HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD 04 (1927)J e! bV ORDINANCE NO. 4 / : ((C AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR LICENSTING AND REGULATING THE CARRYING OF OF CERTAIN PROFESSIONS; TRADES'; CALLINGS, AND OCCUPATIONS; IN THE CITY OF TUSTIN. The Board of Trustees and City Council of the City of Tustin, do ordain as follows: SECTION I. It shall be unlawful for any person, whether an principal or agent, clerk or employee, either for himself or for any other person, or for any body corporate, or as an officer of any corporation, or otherffise, to commence or carry on any trade, calling, profession or occupation, in this ordinance specified, in the City of Tustin, without first having procured a license from said City so to do or without complying with any and all reg- ulations of such, trade, calling, profession,,or occupation, con- tained in this ordinance; and the cairying on of any trade,, call ing, profession or occupation mentioned in thi ordinance without first having procured a license from said City to do so, or with- out complying vdth any and all regulations of such`trade,'calling, profession, or occupation contained in this ordinance, shall con- stitute a seps>rate violation of this ordin<nce for each and every day that "such trade, calling, profession or oecuPation is"so car- ried on. " Section"2. The amount of any license imposed by this ord-nance shall be deemed a debt to the City of Tuctirn; and any..;:.•" Person, firm, or corporation cerrying on any trade, calling, pro- fesson, or occupation mentioned in this ordin<nce without having a license from said City so to do, shall be liable to an action in the name of said City in any Court of competent jurisdiction, for 'the amwunt of license by this ordinance imposed on such trade, calling, profession, or occupation. SECTION 3. - It shall be the duty off`the City Clerk to pre- pare and. issue a license under this ordinance for every person, firm or corporation liable to pay a license`hBmunder, and to state in e.eh license the amount thereof, the period of time covered thereby, the name of the person, firm, or corporation to whom issued, the trade, calling, profession or occupation licensed and the location or place of,business where such trade, calling, profession or occupation is to be carried on. The City Clerk shall deliver all such licenses to the City Marshall and Chief` of Police for collection. 4 In No license granted or issued under ^.ny provision of this ordinance shall be in any manner transferred or assigned, or authorize any person, firm or corporation other than is therein mentioned or named, to do business without the written consent of the City Clerk endorsed thereon. At the time any such license is assigned or transferred, the person applying for ,such transfer shall pay to the City Clerk a fee of One Dollar for each such transfer or assignment. The Cite Clerk shall make a charge of One Dollar for each duplicate license issued to replace any license issued under the provisions of this ordinance which has been lost or destroyed. In no ease shall any mistake made by the City Clerk in stating ~ the amount of a license prevent or prejudice the collection by the Cit. of �^„hat shall be actually due from any one carrying on a tride, call.3ng, profession, or occupation subject to a license under this ordinance. / SECTION. 4. All licenses shall be paid in advance in the legal currency of the United States, at the offtee of the City Clerk, Provided, however, that the licenses required to be paid by the provisions of this ordinance shall be due and payable J from and after the ist day of January, 19M. A separate li- cense must be obtained from each br,nch establishment or separate place of business in which the trade, calling, profession or oecuprtion is carried on, and each license shall authorize the party obtaining it to carry on, pursue or conduct only that ” trade, calling, profession or cc6upation described in sueh'li- cense, end. only at the location or place of business which is indicated thereby, pkovid.ed, further, thot'where a Ti cense is herein imposed upon any business, profession, trade or occupation, and the number of persons employed or the gross receipts of such business is made the basis for fixing the amount of such license, a separate license tar shall be paid for each branch establish- ment or place of busir_ess in which the trade, calling, or oceu- pation is carried on, based upon the number of persons employed r_ or the gross receipts of each such branch establishment or separate place of business. The monthly license in the ordinance provided shall be due .and parable to the City on the first of each month, in advance, from all persons who have for the previous month been licensed to carry on the same trade, calling, profession, or occupation, and from all persons whc have rot been licensed for the pre- vious mont.i f -r the sme trade, calling,- profession, or occu- pation, the license shall be due and payable, and must be pro'- cured by such persons before commencing to carry on such a trade, calling, profession, or occupation: The quarterly license in this orddnance provided, shall be due and payable to the City on the first day of January, April, July, and October, and'all such licexses shall expire with the last da - ,y of March, June, September, and December, of each year, but the first quarterly license issued to any person, as herein provided, shall be issued for the unexpired one-thirV or two- thirds of the current quarter; provided, however, that any per- son_, firm or corporation desiring to do so may pay for and pro- cure all four quarterly license at the time the first quarter- ly license becomes due and