'AND APPOINTING BOARDS OF ELECTORS THEREFOR'AND PROVIDING NOTICE THEREOF: WHEREAS, the,Legislative Branch, to -edit, the City Council of the City of Tustin, California, - a municipal corporation of the Sixth Blass, did, at an adjourned.regular meeting of said Board held•on..the 24th day of February, 1930, by a vote of two-thirds of all members of said Legislative Branch of said City pass and adopt its Resolution No. 11, wherein'and whereby it was determi that the public interest antiI,,ub.lic necessity of the City of -Tustin, and of the inhabitants thereof demand certain municipal improvements in and for the said City of Tustin, as follows: to -wit: The purchase and acquisition of modern fire apparatus and equipment and the purchase and acquisition of land for the purpose of constructing a fire hall. thereon and the purchase and acquisition and construction of a fire hall, and furnishings and equipment for said fire hall; and that the cost of said. proposed municipal improvements is estimated to be the sum of Thirteen Thousand Dollars, ($13,000.00.) and is and Will be too great to be paid out of the ordinary annual income and revenue of said City of'Tustin. NOW,THEREFORE, The Board of Trustees and City Council of the City of Tustin, do ordain as follows: page 1. 1 SECTION 1 A special election is hereby called and ordered to be 2 held in the City of Tustin., Orange County, State of California, on 3. I,ionday, the 14th day of April, 1930, the object being to submit to', 4 Ilihe qualified electors of said City'a proposition to incur a 5 lindebtedness by`the City of Tustin, in the amount of Thirteen 6 and Dollars, ($13,000.00) for the purpose of the purchase and ae- 7 quisition of modern,fire apparatus and equipment and the purohase 811and acquisition of land for the purpose of constructing thereon a 9 10 11 12 13 fireball and the purchase., acquisition and construction of a fire hall andifurnishings and,- equipment for said fire Miall, the estimat d cost of which improvement is Thirteen Thousand Dollars, ($13,000.0 ) lawful money of the United States of Amerioa,,said sum of Thirteen Thousand Dollars:, (�l3,000.00),,being-.the amount of the principal 14 of the indebtedness to be incurred therefore 15 SECTION 2. The City Council and the Board of Trustees of the City 16 of Tustin hereby finds that the said City of Tustin has not hereto 17 fore incurred any indebtedness for city improvements. 18 SECTION 3., The`bonde authorized to be issued pursuant to said 19 election shall be negiotiable,in.form and be of the character knovr 20 as "Serials" and'shall bear the rate of interest hereinafter pro - 2i vided, to -wit, interest at the rate of five percent ( 5;'z) per annu 22 payable semi-annually and the principal and interest of said bonds 23 shall.be payable in lawful money of the United States of America 24 in the manner following, that is,to say: a portion of the whole 25 amount of the principal indebtedness, to -wit, not less than one - V26 thirteenth ( 1/13th).:thereof shall be paid each and every year, 27 after the sale of said bonds,,at the office of the City Treasurer _Z8 of the City.of Tustin at a date hereinafter to be fixed by the s 29 City Council, which. -is the Legislative Branch, together with int 30 est on all sums unpaid at such times, provided interest on said 31. bonds shall be paid semi-annually so that there shall be a payment 32 11of interest on all sums then unpaid in each and every one-half MORRIS CAIN page 2 ATTORNEY-AT-LAW SANTA ANA. CAL. ., 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19. 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 MORRIS CAIN ATTORNEY•AT-LAW SANTA ANA, CAL. one of which semi-annual payments of interest shall be at the date of the annual installment of the principal of such indebtedness. And provided further -that said interest shall be evidenced by proper o'oupons attached tosaidbonds for each semi-annual payment of interest to become due•on such.bond. And it is further ordained,.and ordered that the total in- debtedness authorized to be created at such election shall be evidenced by bonds.payable iht the manner aforesaid in such issue and such denominations as the Council of the said�I of Tustin shall authorize, and said bonds *shall be known as "Municipal Improvement Bonds of 1930" Said bonds, if issued, will be sold by said City to the highest bidder for cash, and for,not less than their par value after advertising for sealed proposals thereon. That }said pity Council and Board.of..Trustees do hereby submit to the qualified voters of ea.id City at said Special ;tun ioipal Election the said proposition_ hereinabove described. If,,at such special election, it shall appear that two- thirds of all,the,voters voting at such election are in favor of and authorize the