HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD 07 (1928)010I27ANCE NO. 7. f .
An Ordinance of the City of Tustin, California, providing
for the Assessing of property in said City, and for the levy and
collection of Taxes, for the use of said City by certain county
officers under the provisions of a certain act of the Legislature
of California, approved March 27, 1895, as contained in the'Sta-
tutes, of 1895, page 219, Chapter 182, and as subsequently amended,
and electing to avail itself of the provisions of the said Statute
as amended.
The Board of Trustees and City Council of the City of Tus
ting do ordain as folLows:'
SECTION1. The City of Tustin hereby elects to, and hereby
does, avail itself of the provisions of an act of the Legislature
of the State of California entitled, "An Act to provide for the
levy and collection of the taxes by, and for.ihe use of municipal
11 1 corporations and Cities.incorporated under the laws of the State
of:California, except municipal corporations of the first class,
and to provide for the.consolid:tion and abolition of certain
municipal,offices, and to provide that their duties may be per- �4
formed by certain of icers of the County, and fixing the compen-
sation to be allowed for such County,officers:for the services so
rendered to such municipal corporation,,"Approved March 29, 1895,
as subsequently amended, except tha"- said City of Tustin does not
avail itself of theprovisionsof Section.2 thereof.'
Section 2. The Board of Trustees and City Council ,of the
City of Tustin shall, prior to the last TuesdayinAugust of each
fix by Ordinance the amount of money necessary to be raised by
taxation upon the taxable property of the City of Tustin at a
revenue to carry on the various departments of said City of Tus-
tin for:the;eurreht year,, not to exceed the limit fixed by law,
and to pay the bonded or other indebtedness of said City.
Section 3. ,The County Auditor of the County.of Orange,,
State of California, m:-st, on or before the second Monday in Au-
gust of each year, transmit to the City Council and Board of Trus-
tees .of the City of Tustin, a statement, in_writing, swag the
total value of all property within -the City of Tustin, which shall
be ascertained from the assessment books of the County of Orange
for said year, as equalized and .carracted_by. the,.Board of Super-
visors of said County.
SECTION 4. The Board of Trustees and,City Council of the
._City of .Tustin shall, not later than the last Tuesday in August
of each year, fig the rate of taxation for said City designated
in the number of cents upon each one hundred dollars, using as a
basis the value of the property,.as assessed by.the_C.ounty.Assessor,
and so returned to the hoard by the County. Auditor, as required
by Section 2 of this Ordinance, and the expense of collection; and
the Board of Trustees and City Council of saidCityshall immediately
thereafter transmit to the County Auditor of the County of OranEe
a statement of said rate _so fixed.
SECTION 5. The Auditor of the County of Orange must then
-compute and enter in a separate column in the assessment book, to
be headed, "City Tax, City of 'Tustin," the respective sums, in
dollars and cents, to be paid as a municipal tax on the property
therein enumerated and assessed as being in said City, using the
rate of levy so fixed by said Municipal Board, and City Council
and the assessed value as found insaidassessment book.
Such taxes so levied shall be collected at the same time
and in the same manner as the State and County taxes, and when so
collected, the net amount, as ascertained by Section 6 0£ this
Ordinanceshall be paid to the Treasurer of the City of Tustin
under the general requirements and penalties provided by law for
the settlement of other taxes.
SECTIOii 6. The County Auditor and the. County Tax Collector
shall file with the Board of Supervisors of the County of orange
itemized statements showing the additional expense to their of-
fices of assessing and collecting the taxes of the City of Tustin,
and upon the filing of such statement, the Board of Supervisors
shall, by an order spread upon the minutes of said Board, deduct
such expenses from the taxes of the City of Tustin and transfer the j
same to the Count Salary fund
County y provided, that. not, more thane one „
percentum shall be deducted for collecting the first Twenty-five
Thousand ($25,000.00) Dollars so collected, and one -Fourth of one `
pereentum of all sums over. -that amount.
SECTION 7. Whenever any real property situated in the City
of Tustin, which has been sold for taxes shall be redeemed, the
money paid..for.such _redempt.ion._shall,..be.apportioned by the County
treasurer to th,s City of Tustin in the..propoi:tion which the tax
due such City bears to the total tax for which, said real property
was sold.
SECTION 8. On or before the first Monday in February of each
year, the City Clerk of the ,City of Tustin shall file with the
Auditor of the County of Orange, taking his receipt therefor, a
certified copy of this Ordinance.
SECTION 9. This Ordinance is an urgency measure and is nec-
essary for the immediate preservation of the peace, health and
safety of the residents of the said City of Tustin, and shall
take effect immediately after its adoption and the posting thereof.
The following is a statement of the facts constitutin such urgency;
It is necessary to provide for the assessing of the property in
the City of Tustin and for the levying and collecting of taxes, for
the use of said City, in order to provide for the peace, health
and safety of the residents of said City; and it is necessary that
this Ordinance be adopted and take effect and that a certified copy
thereof be served on the County Auditor of the County of Orange on
or before the first Monday in February, 1928, in order that said
property may be assessed and said taxes levied, and,collected during
the next ensuing fiscal year.
SEC`T'ION 10. The City Clerk of the City of Tustin, shall
post or cause to be posted, copies of this Ordinance in three
public" places in the City of Tustin, to -wit: one near the en-
trance to the Knights of Pythias Hall, the place where said City
Council holds its meetings:, one near the entrance to the United
States Post Office, and one near the entrance to the First Nation-
al Bank of Tustin.
C i yUle rk�h .
Mayor and iresident�%hoard
of Trustees of the City of Tustin.
h, the undersigned, City Clerk of the City°of Tustin, Calif.,
and ex -Officio 'Clerk of the Board of Trustees of said City, hereby
certify that the foregoing Ordinance is a true and correct copy of
Ordinance No. 7 of said City, which was introduced at a regu-
lar meeting of said Board°"of Trustees held on January 16th, 1928,
and v7as'finally passed at an adjourned regular meeting of said
Board on the 23 day of January, 1928, being not less than five
days thereafter, by the following stayed vote:
AYES: i'R1U'S"'EE3: Huntley Schwendeman ,
Logan ,. Kiser
I hereby certify that upon its passage said Ordinance was
thereupon signed by the Mayor and President of -the Board of Trus-
tees of said City, and thereafter on the 24 day of January,
II 1928, I posted true copies of said Ordinance, conspicuously in
three public places in the City of Tustin, to -wit: one at the
entrance to the Knights of Pythias Hall, the place where the Board
of Trustees holds its meetings, one near the entrance to the First
National Bank of Tustin.
NITNESS my signature this 24 day of January, 1928.
y or 12ustin, calir.