payable under the ,provisions of this "ordinance. � 7The 'r;eek..ly,.lieenses in th s ordinance provided shall be due and payable to the City on Monday of each week in advance. The semi-annual licenses in this ordinance provided shall be due and payable to the Citi, at the times specified herein respectively, or when so specified on the first day of January, and July of each year, but the first semi-annual license issued to any person ,s herein provided shall be issued for the unex Aired period of such half year, except as herein otherwise in this y� ordinance specifically provided. The annual licenses in this ordinance provided shall be due and payable to the Cite at t'ile time specified herein re- spectively, or when not so specified, on the first day of Jan nary of each year, but the first annual license -issued to any person as herein provided shall be issued for the unexpired period of such year, except as herein otherwise in this ord- inance specifically provided. No greater or less amount of money shall be charged or re- ceived for any license than is provided in this ordinance and no lieense,shall be sold or issued for any period. of time oth th an is provided in this ordinance, er SECTION. 5. Every.person, firm, or corporation having a license under the provisions of this ordinance, and carrying on a trade, calling, profession, or occupation at a fixed place of business, shall keep such license posted and exhibited while in force, in some conspicuous part of said place of busi+, ness. Every person having such license, and not having a fixed place of business, shall car"ry such license with him at all times while carrying on the trade,,calling, profession or occu- pation for which the sa:.le was granted. Ever, person, firm, or corporation having a licen.,e shall produce and exhibit the same, when applying for a renewal thereof, and ,^,lhenever requested to do so by any police officer, or by any officer authorized to issue, inspect or collect licenses. SECTION 6. Ever. person driving, operating or having control of any wagon, cart or other vehicle, or using or control- ling any tray, basket or other receptacle for which a license is required, shall procure from the City Clerk a metal device hereby designated as a "license holder", which shall be of such' size that the ord.inar�t license issued under the provisions of this ordinance may be easily inserted ar.d held therein under a transparent face, v The City Clerk shall make a charge of fifty cents for each "license holder" issued under the provisions of this section. Such "license holder" must be firmly attached to and car- ried on the right hard side of the wagon, cart or other vehicle or on the outside of the tray, basket or other receptacle in such manner that the license inserted therein shall be plainly visible - whether the -whicle is in motion or not, or whether the receptacle is being carred or is stationary. When a "license holder" is procured from the City Clerk and attached to any wagon, cart, tray, basket or other vehicle or receptacle, as herein provided, the current license for such wagon, cart, tray, basket or other vehicle or receptacle must be -� inserted and kept in such "license holder" at all timesduring the term of the license as specified therein. It shall be unlawful for any person to place 6r.,keep any license in any such "license holder" after the expiration of the term for which the license is granted, and it shall be unlawful for any person except the licensee or his authorized agent.to take or remove from any such "license,holder" any license therein contained. Y b SECTION 7. All Policeofficersare hereb„> appointed in- spectors of licenses, and in addition to their several duties as police officers, are hereby required to examine all places of business and persons in their respective beats liable to pay'a license, and to see that such licenses are t:�ken out, and shall have and exercise the pourer: - `- let, to make arrests for the violation of any of the pro- visions of this ordinance. 2nd, to enter free of charge, at any time, any place of b,Jsiness for which a license is required by this ordinance to demand, the exhibition of such license for the current term by any person engaged or employed in the transaction of such busi- ness and if suc< person shall then and there fail to exhibit such license such person shall be liable to the penalty pro- vided for a violation of "this ordinance. 14 It is hereby made the duty of the police officers to cause complaints to be filed against all persons violating any of the provisions of this ordinance. }j Such police officers as such inspectors of licenses shall make out once a month a list of persons, firms or corporations carrying on business within their respective beats, and having no license, with their addresses, and deliver such list carefully and legibly written to the City Clerk, and also report to the names of all such persons doing business without a license im- mediately upon the fact coming to their knowledge. j Any police officer failjng or neglecting for more than thirty days to resort any person, firm or corporation who or which is engaged in carrying on business without having paid the required license, shall be guilty of neglect of duty, and be either sus- pended from duty or dismissed from the police force, in the dis- cretion of the Police Commissioner. °r T'he Chief of Police is hereby directed to carry into of *^ fest the provisions of this section. SECTICN 8. T he conviction and punishment of any person for transacting any trade, calling, professionor occupation without a license, shall not excuse or exempt such person:•'from the 'pay- ment of any license due or unpaid at the time of such