incurring of a. bonded debt for the purpose set forth in ani the propositions therein stated, then such propo- sition shall be deemed to have been accepted by the electors and bonds will I. be issued to defray the cost of the improvements speci fied in such proposition and to the amount stated therein. SECTION 4 In the event that said municipal improvement bonds, issue of 1930, shall be issued and sold, then said Council, at the time of fixing the general tax levy provided, shall levy and collect•annually until said bonds are paid ( or until -.,there shal be a sum in the treasury of said City,set apart for that purpose sufficient to meet. all sums coming due for principal and interest on said bonds) a tax sufficient.to pay the annual interest on sai bonds, and also such part of the principal thereof as shall bec page 3. l due before the time for fixing the, next general tax levy. 2 SECTION 5. ,That the said epeoial municipal"election called and 3 ordered to be held shall be and Hereby is, bonsolidated with the . 4 general municipal election to be heid'in said City of Tustin on 6 the said 14th day of April, 1930 and the proposition herein pro - .6 posed and submitted shall. be placed upon the bwllot used at said 7 general municipal eleotiori and at said election there 'shall .be one 8 set ''of election officials, ones-ballot,:and one set of equipment 9 for the holding of said consolidated election." 10. SECTION 6. It is further ordained and ordered triat the -manner of holding -said eleotion'and of voting thereat for or against the 1z incurring of said indebtedness .shall be as provided in this ordi- nanace,•and'that in partie'ulars.not recited herein such election 13' shall be held as provided by law for,holding municipal elections 14 in said City and that -in all particulars not recited herein and no 16 provided.byGlaw for holding such municipal elections the generale 1-s election .latus of. the :State of California,: as far as the same may 17 be' applicable, shall.apply;. Said election shall. -be conducted by 18 . Boards of election consisting of :one inspector, one judge and two, clerks for each -.precinct, whose duties.and powers shall be the z1 same as those of. boards •of election and such election officers respectively under law 'governing •municipal elections- and. in part - 22 iediars not covered by such law,.then under the general election 23 'laws of the, State, of California. If any of the members.of said 24 boards, of .election hereinafter named fail to attend at. the. opening 25 ofthe polls .in the morning of -'the day of- such election the. electors of that preoinot,present at that hour may.supply the place of any 27 absent `member by,;.appoin'tment as provi"ded'by, such ..general election 28 laws. 29 SECTION 7 That the polling places hereinafter designated shall 30 be opened at Six o1oloek in the morning of said day of election 31 -and 'chall.be"kept open continuously thereafter until Seven. o'clock 32 of the evening of .'said day'of election when the polls shall be MORRIS CAIN- ATTORNEY•AT"LAW - - - - SANTA ANA: CAL. page • - I closed (excepi'as provided; in Section 1164of the Political Code 2 of the State. of California) and the election officers shall there - 3, upon proceed to vanvas.s the ballots, -cast thereat, and.to make and 4 deliver the returns thereof to.the Council of the said City of. 5 Tustin. 6 SECTION. S.,Any•qualified.voter of said city play vote in favor of 7 or•againet the sai"d proposition'hereby submitted, by stamping a 8 cross X in -the. the block or' space on voting square to the right of and g opposite the answer he, or she, desires to 4g 1ve, all ballots 10.stamped with-a..cross in*t:he.square to.the,right of and opposite the 11 word. "Yes" shall',be_counted in favor of incurring said bonded'in- 1'2 debtedness •stated in such proposition;.and all stamped . 13, with a cross (X).1n the square -to the right of and opposite .the 14 word "No",shall be•counted'against the proposition so voted upon 15 and against incurring the indebtedness stated in such proposition. -1 . 6, SECTION 9 '.Any person legally segi's'tered'as an elector of said 17 municipality, and residing therein;; shall be entitled to.vote at 18 said election.• 19 SECTION 10 The. ballots to'be.used at said special election shall zo have printed thereon in adelition to the list of candidated for 21 office at said general municipal election,;the following:, 22. 1:1 'U N 1 C .1 P A L' T. I C K E .T 23 INSTRUCTIONS :TO VOTERS. 24 Td vote for or against a'proposition, stamp across (X) 25 in the voting square after the word "Yes" or after the word. "Noll 26 All `masks except the cross (X) 'are 'forbidden. 27 All distinguishing marks or erasures. are. forbidden and 28 make the ballot void... 29 If you wrongfully.stamp, tear, or deface this ballot, 30 return it to ,,the Inspector of Election and obain.,another. 