HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD 15 (1928)ORDINANCE NO. 15 AN ORD !7INCE FP.QENDING ORDINAIXE ITO. I OF 'H' CITY OF TIIS.IN, �.'-'1 E➢ " AP: 03DI -ANCA 0 H i I _ J_ UST IN FIXING i'.L TIDd- �'TdD PLACE Ur' OFFICI'`L �TItGS OF TuE BOA --'D O ''HE '2RU62EES OF SAID CITY" The Board of Trustees and City Council of the City of Tustin do ordain as follows: Section I. Section 1 of Ordinance !ao. 1 of the City of Tustin entitled, "An Orelinance of the City of 'Tustin fixing the time and place of off;cial meetings of the Board of 'Trus tees of said City," is hereby amended to read as follows: All official meetings of the board of Trustees of the City of .'ustin, or of the City Council of the City of Tus- tin, will be held at the premises knows. as No. 1356, Main Street in the said city Of 'Tustin., said premises being in the.Nnights of Pythias Building, and which said premises shall he. -c. -forth be knows -I as the City fall of the City of '!'ustin, and the regular meetings of said Board of 'Trustees and Cit; council will be held on the first and third i.iondays of each month at the hour of 8 o'clock E. i'a.,of said days. Section 2. The Amedment. of said Ordinance is for the 1mm,ediate preservation of the Public peace, health and safety, and the facts constituting its urgency are decl°-.red to be as follows; the place where the said Board of Trustees and City Council have been holding its meetings in the Lodge Rooms of the Knic,hts of Pythias Lodge of the City of 1"Ustin, is no longer suitable or available for the use of said Board and Council or for the purpose of conducting the business of said City, and said. board of ';'rustees and City Co ncil have ac- quired the ne-,% premises described i11 n Section 1 above which is suitable and available for such purposes, and the ocec;pation of the same for the purpose of holding the meetings of the said board of 'i'rustees and City Council of the said City of Tustin, and for the transaction of the official business of Said city in a"lawful manner; for which reason this ordinance Shall go into full force and effect immediately upon: its final passage. Section 3. YOS:IttG 0' ORDIN=INCE. `1'he City Clerk shall certify to the passage of this ordina:ce and cause the same to be posted in three public places in the city of 'Tustin, to -alt: one near. the entrance to the vitt' Gall of the City of Tustin, the place where said City Council holds its meetings, one near the entrance to the Unitied States Post Office, and one near the entrance to the First Tdational Bank of 'Tustin. /r L� Mayor and resideno` the Boar o Trustees of the City of 'Tustin. AT -11 "ST ity jerk The above and foregoing ordinance was reg larly intro- duced at a regular meeting of the City Council held on the 18th day of June, 1928, and waq duly passed and adopted at a regular meeting of said City Council on the 16th day of July, 1928, by the following vote, to -wit: Av;:S: .TRUST ES; Ziser, Schwendeman, Logan, and Huntley. f^'1idO:.S: "RUSTEES: NONE ABSENT: TRUKEES: NONE. / 0 y Jerk o_ the Cit * of Tus in. CITY OF `liSTIT', j' C OUidT Y ''Xil -)RA _7GE ) ss STATS OF C,LIFO' IA. I hereby certify that upon its passage said ordinance was thereupon signed by the Mayor and President of the board of Trustees of said City, and thereafter on the 17th day of July 1928, 1 posted true copies of said ordinance, conspicu- ously in three public places in the City of rusti::, to -wit; one at the entrance to the city Hall, the place where the Board of 'Trustees holds its meetings; one near the entrance to the United States Post Office; and one near the entrance to. the First National Bank of .Tustin. Witnessmy signature this 17th day of July, 1928. ( SEAL) City ' erk and „$ -Officio clerk of the Board Trustees of the city of 'Tustin