conviction, and n: -4g herein shall azrevent a criminal prosecution' for ,any violation of the provisions of this ordinance. C SECTION 9. In all cases where the amount of license to be paid by any person, firm, or corporation is based upon the amount of receipts or sales or of business transacted, or upon the num- ber of men employed, or upon the number of wagons or other vehicles used, or upon the amount of the maximum admission fee charged, or r t upon the number of tables used for any game, or upon the number of rooms in any building, or the number of prescriptions filled, such person, firm or corporation shall, before obtaining a license for his; their or its busines_, render to the City Clerk for his guidance in ascertaining the amount of license to be paid by such person, firm or corporation, a written .statement sworn to before some officer authorized to administer oaths, showing the total amount of receipts or sales or of business transa.eted during the calendar year next preceding the date of such statement, or the number of wagons or'other vehicles used or ,the amount of the maxi- mum admission fee charged, or the number of tables used for any game by such person firm or corporation, or the number of rooms contained in such building or'the number of prescriptions filled at the date of such statement. Provided, however, th-t where the quarterly license to be paid under any section of this ordinance is based upon the gross annual receipts of business transacted, or the gross annual com- missions or fees received or collected, only one such statement` need be filed d r]ng any calendar year; whic;: :statement shall be filed- `at.the time the, first quarterly license is procured, and the license to be paid for the succeeding quarterly periods of the year in which such statement is filed, shall be determined by`and 'be based upon the statement filed'at the tide the first ; quarterly license is procured. N o such statement shall be conclusive upon the City of Tustin, or upon any officer thereof as to the matters therein set forth, and the same shall not prejudice the right of the said City to recover any amount that may be ascertained to be `due from such person, firm or corporation in addition to the amount shown by such statement to be due in case such statement should- be houldbe found to be incorrect. If any person, firm or corporation hereby required. to make any such statement shall fail to do so, such person, firm or corporation shall,be required to pay a li- cense at the maximum rate herein prescribed for the profession, trade, calling or occupation c cried on by such person, firm, or corporation., and shall be guilty of a violation of this ordinance ^.nd be, punishable therefor as hereinafter provided; Provided, however, that in any case where the first license is to be is- sued for a newly establi''thea business no statement need be nade, at the time such first license is issued, of the amount of re- ceipts or sales or business transacted, and the minimum rate herein prescribed shall be paid at the time such first license is issued for any such newly ,established business, the amount of license for which is regulated by the amount of receipts or sales or'bu:Anes transacted, and at the termination of the li- oense period during which the operation of such business is conducted, the license for such license period shall be aseer- tained and paid in the manner provided by this section for the ascertaining and paying 4f licenses for other license periods, after deducting from the amount so found to be due the amount Paid at the time such first license eras is=ued," That the statement filed pursuant 'to the provisions"of this section shall be deemed confid.ential'in character and s all not be subject to public inspection. r lj It shall be the duty of the City Clerk to so preserve and keep the said statements that the contents thereof may not be- come knoern except to the persons charged by law with the ad- ministration of this ordinance. SECTION, 10. The City Clerk shall, at the hour of 5:OC o' clock 'P. M. " of the 10th day of every m.^nth, add to all month- ly licenses remaining unpaid a penalty of ten.per cent (1096) on i each delinquent m•nthly license; the City Clerk shall, at the hour of 5:'?o o'clock P. M. of the 20th da- of the £'rst month in which any quarterly, license ma be due, add to all such quarterly licenses remain:?ng unpaid, a penalty of ten per cent on each delinquent quarterly license; the City Clerk shall, at the hour of 5:00 o'clock P. M. of the last day of the first month in which any semi-annual or annual license may be due, add to all such semi-annual and annual. license remain- ing unpaid a penalty of ten per cent (10,4), on each delinquent semi-annual and annual license and shall enter the same upon. his books, - � s. T' The City Clerk shall deposit daily with the City Treas- urer all moneys collected by him for licenses issued-, and shall, on or before the seventh clay of each month report the amount ...... thereof to the City Council together with the amount of aelin- quent and uncollected licenses. SECTION 11. The amount or rate of license fees to be paid to the City of Tustin, by any person, firm, association or cor- poration,enga,gea in or carrying on any -orofecsion, trade, call- ing or occup2tion hereinafter designated- is hereby fixed and established as hereinafter in this ordinance provided, and such li(,ense fee shall be paid by every person, firm, associstinn, or corpor"tion engaged- in carrying on any such profession, trade, occupation or calling in the City of Tustin as folloiss, to -wit: I. For every open air entertainment, or those conducted in tents, airdomes of transient enclosures, where the