HomeMy WebLinkAbout05 CLAIM P. PINTO 05-17-99LAW OFFICES OF
NO. 5
DIRECT DIAL: (714) 564-2607
DIRECT FAX: (714) 565-2507
Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council
City of Tustin
City Attorney
May 11, 1999
Claim of Paul Pinto; Claim No. 99-16
After investigation and review it is recommended that the City Council deny the
claim and direct the City Clerk to send notice thereof to the claimant and to the
claimant's attorneys.
This claim arises from an incident that allegedly occurred on March 24, 1999 at
Tustin High School. A student, Mr. Paul Pinto, alleges that he was attacked by another
student named D-Angelo Collins. There are no facts in the claim to substantiate any
responsibility or liability on the part of the City of Tustin. The City's Claims Administrator
sent a letter to the attorney for the claimant and pointed this out. It is our understanding
that Tustin police officers were not present at the time of the alleged incident. In
addition, the incident occurred on school district property, not on any property owned or
maintained by the City of Tustin. Based on the information to date, it is our opinion that
there is no City liability.
": .. f', ~ ';
cc: William A. Huston, City Manager
COLLINS: Charges possible
Dist ct - ·
FROM1 ' ' - ' friend's~'and getting along with --
was arrested under a code that the ad,m, inistration and his
target.ed ii--i stipulates "Assault with a deadly c°~a'ac'h~'
I ausin reat ~ur ~ottlieb also'saw a differ-
weapon or assau t c g g ........
bodilv iniurv" enr sine to tzomns.
l'aml ' ]'y Sgt: Bill F'i~her said investiga-.. ~,olli~s wa,s p!.ay!ng._., in, ?.ot.t-
· ' n u h vi neo s urancn west uasKetoau
tors believe there ~s e o g e - . ....
' dence to warrant charges. The e~caaemy pr_ogra..m, wnen., _au..n. ng
'~ case has been handed over to. a prac.tice, Gottliet~ saicl Collins
Of a lete o~,~_ cnuntv prnhatinn De-"losth~stemperbadlyoversome
· n"~'~t'~nt"-w-h"i'e."h h-~--~--" .~-~- minor thing, in a terrifying sort
,. ......... , ...... , la_ ha_ ju-
-, risdiction over juvenile cases, oi,,w,,ay. ., . .: ...
''' '" "' ':': · · 11 was a sloe to nlm I naa
The case will be then be forward
· · ' , · never seen before," Gottlieb
· HIGH SCHOOLS: Mike ed to the district attorney s office .............
for juvenile prosecution, saia. Ne just snappea, Klna ot
---'.Pinto's complaint says The 6-foot-9 Coffins, who told exploded verbally. I said to him,
· Tustin police he was 16, aver-
TUstin Unified is liable.
i:for actions of a':':.
'iplayer, DeAngelo col-'
lins, in..:,kn'altereation
~he Orange County Reoister
· A claim against the Tustin Uni-
fied School District has been
filed by the family of a student
'.Xvho suffered injuries during a
;fight with a star basketball play-
,er from Tu~tin High.'"
:. The .family ~of Mike'pinto al-'
· ' lege that Tus-
tin High is lia-
ble for the ac-
tions of
DeAngelo Col-
fins, a 6-foot-9
center for the
Tillers and
Pinto's then
teammate. The
claim alleges
'COLLINS: Now' that Pinto suf-
~-a~ Inglewood feted facial
'* and head inju-
ries- that included a fractured
cheekbone, nose and inner-ear
bleeding because of an alterca-
'tion in the gymnasium after a
.basketball practice.
. Tustin police confirmed that
;they investigated an assault at
Tustin High, but they did not re-
.lease the arrested boy's name
'because h.e is a juvenile.
. .- .
According to police records, of-
~'icers were called to the campus
2to investigate an assault that oc-
?cuffed in the gymnasium on
,March 24 after a 6:45 a.m. bas-
-ketball practice.
