HomeMy WebLinkAbout05 MCFADDEN AVE & IRVINE BLVD REHAB PROJECTS0 AGENDA REPORT MEETING DATE: JUNE 18, 2013 TO: JEFFREY C. PARKER, CITY MANAGER Agenda Item 5 Reviewed: Local City Manager Finance Director kff V FROM: DOUGLAS S. STACK, DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS /CITY ENGINEER APPROVE PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS AND AUTHORIZE ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS FOR THE MCFADDEN AVENUE REHABILITATION BETWEEN MANTLE LANE AND PASADENA AVENUE PROJECT CIP NO. 70213 AND THE IRVINE BOULEVARD REHABILITATION BETWEEN PROSPECT AVENUE AND HOLT AVENUE PROJECT CIP NO. 70218 SUMMARY The plans and specifications for the McFadden Avenue Rehabilitation between Mantle Lane and Pasadena Avenue Project CIP No. 70213 and the Irvine Boulevard Rehabilitation between Prospect Avenue and Holt Avenue Project CIP No. 70218 have been prepared and the projects are now ready to be bid. It is recommended that the City Council adopt Resolution No. 13-39 approving the plans and specifications for the McFadden Avenue Rehabilitation between Mantle Lane and Pasadena Avenue Project CIP No. 70213 and the Irvine Boulevard Rehabilitation between Prospect Avenue and Holt Avenue Project CIP No. 70218 and authorize the City Clerk to advertise and receive bids. FISCAL IMPACT Funding has been budgeted and appropriated in this fiscal year's Capital Improvement Program. The total State Proposition 1 B SLPP Formula Grant Funds awarded to the City of Tustin for these projects is $358,000, which includes the City of Santa Ana's formula share for their portion of the McFadden Avenue Rehabilitation Project in the amount of $73,500. Cities are required to provide a dollar- for - dollar match, using Measure M1 Turnback or Measure M2 Fair Share Funds. A summary is provided below: Project Estimated Total Project Cost SLPP Formula Local Local Grant Amount Match Match Tustin: $350,000 $175,000 $175,000 50% McFadden Avenue Rehabilitation Santa Ana: $147,000 $73,500 $73,500 50% $497,000 $248,500 Irvine Boulevard Rehabilitation $330,000 $109,500 $220,500 67% McFadden Avenue and Irvine Boulevard Rehabilitation Projects June 18.2O13 Page At0t8/ of $305,500 of Measure K81 TuOlb8ck/NYeaSure K82 Fair Share Funds has been budgeted and appropriated in the FY 2012-2013 Capital Improvement Program for the City of Tustin's match for these projects, which includes 8 mid-year gdiUStrneni in the @Ol0U[d Of $55.500 that was made to rn8he up the difference between the anticipated 8LPP Funds for the Irvine Boulevard Rehabilitation Project in the 8[DOuOt of $185'000 and the 8Ctu8| California Transportation Commission /CTC\ 8UOCad0n of $109,500. In addition, $73,500 of General C|P Funds has been budgeted and appropriated to cover the up-front DDStS of the City of Santa Ana's Dl8tCh for the McFadden Avenue Rehabilitation Project, vVhiChvvi|/be[eimbUrSedUDde[8cOOperabve agreement with the City of Santa Ana. DISCUSSION On December 18. 2012' the City [|0unCi| 8pp[OV8d Cooperative Agreement NO. C-2-1857 with the {}[@Dge County Transportation Authority ({JCTA) for implementation of the McFadden Avenue Rehabilitation between K88OUe Lane and P8S8deO8 Avenue Project and the Irvine Boulevard Rehabilitation between Prospect Avenue and HO|[ Avenue Project under the State-Local Partnership Pr0g[8nl /SLPP\ FVnOU|8 G[8OL The California T[8OSpOrtEdiOO CoDlrDiGSi0n (CTC)' at their K88rCh 5. 2013 nneebDg. approved the 8||OC8tiOD Of 8LPP Funds in the @nOOUDL Of $358.000 for these projects, which includes the City OfT-uSdO'S 6]rnnU|8 share in the amount of $284'500 and the City Of Santa Ana's formula share in the amount Of $73.500 for their portion of the McFadden Avenue Rehabilitation Project. The southerly twenty i20U feet of the existing street hg On McFadden /\v8Ou8 between W18DUe Lane and the 55 Freeway, lies within the City Of Santa Ana. The City {}oun[j/ approved @ Cooperative Agreement between the City of Tustin and the City Of Santa Ana for the McFadden Avenue Rehabilitation Project 00 January 15, 2013. Under the Agreement, the City of Tustin will act as the lead agency for the project. The City of Tustin will invoice Cg|tr8n8 directly for the City Of 88Ot@ Ana's fO[Dlu/a share Of 8LPP Funds and the City Of G8Ot@ Ana will reimburse the City of Tustin for their required Dl8fCh. The proposed pavement rehabilitation On McFadden /\VeDme and Irvine Boulevard consists of localized renn0v8| and replacement Of severely distressed