HomeMy WebLinkAboutAttachment E, Exhibit 1, C-1 - Legal Description of Valencia Parcel No. 1, Area 9 on Site MapEXHIBIT C -1 Legal Description of Valencia Parcel No. 1 Area 9 on Site Map 5764- 44062\AP 3360\AGRM'1 \1 136768.6 5/1/13 :�. BhF Eucwata Swvtrou Pu•.•.i ;t 1.1• :GA1. DESCRIPTION OF AREA NO. 9 Tustin, CA Portion of APN: 430- 282 -13 April 19, 2013 liKE No. 20122006 -13 Page I ol'2 Real property situated in the City of Tustin. County of Orange, State of California, described as follows: Being all of PARCEL I -N -3 as said parcel is described in that certain document entitled "QUITCLAIM DELI) E AND ENVIRONMENTAL RESTRICTION PURSUANT TO CIVIL CODE SECTION 1471" filed for record on May 14, 2002 in f )o c. No. 20020404595. Records of Orange County, more particularly described as follows; COMMENCING at the most southeasterly comer of said PARCEL 1-E-3; "[hence along the southeasterly line nl'said PARCEL I -P -3 the following two (2) courses: I. South 40°40'06" West, 123.89 feet; 2. South 87'33'5([" West. 36.69 feet to the southwesterly line of said PARCEL 1 -1i -3: 'I hence le ,vin❑ said southcasterl the and alone said southwesterly tine the I'ollovim. right 151 cols \rs: I. North 45`10'56' West, 0.92 feet to de beginning ol'a tangent curve. concave northeasterly, haying a radius of 1- 13.5(1 feet: 2. Northeasterly along said curve, through a central angle of 17°46'19", for an are length of 31.99 feet; North 32'N'37" West. 25.61 feet to the beginning ol'a tangent curve, concave southwesterly, having a radius of 159.511 feet; Northwesterly along said curve, through a central angle of 1 1025.16 ". for an arc length of 31.79 feet: 5, North 43`49'53" \Vest, 42.11 feet to the beginning of a tangent curve, concave southwesterly, having radius of I4(md,04 feet 6. Northwesterly along said curve, through a central angle of 05 °30'I I ", for an arc length of 140.62 feet: 7. North 49 "20'04" \Vest, 1 5.29 feet; S. North 0.1 °20'50" \Vest. 30.78 reel to the northwesterly line of said PARCEI. 1-E-3. 'thence leaving said southeasterly line and along said northwesterly line the lnllowing three (3) courses: I. North 40 °38'20" East, 50.00 feet; South 49 °21'31" East, 12.00 Feet: North 40 °3S'29" East, 41.13 feet to the northeasterly line of said PARCEL 1 -E -3: Page 1 of 2 Thence leaving said northwesterly line and along said northeasterly line. South 49'19'54" East, 338.24 feel to the POINT OF BEGINNING. Containing an area (11 43,597 square feet or 1.01)1 acres more or less. Being a portion of Assessor's Parcel Number 430-282-13 M shown on "tichedtde I" attached hereto and made a part hereof. For: 13K!7 Engineers By: Davis 'thresh, P.I..5. No. 6868 license expires: 09- 30.2014 Date: 4- ih -zet3 csk •t 0A I:.:Surt2■12209e.l3 Alit Ini„I Swap PI,is D \G MAIN•I.CGAI S 1 , \Nn [XCI!ANff[ `&an: Page2of2 RED NOLL &V RDI R= 1464.04' A= 5'30'11" L= 140.62'" W&LEGIC0§1 LIVERW LI L4 L6 L71 L8 m SOUTH ORANGE COUNTY COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT APN: 430-282-13 PARCEL 1 -E -3 DOC. NO. 20020404595 - LAND EXCHANGE L3 AREA NO. 9 cz 43,597 sq. (1± 1.001 acres ± 1.2 CI S 87'33'50" W 36.69' P.O.B. LEGEND P.O.B. POINT OF BEGINNING S 40'40'06" V! 123.89' LLaDOW7HE IOW PROPOSED AREA 7 SOUTH ORANGE COUNTY COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT APN: 430 - 282 -11 K: \SURI2 \12206 -13 PLATS \LAND SWAP 9.DW0 CITY OF TUSTIN APN: 430 - 282 -26 CURVE TABLE CURVE RADIUS DELTA LENGTH C1 143.50' 12'46'19" 31.99' C2 159.50' 11'25'16" 31.79' LINE TABLE LINE BEARING LENGTH L1 N 4510'56' W 9.92' L2 N 3224137" W 28.61' L3 N 43'49'53" W 42.11' L4 N 4920'04" W 15.29' L5 N 04'20'50" W 36.78' L6 N 40'38'29" E 50.00' L7 S 4921'31" E 12.00' LB N 40'38'29" E 41.13' PLAT TO ACCOMPANY LEGAL DESCRIPTION �BKF Emir= IsunTae IPUIit 600 SOUTH MAIN STREET SUITE 920 ORANGE, CA 92868 714- 415 -0500 714- 415 -0599 (FAX) Subject SCHEDULE 1 LAND EXCHANGE AREA 9 Job No. 20122006 -13 By RL Date 4/19/13 Chkd WS SHEET 1 OF 1 Parcel name: AREA 9 North: 2207964.6430 Line Course: S 40 -40 -06 W North: 2207870.6731 Line Course: S 87 -33 -50 VI North: 2207869.1135 Line Course: N 45 -10 -56 W North. 2207876.1057 Curve Length. 31.99 Delta. 12 -46 -19 Chord Course In RP North End North Line Course: N 32 -24 -37 VI North: 2207925.1383 Curve Length: 31.79 Delta: 11 -25 -16 Chord: 31.74 Course In: S 57 -35 -23 W RP North: 2207839.6498 End North: 2207950. 1097 Line Course: N 43 -49 -53 W North: 2207980.4870 Curve Length: 140.62 Delta: 5 -30 -11 Chord: 140.56 Course In: S 46 -10 -07 W RP North: 2206966.5830 End North: 2208077.0957 Line Course: N 49 -20-04 W North: 2208087.0593 Course: N 04 -20-50 W North: 2208123.7335 Course: N 40 -38 -29 E North: 2208161.6736 Course: S 49 -21 -31 E North: 2208153.8577 East : Course: N 40 -38 -29 E Length: 41.13 North: 2208185.0672 East : Course: S 49 -19 -54 E Length: 338.24 North: 2207964.6432 East : 31.92 N 44 -49 -04 E 2207977.8977 2207900.9 Line Line Line Line Line East : 608101 Length: 123.89 East : Length: 36.69 East : Length: 9.92 East : Radius: Tangent: Course: Course Out: East : East : Length: 28.61 East : Radius: Tangent: Course: Course Out: East : East : Length: 42.11 East : Radius: Tangent: Course: Course Out: East : East : Length: 15.29 East : Length: 36.78 East : Length: 50.00 East : Length: 12.00 Perimeter: 939.06 Area: Mapcheck Closure - (Uses Error Closure: 0.0055 Error North: 0.00021 Precision I: 170,738.18 6.4094 6080935.6728 6080899.0160 6080891.9792 143. 50 16.06 N 38 -47 -46 II S 57 -35 -23 Vi 6080993. 1258 6080871. 9786 6080856. 6442 159.50 15.95 N 38 -07 -15 W N 46 -10 -07 E 6080721. 9892 6080837.0495 6080807.8867 1464.04 70.36 N 46 -34 -58 W N 40 -39 -56 E 6079751.7562 6080705.7869 6080694.1890 6080691.4011 6080723.9672 6080733.0728 6080759.8617 6081016.4149 43.596.69 sq. ft. 1.001 acres listed courses, radii, and deltas) Course: N 87 -48 -39 E East : 0.00554 4.tl.z.a3