HomeMy WebLinkAbout05 CONTRACT FOR URBAN FORESTRY MGMT - AGENDA REPORTAGENDA REPORT Reeeweldm 5 City Manager Finance Director MEETING DATE: JULY 16, 2013 TO: JEFFREY C. PARKER, CITY MANAGER FROM: DOUGLAS S. STACK, DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS /CITY ENGINEER SUBJECT: AWARD CONTRACT FOR URBAN FORESTRY MANAGEMENT SUMMARY Award a maintenance service contract for the City's Urban Forestry Management, covering an initial term, beginning August 1, 2013 through June 30, 2018. with an option for three one year extensions at the City's sole discretion. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council award a maintenance service contract to West Coast Arborist, Inc. for the Urban Forestry Management in the amount of $502,161 annually, authorizing the Mayor and the City Clerk to execute the contract documents on behalf of the City. FISCAL IMPACT Sufficient funds for this fiscal year have been budgeted and appropriated within the Public Works Operating budget. Each subsequent year is contingent upon City Council approval of the annual budget appropriation and satisfactory performance of services provided. The contract amount may vary based upon discretionary services on a case -by -case basis for tree removal, replacement, and supplemental watering. This discretionary budget is approximately $67,383 above last year's expenditure but restores the level of service that was reduced $33,000 for removal and replacements and includes an additional $20,800 for supplemental watering by a water truck and operator for newly replanted trees. BACKGROUND The City's urban forest has an estimated value of $50.1 M and is comprised of nearly 16,200 trees, ranging in size from 15 to 60+ feet in height. Staff has received numerous compliments on the urban forest management and has implemented a sound tree maintenance program that has gain recognition by the National Arbor Day Foundation as a Tree City USA for the past 13 years and the 2010 Sterling Tree City USA in acknowledgment of ten years of participation in the Tree City USA Growth Award program. The City's urban forest plays an important role in the character and charm of the City, providing a sense of place and balance to the network of arterial highways, neighborhoods, and parks. The Public Works Department arranges for pruning of a predetermined number of trees annually. The work performed is a component of the City's Urban Forest Management Plan and is planned in advance based on the tree species, size, and assigned pruning cycle. The City is divided into twelve districts and the work involves pruning (based on species) entire districts of the City at one time and is performed by a qualified tree - pruning contractor. Award Contract for Urban Forestry Management July 16, 2013 Page 2, DISCUSSION Pursuant to council direction, in January 2013, staff solicited proposals for Urban Forestry Management. The notice inviting proposals was published in the Tustin News and sent to every vendor that made a public records request regarding tree contracting services in the last five years. At the end of February, from a total of five, three proposals were received. Subsequently, the proposals, references, bids, corporate capacity and experience capabilities of the three firms were rated by a City evaluating team. The team was comprised of professional level employees from Community Development, Finance and Public Works Departments. The proposals were analyzed and scored pursuant to the request using the following criteria: 1. Qualifications of Entity and Key Personnel ....................................... ............................25% 25 Qualifications of Entity and Key Personnel 2. Approach to Providing the Requested Scope of Services ................ ............................25% 20 3. Price Proposal ................................................................................. ............................25% 25 4. Innovative and /or creative approaches to providing the services ...... ............................25% 95 The panelist scores have been averaged and are listed below: Possible Points Comm. PW Finance PW 0 s. Dev. Admin. Totals 25 Qualifications of Entity and Key Personnel West Coast Arborists, Inc. 20 25 25 25 95 Great Scott Tree Service, Inc. 20 15 22.5 20 78 United Pacific Services, Inc. 15 15 25 15 70 25 Approach to Providing the Requested Scope of Services West Coast Arborists, Inc. 25 25 1 25 20 95 Great Scott Tree Service, Inc. 15 25 20 20 80 United Pacific Services, Inc. 15 15 22.5 20 73 25 Price Proposal West Coast Arborists, Inc. 25 25 25 25 100 Great Scott Tree Service, Inc. 20 15 20 15 70 United Pacific Services, Inc. 15 15 15 15 60 25 Innovative and /or Creative proaches to Providing the Services West Coast Arborists, Inc. 20 25 25 25 95 Great Scott Tree Service, Inc. 15 25 20 20 80 United Pacific Services, Inc. 0 15 22.5 20 58 West Coast Arborists. Inc. 1 385.00 1 96.25 1 1 1 United Pacific Services, Inc. 1 260.00 1 65.00 1 3 1 S: \City Council Items\2013 Council Items\Award Urban Forestry Management Service Contract.docx Award Contract for Urban Forestry Management July 16, 2013 Page 3 Staff utilized a simple approach by taking the current inventory and dividing the quantities by our current 2.5 year cycle. The three (3) price proposals are summarized as follows in order of least dollar amount: • West Coast Arborists, Inc.— Anaheim ............. ............................... $ 502,161 • Great Scott Tree Service, Inc. — Stanton ........ ............................... $ 582,254 • United Pacific Services, Inc. — La Habra ......... ............................... $ 655,221 Some items offered in the proposal from West Coast Arborists are above and beyond that requested in the City's RFP and are as follows: 1. Notification: proposed to print and deliver letters to residents and businesses prior to commencement of work. 2. Inventory: proposed to update the newly created inventory in real time. 3. Web Page Development: proposed to develop a webpage linked to the City's Website that outlines the City's Tree Maintenance Program. Some feature that can be included are photos of tree species found in Tustin, maps of City and its tree maintenance zones, tree trimming /planting specifications, tree ordinance and contact information. Based upon staff's evaluation, interview, onsite facility inspection, reference checks and past performance, it is recommended that City Council award the subject contract to West Coast Arborists, Inc. Stack, P.E. Public Works /City Engineer Attachment(s): 1. Urban Forestry Management RFP w /Addendums 2. Urban Forestry Management Cost Summary SACity Council Itemst2013 Council ItemsWward Urban Forestry Management Service Contract.docx ATTACHMENT 1 TUSTIN 4.0 CITY OF TUSTIN o rest' oa < 300 Centennial Way Tustin , California 92780 REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS for °" Professional Consulting Services !swa miNG OUR FUTURE HONORING OUR PAS! for the Urban Forestry Management January 20 I 3 PROPOSAL SUBMITTALS: Responses to the Request for Proposal (REP) are to be submitted to: Jason Churchill Field Services Manager Public Works Department City of Tustin 300 Centennial Way Tustin, California 92780 No later than 4:00 P. M. on February 12, 2013. Four (4) copies of the proposal and one electronic copy shall be submitted in a sealed envelope and marked: "Proposal for Urban Forestry Management." Proposals received after the specified time will not be accepted and will be returned unopened. Fees shall be provided in a separate sealed envelope. Questions regarding this request will be limited to written form and shall be submitted no later than 12 calendar days prior to the deadline for proposal submission. Verbal inquiries will not be accepted. Questions shall be submitted to Jason Churchill in writing. INDEX SECTION PAGE I. Project Description #1 u. Schedule of Events #2 m. Scope of Work #2 iv. Proposal Requirements #26 v. General Requirements #29 VI. Contractor Evaluation &Selection Process #32 vii. Administration Specifications #39 APPENDIX A- Sample Agreement APPENDIX B- Sample Bonds APPENDIX C- Cost Proposal I. PROJECT DESCRIPTION The purpose of this comprehensive tree management and maintenance contract is to provide the City of Tustin with high quality, cost effective tree care and excellent customer service to the community. The selected firm will work closely with the City Arborist and other City staff to ensure the most appropriate care and maintenance of the City's urban forest is provided, with sensitivity to the City of Tustin, its residents, businesses and visitors. CITY OF TUSTIN UthanForeshyManagernent- REP January2013 Page 2 II. SCHEDULE OF EVENTS January 10, 2013 Issuance of Request for Proposals January 31, 2013 Deadline for written questions. February 12, 2013 Proposals due at Tustin City Hall by 4:00 P.M. February 21, 2013 Anticipated interviews (est. date) March 5, 2013 City Council Approval of Contract (est. date) May 1, 2013 Issuance of notice-to-proceed (est. date) III. SCOPE OF WORK COMPREHENSIVE URBAN FOREST MAINTENANCE &MANAGEMENT PROGRAM 1. Terms & Conditions: Contract period: Five (5) years, effective Date 2013 through Date 2018 with the option to renew for three (3) additional one (1) year periods. An awarded contract may be renewed three times on an annual basis, by mutual agreement of both parties. The City does not have to give reason if it elects not to renew. Contract term not to exceed eight (8) years. Unless otherwise directed by the City Council, the Director of Public Works will renew the contract based on the Contractor's overall performance, and upon renewal of all bonds and insurance certificate(s). Prevailing Wage: It shall be mandatory upon the Contractor to whom the contract is awarded to pay not less than the prevailing rates of wages to all workers employed by him in the execution of the contract. The Contractor will be required to comply with the California Labor Code, Article 2, Section 1770 through 1780 inclusive and Article 5, Section 1810 through 1861 inclusive. (Laws and Regulations governing the payment of prevailing wages). The Contractor shall pay its employees the general prevailing rate of wages as determined by the Director of the Department of Industrial Relations. Contractor and any of their subcontractors shall keep an accurate payroll record showing the name, address, social security number, work classification, straight time and overtime hours worked each day and week, and the actual per diem wages paid to each journeyman, apprentice, worker, or other employee employed. The payroll records shall be certified, available for inspection, and copies thereof furnished with the payment requests as prescribed in Section 1776 of the Labor Code. Contractor shall keep the City informed as to the location of the records and shall be responsible for the compliance with these requirements by all subcontractors. The provisions of Article 2 and 3, Division 2, Chapter 1 of the Labor Code, State of California, are made by this reference a part of this solicitation. 2. Project Requirements The Contractor will be required to perform and complete the proposed urban forestry maintenance program in a thorough and professional manner, and to provide all labor, tools, equipment, materials and supplies necessary to complete all the work in a timely manner that will meet the City's requirements. A. Tree Inventory Upon contract award, the successful Proposer shall be required to provide a complete update of the City's tree inventory at no additional cost to the City and submit the completed inventory to the City within 3 months of the contract award. The tree inventory CITY OF TUSTIN t htan Fo estryManagement- RTP January 2013 Page 3 data shall conform to the existing tree inventory database and include but not be limited to the following data fields: 1.Tree Location A GPS tree inventory shall be created with a new database using the City's standardized addressing system for all parks and open space areas. The Contractor shall be required to create an ESRI ArcView/ArcGIS compatible"shape file". The inventory shall be capable of showing the location of every existing tree site and vacancies on the City's existing GIS base maps (streets, parcels, addresses, ROW and hardscape, etc.). The tree inventory shall be conducted by visiting each tree site or vacant planting site and plot the position. The data shall be compatible with the latest version of ArcView. The minimum accuracy shall be not more than one (1) foot. 2. Measurement of Canopy Spread As a part of the data collection process, the canopy spread will be measured using either a laser rangefinder or a Roll-a-Tape, to the nearest foot, using a pre- established uniform protocol. This data shall be included in the inventory database in a format suitable for use by the City. 3. Tree Condition a. General condition of individual trees b. Pruning requirements (i.e., recommended pruning cycle) c. Condition of surrounding hardscape (i.e. displaced or recent repairs) 4. Incorporate Root Pruning Information The City has accumulated records of root pruning over the last 10 years. This information is attached to the current inventory and will need to be included as part of the updated inventory. As a part of the field data collection process the Contractor will attempt to match the City's root pruning data against field conditions. The Contractor shall match as many root pruning records as possible with the findings from the field. B. Annual Maintenance Program 1. Upon contract award, the successful Proposer shall be required to submit a work schedule based on the City's annual pruning requirements, removal & replacement program and planting projects. The proposal shall include a recommended annual work plan, daily work schedules, personnel and vehicles that would be required to complete the annual maintenance program. Depending on the City's current and future program needs, the scheduled work may require multiple crews to perform concurrently within the same time constraints. 2. The Contractor shall have competent working supervisors at each jobsite at all times when work is being performed. Each supervisor must be capable of communicating effectively both in written and oral English and holding the necessary certifications or credentials as described for that position herein. All supervisors must possess adequate technical background to ensure that all work is accomplished in accordance with the special provisions of this RFP. CITY OF TUSTIN Urt art Fort iyManagement- RIP January 2013 Page 4 Contractor is required to have a Project Manager available by telephone on a 24- hour basis that is assigned to provide direct and prompt attention to requests from City for emergency and after-hours tree service requests. 3. The contractor shall be responsible for responding to tree related emergency situations during normal business hours of operation, after-hours, weekends and holidays. The Contractor shall have the capacity to deal with any tree related emergency situation ranging from limbs down on single trees to storm related damage that involves a large number of trees requiring the commitment and focus of significant resources and staffing levels for several days. Response time and protocol during emergencies is critical to the City of Tustin. As part of this contract, the contractor shall be required to make the City of Tustin their priority client for responses during emergencies that cover Orange County area. a. Telephone responses by the Contractor to tree related emergency calls during normal business hours of operation and after-hours shall be made within (15) fifteen minutes of the initial call. b. The response time for a crew to arrive on-site for tree related emergencies during normal business hours of operation is thirty (30) minutes. c. The response time for a crew to arrive on-site for tree related emergencies outside of normal business hours of operation is two (2) hours. Failure to meet these requirements by the contract firm shall result in a $500 penalty for each occurrence. 4. Contractor shall employ sufficient personnel qualified by reason of education, training and experience to discharge the services agreed to be performed by Contractor. Contractor shall provide service of the highest quality at all times, and personnel retained to perform this service shall be temperate, competent and otherwise fully qualified to fulfill the Contractor's obligations under the contract. 5. All employees of Contractor performing services shall be dressed in clean, unaltered uniforms with suitable company identification. No portion of the uniform may be removed while working. Employees not in uniform shall be immediately removed from the work area. The Contractor shall provide a standard uniform consisting of at least a collared shirt with buttons, complimenting pants, a belt and boots appropriate to the work. All shirts, jackets or safety vests shall be clearly marked with company identification and the name of the employee wearing the uniform in the field. Contractor employees shall appear neat and well-groomed at all times. Contractor employees shall wear orange safety vests when operating machinery or/or while working within five hundred (500) feet of moving traffic or such other distance required by any applicable laws. The Contractor's employees shall be subject to the following minimum requirements, skills, abilities and knowledge: a. The proper license to operate equipment. b. Ability to operate and maintain equipment in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations. c. Mechanical ability to make required operator adjustments to the equipment being used. CITY OF TUSTIN Urban Forestry Management- RFP Januay2013 Page 5 d. Knowledgeable of safety regulations as they relate to tree care and traffic control. e. American Red Cross Standard First Aid Certification (minimum of one member of each crew). f. Ability to communicate orally and in writing in English. g. Demonstrated knowledge of tree care and related operations. 6. The Contractor shall deliver a level of quality that is compatible with International Society of Arboriculture (ISA) standards, and standards and requirements described herein, in providing tree services compatible with standard practice that results in a neat, clean and attractive appearance to trees and associated sites serviced under the terms of the contract. 7. The Contractor shall endeavor to maintain good public relations at all times with the public. All work shall be conducted in a manner which will cause the least possible interference with or dnnoyance to, the public. 8. Protecting the integrity and value of the urban forest: If, at any time, the Contractor is unclear, on what course of action to follow in the field, the Contractor shall consult with the City Arborist. The Contractor should never proceed with an action that will result in the permanent disfigurement of the structure or value of a tree. 9. Disfigurement of Trees: Contractors responsible for the disfigurement of trees shall be penalized in an amount equal to the appraised value of the subject tree. Trees that have been disfigured by the contractor will be appraised by an independent Consulting Arborist and the contractor shall be penalized for that amount. 