HomeMy WebLinkAbout18 2000 PLAN UPDATE 09-07-99DATE:
NO. 18
Summao~: CiO~ staff is continuhtg to work on addresshtg potential Y2K problents attd
equipment compliance. Monthly status reports will be presented to the City Council
suntntarizhtg new information, equipment changes attd Y2K compliance progress.
That the City Council receive and file this report.
The August City Council status report indicated that the Electrical System Audit Report completed
at the end of June estimated a cost'of $12,700 to improve the City's electrical systems reliability
and performance. Further fiscal impacts to implement Y2K compliance and equipment for the
City of Tustin continue to be undetermined at this time.
At the April 5, 1999 City Council meeting, staff submitted a report to the Council identifying Y2K
planning activities and actions that have taken place during the past year. Staff indicated that
monthly status reports would be provided beginning in July 1999. The following are key updates
and completed tasks for the month of August 1999:
Emergency Generator Test. On July 30, 1999, the Public Works staff conducted a test of the
Civic Center's Emergency Generator. The purpose of the test was to verify the capabilities of the
power backup system and to verify which circuits would be powered during a power outage. The
test occurred between 3:00 a.m. to 4:30 a.m.
The following is a summary of the results of the test:
· The Police facility had sufficient power and lighting on the first floor and sufficient
safety lighting on the second floor
· The Card Lock system functioned
· The underground garage doors functioned
· The phones in City Hall were not affected
· The Finance Department had safety power and lighting
· The computer network systems functioned
City Council Report
Year 2000 Plan Update
September 7, '1999
Page 2
· The 'generator had sufficient voltage and amperage after the essential systems were
· The automatic power transfer switch turned on the generator within five (5) seconds
upon disconnect.
· Some areas in the Police facility and City Hall need to be wired into generator circuits.
These areas include all restrooms, locker rooms, City Hall Administration, Engineering
and Community Development work area lighting. The Public Works Department will
be completing this work.
City Hall Building Access. The Police Department is undertaking replacement of the building
access system, which is not Y2K compliant. Quotes to change the current Access Control
System have been received. During August, the Police Department toured the manufacturing
facility of one of the vendors.
Computer Systems. The City's Management Information System consultant is undertaking
security upgrades for all computers. This current work effort is anticipated to be completed in
October. Other updates will be installed as other vendors release them.
The Orange County Fire Authority (OCFA) provides monthly Year 2000 Plan updates to the
Executive Committee. The Authority did not have a BOard meeting in August and the Y2K Plan
was not updated in August.
On June 30, 1999, le.tters were sent from the City Manager to eighty (80) Homeowner Association
Presidents explaining the City's efforts and activities with respect to planning for Y2K disruptions
or problems. The letters requested that the President make this information available to all
residents in the Association. A copy of the letter is attached as Exhibit A.
On September 15, 1999, a representative of the Community Development Department is
scheduled to give a presentation to the Tustin Effective Apartment Managers (TEAM) on the
City's Y2k planning efforts. A copy of the same information transmitted to the Homeowners'
Associations will be provided to the TEAM members with a request to distribute this information to
their tenants.
Finance Director
E--'l~abeth A. Binsack
Community Development Director
A- City Manager's letter
RW/year 2000plan September update
Office of the City Manager
June 30, 1999
City of Tustin'
300 Centennial Way
Tustin, CA 92780
(714) 573-3010
FAX (714) 838-1602
Judi Cosel
Aiicante Homeowners Association
25910 Acero Street, 2nd Floor
Mission Viejo, California 92691
Dear Judi:
The Tustin City Council has requested that I contact your Homeowners Association to
inform you of the City's efforts and activities with respect to planning for potential Year
2000 disruptions or problems.
The City has prepared the attached information sheet, which will answer many
questions. The City will continue to work on Year 2000 issues and will be repOrting to
the Tustin City Council regularly. You will also be able to obtain updated information on
the City's Webpage (www.tustinca.orq) which will be operational in late July or early
We would request that you make this information sheet available to the residents in your
association. Any questions regarding our Year 2000 program can be addressed to
Elizabeth A. Binsack, Community Development Director, at (714) 573-3031 or Ronald
A. Nault, Finance Director, at (714) 573-3061.
William A. Huston
City Manager
· The Year 2000 (Y2K) problem refers to what experts say may happen to computers and
computer operated systems when clocks change on January 1, 2000. Such systems
may not be capable of operating in the year 2000.
The City of Tustin has made it a priority to investigate the applications that may impact
City operations, with the goal that City service to the community is not affected. As you
know, Y2K is a worldwide issue, and we can only correct systems over which the City
has direct control.
The City of Tustin has an interdepartmental task force in place, working to identify
impacted systems and 'infrastructure in all areas of city government and to manage
remediation efforts by City staff and outside vendors and service providers. We believe
the City's Y2K issues have been identified and cataloged, remediation efforts scheduled
(and in many cases already implemented), and responsible individuals assigned to
make sure necessary steps are taken. We have been replacing equipment, including
software and hardware, that is not Y2K compliant. We are requesting that city vendors
and suppliers certify that equipment and services being provided to the city under
purchase order or lease are capable of operation after January 1,2000.
Although the City's vigilant Y2K preparation is a .safeguard against the failure of City
systems, the City depends heavily on outside agencies such as electricity and natural
gas providers. While these utility companies are working on their own Y2K-operating
issues, Tustin is prepared to respond should a computer-failure emergency affecting
public health and safety occur.
The City of Tustin is taking a very serious approach to assessing and implementing
plans to correct Y2K problems that affect City services.
City staff will be providing monthly status reports to the City Council starting in July 1999.