object is aaverticement or gain (whether the gain is derived through ad- missiaifees, collections, donations, or any other means) $20.00 per d -,-,y. 2. For any cire-is or menagerie having a seating capacity of not le��,s than five hundred, $25.00 per day; and having a seating ca-pacit- of less than five hundred, $15.00 per clay; for every side hoT,,i conducted in conjunction ,with a circus,,ormena- gerie or under the same management,$5.00 per day. For every parade conducted by or under the s',. -me management as a circus, menagerie or animal show, wheresuch circus, menagerie or animal show is conducted outside of the City of Tustin, $25.00 per day. 3. For every person conducting, managing,' or carryi.ng on a side show or aftershoi,'i to a circus (and not condncting.un&er the same management with such circus) -v�ihen a separate admission fee is charged- or donation of money received therefor in any manner,$1.5.00_per d. -y. 4. For every person managing, conducti "r carrying bna a merry-go-round, shooting gallery, skating rink, miniatu;re-£,. V railway, chute or any similar enterprise for furnishing amuse- ment or letting the use of any phonograph or talking machine, microscope, kineroscope, lung test, a.,eighting machine; ball knife, ring thro.%-ing cr any other similar instrument or machine or device similar in character not otherwise herein named, $25.00 per month provided that no license shall'be issued for the conducting of any of the business, shoms, or enter- tainment enumerated in the preceding sub -sections numbered (3), and (4), until a perm -'t has been obtained from the Board of Trustees granting the applicant for soca permit the right to so conduct such business; show or entertainment, and provided that the Board of Tru,,+tees shall have the right, to grant or refuse such a permit, at its, discretion. 5. For every person who carries on the.practiee or oro- fecses to practice the business or art of astrology, palmistry, phrenolog?, card reading, fortune telling, hypnotism or medium - ship, or other like similar business or profession, and who de- mands 6r--•reeievep, any fee or donation or' takes in collection for said practice,.exeretse or exhibition of his art therein, or who gives an exhibition thereof at any place in the City of Tustin, $5.00 per day.: ,. 6. For ever.* person engaged in conducting or managing any place of amusement, entertainment or exhibition for the purpose of .holding dances, lectures, concerts, theaters or any other form of entertainment or exhibiti-n, when the same are made in any hall, opera house or indoors, f. -,r profit and not other'arise pay- ' ing a license under any other section of this:Ordinance,2.00 per 'day; provided that whenever the reeeipts'of the'same'are given or donated to any church or benevolent purpose, no license shall be charged, i' 7„ Foreveryperson managing, conducting or operating a mnv.ng.picture show or exhibition,$30.00 per yearor $9,.00 per , day, 8. For ever person operating any room or place containing a boy^,,ling alle: or pool table lanere a charge is m de for the use of any bawling alley or pool or billiard table or any games played there -'n or similar deviees of any kind played thereon, $5.00 for one�'table-and $2.50 for each additional table, and ;.$15,00 for each bowling alley per,,year. 9. For every person managing or conducting a boxing 'arest- ling, ;or sparring exhibition where admission is charged, do- nation- made or collection taken for such an exhibition $25,00 ,hen.the attendance is less than one thousand, when e_ore than one thou and, $50.00. 0 10. For ever;- person who sells real estate or any goods, wares, merchar_dise or live stock at public auction, $25.00 per day. 11. F=r ever.:" perw,on selling or offering for sale, trade, or exchange any goods, wares or merchandise of any kind, adver- tised or designated as Sheriff's, a.^signee's, creditor's, con - signer's, B ankrupt's, trustee's, or receiver's, or special sale of damaged goods or stock damaged by fire, '°,,ater or other- wise, $200.00 per yens. Provided, however, that this paragraph shall not apply to goods, wares or merchandise v;hieh are actual- ly offered for sale by any Sheriff, constable, or other police officer in connection with his official business as such, or an trustee or receiver of the United States, or the State of California, or ��rhen the same are sold under the order of any Court of Count, jurisdiction or when the sage are sold under the control of any merchant who has possessed or owned the same for more than one -;ear prior to said sale-and.�,vhen he offers for sale, goods, waves or merchandi>e which have aetuall,; been damaged by fire or water within the City; of Trstin,;and which are being disposed of in good faith to close out the same, 12. For ever, person operating or carrying on the business ,�,,of advertising or distriblting circulars or samples in the City of Tustin, $5.0 per day, provided that no license shall be re- quired fr:m an- person, firm ,,r corporation•maintaining a'regular place of business 'within the City of Tustin:, and advertising his its own line of goods and paying a regular license'under another paragraph of thi xftinance, ,, �� 13. Fed person, operating or earrysng�on the business M Y-410)? advert' ng by leasing, operating, or maintaining bill -boards Y in the Citi of Tustin,$25.00 per year, for the.•f rat bi,iiboard and $10."00 per gear for each additional billgoard so leds'j << operated or maintained within s::id Cit3r� provided that " s Atom of all billboerds shell not be less than three fee" rom ground: and provided further that no billboard ,shall be, oi" reater dimension than twenty (20) feet in length or eight (6), feet from top to bottom, suchmeasurementcovering the advertising spade thereof; and provided further that no license shell bei red under -this section from any person, firm orcorporationmaintain- ing a regularplaee of business within the City of Tustin,: and advertising his or its own line of goods and paying a regular license under another paragraph of this Ordinance. 