10. The Contractor shall conduct all work outlined in the contract in such a manner as to meet all accepted standards for safe practices during the maintenance operation and to safely maintain stored equipment, machines and materials or other hazards consequential or related to the work; and agrees additionally to accept the sole responsibility for complying with all City, County, State or other legal requirements including, but limited to, full compliance with the terms of the applicable OSHA and CAL EPA Safety Orders at all times so as to protect all person, including Contractor employees, agents of the City, vendors, members of the public or others from foreseeable injury or damage to their property. 11. The Contractor shall be responsible for traffic control and safety regulations as related to any city, state or county requirements while working on medians and/or roads. The design and operation of work zone traffic controls must comply with US Department of Transportation/Federal highway Administrative guidelines. All operations will be conducted by the Contractor to provide maximum safety for the public according to the most recent edition of the Work Area Traffic Control Handbook. Where work is in progress, each street shall be open to local traffic at all times unless prior arrangements have been made and approved by the City Arborist or designated representative and the City's Transportation Division. CITY OF TUSTIN UiixmForvsfiy Management- RIP January 2013 Page 6 The Contractor shall display standardized warning signage when controlling traffic around any area used for staging or working in any area that is subject to pedestrian or vehicular traffic. At no time shall traffic be permitted to enter, or operations allowed to carry on, within any work zone that presents a dangerous condition to pedestrian and/or vehicular traffic. 12. Contractor shall cooperate fully with the City in the investigation of any accident, injury or death occurring on City property including a complete written report submitted to the City Arborist within 24 hours following the occurrence. Should any structure or property be damaged during permitted or contracted tree operation, the persons conducting the work shall immediately notify the property owners and City Arborist. Repairs to property damaged by the responsible party shall be made within forty eight (48) hours, except utility lines, which shall be repaired the same working day. Repairs on private property shall be made in accordance with the appropriate building code under permits issued by the City of Tustin as applicable. Any damage caused by the permitted or contracted persons shall be repaired or restored by them at their expense to a condition similar or equal to that existing before such damage or injury, or they shall repair such damage in a manner acceptable to the City. Special attention is drawn to existing irrigation systems, plant material, landscape features, lights and utility boxes in City parkways, parks and public landscape areas and the need to avoid damage and to repair any damage that occurs on the same day that the damage occurs. The Contractor's responsibility shall be continuous and not be limited to working hours or days. 13. Authority and Inspections. The City Arborist and/or his/her authorized representative shall at all times have access to the work and shall be furnished with every reasonable facility for acquiring full knowledge with respect to the progress, workmanship and characters of materials used and employed in the work. Whenever the Contractor varies the period during which work is carried out, they shall give advanced notice to the City Arborist. Any inspection of work shall not relieve the Contractor of any obligations to fulfill the contract as prescribed. Any and all questions regarding the performance of the work shall be directed to the City Arborist. 14. If it appears that the work to be done or any matter relative thereto is not sufficiently detailed or explained by the specifications, the Contractor shall apply to the City Arborist for such further explanation as may be necessary and shall conform to such explanation or interpretation as part of the contract so far as may be consistent with the intent of the original scope of work. 15. All work shall be completed to the satisfaction of and under the supervision of the City Arborist or designated representative. Failure to comply with any requirement contained herein may result in suspension of work without time extension. Inspection of work will be done by the City Arborist and staff, during the performance of work or when deemed necessary. CITY OF TUSTIN Urban Forestry Management- RFP January 2013 Page 7 If any portion of the work done under the contract proves defective or not in accordance with the specifications, and if the imperfection in the same is not of sufficient magnitude or importance to make the work dangerous or undesirable, the City Arborist shall have the right and authority to retain the work, but he may make such deductions in the payment due the Contractor as may be just and reasonable. Any work which is defective or deficient in any of the requirements of the specifications shall be remedied or removed and replaced by the Contractor in an acceptable manner at its own expense. In any other case, a letter will be sent to Contractor noting these deficiencies, and the Contractor shall make a reasonable and good faith effort to correct the deficiencies within a reasonable period not to exceed three (3) days from notification. After this time period, if unacceptable conditions still exist, the City has the right to terminate the Agreement or deduct payment as is proportionately appropriate for non-compliance with the specified contract. 16. The Contractor shall recognize the rights of utility companies within the public right of way and their need to maintain and repair their facilities. The Contractor shall exercise due and proper care to prevent damage to utility facilities and to adjust schedules when utility operations prevent the Contractor from performing maintenance during a specified time frame. No additional compensation will be allowed for complying with these requirements. Contractor shall notify the City Arborist of any utility that is disturbed or damaged. 17. The Contractor's working hours, for normal work zones, shall be limited to the hours between 7:00 AM and 4:30 PM Monday through Friday, excluding recognized holidays. Deviation from normal working hours, in normal work zones, will not be allowed without obtaining an After-Hours Permit from the City. 18. Upon completion of work on individual street segments that are under the contract, Contractor shall clean the work site and all grounds adjacent to the work area of all rubbish, excess materials and equipment. All sections of the work area shall be left in a neat and presentable condition. Care should be taken to prevent spillage on streets over which work or hauling is done, and any such spillage or debris deposited on street due to Contractor operations shall be immediately cleaned up. 19. Overnight parking of equipment, leaving unattended debris and staging of materials on City streets will not be permitted. Waste bins shall be removed from individual street segments once the work has been completed. 20. All equipment used and all maintenance practices employed shall be subject to the inspection of the City Arborist or designated representative and shall meet safety and functional requirements described herein. All vehicles and equipment operating under this contract shall be properly marked with company identification. All equipment must be maintained in a good state of repair. All safety guards shall be in place. No equipment shall leak oil or fluids. No equipment shall present any potential danger to the operator, co-workers, passing motorists or pedestrians. CITY OF TUSTIN Uthin Forestry Management- REP January 2013 Page Failure to comply with this provision will be cause to have the equipment removed from the job site. It is the Contractor's responsibility to maintain a sufficient inventory of equipment so as to complete the work as specified. An inventory of equipment shall be provided with proposal. This inventory shall include the brand name, model number, weight and capacities of all equipment to be used in the performance of the contract. All equipment is to be approved by the City prior to the start of the contract. It is the Contractor's responsibility to notify the City Arborist or designated representative of any change in the equipment inventory during the performance of the contract. This notification shall come in the form of an updated equipment inventory list, presented in the form of a memo on dated company letterhead. Failure to comply with this provision will be grounds to remove the Contractor from the job site until such time as equipment inventory discrepancies are addressed to be compliant with the inventory supplied with the proposal submittal or equal. 21. Disposal of Refuse and Debris. All debris generated by the Contractor in the performance of work shall become the property of the Contractor from and after the time of site clean-up. The Contractor shall dispose of all generated debris at no additional cost to City and shall dispose of debris as is consistent with the requirements of AB 939. 22. Should a change or extra work be found necessary by the City, all changes and extra work shall be performed at the same unit price of any proposal item listed. If the work is not listed as a proposal item, the Contractor shall submit a fair cost for the work to be performed. A change order authorization, in writing, will be issued by the City. 23. The City reserves the right to increase or decrease the quantity of any item(s) or portion(s) of the work described in the specifications or the proposal form or to omit portions of the work so described as may be deemed necessary or expedient by the City Arborist or designated representative and the Contractor shall agree not to claim or bring suit for damages, whether for loss of profits or otherwise, on account of any decrease or omission of any kind of work to be done. The City shall reduce the price accordingly. Alterations, modifications or deviations from the work described in the scope of services by Contractor shall be subject to the prior written approval of the City. Any price adjustments shall be made by mutual consent of the parties in that case. 24. If the Contractor, after having officially commenced work on said contract, should discontinue work for any cause, he/she shall notify the City Arborist or designated representative the intent to do so, and shall further notify of the date for restarting operations. 25. The Contractor shall display standardized warning signage when staging or working in any area that is subject to pedestrian or vehicular traffic. PROJECT SPECIAL PROVISIONS This work consists of tree trimming, tree removal, root pruning and tree planting. This contract also requires electronic management of all work records. Within this section are the descriptions and specifications for the detailed services and materials which will be necessary to provide services under the contract and shall be included in the base price of the Proposal and shall not result in additional charges to the City. CITY OF TUSTIN Urtun Forestry Management- RIP January 20]3 Pa8e9 A. Definitions Where "as directed", "as required", "as permitted", "approve", "acceptance", or words of similar import are used, it shall be understood that the direction, requirement, permission, approval or acceptance by the City of Tustin is intended unless otherwise stated. As used herein, "provide" shall be understood to mean "provide complete", in total. The word "site" as used hereinafter shall be understood to mean the location receiving the service. The use of the word "Contractor" shall be held to mean the Contractor and/or any person employed by them and working under any contract awarded from this RFP. B. Work Quality & General Standards All work as part of this contract shall comply with good arboreal practice for the particular species of trees being trimmed, shall be consistent with the Pruning Standards as adopted by the International Society of Arboriculture, and/or "Pruning Landscape Trees" by U.C. Agricultural Extension Service #AXT-288. The Contractor shall also meet the requirements of the most current American National Standards, Z133-1-1972, entitled "Safety Requirements for Tree Pruning, Trimming, Repair or Removal," published by the American National Standard Institute, Inc., 1430 Broadway, New York, New York 10018. The City Arborist shall determine if the Contractor has met all trimming requirements and payment shall not be made for trimming that is not in accordance with the above standards. The Contractor shall be deemed in contract default, if they consistently fail to comply with the contract standards. Prior to beginning the work, the Contractor shall review with the City Arborist various methods, tools, and work scheduling to be used on the project. Unless otherwise indicated, tree trimming shall include but not be limited to current industry standards for pruning. Any structural weakness, decayed trunk or branches, or split crotches or limbs discovered by the Contractor during the course of trimming shall be reported to the City Arborist for determination of action as soon as it is discovered. Prior to their use, lopping shears shall be specifically approved by the City Arborist. Daily tree trimming operations shall commence no earlier than 7:00 AM and shall be completed each day no later than 4:00 PM. Contractor shall be responsible for the removal of all vines entwined in the tree or around its trunk, and the removal of sucker growth from tree trunks. No worker shall enter a fenced or otherwise secured area of private property without the consent of the property owner. C. Public Noticing The Contractor shall supply and post standard signage on the trunk of the tree at the site work at which work is to be performed, at least seventy two hours (72) in advance of work with the signage clearly stating what type of work is to be done and what affect the work will have on parking availability at that particular site. Posting shall be affixed to the tree trunk using materials that do not cause permanent damage to the tree. In the event that a tree trunk is not available for posting, the Contractor shall affix the posting to a standard size safety cone and CITY OF TUSTIN Uttan Forestry Management- REP January 2013 Page 10 place that cone in the center of the parkway where a tree is to be planted or atop a stump that is scheduled for grinding. D. Tool Sanitation On all trees, including palms, known or suspected to be diseased, pruning tools and cut surfaces shall be disinfected with a ten (10) percent chlorine bleach solution after each cut and between trees where there is danger of transmitting the disease on tools. Fresh solution shall be mixed daily. Old solutions shall be disposed of through proper disposal methods. Dumping used or old bleach solutions on the ground or down the storm drain and will result in severe penalties to the Contractor. E. Wildlife Protection Prior to the commencement of any work in the vicinity of any tree, each tree shall be visually surveyed, from all sides, for the sole purpose of detecting the presence of bird nests or wildlife of any type. If a nest is found and is determined to be active, there shall be no work of any type in the tree in which the nest is found without the written permission of the City Arborist or designated representative. At no time shall any nest or wildlife be removed from its location. In the event that wildlife is accidentally displaced and needs assistance, the Contractor shall notify the City's Animal Control service and/or the nearest appropriate animal rescue facility, as identified in the Contractor's submittal required herein regarding "Protection of Wildlife", shall be contacted for assistance. F. Pre-inspection Prior to the commencement of any work in the vicinity of any tree, the Contractor shall identify the location of utilities, irrigation components and/or any private property element(s) that could be compromised by any work activity. If identified, the Contractor shall take appropriate action to protect same. If, during the course of pre- inspection, the Contractor identifies damage that exists before the onset of work, the Contractor shall document the damages with photos and report such damage to the Community Forester or designated representative prior to commencing work in that area. All photo documentation shall have the time and date embedded. Any claim of damage that cannot be refuted by photo- documentation and/or a written report to the City Arborist shall be considered the responsibility of the Contractor. G. Setup, Operations, Equipment Staging The Contractor shall setup, operate and stage in a manner that presents the least amount of disruption to residents, businesses, the public and traffic flow. Outside of an emergency situation, at no time will multiple setups or equipment staging be allowed on both sides of a street within the same block. Equipment shall never be stored or left unattended on a public street, City facility or private property. The staging of equipment shall not be exempt from the work hour restrictions defined herein. H. Identification and Reporting of Hazards While performing work of any type, the tree worker should inspect for any obvious hazards related to trees, including uplifted sidewalk segments. All hazardous situations should be corrected or promptly reported to the City. Any defective or weakened trees shall be reported to the City Arborist or designated representative. CITY OF TUSTIN Urban ForeshyMar ement- REP Ja uary2013 Page 11 I. Risk Management Tree work is a controlled task. At no time should work be performed so as to result in a loss of control incident (e.g. free-falling large limbs or trunk sections, hinge cutting to avoid use of ropes/hoisting equipment, lack of safety apparatus/equipment guards, improper use/loading of equipment). The Contractor shall be responsible to meet equipment inventory requirements described herein. Failure to maintain control at all times shows a lack of planning and judgment, is dangerous, can result in serious injury and will be penalized. No reasoning will be accepted for loss of control incidents. In addition to penalties and/or the withholding of contract payments, the Contractor shall be responsible for the mitigation of any damage related to a loss of control incident. J. Cleanup of Greenwaste & Debris Limbs, logs or any other debris resulting from any tree operations shall be promptly and properly removed. The work area shall be kept safe at all times until all operations are completed. Under no circumstances shall the accumulation of brush, limbs, logs or other debris be allowed to pose a hazard to the public. During production trimming and removals, debris shall be removed from public rights of way and private property within one (1) hour of the completion of work on the tree from which the debris was generated. All trimming activities shall cease immediately if clean up equipment ceases to function or is not available (e.g. loader, roll off equipment, staff). Street rights of way shall not be used to stage unattended debris generated during standard work hours. All debris from tree operations shall be cleaned up each day before the work crew leaves the site. All lawn areas shall be raked, all streets/sidewalks shall be swept, and all brush, branches, or other debris shall be removed from the site. Areas are to be left in a condition equal to or better than that which existed prior to the commencement of tree operations. No material is to be allowed to enter any storm drain. K. Disposal of Materials- City