32. MORRIS CAIN page rj. ATTORNEY-AT.LAW . SANTA ANA. CAL 1 PR'OP'OSITION .3, Shall the City of Tustin 4 incur a. bonded indebtedness' in -the sum of bonded, '6 and. dollars ($713,000.00) for YES the parchase 'and acquisition g of o'dern'Fire Apparatus and equipment? and <-the ,purohase 7 and acquisition of land. for :`the. purpose `of construet:ing g thereon a. fire hall and the . purchase, acquisition and 9 nstruction of a cof re,hall NO therson and furnishings and `- i3O equipment .for said fire hall, for the said C- ity :of'Tustin: 11 _ SECTION EL The preci'nct'and•polling place for said election at 72 13 which'the.polis in said precinct shall .be open.on'said day of . 14 election in said City of Tustin shall be,and the same is hereby 16 established; created and designated as hereinafter set forth and 16 •the following named persons, being_.competent and qualified elector: 17in said'City and in said precinct, and duly qualified persons, are hereby -appointed officers of election to act as a Board of Electors 18 in said Precinct and'voting place next,precedirg the names of said 19. 20 pfficers', •to=crit: that .for the purpose of such, election, the' two 21 voting precincts••heretofore established by_the Board of Supervisors 22 of Orange County, ':as the. election precincts for the .City of Tustin, 23 to=urit,,•Precinct, Tustin No, 1..•and Precinct, Tustin, No. 2, shall 24- be; and' the* 6ame•are lia eby;consol detect.into one consolidated. z5 election precinct,Awhich said consolidated precinct consists', of, all 26 :the tertitory,within the,.exterior. boundaries -of .the said City of Tustin; that the said election shall be held in the.City Hall in th 27 7/ 28 K. P,,, Building,- on main Street, in tine city of Tustin_; _and the said 29 City Hali of tsie City of Tustin is -hereby designated as the polling dace in —hick --said. election shall be -held. - 30 Zhat' the fo.L_LO;�ing nameu rersor_s being competent ant 3.1 32 qua.Lified electors and residents of said'City�of Tustin and,Precin MORRIS"CAIN ATTORNEY-AT-LAW - - SANTA ANA, CAL.. _ page 6 . 1 are herebyappcinted..oi"ricers of etcction for the said election s Z. they nO.Ld saia eiaut,ion ana make return thereof in the manne 3 provided by law: 4 iVSP1i1CTU?: CHAS., ARTZ" 6 JD17Gi P`,, . S' SITYFFLEtt 6 CLERKS.: _ " . - JOHA RISER AFD GEORGE SMITH. " 7 The. sum of X5:00' per day shall be paid to the said 8 Insreotor and th'e• sum of '$5.00 per-day to each of the other said g election officers 'hereby appointed. to conduct said election and 10 the. same, is-hereby 'fixed: as the amount of their compensation. 11 SECTIOIt 12 It shall not be necessary to print and send out sample 12. ballots for"such. city election, but the said. Ci�y �ierk shaiL caul '13 this Oruinance to be pub�.Lstiea once a week for a period of two i4 successive weeks. in "THE Tus-TliB La W611 a" weekly newspaper of genera is cieeuiation, printed; published.and circulated weekly, in said 16 City. of Tustin, ana same is_hereby' aesignated by said council for 17 such.purpose.,and One insertion for each week for two succeeding 18 weeks shall.be.sufficient publication th rein;• rio other notice of said election need, be given. zo SZOT10v li This Ordinance; being an.ordinance calling and provid 21 Ing for. an election, "shell pursuant 'to the laws of the 'Stata of 22 California,,. take effect. and be in force from end after its final 23' passage and approvai. 24 SECTION L4 Aii,ordinanceB or parts of ordinances in oonfliot with 25 this ordinance are hereby repsaled. 2s Introduced at the regular meeting of the City Council 27 and 8gar`d :of Trustees on, the 3rd say. of, March, 1930. 28 Passed and. adopted as an ordinance -of. the City of Tust n 6L AA,.A� 29, by the City. Counoil and Board of Trustees .for said City at Oen ad- 30 Journed meeting thereof on the 10th day of Maich, 19)0, by the 31 following vote:, 32 MORRIS CAIN hTTORNEY-AT.LAW _ SANTA ANA. CAL. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 io 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 20 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 J C/. MORRIS CAIN ATTORNEY-AT-LAW SANTA ANA, CAL. APES: And in favor of the passage of the foregoing ordinance: CUUi1CIi,i&N: E., L. Ki SER uHAS LuUAiv SuHkIzai)ZHAN Wid, nUmTijEY 11VES: Against the passage of the foregoing ordinance: CUUNUl'L�IEN: NOiur; A.6sEimT : NOfdE B.A. CRAWFORD MAYOR Ai- i1 PRESIDENT OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES YOR THE, C1',,Y OF TUSTIN. ATTEST:. (SEAL) /_ Q HARBUUtt ULER.K OF 'r&' &iTY UH TUSTIN. I.hereby approve of the foregoing ordinance this 10th day of lLrch, 1930- B. UrIAVTFURU ` MAYOR AND PRESIDENT OF THE BOARD OF 'TrtUSTEES OF 'TdE CITY uY TUSTiu. I