HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD 17 (1928)ORDINANCE I?0. 17 AN O: NANCE OF "'3E CI`.'Y OF TUST1%, C:ILIFOR'IA, FIXING AID DET �,iliel.NG 2 -TE AMOUN2 OF M':?NEY ASCERTAINED TO BE FECES SARY TO CARRY ON THE VA%IOUS DEPART 1-712'S OF 2HE CIT= OF ''USTINo FOR THE CURREId�i' YEAR, 1928-1929, AND FI=I G 2H'E RATE OF TAX- ATION FOR `'HE CURREINF2 1928-1929, DESIGiiA2Ii4G '21-1E NUMBER OF CEN'S Oli ,'ACH $100.00 ON THE ".THOLE OF THE TAXABLEE PROPERTY OF SAID CI':'Y AS SET BY :'HE COUNTY ASSESSOR OF ': HE COUItTY OF ORANGE; AND HEREBY LEVIED ON TH_ 'HOLE OF '.'HE ' AXABL' PROPERTY OF SAID CITY The Board of Trustees and City Council of the City of ,;Tustin, California, do ordain as follows: That 'whereas, the City of 'Tustin, California, did on the 30th day of Januar , 1928, by Ordinance elect and determine to avail itself of the provisions of the Act of the 2.7th.day of March, 1895, as contained in the Statutes of 1895; page 219, Chapter 182, and as subsequently amended, relative to the as- sessment and collection of taxes for Municipal corporations, and did in accordance therewith on or`about said date file with the County Auditor of Orange County, California, a certi- fied cop„ of said Ordinance, being Ordinance Vo. 7 0£ said City gi,Tustin, as provided by law: And Whereas, the County Auditor of the Count; of Orange, State of California, on or about the 6th day of August, 1928, filed his statement in writing with the board of 'Trustees of the City of Austin, California, sho-�ding the total value of all property within the corporate limits of said City for the year 1928-1929, as equalized and collected by the board of Super- visors of Orange„County, California, and fixed the sum as shown by the assessment rolls for said year at $610,895.00; exclusive of operative property and whereas, the amount of money ascertained and fixed as necessary to be raised by taxation, on the whole of the taxable property withinsaid F, ” ` City, to carry on the various departments of the said City of 'Tustin, for the current year, 1928-1829, is fixed at the s;am of 06.108.95, and is to be apportioned to the general" fund of said city for said purposes provided by law. SECTION 1. that the total val-ation of the taxable property of the City of 'Tustin, exclusive of operative pro- perty, to -wit: $610,895.00, shall be used as a basis for the levy of the taxes of the uity of 'ustin, California, at the 85 same time.and in the same manner County levies are made and collected. SECTION 2. That the rate of taxation for municipal purposes of the Cit;; of Tustin, California, for'the current year 1928-1929 bks hereby fixed 41.00 on the taxable property of said City and that the amount of 4610,895.00 in the ag- gregate and the rate of �p1.00 on each §'100.00 of the taxable property of said City is hereby levied upon all the taxable property as ascertained by the County Assessor and equalized by the board of Supervisiors of Orange County, California, as aforesaid, and which said rate so fixed shall be apportioned all to the general fund of said Cit;;- of Tustin, to pay cur- rent expenses for the current fiscal year. 1928-1929. SECTION 3. The City Clerk is hereby instructed to sub- mit and deliver a certified copy of this Ordinance to the County Auditor of the Qounty of Orange, California, on or be- fore the let day of September, 1928. SECTION 4. The City Clerk of the City of 'Tustin, shall post or cause to be posted, copies of this Ordinance in three public places in the City of Tustin, one near the entrance to the City Hall of the City of Xustin.one near the entrance to the United States Post Office, and one near the entrance to First National thank of 'Tustin. And thereupon and thereafter it shall be in full force and effect. Mayor and President of e rsoard o Trustees of the City of Tustin, Calif. ATTEST: _C11-1 CLEM CITY OF 'USTIN' COUNTY OF OP.ANGE, STA?_;,' OF CALIF ORNIL. ) I, the undersigned, City clerk of the City of 'Tustin, California, and el: -officio Clerk of the hoard. b 'wlrustees of said City, hereby certify the foregoing Ordinance is a true and correct copy of Ordinance No. 17, of said Qity, which was introduced at.a regular meeting of said Board of Trustees held on August 6th, 1928, and was finally passed at a regular meet- ing of said Board on the 20th day of August, 1928, being not less than five days thereafter, by the following stated vote. AY -,S: TRUSTERS Huntley, Schwendeman, Logan, and Wiser. NOES: TRUSTEES: NONE. ABSENT: 2RUSTEES: NONE. I hereby certify that upon its passage said ordinance was thereupon signed by the Mayor and President of the Board of Trustees of said City, and thereafter on the 21st day o: August, 1928, 1 posted true copies of said Ordinance con- spicuously in three publieplaces in the city of 'Tustin, to -wit: one at the entrance to the.City Hall in the Zn.ights of Pythias Building, the place where the said Board of 'Trustees holds its meetings, one near the entra.n:;e to the United States cost Of- fice'at Tustin, and one near the entrance to the first national Bank of 'Tustin. Witness my signature this 21st day of August, 1928. SEAL 75veyk oF the My oto TustIn, Calif. Thereby certify that the above is a full, true and correct copy of Ordinance no. 17 as the same is on file in my office. / n