To Receive Recycling Credit - AB939 All green waste produced as a result of the Contractor's operations under this Agreement shall be reduced, reused, recycled, and/or transformed by Contractor. Weight slips shall be required as proof of final disposal and must be submitted by Contractor with each demand for payment. All brush generated from tree trimming operations shall be recycled where practical. Wood Chips: a. Chips generated from trimming operations within the City of Tustin may be dumped and spread at a City designated site with written permission from the City Arborist. b. At the direction of the City Arborist, wood waste generated from tree removals shall be chipped into pure wood chips with an even uniform size. These chips shall be dumped and spread in specified locations in the City. Reducing shall include but not be limited to chipping, grinding, and/or shredding operations. Disposal is to be at a recycling yard for use in a mulching program and Contractor shall provide proof of such with each demand for payment. Reusing will include, but not be limited to using chipped, ground or shredded tree materials as mulch. If the Contractor has a location outside the City where such mulch may be applied, CITY OF TUSTIN Urban ForeshyManagement- RFP January 2013 Page 12 Contractor must provide the City with documentation (included in each demand for payment) from the property owner indicating location and amount of material to be used at that location. Recycling and Transformation will include, but not be limited to firewood that is too large to be chipped, ground or shredded for use as mulch. If wood is to be kept for firewood by Contractor, Contractor must provide to the City proof of such an operation with each demand for payment. L. Record keeping Contractor shall provide and operate, at no cost to the City, a computerized tree inventory system that is capable of uploading historic data and that is compatible with the current City inventory system (web-based SQL Server 2008). This system shall be password accessible twenty four (24) hours each day of the year via the internet. Historic tree inventory and work history data, to be provided by the City, shall be uploaded and operational within Contractor's tree inventory system prior to the commencement of any tree service work under the terms of an awarded contract. Thereafter, the Contractor shall update and maintain the tree site specific, internet accessible, computerized tree inventory system to reflect changes in baseline data (e.g. species, height, DBH) and to record the date, cost and crew identity for any trimming, removal, planting or emergency response work that occurs at any tree site at which tree work is performed. The system shall be upgraded to reflect the removal and replacement of trees, as well as the addition of trees to the inventory. The system shall be capable of maintaining and displaying all past work histories for any and all tree sites in the inventory, both individually and collectively by query, as well as future scheduling to the extent known. All aspects of the system including, but not limited to, data entry, system maintenance, system hardware and/or software upgrades and server security and stability shall be the responsibility of the Contractor and shall be provided at no cost to the City of Tustin. The system shall not be proprietary in the nature of its function and shall operate and interface with common computer software and web based applications, including the ability to export data into common spreadsheet applications. The records created for the City shall be the property of the City. Tree site/task specific hardcopy backup data for any work that has occurred during a billing cycle shall accompany the invoicing for that period and shall be accessible for review on the internet based computerized tree inventory system prior to the submittal of invoicing for that work. Invoicing for work that does not meet the requirements defined herein will not be processed for payment until such time as the requirements have been satisfied. Failure to meet and maintain the requirements for the computerized tree inventory system shall be grounds for termination of the agreement. M. Inspections The City Arborist shall be furnished with every reasonable facility for ascertaining full knowledge of the daily tree maintenance operations involving the workmanship, character of materials and equipment used and employed in the work. Each day, the Contractor shall be required to provide the City Arborist and staff with a written schedule of all daily tree maintenance operations including but not limited to trimming, planting, removals, stump grinding, root pruning, and watering. CITY OF TUSTIN Urban FoieshyManagement- RIP January 2013 Page 13 Inspection of the work shall not relieve the Contractor of any obligations to complete the work as outlined in this document. Defective work shall be made good even if the defective work was not pointed out during the initial inspection and the work was accepted for payment. Any work found to be unacceptable will be noted in writing. Upon receipt of notice of any deficiencies; the Contractor shall make a reasonable effort to correct the deficiencies within five (5) working days. If unacceptable conditions are not corrected within this time period the City shall have the right to deduct payment or have services performed by others at Contractor's expense. N. Invoicing Contractor shall submit invoices on a monthly basis. Invoice format shall include but not be limited to a list of each street that work took place, the address of each individual work site and the activity, the species and its current condition, height, trunk diameter and canopy spread of each individual tree. Each invoice shall include an exact copy in electronic format that is compatible with the City's Tree Inventory program. Failure to submit invoices in this format may result in non-payment until these requirements are met. 0. Withholding Payment The City may withhold payment to such extent as may be necessary to protect the City from loss due to one or more of the following reasons: 1. Defective, unsatisfactory or inadequate work not corrected. 2. Claims filed or reasonable evidence indicating probable filing of claims. 3. Failure of the Contractor to make proper payments to subcontractors or for materials or labor. 4. A reasonable doubt that the contract can be completed for the balance unpaid. 5. Damage that resulted from an incident involving property damage. P. Minor Modifications and/or Additional Work The City may modify these specifications with the joint approval of the Contractor and the City of Tustin Representative. All modifications shall be in writing. 1. In the event that the City of Tustin should require additional work beyond the requirements of these specifications, the Contractor shall perform all work at a competitive price within the industry. 2. Additional work may be added to the contract work as the need arises. The Contractor shall perform all specified and approved additional work at the unit prices submitted with the Contractor's Proposal. 3. The Contractor must be willing to provide a competitive price for additional work that may be added to the contract. Contractor will be required to demonstrate the ability to properly execute the expanded workload with the necessary increase in labor, materials and equipment needed to complete the additional work in a timely manner. CITY OF TUSTIN U11in Forestry Management- REP January 2013 Page 14 4. The Contractor must have the ability to receive and respond to emergency situations. The response time for a crew to arrive on-site for tree related emergencies during normal business hours of operation is thirty (30) minutes. The response time for a crew to arrive on- site for tree related emergencies outside of normal business hours of operation is two (2) hours. Q. Clarification of Specifications If any Proposer, prior to submitting their Proposal should find any discrepancies and/or omissions from the specifications or other contract documents, or if they should be in doubt as to the true meaning of any part thereof, they shall at once make a written request to the City of Tustin Representative for corrections, clarification, or interpretation of the points in question. The person submitting such request shall be responsible for its prompt delivery. In the event that the City of Tustin Representative receives a request and it should be found that certain essential information is not clearly and fully set forth, or if the City discovers errors, omissions, or points requiring clarification in these documents, a written addendum will be mailed to each person to whom a set of RFP documents has been delivered. The City will not be responsible for any instructions, explanations, or interpretations of the documents presented to Proposers in any manner other than written addendum. R. Hardwood Tree Pruning Any tree work performed on a City tree must be done according to the City's specifications. The criterion for pruning varies based on the type or purpose of pruning. 1. General Specifications for hardwood tree pruning a. Contractor shall consult with the City Arborist before making any cuts that could result in permanent disfigurement of the structure of any tree. b. Trees shall be pruned so as to prevent branch and foliage interference with safe public passage. Street clearance shall be kept to a minimum of fourteen feet, six inches (14' 6") above the paved surface of the street and fourteen (14) feet above the curb and surface of a public sidewalk or pedestrian way. Exceptions are allowed for young trees, which would be irreparably damaged by such pruning action. If pruning to these standards would result in permanent disfiguration of a tree, the Contractor shall not prune the tree until such time as direction is obtained from the City Arborist. c. When removing a live branch, pruning cuts should be made in branch tissue just outside the branch bark ridge and collar, which are trunk tissue. If no collar is visible, the angle of the cut should approximate the angle formed by the branch bark ridge and the trunk. d. When removing a dead branch, the final cut should be made outside the collar of live callus tissue. If the collar has grown out along the branch stub, only the dead stub should be removed, the live collar should remain intact and uninjured. e. Whenever pruning involves the removal of limbs that are too large to hold securely in one hand during the cutting operation, the limb shall be cut off first at a point several feet beyond the intended final cut. The final cut shall be made in a manner to prevent unnecessary tearing back of the bark and wood. Cuts that result in tearing of tissue on limbs below cuts shall be corrected. CITY OF TUSTIN Wain Fotestry Management- RIP January 2013 Page 15 f. All final tree pruning cuts shall be made in such a manner so as to favor the earliest possible covering of the wound by natural callus growth. Excessively deep flush cuts, which produce large wounds or weaken the tree at the cut, shall not be made. The branch collar should not be removed. g. All dead and dying branches and branch stubs shall be removed. h. All broken or loose branches shall be removed. i. Branches that are developing in such a manner as to become larger than the limbs they originate from shall be removed. j. When encountering limbs that are weighted with more foliage than the limb is likely to support, selectively prune branches toward the end of the limb in order to reduce end weight and thus decrease the likelihood of limb failure. k. Selectively prune branches that create sight line conflicts with traffic control signs and/or devices. I. Selectively prune branches that are within five (5) feet of a structure. m. Clear trees of sprout or sucker growth to a minimum height of ten (10) feet above ground level. Exceptions are allowed for young trees, which would be irreparably damaged by such pruning action. n. Prune so as to maintain a balanced appearance when viewed from the opposite side of the street immediately opposite the tree, unless authorized by the City Arborist to do otherwise. o. Remove all vines entwined in trees and on tree trunks. Vine tendrils shall be removed without injury to trees. p. Tree limbs shall be removed and controlled in such a manner as to cause no damage to other parts of the tree, or to other plants or property. q. All tools used on a tree known to contain an infectious tree disease shall be properly disinfected immediately before and after completing work on such tree. r. All major pest problems shall be promptly reported to the City. s. All cutting tools and saws used in tree pruning shall be kept sharpened to result in final cuts with an un-abrasive wood surface and secure bark remaining intact. t. All trees six (6) inches in diameter or less shall be pruned with hand tools only. u. Chain saws will not be permitted to remove any branches two (2) inches or less in diameter. This is to prevent any unnecessary abrasions to cambial tissue that may predispose a tree to insect and/or future disease/decay problems. CITY OF TUSTIN Urban ForestryManagement- RIP January 2013 Page 16 v. Any extraneous metal, wire, rubber or other material interfering with tree growth shall be removed when possible. w. The use of climbing spurs or spike shoes in the act of pruning trees is prohibited, unless specifically directed by the City to aid in the safety of climbers performing the removal of a tree. 2. Prune Classifications for Hardwood Trees A Full Prune is performed when conditions within the crown of a hardwood tree are such that the entire tree needs to be fully pruned. Complete pruning is recommended when the primary objective is to maintain or improve tree health and structure, and includes pruning to reduce overall canopy mass and excessive wood weight. Trees that are identified for a Full Prune shall have no more than 30% of the live foliage removed. A Full Prune typically consists of one or more of the following pruning treatments: a. Crown Cleaning: Crown Cleaning or cleaning out is the removal of dead, diseased, crowded, weakly attached and low-vigor branches and water sprouts from the entirety of the tree crown. Care must be used to avoid stripping branches of all foliage at the interior of the tree crown. This practice, known as "lion tailing" disrupts the structural integrity of the tree, making it subject to limb and branch failure, especially during high winds. b. Crown Thinning: Crown Thinning includes crown cleaning and the selective removal of branches to increase light penetration and air movement into and through the crown. Increased light and air stimulates and maintains interior foliage, which in turn improves branch taper and strength. Thinning reduces the wind-sail effect of the crown and the weight of heavy limbs. Care must be used to avoid stripping branches of all foliage at the interior of the tree crown. Thinning the crown a can emphasize the structural beauty of trunk and branches as well as improve the growth of plants beneath the tree by increasing light penetration. When thinning the crown of mature trees, up to 30% of the live foliage may be removed unless directed otherwise by the City Arborist. c. Crown Reduction: Crown Reduction is used to reduce the height and/or spread of a tree. Crown reduction varies from topping, a destructive practice, in that cuts are not made indiscriminately, resulting in large stubbed off limbs that are subject to decay. While reducing a crown, tree workers must adhere to basic tree trimming practices involving limb/branch size relationships and use of the branch bark collar in avoiding the onset of decay at cut sites. d. Crown Restoration: Crown Restoration is corrective pruning used as a means to restore the form of crowns that have been previously damaged by extenuating circumstances. This treatment is best performed by tree workers who have a good understanding of the effects of pruning for the cultivation of tree canopies. e. Crown Raisina/Clearance Prune A Crown Raising or Clearance Prune is performed when conditions within the crown of a hardwood tree are such that a certain objective needs to be met or a certain condition needs attention. A crown raising or clearance prune does not involve the detail of work found in a full prune. Crown raising or clearance pruning may consist of one or more of the following pruning types: CITY OF TUSTIN Urtzan Forestry Management- REP January 2013 Page 17 1. Crown Raising: Crown Raising consists of removing the lower branches of a tree in order to provide clearance for buildings, vehicles and pedestrians. It is important that a tree have at least one-half of its foliage on branches that originate in the lower two-thirds of its crown to ensure a well-formed, tapered structure and to uniformly distribute stress within the tree. 2. Clearance Prune: Clearance prune is employed as a means of eliminating limbs from the crown of a hardwood tree when an entire pruning of the tree is not warranted. Clearance pruning does not involve the fine detail work described herein as "full prune". 3. Pruning Specifications for individual Hardwood Species a. General Trimming and Shaping of Conifers Two basic classes of conifers can be found in Tustin, those with branches radiating out from the trunk in whorls such as Pine trees or Cedar trees and those that sprout branches in a random manner such as Juniper or Taxus. Conifers shall typically be pruned in late winter or early spring. Typically, up to 30% of the live foliage may be removed unless directed otherwise by the City Arborist. 1. Contractor shall avoid damaging the central leader on all conifers. In specific cases the City Arborist may direct the contractor to remove the central leader in an effort to limit the height of specific trees. 2. At the time of pruning, the City Arborist shall determine which trees shall have the new growth pinched back in an effort to control canopy size. 3. To control the growth of large, mature conifers contractor shall be required to prune the new growth of lateral limbs. 4. Typical pruning of conifers shall consist of removing crossed limbs, deadwood or unwanted branches from the interior of the canopy. b. General Trimming and Shaping of Broadleaf Trees Follow the shape indicated by the natural growth habits of each tree species. Trimming and shaping of trees shall be as directed by the City Arborist and in accordance with the following: 1. Cut to laterals to preserve the natural form of the tree, leaving the head open enough for the branching system to show and permitting the dead material to be easily cleaned out and light to show through the head. Tree foliage shall be reduced by at least twenty-five percent (25%) and up to thirty percent (30%). 2. In specific cases the City Arborist may direct the contractor to reduce the size of the tree crown in an effort to limit the height of specific trees. 3. Trim to remove dead wood or weak, diseased, insect-infested, broken, low, or crossing limbs. Branches with an extremely narrow angle of attachment should normally be removed. 4. Small limbs, including suckers and waterspouts, shall be cut close to the trunk or branch from which they arise. 