HomeMy WebLinkAboutAttachment E, Exhibit 1, Z - Nonforeign Transferor Declaration (City)EXHIBIT Z Nonforeign Transferor Declaration (City) 5764- 0 621APB 3601AGRM7l 1 13676 R.6 5/1/13 TRANSFEROR'S CERTIFICATION OF NON - FOREIGN STATUS Section 1445 of the Internal Revenue Code (the "Code ") provides that a transferee of a U.S. real property interest must withhold tax if the transferor is a foreign person. For U.S. tax purposes (including Section 1445), the owner of a disregarded entity (which has legal title to a U.S. real property interest under local law) will be the transferor of the Property and not the disregarded entity. To inform the SOUTH ORANGE COUNTY COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT, a public agency ("Transferee "), the transferee of that certain real property described in Schedule "1" attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference, that withholding of tax is not required upon the disposition of the above - referenced real property by the CITY OF TUSTIN, a municipal corporation ( "Transferor "), the undersigned hereby certifies the following on behalf of the Transferor: 1. Transferor is not a foreign corporation, foreign partnership, foreign trust, foreign estate or foreign person (as those terms are defined in the Code and the Income Tax Regulations promulgated thereunder); 2. Transferor's taxpayer identification number is: 3. Transferor is not a disregarded entity as defined in Section 1.1445- 2(b)(2)(iii) of the Income Tax Regulations; and 4. Transferor's address is: 300 Centennial Way, Tustin, California 92780. The Transferor understands that this Certification may be disclosed to the Internal Revenue Service by the Transferee and that any false statement contained herein could be punished by fine, imprisonment, or both. The Transferor understands that the Transferee is relying on this Certification in determining whether withholding is required upon said transfer. 5764- 14062\AP13360 \1128210.2 424/13 Under penalty of perjury I declare that I have examined this Certification and to the best of my knowledge and belief it is true, correct and complete, and I further declare that I have authority to sign this document on behalf of the Transferor. Dated: , 2013 "TRANSFEROR" CITY OF TUSTIN, a municipal corporation By: Name: Jeffrey C. Parker City Manager 2 5764- 44062\APB35011 128210.2 4/24/13 Schedule "1" to Nonforeign Transferor Declaration Legal Description of Property 'Areas 2 & 6l All that certain real property located in the City of Tustin, County of Orange, State of California, described as follows: (Attached hereto and made part hereof) 5764 - 4062\A P B360 \ 11 28210.2 4/24/13 :BKFs n'L w:, rs Su4:tvc;; Pj pas LEGAl: I)13SCRII'TION Of AREA NO, j Tustin, CA PO fl Ion oE'APN: 430 -VU -IS April 10. 21113 1114.1" No. 211122006 -13 Page. ; of ' Real properly situated in the City of Tustin. County of Orange, Slate or Ca dili +rn la. described is* Follows: Ticino a portion of PARC D. I -F -I and l'AILCp.I. 1-1L-2. as s,iiil parcels are described in that certain document entitled -QUITCLAIM VELD li AND ENVIRONMEN1Al. It[S'IRK liON PURSUANT TO (•I VIL cum S[C i'IUN 1471" filed for record on May 14, 1002 in We. Nn. 20020404595, Recut d-; nC Orange Comity.. more particularly de.saibed as lolloers; CO 4 lILNC7NG el tae n::as northerly corm u!'said PARCEL 1-1.S.2, 'fhcncu along the northwesterly' Elie td said PARCEI, 1-N-2, Somh 1:0'37'39-' West 341-21) fret In fhr TItLIL PONT Of, IILGINNIN( ; -I hrnn: loaein,: ;aid not ih:c;•stcrly lint ofsvd PARCEI. I -E -2. `,unit ti4'37'4S" lira 37.-14 leer: fln n s ' t : a I i 4'J' T:.1" I r d - ; , ? 1 1 5u ct: Thence Smolt 511'4■' U'' Fesi, 3SL12 feat II, the s:villea crly lint tsI'PAItCI.il. I d ?•3.1, as slid parcel is ,1rse:ihed in that cedain UYf LINE Pep ILiS'fhil_'N "I' NU. I.I.A 113 -41. filed for Neur(' or April 15. 20113 it I ), srun ienl Ni, 'lll).;Ij0' d l S4,i.5, Onii i ,,c ("ninny 'lecortta: 7 hence along last aid southeasterly pine the following three (3) coursci South .10`915" West, 187.561 firs; 2. North .1.9`56117" West, 330,46 Iix•l; South 10v3911 5" Wet;, 12035 t'ei 'I leaving said sonasen:lcrly;inc. Volts 49'20'45" West, 360.03 feet Its said norllotestexfy 1ia:c<,t. said I'Al(C1)1• Theme along fete( said northwesterly- line the Collesciug three (3) p:yr :s x: I. North -10‘37'.19" Fast, 370.12 1'c. :I; 2. 