HomeMy WebLinkAbout10 FINAL T.M. 15681 05-17-99lnter-Oom NO. 10 5-17-99 DATE: MAY 17, 1999 TO' FROM' SUBJECT: WILLIAM A. HUSTON, CITY MANAGER COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT FINAL TRACT MAP 15681 (BROOKFIELD HOMES) SUMMARY: The approved Tentative Tract Map 15681 permitted a subdivision of an approximately 72 acre site into one hundred and fourteen (114) numbered lots and thirty- four (34) lettered lots to accommodate 114 single family detached dwelling units. The site is located westerly of the intersection of Pioneer Road and Patriot Way. Tentative Tract Map 15681 included numerous conditions to be fulfilled prior to approval of the Final Map. Subject to fulfillment of specified conditions and approval by the City Council, the Final Map may be recorded with the Orange County Recorder's Office. Applicant & Owner: Brookfield Homes/The lrvine Company RECOMMENDATION That the City Council adopt Resolution No. 99-36 approving Final Tract Map 15681 subject to completion of Conditions, including, but not limited to, 1.6, 1.7B, 2.21, 3.1, 3.3, 4.1, 5.4, 6.1, 6.3, 6.5, 8.1, and 10.2 of Resolution No. 98-115 to the satisfaction of the Community Development and Public Works Departments and the City Attorney prior to recordation. FISCAL IMPACT The applicant has paid fees associated with the processing of the final tract map. DISCUSSION On November 23, 1998, the Planning Commission adopted Resolution No.3632 recommending that the City Council approve Tentative Tract Map 15681. The City Council approved Tentative Tract Map 15681 on December 7, 1998, by adopting Resolution No. 98-115. These approvals included numerous conditions to be met prior to approval of the Final Map. Several conditions have not been satisfied, however, the applicant has requested an expedited review of the final map to meet financial obligations with The Irvine Company. These conditions include: Submittal of bonds, agreements, notes, and fees required by Conditions 1.6, 1.7B, City Council Report Final Tract Map 15681 May 17, 1999 Page 2 Submittal of bonds, agreements, notes, and fees required by Conditions 1.6, 1.7B, 2.21, 3.1,3.3, 4.1, 5.4, 6.1,6.3, 6.5, and 10.2 of Resolution No. 98-115; and, Approval of the Covenants, Conditions, and Restrictions (CC&Rs) as required by Condition 8.1 of Resolution No. 98-115. Upon fulfillment of these conditions, the Final Map will be in substantial conformance with the Tentative Parcel Map approvals, the City's Zoning Code and Subdivision Code, and the State Subdivision Map Act. Based upon this conformance, staff recommends that the City Council approve Final Tract Map 15681, subject to completion of Conditions, including, but not limited to, 1.6, 1.7B, 2.21, 3.1, 3.3, 4.1, 5.4, 6.1, 6.3, 6.5, 8.1, and 10.2 of Resolution No. 98-115 to the satisfaction of the Community Development and Public W°rks Departments and the City Attorney prior