HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD 18 (1928)87
v The Board of Trustees and City Councilm of the City of
Tustin do ordain as follows to wit:
SECTION I. It shall be unlawful for anjr person, firm ,
corporation, owner, leasee, of occupant to burn rubbish, waste
paper, rags, excelsior, straw, grass, weeds, or any other infl-
ammable or combustible material within Fire District No. I -
SECTION 2. It shall be unlawful for any person, fi.rm,
corporation, owner, leasee, or occupant to burn rubbish, waste
paper, rags, excelsior, straw, grass, weeds, or any other infl-
ammable or combustible material within the corporate limits of
the City of Tustin , California,,at any other time than between
the hours of six o'clock;A.Ma::and twelve o'clock M. and then
only at a distance of 15 feet from any building or any other
combustible structure, and it shall be unlawful ti burn any of
the materials here in before enumerated atasiy time whatsoever
when any high wind is blowing.
6ECTION3. It shall be unlawful forany person, firm or corp-
oration as owner
agent , tenent,leseeor occupant of any build
ing or any lot within the fire limits of the City of Tustin,
California, to permit rubbish, waste,•paper or inflammable or
combustible materials to accumlate upo4L any Poof , orin any room
basement, hall, closet or light wells of any building or other
structure within the fire district.
SECTION 4 . It shall be unlawful for any person , firm or
corporation to maintain or conduct any store, wherein any goods
wares or merchandise compound of combustible materials are kept
or offered for sale unless there is maintained unobstructed aisl
es not less than(4 ) four feet wide from the front entrance to
rear exit, together with sufficient cross aisles not less than
three(3) feet wide each, so as to provid a ample passage ways
therein, provided futher that .said goods , wares and merchandise
shall not be piled up nearer the ceiling of the store room than
It shall be the duty of the:lchief of the fire department
or his assistants to notify in writing the owner, agent, tenant
lesee or occupant of such building, lot or premises in o�rupon
which such accumulations are found to remove same forwith and
the persons recieving such notice shall within(12) twelve hours
after recieving the same, comply with the requirements therof. �.
SECTION 5. Provided father, thet no person or persons shall
make or cause to be made any open fire for burning rubbish or
weeds or combustible materials on any streets,. alleys or side
walks within the City of Tustin, California. Providedefutherthat
no pumps or other devises for handling gasoline, petroleum, crud -
oils or other oils shall be.installed or used on any streetor
sidewalks within the City of Tustin, California, unless specific
permission shall have first been obtained from the Board of
trustees and the City Council of the City of Tustin, California.
SECTION 6.Regulating the construction and use of buildings
occupied and use of buildings occupied as garages clothes
cleaning establishments and the storage and use of gasoline
in connection therewith.
Definitions and miscellaneous provisions;
The following terms shall have the following meaning in this
Ordinance to wit;
(a) "Chief of Fire department" means chief of the fire depart-
ment of -the City of Tustin,California, or any one of his
(b) "Approved" means approved by the chief of, the fire depart-
(c) "Gasoline" means any product or any hydro-carbon'liquid
that will flash or emit an inflammable vapor below the temper-
ature of one hundred and ten(110) degrees Fahrenheit.
(d) An "automobile" is any motor vehicle using gasoline or
distillate for generating motive power.
(e) A "public garage" is a building where motor vehicles are
kept or stored or where a charge is made for use of storage
Of autofebiles.
(f) A "private garage" is -a building where an automobile or
automobiles are kept for private use only and not rented nor
hired out to Ahe public nor any charge made for keeping the same.
"Private garages" where more than two automobiles are
kept or stored shall be aubjeot to the same requirements as j
specified for public garages. {
(h) g "garage"shall include both a public and a private garage.
(i) "Clothes cleaning establishment" shall mspn any building or
premises where more than one (1) quart of gasoline, is kept to be
used for cleaning or renovating any clothing or articles of
wearing apparel or fabric of any kind including dye works and .
tailor shops.
(j) +Standard test" means will not flash or emit any inflammable
vapor below one hundred and ten (110) degrees Fahrenheit, the fire
chief shall determine the flashing point..