5. Heading cuts and/or topping will not be allowed under any circumstances. Heading, rounding over, or stubbing shall not be an accepted practice for reducing the size or the framework of any tree. CITY OF TUSTIN !Atm ForestyManagement- 1TtP January 2013 Page 18 S. Palm Tree Pruning Any tree work performed on a City tree must be done according to the City's specification. The criterion for pruning varies based on the type or purpose of pruning. Palm Pruning consists of maintaining the crowns and trunks of palm trees including the pruning of spent or declining fronds, seed pods and the skinning or shaping of spent petiole bases into a ball or nut as applicable by palm type. 1. The specifications for the pruning of palm trees are as follows: a. While making an approach to the palm crown for pruning, the Contractor shall inspect the trunk of the palm tree for signs of decay, insect frass, bird nesting or any other condition suggestive of a structural abnormality. Upon finding any condition suggestive of a structural abnormality of the palm stem, the Contractor shall report to the City Arborist immediately. b. Fronds shall be trimmed using a handsaw or pole saw that has been sterilized for no less than five (5) minutes by having the entirety of its cutting blade submersed in an equal solution of bleach and water before and after the handsaw is used to cut the fronds of any other palm tree. At no time shall a chainsaw be used to prune any frond from any Canary Island Date Palm (Phoenix canariensis) in the City of Tustin. The use of chainsaws to prune any frond from any Canary Island Date Palm will result in monetary penalties. Live, healthy fronds, initiating at an angle of 90 degrees or greater from the horizontal plane, shall not be removed. Fronds removed should be cut close to the petiole base, taking into consideration the role of petiole bases in the formation and maintenance of the ornamental ball at the base of the canopy, as applicable by species. Live trunk tissue should never be cut while pruning palm fronds. c. Using properly sterilized equipment as described herein, any fruit or flower structures in the crown of the palm shall be removed concurrently with frond pruning. At no time shall a chainsaw be used to cut any fruit or flower from any Canary Island Date Palm (Phoenix canariensis) in the City of Tustin. The use of chainsaws to prune any fruit or flower structures from any Canary Island Date Palm will result in severe contract penalties. Care shall be taken in the handling of fruit and flowers as they are likely to release clear liquids that react with and can cause staining to hardscape elements. The Contractor shall be responsible for removing palm fruit related stains from private property hardscape elements. d. Maintenance of the ornamental ball located at the base of the palm canopy, directly below the live fronds, shall be as described by species as follows: 1. Canary Island Date Palm (Phoenix canariensis): dead petiole bases shall be formed into an ornamental ball which begins directly below the lowest green fronds and acts to provide a base of support to the palm crown. This ornamental ball shall be uniform and smooth in appearance and shall extend no less than four (4) and no more than eight (8) feet below the lowest live frond in the crown. CITY OF TUSTIN t)tiaan FIXUSftyMan nl- RFP January 2013 Page 19 Ornamental balls with flattened or "stop sign" sides will not be accepted. The upper portion of the ornamental ball shall not taper in, resulting in a "pineapple" appearance as this treatment defeats the support capacity of the ball. The distal portion of the ball shall begin at a point flush with the periphery of the palm trunk and make a gradual taper upwards until it reaches the periphery of the shaped ornamental ball. While forbidden to use chainsaws for pruning fronds, fruit and flowers from any palm tree in the City of Tustin, the Contractor may use a clean chainsaw in forming and/or shaping the ornamental ball of a Canary Island Date Palm. The use of a sharpened shovels in shaping and maintaining ornamental balls often results in ornamental balls which have flat, untapered bottoms that are likely to relax and collapse into pedestrian and vehicular traffic zones with grave consequences. The Contractor shall use care not to cut into live trunk tissue while maintaining the ornamental ball. The Contractor shall remove any foreign plant material that has sprouted in an ornamental ball. The Contractor shall verify that the ornamental ball meets the standard described herein each time a Canary Island Date Palm is pruned. 2. Date Palm (Phoenix dactylifera): spent petiole bases are left to form a supportive "base" below the lowest green fronds of the crown. Unlike the ornamental ball of a Canary Island Date Palm (Phoenix canariensis), the base does not require ornate shaping. Instead, spent petiole bases are left uniformly long to form the base of the canopy, which shall extend no less than four (4) and no more than six (6) feet below the lowest live frond in the crown. While forbidden to use chainsaws for pruning fronds, fruit and flowers from any palm tree in the City of Tustin, the Contractor may use a chainsaw in forming and/or shaping the base of a Date Palm by shortening a number of the lower petiole bases to bring the length of the nut to standard. The Contractor shall use care not to cut into live trunk tissue while maintaining the nut. The Contractor shall verify that the base meets the standard described herein each time a Date Palm is pruned. 3. Queen Palm (Syagrus romanzoffianum): loose petiole bases are to be removed each time the crown of a Queen Palm is serviced. Petiole bases that are attached to live trunk tissue shall be left undamaged. 4. King Palm (Archontophoenix cunninghamiana): loose petiole bases are to be removed each time the crown of a King Palm is serviced. Petiole bases that are attached to live trunk tissue shall be left undamaged. 5. Mexican Fan Palm (Washingtonia robusta): spent petiole bases are left uniformly long to form a base which shall extend no more than four (4) feet below the lowest live frond in the crown. Using hand tools, the Contractor shall skin the trunk area below the base clean without causing damage to live trunk tissue. The Contractor shall verify that the base meets the standard described herein each time a Mexican Fan Palm is pruned. 6. California Fan Palm (Washingtonia filifera): spent petiole bases are left uniformly long to form a nut which shall extend no more than eight (8) feet below the lowest live CITY OF TUSTIN Urban Forestry Management- RIP January 2013 Page 20 frond in the crown. Using hand tools, the Contractor shall skin the trunk area below the base clean without causing damage to live trunk tissue. t The Contractor shall verify that the base meets the standard described herein each time a California Fan Palm is pruned. T. Tree Removal Tree removal consists of the removal of the entirety of a hardwood tree or palm tree and the removal of its root system. 1. The Contractor shall comply with all general specifications standards described herein. 2. The diameter price given by the Contractor for tree removals shall be inclusive of all staff, materials and equipment necessary to remove trees as described herein. 3. As stated previously herein, the Contractor shall identify the location of all utilities and private property landscape irrigation components prior to the removal of a tree and its root system. The Contractor shall notify the City Arborist or designated representative, in writing, of any condition that prevents the removal of a tree and/or the grinding of its root system. The Contractor shall take all responsibility for any damage that occurs once the process of removing a tree and/or associated root grinding begins. 4. The Contractor shall comply with wildlife protection standards described herein whenever removing a tree. 5. The Contractor shall not remove any tree without first confirming that the tree being considered is indeed the tree to be removed. Any confusion should be resolved by contacting the City Arborist for assistance. The errant removal of trees shall be penalized. 6. During a tree removal, the Contractor shall maintain control of the tree and its parts at all times, which shall include the selection and use of proper techniques and equipment. At no time shall branches, limbs or tree trunks be allowed to freefall and create damage of any type. Loss of control incidents shall be penalized. 7. Cranes and other rigging equipment shall be properly certified, with evidence of such available for inspection prior to use of said equipment in the City of Tustin. Crane operators shall be certified by Commission for the Certification of Crane Operators (NCCCO) and shall be prepared to display current certification prior to operating a crane in the City. The use of cranes and certified operators shall not result in additional charges to the City. 8. While loading and handling debris, the Contractor shall maintain control at all times so as not to result in damage to the public rights or way or private property. In addition, the Contractor shall not drop logs or trunks so as to create undue noise or impact shock related damages to public and/or private property. 9. Stumps, including the root flare shall be ground to a depth of no less than eighteen (18) inches. Surface roots shall be traced and ground to a depth of no less than eight (8) inches. Debris generated by stump grinding and root removal shall be removed from the site and replaced with a topsoil mix. Chips and stump grindings shall not be used as a backfill material. CITY OF TUSTIN Urban Forestry Management- RFP January 2013 Page 2] 10. The Contractor shall be responsible for the repair of any private property irrigation system components damaged during a tree removal or stump grinding. Repairs shall be made using components matching those that were damaged. U. Tree Planting & Young Tree Care 1. Tree Planting Tree planting consists of the installation of nursery stock container or palm trees supplied by the Contractor. a. The Contractor shall comply with all general specifications standards described herein. b. As stated previously herein, the Contractor shall identify the location of all utilities and private property landscape irrigation components prior to the planting of any tree. The Contractor shall assume full responsibility for any damage that occurs during the planting of any tree. c. The Contractor shall supply quality nursery stock which is fully rooted and representative of recognized standards for size and quality of the material being planted. d. Brown trunk height (8TH) for palm trees shall be measured from the top of root ball to the lowest green frond attached to the trunk at an angle of ninety (90) degrees. e. Planting stock shall be well watered prior to shipping and covered for the duration of transport. Trees that are delivered uncovered, with a dry or fractured root ball or with broken scaffold limbs will be rejected. Root bound material will be rejected. Palms that are delivered uncovered, with a dry root ball or with a soilless root ball will be rejected. f. The Contractor shall not begin excavation for the planting of a tree without first confirming that the planting site being considered is indeed the site intended for the planting of a tree. Any confusion should be resolved by contacting the City Arborist for assistance. In excavating planting pits, the Contractor shall not excavate deeper than the depth of the root ball of the tree being installed. The bottom of the planting pit shall be undisturbed so that the planted tree will not settle below top of root ball grade standards defined herein. As the width of the parkway allows, the Contractor shall excavate the planting pit to be two (2) times the width of the root ball of the nursery stock being planted. g. All nursery containers and box sides shall be removed from tree root balls prior to planting. The Contractor shall not install trees with box bottoms left on. All container debris (e.g. strapping, box fragments, nails) shall be removed from the planting pit prior to backfilling. h. The Contractor shall install the tree or palm so that the top of root ball is two (2) inches above top of curb so that the trunk flare is completely exposed. In the event that there is no curb (i.e. park site), the Contractor shall install the tree or palm so that the top of root ball is two (2) inches above surrounding finish grade. The Contractor shall not resort to cutting or trimming the root ball as a means of meeting grade standards. CITY OF TUSTIN Urban ForeshyManagement- RIP January 2013 Page 22 i. The Contractor shall backfill hardwood tree plantings with an equal mix of excavated soil and topsoil. The topsoil portion of the backfill mix shall contain no more than ten (10) percent well decomposed organic fines. j. The Contractor shall backfill palm plantings with one hundred (100) percent washed mortar (plaster) sand. k. While backfilling, the Contractor shall cease backfilling when the planting pit is one half (1/2) full and apply water to remove air pockets from the backfill. Once the water has drained, the Contractor shall resume backfilling the planting pit. A watering basin shall be constructed in a uniform circle and shall extend from the center of the tree trunk to six (6) inches beyond the edge of the root ball. The top of the watering basin shall be graded and maintained uniformly with the upper edge of the basin maintained at a grade of four (4) inches above the root flare of the tree. I. The Contractor shall be responsible for the stability of planted trees. The nursery stake stall be removed from the trunk of the tree (as applicable) and the tree shall be double staked using two (2), two (2) inch lodge pole stakes of a length sufficient to be installed beyond the depth of the planting stock root ball and to extend to the lowest branches of the installed tree's crown. The stakes shall be installed an equal distance from the trunk of the tree and shall be installed perpendicular to the street or sidewalk and shall be installed so that one stake is orientated to be one hundred eighty (180) degrees opposite the other. The root ball shall not be damaged by the installation of stakes. The stake shall not be in contact with any aerial part of the tree. The trunk of the tree shall be attached to the stakes using City approved tree ties installed as per manufacturer's specifications. m. Upon completion of the planting of a tree, the Contractor shall seed and top- dress any barren areas within ten (10) feet of the center of the trunk of the tree if there was established turf in that location. The seed shall be of the same tall fescue turf grass type existing on site or annual ryegrass if the turf is a non- seedable variety; to be applied at a rate appropriate for the type of turf seed applied. The seed shall be top dressed with well-decomposed organic fines, spread evenly with a topdressing roller, at a depth of one eighth (.125) inch. Use of manure, native soil or chip topdressings will not be allowed. The Contractor shall include seed establishment information for the property owner at the time of tree removal. n. The Contractor shall not use hoses, equipment or water from private properties while installing or watering-in parkway trees. 2. New Tree Care New Tree Care consists of the irrigation of young trees which have been installed by the Contractor and the cultivation of new canopy coverage. a. The Contractor shall comply with all general specifications standards described herein. b. As stated previously herein, the Contractor shall identify the location of all utilities and private property landscape irrigation components prior to the planting of any tree. CITY OF TUSTIN Ur tan FoitShyManagernent- RFP January 2013 Page 23 The Contractor shall take all responsibility for any damage that occurs during the planting of any tree. c. The Contractor shall not use hoses, equipment or water from private properties when watering parkway trees. d. While performing tree watering, the Contractor shall maintain the tree watering basin to include the removal of weeds and debris and the maintenance of the watering basin to size and grade standards defined herein. e. Trees shall be watered in such a manner that does not result in erosion of the tree watering basin, splashing of parked vehicles or damage to any of the tree's surroundings. Haphazard riggings and/or watering out of the window from the cab of watering equipment will not be tolerated. f. The Contractor shall maintain a daily log of trees watered. The log shall list the tree watered by site. A printed copy of the log, which shall be maintained in digital format, must accompany invoicing for tree watering services by the Contractor. V. Root Pruning Specifications In an effort to minimize future damage to public sidewalks and curbs and gutters, the City of Tustin is initiating a root pruning and root barrier installation program. The Contractor will be provided a listing of trees to be root pruned. The list shall include the location of the tree, tree species, lineal feet to be root pruned and area to be pruned such as sidewalk or curb and gutter. Roots shall be pruned adjacent to the edge of the sidewalk, curb and gutter or other improvements as indicated. Root pruning cuts adjacent to the sidewalk shall be four (4) inches wide, twelve (12) inches deep, and a minimum of eight (8) feet in each direction from the centerline of the tree as measured from the top of the sidewalk or other improvements. Root pruning cuts adjacent to the curb shall be four (4) inches wide, eighteen (18) inches deep, and a minimum of eight (8) feet in each direction from the centerline of the tree as measured from the top of the curb or other improvements. Root pruning equipment shall be specifically designed for this purpose with cutting teeth sharpened adequately to sever roots in a clean manner and equipped with padded tracks or rubber tires to prevent scraping or marking the sidewalk. After the pruning cut has been completed, the Contractor shall install the appropriate amount of root pruning barrier by Deep Root Corporation, or an approved equal. All cuts shall be backfilled immediately upon completion of root pruning and barrier installation at each location. Backfill material shall consist of soil and/or mulch from root pruning and shall be free of rocks and other debris. All debris generated by these operations shall be immediately removed from the site and properly disposed of by the Contractor. The Contractor shall repair or replace all utility service connections or sprinkler systems within the right- of-way that are damaged or removed as a result of the root pruning operation . Repairs shall be implemented immediately and completed by the end of CITY OF TIJSTIN Man Forestry-Management- RTP January 2013 Page 24 the same working day. Repairs and replacements shall be at least equal quality and configuration to existing improvements and shall match them in finish and dimension. The Contractor shall be responsible for contacting Underground Service Alert (USA) 1-(800) 422-4133 for locating underground utilities prior to beginning the pruning operation. The Contractor shall submit a lineal foot cost for the root pruning and root barrier installation. The cost of providing all labor, tools, equipment and materials necessary for performing the specified work will be included in the Proposal price and no additional compensation will be allowed. IV. PROPOSAL REQUIREMENTS Interested contractors are to provide the City of Tustin with a thorough proposal using the following guidelines: Proposal should be typed and should contain no more than 20 typed pages using a 12-point font size, including transmittal letter and resumes of key people, but excluding Index/Table of Contents, tables, charts, and graphic exhibits. Each proposal will adhere to the following order and content of sections. Proposal should be straightforward, concise and provide "layman" explanations of technical terms that are used. Emphasis should be concentrated on conforming to the RFP instructions, responding to the RFP requirements, and on providing a complete and clear description of the offer. Proposals, which appear unrealistic in the terms of technical commitments, lack of technical competence or are indicative of failure to comprehend the complexity and risk of this RFP and any awarded contract may be rejected. The following proposal sections are to be included in the Proposer's response: A. Cover Letter A cover letter, not to exceed three pages in length, should summarize key elements of the proposal. An individual authorized to bind the contractor must sign the letter. The letter must stipulate that the proposal price will be valid for a period of at least 180 days. Indicate the address and telephone number of the contractor's office located nearest to Tustin, California and the office from which the project will be managed. B. Background and Project Summary Section The Background and Project Summary Section should describe your understanding of the City, the work to be done, and the objectives to be accomplished. Refer to Scope of Work of this RFP. C. Methodology Section Provide a detailed description of the approach and methodology to be used to accomplish the Scope of Work of this RFP. The Methodology Section should include: 1. An implementation plan that describes in detail (i) the methods, including controls by which your firm or entity manages projects of the type sought by this RFP; (ii) methodology for soliciting and documenting views of internal and external stakeholders; (iii) and any other project management or implementation strategies or techniques that the respondent intends to employ in carrying out the work. CITY OF TUSTIN Wain Forestry Management- RFP January 2013 Page 25 2. Detailed description of efforts your firm or entity will undertake to achieve client satisfaction and to satisfy the requirements of the"Scope of Work"section. 