HomeMy WebLinkAboutAttachment F - City of Irvine Letter and ResponseATTACHMENT F Letter from the City of Irvine dated April 24, 2013 and Response letter dated May 7, 2013 General Plan Amendment 2013 -001, Specific Plan Amendment 2013 -001, Development Agreement 2013 -002, and Agreement for Exchange of Real Property between City of Tustin and South Orange County Community College District RESPONSES TO COMMENTS MCAS Tustin Specific Plan Environmental Impact Statement/Environmental Impact Report Addendum /Initial Study SCH No. 94071005 May 2013 Agreement for Exchange of Real Property GPA 2013 -001, SPA 2013 -001, DA 2013 -002 Addendum /Environmental Checklist - Responses to Comments Comment Letter A: City of Irvine OF fissi iC April 24, 2013 Community Doic:nprnent Cis! /', .,ay :n =C.,C Cont.: 'rust PC) :3 ;) 5':. n..e U RECEIVED APR 29 2013 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPT Ms. Justina Willkom Assistant Director- Planning Community Development Department City of Tustin 300 Centennial Way Tustin, CA 92780 Sent via LISPS and email to: iwiilkomCdttustinca.orq Subject: General Plan Amendment 2013 -001, MCAS Tustin Specific Plan Amendment 2013 -001, and Development Agreement 2013 -002 Dear Ms. Willkom: City of Irvine staff has conducted a preliminary review of the project noted above based on the information provided with the City of Tustin Planning Commission agenda report dated April 23, 2013. Understanding your planned project schedule while, at the same time allowing Irvine to better understand the project and whether it might impact facilities in Irvine, we are requesting to meet with you at your earliest convenience to discuss the following comments and questions. 1. It is unclear from the project description if the proposed intensification of uses within the area bounded by Valencia Avenue, Red Hill Avenue, Warner Avenue and Armstrong Avenue will result in a net increase of intensity and 2 AM, PM and ADT trips above and beyond the 2010 approval of the Specific Plan Amendment. For instance, Scenario 1 results in an Increase of 1,084 AM, 972 PM and 6,241 ADT, while Scenario 2 results in 905 AM, 578 PM and 6,239 ADT. Alternatively, clarify if intensity would be reduced in other areas covered within the Specific Plan such that the total intensity and trips remain consistent with the 2010 Specific Plan approval. 2. Page 1.4 of the traffic study includes the following discussion, 'Based on the 3 findings of the project traffic impact analysis, no expansion of the study area beyond the limits presented here is warranted." Please provide a response that explains the methodology used as well as the findings of the previous May 2013 Agreement for Exchange of Real Property GPA 2013-001, SPA 2013-001, DA 2013 -002 Addendum /Environmental Checklist - Responses to Comments 3 cont'd. Ms. Justina Willkom April 24, 2013 Page 2 project traffic analysis. Was the prior analysis based on the assumption that there is a net increase in AM, PM and ADT trips above and beyond the 2010 approval of the Specific Plan Amendment? Were the intersections of Red Hill Avenue/Barranca Parkway/Dyer Road and Armstrong Avenue/Barranca Parkway included in this prior analysis? Please provide a response explaining the land uses assumed in the analysis, and provide the resulting Intersection Capacity Utilization and Level of Service for both Project Scenario 1 and Alternative Scenario 2 for these two intersections. We look forward to meeting with you and discussing the above items. If you have any questions, please contact me at 949- 724 -8383 or via e-mail at taehricfu ci.irvine.ca.us. Sincerely, Timothy N. Gehrich, AICP Deputy Director of Community Development cc: (via email) Barry Curtis, Manager of Planning Services Kevin Lau, Project Development Administrator Sun -Sun Murillo, Supervising Transportation Analyst Bill Jacobs, Principal Planner David Law, Senior Planner May 2013 Agreement for Exchange of Real Property GPA 2013 -001, SPA 2013 -001, DA 2013 -002 Addendum/Environmental Checklist - Responses to Comments Responses to Comment Letter A Comment 1: Comment 2: Comment 3: Responses to comments are provided below. Should the City of Irvine have any further questions, we would be happy to have a conference call or a meeting if necessary. As noted on pages 1 and 15 through 23 of the Addendum to the MCAS Tustin FEIS /EIR, the project involves a number of components that the Addendum clearly delineates. One component of the project is the extension of Bell Avenue, which the Traffic Study analyzed and determined that with the Bell Avenue extension, there would be increased roadway capacity in the circulation system (see page 19 of the Addendum). The increased roadway capacity permits the Increase of the current vehicle trip cap by 10,000 average daily trips (ADT) for the MCAS Tustin Specific Plan without triggering significant adverse effects on the roadway system. The Traffic Study analyzed these additional trips using the updated background vehicle data from the Irvine Business Complex Vision Plan contained in the latest City of Irvine Transportation Analysis Model, Version 12 (ITAM 12), which identified lower number of vehicle trips at key intersections and roadway segments surrounding the project. The City of Irvine approved the IBC Complex Vision Plan and traffic study on July 13, 2010, which provided the basis for the updated background traffic numbers in ITAM 12. The additional roadway capacity created by the extension of Bell Avenue and the lower number of background vehicle trips pursuant to the City of Irvine's approved IBC Vision Plan and ITAM 12 permitted the Increase in the MCAS Tustin Specific Plan trip cap by 10,000 ADT without resulting in a traffic intensification that would lead to increased environmental impacts beyond those that are already identified In the FEIS /EIR. As mentioned in the response above to comment #1, the project includes the increase in the MCAS Tustin Specific Plan trip cap. Based on the most recent traffic forecast data available, which is from ITAM 12, no deficiencies occur with the proposed project. The latest traffic forecast data on the major roadways near the project site as presented in the traffic study, are overall lower in volume compared to previous data, which also results in better level of service for the surrounding intersections than previously shown. The methodology used to define the project Traffic Study's study area is consistent with other traffic impact analyses carried out in Tustin and in Irvine. The limits of the study area were reviewed during the course of the study based on no-project versus with - project traffic forecast data to verify whether or not significant project impacts occur, as defined by the circulation system performance criteria applied in the study, beyond the study area boundary. Based on the findings of the project Traffic Study, which determined that there are no deficiencies in the defined study area, no expansion of the study area beyond the limits shown in the report was warranted. May 2013