to recordation. Karen Peterson Acting Senior Planner Elizabeth A. Binsack Community Development Director Attachments: A: Final Tract Map 15681 Resolution No. 99-36 cc:ftm 15707ccreport.doc · HEET I OF 11 ~HEET8 114 NUMBERED LOTS, LOTS A THROI, X~I 7.., INCLUSIVE. AND AA THROUGH OO, INCLUSIVE 1%740 ACRE8 (ALL OF TEHTATIVE BLOCK: 5853 MODULES: 28,29,38,39 BLOCK: 5854 MODULES: 40,50 TRACT No. 15681 IN THE CITY OF TUSTIN, COUNTY OF ORANGE STATE OF CAMFORNIA BEING A 8IJBDIVIBION OF LOT8 g, 10, 'Y' & 'DO' AND A PORTION OF LOT ~IN' CAr TRACT NO. 13~21', AS PER MAP FILED IN BOOK 644, PAGE8 1 THROUGH 2~ INCLUSIVE, OF MIBGELLANEOU~ MAP8 IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF 8ND COUNTY. HUN~AKER AND A880ClATE8 IRVlNE, INC. TOM R. klloG~NON, R.C,~. 2~ DATE OF SURVEY: OCTOBER, 1998 ACCEPT[D AND RL.ED AT 11'1E REOUEST OF DATE: DEPUTY OWNERaHIP CERT1FICAT~ THE uNDERSIONED..~ ~ .~.TIES .^~ND AN'.~.2~.~.~.ST IN ~ RE~RDA~ ~ SND MAP, ~ ~0~ ~IN ~E ~ B~DER UNE. HER[BY DEDICA~ ~ ~ PUBLIC F~ S~EET ~S ~EER ROAD. : HEREBY DEDICA~ ~ ~ Q~ ~ ~S~N A N~-~USI~ E~EN3 F~ IN~E~ [~E~ ~D PUBLIC U~U~ ~RP~E$ AS ~0~ ~ ~ M~. Q~ ~ NOT BE ~A~ BE U~ F~ DAMA~ ~U~ BY NE~I~T AC~ ~ IN~N~ MtS~CT Q~. I~ EMPLOYES ~ AG~, ENQINF. ER~ STATEMENT: I HEREBY STATE TI-IAT TH~S MAP. CONSISTING O~ 1! ~ CORRECTLY REPRL'~NT~ THE RUE AND COMPLETE SURVEY AS SHOWN MADE IN OCTOBER. 199B: WAS MADE BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECTION; THAT THE MO~UMENI~ AR[ OF TH[ CHARACTER AND OCCUPY (OR WiLL OCCUPY) THE POSITIONS INDICATED BY SAID MAJ., AND THAT SAID MONUMENTS ARE (OR W1LL BE) SUFF'IC~ENT Tq ENABLE THE SURVEY TO BE REll~AC~D. ~ R. ~INON, R.¢.E. NO. ~¢~ [XP1RATION DATE: 12/~1/01 WE ALSO HEREBY DEDICATE TO THE IRV1NE RANCH WATER DISTRICT. THOSE PIPELINE EASEMENTS FO~ ~R, WATER. PIPr'IINF' AND ACC[~S IPURPOS£S SHOWN ON ~'115 MAP, WHICH EASEMENTS ~-iALL SE SUBJECT TO THE SA~E TERMS AND CONDITIONS_ ANS0 ARE ~-IOWN IN CERTAIN EASEMENT RECORDED FEBRUARY !~., 1991, AS INSTRUMENT O._ 91-070315 OF Of'FlCtAL RECORDS OF ORANGE COUNTY, AND AN ADDED CONDITION NO TREES SHALL BE PLANTED IN SAID PIPELINE EAS~¥ENT WITHOUT WRtT'IT_N CONSE FROM THE IRVINE RANCH WATER DISTRICT. IRVINE COMMUNITY DE'V~MENT COMPANY, A DELAWARE CORPORATION. MCI: PRESIDENT ~ E~q(~D ~ McldATHON AS~STANT SECRETARY NOTARY ACKNOWLEDGEMENT: STATE OF CALIFORNIA '~ ON THIS~ BEFORE ME,~J~'"'---~'""J~L ~*,-~ ~ HIE.~-~..,* . PERSONALLY KNOWN TO ME (OR FROV~ TO ME C~ TH[ SASIS OF SAT~,~"~Y ~DENC~ TO mLTH~ .~._ _s~..