3. Detailed project schedule, identifying all tasks and deliverables to be performed, durations for each task, and overall time of completion, including a complete transition plan. Include your plan to deal with fluctuation in service needs and any associated price adjustments. 4. Detailed description of specific tasks you will require from City staff. Explain what the respective roles of City staff and your staff would be to complete the tasks specified in the Scope of Work. 5. Proposers are encouraged to provide additional innovative and/or creative approaches for providing the service that will maximize efficient, cost-effective operations or increased performance capabilities. In addition, the City will consider proposals that offer alternative service delivery means and methods for the services desired. 6. Proposers are also requested to identify any City owned facilities or property which Proposer would propose to use or lease, purchase, or rent from the City in connection with the services to be performed, including information about the terms of any proposed lease, purchase or use of such equipment and facilities, and how this proposed structure affects the overall cost proposal to the City. D. Staffing Provide a list of key personnel who will be working on this project and indicate the functions that each will perform. Include a resume for each designated individual. Upon award and during the contract period, if the contractor chooses to assign different personnel to the project, the Contractor must submit their names and qualifications E. Statement of Qualifications The information provided in this section should describe the qualifications of the firm and key staff in performing projects within the past five years that are similar in scope and size to demonstrate competence to perform these services. The projects listed should be those that the key staff named for this project were responsible for performing. Information shall include: • Names of key staff that participated on named projects and their specific responsibilities. • The client's name, contact person, addresses, and telephone numbers. • A brief description of type and extent of services provided. • Completion dates (estimated, if not yet completed). • Total costs of the projects. There should be included in the section brief resumes of key personnel who will provide these services demonstrating their qualifications and experience. Resumes should highlight education, relevant experience, licenses, and specific responsibilities for services described. F. Fee Proposal (See Appendix C) Compensation for services provided shall be based upon the Contractor's detailed fee proposal to furnish the services detailed in their proposal. CITY OF TUSTIN Urban Foreshy Management- RFP January 2013 Page26 A Fee Proposal shall be submitted in a separate, sealed envelope and marked as "Fee Proposal" along with the name of the project. This information will be used by the City staff to evaluate the reasonableness of the fee proposal and may be used in negotiating the final fee amounts for the contract agreement. The City will negotiate the final fee with the top ranked contractor. Reimbursable expenses shall not be allowed unless negotiated prior to a contract. Price escalations during the contract term are disfavored and will not be allowed unless negotiated prior to execution of contract. The contractor shall prepare progress billings, reflective of the project schedule and the scope of work completed, by line item and description. 1. Statement of Offer& Signature The Proposal shall contain a statement that the proposals are a firm offer for a 180-day period and signed by an individual authorized to act on behalf of the firm. V. GENERAL REQUIREMENTS 1. MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS FOR SUBMITTING A PROPOSAL A. Proposer must have been in the business of providing full service urban forest maintenance programs to governmental agencies and/or municipalities that includes, but is not limited to the pruning, removal and replacement of trees for at least five (5) years. In addition, Proposer must provide five (5) references with contact information for the main agency manager. B. Proposers must show, through documentation by records of past performance and references, a corporate capability that includes the ability to perform the following work, both consistently and concurrent with other required services: Annually trim as many as seven thousand (7,000) trees, with trees ranging in size from three (3) to more than forty (40) inches in diameter, with work occurring during regular business hours, at night or during weekends. Inclusive in this tree count are more than two hundred (200) palms, which shall be trimmed from the safety of a certified aerial boom truck. The Proposer must be prepared to physically display an inventory of equipment for inspection by the City that includes certified aerial boom truck equipment with boom height capacity in excess of ninety (90) feet. The City will not allow workers gaffing into palms as a substitution for equipment that does not meet equipment height requirements. The Proposer must be prepared to trim trees based on seasonal appropriateness and the logistical needs of the City. Annually remove and grind the stumps of as many as two hundred fifty (250) trees ranging in size from three.(3) inches to over forty (40) inches in diameter, with work occurring during CITY OF TUSTIN Chi=Frnrshy Management- RFP January 2013 Page 27 regular business hours. The Proposer must show documentable experience in the safe removal of mature trees using methods of rigging, including the use of cranes. Annually, supply and plant as many as five hundred (500) trees ranging in size from fifteen (15) gallon to thirty-six (36) inch box-size nursery stock. The Proposer shall exhibit, by portfolio and references, experience with planting projects of the scope and quantity described herein. Annually water and maintain as many as five hundred (500) young trees with a regularly scheduled work plan. The Proposer shall exhibit, by portfolio and references, the capacity to respond to emergency tree incidents, ranging from limb failures on single trees to storm related damages affecting many trees, in a manner that meets the needs of the City. C. Proposer shall show capacity to process notifications for the community on all work activities and to operate and maintain, at no additional cost to the City, an internet based computerized tree inventory system that has the capacity to integrate existing tree as described herein. The use of door hangers and/or door knocking may be permitted, however mailed notifications are preferred. D. Proposals must be complete, as detailed in this RFP, including any necessary sub- Contractor quotes. E. Proposer's proposal must be valid for not less than one hundred eighty (180) days after the Proposal Submission Deadline. F. Proposer must hold valid State of California Contractor's Licenses C61/D49 and C27 at the time of proposal submittal. G. Proposer must have a sufficient inventory of equipment so as to be able to perform the scope of work described in the Project Requirements & Project Special Provisions. H. Proposer must possess the capability of processing the quantities of green waste and refuse that are generated from performing the work described herein in a manner compliant with the requirements of the State's legislation, AB 939. I. Proposer must have on their staff an adequate number of full-time permanently employed personnel that are fully trained in urban forestry best management practices and are able to speak and understand English in order to successfully complete all work specified as part of this contract work. 2. Insurance Requirements Summary(See Sample Agreement Appendix A) The Contractor shall furnish with the proposal proof of the following minimum Insurance coverage. These minimum levels of coverage are required to be maintained for the duration of the project: CITY OF TUSTIN UIban Forestry Managei lent- RFP January 2013 Page28 A. General Liability and Automobile Liability Coverage - $1,000,000 per occurrence for bodily injury and property damage. If Commercial General Liability Insurance or other form with a general limit is used, either the general aggregate limit shall apply separately to this project/location or the general aggregate limit shall be twice the required occurrence limit. B. Worker's Compensation Coverage - State statutory limits. Deductibles, Self-Insurance Retentions, or Similar Forms of Coverage Limitations or Modifications, must be declared to and approved by the City of Tustin. The Contractor is encouraged to contact Its insurance carriers during the proposal stage to ensure that the insurance requirements can be met if selected for negotiation of a contract agreement. The City shall be named as Additional Insured and no policy may be modified or cancelled prior to thirty(30) days written notice. Certificates of insurance and insurer endorsements evidencing the required insurance shall be provided. 2. Standard Form of Agreement The contractor will enter into an agreement with the City based upon the contents of the RFP and the contractor's proposal. The City's standard form of agreement is included as Appendix A. The contractor shall carefully review the agreement, and include with the proposal a description of any exceptions requested to the standard contract. If there are no exceptions, a statement to that effect shall be included in the proposal. 3. Disclaimer This RFP does not commit the City to award a contract, or to pay any costs incurred in the preparation of the proposal. The City reserves the right to extend the due date for the proposal, to accept or reject any or all proposals received as a result of this request, to negotiate with any qualified contractor, or to cancel this RFP in part or in its entirety. The City may require the selected contractor to participate in negotiations and to submit such technical, fee, or other revisions of their proposals as may result from negotiations. 4. Assigned Representatives The City will assign a responsible representative to administer the contract, and to assist the contractor in obtaining information. The contractor also shall assign a responsible representative (project manager) and an alternate, who shall be identified in the proposal. The contractor's representative will remain in responsible charge of the contractor's duties from the notice-to-proceed through project completion. If the contractor's primary representative should be unable to continue with the project, then the alternate representative identified in the proposal shall become the project manager. The City's representative shall first approve any substitution of representatives or subcontractors identified in the proposal in writing. The City reserves the right to review and approve/disapprove all key staff and subcontractors' substitution or removal, and may consider such changes not approved to be a breach of contract. CITY OF TUSTIN Urban Foreshy Management- RFP January 2013 Page 29 5. City Business License (http://www.tustinc a.org/departments/fina nce/businesslicense/businesslicensea pps.html) A city business license will be required of the contractor and any subcontractor for services under this agreement. VI. CONTRACTOR EVALUATION & SELECTION PROCESS A. Proposal Guidelines B. Requirements 1. Award will be made to the firm who best meets the City's requirements and who offers the most advantageous combination of low price and highest qualifications for the all criteria described in this document. 2. Proposals may be withdrawn at any time prior to the Open Date. No proposal may be withdrawn after the Open Date. 3. Proposers are to field verify any footages, sizes or quantities provided in this document and base Proposals only on field verified footages, sizes or quantities. Proposers are advised to become familiar with all conditions, instructions, and specifications of this RFP. By submitting a proposal, Proposer represents and warrants that it has thoroughly examined and become familiar with the work required under this RFP, that Proposer has conducted such additional investigation as it deems necessary and convenient, that Proposer is capable of providing the equipment, goods and services necessary to furnish tree care services in a manner that meets the City's objectives and specifications as outlined in this RFP, and that Proposer has reviewed and inspected all materials submitted in response to this RFP. Once the award has been made, a failure to have read the conditions, 4. Proposals shall include OSHA certifications for all aerial equipment and the most recent California Highway Patrol Commercial Vehicle Inspection report for equipment to be used throughout the term of this project. Both of these provisions shall be provided with the submission of proposals. 5. Proposals shall include a list of all persons and their titles that will be performing the work outlined in the contract. Personnel must be qualified and trained in the tree maintenance industry. This will include the staffing of an on-site Supervisor who shall be an ISA Certified Arborist and fluent in the English language. At all times during contracted tree maintenance activities, the firm shall have work crews on site that are represented by an English speaking supervisor who can receive and carry out instructions given by proper authorities. 6. The firm shall be held liable for the faithful observance of any lawful instructions of the City, not in conflict with the contract, which may be delivered to said party or his representatives on the work. 7. Proposals shall include a Quality Control Plan with realistic expectations and an effective and efficient means of identifying and correcting problems throughout the entire scope of operations. The successful contractor shall be required to comply with all proposed quality control methods throughout the term of the contract. CITY OF TUSTIN Urban Forestry Management- RFP January 2013 Paige 30 8. Contractors shall include with the proposal a copy of their current Safety Manual that meets SB 198 requirements for injury and illness prevention. 9. Each bid will be evaluated based on firm qualifications and the required submittals. Firm selection will be made by utilizing the criteria described in this document. Each firm will be evaluated on their qualifications. All applicants will be notified as to the results of this evaluation. 10. If the proposal is made by a sole owner, it shall be signed with his/her name and his/her address shall be given. If it is made by a partnership, it shall be signed with the partnership name by a member of the firm authorized to bind the partnership who shall also sign his/her own name, and the name and address of each member shall be given. If it is made by a corporation, the first signature shall be made by a president or vice president and the second signature shall be made by a secretary or treasurer or other individual who has the full and proper authorization to do so and their address shall be given. If the proposal is made by a joint venture, it shall be signed on behalf of each participating company by officers or other individuals who have full and proper authorization to do so and their address shall be given. 11. Proposer's failure to duly and adequately respond to this RFP will render the proposal non-responsive and is grounds for rejection by the City. 12. The City of Tustin shall not be liable for any pre-contractual expenses incurred by any proposer or the selected Proposer. Proposer shall not include any such expenses as part of the price proposal in response to this RFP. 13. Any contract that results from this bid will terminate without penalty at the end of the fiscal year in the event funds are not appropriated for the next fiscal year. 14. The successful Proposer will be required to furnish the City with a Performance Bond and Labor/Materials Bond in the amount of 100% of the annual contract amount and shall be furnished concurrently with the signing of the contract. The surety who provides the bond must be authorized by the Insurance Commissioner to transact business of insurance in the State of California. Said bonds shall be executed by the surety and Contractor concurrently with the signing of the contract. The form of said bond must be approved by the City Attorney's Office. Sample Bonds are available in Appendix B. B. Submittals Firms wishing to have their proposals considered for this project shall include the following submittals. 1. State of California Contractor's License number and expiration date, C-27 & C61/D-49. 2. Proof of required insurance coverage - Affirmative statement of compliance with indemnity and insurance. 3. Names, qualifications and proposed duties of staff to be assigned to this project. The firm shall identify at least two 12) ISA Certified Arborists who have at least 5 years' experience in the field of urban forest management that will be responsible for providing project CITY OF TUSTIN Urt n Forestry Management- RIP January 2013 Page 31 management throughout the life of the contract as well as a full- time English speaking Project Supervisor, who is an ISA Certified Arborist, capable of communicating with any City representative and be authorized to act on behalf of the firm. 4. List of staff qualifications including but not limited to: a. Certified Arborists employed by the firm. b. Certified Tree workers employed by the firm. c. Certified Utility Arborists employed by the firm. d. Utility Line Clearance Specialists employed by the firm. e. Certified Wildlife Protectors employed by the firm. f. California State Licensed Pest Control Advisor employed by the firm. g. California State Licensed Pest Control Applicator employed by the firm. h. Consulting Arborist employed by the firm to consult on tree health issues. i. Technicians providing technical support for inventory software. 