HomeMy WebLinkAbout09 CLAIM P. HERRICK 09-07-99 LAW OFFICES OF ~'~OODRUFF~ SPRADLIN ~ A PROFESSIONAL CORPORATION M ART NO. 9 9-7~-99 MEMORANDUM DIRECT DIAL: (714) 564-2607 DIRECT FAX: (714) 565-2507 E-MAIL: LEJ@WSS-LAW. COM TO' FROM: DATE: RE' Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council City of Tustin City Attorneys Office August 6, 1999 Claim of Patricia Herrick; Claim No. 99-24 RECOMMENDATION After investigation and review by this office and by the City's claims administrators, it is recommended that the City Council denies the claim and directs the City Clerk to send notice thereof to the claimant and the claimant's attorneys. DISCUSSION This is a claim for approximately $78 due to damage to the claimant's tire. This damage allegedly occurred at Jamboree Road between Barranca and Edinger. As this portion of Jamboree Road is under control of the County and Silverado Constructors, we have recommended that Ms. Herrick contact them regarding this claim. There is no evidence of City responsibility for this damage. Enclosure cc: William A. Huston, City Manager £OIS E. JEi~FREY i"../ / , 08616\1 e. .: WHAT particular action by the City, or its employees, caused the alleg, e~ da. magc~ injury? ':.~/! 5. Give a description of the injury,, property damage or loss so far known at th,~/~time.zof this claim. If there were no injuries, state "no injuries". -. '- '- 6. Giv. e t_he name(s) of the city empIoyee(s) causing the damage or. injury: 7. Name and address of any other person injured: 8. Name and address of the owner or any damaged property: ~/~ o a. Amount claimed as of the date: . b. Estimated amount of future costs: /~.~.~ ~ c. Total amount claimed: ,~7~;-~_..L' d. Attach basis for computation of am6un£s claimed (include copies of all bills, invoices, estimates, etc. WARNING: IT IS A CRIMINAL OFFENSE TO FITR A FALSE CLAIM!! (Penal Code. Section 72; Insurance Cod~ Section 556.0) ., I have read the matters and statements made in the above claim and I know the same to be true of my own knowledge, except as to those matters stated to.be upon information or belief and ~s to such matters I believe the same to be true. I certify under penalty or perjury that the foregoihg is TRUE AND CORRECT. Executed this /~ day of ~ DATE FILED: C~AIMANT'S S~GN~TORE ,19 ~, at Tustin, California. BI ' CLFORM Revised 4/29/91 Arlington. (909) 785-1000 . Long ::/Lakewo~l (562) 597~3~ .-' S~ta ~:~"' '0i4~i~ Bellflower '(562) 804-1418 Long ,.._-ch/Cherry (562) 426-7071 r "gant~ ~:~q~prings (5625 944-67: · OI!!( .lfl~IlE $£~VICE " I I I'" 4 ~ F;F~F; IIA?~1582,54 · I',~Lt!f Corona (909) 736-8473 Long Beach/7th SL (562) 432-0903 , Tustin (714) 832-6' Costa Mesa (714) 548--9383 Rubidoux :' (909) 685-1000 ! San Bemardino (909) 884-8  . Huntington Bch (714) IM6-1189 Riverside/Tyler (909) 359-3500; COMMITMENT T6 SERVICE... We're proud that you have chosen to have your car serviced With us today and we are committed t make sure that our work is done to your 100% satisfaction. If you have any questions or additiom needs, please call the Manager or call our Customer Service office at (800) 498-5455. ~ We appreciat your business ~ in an effort to earn your trust, we GUARANTEE TO SHOW ALL OLD PARTS OR TH! NEW ONES ARE FREE. (See sign in store for details) ·., C:LJ$ rOHER: 100C, O0 PAT HERRICK : ..... L I CENSE: VEI-IICLE ' 90 TAURAS INVOICE DATE' 06/07/99 ..... ' ' . ..... "~ '"-~i '* ~ ? .... .,.'.,t;_~:~."? ,.~. '" :"'-'":" ' ~':"~ Y" -,¥g" "'.e ' .-'~';'~" ' "' ' -.-,.d,;~;r-.. HOME PHONE: : :::" :'''''>' . · SALESHAN: 426 '":"~ ...... '' "' ' "" :' . .--L': .... -' "' : '.'~ - .r.* · - : .... ', ::-?-;?, ::'t :,?.';~J - ; ~, -. .. .,,, ; . . - .:. . 'HZLEAGE: ' 105215 · ..: DUE O7/O1~)'99 "~ ~'"" ':¥ .... "" ' PRODUCT P1ECHANZC QUANTITY PR I CE-'~,~t~..,::, ,~..~? LABOR.:~ E'XTE N~ZTON 288 288 288 5 QUARTS OIL fiND FILTER CHANGE LOF$CLUB LABOR ON OIL CHANGE SERVICE 'CLUBLOFLBR 7 POZN'r INSPECTION 7 ., 205/7C:,R14 COOPER SPORT 42942 NEI,,I VALVE STEH (14/ TIRE) RUBBER '' '. ..... .,::"-'.-:.' 1.i~::; 1 S'T' El'"1 ' "' ' "' ':~':' ' · . ; "-' t,'.- -. , ,' - Ti~,- ,*,E L,JP, STE DISPOSAL (PER·TIRE) :r;.'-: 1 1 SCRAP ' :':'-"::- · DYNAHIC COHPUTER WHE,EL BALANCE 288. 1.'.. gAL " ,' I UNDERSTAND I WILL NOT RECEIVE MY OLD PARTS U~LESS CHECKED BELOW Date z'~ ' ' [~] YES, PLEASE RETURN ~y OLD PARTS. FINAL INVOICE CUSTOMER'S SIGNATURE ESTIMATE INVOICE . , EsTImATE AU~H~DFIIzATI~X ~ · FINAL INVOICE CUSTOMER'S SIGNATURE ; ~- ........ GDYR/HONEXP · .. [de aPpFeciate y/~ur t~-,u~t ..~'n choosing Scher~ Tire ~0day.~ $'lLoi'e h'iar, aLmer ZT you navel, any questions-( /14 )832-601~ .. "-.:: ' · .' ' · ""' "' ' ' ','~ ' I -_:=.':z~".d~.-~' '. ' ,~'--'-,.-' ' I / / ':-' ~"= ,::-': :-.. ~:.:,,.::'-,.~:, ' ..1//" ~. ~.. ' ' ~ :::: .... : ..... 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