(_s) w~os[ NAME(S) ~S/A~ SUBSOaaED TO THE WTH~N ~NST~,~ERT ANO HE/SH£/THEY EXECUTEO TH~ SAME IN HIS/HER/THEIR N.rTHOffi .Z~_. HIS/HER/'IHDR SlG~.A.TIJR~S) ON THE INSTRUMENT THE t:~'-J~JON[SJ, WHICH THE PERSON(S) ACTED, D~:CUTEO THE INSTRUMD;T. WiTNESS~ NOTARY PU~IIb~IN AND~FOR SA~ STATE COUNTY. (NAN[ m~NT[D) CERTIFICATE OF ACCEPTANCE - IRVINE RANGH WATER DIBTFIICT; ~. ~rsuE FLESS~. SECRET*RY or THE BOARD OF ~e_~mRS Or THE ~RV~ eAN~ __WA e~'~y DISTRICT, O0 HEREBY C~.RTIIry THAT THE INTERESTS IN THE R~AL PROPERTY CONV[YIgDG~jED DED~CA~ON AND SHOWN ON THIS TRACT MAP ARE HER[BY ACCEPTED BY THE UNDERSI OFFICER ON BEHALF Or TH[. BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF IRVINE RANCH WATER DISTRICT PURSUANT TO AUTHORITY CO~RRED BY RESOLUTION NO 1976-111 orTHE BOARD OF' DIRECTORS ADOPT~:D IN NO~BER B. 1976. LESUE FI.ES~EL. SECRETARY or THE BO D' D4RECTORS OF THE IRVlNE RANCH WATER DISTRtCT STATE OF CALIFORNIA ~LsS COUNTY OF ORANGE: APPEARED i ?~tJ;' ~ ~ ~ALLY KNOWN 'TO ME (0R F~OVED TO ME ON THE B~ OF SAltSCACTI3RY E¥1OENC~ TO BE: THE PERSON _~ HA*3,/HER~R ~IGNA~"~ ON THE INSTRLB4ENT ~ ~ml~, OR LNfl1T WNIGH THE PE:RSON(eai~, ACTED, ERECUTED THE INSTRUYE,~T. ~'I'NESS MY HAND:. NOTARY Ri~l~fl-IC IN*~/~F0~ SAID STATE tN ~.~L~I~ C~JNTY (NAME PRATED) 81GNATURE OMI88tONB~ PURSUANT TO THE PROVisioNS OF' SECTION 66436 (aX3~ or THE SU~V~S~ON MAP ACT, THE FOLLO~t/ING SIGNATURES HAW BEEN OMITTED: 1. UNITED STATES OF AI,~ICA. HOLDER 0~' AN F.~[NT FOR AIRC~AF'~', AVIOATION DED PURPOSES RECORDED SEPTEMBER 12, 19~. AS INST. NO. B~-456S13, O.R.. AN.D AMEN BY DOCUMENT RECORDED OCTOBER 27. IggS, AS INST_ NO. lg950~7~4g? O.R. [EASEMENT IS BLANKET IN NATURE) 2. PACIFIC BELL HOLDER OF AN EASEMENT FOR UNDERGROUND COMIdUNI~ATION FACILfflES AND INCIDENTAL PURPOSE~; RECORDED dULY 2~ lgg2, AS INSTRUMENT NO. g2--44~BgO OF' OFTlCtN. RECORDS. 3. SOUTHERN CALJFORNIA ED~ON COMPANY. HOLDER OF AN EASEMENT FOR ELECTRk~ SUPPLY SYSTEMS, COMMUNICATION SY~ AND I~NTAL PURPOSES RECORDED APRIL 21, 1994, AS INSTRUMENT NO. 94-0278B07 or Of-FIDIAL R~CORDS. . 4. THE IRVINE COMPANY. HOLD~ Or WA1ER. OIL, GAS aND MINERAL RIGHTS, PER DOCUMENT RE:CORDED AS INSTRUMENT NO. 199700005~4 Or OFTICtt~ RECORDS. COUNTY ~URVEYOR'~ STATEMENT: i HERE~Y STATE THAT I HAVE EXAMINED THIS MAP ANO HAVE FOUND THAT ALL MAPPINGo PROVISIONS OF THE SUBDIVISION MAP ACT HAVE ~ COMPUED WITH ANL~,AN SAID MAP IS "I~CHNICALLY CORRECT RELATIVE TO ~ 'I~RACT MAP BOUND · DATED THIS DAY 07. lggg. dOHN CANAS, COUF~TY SURVEYOR COUNTY TREASURER-TAX COLLECTOFr8 CERTIFICATE: STATE OF CAUFORNIA ~ ES COUNTY Or ORANGE: I HERE:BY C~11FY THAT ACCORDING TO THE REC~ or MY OFFI..C~F THER£pNAR[E ~4T~ URNS AGAINST THE LAND COVERED BY THIS MAP OR ANY PART THEREOF OR UN O S COUNTY, MUNICIPAL OR LOCAL TAXES OR SPEC/AL AS$~:SSMENTS COLL[C'I~O AS TAXES OR SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS COLLECTED AS TAXES NOT YET PAYABLE. AND DO ALSO CL;'RT1FY TO THE RECOROER OF ORANGE COUNTY THAT THE PROVISIONS _OF THE SUBDIVISION MAP AOT HAVE BEEN COMPLIED WiTH R~GARDIHG DEPOSITS TO SECURERE THE PAYMENT OF TAXES ORSPECIAL ASSESSME~I"~$ C:OLLECTEO ASTAXLrS ONTHE LA ND COVERED BY THIS MAP. DATED THIS DAY or lggg. dOHN M.W. MOORLAEH BY: COUNTY TREASURER-TAX COLLECTOR DEPUTY TREASURER - TAX COLLECTOR CITY ENGINEEI~ b'rATF_MEI~. I HR'RE'BY STATE THAT I HAVE