HomeMy WebLinkAbout15 CLAIM C. MANN 06-07-99AGENDA REPORT 10-21-02 ~¢,? 180-10 ~ MEETING DATE: October 21,2002 R = 5 TO: FROM: SUBJECT: HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL CITY ATTORNEY Claim of Christopher Mann; Claim No. 02-29 SUMMARY: The City Attorney is recommending denial of the claim. RECOMMENDATION' After investigation and review, it is recommended that the City Council deny the claim and direct the City Clerk to send notice thereof to the claimant and to the claimant's attorneys. FISCAL IMPACT: None BACKGROUND: The claimant has filed a claim for $614.87 in property damage to the hood of his car. He states that a softball thrown by Thomas Blake on the Gordon's Panthers Softball team while playing at a City Park hit the hood of his car and dented it. There is no allegation here nor could there be of a dangerous condition of public property. The person who threw the ball, Thomas Blake, is responsible for the damage caused by the ball. As the City is not liable for an errantly thrown softball, denial of the claim is recommended. ATTACHMENTS: Copy of Claim 02-29 159026/1 0CT-16-~00~ 1~:]4 ~OUDRUFF SP~DLIN $~RT 714 815 7787 P.OSzlO CITY OF TUSTIN ' CLA"~I Ai3AINST THE CITY OF TOSTIN (For Damages to Persons or Personal~l~l~.~_ .. The law provides generally that a claim must be flied with the City Clerk of the City of Tustin ~ontb_s after the incident or event occurr~. Be sum your claim is against the City of Tustin, not another public entity. 'Where space is insuffldent, please use additional paper and Identify information by paragraph number. Completed claims must be mailed or delivered to the City Clerk, City of Tustin, 300 Centennial Way, Tustin; California 92780. WHEN COMPLETING THIS FORM, PLEASE TYPE OR USE BLAqKINK To the Honorable Mayor and City Council, City of Tuatin, California: The undersigned respectfully submits.the following claim and information relative to damage to person and/or property: 1. a. Name of Claimant; .... .... b. Address of Claimant: c. Clty/ZipCode; _._"~,~- --_ ~-__-_ ~'~ /~ ~.- - / d. Telephone Number. '/!~, e. Date of Birth: _ .. f. Social Security'Number. _ , Name, telephone, and post office address to which claimant desires notices to be sent (if other than above):___ ,. __. ...... _ ......................... 1 , This claim is submitted against: a. X The City of Tustin only. __ b, Ce The following employee(s) of the City of Tustin only*. :l'he City of r~stin and the following employee(s) of the'~itY of Tustin only: o Occurrence or event from which the claim arises: a. Date: _'7 -%,'-_ ~ 3, .......... _ ........ b. Time: -- ~:~,/_b ~..,,1~.. c. Place ,~Exact and specific Lc,~:ation): 't"_~]'-[3_t~to~ _~,~,,~ ~ ~ ~--~," --~,~,,~' ~=,o I d. Now ani3' under what circumstances did damage' or injury occur? Specify the particular occurrence, event, act or om;salon you claim caused the injury or damage (use additional OCT-1G-2002 12:37 714 835 ??87 97~ P.05 0CT-16-~0~ e~ 12:~5 [dOODRUFF SPR~DLIN SMART 714 855 7787 P.06/10 ~at padi~lar a~ion by ~e C~, or ~ emp~ee~, mused ~e alleg~ damafle or inju~? _ 1 . s . e Give a description of the injury, property damage or loss so far known at the time of this claim. If there we. no Injuries, state "no injuries", d I -/ - · I .... Ill I i___ · Give the name(s) .of the City employee(s) causing the damage or injury: · __ __ .,, _..-- .... ii Il II I II - Name and address of anyother person injurecl: ~ L~__. ~,~/,,t~ S. i , --- ii~ ,., J -~---' -_ Name and address ofthe owner of any damaged property:. C'~t,~, J~~ Damages Claimed: a. Amount claimed as of this d~te: '~___ ~ ] q, :~__'~ d. Estimated amount of future co~,: .. Jd~P_ .. _ .... Total amount claimed:, ._ _f~ ~, i_~_.. '~ _'1 ' Att~.~ basis for computation' o-f amounts claimqd (include copies-of all bills, invoices, estimates, etc.) ~.~._ ~-~A~,I,~ ¢.,.