5. Documentation of the technical ability and experience similar in scope to this project. a. A description of previous experience, including urban forestry management projects of similar nature and scope. b. A written description of the proposed software program to be used to manage the City's Tree Inventory and firm's ability to provide accurate inventory updates for all trees serviced. c. A statement describing the firm's ability to provide tree inventory data for the City's Geographic Information System (GIS). Data shall be compatible with the City's GIS program. d. A written description of work activities that includes but not limited to the following activities: 1. Grid pruning 2. Service responses 3. Planting 4. Removals 5. Emergency response protocol e. A written description of the firm's plan to report greenwaste generated and the method for its disposal. f. A complete list of machinery and equipment, including year, serial number and license number, that will be dedicated for use on this contract and all available equipment in reserve to allow for breakdowns. g. A written statement describing the firm's ability to acquire and purchase trees for the City's planting program. Include a description of the facility where the trees are to be stored. 6. A written description of the firm's internal tree maintenance and arboricultural training program. 7. Statement of past project disqualification(s) and litigation. 8. Proposed Quality and Cost Control Plan to enhance the service and responsiveness to the City. It should include the following: a. The methodology in which the firm will handle complaints from the public and damage to public and private property. CITY OF TUSTIN Urban Thirsty Management- RFP January 2013 Page 32 b. Effective means to correct problems. c. The means the firm will use for completing the project. 9. Proposed Customer Service Program. a. A detailed description of the proposed services to be performed along with schedules, list of personnel, and vehicles that would be required to complete this project. b. A written description of methodology to be used for notifying residents prior to commencement of tree work. (Door hangers are permitted in the City.) 10. Documentation of Corporate and Financial Capability 11. Letters of Reference (a maximum of 5 letters may be submitted). 12. Cost Proposal shall be submitted in a separate sealed envelope as part of this Proposal for all materials, supplies, equipment and/or services set forth herein, subject to all conditions outlined in the RFP, at prices indicated. C. Evaluation Criteria The City's evaluation and selection process will be conducted in accordance with the City's Municipal Code (Code). In accordance with the Code, the lowest responsible bidder will be determined based on evaluation of qualitative factors in addition to price. At all times during the evaluation process, the following criteria will be used. Sub-criteria are not necessarily listed in order of importance. Additional sub criteria that logically fit within a particular evaluation criteria may also be considered even if not specified below. 1. Qualifications of Entity and Key Personnel 25% Includes ability to provide the requested scope of services, the Proposer's financial capacity, recent experience conducting work of similar scope, complexity, and magnitude for other public agencies of similar size, references. 2. Approach to Providing the Requested Scope of Services------25% Includes an understanding of the RFP and of the project's scope of services, knowledge of applicable laws and regulations related to the scope of services. 3. Price Proposal 25% Price Proposals will be evaluated on the basis of the Total Estimated Annual Price submitted in Appendix C. 4. Innovative and/or creative approaches to providing the services that provide additional efficiencies or increased performance capabilities. ----25% D. EVALUATION OF PROPOSALS AND SELECTION PROCESS In accordance with its Municipal Code, the City will adhere to the following procedures in evaluating proposals. An Evaluation/Selection Committee (Committee), which may include members of the City's staff and possibly one or more outside experts, will screen and review all proposals according to the weighted criteria set forth above. While price is one basic factor for award, it is not the sole consideration. CITY OF TUSTIN Urban ForestryManagement- RFP January 2013 Fie 33 1. Responsiveness Screening Proposals will first be screened to ensure responsiveness to the RFP. The City may reject as non- responsive any proposal that does not include the documents required to be submitted by this RFP. At any time during the evaluation process, the City reserves the right to request clarifications or additional information from any or all Proposers regarding their proposals. 2. initial Proposal Review The Committee will initially review and score all responsive written proposals based upon the Evaluation Criteria set forth above. The Committee may also contact Proposer's references. Proposals that receive the highest evaluation scores may be invited to the next stage of the evaluation process. The City may reject any proposal in which a Proposer's approach, qualifications, or price is not considered acceptable by the City. An unacceptable proposal is one that would have to be substantially rewritten to make it acceptable. The City may conclude the evaluation process at this point and recommend award to the lowest responsible bidder. Alternatively, the City may elect to negotiate directly with one or more Proposers to obtain the best result for the City prior to making a recommendation or selection. 3. interviews. Reference Checks. Revised Proposals. Discussion% Following the initial screening and review of proposals, the Proposers included in this stage of the evaluation process may be invited to participate in an oral interview. Interviews, if held, are tentatively scheduled for February 21, 2013 and will be conducted at City of Tustin City Hall, 300 Centennial Way, Tustin, CA 92780. This date is subject to change. The individual(s) from Proposer's firm or entity that will be directly responsible for carrying out the contract, if awarded, should be present at the oral interview. The oral interview may, but is not required to, use a written question/answer format for the purpose of clarifying the intent of any portions of the proposal. In addition to conducting an oral interview, the City may during this stage of the evaluation process also contact and evaluate the Proposer's references, contact any Proposer to clarify any response or request revised or additional information, contact any current users of a Proposer's services, solicit information from any available source concerning any aspect of a proposal, and seek and review any other information deemed pertinent to the evaluation process. Following conclusion of this stage of the evaluation process, the Committee will again rank all Proposers according to the evaluation criteria set forth above. The Committee may conclude the evaluation process at this point, and make a recommendation for award, or it may request Best and Final Offers from Proposers. The City may accept the proposal or negotiate the terms and conditions of the agreement with the highest ranked firm, which shall be determined to be the lowest responsible bidder. The City may recommend award without Best and Final Offers, so Proposers should include their best proposal with their initial submission. Recommendation for award is contingent upon the successful negotiation of final contract terms. Negotiations shall be confidential and not subject to disclosure to competing Proposers unless an agreement is reached. If contract negotiations cannot be concluded successfully within a time period determined by the City, the City may terminate negotiations and commence negotiations with the next highest scoring Proposer or withdraw the RFP. CITY OF TUSTIN UrLen FaestlyMar ement- REP January 2013 Page34 8. PROTEST PROCEDURES Failure to comply with the rules set forth herein may result in rejection of the protest. Protests based upon restrictive specifications or alleged improprieties in the proposal procedure which are apparent or reasonably should have been discovered prior to receipt of proposals shall be filed in writing with the RFP Facilitator at least 10 calendar days prior to the deadline for receipt of proposals. The protest must clearly specify in writing the grounds and evidence on which the protest is based. Protests based upon alleged improprieties that are not apparent or which could not reasonably have been discovered prior to submission date of the proposals, such as disputes over the staff recommendation for contract award, shall be submitted in writing to the RFP Facilitator, within forty-eight hours from receipt of the notice from the City advising of staff's recommendation for award of contract. The protest must clearly specify in writing the grounds and evidence on which the protest is based. The RFP Facilitator will respond to the protest in writing at least three days prior to the meeting at which staff's recommendation to the City Council will be considered. Should Proposer decide to appeal the response of the RFP Facilitator, and pursue its protest at the Council meeting, it will notify the RFP Facilitator of its intention at least two days prior to the scheduled meeting. 9. CONFIDENTIALITY The California Public Records Act (Cal. Govt. Code Sections 6250 et seq.) mandates public access to government records. Therefore, unless information is exempt from disclosure by law, the content of any request for explanation, exception, or substitution, response to this RFP, protest, or any other written communication between the City and Proposer, shall be available to the public. The City intends to release all public portions of the proposals following the evaluation process at such time as a recommendation is made to the City Council. If Proposer believes any communication contains trade secrets or other proprietary information that the Proposer believes would cause substantial injury to the Proposer's competitive position if disclosed, the Proposer shall request that the City withhold from disclosure the proprietary information by marking each page containing such proprietary information as confidential. Proposer may not designate its entire proposal as confidential nor designate its Price Proposal as confidential. Submission of a proposal shall indicate that, if Proposer requests that the City withhold from disclosure information identified as confidential, and the City complies with the Proposer's request, Proposer shall assume all responsibility for any challenges resulting from the non- disclosure, indemnify and hold harmless the City from and against all damages (including but not limited to attorney's fees that may be awarded to the party requesting the Proposer information), and pay any and all costs and expenses related to the withholding of Proposer information. Proposer shall not make a claim, sue, or maintain any legal action against the City or its directors, officers, employees, or agents concerning the disclosure, or withholding from disclosure, of any Proposer information. If Proposer does not request that the City withhold from disclosure information identified as confidential, the City shall have no obligation to withhold the information from disclosure and may release the information sought without any liability to the City. CITY OF TUSTIN Litton Forestry Management- REP January 2013 Page 35 DISPOSAL OF MATERIALS CITY TO RECEIVE RECYCLING CREDIT -AB939 All green waste produced; as a result of the Contractor's operations under this Agreement shall be reduced, reused, recycled, and/or transformed by Contractor. Weight slips shall be required as proof of final disposal and must be submitted by Contractor with each demand for payment. Reducing shall include but not be limited to chipping, grinding, and/or shredding operations. Disposal is to be at a recycling yard for use in a mulching program, and Contractor shall provide proof of such with each demand for payment. Reusing will include, but not be limited to using chipped, ground or shredded tree materials as mulch. If the Contractor has a location outside the City where such mulch may be applied, Contractor must provide the City with documentation (included in each demand for payment) from the property owner indicating location and amount of material to be used at that location. Recycling will include, but not be limited to firewood that is too large to be chipped, ground or shredded for use as mulch. Transformation will include, but not be limited to firewood that is too large to be chipped, ground or shredded for use as mulch. If wood is to be kept for firewood by Contractor, Contractor must provide to the City proof of such an operation with each demand for payment ➢ Ex Parte Communications Proposers and Proposers' representatives should not communicate with the City Council members about this RFP. In addition, Proposers and Proposers' representatives should not communicate outside the procedures set forth in this RFP with an officer, employee or gent of the City, including any member of the evaluation panel, with the exception of the RFP Facilitator, regarding this RFP until after Contract Award. Proposers and their representatives are not prohibited, however, from making oral statements or presentations in public to one or more representatives of the City during a public meeting. A "Proposer' or "Proposer's representative" includes all of the Proposer's employees, officers, directors, consultants and agents, any subcontractors or suppliers listed in the Proposer's proposal, and any individual or entity who has been requested by the Proposer to contact the City on the Proposer's behalf. ➢ Conflict Of Interest The Proposer warrants and represents that it presently has no interest and agrees that it will not acquire any interest which would present a conflict of interest under California Government Code sections 1090 et seq., or sections 87100 et seq., during the performance of services under any Agreement awarded. The Proposer further covenants that it will not knowingly employ any person having such an interest in the performance of any Agreement awarded. Violation of this provision may result in any Agreement awarded being deemed void and unenforceable. ➢ Disclosure Of Governmental Position In order to analyze possible conflicts that might prevent a Proposer from acting on behalf of the City, the City requires that all Proposers disclose in their proposals any positions that they hold as directors, officers, or employees of any governmental entity. Additional disclosure may be required prior to contract award or during the term of the contract. Each Proposer shall CITY OF TUSTIN Uitun Foleshy Management- RIP January 2013 Page 36 disclose whether any owner or employee of the firm currently hold positions as elected or appointed officials, directors, officers, or employees of a governmental entity or held such positions in the past twelve months. Please carefully review the Sample Agreement and Insurance Requirements before responding to the Request for Proposal enclosed herein. The terms of the agreement, including insurance requirements have been mandated by City Council and can be modified only if extraordinary circumstances exist. Your response to the Request for Proposal must indicate if you are unwilling or unable to execute the agreement as drafted as well as providing the insurance requirements. The City will consider this in determining responsiveness to the Request for Proposal. VII. ADMINISTRATION SPECIFICATIONS A. The City of Tustin's Rights to Proposals All proposals, upon submission to the City of Tustin shall become its property for use as deemed appropriate. By submitting a proposal, the offer covenants not to make any claim for or have any right to damages because of any misinterpretation or misunderstanding of the specification, or because of any misinformation or lack of information. The City of Tustin has the following prerogatives with regard to proposals submitted: - to accept or reject any or all proposals; - to correct any arithmetic errors in any or all proposals submitted; - to utilize any or all the ideas from proposals submitted; - to change the proposal's due date upon appropriate notification; - to adopt any or all of an offeror's proposal; and - to negotiate modifications to the scope and fee with selected offeror prior to contract award. APPENDIX A APPENDIX A CONTRACT FOR URBAN FORESTRY MANAGEMENT This agreement, made and concluded, in triplicate, this_day of , 20 , between the City of Tustin, California, hereinafter called City, and hereinafter called Contractor. ARTICLE I. Witnesseth, that for and in consideration of the payments and agreements hereinafter mentioned, to be made and performed by the City, and under the conditions expressed in the two bonds, bearing date with these presents and hereunto annexed, the Contractor agreed with City, at his own proper cost and expense, to do all the work and furnish all the materials necessary to construct and complete in good workmanlike and substantial manner and to the satisfaction of the City, in accordance with the plans and specifications, as may be amended from time to time as of the date of this Agreement, entitled: URBAN FORESTRY MANAGEMENT which said plans and specifications are hereby specifically referred to and by such references made a part hereof. Said plans and specifications are on file in the office of the City Engineer of the City of Tustin, California. ARTICLE II. Contractor agrees to receive and accept the following prices as full compensation for furnishing all materials and for doing all the work contemplated and embraced in the Agreement; and also for all loss or damage arising out of the nature of the work aforesaid, or from the action of the elements, or from any unforeseen difficulties or obstructions which may arise or be encountered in the prosecution of the work until its acceptance by the City, and for all risks of every description connected with the work; also for all expenses incurred by or in consequence of the suspension or discontinuance of work and for well and faithfully completing the work, and the whole thereof, in the manner and according to the plans and specifications, and the requirements of the Engineer under them. CONTRACT FOR URBAN FORESTRY MANAGEMENT CITY OF TUSTIN COST PROPOSAL: The undersigned proposes to furnish all materials, supplies, equipment and/or services set forth herein, subject to all conditions outlined in the RFP, at prices indicated below: Hardwood Tree Trimming: Unit Price in Figures Full prune Hardwood tree 0" - 6" Diameter Standard Height $ 7" - 12" Diameter Standard Height $_ 13" - 18" Diameter Standard Height $ 19" - 24" Diameter Standard Height $ 25" - 30" Diameter Standard Height $ 31" - 36" Diameter Standard Height $ 36"+ Diameter Standard Height $ Crown Raise/Clearance Prune Hardwood tree 0" - 6" Diameter Standard Height $ 7" - 12" Diameter Standard Height $ 