HomeMy WebLinkAbout06 WEED ABATEMENT 08-16-99DATE' AUGUST 16, 1999 NO. 6 8-16-99 ! n t e r- C o m ", ... "--- TO: FROM: SUBJECT: WILLIAM A. HUSTON, CITY MANAGER COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT AWARD OF CONTRACT FOR WEED ABATEMENT SERVICES SUMMARY: In June of 1999, the Community Development Department requested bids for weed abatement services on private property. Timely bids were received from five weed abatement companies in amounts ranging from $2,150 to $10,600 per year. Staff recommends that the attnual contract for weed abatement services on private property be awarded to the lowest responsible bidder, Bob McGrann Construction. The City will utilize the services of the weed abatement company when private propert~ owners fail to remove weeds itt response to the City's weed abatement notices. RECOMMENDATION That the City Council authorize the Community Development Director to enter into a contract with Bob McGrann Construction for the removal of weeds from private property, on an as-needed basis. FISCAL IMPACT Property owners would be responsible for the cost of the weed abatement services. Therefore, there will be no direct fiscal impacts associated with the weed abatement program. DISCUSSION The Community Development Department is responsible for the enforcement of public nuisances, which includes the presence of noxious and dangerous weeds on private property. When a property owner does not abate the weeds within a ten-day notice period, the City is authorized to remove the weeds pursuant to City Code Section 4417. In June of 1999, the Community Development Department proceeded with a Notice to Contractors, inviting bids for the Weed Abatement Program contract. Under this program, the City will contract with one weed abatement company to remove weeds from private property when property owners are not responsive to the City's notice to abate weeds. In the past, the City has removed weeds from private property using City personnel or by contracting with weed abatement companies on a per-job basis. The purpose of having a contract with one company is to improve the efficiency and cost effectiveness of the City's weed abatement program. Advertisements regarding the bid invitation were printed in the Tustin News and one construction trade joumal, in addition, letters requesting bids were sent to 19 weed abatement companies. City Council Report Weed Abatement Services August 16, 1999 Page 2 For comparison and bidding purposes, staff requested that the bids be formulated assuming weed abatement on five hypothetical lots ranging from 10,000 square feet to 100,000 square feet. The contractor will be compensated on a per job basis using the contracted price per square foot for the exact size of the abated lot. The price per square foot decreases as the size of the lot increases. The City received five timely bids, which were opened on July 1, 1999. The bids are indicated on the attached proposals and as follows: 1. Bob McGrann Construction $ 2,150 2. Custom Country Landscape $ 2,800 3. Landscape West $ 3,030 4. Andre Landscape $ 3,585 5. Naranjo Landscape $10,600 Staff recommends that the contract be awarded to the lowest responsible bidder, Bob McGrann Construction. The company has provided individual weed abatement services for the City of Tustin and has weed abatement contracts with Lennar Homes and the Irvine Company. The annual contract will provide for a maximum of four one-year extensions. Scott Reekstin Associate Planner Elizabeth A. Binsack Director of Community Development Attachments: Proposals SR:kbm\ccrepods\Weed Abaiement Contract CC report.doc SECTION B PROPOSAL TO THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA FOR .Annual Performance of Weed Abatment Sen,ices on all Ol-ivate oroosrties identified bv the Community Develooment Deom-tment Name of Bidder: BOB-MCGRANN CONSTRUCTION INC. Business Adar~ss: 24492 OVERLAKE DRIVE Phone Number: LAKE FOREST, CA. 92630 949 768-3882 949 768-4080 FAX Tn, work to be done and re~%rred to herein is in ~he City of Tusfin mhd is so be conduczsd in accordance ~aifn Se specifications and contract annexed hereto. i'hz work to be done is sho~xa~ upon specifications endded: .Annual Weed Abaement Sen'ices Said specifications are on file in Ge office of Ge Community Development Dirzc~or. Tusfn. Cati£omia. TO T ~I--~.