%~{~~ · ' 10. Names and add[asses of all witnesses, hospitals, clocters, etc._ ...... J- / "' --- il 3 ---7 · -- Executed this WARNING: IT I$ A CRIMINAL OFFENSE TO FILE A FALSE CLAIM (Penal Code Section 72; Insurance Code Section 556.0) I have mad the matters and statements made in the above claim and I know the same to be true of my own knowledge, except as to those matters stated to be upon information or belief end as to such matters 1 believe the same ~ be true. I certify under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct. Date filed this day of ...... _ ..... 20 _ . 2:CI, AIM 0CT-16-2802 12:37 714 835 7787 96Z P.06 714 035 ??8? P.07×10 "-'"' Dolt: 7/19;~ 0~:S1 PM lltlmldl I~, 16806 E~ Vemkm: 0 I,,"~" ~ - , ANAHW HILLS AUTO BODY, IHt, ..... 3500 E. L~ PALM& AVE. ANAHEIM, CA, ;63108 -- ltl4) I.ll-I~N Fu: (7t4) Olmel AOaesHd By: JOE CORRAL. ES OeducUble: UNKNOWN Own,r CHIliS MANN Wsw: ~ Telephone: #om. IiI~MIO: ( Body Ity~: 40 led YIN: . Idltaholl ink:o: Vihldl Llnl 1 3 4 I I I 10 11 Entry ~bor 4~46 jOY NEW3VIJBSTALL IO010~ NEF ' REIIOV~E dOllll BOY IlPAm AUTO RE!r REFINISH 40~701 KY ~JdOVEIINITA~L 400107 BOY REMOVEImTALL AUTO REF AD~L ~ i IM, I~, JAMBI- #OOOl FENC)KI H~X) OUTIng a WSNiE~ WAIHER liOZzi.! · CLEAN COAT COLOn aJ~O ~ lUFf PJdNTM~TnW HJZAROOUl W&ITE OiW Judgement Item i. eGor Note AppilH * Included Tn CIHr Coat ells P.n T3~M Port HUlqg~ -. __ Exiting Dolilr Libor Mount Units · 0.3 t 10,00 ' 1.0' C 2] O Jig 10.00 ' 5,00 ' 0CT-16-2002 12:39 714 835 ??8? 96% P.O? 0CT-1~-~00~ o. WOODRUFF SPR~DLIN SMART 714 835 7707 P.88/10 hie: 7~W02 04:6t PM Eltlnll~ ID: ~130l P/~Amlalry Pro/lb 113: AMhelm Hills LibOr SubtotAls Iblln~z~ Un~s ItMe .,? ~,,oo I,O ILOQ Labor luminary 13.7 Add#lonui COltS Taxable Costs Toul Addlt,Jnml cM,~s Mo'I I. mba, ILddM Amount Amoral1. Tomb 0.00 I,O0 141.20 ~o.o0 O,0O dlY~0 417.10 tl/.40 1.4l t#.8! Pud bplieemont lummll~ Tex~bJe Firm GM ?IK · 7.750% To~i Reptlcemerd PIM &mount IV, MJuMmlnli CuiWmlr Ibipmqi~fltY I. TMII libor: II. Tokl IbpleMmont PM'to: IJl, TMId MdltioM cMI.: GrM8 Tot~: IV. Ta~l AdJultmenll: Net TMII: A/110UIlt__. 10,0o 0,?t tQ.78 0.00 417J0 I0.71 IILII ~4,l? U0 Thim II · arellmlpmrv mnldmtt. .a~l~dltlonll ch&fl~_~;._~ Ih. _~_U~all mir ~ r_-~IJ~_'~_ for the.lc'tUll rlDalr. Miurlnoo Co: C01:) .,'-'~,"0: ".'""""' '" ", ~'"~" ' "'""" '""'~ ~"' ': .'""' *-~ "" ~L"~ .'.~ '"" and InM~m~nt pane! ewn If .?. bill ..klv! ~, I)ul~M~,.O0_ IN' BaS mouton rely F.-w,. "module. · , When am ell of · deployed du.i.otlee Idr MO,. IMI .yl trill II II · ~ ~."".' ',.'.",~ "..."~..~ .,......~;~....,,,......~ - o.. ,.,.,.,u.. OCT-16-Z002 12:38 714 835 7787 97~ P.08 WOODRUFF SPRGIDL I N ',~ SMF~RT RON PtV~RP.S & CO. 714 855 7787 P.09/10 ^usust 21, ~00~ CC: Ch~ Mann REJ:ERENCE: CWlm No: D/L: Ou~ Fde No: ~ SdtbaII Ataoclation C3~3BO~S8 01.2002.1580-34 Dear Mr. Mann: I am the adJuste~ assigned by ~ Inau~ Company to help Investigate thW ~. We have th~ug~ ~~~ ~i, ~e ~d, ~ ~ ~ A~ ~at t~ d~age ~us~ m yOUT ve~c~ o~~ ~ ~ ~ d~~~ ~me of the ~~ ~WI p~;~, l ~ve been as~ ~ M~I Imum~ C~ny ~ 1~ ~u ~at ~e are u~b[e to ~y for the damages We have determined that this incident occurred prior to the scheduled r, oftbal~ pmetWe, and therefore must mspe~-~'ully den~ ~)ur claim. If you have further information that might cause us to reconside~ this d~ial, plea~ contact me. Under Ca~ifomia ~aw, the $1aeate of L,imltatiom for ~l~ ~]~ ~!~ W one y~ and for ~~ da~ ~i~ ~e ~ ~ ~e ~dent ~te. If ~ou f~ ~ ~e a ~w~uit by then ~ ~ote~ your ~lm, yo~ cla~ ~ ~ ~o~ b~. If you believe your claim ha~ been wto~y deniml or. rejected, ~u may have the matter reviewed by the following ~tate agency: California Department of Inautance, Consumer Communications Bureau, 300 ~uth S~n8 Street, South Tower, Los Angeles, California 90013, (213) 897-8921 or (8(X)) ~7-4~7. i I · ...... iii i I I ...... -- OCT-1G-2002 12:38 714 8:35 7787 2002 714 ~5 7787 10/10 Chris Mann D/L: 07/0~/02 Claim No: C8602AH23BOSS8 Out File No: 0!-2002-1580-~ If you have other coverage, you may want to ~ubmlt ~ur.claim to ~our Insurance company. Wendell Carter Imumnce Adjuster WC/dr:D219:02-1,S~L 0CT-16-2002 12:38 ?1~; 835 ??87 97Z TOTAL In. 10 P.10