EXAMINED THIS M&~ ANO HAVE FOUNO IT TO B~ TH SUBSTAN11ALLY IN CONIrORMANC[ WITH THE TENTAllV[ MAP, IF REQUIRED, AS FILED ~ , AMENDED AND APPROV~ BY THE CITY PLANNING C~MISS~ON; THAT ALL PROMSIONS OF THE SUBDIVISION MAP ACT AND CITY SUBDfVISION RE. GULATIONS HAVE. BEEN COMPUED WiTH AND THE MAP I$ TECHNICALLY CORRECT IN ALL R~S~CTS NOT STATED BY THE COUNTY SURV[-YOR. DATED THIS~.DAY or 1999. (REG;S. E)G°'IRES: 9/30/02) TIM SERLET, R.C.E. 287~8 C~TY ENGINEER, CITY OF TUS"nN STATE OF OAL.IFO~IIA ~ COUNTY Or ORANGE SS C3TY OF TUSTIN I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS MAP WAS PRESENTED FOR APPROVAL TO THE CITY COUNCIL or THE CITY OF TIJSTIN AT A REGULAR MEETING ~EOF HELD ON THE ___ ~ DAY OF , 1999. AND THAT THEREUPON SAID COUNCIL DID, BY AN ORDER DULY PASSED AND ENTERED, APPROVE SddD MAP. AND DID ACCEPT INTO ITS STREET SYSTEM, ON BE~IALF Or THE PUBUC, SUBJECT TO #dPROVr'r..MENTS, THE DEDICATION FOR STREET PURPO'~-S OF PtONEER ROAD. ANO DID ALSO ACCEPT ON B£HAL.F ~ THE CITY OF 1USTIN, THE E, AS[MENTS FOR INGRESS, EGRESS AND RUBLIC u~ PUR~SES, AS DEDI~. ACT, THE EASEMENTS W1TI~IN THE BOUNDARY OF TIa~.S MAP WHICH WERE ACQUIRED B CITY OF TUS~IN, PER THE MAP Or TRACT NO. 1~27, F1~rr~ IN BOOK 644, PAGES 1 THROUGH 20, INCLUSIVE. OF MISCT./.LANEOUS MAPS, RECORDS. OF ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA, NOT SHOWN ON THIS MAP. AND DID ALSO APPROVE SUBJECT MAp PURSUAN' m THE PRO~qsiONS OF SECTION r~4~(e)(3)(A) a (C) or ~ SUBm~SION MAP ACT. DATED THIS,~.DAY OF' Iggg. PAMELA STOKER, CITY CLERK C:TY OF TUS"~N SHEET 2 OF 11 BHEETS 114 NUMBERED LOT8 AND LOT8 A THROUQH 7., I~ AND ACREAGE: 71.740 (ALL OF TENTATIVE TRACT NO. 16m~1) TRACT NO. 15681 IN THE CITY OF TUSTIN, COUNTY OF ORANGE, STATE OF CALIFORNIA. HUNSAKER AND ASSOCIATES IRVINE, INC. TOM R. McGANNON, R.C.E. 23956 DATE OF SURVEY: OCTOBER, lOIN3 ] FO. 2' Ua. 1,~ CS. 57~ ~ ~ NO. 13~27, u.lL ] F~ S. k i. STMi=~i L~ 57~ ix~ TinCT NO. 13~27, iLU. ~,H./I_~0. ] FD. 2' t.~. T~ /S. 47~ ~ 3RACT NO. 14410. ILU. 73~/3-15. TRACT NO, i542.8 M.M. 750/'25--27 L Y D~ SHEET NtMBER DATUM STATEMENT: CO~RI3NAI~S ~ ARE ~ GN 1NE ~A ¢OORI3~ATE ~ (CCSa3~. D~rMI{~: iL~J1PY ~ ~IST.VI~ ~Y nI~ C:~NIROL STA'rl~N GPS ~ 67~4 AI~ ~A~ ~ ~. S~ ~ ~'~ ~ TRACT NO. 144!0 M.N'i. 756/5..-i5 MM 05/07/99 i .: 05/07/99 10"1 : ,~ up ~ m ..a. ..t- m rn / c., "~07/99 ROGUE klVEE 05/07/99 1",3' E (PAD) 15'9.17' 0~ "n~ 05/07199 SHEET 7 OF 11 SHEET8 SCALE 1' = 4~ 114 NUMBERED LOT8 AND LOTB A THROtJQH Z, INCLUSIVE, AND AA THROUGH O~ INCLUSIVE (ALL OF TENTATIVE LOT X 3.393 AC. LOT MM 5.269 AC. · . TRACT NO. 156.81 IN THE CITY OF TUSTIN, COUNTY OF ORANGE STATE OF CALIFORNI& HUNSAKER AND ASSOCIATES IRVINF. INC. TOM I~ MCGANNON, I~C~E. 23956 OF SURVEY: OCTOBE~ 1998 _...?.~.~-~- / 88 ":,"' R-2~.OO' L-17.~' 87 85 83 /- 81 80 LOT MM 5.269 AC. 72 73 74 I 77 "' ~'"'~ 78 ../ L-34.M' SHEET 8 L-23.M' L-2g.2a' LOT NN 5.101 AC. SEE 505/07/99 SEE SHEET m ~ ~-~'~' .