~_ CITY OF TUSTTN · The u.nd~rsigned, as bidder, declares 5aat the only persons or parties brian-rested in tine propos=_l princip~s are mos~ narned herein; uhat th_is proposal is made wi-daom collusion with person, fwm or corporation.; the annexed proposed form of ~: conzracg mad nhe con,-ac:or propos.~s and ag-tess if th/s proposal is accepted, ~at Ihs contractor xx5!l conu-acz x~iin ~hz CiD' of Tusdn, in 5aa fonm of m~ cop)' of the con=act annexed hereto, to provi& all n~.:essm-? macb:..ne.,-T ~d tools, mad to do ~1 work a.nd 5~-nish all matef~s specified in ins corm-act ':.-, m. marmzr and rime prescfbsd, mhd according ~o ~he requirements of Ge Corr~-n,,._nfT Develo~m~-nt Director ~ · ~,, ,~ .~ ~'. . . zn~r~.n s~ ~orm. and unat zh~ con=actor x~511 take ~11 paymem therefore at in=_ ~ol]ox~ng u_n~ · B-1 PROPOSAL FOR .Ammual Performance of Weed Abatment Sen, ices on all r)rivme properties identified bv the Community Develor~ment Der~artrnent CITY OF TUSTIN LOT SIZE CITY UNIT PRICE PRICE RAcNGE (acres) ESTIM-4'TE OF PER SQUA_RE SUBTOTAL SQUARE FOOT IN FOR EACH FOOTAGE IN EACH LOT LOT SIZE EACH LOT SIZE RA~NGE R_~NGE SIZE R_~N GE 0-.25 I 10,000 $ .020 I S 200. .26-.5o I 20.000 I .o~o I 400. .5=-~.0 I 30,000 I .0~5 I 450, ~.~-2.0 I 60.000 I i n 10 I ~oo, _ 2.~ + I aoo:ooo I .oos I 5o0. Total Bid Price Two Thousand One Hundred Fi ft> (A~mount vMrten in words) $ 2,150.00 (To'al $) The total bid price shall be the stun of the subtotals for each lot size rmno_e. There are approximmely 35 vacant lots in the City of T ,ustin ranting_ _ in size fi-om 0.14 acre ~o 18 azres. T · actual n,mmber of lots ma)' ch~,-,fe over time due to new. development and demolitions..M1 of the vacmnt lots tim and generally consist of weeds ~s and minimal irash and debris. The Ciw of Tustin ~ : ~'~ ' - ., Contractor ma), be called upon to pe~o~'-m weed abatement se~,'ices on aDeroximazelv five (5) lots dtu-ing ' ' £zrst.veto- of Ge contract. For biddhno.= ?m-poses only.., a total of 220.000 squ.~-e feet of lot area is ass,z-ned. B-2 SECTION B PROPOSAL TO THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA FOR Annual Performance of Weed Abatment Services on all r>rivate r~ror>enies identified bv the Community Develor>ment Del~artment Name of Bidder: Business Address: Phone Number: -Fne work to be done and referred to herein is in the City of Tustin and is to be conducted in accordance wfth the specificmions and contract annexed hereto.. T'ns work to D,. done is sho~a"n ur>on specifications entitled: .~n.nu~ Weed Abatement Ser','ices Said specifications ars on file in the office of the CommuniD, Development Director, Tustin, Caiifomia: TO THE CITY OF TUSTIN The undersigned, as bidder, declares that the only persons or parties interested in the proposal as principals are those named herein; that this proposal is made without collusion with any other person, firm or co~oration; th~ annexed proposed form of the contract, and the conu-actor proposes and agrees if ~his proposal is accepted, that the contractor will contract Mth the City of Turtin. in the form of the cop>, of the conh-act annexed hereto, to provide all necessary machineU' and tools, and to do all work and 5~-aish all materials specified in the con~-acr, in the manner and time prescribed, and according to.the requirements of the Communiu' Developmem Director zs therein se~ ford,.. ~d '~at the conh-actor will take full payment therefore at the following unit prices, to-wit: B-1 PROPOSAL FOR Annual Performance of Weed Abatment Services on all private pror)erties identified bv the Community Develor~ment Deaartment CITY OF TUSTIN LOT SIZE CITY UNIT PRICE PRICE RANGE (acres) ESTIMATE OF PER SQUARE SUBTOTAL SQUARE FOOT IN FOR EACH FOOTAGE IN EACH LOT LOT SIZE EACH LOT SIZE tL~NGE RANGE SIZE RANGE o- .25 I lO.OOO I . ors ~ 5o .oo .26 -.50 I 20.000 I .O~5 3Do.oo .5~- ~.o I 30.000 ~.~ - 2.0 I so.ooo I .0~5 I qoo. so 2.1 + i 100,000 I .OtO I i,ooo.oo , Tot~ Bid Price (.