HomeMy WebLinkAboutZA Report MA 2013-002AGENDA 1`�,EPOF,�-,-T 7,-C-,), ZrQ)H1a310 A DL, HRj1i [j 1 S7RA 7 OR FR0I1i1, C0Pi1G!i1LL H 17 DCV7[ELL0P.i!i1[Ez 97 Dr- SpAjFl,7 H E-o\,]il YOU -i \] =j' S U IOLL10 Fil c, >_L C I6 o/,� FR 'A IN\ IKL11\1 /Z\VEC INUE u iU571N, CA 927>c' a 0 v9l l R F6R_A 9 CfLII`� A'�j7L J 7 U07OM, Q/� 927Bo o LL0 /W00i110 il!H32 FRAHKL� jl \9 AV[,-zHME GD' INER LL PLbc\I\1. PL,AI`9NE0 CO- HVil'kilU[I\,] 'ITY COhl[jH'ERCI /A %BiUZ5 NH�55 z0- NIl`9?0 P1- ,AI`9I ED c©T1MUN17 Y\ j�]DU 5 7 R D s fL � F c 1Im--o) ENVIRONMENTAL i C 105 RR©J� 5� c90R1�1L L C(G!i1U L X55 7 STATUS: PURSUANT TO SE C i DOH 1,30(01 OF THE Q�WF Mlg\ FM\ VIRON i�/ LLzN79\L LQUALLIT Y\, ACT. TO DE CR BABE f 11 � REgMIRI�D ,RILLJ� �j� E IER OF OFF-5 RIME << G�RGCI(I`l0 SPACC S FOR ADL Q17XQXN ,, L KDFF1C.25 [BY 10 P E � C E T\l 7. Zoning Adr iniS'ITator May 29, 2013 iMA 201 3 -002 Page 2 That the Zoning Administrator adopt Zoning Al dmiristrat'or Actlor 2013 -005 approving Minor Adjustment 2013 -002 to reduce the squired amount of perming spaces by 10 percent to accommodate 2dd°Kknial ofJcas Ajv�thin 'Iha_ wAsting bu]d ng ioca"M_-d at 1 -4402 i'=rankAn Avenue. Pursuant li0 Session 9299b(l )(f) of she V raft Clty Code, the Zoning Adminls'srator has she, authority to approve minor cadjussrnnents of a decrease of not more than 10 percent In the number of required o u­streso'� parking spaces for nonresiden�i,-*il land uses. ACK RO!L ND #Orgjact S6Le an, Sv,rroLmdjng Usas The project site is an exjsting industrial office properly located @� 14,402 V rankiln PAvenus, north of the Chambers Road Intersection, AiMt'hM the Planned Community lndUstrial (PC ll\ \D) zoning cl strict and the lndne IndUslZrial Complex Planned Corr muni�Iy IOlstrict. The Ir\iine lndustrial Complex Planned Community District Regina °dons allmiiis Tor a variesy of irdUStTiEl and O°i'FIOC USSOS. In 2dcJtlon, the property is doss grated as Planned COMMLInRY Corr merciadBusiness by the General Flan Land Use Nlap. The project slte is located in an exlsting parcel lmpTove 1 1jAi Rh a 71,120 squa s -foot offfice buMing and 254 parl, ing spaces. The surround) ng properJes are also zoned PC 1j,\]D and located vJtNr hes Irvine lndustrial Comply Planned Community Ditto. The surrounding 'busirsss in adjacent properties include Young's Market, LTC. and an MtOmobile brokerage company to the north, an AT&T uIllky veNcle yard to ��he easy, an MUS'l' rial building to the south, and an auto ott ve repair business to the west, Zoning Administrator May 29, 2013 u?,A 2013 -032 Page 3 The appficant proposes to recomigure approximat -sly 3,500 squam 'Feet of AjAjarshouse and S-tOrag SPECS into office space, Tenant improvsmen-t plans �Jvouu l include modifying -- Asting Open OffiCS ar -Sas into a comNnatlon of Mividual office rooms and open oTfics space. The applicant -'s planned o'Fflos is in response to having run out of proper Nivork staJons and offices for its employees. CurrsnUy, some employees have to share A,,,Arork statlons End others us- conference rooms as Ih& office space. Fho, applican't's planned rruodl flcations are graaUy needed improa sments in order to provide proper ?,Ajork emJronments to company employees. The conversion of existing �jArarehoa»os and storage area to offices and futurs adds tion of offices -would requ, re a total o? 282 parking spaces and the sA&Jng project sKe has 25411 paTI'dng spaces. Accordingly, the appficant is proposing a minor adjusl` ment to the paring regU, TSMS -nts by reducing the number of requlred parking by 10 percent or ttixen°ty -eUgf t (28 ) spaces. II he folloliMng site pUan shmiAis 11he Er (SaS of -tenan°t Umprcvement, t Area of 2nd Floor a Tenant Improvement (1 57 s.f.) o JMF(a 1: Site Plan Area of 1 st Floor Tenant Improvement (3,345 s.f.) i !i On 11he flrst flOOT, the appficant is planning °to convert an existing print shop and loafing dock area into Mn vidual office rooms, A /jNch comprises approNimately 3,345 square feet Of nONYA] &MCS arSE2, This area