-lO m m SEE  /~/ ;, 6 -I06'24'46' SHEET 05/07/99 8HEET g OF 11 SHEET'8 114 NUMBERED LOTS AND LOT8 A THROUGH Z, INC~ AND \ AA THROU~'I 00. INCLUSIVE ACREAQE: 71.740 ACREB (ALL OF TENTATIVE TRACT NO. 16eel) LOT OO 2.101 AC. LOT Y 5.856 AC. i05 104 107 SEE TRACT NO. 15681 IN THE CITY OF TUSTIN, COUNTY OF ORANGE. STATE OF CALIFORNIA. HUNSAKER AND AS,.~OCIATE$ IRVINE, INC. TOM R. McGANNON, R.C.E. 23956 DATE OF SURVEY: OCTOBER, 1998 LOT N LOT Y C3 3.856 AC. (~) 101 A =55~1g'17' L-4.3.74' / 102 109 / 35' ilO, 3~' UONUik'"NT GFT'SLrT TABLE LINE ~ LENGIH mOT S~.T'20'26'W 9.4,1' P104 STS*4&'57"W ([35' ma-` N#'flo',~'w 6.25' P106 1425'26'23"W 6.28' P107 N24'OO'50'W 6.27' moa S04'43'04'[ 0.25' p'llO S10'~'42"W 0.27' Pl11 S41'20~14"~ 0,27' 05/07/99 m ~g 05/07199 81..IEET 11 OF 11 SHEET8 8CAl..E: 1' ,, 40' 114 NUMBERED LO'I"8 AND LOTS A THROUGH Z, INCLUSIVE, AND AA THROUGH OO. INCLUSIVE ACREAGE: ?iT,lO ACRE8 ~ OF TENTATIVE TRACT NO. 15~81) 65 TRACT NO. 15681 IN THE CITY OF TUSTIN, COUNTY OF ORANGE, STATE OF CALIFORNIA. HUNSAKER AND ASSOCIATES IRVINE, INC. TOM R. MoGANNON, R.C.E. 23~56 DATE OF SURVEY: OCTOBER, 1998 SEE SHEET '~,~_ 10 R=115.40' ~5 62 60 78 ,,,\ LOT NN -~--'_.: .... SEE LOT L · LOT MM 5.269 AC. 57 59 ~,~ 58 ,,.':, ,," ,.. +__~'~ .~*;' '",~, LOT W · ~ / / , / /' 8// , , / / / / ~ ~o~ ~' I 05/07/99 12 14 20 2! 22 23 24 RESOLUTION NO. 99-36 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, . CALIFORNIA, APPROVING FINAL TRACT MAP 15681 TO SUBDIVIDE A 71.8 ACRE SITE INTO 114 NUMBERED LOTS AND 34 LETTERED LOTS FOR THE PURPOSE OF DEVELOPING 114 SINGLE FAMILY DETACHED RESIDENTIAL UNITS ON LOTS 9 AND 10 OF TRACT 13627 GENERALLY LOCATED WESTERLY OF THE INTERSECTION OF PIONEER ROAD AND PATRIOT WAY The City Council of the City of Tustin does hereby resolve as follows: I. The City Council finds and determines as follows: Ao That Final Tract Map 15681 has been submitted by Brookfield Homes ("the Subdivider") to subdivide a 71.8 acre site into 114 numbered lots and 24 lettered lots for the purpose of developing 114 single family detached residential units on Lots 9 and 10 of Tract 13627 generally located westedy of the intersection of Pioneer Road and Patriot Way. B, That a public hearing was held by the Planning Commission on November 23, 1998. At this hearing, the Planning Commission recommended that the City Council approve Tentative Tract Map 15681. Subsequently, the City Council approved Tentative Tract Map 15681 on December 7, 1998; C. Pursuant to Section 15268(b) (Ministerial Projects) of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), the Final Tract Map .is.statutorily exempt from the requirements of CEQA. D, That the proposed subdivision is in substantial conformance with the Tustin General Plan, the Tustin Zoning Code and Subdivision Map Act; That the proposed project has been reviewed for conformity with the provisions of