~-nou!it ~,Titten in words) ~2 85cO.oo . (Total $) The zotal bid price shall be the sum of the subtotals for each lot size range. There are approximately 35 vacant lots in the City of Tustin ranging in size from 0.14 acre to 18 acres. The act-a~ number of lots may change over time due to new development and demolitions. All of the vacant lots are fiat ~-nd _oenerallv consist of weeds, grass and minimal trash and debris. The Ciu' of Tustin estimates that 5ne Con~-ac~r may ~e called upon to perform weed abatement services on approximately five (5) lots during the firs:, year of th~ contract. For bidding purposes only, a total of 220,000 square feet of lot area is ass,zmed. B-2 SECTION B PROPOSAL TO THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA FOR Annual Performance of Weed Abatment Services on all private pror~erties identified bv the Community Develor>ment Der~artment Name of Bidder: Landscape West a dba of Southern California LandCare USA, Inc. Business Address: 950 N. Tustin Avenue Anaheim, CA 92807 714/632-9770 Phone Number: The work to be done and referred to herein is in the'City of Tustin and is to be conducted in accordance with the specifications and contract annexed hereto. The work to be done is shown upon specifications entitled: .Annual Weed Abatement Services Said specifications are on file in the office of the Community Development Director, Tusfin, California. TO THE CITY OF TUSTIN The undersigned, as bidder, declares that the only persons or parties interested in the proposal as principals are those named herein; that this proposal is .made without collusion ~5*.h any other person, rum or corporation; the annexed proposed form of the comract, and ~ine cont,-acmr proposes and agrees if This proposal is accepted, that the contractor will corm:act vciin the Ciu, of Tustin. in the form of the copy of the contract annexed hereto, to provide all necessm-y machinery and tools, and to do all work and furnish all materials specified in the comract, in the manner and time prescribed, and according to the requirements of the Community Developmem Director as therein set fomh. and that the contractor will take full payment therefore at the i%ilox~ing unit prices, m-wk: B-1 PROPOSAL FOR Annual Performance of Weed Abatment Services on all vrivate properties identified bv the Community Development Devartment CITY OF TUSTIN LOT SIZE CITY UNIT PRICE PRICE RANGE (acres) ESTIMATE OF PER SQUARE SUBTOTAL SQUARE FOOT IN FOR EACH FOOTAGE IN EACH LOT LOT SIZE EACH LOT SIZE RANGE RANGE SIZE tL4~NGE 0-.25 I 10,000 ,.02 ! ,200.00 .26- .50 I 20,000 $. 02 I $400.00 .51-1.0 ! 30,000 $.015 I *450.00 1.1 -2.0 I 60.000 $.013 ! $780.00 2.1+ ! 100,000 $..012 I $1,200.00 Total Bid Price Three Thousand Thirty dollars and no/lO0 (Amount ~a-itten in words) $3,030.00 (Total $) The total bid price shall be the sum of the subtotals for each lot size range. There are approximately 35 vacant lots in the City of Tustin ranging in size from 0.14 acre to 18 acres. The actual number of lots may change over time due to new development and demolitions. All of the vacant lots are fiat and generally consist of weeds, grass and minimal trash and debris. The Ci~, of Tustin estimates that the Contractor may be called upon to perform weed abatement sen, ices on approximately five (5) lots dtudng the first year of the contract. For bidding purposes only, a total of 220.000 square feet of lot area is ~sumed. B-2 SECTION B PROPOSAL TO THE CITY OF TUST1N, CALIFOR_NIA FOR Annual Performance of Weed Abetment SerMces on all r)rivme r>ror)erties identified bv the Communiw Develor>menl Der~artment Nam~ of Bidder: Business Address: work to b: eon: ~d refe~ed to'herein is in ~e Ci~ of Tustin ~d is to D~ conducied in accord~ce ~dth ~e specifications ~d contract ~exed hereto. The work to be done is sho~m upon specifications entitled: Annual 'Weed Abatement Sen'ices S~Jd specifications are on file in the office of the Communi9, Development Director. Tush. in. Caiifomia. TO THE CITY OF TUSTIN The undersigned, as bidder, declares that the only persons or pa-ties interested in the proposal as p,-incip~s are those named herein; ~at this proposal is made x~4-daout collusion with an}' oiner person, fm'n or co~oration; the annexed proposed form of-dee con..n'act, and T2ne conZ-ac*.or proposes and a~ees if this.proposal is accepted, that