is Nghlighted in the F gure 2, )Ahin the Nue- dashed area. Un addition, eAsfing open office areas 'vAjifl be pardJonsd to create individual office rooms, shop, ^rn in the green -das ad carea, Area of 2nd Floor a Tenant Improvement (1 57 s.f.) o JMF(a 1: Site Plan Area of 1 st Floor Tenant Improvement (3,345 s.f.) i !i On 11he flrst flOOT, the appficant is planning °to convert an existing print shop and loafing dock area into Mn vidual office rooms, A /jNch comprises approNimately 3,345 square feet Of nONYA] &MCS arSE2, This area is Nghlighted in the F gure 2, )Ahin the Nue- dashed area. Un addition, eAsfing open office areas 'vAjifl be pardJonsd to create individual office rooms, shop, ^rn in the green -das ad carea, Zoning AdministratoT May 29, 2013 MA 2013 -002 Page 4 777 / AREA OF MMUW TENANT IMPROVEMENT 1 I I i 1� IJ IED ,..�� ... -..:.. ......i... ........,... -... ...- ------ --.... . -.. -. .. ..... .... ...... .... .�,. _ ..,... ...,.. ,. ... ...... .,.. .. 1 Homm 2, 1 o F ow ATrw o� Conz TucUo The second floor mods fica�Jons inn 11je remoNJng a 157 square -foo'I storage room and comwerting that space to join �jd'lh the adjacent open eTMce area. Figure 3 slbmjvs the proposed open office area, after ��he resmo al Of 2 SZOTE e re= jcL lJ` AREA OF I TENANT IMPROVEMENT The proposed efface conversion assooiaM �Mth Ns rT *ior adjusl7ment comprises 3,502 square felt of bu ld ng space, or only 5 percent of the eAst ng bu ldl ng area. HoAjvever, the applicant may add /convert additional fbor area irate of lC- space in ,the °iu`.l:ure to accommodate adds 'kraal gro�j /\Lft needs, he fo levJng table shows (he eAsMg, proposed, and uUlture addi7 nar square footage and requa red number of PaTIdng spaces, based on strict appflcatien of parking requ remer'ls, Zoni ng Administrator M,ay 29, 2013 MA 2013 -002 Page 5 The applicant Currently has approximately 200 employees et the subject property and plans to !hire @pproXim ,@rely 4 to 10 more wjAv employees, The property Currently has 254 parking spaces, and vvith a potential employee total of approAr az tely 210 employees, the total employee population, ajvoua d be less than the number of parkin spaces curren-dy prove dsd on the project site. Therefore, no par�in1g i mpact is an'ticipa'ted. Section 9299c13J(a ) of the TCC, °t'he !Cellforr a Government Code Section 65906 req &ess the City to make bivo posi'Jve °findings 'to approve a minor adjustment. In determining Nwhether to approve the Nlinor Adjustment, the Zoning Administrator must determire that the ,proposed request constitutes e special circumstance uNque to 'Ihe land based on hardship v��here Zhe strict Rkerel in'terpre&tetbn of the zoning code deprives the property of privileges enjoyed by other properties in the area. In addition the Zoning Administrator Must determine tha�t the proposed Nl nor Adjustment �xould not be a granting of special privilege lnconsisten`k' �iAji°th UmKationC placed on other properties in the vicinity. A decision to approve Hs request may be supported by the folloa,Mng findings; 1. That 'the use as a corp='te Of'Fice is consistent Ath the intent of the General Plan and the lrvine MUStrial !Complex Us'trict Regulations �j /vhich provides for a Variety of light industrial and office rises. 2. That '11he project only involves the conversion of exis1Jng floor area currently being used as '�A.mrehouse and storage into office spaces, No addiiVon of floor area is being proposed; thereby the strict application of the parking req rements �,�fould deprive the subject property from using the --X a n building to its meAmum pot enAt as . 3. That she intent of the parldng regulation is preserved in that the proposed change ✓o ild not cause any parking impact to the subject ;property or the immedie:te vicinity since the property olvuner, as the sole tenant on the property, has control over hoAvAi th-- sukk ect property is used, including the parking area, ?t, i hat the eNisting 254 parking spaces vkiill be sufficient to serve the intended office Lisa and future orfice conversion in that the existing number of employee is 200 and true future number of employee - v?iill be 210 �Iherefore adeque'te number Of Existing Use S. F. Required S. F. Required Requirsd Parking Spaces Parking Spaces Parking Spaces Office 60,750 243 63,197 253 70,197 281 Warehouse 10,370 11 7,923 8 923 1 Total 71,120 25,4 ............. ........ - -_.... 71,120 ......................................... 261 ..... —_ —.__._....................._— 71,120 ._.._...._.. ..,_..........._.._...._.._.... 282 The applicant Currently has approximately 200 employees et the subject property and plans to !hire @pproXim ,@rely 4 to 10 more wjAv employees, The property Currently has 254 parking spaces, and vvith a potential employee total of approAr az tely 210 employees, the total employee population, ajvoua d be less than the number of parkin spaces curren-dy prove dsd on the project site. Therefore, no par�in1g i mpact is an'ticipa'ted. Section 9299c13J(a ) of the TCC, °t'he !Cellforr a Government Code Section 65906 req &ess the City to make bivo posi'Jve °findings 'to approve a minor adjustment. In determining Nwhether to approve the Nlinor Adjustment, the Zoning Administrator must determire that the ,proposed request constitutes e special circumstance uNque to 'Ihe land based on hardship v��here Zhe strict Rkerel in'terpre&tetbn of the zoning code deprives the property of privileges enjoyed by other properties in the area. In addition the Zoning Administrator Must determine tha�t the proposed Nl nor Adjustment �xould not be a granting of special privilege lnconsisten`k' �iAji°th UmKationC placed on other properties in the vicinity. A decision to approve Hs request may be supported by the folloa,Mng findings; 1. That 'the use as a corp='te Of'Fice is consistent Ath the intent of the General Plan and the lrvine MUStrial !Complex Us'trict Regulations �j /vhich provides for a Variety of light industrial and office rises. 2. That '11he project only involves the conversion of exis1Jng floor area currently being used as '�A.mrehouse and storage into office spaces, No addiiVon of floor area is being proposed; thereby the strict application of the parking req rements �,�fould deprive the subject property from using the --X a n building to its meAmum pot enAt as . 3. That she intent of the parldng regulation is preserved in that the proposed change ✓o ild not cause any parking impact to the subject ;property or the immedie:te vicinity since the property olvuner, as the sole tenant on the property, has control over hoAvAi th-- sukk ect property is used, including the parking area, ?t, i hat the eNisting 254 parking spaces vkiill be sufficient to serve the intended office Lisa and future orfice conversion in that the existing number of employee is 200 and true future number of employee - v?iill be 210 �Iherefore adeque'te number Of Zoning Administrator May 29, 2013 IMA 2013 -302 page 5 parking -paces are prmJded or current employees and potsn ial future groljAL h of employees. 5. That she adjusted decrease in the number of parl,,dng spaces vi ll not be detrimental to the public hesallh, safety or general �,Arel aTs �r r��s�ri�99� injurious to properties located in general AcinRy in that the prOper7Y iS OCCUpied by a single tenan�l and parl`ing associa��ed �j, ,\rib %hS SUb ear properly ? AI be contained on she properly and -as condd onasd, the a,p,piicant �jAA0 be Tequired to address any nagative parks ng impede, if any. Staff recommends that the Zone ng Admii�istra«or adopt Zone g Adm nT slraltor Ac -'Jon No. 2013 -005 approve n �Anor Adjustment 2013 -002, alIoAjAL ng 'Tor a decrease it 'the rage and number Of PEITking spaces by 10 percent to accommodate a�l� ti anal offi cs sp,,:�css Njvr tNn the eAsJng bu ldl ng located at 1 ,4402 G'=rankJn Avenue �,,J- in the InAne Indu lftl Complex Planned COMMLM y zoning dist t, Edmelyn64 V. Huffer Associate Planner Attachments; A. Submi led pleas Q. Zone ng A mina strator Acton No. 2013 -005 L\7 AC u � �r71 \1 1 n U IS Rrll17 7T---= TO FL9\Ii 'I 5 �i O i E tip r_, i .......... r......