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The Board of Trustees and City Council of the City of Tustin
11 do ordain as follows:
SECTION 1. •It shall be unlawful for any person within the
corporate limits of the City of Tustin to be guilty of noisy,
dranken^or disorderly conduct; or to engage in any fight or brawl
except in self-defense, or to be drunk and asleep, or to lie upon
any of the streets, alleys or in any public place of said City in
a drunken condition, or while so drunk to expose himself in any
public place of said City.
SECTION 2. It shall be unlawful for any person to publicly
expose his person or to make indecent gestures or to use any pro-
fane lewd or indecent language or make any noise within the 'cor-
porate`limits of the City of Tustin, whereby.t"he good order,,
r peace and quiet of the public is violated, or pubs% ney is
' outraged.
SECTION 3. It ,shall be unlawful for any, pexsou or pexsons
t4" keep a riotous or disorderly house or to pexmit any�oims'or
disorderly conduct or any, loud or unnece.sear
Ynoise yyn'a ,hcuse
factory, shop, place of business or on any permisei os co
trolled by him or them in the City, of Tustin, wh6 h�;� e,ace,
quiety or decency of the neighborhood of such --Iii sea,
or of any person shall be disturbed*
SECTION 4. It shall be unlawful for,
within the borporate limits of the City of Twin to 'nd
r 5F
bruise or treat in a cruel maratex any domestic anima„�
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water mains.of the..City..of .1'ustin_while_..ang.bzzilding, structure
or other property of value is on fire_.in.said._City, without per-
mission.- of some officer or member of the fire department of said
City or some other person lawfully engaged in attempting to sup-
pressor extinguish such fire.
SECTION 6. It shall be unlawful for any person to carry
concealed about his person any pistol, revolver or any other wea-
pon with which he might take the life of any person or do serious
bodily injury to the person of another; provided that the Board
Of Trustees, may , in its discretion, grant the privilege of
carrying such weapon to any person upon his written application
therefor made to said Board bearing also a statement of approval
from the Chief of Police.
SECTION 7. It shall be unlawful for any person other than
an officer of the law while'on duty to discharge any rifle,.pis
tol or gun of any kind within "The Restricted District" of the
City of Tustin hereinafter more fully described, except in tar-
get shooting"in a shooting gallery regularly licensed by the
said City. -and it shall be unlawful for any person to shoot, or
discharge any>alt gun, spring gun, sling shot or any other similar
device within said restricted district in said City.
The territory. in t *:&*tion referred to as "the Restricted
District" 'shall lmcslaae all land embraced within the exterior
boundaries of that district bounded and described as follows;
&11 that territory inclued in present City limits of the City,
of Tustin.
"SECTION 8. It shall be_.unlawful. .for any—person to skate on
roller skates or ride any bicycle, tricycle, velocipede or any
similar vehicle on any sidewalk within the corporate limits of
the City of Tustin.
SECTION 9. It shall be unlawful for any person to permit
or suffer to permit the branches of any tree to hang over the
sidewalk or to cut down, girdle, destroy or remove any standing
or growing tree or shrubbery or any ornament or improvement in
any public street, alley or sidewalk within said City, without
first obtaining written consent to do so from the Street Com-
missioner of said City.
SECTION 10. It shall be unlawful for any person to hitch
or otherwise fasten any horse or other animal, or to attach any
guy rog- guy line, or other contrivance to any tree or shrubbery
or to any stake, guard or other protective structure of the public
streets or alleys or City property of the City of Tustin, or to
hitch or fasten any horse or animal to or near a* of the trees
or plants, planted in or growing upon any of the public streets
or parkings or alleys in the City of Tustin, so that :damage or
injury may result therefrom to, said trees, plants or 'shrubs.
SECTION 11. It shall be unlawful for any per^on having
?' the care of any horse, mule or team, as driver or keeper thereof
to leave or absent himself from such horse, mule ;or team on any
street, alley or public street within the corporate limits of
the City of Tustin without first securely hitc*ng the"same.
SECTION 12. It she '.l be unlawful for any person to :run any
horse race, bicycle or autemobile_race either fora wager'o'r for
amusement or to ride or drive any horse or animal or to ride,
drive or propel ate,bicycle or automobile or any other y0hi.cle
in a fast or reekIpss manner in the City of Tu stirs.
SECTION 13. It shall be unlawful for any person tp place
any obstruction of any kind in or upon any public street, alley
or sidewalk in the City of Tustin or to authorize, procure or
permit any ocstruction to be place therein or thereon, except as
may be required by employers or the officials of said City in the
proper discharge of their duties.
SECTION 14. It shall be unlawful for any person under the
age of sixteen. to be, in or .upon. any --street,- alley., park, or pub-
lie•..place, unless accompanied by his o.r her parent or guardian,
after ,the hour of 8 o'clock P. M. except that between the 1st
day of April and the lst day of October in each year such per-
sons under sixteen years of age may be in or upon said places
without being so accompanied until the hour of,9 o'clock P. M.