According to the records, Col-
I/ns was arrested df the site and
was subsequently released to a
guardian. Police determined
.that Pinto had been struck on the
face, hands and back. Collins
aged 12 points and 12 rebounds
and was selected to the All-Gol-
den West League first team this
past season. He subsequently has
transfered-to Inglewood High;
Inglewood coach. Patrick Roy
confirmed Collins' enrollment at
the .school, but did not address
his athletic status.
Attempts to contact Collins,
who has changed residences sev-
eral times in the past few
months, were unsuccessful. '~
Collins' mother is a trUck driv-
'er in central California and his
father's whereaboUts lore un-'
known to coaches and adminis-
t'rators at Tustin High and to his
dlub basketball coach Pat Bar-
rett. During his stay' in Tustin,
~ollins lived for a time with the
school's basketball coach.
' "He was very polite to my wife
and kid," said Andy Ground, who
r~esigned as Tustin's coach last
month to become an assistant
coach at Saddleback College.
'~He had a run-in with his guard-
ihn, and I said he could stay with
me until he could work it out with
his guardian, but they weren't
able to work it out."
- Collins performed well on the
,court, but had problems off it.
, "DeAngelo had a series of
i'un-ins with everyone on the
team," Ground said, "inclUding
the coaches and including my-
~ Ground said the Tustin admin-
istration requested that he no
longer house Collins at his resi-
dence, so Collins wound up living
in Tustin with Bob Gottlieb, a
~outh coach whose son, Doug, is
a former county Player of the
Year at Tustin.
, "DeAngelo is a nice kid," Gott-
iieb said. "I really like him as a
person...We treated him like a
son, and we tried strongly to em-
phasize doing much better at
~school academically and making
'I think you need to find another
place to live. I just can't have
Gottlieb and Barrett said Col-
lins moved in with a friend in
Corona, and from there'eventual-
: ly moved in with relatives .in
Downey and then Inglewood.
He has Continued to Play this
spring with Barrett's Southern
California All-Stars, which in-
.cludes many of the area's top · .
high school players including
Mater Dei's Cedric Bozeman, Ja-
· mai Sampson and Steve Scoggin.
,- Ground said he hopes Collins'
· ' life improves.. _ _.
· "DeAngelo has not had a lot of
positive direction in his life,"
· Ground said. "He has a lot of
built-up anger. He needs to find a
way to channel that anger and
change the way he deals with his
Meanwhile, the Pinto family's
attorney, Douglas Cullins, said
he expects the district will deny
the claim which the district has a
-45-day window to respond to.
: After that, he said, the Pintos
.':will seek damages for severe ~- .....
physical injury and mental dam-'
age. . .--
Tustin principal Larry Carlson
declined to comment on Collins,
the Pintos' claim or a possible
"We can't discuss anything,
because it's a student privacy is-
sue," Carlson said. "But I assure
you we're perfectly clean at this-
Register staff writer Stuart Pfeifer
contributed to this report.
INFORMATION? If you have a
comment about this story or in-
formation pertaining to it, dial
(71a,) 550-4636, category 6688
and leave a message.
· Dougl~D. Cullins, Esq.
RE: Principal
Our File
· City of Tustin
· 3/24/99
· Paul Pinto
· S 104722 PC
April 29, 1999
' 3 1999
~UuUn~rr, o,-,~,~.ltll & SMART
Dear Mr. Cullins:
We are the Claims Administrators for the City of Tustin. We received your client's claim
filed with the City. '
rTustin Unified School District owns, maintains, and controls Tustin High School. The'~
City appears to have no involvement whatsoever in this claim. Therefore, the we have
~ecommended that the City reject the claim.