14. For ever person engaged in carrying on the business of book or magazine agent or soliciting orders for the sale thereof, $4.00 per day. Provided that whenever such business is carried on in the interest of any church or religious society and not for profit or gain by sucL church, society or agent, no license shall be charged. 15. For every person, firm or corporta.tion maintaining, operating or having on his or its premiaaes slot machines or a )( vending machine or panchboards in use, $15.00 per year, for each such vending Machine, slot *cathine or punch board. 16. For ever;;- person soliciting from house to house or upon the streets of the City of Tustin for himself or another the sale of any .prtent medicines, drugs, or lotions of any kind, $20.00 per day. 17. For any organ grinder with or without animal exhibits, for ever', travelling musician or entertainer exhibiting upon the public streets of the Cit,. of 'Tustin, not paying a license` i under another paragraph of this Ordinance, $2.00 per day. 18. For ever; person carrying on or operating an employ- ment office within the City of Tustin, where a fee is charged, $20.00 per _ear, 19. For ever:- person engaged. in or conducting, managing or carrying on the .business of pa"nbroker, or loaning money x on assignment of salary, other,than carrying on the business of ban.ring, 10.,^0 per quarte.r.: 20. For ever;;r person on.any street or elsewhere engaged in managing, conducting or maintaining an ice cream counter or, stand, soda counter or stand, cand7'store, peanutor popcorn stand, lunch counter or ztand,125.00 per year and every � Person 's engaged in: the business of selling tamales, lunches, sandwiches, .ice cream, peanuts, popcorn, or cand- from wagon or other ve- hicle up -on the public streets of the City, of Tustin and not paying a license under another paragraph of this Ordinance $5.00 per dal -I for'ever- suc.- wagon or vehicle. Provided that no ad ditiona.l license shall be charge& any,.person conducting a regular F L �-��i � t place of business and paying license under another paragraph of this Ordinance and having procured the consent of the Board of Trustees and City Council fcr maintaing a temporary lunch, fruit or confectionery stand on the sidewalk or parking, im- mediately in front of and in conjunction with his establish- ment or place of business, 21. For ever- ° real estate broker eng ged in or carr".ing on the business of burring or sell r g real eat to on commission_, or making loans for others on commission, or collecting rental as agents for other or negotiating as agent for others in the transfer or sale of real estate in ,-�h"tever manner the tran- sactions are conducted or profit determined upon, other than those carrying on tyle business of banking, $12.00 per year. All salesmen working under any real estate broker $6.00 per year. 22. For every Terson engaged in the business of selling hair, grain, :.,00d,coal, or other fuel, or either or any of themy,. $20.00 per year. - r 23. For ever' person conducting, managing or maintaining a liver- or feed stable or horse market in the City of Tustin_, $25.00 per year. 24. For ever person conducting, managing or operating the business of dealing in any manner with junk, $20.00 per year. 25. For every person engaged in the business of, -or who solicits, or takes orders for, or agrees to deliver upon 'orders for cleaning, a eing or renovating articles or persor_al apparel or household furnishings,$20.00 per year. 26. For every person engaged in the business of or eon duct:].ng a plumbing or gas fitting shop, $20:00 -per year. 27. For .every person engaged in the business =of selling, or installing elketrieal airing appliances or apparatus, or radio apparatus or supplies, $20.00 per year. 28. For every person°, firm or corporation engaged'in the business of selling automobiles or other machinery, vel�`iles,' or accessories thereto or the sol citing or taking'or Ord ers therefor, not including gauge, $20.00 per -ear. :• 29. For everperson, firm or corporation engaged in the garage business, not'eonducted in conjunction with another line of business, $20.00 per year. 30. For ever.} per:,,on carrying on the business of under- taking, embalming or funeral director, $20.00 per year. 31. For every person, firm or corporation operaaing or maintaining a filling station at whi"ch gasoline, lubricating oils and like commodities usually sold at such stations, are distributed, $20.00 per year, except where gasoline and oil is sold at a regular garage which is paying a regular license. 32. For every person, firm or corporation conducting a hospital or sanitarium shall pay a license as follows: For the first five beds or less the sum of $5.00 per quarter; and fQr six --beds to fifteen beds, the sum of $7.50 per quarter; and all over tWent,r-five beds tre sum of $12.50 per qu7rter. No license for the conducting of any hospS.tal or sanitarium shall be issued without the approval of the City Council. 33. For every person, firm or corporation selling fire 16�-g." works $2.00 for the period to -wit; from June lst to July 6th fir' of each year and no license shall be issued unless permit io is first obtained from the City Council andno license shall be issued for any other period or time except as steted herein. 