HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD 02 (1927):: ORDINANCE NO. 2. An Ordinance Estrblishing Rules for Conducting the Proceedings of the B o�.rd of Trustees of the City of Tustin, and.Providing for the Punishment of any Member or �.ny Person for Disorderly B ehavior at any Meeting of said Board, also for Compelling the Attendance of Absent Member . The Board of Trustees and the City Council of the City of Tustin do ordain as follows: Section I. At the beginn_ng of each term the President of the Board of Trustees shall appoint the following committees to consist of one member each who shall be known as Commis. ~toners, 1. Commissioner of. Streams, Sidewalks, and P=rks. 2. Commissioner of Health and Safety. 3. Commissioner of Light and Water. 4. Commissioner of Fire �,nd Police. Thq President of the B card shall be the Commissioner of Finance. SECTION 2. All business brought before the board shall be referred to the appropriate commissioner .for his investigation, report and. recommendation in rel-renee thereto, before any action shall be taken thereon by the Board as a whole, except the busi- ness in question be of special urgency or of such a nature that it may be disposed of immediately. Upon a four-fifths vote of the board any commissioner may be required to report his recom- mendations in writir_g. FECTION 3. Ord-nances may be.given their first reading upon their ntroduction by reading the title only. Second reading shall be in full unless dispensed with by unanimous vote, and the third reading upon final passage of the ordinance may be by title only u unless a full reading is again requested by a majority of the mem- bers. SECTION 4. The minutes of the Board'of Trustees or journal of their proceedir_gx required to be kept by the Clerk shall be neatly typewritten or printed in a special looseleaf journal book, with each of the different kinds of busine^s transacted set off in paragraphs with proper sub -heads. -l- Until a :substantial fire -proof vault has been provided for keeping the public records, the Clerk shall keep the original copies of all ord:.nances and, wherever possible, copies of all j other official records, in a fire -proof safe deposit box or boxes which he is hereby authorized to lease for that purpose. SEC. 5. The Mayor shall appoint an auditing committee of three consisting of himself as chairman and tvo members of the I Board -of Trustees, who shall examine and approve all bills in writing before the same may be paid, and the Mayor shall have power to change the membership of said,comm.ttee at will by dis- missal and appointment, or by the substitution of one commissioner j to act temporarily in the event of the absence or inability to act of any member of the said committee.' BEC. 6. The following shall constitute the'order`of busi- ness"to-be follo=wed in conducting the regular'mee'ting, of the B 'oard; 2 ORDER OF BU` INE'"S 1. Roll Call. 2. Minutes of previous meeting. 3. Receiving written communications. 4. Receiving oral communications. 5. Report. 6. Unfinished business. 7. Paying bills. 8. New B usine,as. 9. Adjournment. Any citizen may arise and address the board on any business specially concerning them or affecting their interests, but.grefer ence will be given to those who have first presented mattersin form of 'a eTritten communication, or rho have personally notified the President of the Board of Trustees of their desire to speak. The members of the board shall remain seated while partici- pating in discussions and at all times during any meeting; they shall address their remarks to the President and other members of .' the Board and not to any citizens who may happen to be in attendance. The regular order of business may be suspended by a majority vote for the accomodation of non-residents who may have business before the board, or for any other purpose. SEC. 7. Any member or other person using profane, vulgar, loud, or boi�:terous language at any meetings, or otherwise inter- 1 E �� rupting the proceedings, who refuse to be seated or kept quiet ,,,,,hen ordered so to do by the President or President pro tem, of the board, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, punishable by a fine of not to exceed T -,enter -five Dollars or by imprisonment not ex- ceeding ten da,rs. It shall be the dutir of the Marshall, upon order of the presiding officer, to eject any such member or per- son from the boardroom. SEC. 8. In case a quorum should not be present at any meet- ing and important business remains to be transacted, or disposed of, any t-�Io members of the board may cause a written notice to be served personally upon the other members directing their immediate attendance, whereupon the members receiving such written notice shall,be required to attend immedis;,tely,.except in case of sick- ness or death in their,immedinte family, otherwise they shall be liable to a fine, penalty or forfeiture to the City of Tustin in the sum`of T;°enty-five Dollars, recoverable by a civil action in the Recorder's Court. SEC. 9, Any member of the Board of'Tru:tees who refuses to attend four consecutive meetings, when neither sick or absent from the CITY OF TUSTIN at the time said meetings ;sere held, shall be deemed to have forfeited his title to the office of trustee, and the remain;:ng members or a majority thereof may cause an action to be brought in the Superior Court to have his office de- clared vacant. SEC. 10. The proceedings of the board shall be governed un- der "Robert's Rules of Order" on all matters pertaining to'parlia- menta.ry law, but no ordinance, resolution, proceeding or other action of the board, shall be invalidated or the legality thereof otherwise affected by the failure or omission to,observe or fol- low raid rules. SEC. 11. All notices of special meetings mu:=t be delivered per:on2lly to the members of the Bo.�.rd of Tru7-tees in the time, form, and manner .provided by law. SEC. 12. Thi_ ordinance is an ordinance for the immediate Preservation of the public peace, .ealth and s fety, and the facts constituting its urgency are declared to be as follows; -3- the City of Tustin has just been incorporated and it is imperative that Rules for Ci>nducting the Proceedings of the Board of Trustees of the City of Tustin should be fixed without delay in order to enable and expedite'the transaction of official busines of said City in a lawful manner; for which reason this ordinr.nce shall go into full force e.nd effect upon its final passage. SEC. 1.3, The City of Tustin has, been incorporated less than one year, and said Board of Trustees..^.ereby determine that this ordin2nce shall be posted instead of be'.ng published, and the City Clerk is directed forthwith to post true copies of the Ordinance conspicuoisly in three public places in said City of Tustin. (SIGNED)` Mayor & Pre6itent of thFtoard of Trustees of the Ciao; of Tustin. Attest (SEPI) ' i y Clerk. I STATE OF CALIFORNIA,) COUNTY OF ORANGE, ) ss. CITY OF TUSTIIV'. ) I, the undersigned, City Clerk of the City of Tustin, Calif- ornia, and ex -Officio Clerk of the Board of Trustees= of said City, hereby certify that the foregoing ordinance is a true and correct copy of Ordinance No. 2 of said. City, inhich was introduced at a regular meeting of said Board of Trustees held on September 23, 1927, and c^as finally pa -sea at a regular meeting of said B oard. on the 70th day of September, 1927, being not less than five da-s.t`ereafter, by the folio,++,ring stated vote: AYES: TRUSTEES: Huntley, Sch°wendeman, Logan, and Kiser NOES: TRUSTEES: NONE ABSENT: TRUSTEES: NONE I hereby certify th-t upon st., s:.:id passage srid ordinance was thereupon signed by the Mayor and. President of the Board of Trustees of s;id City, and thereafter on the 18th day of October; 1927, I posted true copies of sc:id ordinance, conspicuously, / in three public places in the City of Tustin, to -wit; one at the entrance to the K. P. Hall, the place where the Board of Trus- tees holds its meetings, one near the entrane to the,United States Postoffice, and one near the entrance to the First National B ank of Tustin. Witness my signature this 18th daf of October','1927., (SIGNED) Clerk o. the, ity o, , Tush— tin.