HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD 13 (1928)ORDINANCE NO. 13
The Board of Trustees and City Council of the City
of Tustin do ordain as follows;
SECTION I. That for the regulation and proper super-
vision of all certain business where games of billiards,
pool, bagatelle, bowling alleys or other indoor la5ful
games are conducted or carried on for profit or gain in
the City of Tustin, California, the same shall be conducted
on in a single room without partition, anti -rooms or closet
other than water closets or lavatories and entirely inac-
cessible from any other room, cellar, or attic, provided
however, that the main entrance or vestibule from the pub -
lie street or a pa_tition may be installed where glass pan-
el doors and a partition, a portion of which shall be glass,
the -same to be at all times clean, unglazed and unobstruc-
ted so that any and all parts of said room or rooms will at
all times be fully observable one part from the other.
SECTION 2. That the entrance to and into said room or
rooms shall at all times ,juring business hours be open and
unobs,'rutted to the public of all lawful age and the peace
officers of said City.
SECTION 3. That when a permit shall be issued and li-
cense granted for the business of billiards, pool, baga-
telle, bowling alleys or other lawful games conducted and
carried on for profit and gain, they shall be subject to all
the co_ditions contained in this ordinance and likewise the
place where said business shall be carried on, its,location,
arrangements and suitability for said purposes and the
character, reputation and reliability af_the.personcorsper=
sbns conductrng said:,.biisi.ne.ss subject to the consent and ap-
proval of the Board of Trustees and uity Council of the city
of 'Tustin.
SECTION 4. That in addition to the penalties herein-
after inposed it shall be lawful for the Board of trustees
and City Council of the City of Tustin to revoke any permit
or license given for the conduct of said business by any
person or persons who may have violated any of the provisions
of this ordinance after such persons ot• persons shall have
received a notice to appear before the hoard of Trustees and
after such persons or persons have been heard of had the
opportunity to be heard before said Board -lith their witnes-
ses, if any, and said Board is convinced that such person
or persons have wilfully violated the terms of this ordin-
ance, their license shall ve revoked.
SECTION 5. i:hat it shall ve unlawful for any games of
cards, dice, or other games of chance to be carried on in
any room in which any of the above b;;.siness shall be c�nduc-
ted or in any room accessible therefrom.
SZCTICI� 6. That any person desiring to engage in one
or more of the business herein enumerated shall first make
application in writin to the Board of Trustees of said
City, and who shall have the sole po er and authority to
grante a license therefor and a permit and license to en-
gage in -aid business in said City, and signed by the per-
son or persons who shall seek to carry on and conduct said
business and the said tsoard shall have full power to grant
or reject said application and after proper investigation
if it shall appear thtet said person or persons are proper,
suitable and proper persons, and if they further find that
the location and arrangement of the proposed place where
said business is to be conducted and carried on is satis-
factory, they shall grant said permit and license and if
otherwise they shall reject and deny the same.
P^ Si+7CTiold 7. that. the Board of 'Trustees and City Coun-
oil in granting a permit or license or -rejecting the same
for the carrying on of said business reserves the,right at
all times to determine where said games may or shall be car-
ried on and the character and nature of the surrounding, the
character of the building and the manner of its a -r -range-
me:'_t and construction nd -ccessibiiity a.,d sui'�abi.iity for
the purpose of the conduct of said business.
S'C'ION 8. It shall be unlawfi.l for any person under
the age of :aGxi'ili ;years to visit or anter in or engage in
any tva or loiter in or about any room where the a£ores :id
games are being conducted or carried on.
S�CTIOI' 9. It shall be unlawful for any person or per-
sons, firm or corporation, their agents or employees to per-
mit any person -,,.nder the agc of EIGHTEEN years to visit or
enter in or engage in or loiter about any root: being con-
ducted, maintained, or carried on by said person or persons,
firm or corporation, their agent or employees where billiards,
pool, bagatelle, bo -,:ling alleys or other l�:wf,al games for
profit and gain a,e being c,,nductcd or carried on in the city
of Tustin, California.
SLCTIn" 10. Any person violraing the provisions of this
ordinance shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and upon convic-
tio-'a shall be punished by a fine of not less than twenty
f$20.00) dollars nor mo e than_ one hundred (100.00) dollars
or imprisoned in the Coy;.nty Jail for a period of 10 (ten) days
or both such fine and imprisonment in the discretion of the
SECTIO--? 11. All ordinances or parts of ordinances as.
they effect this ordinance are to that extent hereby repealed.
SECTIO:; 12. The City Clerk shall certify to the pas -
safe of this ordinance and oause the same to be posted in
three public places in the City of Tustin, t^ -wit: one near
the entrance to the uity Hall, the place where said city
Council holds it meetings, one near the entrance to the United
States Post Office, and one n --a.- the entrance to the i`irst
National Bank of 'Tustin. Said ordinance stall take effect
and be in force thirty days from date of its final passage.
ifaycr and --Prosident o 'she board OT
Trustees of the City of 'i'ustin.
(SEA I,)
CR- a k an x -officio Ulork of
the VC y Council.
The above and foregoing ordinance was regularly intro-
duced at a regular meeting of the City Council held on the
18th day of June, 1928, and was duly passed and .dopted at
a regular meeting of said City Council on the 16th day of
July, 1928, b, t're following vote, to -wit:
AYE -8: RUSTS S: 3iser, schwendeman, Logan, and. Huntley.
NO'S: .''RUS2%iES. None.
OV Clerk of the City of i'ustir..
C12Y OF ''USTIN, ) (/
COUidTY OF 0''.A14GE,
S'2A-'E Or C.=:LIFORNIA. )
I hereby certify that upon its passage said ordinance
was thereupon signed by the Mayor and President of the hoard
of Trustees of said City, and thereafter on the 1'7th day of
July 1928, I posted true copies of said ordinance, conspic-
uously in three public places in the City of Tustin, to -wit:
one at the entran;e to the City Hall, the place where the
Board of Trustees holds its meetings, one near the entrance
to the First National Bank, of 'Tustin, and one near the en-
trance to the United States Post Office.
Witness my signature this 17th day of July, 1928.
(SEAL) 4't�
Oity rk and Ex -Officio Gler7777=e
Board./f 'i'rr,stees of the City of 'Tustin.