(k) The provision of the ordinance shall apply to buildings
now existing as well as any hereafter constructed.
Section 7 Garages, filling stations, clothes cleaning `
(a) Permits. It,shall be unlawful for any person, firm or
corporation hereafter to conduct or maintain any garage, filling
station, or clothes cleaning establishment without first obtaining
a permit therefor from the Board of Trustees and City Council of the
City of Tustin, California. The application for a permit shall be
in writing and shall specify the name of the permittee and the
location of the premises to be used as an automobile garage, fill-
ing station, or clothes cleaning establishment, and the amount
of gasoline that may be stored in said.premises.
No gasoline shall be kept or stored in or abount any garage,
.filling station, or clothes cleaning establishment, except as
authorized by such permit and provided for in this Ordinance.
(b) protection._ 1. Thereshall be in every public garage and c
clothes cleaning establishment one chemical fire extinguisher of
not less than three gallons each where the floor space is less than
one thousand square feet, and additional chemical fire extinguisher
for each additional 1000 square feet of floor space or fraction
2. every public garage shall also have on hand at all times at
least two hundred pounds'of-clean sand with one hand scoop in each
barrel or box of ,sand to be placed in different part of main floor
and repair shop., if any, such sand when saturated with oil or,
gasoline shall be removed from the building. The use of sawdust
for absorbing oils in any garage shall be pr6hibitect.
90 (except for sweeping only)
(d) Regulations,for automobile garage and clothes cleaning
Every garage Ond clothes cleaning establishment must at all
times conform to the following regulations;
1. No gasoline shall be allowed to remain in any open can or
receptacle of any kind in or about the garage or clothes cleaning
2. No gasoline shall be put into or taken out of any automobile
where there is an open light or when the:*engine is in momentum.
3. so stove, forge, torch or other flame or fire shall be
permitted in any garage., except in the office, retiring ,room or
repair shop.
4. All lighting shall be by incandescent electric lights.
5. No'smoking shall be allowed inside any clothes cleaning
establishment. A notice in large letters "No Smoking" shall be
displayed in.a conspicuous place and manner on the .floors and at all
entrances to any clothes cleaning establishments.
6. Handling Gasoline. Gasoline up to twenty-five gallons in
amount may be kept inside of a garage and one,gallon_in any clothes
cleaning establishment;.provided-that they are,,, in,safety..
-metal containers.
7: Gasoline may kept in approved portable filling,;ta-inside
of a garage. Bo,such filling'tank shall have a capacity to exceed
fifty(50)'gallons. :very approved portable filling tank shall be
mounted on allmetal t4he s with rubber tired, and shall be equipped
with an approved pump fitted with hose attachment not„to exceed
eight (8) feet in length with shut off nozzle. hegasolinaall
bepumped into the reservoir of the automobile fre „such,approved
wheel tanks. Such portable wheel- .t.anks,whpn,not in.us.e.,must be
kept near the entrance of the building.;,
8. Storage of gasoline. Except as hexeinsft, p;novided'all
gasoline other than that contained in th,e tanks oaf a�#%omobilesshall
be kept in under -ground tanks in accordancewith the following ,-`
(1) No single tank shall have a. capacity, of; more than one
thousand (1000) gallonsofgasoline.
(2) All gasoline storage tanks shall be construct.ed.of at
least 12 guage galvanized -steel or one quarter (J) inch black
open hearth stock.. ded tanks less than 1000 gallons b
may be constructed of less thanes inch steel.
(3) All tanks made of galvanized steel shall be carefull riveted
and soldered. All tanks made of black steel shall be carefully
riveted and calked.
(4) All tanks shall be coated on the outside with asphaltum or
rte'" II
other rust-resisting.material.
(5) There shall be no openings or connections of any tank except
on the top hereof, and no tank shall be connected either directly
or indirectly with any drain, catch basin, public or private sewer.
