HomeMy WebLinkAboutAttachment E, Exhibit 1, D - Legal Description of Child Care Parcel, Area 8 on Site MapEXHIBIT D Legal Description of Child Care Parcel Area 8 on Site Map 5764-44062 \ APB360 AGRNM1 1 36768.6 5/1/13 :•: BkF Ens. %tees Sutn vopS PLANK es LEGAL. DISC'.RIPTION OF AREA NO. S 'Dustin, CA Portion of APN: 430 -283 -10 April 19, 2013 lBRE No. 20122006 -13 Page I of I Real property situated in the City of Tustin, County of Orange. State of Calilia'nia, described as follows: Being all of PARCEL IV -.I -7 as said parcel is described in that certain document entitled "SHORT FORM NOTICE OF LEASE IN FURTHERANCE OF CONVEYANCE" filed for record on May 14, 2002 in Doe. No. 20020404590, Records of Orange County, more particularly described as follows; COMMENCING at the most southeasterly corner of said PARCEL IV -J -7; Thence along the southeasterly line of said PARCEL IV -J -7. the following two (2) courses: I . South 71 °36'25" West, 351.77 feet; 2. North 77 °38'59" West, 58.48 feet to the westerly line of said PARCEL IV -J -7: Thence leaving said southwesterly line and along said westerly line, North I89)4'2S" East, 409.85 feet Io the beginning ofa non - tangent curve concave to the north. having a radius of 341.00 feet, to which point a radial line hears South 03°32'49" \Vest, said point being on the northerly line of said PARCEL Thence southeasterly and easterly along said curve, along said northerly line. through a central angle of 29°43'51", for an are length of 176.95 feet to the easterly line ot'said PARCEl. 1V-1-7: Thence leaving said northerly line and along said easterly line of said PARCEL IV -.I -7, South 15 °49'01" East, 338.29 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING. Containing an area of 103,322 square feet or 2.372 acres more or less. Being all of Assessor's Parcel Number 430-283-10 As shown on "Schedule I" attached hereto and made n part hereof. For: BICF Engineers I3v: Davis Thresh, P.L.S. No. 6868 license expires: 09 -30 -2014 Date: 1, ZD13 on, A''Surl2.I'D10N,.13ATIiI' t.aiul Soap 19 ;tlxIm'G.NIAINtl t, AIS'LANI) tXl'I I ANVILS a,c Page I of I SOUTH ORANGE COUNTY COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT APN: 430 - 283 -16 N 77'38'59" W 58.48' COUNTY OF ORANGE SHERIFFS TRAINING CENTER APN: 430 -283 -11 R= 341.00' A= 29'43'51- L= 176.95' LAND EXCHANGE AREA NO. 8 103,322 sq. ft.± 2.372 acrest PARCEL IV -J -7 4 DOC. NO. 20020404590 450 CITY OF TUSTIN o^ APN: 430-283-10 K: \SUR12 \122006- 13PLATS \LAND SWAP 8.DWG P.0.6. 5 % N 2 LEGEND P.O.B. POINT OF BEGINNING PLAT TO ACCOMPANY LEGAL DESCRIPTION BkF 600 SOUTH MAIN STREET SUITE 920 ORANGE, CA 92868 714 - 415 -0500 714 -415 -0599 (FAX) Subject SCHEDULE 1 LAND EXCHANGE AREA 8 Job No 20102006 -13 By RL Date 4/19/13 Chkd WS SHEET 1 OF 1 Parcel name: AREA 8 North: 2206660.9692 Line Course: S 71 -36 -25 W North: 2206549.9738 Line Course: N 77 -38 -59 W North: 2206562.4820 Line Course: N 18 -04 -28 E North: 2206952.1076 Curve Length: 176.95 Delta: 29 -43 -51 Chord: 174.97 Course In: N 03 -32 -49 E RP North: 2207292.4544 End North: 2206986.4469 Line Course: S 15 -49 -01 E North: 2206660.9655 Line Course: N 71 -26 -42 E North: 2206660.9655 East : 6081739.7489 Length: 351.77 East : 6081405.9493 Length: 58.48 East : 6081348.8227 Length: 409.85 East : 6081475.9796 Radius: 341.00 Tangent: 90. 51 Course: N 78 -40 -53 E Course Out: S 26 -11 -02 E East : 6081497.0761 East : 6081647.5435 Length: 338.29 East : 6081739.7495 Length: 0.00 East : 6081739 7495 Perimeter: 1335.34 Area: 103, 322.46 sq. Mapcheck Closure - (Uses listed courses. rad Error Closure: 0.0038 Course: Error North: - 0.00373 East : Precision 1: 351.405.26 ft. 2.372 acres ii, and deltas) S 08 -14 -02 E 0.00054