34. For every person, firm or corporation conducting or carr ing on a public dance hall :r a pubiic'place where dancing is the chief form of amusement, shall pay a license of $25.00 per annum. An application for a permit to overate a dr:nce hall shy. -ll be submitted to the City Council for approval, be- fore the license is.issued. i 35. For every per on engaged in the business of di'stri's buting kerosene fuel oil, distillate, g.G,oline or similar com- modities by any vehicle or maintaining agencies on behalf'of any refineries and selling at retail any of the said commodities, shall pay for every wLgon or other vehicle selling the same at retail and for every place of business so conducted $25.00 t per year. _I 36. For every person engaged in the business of selling lumber, building m:aerials, etc. or maintaining a lumber yard- in ardin the City of Tustin, $25.00 per ;rear. 3 For everT person, firm or corporatism conducting, managing or cErrying on the busines of a laundry or operating a vehicle collecting or delivering laundry withing,theCity of Tustin, $20.00 per year, payable annually; and in addition thereto shall pay license of twenty dollars per year for each laundry office or agenc- ,y, maintained in connection with such busines, within the City of Tustin. Provided, however, that where laundry work is done or performed by members of one famiig;,.. or where no more than two persons are employed for compensation, then $10.00 per year. 38. For every person carrying on the business of selling bread, pacstry, or other baker, good:s, from v+lagon or other veh`: cle, bakery establishment and baking their products avit'rin the City of Tustin, $20.00 per ,.rear. 39. For ever;; person engaged in the business of retail filling or delivering milk within the City of Tustin, fr:,-,m wagon or an, other vehicle; $10.00 per ;rear per vehicle. 41. For every person conducting or carrying on the busi- ness of peddling fruit or vegetables from a wagon or other ve- hicle, not having stand and not paying a license iind-er<.an^ther paragraph of this Ordinance, $10.00 per year per wagon or ve- �iicle. 4D. For every person engaged in the business of selling or delivering; ice within the City of Tustin, $10.00 per -year. 42. For every person en& ged in the business of selling -meat or peddling fish, �,A thin the seid City, $20.00 per year.` - 43. For ever person carrying on the busines., of peddling any kind of good:, novelties, chattels, wares 6,r merchandise by sample, order or upon comm'.ssion for himself or.for another;per- son, or solicitir_g orders for advertising and not paying,a li- cense under another par -graph of this Ordinance, $5.49 per.dwy. 44. For every person engaged in the business of manufactur izig er Selling confectionery, ices,%ice,c�,eam, cigars ancl.-to bacco, within the City cif Tustin, $20.00 per year. 45. For.ever.-, person carrying on, conducting,'or managing the business of nurseryman or florist, $2.0.00 per year. 46. For every person_ conducting, managing or carryini on the business of selling hard:Yrar2,' $20.00'per year. 47. For every packing Nouse manwged,.conducted or'esta-" bliched wit.in said City, $20.00 per year. ��J 48. For every person conducting or managing an art gallery or a photograph gallery or studio established within said City or every person carrying on the business either for himself or as agent or solicitor for another, of painting, retouching, or enlarging pictures or portrait=; of every description, $20.00 per annum 49. For ever; per:.on conducting a secondhand store, $20.00 per year. 50. For ever person conducting a harness shop or saddlery shop, $20.00 per year. 51. For every person conducting a je:velry store, Q01—.00 per yeer. 52. For every person conductir_g a millionery store, $10.00 per year. 53. For every person conducting or carrying on a drug store within s5id City, $20.00 per year. 54. For every place of business where musical instruments of any kind or sewing machines are sold, $20.00 per ,year. 55. For ever person conducting, managing or carrying on a dry goods, gent's or women's furnishing store, $20.00 per, year. 56. For every person engaged in the business of conducting managing or operating a grocery store or meat market or of sel- ling groceries or meats from delivery wagon or otherwise, in the City,of Tustin, the sum of $20.00 per year, 57. For any person, firm or corporation conducting, manag- ing or carrying on the business of selling coD'ked or prepaxred foods commonly known as delicatscen, $20.00 per year. 58. For every person managing or carrying on a tailoring j establishment or business in the City of Tustin, 20.00 per year, 59. For every person managing, conducting or carrying on the business of job printing or soliciting orders therefor, or operating a job printing establishment, including maintaining, conducting or publishing of a newspaper or age.ic; oP a newspaper or agency of a newspaper, $1:).00 per ye; -r. 60. For every person managing or conducting a restaurant, or temporary lunch counter, stand, or ,wagon, $20.00 per year. �'. F1711 61. For -every parson, firm or corporation, conducting, managing, or carrying on a hotel, rooming house or lodging rouse, boarding house,, apartment house, the receipts of which business amount to less than $3.000."0, $10.00 per year, $10,000.00 or over, 5$ 0.00: For the purpose of this Ordinance the term "rooming house" is termed to mean a house inhere there are four or more rooms•_. for rent and "apartrment house" -,,;here there are three or more apartment < for rent. 62. The rate of license for ever;,,, person engwged in the business of hauling or transporting goods, wares, merchandise, freig`.it, or baggage ;ithin or from said City, is hereby fixed and established as follows, to -Twit": For ever- vehicle -used in said business drawn by horses or mules, $5.00 per year. For every automobile truck, used in such business, in eluding trailer, $10.00 per year for the first vehicle, :with trailer so used, and'$5.00 per ye=.rfor each additional truck and trailer used r=,nd operated in the conduct of said business. 