HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD 14 (1928)ORDI_TiANCE NO. 14 Ar O.'DTJ+ANC ArT DING SECTION 4 OF O'_":DIIdAIMB N0. 4` OF THE CI -2Y CIO TUSTIIv, :.NTI^':ED " AN O D'11,ANCE PROVIDING FOR LICENST-G AN3 REGiLATIEG TFL CARRYING ON OF CERTAIIT PROFrSSIONS ,' 'TRADES, CALKING? AND JCCUPriTIOIS, III THE CITY OF TUSTIN." The Board of Trustees and City Council of the City of Tustin do ordain as follows; Section 1. Section 4 of Ordinance rIo. 4 of the City of Tustin entitled, "An Ordinance providing for licensing and regulating the carrying on of certain professions, trades, callings and occl,pations, in the city of 'i'.ustin , `' is hereby amended to read as follows; All Licenses shall be paid in advance in legal currency of the United States of American, at the office of the City Clerk. Provided, hog+ever, that the licenses required to be paid by the provisions of this ordinance shall be computed and payable from and after the 18t day of January of each and every calendar year. A separate license must be obtained for each branch establishment or separate place of business in which the trade calling, profession or occupation is carried on, and each license shall authorize the party obtaining it to carry on, pursue or conduct only that trade, calling, pro- fession or occupation described in such license, and only at the location or place of business which is indicated thereby, provided, further that where a license is herein imposed upon any business, profession, trade or occupation, and the number of persons employed or the gross receipts of such business is made the basis for fixing the amount of such license, a separate license tax shall be paid for each branch establish- ment or place of business in which the trade, calling or occupation is carried on, based upon the number of persons employed in or the gross receipts of each such branch esta- blishment or separate place of business. The monthly license in the ordinance provided shall be due and payable to the City on the first of each month, in advance, from all persons who have for the previous month been licensed to carry on the same trade, calling, profession, 75 or occupation, the license shall be dur and payable, and must be procured by such persons before commencing to carry on such trade, calling, profession or occupation. The quarterly license in this ordinance provided shall be due and payable to the City on the first day of January, April, July and October, and all such licenses shall expire with the last day of March, June, September and llecember, of each year, but the first quarterly license issued to any I person, as herein provided, shall be issued for the unex- pired one-third or two-thirds of the current quarter; pro- vided, however, that any person, firm or corporation desir- ing to do so may pay for and procure all four quarterly licenses at the time the first qua terly license becomes due and payable under the provisions of this ordinance. The weekly licenses in this ordinance provided shall be l due and payable to the,City on Monday of each week in ad - Vance. The semi-annual licenses in this ordinance provided shall tt' at the tides specified herein be due and payable to the vi respectively, or when not so specified on the first day of January and July of each year, but the first sem-annual license issued to any person as herein provided shall be is- sued for the unexpired period of such half yea--, except as herein otherwise in this ordinance specifically provided. Theannuallicenses in this ordinance provided shall be due and payable to the vity at the time specified herein respectively, or when not so specified, on the first day of January of each year, but the first annual license issued to any person shall be issued for the unexpired period of such year, except as herein otherwise in this ordinance specifically provided. No greater or less amount of money shall be charged or received for any license than is provided i. this ord- inance and no license shall be sold or issued for any per- iod of time other than in this ordinance provided, except that anyone ap,lying for a license to engage in a b-,einess for which an annual license fee .Is provided, and who shall make said application after the 1st day of April but before the 18t day of July of the year in which the application is made, shall only be required to pay for said license three-fourths of the annual license fee; and likewise if the application is made after the lst day of July and before the first dcy of October, of the year in which the appli- cation is made, shall only be required to pay for said license one-half of the annual fee; and likewise if the application is made after the first day of October of the year in which the application is made, shall only be re- quired to pay for said license one-fourth of the annual fee; and in the case of semi-annual licenses provided for in said license ordinance, if the applicatio. therefor is made after the let day of April or after the -first day of October, in the one-half year in which the application is made, the applicant shall only be required to pay for said license, one-half of the semi-annual fee provided therefor. Section 2. Whereever in the foregoing amendment the words "this ordinance" is used, the same are intended to and shall refer to Ordinance Eo. 4 in full, as well as to this amendment, the foregoing amendement baing;__substituted in the place of Section 4 of the said Ordinance No. 4. Section 3. The Amendment of said Ordinance is for the immediate preservation of the public peace, health and safety, and the facts constituting its urgency are declared to be as follows; ce-rtain'applications for license to do ` business in the City of Tustin are pending which now require the payment of the full annual license fee notwithstanding that nearly one-half of the year has already expired, and that justice and fairness require that immediate provision be made s that said licenses may be issued to said appli- cants upon the payment by them of fees for the balance of the year only as in the foregoing amendment provided; for which reason this ordinance shall go into full force and ef- fect immediately upon its final passage. Section 4. rOSTING OF "):DI2IANCE. The City Clerk shall 0 certify to thepassageof this ordinance and.cause the same to be posted in three public places in the City of Tustin, the place where said City Council holds its meetings; one near the entrance to the Unitied States Post office, and one near the entrance to the First National Bank of Tustin. hr1/oMayosanard of 'Trustees of the City of Tustin AT'i'ES ,i y Clera The above and Foregoing ordinance was regularly intro- duced_at a regular meeting of the uity Council held on the 18th day of June, 1928, and was duly passed and adopted at a regul<^.r meeting of said City Council on the 16th day of July, 1928'by the following vote, to -wit: AYES: E?TJ" 'ES; Kiser, Schwendeman, Logan, and Huntley. NOES: NONE ABSEP;T: ?US'ES: -UNE Cly � er -1 i y 0Tus in, Ca . CITY OF 'AUSTIN, . ) COUNTY OF ORANGE, STATE OF CALIFC'UTIA. ) I hereby .certify that upon its passage said ordinance was thereupon signed by the Mayor and President of the Board of Trustees of said City, and thereafter on the 17th day of July 1928, I posted true copies of said ordinance, conspicu- ously.in three public daces in the City of Tustin, +o -wit one at the entrance to the City Hall, the place where the Board of Trustees hold its meetings; one near the entrance to the United States Post Office; and one near the entrance to the First National Bank of Tustin. Witness my signature this 17th day of July, 1928. J( (SMy EAL)pKanEgo icioler o dieBoardes of the City of Tustin