'tunh :70`22 '21" SC :;l. ti 01) tees; 1, North 10'37'39" Last. 2130.12. fees to the 'f 11.01.: I'ON I'Of: I11:(iINNI Page 1 oft Cow ninuty all area or 2611,773,4111;trc 1",:ct or 5.987 a‘aesillk*Ut; ill th'iog H Poition •ssest;Ill's Rucel Nalabei •1311-281-1 shosi-te Opi SC/1(911110 I" MI:II:lied herein a pall heft (IC For: H NE fly: _ lat311, Ni. (IRAS txpire:c 09-30-2014 rh,,„: 4- 1 q 1111 It I %11.17`.d.11W(i.MAIN.1 \ I N. Dal 1,,Ni Ii,.ip Page 2 )t CITY OF TUSTIN 40 3-e c9^ r 17512 ri INiI':IILIL. CITY OF TUSTIN APN: 430- 283 -18 T.R0.B. ti H 10r5751-E 200.42' 497 .ever Vi s. DO' t1 51'32'48" € 37.44. / LAND EXCHANGE AREA NC). 2 260,773 sq.11.t 5.987 acrest DOC, NO. 20020404595 4U'34''5' M' 42013' PARCEL 1 -E -2 SOUTH ORANGE COUNTY COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT APN:430-283-15 LECrIN i P.O.C. ftir IT or COMMENCEMENT T,P.08. MK F'GMT Ci EEG5NIIINC a�. n DAVIS 1 PARCEL 1 -E -1 S 41139'113' TV 187.5 S 10'37'39' 'N 344. "8' PA 71 S1UTNEASTER6 UNE or 1 -I -2.1 LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT 03 -U1 GAO 000. NO, 2(10.300.3418455 r' \DURr2VI./ .13-3.LT PLAISVL.AIIO Sw4P .c +wt: PLA1 TO ACCOMPANY I. EGA_ tJL5crIp110N Sub ject LANE.) EXCHANGE AREA 2 Job No. 4122006,13 4 f �._._._ Ode 4/1910 CMd.WS 6t.o:uasl noouwao SHEET „_ -- -_, 1 or I - �BkF 6011 SOIIOI I('i"4 SIREEI :CITE 920 OHATIGE, ('A 82855 714 - 415 -40500 714- 415 -8509 (FAX) Lico B k r Ii! .1?. LI•:1:A1, 11R5+/ RI11'ION Hilt AItEA NO.h 3LQin, CA I'orlinu of Al'N: 4711. 283.18 April 14.3011 l7K11 No. 20122000 -11 rape I of 1 Real property situated it the City of •I'trtio, County t110;411120, State nl"Calitirnia, described as h>Ilows: Being a poni an or PARCIi. I.11-I and PARCIi1. 1.11 -: as said parcels are described in that cumin dnewntint entitled "Qtirre!.AIM DEED G AND rNVIRONNINI•AI, RES•PRICTION ruRStrAN r TO CIVIC, Ct)I'1ti SI'.0 :110,N I47 t" tiled for record no May Id, ?0i12 in Doe. No. 2002044595, Records of Or:nit:c Omni y, noire particularly dcscrihod ax Follows: COMMENCING ;d Il,t r1:n;a northerly cumcr of said P1 KC741. I .C...2; '1 hence:done Ike Iu r:IIe 1st ;ii lint ul raid PARCEL i -t4.1 :nu? ::pill PAR.:IF: • I -F -I. South •i9`0G ]s'• rag, 51.5.9? rc:n to ioo0reastedy line of I- 1'.11, as said parcel is des-liked in Itiat eertain LO-{- f.LNI AA.IUS'rk11iN 1' NO. 1.1.A 6.7.11, filial let Ic,:onl on April 15, 300? in Docunto:I No 24030410:111:055. Orange(:`,niin Uecc,ds., 'i,ea -. I e. in <nia a �h ", =r! lit. :nil! :11011g ;; it,!hr,r 14 :d late, S. Iuh .•nil ^39 i %Sitar, 213,55 't hunee leaeiug lard said lint, Ninth x0"48'11" ilea- 3561161 li:el; _t1a:a;.• North = 14) °12'?.I'• Vol. P 212.29 kcl: Renee North 0 t" 15.03" Wc:n,1 .(,.7 rest ht dn• nord,tvoUCrly lilts of t:aitf I'AItC11.1. I -I; 2' fkeiiec along said nerd:wwc ;lerly line ,North 11/'17'391` Iiust, 197.14: fool to the POINT t.11` FItftiINN IN( i. Contain ii ti an area or 131,413 square fret or 3.111 S acres more or less. 13:in:g0 Portico ol'Asse¢:or•s panel Nuother130-283 -IS As.iloan uu' :Sdt(dule I "attached Ittieto and made a part lioreuf. For; 131 :F tinpincers uy I):tvis Thresh, P. L.5. No. (ISO 1. iccnsn e'xpire>: 09.30-2014 U:ue: 4- c9 --zot3 r "rr5 �fsr :t :; 1:: Sml ).i1., :r. * It Al; I.1:04 5..p 1.1,n :6uL.alAINd. rr,.0 S`I Arr 1-XC111`111'r, ,loo I'ueat 1 of 1 IRED ELL lice ME N 40.7'39" E 11)7.(18. CITY OF TUSTIN if Ig DOC. NO. 20020404595 Tr r, APN: 430- 283 -18 PARCEL 1 -E -2 LE;CND P.O.P. POINT OF BEGINNING ,K,` i 43145.03" W • 3.1. !,'i PARCEL 1 -E -1 M — LJ in J LANG) EXCHANGE, AREA NO. 6 131,443 sq. tt.± 3.018 acres tri P.0.r1. / S 4013915" W 213.55' SOU IHPASIERI.Y L'HE OF 1- E -'•1/ LOT LINE ADJUSTVENT 03 -01 1110C. N0. 2C03000418455 12: U% -13 f LAr °_`I A' L :INN' 11,91611 SOUTH ORANGE COUNTY COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT APN: 430-283-16 PLAT TO ACCOMPANY LEGAL DESCRIPTION 000 SOLUH MAIN SMUT Subject SUM: 20 17�N_ EYCIIANGF AR[A ti ORANGE, CA 92T1GS dJob Nn. ZO122U6fi -13 7i4- - 415• -0500 By R1_�_ Dele 4 1. 1 Eaalnirtnn lrwaN 711 -115 -0590 (FAX) Y 9/t3 Chku.WS - SIFEET _.__ 1 OF t ......