the Orange County Congestion Management Program, and it has been determined that the additional traffic generated by the proposed project onto the CMP Highway System does not cause the system to exceed established level of service standards (ELS); F, That the City has reviewed the status of the school facilities and the Tustin Unified School District for the impact of Tentative Tract Map 15681. No impacts associated with this approval on School District facilities have been determined; Go That the site is physically suitable for the type of development proposed; H, That the site is physically suitable for the proposed density of development; That the design of the subdivision or the proposed improvements are not likely to cause substantial environmental damage or substantially and avoidably injure fish or wildlife in their habitat; J. That the design of the subdivision or the type of improvements proposed will not conflict with easements acquired by the public-at- large, for access through or use of the property within the proposed subdivision; l0 20 22 24 25 2? 28 Resolution No. 99-36 Page 2 II. K, That the design of the subdivision or the types of improvements proposed are not likely to cause serious public health problems; Lo That the Final Map is in substantial conformance with the Tentative Tract Map; and, M. That the project has been reviewed for consistency with the Air Quality Sub-Element of the City of Tustin General Plan and has been determined to be consistent or has been conditioned to be consistent with the Air Quality Sub-Element. The City Council hereby approves Final Tract Map 15681 to subdivide a 71.8 acre site into 114 numbered lots and 24 lettered lots for the purpose of developing 114 single family detached residential units on Lots 9 and 10 of Tract 13627 generally located westedy of the intersection of Pioneer Road and Patriot Way, subject to completion of Conditions, including, but not limited to, 1.6, 1.7B, 2.21, 3.1, 3.3, 4.1, 5.4, 6.1, 6.3, 6.5, 8.1, and 10.2 of Resolution 98- 115 to the satisfaction of the Community Development and Public Works Departments and the City Attorney prior to recordation. PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Tustin City Council, held on the 17th day of May, 1999. TRACEY WORLEY MAYOR PAMELA STOKER CITY CLERK STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) CITY OF TUSTIN ) SS I, Pamela Stoker, City Clerk and ex-officio Clerk of the City Council of the City of Tustin, California, do hereby certify that the whole number of the members of the City Council of the City of Tustin is five; that the above and foregoing Resolution No. 99- 36 was duly passed and adopted at a regular meeting of the Tustin City Council, held on the 17th day of May, 1999, by the following vote: COUNCILMEMBER AYES: COUNCILMEMBER NOES: COUNCILMEMBER ABSTAINED: COUNCILMEMBER ABSENT: PAMELA STOKER CITY CLERK