(6) All tanks shall be under -ground, outside of any building in
the yard, or under the sidewalk as near the curbline`as possible, or j
under a public alley. The top of the tank shall be four(4) feet
below the surface and entirely surrounded by not less than five
(5) feet of earth and shall rest upon an earth foundation.
(7) where the space under the sidewalk is excavated for use as
part of a basement, tanks shall rest on earth, with no floor under-
neath, and shall be surrounded on the sides with a concrete wall
not less "'than twelve(12) inches thick, extending from the base of
the excavation t_s..3our (4) feet above the top of the tank. The
space between the top of the tank and top of the wall shall be
filled with earth, and the earth covered with at least three (3)
inches of concrete.
(8) Where more than one tank is installed, the tanks shall be
separated by at least twelve (12) inches of earth, all well tamped
in place. The top of every tank shall be below the level of the
lowest pipe line in the building used in connection with the
equipment, not to have connection with each other.
(9) No storage"tank shall be covered with earth until an
inspection has been made and approved in writing signed by the
chief of the fire department.
(10) Any storage tanks shall be provided with one (1) inch
diameter galvanized iron vent pipe, same to be connected to top
of the tank. This vent pipe shall be carried up at least twelve
(12) feet above the ground level and terminate in a double goods
neck spark protector,`the opening of which shall be covered with
brass or copper wire screen of at least thirty(30) mesh.This.
vent pipe shall be placed on a dead wall as remote from windows and
doors as possible and shall be attached to wall with pipe hooks
and kept firmly in place.
(11) All storage tanks Shall.be filled only.from_a tank wagon and
in the day time. In no case shall tank or, drum of gasoline, empty
or otherwise,be allowed in or about any garage.
(12) Piller pipes -shall be made of galvanized iron piping,.which
Pipes shall enter at `the top and extend to the bottom of the tank.
The upper end of such filler must terminate in a sorew cap securely
(13) When filler -pipe runs to side -walk or to alley or to other
Public highway, it shall terminate in a screw cap securely locked,
and be protected by a cast iron filler box, which shall be flush
with the sidewalk or alley of the highway.
(14) All pipes shall be galvanized and put together with litharge
and glycerine.
(g) Pumps. Gasoline shall be drawn from storage tanks only by
automatic closing valve pumps. Such pumps must be located above
the top of the tanks.
SECTION B. Chief of Fire Department and Assistants to enforge
this Ordinance and have access to all buildings, for the purpose
of enforcing this Ordinance, and ascertaining whether the
provisions of the Urdinance are complied with.
It shall be unlawful for any owner or occupant of any building
or premises to refuse or interfere with the entrance to any
building or premises by the Chief of the vire Department or any
of his assistants for the said purposes..
4ECTION 9,: Any person, firm or Corporation or any employee,
officer firm or corporation, violating any of the provisions of
this Ordinance shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and shall be
punished by a fine not to exceed fifty dollars, or by imprisonment
in the City or County Jail not to exceed 15 days,or by both such
fine and imprisonment. Each day of violation of any of the
Provisions of this Ordinance shall be a separate offense.
SECTION 10. All Ordinance or parts of Ordinances 10 the extent
that the same conflict herewith are to.that extenthereby repealed.
6ECTION 11. The City Clerk shall cause this Ordinance to be
published three times in "The Tustin News", a weekly newspaper.
printed, published and circulated in said city of Tustin, California,
and thirty days thereafter it shall take effect and be in.force.
The above Urdinance was passed adopted and approved this 19th day
Of November, 1928, by the following vote to -wit;
Ayes, Trustees Kiser, Schwendeman, Logan Huntley.
Noes, 'Trustees None. Absent :None
President of the Board of Trustees and City Council
of the City of 'Tustin, California.
Approved this 19th day of hov. 1928.
ATTEST:- I hereby certify that the above ordinance was passed
and adopted by the Board of 'Trustees and City Council and signed
and approved by its President at its meeting held on the 19th
day of Rov. 1928.
SEAL City Clerk o the Board of 'Trustees and City
Council of the City of 'Tustin, California.
I -hereby certify that the above is a full, true and correct
copy of ordinance No 18 and was published according to law.
City Clerk