_..'.4 i �R4 � W ' amm� �i f� I I . yt r � ! Yt 1',t wr all, Elk, Irt All If r llip ■Y OlR_ a �.. Is IN H IN N1 11 1 e�. g• E v R I 1 I - -- a i - - -- --------------------- -- - •--- - - - - -- — 4 a QA --------- ------- - - - - -- ........................ s iFs 4," ( I I �-i c � e Torn l $ 118111 Ss 7 g87S$L' if I ,c I 0 0 10 M � i ....................... i i a . . ....... . .............. - — - — — - — - - - me 14 0 ZONING ADMINISTRATOR ACTION 13-005 MINOR ADJUSTMENT 2013-002 14402 FRANKLIN AVENUE The Zoning Administrator of the City of Tustin does hereby resolve as follows: 1. The Zoning Administrator finds and determines: A. A proper application for Minor Adjustment 2013-002 was filed by Bob Richardson, on behalf of Young's Holding, LLC., to convert approximately 3,500 square feet of warehouse and storage area into offices and to allow for a decrease in the required number of parking spaces by ten percent (10%), or twenty-eight (28) spaces; B. That the site is designated as Planned Community Commercial/Business by the City General Plan and is within the Planned Community Industrial zoning district and Irvine Industrial Complex Planned Community Development; C. That pursuant to Section 9299b(1)(0 of the Tustin City Code, the Zoning Administrator has the authority to approve minor adjustments of a decrease of not more than 10 percent in the number of required off-street parking spaces for nonresidential land uses; D. That the establishment, maintenance, and operation of the use applied for, under the circumstances of this case, constitutes a special circumstance unique to the land based on hardship where the strict literal interpretation of the zoning code deprives the property of privileges enjoyed by other properties in the area as evidenced by the following findings: 1. That the use as a corporate office is consistent with the intent of the General Plan and the Irvine Industrial Complex District Regulations which provides for a variety of light industrial and office uses. 2. That the project only involves the conversion of existing floor area currently being used as warehouse and storage into office spaces. No addition of floor area is being proposed; thereby the strict application of the parking requirements would deprive the subject property from using the existing building to its maximum potential. 3. That the intent of the parking regulation is preserved in that the proposed change would not cause any parking impact to the subject property or the immediate vicinity since the property owner, as the sole tenant on the property, has control over how the subject property is used, including the parking area. Zoning Administrator Action 13-005 MA 2013-002 Page 2 4. That the existing 254 parking spaces will be sufficient to serve the intended office use and future office conversion in that the existing number of employee is 200 and the future number of employee will be 210 therefore adequate number of parking spaces are provided for current employees and potential future growth of employees. 5. That the adjusted decrease in the number of parking spaces will not be detrimental to the public health, safety or general welfare or materially injurious to properties located in general vicinity in that the property is occupied by a single tenant and parking associated with the subject property will be contained on the property and as conditioned, the applicant will be required to address any negative parking impacts, if any. E. This project is Categorically Exempt pursuant to Section 15301 (Class 1) of the California Code of Regulations (Guidelines for the California Environmental Quality Act). II. The Zoning Administrator hereby approves Minor Adjustment 2013-002 allowing the conversion of approximately 3,500 square feet of warehouse space and storage area into offices and a decrease in the required number of off-street parking spaces by ten percent (10%), or twenty-eight (28) spaces, subject to the conditions contained within Exhibit A, attached hereto. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Zoning Administrator of the City of Tustin, at a regular meeting on the 29th day of May 2013. b.21W ADRIANNE DILEVA-JOHNSON RECORDING SECRETARY Zoning Administrator Action 13-005 MA 2013-002 Page 3 STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF ORANGE CITY OF TUSTIN 1, Adrianne DiLeva-Johnson, the undersigned, hereby certify that I am the Zoning Administrator Secretary of the City of Tustin, California; that Zoning Administrator Action 2013-005 was duly passed and adopted at a regular meeting of the Tustin Zoning Administrator, held on the 29th day of May, 2013. EXHIBIT A ZONING ADMINISTRATOR ACTION 13-005 MINOR ADJUSTMENT 2013-002 14402 FRANKLIN AVENUE CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL 1. The proposed project shall substantially conform with the submitted plans for the project date stamped May 29, 2013, on file with the Community Development Department, as herein modified, or as modified by the Zoning Administrator in accordance with this Exhibit. The Community Development Director may also approve subsequent minor modifications to plans during plan check if such modifications are consistent with provisions of the Tustin City Code or other applicable regulations. 2. Unless otherwise specified, the conditions contained in this Exhibit shall be complied with prior to the issuance of any building permits for the project, subject to review and approval by the Community Development Department. 3. This approval shall become null and void unless the use is established within twelve (12) months of the date of this Exhibit. Time extensions may be granted if a written request is received by the Community Development Department within thirty (30) days prior to expiration. 4. Approval of Minor Adjustment 2013-002 is contingent upon the applicant and property owner signing and returning to the Community Development Department a notarized "Agreement to Conditions Imposed" form and the property owner signing and recording with the County Clerk-Recorder a notarized "Notice of Discretionary Permit Approval and Conditions of Approval" form. The forms shall be established by the Director of Community Development, and evidence of recordation shall be provided to the Community Development Department. 5. The applicant shall provide and maintain a minimum 254 parking spaces at the subject property. Any change in the number of parking spaces provided must be approved by the Community Development Department. 6. If in the future the City determines that a parking, traffic, or noise problem exists on the site or in the vicinity as a result of the proposed project, the Community Development Director may require the applicant to prepare a parking demand analysis, traffic study, or noise analysis and the applicant shall bear all associated costs. If said study indicates that there is inadequate parking or a traffic or noise problem, the applicant shall be required to provide mitigation measures to be reviewed and approved by the Community Development Department and/or Public Works Department. Said mitigation may include, but are not limited to, the following: a. Establish alternative hours of operation. E��� Exhibit A Conditions of Approval MA 2013-002 Page 2 7. Within forty-eight (48) hours of approval of the subject project, the applicant shall deliver to the Community Development Department, a cashier's check payable to the COUNTY CLERK in the amount of fifty dollars ($50.00) to enable the City to file the appropriate environmental documentation for the project. If within such forty-eight (48) hour period the applicant has not delivered to the Community Development Department the above-noted check, the statute of limitations for any interested party to challenge the environmental determination under the provisions of the California Environmental Quality Act could be significantly lengthened.