asphalt paving; grinding of existing asphalt paving along rO3dVV8y edges; construction of 8 new 8Sph8|[ rubber hot mix (ARHK8) overlay; removal and n2p|8Ce0eOt of damaged curb & gutter and SideVV8/hS; replacement Of existing CU[b [@nOps to be in CODlp/i8Oce with the current federal AnleriC@OS with Disabilities Act (ADA) requirements; replacement of traffic signal detector loops; replacement Of striping and pavement markings; and adjustment of manhole rims and valve boxes to grade. The tentative schedule for construction of the projects is as fOUOvvs: • Authorization tO Advertise for Bids ------- • Fi�tLegal AdVe��eDeDt--------. • Second Legal /dVeMiS8OeDt------' • BidJpeDing --- -- --- -- --- -- • Award OfContnact----------- • Sta�C0nStnJCdOD--------- • Complete COnStnuCd0O---------- - --------................ O8/1O/2O13 —...... ---................. .... O0/2O/2O13 -------------. 06/27/2013 --------------O7/23/2O13 --------------O8/2O/2O13 --------------OS/23/2013 --------------12/18/2O13 S:\City Council Items\2013 Council Items\Approval of P&S for McFadden and Irvine Rehabs (Cm Nos. 702oenu|N.docx McFadden Avenue and Irvine Boulevard Rehabilitation Projects June 18, 2013 Page 3 Since the work involves the replacement and repair of existing facilities with minor modifications, it is Categorically Exempt under California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) requirements. Notices of Exemption have been recorded with the County of Orange. Stack, P. E. Public Works/City Engineer Attachment 1: Resolution No. 13-39 Attachment 2: Location Maps (2) S:\Citv Council Items\2013 Council Items\Approval of P&S for McFadden and Irvine Rehabs (CIP Nos. 70213 & 70218).docx WIIWTG-1 [bliablPIPA RESOLUTION NO. 13 -39 APPROVING A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNI A . AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR THE MCFADDEN REHABILITATION BETWEEa . AND PASADENA AVENUE PROJECT CI • NO. 70213 AND THE IRVINE BOULEVARD REHABILITATION BETWEEN PROSPEC AVENUE AND HOLT AVENUE PROJECT CIP NO 70218, AND AUTHORIZIN ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS WHEREAS, it is the intention of the City Council of the City of Tustin, California to contract for the construction of the McFadden Avenue Rehabilitation between Mantle Lane and Pasadena Avenue Project CIP No. 70213 and the Irvine Boulevard Rehabilitation between Prospect Avenue and Holt Avenue Project CIP No. 70218; and WHEREAS, the City Engineer has presented plans and specifications for the construction of said work; and WHEREAS, these projects are categorically exempt from the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA); Class 1, Section 15301: Existing Facilities; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the plans and specifications presented by the City Engineer are hereby approved as the plans and specifications for: McFadden Avenue Rehabilitation between Mantle Lane and Pasadena Avenue CIP No. 70213 and Irvine Boulevard Rehabilitation between Prospect Avenue and Holt Avenue CIP No. 70218 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to advertise as required by law for the receipt of sealed bids or proposals for the performance of the work specified in the aforesaid plans and specifications; PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Tustin held on the 18th day of June, 2013. Elwyn A. Murray, Mayor ATTEST: Jeffrey C. Parker, City Clerk STATE DFCALIFORNIA \ COUNTY C}FORANGE >S8 CITY OF TUSTIN i Jeffrey C. Parker, City Clerk and ex-officio Clerk of the City Council of the City of Tustin, California, d0 hereby certify that the vvhO|e number of the members of the City {}OunCi| is five; that the above and foregoing Resolution N0. 13-39 was duly and regularly passed and adopted at regular meeting Of the City Council held On the 1O m day 0f June, 2O13by the following vote: C[)UNQUNEK8BERAYES: {|OUN(||UNEK8BER NOES: CDUNCiLK8EK8BER ABSTAINED: CC]UNC|UNEK8BER ABSENT: JEFFREY C.PARKER, City Clerk I N --T 4r ------------- -------------- 0 VN3aVSVd ---------- ni Jo 13 AVM33UA VS3W VISOO 99-US VNV VINYS JO AII3 AVM 30VIIIA Nusm AVM 3!DV-IIIA w D w uj z m F- X z c) 2 m w tn W F- ) < z oc) w C� 0 CL LL 133HIS SWVIIIIM 13381S SWVI-111M 133HIS A3HO118 LU z uj > NLLSrIL .40 AID uj VNV ViNVS -40,kilO LANE �J ■ • e / tl■.. c. `ee s` i as .rte. ■..i ■ ■.� ■ s ■ E Nl F M F I<-z,) IV n l ■ r a i r n a AM 8Md OH 0 -� a w z I Q . a a a o a ° „ a o Q e Z ■ a NOM 838Wd a a � o a 3 z = U n l ■ r a i r n a