HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD 16 (1928)►'`; ORDI'+ANCE ITO. 16 AN ORDINANCE OF ":'HE CIT'{ OF TJSl'iN REQUIRING AND PRO- VIDIP G FOR 'i'HE IIMOVAL ZRO i PROPERTY, LANDS, or lots, OF EE. >S, H .BBI_SE AND 0'y' r7 1,,TA ERIAL RICH IAY 'ZDAEGER OR iNJURE NEIGHBOHING PROD.sRTY 0-R THE STEALTH OR ':VELFARE OF �ESIDEY28 0z 1H' VICI vITY, AND PROVIDII'.G ZOR "i HE EST9BhISffi,S N'� OF TOR '_'Hs COST OF SUCH _ MIOVAL AND FOR ''HS :'div ''U3: C di id'l OA' $'JC; -i IENS. The Board of Trustees and City Council of. Austin do or- dain as follows: SECTION 1. Whenever the street department shall find weeds, rubbish or any other material upon any property, lands or l)ts in the City of 'i'ustin v.,:ic'r. may endanger or injure neighboring property, or the health or welfare of the,resi- dsnts of the vicinity of such property, lands or lots, he shall give, or cause to be given, notice to remove such weds, rubbish or other material in the manner hereinafter provided. SE02JO"_ 2. Such not -,ice shall be given by posting in a conspicuous place upon the property, land or lot upon which such weeds rubbish or other material are, a notice headed, "Notice to Clean Premises" in letters not less tha:. one .(1) inch in length, and which shall in legible characters direct ^ the removal of the weeds, r.bbish or other Material, as the case may be, and refer to this ordinance for further parti- culars. Personal service of anotice similar in substance upon the ow-er, occupant or agent in charge of such property, land or lot, shall dispense with the posting of ,notice her provided for. SECTIOi? 3. Within ten (10) days from the date of'posting of such notice or in case o_ persona;, notice within ter. (10) days from, the date of .he personal sery ice thereof, the owner of or any person interested in the property, land or lot affected by such notice, may appeal to the City Council from the requirements thereof. Such appeal shall be i(:•s;rit- ins and shall be filed :lith the City Clerk. At the next_regu- lar meeting of the City Council it shall proceed to hear and pass upon such appeal and its decision thereupon shall be final and conclusive. SECTION 4. Unless within ten t10) days from the date of the posting .of the notice provided for in Section 2 hereof, or r-; in case personal notice is given within ten (10) days from the date of the personal service thereof, or in case of ap- peal to the City Council within ten (10) days from the date of the determination thereof, unless the sa_­ie is sustained, the weeds, rubbish or oth r material, as the case may be, ae removed fro said property, land or lot, as directed by said notice or by the City Council on appeal, the Street Superintendent shall thereupon remove or ca;4se the same to be removed. If upon appeal the r-quirements of the original notice are modified, the Street Superintendent in removing or causing to be removed such weeds, rubbish or other mater- ial, shall be governed by the determination of the City Council so made. SECTION 5. The Street Superintendent shall keep, or cause to be kept, in his office "a permanen record book showing the descriptio:, of each piece of property or lot from which weeds, rubbish or other material are removed un- der the provisions of this ordinance, the name of the owner "^. thereof, if known, the date of posting of notice herein provided for, or in case oi' personal service the date of such personal service, and in case of appeal the date of the deter- mination of the uity Council, and the e-.:pense incurred in the removal of such weeds, rubbish or other material. SCTIO�7, 6. Bet -,seen the 1st and 15th day of July of each Year, the Street Superintendent shall cause to be published a notice to the effect that any person affected or aggrieved by any act or determination of the Street Superintendent or of the City Council. Such appeal shall be i writing and shall be riled with the Cit; Clerk. At the next regular meeting of the City Council after the first day of August it shall pro- ceed to hear and pass upon such appeal, and its determination thereupon, shall be final and conclusive. shall carry out any directions -of the City Council made upon appeal and he shall cause appropriate corrections and entries to be made in his said record book to conform therewith. SECTION 7. At the expiration of the time for appeal as herein provided, or upon the determination of the City Council �4 upon appeal and on compliance •,,ait' the requirements of any determination so made, the Street Superintendent shall de- liver to the County Assessor an abstract of the entries in the record book herein provided to be kept for the pre- ceding fiscal year. Such abstract shall show,the property affected and the amouht charged there against. The County Assessor shall thereupon :.ote the amount of each suc..charge on the assessment books of the city taxes against the re- spective lots so charged, and thereafter the amount of each such charge shall be a lien against the respective property charaged therewith of the same character and effect, and shall be collected i, the same manner and at the same time as city Laxes. i'he provisions of this section shall not apply as to an;- piece of property or land or lot, the charge against which has been paid prior to the deliver to the county Assessor of said abstract, but in such case an appropriate entry shall be made in the said record book by the said Street Superintendent, showing that such charge has been paid. SEC'PIO_J B. Proof of the publication, posting or service of any notice, order or determination provided for in this ordinance shall be made by the affidavit of the printer of the newspaper in which published his foreman, or principal clerk, or the person posting or serving the notice, orde or deter- mination annexed to a cope of order, notice of determination published, posted or served, as the case may be, andspecifying the tim when, or at which, the same was published or posted or served, as the case might be. It shall be the duty of the Street Superintendent to keep among the official records of his office the affidavits of publication, posting or service herein provided for. SECTICY 9. YOSTII-M OR ORDIUAS'ME. The City clerk shall certify to the passage of this ordinance and cause the same to be posted in three public places in the city of Tustin, to -wit: one near the entrance to the city Hall of the 1,ity of Tustin, the place where said City council holds its meet- ings, one near the entrance to the United States Post Office, and one near the entrance to the virst Natios,al Bank of Tustin. Mayor andr`esidenu oi--s• e hoard of Prustees of the Uity of Tustin. ATTEST: CI.Y CLTEi ff__.�____ The above and foregoing ordinance was regularly intro- duced at a regular meeting of the Uity Council held on the 2nd day of duly, 1928, and was duly passed and adopted at a regular.meeting of said City Council on the 6th day of August, 19281 by the following vote, to -wit: AYES: TRUSTEES: Huntley, Schwendeman, !,ogan, and Kiser NOES: .i'RUSTEES: NONE ABSEIv`RUSTEES: NONE .V y erk of e City of Tust n. C1'TY OF 'USTIid, ) COUNTY 01' ORANGE, ) as. STATE OF CALIFORTiIA.) I hereby certify that upon its.passage said ordinance was thereupon signed by the Mayor and President of the Board of Trustees of said City, and thereafter on the 7th day of August, 1928, 1 posted true copies of said ordinance, con- spicuously in three public places in the Uity of Tustin, to - wit one at the entrance to the City Hall, theplace where the board of Trustees holds its meetings; one near the en- trance to the United States Post Office; and one near the entrance to the Virst National Bank of 'Tustin. SEAL Witness my signature this 7th day of August, 1928 t t f,lerk an .fix - o tido clerk o�i3 e d of 'Trustees of the amity ofrustin.