SECTION 15. It shall be unlawful for any vagrant to be or
remain within the corporate limits of the,City of Tustin. All
persons who have no visible means of support or lawful occupation
or employment by which they earn a liV ing, all persons who habit-
ually roam the streets without lawful business,all women of ill
repute, and all common drunkards shall be deemed tagrants under
the provisions of this section _of this ordinance*
SECTION 16. The running at large of chickens, ducks, geese
and other domestic fowls, in or upon the garden, lawn, yard.
fields or premises of any person, firm or corporation in the City
of Tustin, other than just that of the owner of such fowls, or
upon any street, alley or sidewalk, in said City, is hereby de -
�.� Glared a nuisance.
SECTION 17. It shall be unlawful for any person to keep or
maintain any pigs within the district described in Section 7 of
this/ordinance as "The Restricted District".
/,SECTION 18. All persons are hereby prohibited from keeping
bees in the City of Tustin, within the district, in ;Section 7, of
this ordinance described as "The Restricted District.
SECTION.19. It"ghall be unlawful for any person or persons,
firm or " rporation, association or company within the limits of
the dittrict hereinbeforeinSection 7, described as "The Restricted
District", to keep, harbor or permit any pigeons to nest or stay
upon the premises or to make their home thereon., Any pigeons _found
or kept within said district shall be held to constitute a nuisance,
and may be killed by any person authorized so to do by the Board
of Trustees and City Council of the City of Tustin.
SECTION 20. It shall be unlawful for any person to keep a
slaughter house or enclosure for the slaughtering of hogs, cattle
or sheep within the corporate limits of the City of Tustin; nor
shall any person kill or slaughter any hogs, cattle or sheep within 11
the corporate limits of the.:City. of Tustin;.nor shall any person
.kill or slaughter any hogs,. cattle o.r..sheep. .within the limits of
the district he$inbefore in Section R, described as "The Restricted
District", of said City for the purpose of selling the flesh of
such slaughtered animals.
SECTION 21. It shall be unlawful for any person to deposit
empty or dump in or upon any street, lane, alley or other public
place or upon the property of another within the City of 'Tustin
any seepage, drain water, filth, garbage or other waste matter and
all such depoisits are hereby declared to be a public nuisance.
SECTION 22. It shall be unlawful for any person to deposit
any brush, refuse or other waste matters upon any public street, Y
alley or sidewalk in the City of Tustin, and all persons are hereby
prohibited from building any fire for the burning of brash, rub -
blah or other waste matter upon any public street, sidewalk, alley
or highway within the City of Tustin. And all persons are hereby
prohibited from pouring, dripping, or allowing toarip, kerosene,
gasoline, crude oil or distillate upon any asphalt, macadamized or
paved street or alley in the Gity of Tustin.
SECTION 23. It shall be unlawful for any person,. firm or
corporation to permit any 4peeds which bear seals of 6Aownyrdiature
or attain such.a large growth as to become a -Eire '2c when dxy,
or which are otherwise noxious or dangerous to xema'i on his or
its premises; and all weeds growing upon the streets; which bear
seeds of a downy nature or attain such a large growth; as to become'
a fire menwA when dry, or which are otherwise noxious, offensive
or dangerous may be declared to be a publie, nuisanee:by the Board
of Trustees and City Council of the City of Tustin and may'there-
after be abated as provided by law; and the costs of such abate-
ment shall become and be a charge against the ,property from which
said nuisance was removed and said charge shall become a lien on
said property and may be collected as provided'by law, for the col-
lection of such charges.
SECTION 24. Any person ii®latin any of the provisions of
this ordinance shall be guilty of g -Misdemeanor, and upon con-
viot on thereof shall be punished by a fine of not less than $5.00
nore more than 430.00, or be imprisoned in the County Jail of the
County of orange, for not more than 30 days, or by.both such fine
and imprisonment.
SECTION. 25. The- City Clerk, of.the ..City of I`us.tin, shall
post or cause to be. po.st.ed, co.piez:_af..th.i.s .ordinance in three?)pub-
lie places in the City of Tustin, to -wit: one near the entrance
to'the Knights of Pythias Hall, the place where said City Council
holds its meetings, one near the entrance to the United States
Post Office, and one near the entrance to the First National Bank
of Tustin.
mayor and Priesident 01 a Ward of
Trustees of the City of 'Tustin, Cal.
( SrEA
i y
I, the undersigned, City Clerk of the City of Tustin, Calif.,
and ex -Officio Clerk of the Board of Trustees of said City, hereby
certify that the foregoing ordinance is a true and correct copy
of Ordinance No. 9 of said City, which was introduced at a regular_
meeting of said Board of Trustees held on January 16th, 1928, and
was finally passed at a regular meeting of said Board 'on the 20th
day of February, 1928, being not less than five days thereafter,
by the following stated vote;
AYES; TRUSTEES: Huntley Schwendeman,
* Logan and Kiser
I hereby certify that upon its passage said ordinance was
thereupon signed by the Mayor and President of the Board of'Trus-
tees of said City, and thereafter on the 21st day of February, 1928,
I posted truecopiesof said ordinance, conspicuously in three pub -
lie places in the City of Tustin, to -wit: one at the entrance to
the Knights of` Ball, the place where the :board of Trustees
holds its WeW, Igo,one near the entrance to the United States Post
Office, and one near the entrance to the First national Bank of
W the 4 signature this 2;lst day of February, 1928.
Clerk the City of `Cus in, Ta .