63. For ever person, firm or torpor -°tion engaged in the business of refin°ng crude oil. $500.00 per year. ` 64. For every person managing or operating a machine shop 20,C'0 per year. 65. For :any person c-rrying .n the busines,,,, of manufactur- ing or renting oil well fishing or drilling took $20u0011per year. 66. For any persr.n, firm or corporation carrying on -',-t e 'business of oit..drill ng„ $500.00 per 67, For every person, firm or corp,orat,ion er7irving-or;the ;.; business' of acetylene or electric welding shop, the s m of $20.00 per year. 68. For every person, firm or corporation carrying on the business of manufacturing, installing, constructing or dzxibut� ing metalic tanks, $20.00 per year. ; 69. For ever;r person managing or carrying Dn;the business of painting, cement work, sewer work, plastering, maeonry,;,; briek jria son, floor polisher, tall paper hanger, builder and all persons firms or corporations engaged in the business of contracting on buildings or structures, either as independent or sub-corCtraotors, r'r* i within the City of Tustin, $10.00 per year, provided that a general contractor who ':s such performs work under any and all of the foregoing lines of business 'without sub -letting to in- dependent contractors and of said separate lines of business in such general contracting busines or work, shall pa,- the sum of 30.00 per year, 0.� For every person opera^ting or conducting a barber shop, $4.00 per ye.r for the first chair, and $4.00 for the see- ond chair and'$4.i`0 for each additional chair us^d therein. 71. For every per:ion f rm ,or corporation carr;-ing on the b,-siness cf bobbler or shoe ~hop, $10.00 per year. 72. For every person e,rrying on the business of horse - shoeing or bLicksmith, 20.00 per year. 73. For every person, firm or corporation conducting an ignition or battery' business, $20.00 per yee.r. 74. For every person,firm or corporation conducting a vulcanizing business, $20.00 per year. 75. For every person, firm or corporation, conducting sign and auto paint shop or business, $20.00 per year. 76. For every person, firm or corporation conduettng an auto park or an= place err;^ere automobiles are kept or storyd fir which a charge is made, $20,00 per year.. 77. For every person, firm or corporation c nd�cting an auto camp, what is commonly known as R tourist camp ,;here tents are pitched, $20.00 per year. No license shall be issued un- less Permit is granted by the City Council upon sho,'Ving that said premises are in a sanitar,-,r c,0ndition and properly equip - Ped with toilets, pro erly drained. 79. For every person, firm or corporation operatjgg:,or c'":lduetin§ either State or National B arks, $20.00 per annum. 80. For every person, firm or corpor+tion carrying on or engaged in the business of architect, lawyer, auditor, public accountant, chiropractor, civil, electrical,chemical or mech- anical,engineer, dentist- optician, osteopath, `physician or surgeon, $10.00 -er .year. 81 For every person, firm or torpor,tion cc;nductingtor c<.rrying on a Taxi Cab service Wit$in the Cit;;- of Tustin, $20.00 per year. 2"1 82. For every person, firm or corporation engaged in the business of driving or operating any motor vehicle used for the purpose of carrying passengers for hire which vehicle is per- mitted to stand in any public place, for each such vehicle so used, having a seating capacity of five persons or less, a license fee of $10.00 per year shall be'paid; hav-ng a seating cap -city of fr:m six to eight persons, $15.00 per ~Teary'and i v- ing a e t° -.ng capacity of more than eight persons, $20.00 per year. All per>:on: applying for a license under this section shall furnish a liabilit,, .and. indemnit",- bend in accordance with sub- section 83 of this ordinance. 83. Every person, firm or corporation operating any ve- hicle as provided under sub -section 82 of this Ordinance befDre. a license is issued shall, under the provisions of this Ordin-..ncee, file with the City Clerk of the City of Tustin, and Beep so filed at :ll times during which said vehicle is operated, a 11abili.ty and indemnity policy of insurance, written by some solvent insurance or casualty c<;mpany, authdrieed to transact business in the St''te of California, in a sum equal to the a- mount of Five Thousand Doll rs ($5,000) per passenger of the carrying capacity of such vehicle; and also providing that such policy shall continue in force and effect until Ten (10) days after ;-ritten notice of intention to cancel or terminate such policy shall have been served upon the City Clerk of the City of Tustin; and provided that endorsements may be '- tacked to such polic;,, and providing for the substitutian or addition of vehicles; and, provided that such policy shall be approved as to form b'; the Cit; Attorne,- and as to suff-e,iency by the City Council of the City of T7.atin, be£ore the same is filed zith the Cit -o' Clerk; and cc,eh subsequent 'endorsement shall be approved as to form by the City Attorney,,befor the' -same is attached to such policy. 84. For every person, firm or corporatiozi iteuling,'sand,e noel t:or 'gravel ,within the Cityy _e,?Tustin, $10.00 per year. 85. For every perso4_fi-rm or corporation moving a house or other structure, $2.00 per day while any such house or struc- ture is upon a public street or highway and no -license shall is- sue unless permit is first obtained from the City Engineer. 