Please advise if there are any circumstances not presented in the claim that would
demonstrate why the City would be involved in this incident·
Very truly yours,
Paul Curran
Woodruff, Spradlin & Smart, Atm.: Lois Jeffrey, City Attorney
750 The City Drive · Suite 400 · Orange, CA 92868
Mail: P.O. Box 25180 · Santa Aha, CA 92799-5180
Phone: (714) 740-7999 · (800) 572-6900 · Fax: (714) 740-7992
Apr. ZO, l~J~J~J
Office of the City Clerk
Carl Warren & Co.
P. O. Box 25180
ty of Tustin
300 Centennial Way
Tustin, CA 92780
Santa Ana, CA 92799-5180
Re: Transmittal of Document(s)
Claimant: Paul Pinto
Claim No.' ~-16
Filed With City: 4-23-99
Receipt of Claim/Summons and Complaint by the City Clerk's Office on: -
Date: 4-23-99
Time: 1:05 p.m.
Personal Service upon the undersigned
Regular Mail
Certified/Registered Mail
Interdepartment Delivery
The enclosed Claim (or Application to File Late Claim) was presented to this office
as indicated above and has been referred to the appropriate City department for its
investigation and also to the offices of Woodruff, Spradlin and Smart, Attn: Lois E.
.leffrey, City Attorney. By this letter, you are authorized to commence the
necessary investigation of this claim on behalf of the City.
We request that you give such notices as may be appropriate to the City's
insurance carrier(s) and further request that you submit your preliminary and all
subsequent reports to the City, with a copy to the City Attorney and to the
insurance carder(s) if they so request. Upon receipt of advice from the City
Attorney, we will plan to present this matter to the City Council and/or take such
other steps as are directed by the City Attorney.
A copy of this letter and enclosures were sent on 4-23-99 to the City Attorney and
Department Head, and the original was forwarded to the Finance Department.
Chief Deputy City Clerk
Claims for death, injury to person, or to personal property must be
filed not later than six months after the occurrence (Govt.' Code, Sec.
Claims for damages to real property must be filed not later than one
year after the occurrence (Govt. Code, Sec. 911.2).
TUSTIN, CA 92780
Paul Michael Pinto, by and through Sara and Paul Pinto,
Name Of Claimants Address
Zip Code Age
Douglas D. Cullins, LAW OFFICES OF CULLINS & GP~ANDY, 23141 Ver'dugo
Drive, Suite 205, Laguna Hills, California. 92653; (949) 454-2500
~ddress to which Claimants wish notices to be sent
When did damage occur? The incident occurred on March 24, 1999,
Where did.damage occur? Tustin HiGh School, 1171 E1 Camino Real,
Tustin, OranGe County, State of California.
How and under what circumstances did damage or injury occur?
Student D-Anqelo Collins attacked Paul Michael Pinto on school Grounds
and caused Mr. Pinto to suffer multiple severe injuries.
What particular action by the City, or its employees, caused the alleged
damage or injury? (Include names of employees, if Known)
Presently known emolovees: Larry Carlson (orincioal), Tom McClusky
(coach), Andy Ground (coach); A1 Rosmino (athletic director), Tim
Donohue (Dean of Discioline) and additional employees in security and
suDervisorial capacities. Intentional recruitment of a known dangerous
and violent non-resident student, D'Anqelo Collins, to Tustin HiGh
School to at-tend school and oarticipate on the basketball team in
violation of the Governing rules, regulations and laws. Provided
lodGinG and suooort of D'Anqelo Collins to maintain his attendance at
Tustin 'HiGh School and oarticioation on said basketball team in
violation of the coverninq rules, regulations and laws. Failure to
enforce rules and regulations of public entity, including the zero
to e oolicv, as to D'Anqelo Collins' orior violations which
included acts and/or threats of violence. Failure to warn students,
including Paul Michael Pinto, of D'Anqelo Collins' known violence and
danger. Failure to adecuatel¥ and properly supervise D'AnGe!o Collins
while he was on the school Grounds and during school events.. Failure to
adequately and oroDerly supervise, protect, safeguard and defend Paul
Michael Pinto on the school Grounds and during school events.