the contractor x~411 conT~,-act with the CiD' of Tusrhn. Ln the form of the cop3' of the con~-aci annexed hereto, to provide all nez~ssa-W macb&n~- aaa too.s, and to do all work and 5.u-rfish all materi~s specified in me cone-act, in the manner zed dine prescribed, and according to the requirements of the Commm-fiD' Development Director as thereEn set fon22. ~d dna the contractor will take full payment therefore at prices, to-'Mt: - B-1 PROPOSAL FOR Annual Performance of Weed Abatment Services on all r)rivale r~roDerties identified bv the Community Development Der~arrment Total Bid Price CITY OF TUSTIN LOT SIZE CITY UNIT PRICE PPdCE R_a. NGE (acres) ESTI]~L4,TE OF PER SQUARE SUBTOTAL SQUARE FOOT IN FOR EACH FOOTAGE IN EACH LOT LOT SIZE EACH LOT SIZE RANGE ' TL4,NGE SIZE R.~N G E .26-.30 I 20.000 I o.o ~.~ - 2.o i 6o.ooo 0.0155 I gl 2.~ + I ]oo.ooo 0.01o5 I /A.mount v~,-finen in words) (Wo~ s) The total bid price shall be tine suam of the subtotals for each lot size range. There are apvroximately, x5 vacant lots in th~ City of Tustin ranging in size from 0.14, acre to ]8 ac,-=~ .... T,.no_ actual number of lots may cb, ange over ti_me due to new development and demolitions. All of the vacant loss ar Eat and genera.lly consist of weeds, grass and minJznal trash and debris. The Ci~' of Tustin estimates that Contractor rna3, be called upon ~o perform weed abatement services on approxirnately ~x,e (5) lots durin~ first 3'ear o~ me contract. For bidding purposes on]3', a total of 220.000 square fee~ of lot area is assumed. B-2 SECTION B PROPOSAL TO THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFOP~NIA FOR Annual Performance of Weed Abatment Services on all private Properties identified bv the Community Develoament De~artrnent Name of Bidder: Business Address: Phone Number: The work to be done and referred to herein is in the City of Tustin and is to be conducted in accordance with" ~ m. specifications and contract annexed hereto. The work to be done is sho~n upon specifications entitled: .~-muat Weed Abatement Services Said specifications are on. file in the office of the Communiw Development Director. Tustin. California. TO THE CITY OF TUST[N The undersigned, ~s bidder, declares that the only persons or parties interested in the proposal ~s principals are daose named herein: that this proposal is made without collusion with an}, other person, firm or corporation; the annexed proposed form of the contract, a~nd the contractor proposes and a~ees if'2fis proposal is accepted, that 'the contractor will contract x~Sth the City o£ Tusdn. in the £o~,-rn o£ the cop), of the contract annexed hereto, to provide ail necesS~-x' machine~' and tools, and to do all work and fl~'-nish all materials specified in the comract, in the manner and time prescribed, ~nd according to the requirements of the Cornmunit), Develo.:ment Director as therein set fonln. ~,nd finat the contractor will take ~ll payment therefore at the ~%!iox~in~ unit prices, to-wit: B-1 PROPOSAL FOR Annual Performance of \Veed Abatment Services on all r~rivate aroDenies identified bv the Community Develor~men! Det3artment CITY OF TUSTIN LOT SIZE CITY UNIT PRICE PRICE RANGE (acres) ESTIMATE OF PER SQUARE SUBTOTAL SQUARE FOOT IN FOR EACH FOOTAGE IN EACH LOT LOT SIZE EACH LOT SIZE RANGE RANGE SIZE RANGE 0-.25 [ 10,000 I-* . to I~ ~,o~o. ~o .26-.50 i 20.000 i .o't i !, g~>o. o, .s~ - ~.o I 30.000 I .08 I ~, ~. ~ 1.~-2.o I 60.000 I · ~ I z~ ~ ~. ~ 2.~+ I ~o0,0o0 I .~5 I ~ ~ ~ Total Bid Price (,~rnount written in words) ~ I01 &Oc>. Oo (Total $) The total bid price shall se m~ sum of the subtotals for each lot size range. There are approximately 35 vacant lots in the City of Tustin ranging in size from 0.14 acre to 18 acrss. T'~ actual number of lots max, change_ over time due to new development and demolitions. All of the vacam lots ~_~ flat and o~n~r~l v . - ~: ..... 1. consist of weeds, grass and minimal trash and debris. The CiD' of Tusdn ssdmates rna: f,ns Contractor max, be called upon to perform weed abatement sen'ices on approximately ,fix's (5) lots dthd.',.2 -.:hs first year of ~he contract. For bidding purposes only., a total of 220.000. square feet of lot m-sa is _~.,um~d.o~- '~ - . B-2