219 86.: 87* ror every person, firm or corporation conducting, managing or carrying on the business of a towel, apron, or toilet supply, shall pay a license tax of X10.00` per year. 88. For ever person, y p on, firm or corporation conducting or .carrying on any business of any kind ,whatever, in the City of .Tust`1r., and not hereinbefore designated, 20.00 per yearAth , 89. For every person, firm or corporation engaged in more than one lines of business shall be required to take out one license only, which shall be the largest fee charged for any one of the business conducted by said person, firm or corporation. SECTION 12. That the provisions of this Ordinance shall not be deemed or construed to require the payment of a li- cense to conduct, manage or`carry on any business, occupation or activity, or require the payment of any license from any institution or organization which is conducted, managed or y t of charitable purposes or carried on wholly for the benefi from which profit is not derived, either directly or indir_ ectly by any individual, firm or corporation; nor shall ,any license be required for the conducting of any entertainment, concert, exhibition or lecture'on scientific, historical, li terary, religious or moral subjects,whenever the receipts of any such entertainment, concert; exhibition or lecture are to be appropriated to any chinch or school, or to any, religious or benevolent purpose within the City of Tustin; nor shall any license be required -for the conducting rf any en-tertaiximent, dance, concert, exhibition or lecture by any religious, Chari table, fraternalI,';educaU-4na1, mil,iLary, State, _Comity or municipal organization or association,` whenever the receipts of any such entertainment, dance, concert, exhibition or lec- ture are to be appropriated for the purpose and objects for which such association or organization was formed, and froila which profit is not derived,' either directly or indirectly, by by any individual, firm or corporation; provided,.however, that nothing in this section contained shall be deemed to exempt any such institution or organization from complying with the provi- sions of any ordinance of the City of Tustin, requiring such in- stitution or organization to obtain a permit from the proper board, commissioner or officer to conduct manage or carry on any profession, trade, calling or occupation. SECTION 13. That any person, firm or corporation viola g any of the provisions of this ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction thereof shall be punishable by a fine of not more than Three Hundred Dollars ($300.00) or. by imprisonment for a period of not more than three months, or b both such fine and imprisonment. SECTION 14. The granting of a license for carrying on any business, show, exhibition or game, as provided for in this or- dinance shall not be deemed a permit to conduct the same in an unlawful manner or at a,plac.e prohibited by law or the ordinance of the City of Tu#'tin. SECTION 1. If any section, sub -Section, sentence, clause, or phrase of this ordinance is for any reason held to be invalid or unconstitutional, such decision shall not effect the validity of the remaining portion of the ordinance. The Council of the City of Tustin, hereby declares that it would have passed this otdinanoand, each section, sub -section, sentence, clause and �e e of the fact -than any: one or more phrase thereof, irrespectiv „ other sectio, sub-secti3"ons, sentences, clauses or_phrasese declared invalid or unconstitutional. SECTION 16. The Citj Qlork of the City of Tustinj shall post, or cause to be posted, copies -of this ordinance in three (3) public places in the City_of Tustin, and immediately thereafter, the same shall be in full force and effect. The City Council of said City does hereby find ,and declare that an emergency exists, that.requires,that said Ordinance become so effective immediately, and upon the posting thereof, as herein- before required;, that such an emergency exists by reason of the fact that said City of Tustin has at the present time in, effect no licenso or,arsy other ordinance by which said business, trades, or occupations_n_ V conducted within said City*,. are regulated or brought within the control and jurisdiction of the City Council of the C1 of Tustin, for the purpose or regulation or revenue, and it therefore becomes necessary for the purpose of establishing a method of regulating the business within said City and providing f'^ a means of deriving revenue for said City, to make effective the M: provisions of this Ordinance immediately'. immediately. ayor o e csty o 'Zs n, .ATTESTS (SEAL). , STATE OF CALIFORNIA,) COUNTY OF ORANGE, ; ss. CITY. OF TUSTIN. I, J. R.. Harbour, City Clerk of the City of lizstin, do here- by certify that the foregoing Ordinance was introduced at a regu- lar meeting of the Board of Trustees of the City of Tustinc on the -21 day of November, 1927,. and Vt4s passed a regular meeting of the City Council on the ,19 day of December, 1927, by the Poi. lowing vote; ,AYES: Councilmen: Huntley, Schwendeman,_ Logen, and Kiser. NOES: Councilmen: None. ABSENT: L'anncilmen: None. I hereby certify that upon its said passage said Ordinance was thereupam signed by the Mayor ofthe City of Tustin, and there- after on the 20 day of December, 19279 I posted true copies of said Ordinance, conspicuously, in three public places in the City of Tustiny to -wit: one near the entrance to the Knights of Pythias Hall, the ,place where said City Council holds its meetings, one near the entrance to the United States Post Office, and one near the entrance to the First National Bank of Tustin# WITNESS my signature, this 20th day ofDecember, 1927. (SIGNED City CIeo .;the Ci Y of Tustin. SIT