What sum do you ~_aim? Include the estim~_ea amount of any prospective
loss, insofar as it may be known at the time of the presentation of this
claim, together with the basis of computation of the amount claimed:
(Attach estimates or bills, if possible)
Paul Michael Pinto suffered multiple severe, permanent injuries to his
head, including, but not limited to, fractured nose requiring surgery,
bleeding from the ears, and lacerations, abrasions and contusions, in
addition to soft tissue injuries to his neck and back caused by the
numerous physical blows by Collins, and extreme emotional distress. He
seeks recove?v of his medical expenses, past, present and future; his
lost earnings, oast present and future; his reduction in future earning
.capacity, general damages and ounitive damages. Jurisdiction over this
claim rests in the superior court.
DATED: April 16, 1999
C: \S f\962\claim, a
DOUGLAS Db CULLINS, Attorney for Claimants
Claims for death, injury to person, or to personal property must be
filed not later than six months after the occurrence (Govt. Code, Sec.
Claims for damages to real property muSt be filed not later than one
year after the occurrence (Govt. Code, Sec. 911.2).
TUSTIN, CA 92780
Paul Michael Pinto, by and through Sara and Paul Pinto,
Na~ne Of Claimants Address
Zip Code Age
Douglas D. Cullins, LAW OFFICES OF. CULLINS & GRANDY, 23141 Verdugo
Drive, Suite 205, Laguna Hills, California 92653; (949) 454-2500
Address to which Claimants wish notices to be sent
When did damage occur? The incident occurred on March 24, 1999,
Where did damage occur? Tustin High School, 1171 E1 Camino Real,
Tustin, Orange County, State of California.
How and under what circumstances did damage or injury occur?
Student D-Ancelo Collins attacked Paul Michael Pinto on school crounds
and caused Mr. Pinto to suffer multiple severe injuries.
What particular action by the City, or its employees, caused the alleged
damage or injury? (Include names of employees, if known)
Presently known employees: Larry Carlson (principal) , Tom McClusky
(coach) , Andy Ground (coach) , A1 Rosmino (athletic director), Tim
Donohue (Dean of Discipline) and additional employees in security and
supervisorial capacities. Intentional recruitment of a know..~ dancerous
and violent non-resident student, D'Angelo Collins, to Tustin Hich
School to attend school and participate on 'the basketball team in
violation of the governing rules, regulations and laws. Provided
lodging and support of D'Anqelo Collins to maintain his attendance at
Tustin High School and participation on said basketball team in
violation of the governing rules, regulations and laws. Failure to
enforce rules and regulations of public entity, includinc the zero
toleran y, as to D'Angelo Collins' prior violations Which
included acts and/or threats of violence. Failure to warn students,
including Paul Michael Pinto, of D'Angelo Collins' known violence and
danger. Failure to adequately and DroDer!y supervise D'~nce!o Collins
while he was on the school grounds and during school events. Failure to
adecuately and properly supervise, protect, safeguard and defend Paul
Michael'Pinto on the school grounds and durinc school events.
What sum do you .ira? Include the estim, a amount of any prospective
loss, insofar as it may be known at the time of the presentation of this
claim, together with the basis of computation of the amount claimed:
(Attach estimates or bills, if possible)
Paul Michael Pinto suffered multiole severe, oermanent iniuries to his
head, including, but not limited to, fractured nose reGuirinq surgery,
bleeding from the ears, and lacerations, abrasions and contusions, in
addition to soft tissue injuries to his neck and back caused by the
numerous physical blows by Collins, and extreme emotional distress. He
seeks recovery of his medical expenses, past, oresent and future~ his
lost earnings, oast present and future; his reduction in future earning
caoacity, general damages and punitive damages. JUrisdiction over this
.claim rests in the superior court.
DATED: April 16, 1999
DOUGLAS D~)CULLINS, Attorney for Claimants