13" - 18" Diameter Standard Height $ 19" - 24" Diameter Standard Height $ 25" - 30" Diameter Standard Height $ 31" - 36" Diameter Standard Height $ 36"+ Diameter Standard Height $ Palm Tree Trimming: Prune Date Palm (Phoenix spp.) $ Clean Trunk for Date Palm (Phoenix spp.) $ Prune Fan Palm (Washingtonia spp.) $ Clean Trunk for Fan Palm (Washingtonia spp.) $ Prune all other Palm Species $ CONTRACT FOR URBAN FORESTRY MANAGEMENT CITY OF TUSTIN Root Pruning: Annual total estimated cost includes the cost for all labor, materials, permits, special equipment, licenses, hauling and disposal fees necessary to complete the contract requirements. Root pruning and installation shall be done on an"as needed"basis per Department's requirement. Root Pruning and installation of 12 inch root barrier: $ per lineal foot Root Pruning and installation of 18 inch root barrier: $ per lineal foot Root Pruning and installation of Root barrier Product depth will vary from 12" to 30" and could include horizontal applications. $ per lineal foot Annual total estimated cost (A Total + B Total + C + Total) $ General Labor Rates Hourly rate for 1 Ground Person $ Hourly rate for 1 Equipment Operator $ Hourly rate for 1 Trimmer $ Day Rate Service Crew: Boom truck per eight (8) hour day to include a chip body, low decibel chipper, 1 trimmer, 2 ground persons $ CONTRACT FOR URBAN FORESTRY MANAGEMENT CITY OF TUSTIN Tree Removal: Tree and Stump removal per inch trunk Diameter at Standard Height (DSH) Removal Cost Removal Cost (Milled Urban Lumber) (Standard Removal) 0" - 6" DSH $_ $ 7" - 12" DSH $ $ 13" - 18" DSH $ $ 19" - 24" DSH 25" - 30" DSH $ $ 31" - 36" DSH $_ $ Over 36" DSH $ $ Stump grinding per stump diameter inch at grade $ Tree Planting (Unit Cost shall include tree + planting +double staked with 2"lodge poles) 15 Gallon $ 24 inch Box $ 36 inch Box $ 48 inch Box $ Fan Palm per foot BTH (brown trunk height) $ Fan Palm 10-30 feet BTH $ Tree Watering: Watering of young trees, water truck/operator-per day $ Emergency Services: Fully equipped 3 person crew called in for emergency service: During normal business hours $ After hours, weekends &/or holidays $ ISA Certified Arborist-per hour $ ARTICLE III. City hereby promises and agrees with Contractor to employ and does hereby employ Contractor to provide the materials and to do the work according to the terms and conditions herein contained and referred to, for the prices aforesaid, and hereby contracts to pay the same at the time, in the manner and upon the conditions above set forth; and the said parties for themselves, their heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns do hereby agree to the full performance of the covenants herein contained. ARTICLE IV. It is further expressly agreed by and between the parties hereto that should there be any conflict between the terms of this instrument and the bid or proposal of Contractor, then this instrument shall control and nothing herein shall be considered as an acceptance of the said terms of said proposal conflicting herewith. ARTICLE V. 1. The CITY OF TUSTIN has obtained from the Director of Industrial Relations the general prevailing rate of per diem wages and the general prevailing rate for legal holiday and overtime work in the locality in which the work is to be performed for each craft or type of work needed to execute this contract and maintains copies thereof in the office of the City Engineer. The Contractor agrees that not less than said prevailing rates shall be paid to workers employed on this public works contract as required by Labor Code Sections 1771 and 1774 of the State of California. 2. The Contractor shall, as a penalty to the CITY OF TUSTIN, forfeit Fifty Dollars ($50.00) for each calendar day or portion thereof for each worker paid (either by Contractor or any subcontractor of Contractor) less than the prevailing rate as prescribed in the preceding paragraph for the work provided for in this contract, all in accordance with Sections 1774 and 1775 of the Labor Code of the State of California. 3. Section 1773.1 of the Labor Code of the State of California, regarding the payment of travel and subsistence payments, is applicable to this contract. 4. Section 1777.5 of the Labor Code of the State of California, regarding the employment of apprentices, is applicable to this contract if the prime contract involves Thirty Thousand Dollars ($30,000.00) or more, or twenty (20) working days or more and under such circumstances, Contractor shall be fully responsible to ensure compliance with all the provisions of Labor Code §1777.5 for all apprenticeable occupations on the project. A Contractor or subcontractor who violates Section 1777.5 shall forfeit to the City of Tustin, as a civil penalty, the sum of Fifty Dollars ($50.00) for each calendar day of noncompliance. Notwithstanding Section 1727 of the Labor Code, upon receipt of a determination that a civil penalty has been imposed, the City of Tustin shall withhold the amount of the civil penalty from contract progress payments then due or to become due. Any funds withheld by the City of Tustin pursuant to this section shall be deposited in the General Fund of the City of Tustin. 5. The Contractor shall not employ, or allow work to be performed by, a subcontractor who is ineligible to perform work on the project pursuant to Section 1777.1 or 1777.7 of the Labor Code pertaining to debarment by the Labor Commissioner for violations of the Prevailing Wage Laws. 6. In performance of this contract, not more than eight (8) hours shall constitute a day's work. The Contractor shall fully conform to Article 3, Chapter 1, Part 7, Division 2 (Sections 1810 et seq.) of the Labor Code of the State of California. Pursuant to the provisions of Section 1813 of the Labor Code of the State of California, the Contractor shall, as a penalty to the City of Tustin, forfeit twenty-five Dollars ($25.00) for each worker employed in the execution of the contract by the Contractor or by any subcontractor for each calendar day during which such worker is required or permitted to work more than eight (8) hours in any one calendar day and forty (40) hours in any one calendar week in violation of the provisions of Article 3 of Chapter 1 of Part 7 of Division 2 of the Labor Code of the State of California. Contractor shall keep an accurate record showing the name and actual hours worked each calendar day and each calendar week by each worker employed by Contractor in connection with the public work. 7. Contractor agrees to keep accurate payroll records showing the name, address, social security number, work classification, straight time and overtime hours worked each day and week and the actual per diem wages paid to each journeyman, apprentice or worker employed by him in connection with the public work, and agrees to insist that each of his subcontractors do the same. Contractor further agrees that his payroll records and those of his subcontractors shall be available to the employee or his representative, the Division of Labor Standards Enforcement, and the Division of Apprenticeship Standards, and shall comply with all of the provisions of Labor Code Section 1776, et seq., in general. 8. Contractor is also aware of the provisions of Section 3700 of the Labor Code which requires every employer to be insured against liability for Worker's Compensation or undertake self-insurance in accordance with the provisions of that code and will comply with such provisions before commencing the performance of the work of this contract. ARTICLE VI. In connection with the performance of this contract, the City shall have the authority to enter the worksite at any time for the purpose of identifying the existence of conditions, either actual or threatened, that may present a danger or hazard to any and all employees. The Contractor agrees that the City, in its sole authority and discretion, may order the immediate abatement of any and all conditions that may present an actual or threatened danger or hazard to any and all employees at the worksite. The Contractor acknowledges the provisions of Section 6400 of the Labor Code, which requires that employers shall furnish employment and a place of employment that is safe and healthful for all employees working therein. In the event the City identifies the existence of any condition that presents an actual or threatened danger or hazard to any or all employees at the worksite the City is hereby authorized to order the immediate abatement of that actual or threatened condition pursuant to this section. The City may also, at its sole authority and discretion, issue an immediate stop work order to the Contractor to ensure that no employee working at the worksite is exposed to a dangerous or hazardous condition. Any stop work order issued by the City to the Contractor in accordance with the provisions of this section shall not give rise to any claim or cause of action for delay damages by the Contractor or the Contractor's agents or subcontractors against the City. ARTICLE VII. The Contractor shall indemnify and save harmless the City of Tustin and all officers and employees thereof from all claims, suits, or actions of every name, kind and description, brought for, or on account of, injuries to or death of any person including, but not limited to, workers and the public, or damage to property resulting from the construction of the work or by or in consequence of any negligence regarding the work, use of improper materials or equipment in construction of the work, neglect or refusal of Contractor to faithfully perform the work and all of Contractor's obligations under the contract, or by or on account of any act or omission by the Contractor or his agents or a subcontractor or his agents or a third party during the progress of the work or at any time before its completion and final acceptance, or which might arise in connection with the agreed upon work or is caused by or happening in connection with the progress of said work, or on account of any passive or active negligent act or omission by the City of Tustin, its officers, employees and agents, save and except claims arising through the sole and exclusive negligence or sole and exclusive willful misconduct of the City of Tustin. The defense and indemnification by Contractor shall include all costs and expenditures including attorney's fees incurred by the City of Tustin or its employees, officers or agents with respect to such claim or suit and Contractor will, if requested by City of Tustin, defend any litigation arising out of such claims at the sole cost and expense of Contractor. In addition to any remedy authorized by law, so much of the money due the Contractor under and by virtue of the contract as shall be considered necessary in the sole discretion of the City of Tustin may be retained by the City until disposition has been made of such claims for damages as aforesaid. ARTICLE VIII. The Contractor shall take out and maintain during the life of the contract, commercial general liability, automobile liability and worker's compensation insurance. The amount of the commercial general liability and automobile insurance shall not be less than the following: Single limit coverage applying to bodily and personal injury liability and property damage: $1,000,000.00. The following insurer endorsements are required if not part of the policy: 1. The City of Tustin, its elective and appointive boards, officers, agents and employees named as additional insured in the policy as to the work being performed under the contract; 2. The coverage is primary and no other insurance carried by the City of Tustin will be called upon to contribute to a loss under this coverage; 3. The policy covers blanket contractual liability; 4. The policy limits or liability are provided on an occurrence basis; 5. The policy covers broad form property damage liability; 6. The policy covers personal injury as well as bodily injury liability; 7. The policy covers explosion, collapse, and underground hazards; 8. The policy covers products and completed operations; 9. The policy covers use of non-owned automobiles; and 10.The coverage shall not be cancelled or terminated unless thirty (30) days' written notice is first given to the City of Tustin. 11.Insurers shall be authorized to do business in the State by the Department of Insurance and shall meet the following qualifications: A.M. Best's Rating of Grade A and Class VII (seven) (if an Admitted Insurer), and Grade A- or better and Class X (ten) or better(if offered by a Surplus Line Broker) is acceptable. Workers' compensation insurance rated Grade B- or better and Class VII (seven) or better, or offered by the State Compensation Fund, is acceptable. 12.The worker's compensation and employer's liability insurance policies shall contain a waiver of subrogation in favor of the City. Contractor shall provide to the City within ten (10) working days after the date of notice of award of the contract evidence of the aforementioned insurance with insurer endorsements, which must meet the requirements of this Article. An Acord Certificate will be accepted solely as evidence of the name of the insurers and the amounts of insurance. Failure to comply with these requirements will result in annulment of the award, forfeiture of the proposal guarantee, and the City will pursue award to the next qualified responsive bidder. Contractor is advised that insurance requirements are non- negotiable and City will not consider waiving insurance requirements. There are no exceptions. ARTICLE IX Upon receipt of a claim or summons and complaint by the City Clerk relating to this Contract, the City Clerk shall provide written notice within five (5) working days to the contractor of the claim or summons and complaint. For purposes of this section, notice to the contractor may be via facsimile, messenger or by first class mail and addressed to: [Insert name & address of contractor] Nothing herein obligates the City to provide notice of a claim or summons and complaint that does not clearly identify the contract or contractor. In Witness Whereof, the parties have hereunto set their hands and seals the year and date first above written. THE CITY OF TUSTIN BY: (SEAL) Mayor of the City of Tustin ATTEST: City Clerk of the City of Tustin CONTRACT AND BOND APPROVED: Date City Attorney APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: Date City Engineer CONTRACTOR Firm Name: (SEAL) BY TITLE: Note: Attach proper acknowledgment for signatures of authorized person(s). COMPENSATION INSURANCE CERTIFICATE Pursuant to Section 1861 of the State Labor Code, each Contractor to whom a public works contract has been awarded shall sign the following certificate and shall submit same to the City prior to performing any work on the contract: I am aware of the provisions of Section 3700 of the Labor Code which reads as follows: "Every employer except the State shall secure the payment of compensation in one or more of the following ways: (a) By being insured against liability to pay compensation in one or more insurers duly authorized to write compensation insurance in this State. (b) By securing from the Director of Industrial Relations a certificate of consent to self- insure, which may be given upon furnishing proof satisfactory to the Director of Industrial Relations of ability to self-insure and to pay any compensation that may become due to his employee." CONTRACTOR: BY: TITLE: COMPENSATION INSURANCE CERTIFICATE TO BE SUBMITTED WITH CONTRACT APPENDIX B Bond No. Amount Premium CITY OF TUSTIN PUBLIC CONTRACT FAITHFUL PERFORMANCE BOND KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That , as and hereinafter referred to collectively as "Principal", and a corporation organized and existing under the laws of the State of , and duly authorized to transact surety business in the State of California, as, and hereinafter referred to as, "Surety", are held and firmly bound unto the City of Tustin hereinafter referred to as the "City", in the sum of$ for payment of which Principal and surety bind themselves, their heirs, administrators, successors and assigns, jointly and severally as follows: THE CONDITION OF THE ABOVE OBLIGATION IS THAT: WHEREAS, Principal has entered into a contract dated , 20_, with City to do and perform the following, generally described work, which is more particularly described in said contract for the construction of: URBAN FORESTRY MANAGEMENT WHEREAS, all of such improvements are to be constructed and installed in accordance with the plans and specifications described, referred to and incorporated in said contract; and WHEREAS, Principal shall commence and complete the construction and installation of such improvements as provided in said contract; and NOW, THEREFORE, if Principal shall faithfully perform all agreements contained in the aforesaid contract, then this obligation shall be null and void. PROVIDED, HOWEVER, if Principal shall not faithfully perform all agreements contained in the hereinabove described contract and all obligations, then this obligation shall remain in full force and effect. PROVIDED FURTHER HOWEVER, that Surety hereby stipulates and agrees that no change, extension of time, alteration or modification of the contract documents or of the work to be performed thereunder shall in any way affect its obligation on this bond and it does hereby waive notice of any such change, extension of time, alteration or modification of the contract documents or of the work to be performed thereunder; and PROVIDED FURTHER, that in case suit is brought upon this bond by the City or any other person who may bring an action on this bond, a reasonable attorney's fee, to be fixed by the Court, shall be paid by Principal and Surety. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Principal and Surety have caused these presents to be duly signed and sealed this day of , 20_. SURETY: (Name) BY: (SEAL) Attorney-in-Fact BY: Address of Surety: APPROVED AS TO FORM: City Attorney PRINCIPAL: BY: (Name) (SEAL) TITLE: Address of Principal: APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: Date City Engineer Note: Attach proper acknowledgment for both Surety & Principal. Bond No. Amount Premium CITY OF TUSTIN PUBLIC CONTRACT LABOR AND MATERIALS PAYMENT BOND KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That as and hereinafter referred to collectively as "Principal", and a corporation organized and existing under the laws of the State of , and duly authorized to transact surety business in the State of California, as and hereinafter referred to as, "Surety", are held and firmly bound unto the City of Tustin hereinafter referred to as the "City", in the sum of$ for payment of which Principal and surety bind themselves, their heirs, administrators, successors and assigns, jointly and severally as follows: THE CONDITION OF THE ABOVE OBLIGATION IS THAT: WHEREAS, Principal has entered into a contract dated , 20 , with the City to do and perform the following, generally described work, which is more particularly described in said contract for the construction of: URBAN FORESTRY MANAGEMENT WHEREAS, Principal shall commence and complete the construction and installation of such improvements provided in said contract; and NOW THEREFORE, if Principal shall pay the Contractor, his subcontractor, and all persons renting equipment or furnishing labor or materials to them for such improvements, for the full cost of such improvements and submit amounts due under the State Unemployment Insurance Act with respect to such labor, then this obligation shall be null and void. PROVIDED, HOWEVER, if Principal shall not pay the subcontractor and all persons renting equipment or furnishing labor or materials to them for such improvements for the full cost of such improvements, or if Principal fails to submit amounts due under the State Unemployment Insurance Act with respect to such labor, then Surety will pay for the same in an amount not exceeding the sum set forth above, which amount shall inure to the benefit of all persons named in Civil Code Section 3181. PROVIDED FURTHER, HOWEVER, that Surety stipulates and agrees that no change, extension of time, alteration or modification of the contract documents or of the work to be performed thereunder shall in any way affect its obligation on this bond and it does hereby waive notice of any such change, extension of time, alteration or modification of the contract documents or of the work to be performed thereunder; and PROVIDED FURTHER, that in case suit is brought upon this bond by the City or any other person named in Civil Code Section 3181 who may bring an action on this bond, a reasonable attorney's fee, to be fixed by the Court, shall be paid by Principal and Surety. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Principal and Surety have caused these presents to be duly signed and sealed day of , 20 SURETY: (Name) BY: (SEAL) Attorney-in-Fact BY: Address of Surety: APPROVED AS TO FORM: City Attorney PRINCIPAL: BY: (Name) (SEAL) TITLE Address of Principal: APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: Date City Engineer Note:Attach proper acknowledgments for both Surety & Principal. APPENDIX C COST PROPOSAL: The undersigned proposes to furnish all materials, supplies, equipment and/or services set forth herein, subject to all conditions outlined in the RFP, at prices indicated below: Hardwood Tree Trimming: Unit Price in Figures Full prune Hardwood tree 0" - 6" Diameter Standard Height $ 7" - 12" Diameter Standard Height $ 13" - 18" Diameter Standard Height $ 19" - 24" Diameter Standard Height $ 25" - 30" Diameter Standard Height $ 31" - 36" Diameter Standard Height $ 36"+ Diameter Standard Height $ Crown Raise/Clearance Prune Hardwood tree 0" - 6" Diameter Standard Height $ 7" - 12" Diameter Standard Height $ 13" - 18" Diameter Standard Height $ 19" - 24" Diameter Standard Height $ 25" - 30" Diameter Standard Height $ 31" - 36" Diameter Standard Height $ 36"+ Diameter Standard Height $ Palm Tree Trimming: Prune Date Palm (Phoenix spp.) $ Clean Trunk for Date Palm (Phoenix spp.) $ Prune Fan Palm (Washingtonia spp.) $ Clean Trunk for Fan Palm (Washingtonia spp.) $ Prune all other Palm Species $ Root Pruning: Annual total estimated cost includes the cost for all labor, materials, permits, special equipment, licenses, hauling and disposal fees necessary to complete the contract requirements. Root pruning and installation shall be done on an"as needed"basis per Department's requirement. Root Pruning and installation of 12 inch root barrier: $ per lineal foot Root Pruning and installation of 18 inch root barrier: $ per lineal foot Root Pruning and installation of Root barrier 'Product depth will vary from 12" to 30" and could include horizontal applications. $ per lineal foot Annual total estimated cost (A Total + B Total + C + Total) $ General Labor Rates Hourly rate for 1 Ground Person $ Hourly rate for 1 Equipment Operator $ Hourly rate for 1 Trimmer $ Day Rate Service Crew: Boom truck per eight (8) hour day to include a chip body, low decibel chipper, 1 trimmer, 2 ground persons $ Tree Removal: Tree and Stump removal per inch trunk Diameter at Standard Height (DSH) Removal Cost Removal Cost (Milled Urban Lumber) (Standard Removal) 0" - 6" DSH $ $ 7" - 12" DSH $ $ 13" - 18" DSH $ $ 19" - 24" DSH $ $ 25" - 30" DSH $ $ 31" - 36" DSH $ $ Over 36" DSH $ $ Stump grinding per stump diameter inch at grade $ Tree Planting (Unit Cost shall include tree +planting + double staked with 2" lodge poles) 15 Gallon $ 24 inch Box $ 36 inch Box $ 48 inch Box $ Fan Palm per foot BTH (brown trunk height) $ Fan Palm 10-30 feet BTH $ Tree Watering: Watering of young trees, water truck/operator-per day $ Emergency Services: Fully equipped 3 person crew called in for emergency service: During normal business hours $ After hours, weekends &/or holidays $ ISA Certified Arborist- per hour $ Department of Public Works �Y Douglas S. Stack, P.E. Director :_:., 4� \ ° r A. January 28, 2013 tJS rr% TO: PROSPECTIVE BIDDERS SUBJECT: ADDENDUM NO. 1 Urban Forestry Management The following changes (in red font) are hereby made to previously published information regarding the "Schedule of Events". II. SCHEDULE OF EVENTS January 10, 2013 Issuance of Request for Proposals February 14, 2013 Deadline for written questions. February 26, 2013 Proposals due at Tustin City Hall by 4:00 P.M. March 12, 2013 Anticipated interviews (est. date) April 2, 2013 City Council Approval of Contract (est. date) June 1, 2013 Issuance of notice-to-proceed (est. date) Each proposer shall include a signed copy of this Addendum with his/her bid. Failure to do so may cause the proposal to be disqualified. This addendum consists of one (1) page. Sincerely, n Churchill field Services Manager 300 Centennial Way, Tustin, CA 92780 • P: (714) 573-3150 • F: (714) 734-8991 • www.tustinca.org Department of Public Works �'` Douglas S. Stack, P.E. t.S.s .0 Director v 4 ' - c. February 19, 2013 is tiSi't% TO: PROSPECTIVE BIDDERS SUBJECT: ADDENDUM NO. 2 Urban Forestry Management Questions/Answers: 1. Specifications state that we should be prepared to trim up to 7,000 trees annually. What is your total inventory count and what is your current trimming cycle (annual, 2-year, etc.)? About 16,000 Trees, Cycle varies depending on the amount of removals/replacements 2. Your hardwoods are classified by DSH; can you provide tree counts for each classification? Percentages would suffice should tree counts not be available. 0-6"—29%, 7-12"-16%, 13-18"—37%, 19-24"— 15%, 25-30"—3%, 31"+ less than 1%. a. Same question as above but for trees trimmed last year rather than total inventory- N/A 3. Hardwood trimming falls into two categories, Full Prune & Crown Raise/Clearance Prune. Of all hardwoods trimmed last year what percentage were Full Prunes vs. those that were Crown Raise/Clearance Prune? Roughly 50/50 4. Specifications state that we should be prepared to trim up to 200 palms annually; what is your total inventory count for Palms? a. Of this total, what percentage are Date Palms vs. Fan Palms vs. Others? See inventory - 1 300 Centennial Way,Tustin, CA 92780 • P: (714) 573-3150 • F: (714) 734-8991 • www.tustinca.org b. How many palms were trimmed last year? Usually all of them c. How many palms Trunk Cleaned? Less than 10% 5. How many trees were removed last year and of those completed removals what was the percentage by DSH? a. Of all removals completed last year how many were Milled Urban Lumber vs. those that were Standard Removals Don't track info—Total removed was 122 6. How many stumps was ground last year? Most of them— Don't track Info 7. How many trees were planted last year and of those planted what percentage were 15 Gal. vs. 24"vs. 36"vs. 48° 112 planted of which most were 15 gallon. 8. How many days did you water last year? 15 gallon trees are watered weekly. 9. The Performance and Payment bonds in the bid proposal do not state a starting and ending time period. Can the contractor who is awarded the contract provide a one-year Performance& Payment Bond based on the city's annual budget that can be renewed each year?This is a legal question that you might need to give to the city Attorney. Bonding /Surety companies have a problem with bonding a contract for more than three years and would rather renew the bond each year. Your simple bonds in the bid proposal state the start date of the contract bonds: however, they do not mention the ending date. It would seem that a contractor could provide bonds to the city that can be renewed on an annual basis. We need clarification of this matter before we bid the contract. Both bonding and insurance are due on an annual basis. 10.Upon reviewing the Cost Proposal section of the bid proposal the city is only asking for a unit price for each category of work. There is no quantity listed for each of the categories therefore it would be impossible to compare the bids submitted by each contractor in order to determine the low bid. In addition the bid section of the proposal has a value of 25% out of 100%. This would also impact the bonding /surety company that wouldn't have a total dollar amount of the bid. The city has for many years maintained their urban forest and has historical - 2 - information that would support the quantity of work to be completed in each category. Therefore can the city issue a new bid page that would reflect an estimated quantity of work to be completed in each category? The answer to question No. 2 provides more information. Also,attached Is a list of tree species versus quantity. Appendix C contains the City's bid page. 11.Does the city have a current tree maintenance inventory? Yes. 12.Who provided the city with their current tree inventory? West Coast Arborist 13.What is the name of the city's tree maintenance inventory software? Arbor Access 14.Does the city own the rights to their tree maintenance inventory software? The City has rights to the inventory not the software. 15.Does the current contractor own the rights to the city's tree inventory software? The City has rights to the inventory not the software. 16.Did the city pay the current contractor for the city's tree inventory software? When did they purchase the software? No, it was part of the overall package. 17.Will the city provide a hard copy and disk of their current tree maintenance inventory software to a new company upon request? If your answer is No why not? The City will maintain the old Inventory for historical purposes. 18.The trees have been maintained on an annual basis for many years by the same company. Did they provide the city with weekly, monthly, or annual updates to the city's tree inventory software? Yes. 19.If the current contractor provided updates to the city's tree maintenance inventory then why would the city be requesting a new tree inventory when they already have an updated inventory? Yes, this would eliminate any data that might be corrupt. -3 - 20.Why is the city requesting that a new tree inventory be completed in 90 days by a new contractor when the city already has an updated tree inventory? This gives the current contractor a decisive edge over their competition because they already have the software with the updated inventory. Again, the current contractor will be required to provide a new inventory if their proposal is accepted. 21.Will the city provide all of the potential bidders with a profile of the quantities of trees to be trimmed or removed in each of their categories prior to the bid deadline? The answer to question No. 2 provides more information. 22.Why is the city requesting only 25% on the cost proposal?The whole idea of going out to bid and that was approved and authorized by the city council was to secure a lower cost by a qualified contractor. This needs to be changed from the current 25% to 50%?The city would receive a more competitive bid. Evaluation Criteria—The "Price Proposal"set at 25% provides the smaller vendor the same opportunity as a larger vendor. 23.Who drafted the bid proposal City Staff or was the bid proposal drafted by a third party? Can you provide us the name of the third party that provided the bid proposal to the city? City Staff 24.Will the city provide the contractor with a place to park their equipment while working in the city? This may be an option. 25.What is the estimated quantity of trees in the city? The City prefers to stay right around 16,000 trees. 26.What percentage of trees are full trimmed each year in the city? Roughly 50%. This varies from year to year and Is based off how may trees are removed. 27.What percentage of trees are raised each year in the city? Roughly 50%. This varies from year to year and is based off how may trees are removed. -4 - 28.While doing grid trimming are the trees raised or full trimmed? Depends on the species and need. 29.What is the trimming cycle for trimming trees in the city? Once a year, every two years, every three years, every four years or every five years? Roughly 2.5 year cycle, again this varies depending on the amount of removals and planting. 30.Can you give us a size breakdown and/or inch diameter as to the quantity of trees in the city? The answer to question No. 2 provides more information. 31.Does the city currently have a GPS of each tree in their current tree inventory software? Yes 32.In addition to a computerized invoice does the contractor also provide hard copies of work completed by its field crews with each computerized invoice? Yes,this would be an acceptable practice. 33.When does the contract start? It's estimated It will start June 1, 2013. 34.Can the contractor keep a small crew of three to four employees working full time in the city or does the work need to be completed by a larger crew at a particular time of the year? Yes, the current practice is a smaller crew year around. Feel free to propose differently as we are open to new ideas. 35.What is the city's estimated annual budget? What was the annual budget from July 1, 2011 to June 30, 2012 (the city's fiscal year)? 2011-2012 budget was $454,000 -$433,000 is our current annual budget. 38.How often are the Ficus tree trimmed in the city? Once a year, every two years or every three years? Typically annually. - 5 - Botanical Name Common Name Total Plnus canariensis CANARY ISLAND PINE 2,039 Magnolia grandiflora SOUTHERN MAGNOLIA 1,545 Eucalyptus maculate SPOTTED GUM 1,387 Cupanlopsis anacardioides CARROTWOOD 1,248 Lophostemon confertus BRISBANE BOX 871 Lagerstroemia indica CRAPE MYRTLE 735 Eucalyptus rudis DESERT GUM 488 Ficus microcarpa 'Nitida' INDIAN LAUREL FIG 481 Liquidambar styraciflua AMERICAN SWEETGUM 422 Cedrus deodara DEODAR CEDAR 381 Jacaranda mimosifolia JACARANDA 361 Eucalyptus cladocalyx SUGAR GUM 355 Platanus acerifolia LONDON PLANE 299 Pinus pinea ITALIAN STONE PINE 297 Eucalyptus sideroxylon RED IRONBARK 277 Schinus molle CALIFORNIA PEPPER 260 Quercus ilex HOLLY OAK 228 Platanus racemosa CALIFORNIA SYCAMORE 208 Ulmus parvifolia CHINESE ELM 205 Cinnamomum camphora CAMPHOR TREE 186 Pistacia chinensis CHINESE PISTACHE 179 Eucalyptus citriodora LEMON-SCENTED GUM 166 Koelreuteria bipinnata CHINESE FLAME TREE 147 Olea europaea OLIVE 127 Pyrus calleryana ORNAMENTAL PEAR 122 Pinus halepensis ALEPPO PINE 119 Podocarpus gracilior FERN PINE 113 Washingtonia robusta MEXICAN FAN PALM 111 Pinus brutia CALABRIAN PINE 103 Syagrus romanzoffianum QUEEN PALM 99 Tabebuia impetiginosa PINK TRUMPET TREE 92 Eucalyptus camaldulensis RED GUM 85 Tristania laurina WATER GUM 85 Eucalyptus globulus BLUE GUM 84 Hymenosporum flavum SWEETSHADE 84 Eucalyptus ficifolia RED FLOWERING GUM 76 Liquidambar styraciflua 'Rotundiloba' ROUND-LEAFED SWEETGUM 74 Eucalyptus grandis FLOODED GUM 67 Quercus agrifolia COAST LIVE OAK 66 Eucalyptus polyanthemos SILVER DOLLAR GUM 64 Pyrus kawakamil EVERGREEN PEAR 56 Cercis canadensis 'Forest Pansy' FOREST PANSY REDBUD 52 Juniperus chinensis Torulosa' HOLLYWOOD JUNIPER 52 Melaleuca quinquenervia CAJEPUT TREE 52 Eucalyptus leucoxylon WHITE IRONBARK 48 Prunus cerasifera PURPLE-LEAF PLUM 39 Tipuana tipu TIPU 34 Taxodium distichum BALD CYPRESS 33 • Botanical Name Common Name Total Metrosideros excelsus NEW ZEALAND CHRISTMAS TREE 32 Schinus terebinthifolius BRAZILIAN PEPPER 32 Arbutus 'Marina' MARINA ARBUTUS 28 Geijera parviflora AUSTRALIAN WILLOW 28 Alnus rhombifolia WHITE ALDER 27 Citrus sinensis ORANGE 27 Cupressus sempervirens ITALIAN CYPRESS 26 Pittosporum undulatum VICTORIAN BOX 26 Albizia jullbrissin SILK TREE 25 Fraxinus uhdei SHAMEL ASH 25 Stenocarpus sinuatus FIREWHEEL TREE 25 Eriobotrya deflexa BRONZE LOQUAT 23 Persea americana AVOCADO 23 Eucalyptus torquata CORAL GUM 22 Moms alba WHITE MULBERRY 22 Brachychiton populneus BOTTLE TREE 21 Melaleuca linariifolia FLAXLEAF PAPERBARK 21 Callistemon viminalis WEEPING BOTTLEBRUSH 19 Ginkgo biloba MAIDENHAIR TREE 18 Koelreuteria paniculata GOLDENRAIN TREE 18 Podocarpus macrophyllus YEW PINE 18 Chionanthus retusus CHINESE FRINGE TREE 17 Phoenix canariensis CANARY ISLAND DATE PALM 17 Bauhinia blakeana HONG KONG ORCHID TREE 16 Ficus benjamina WEEPING FIG 16 Arbutus unedo STRAWBERRY TREE 15 Populus fremontii FREMONT COTTONWOOD 14 Chitalpa tashkentensis CHITALPA 12 Grevillea robusta SILK OAK 12 Sequoia sempervirens COAST REDWOOD 12 Eriobotrya japonica EDIBLE LOQUAT 11 Eucalyptus Ieucoxylon 'Rosea' LG.-FRUIT RED-FLOWERING GUM 11 Eucalyptus nicholii NICHOLS WILLOW LEAFED PEPPERMINT 11 Ficus microcarpa 'Green Gem' GREEN GEM INDIAN LAUREL FIG 11 Lagerstroemia indica 'Pink' CRAPE MYRTLE PINK 11 Pinus thunbergiana JAPANESE BLACK PINE 11 Tabebuia avellanedae LAVENDER TRUMPET TREE 11 Araucaria columnaris STAR PINE 10 Archontophoenix cunninghamiana KING PALM 10 Callistemon citrinus LEMON BOTTLEBRUSH 10 Fraxinus velutina ARIZONA ASH 10 Washingtonia filifera CALIFORNIA FAN PALM 10 Brachychiton acerifolius AUSTRALIAN FLAME TREE 9 Cassia leptophylla GOLD MEDALLION TREE 9 Ficus rubiginosa RUSTY LEAF FIG 9 Laurus nobilis SWEET BAY 8 Magnolia grandiflora 'Russet' RUSSET MAGNOLIA 8 Magnolia grandiflora 'Saint Mary' SAINT MARY MAGNOLIA 8 Botanical Name Common Name Total Metasequoia glyptostroboides DAWN REDWOOD 8 Other tree OTHER TREE 8 Pinus eldarica AFGHAN PINE 8 Rhus Iancea AFRICAN SUMAC 8 Casuarina cunninghamiana RIVER SHE-OAK 7 Pinus radiata MONTEREY PINE 7 Prunus caroliniana CAROLINA LAUREL CHERRY 7 Carya illinoensis PECAN 6 Cercis canadensis EASTERN REDBUD 6 Ficus microcarpa WEEPING INDIAN LAUREL FIG 5 Macadamia integrifolia SMOOTH-SHELL MACADAMIA 5 Populus nigra 'Italica' LOMBARDY POPLAR 5 Trachycarpus fortunei WINDMILL PALM 5 Abies grandis GRAND FIR 4 Fraxinus velutina 'Modesto' MODESTO ASH 4 Platycladus orientalis ORIENTAL ARBORVITAE 4 Prunus armeniaca APRICOT 4 Quercus spp. OAK 4 Quercus suber CORK OAK 4 Rhaphiolepis 'Majestic Beauty' INDIAN HAWTHORNE 4 Acer saccharinum SILVER MAPLE 3 Bauhinia variegata PURPLE ORCHID TREE 3 Chamaerops humilis MEDITERRANEAN FAN PALM 3 Eucalyptus spp. EUCALYPTUS 3 Ficus macrophylla MORETON BAY FIG 3 Fraxinus oxycarpa 'Raywood' RAYWOOD ASH 3 Harpephyllum caffrum KAFFIR PLUM 3 Juniperus chinensis CHINESE JUNIPER 3 Lagerstroemia indica 'Red' CRAPE MYRTLE RED 3 Lagerstroemia indica White' CRAPE MYRTLE WHITE 3 Ligustrum lucidum GLOSSY PRIVET 3 Picea pungens BLUE SPRUCE 3 Prunus persica PEACH 3 Betula pendula EUROPEAN WHITE BIRCH 2 Brahea armata MEXICAN BLUE PALM 2 Brahea edulis GUADALUPE PALM 2 Calodendrum capense CAPE CHESTNUT 2 Ce kis sinensis CHINESE HACKBERRY 2 Ceratonia siliqua CAROB 2 Ficus carica EDIBLE FIG 2 Ficus elastica RUBBER TREE 2 Ficus spp. FIG 2 Jacaranda mimosifolia 'Alba' WHITE JACARANDA 2 Lagerstroemia indica 'Muskogee' CRAPE MYRTLE MUSKOGEE 2 Liquidambar formosana CHINESE SWEETGUM 2 Magnolia grandiflora 'Samuel Sommer' SAMUEL SOMMER MAGNOLIA 2 Ma lus sylvestris EDIBLE APPLE 2 Prunus domestica PLUM 2 — ,-- . Botanical Name Common Name Total Rhus laurina LAUREL SUMAC 2 Sabal spp. PALMETTO 2 Salix spp. WILLOW 2 Svzygium paniculatum BRUSH CHERRY 2 Tabebuia chrysotricha GOLDEN TRUMPET TREE 2 Ulmus americana AMERICAN ELM 2 Ulmus pumila SIBERIAN ELM 2 Yucca gloriosa SPANISH DAGGER 2 Acacia melanoxylon BLACK ACACIA 1 Acer negundo BOX ELDER 1 Acer palmatum JAPANESE MAPLE 1 Acer platanoides 'Easy Street' MAPLE EASY STREET 1 Araucaria heterophylla NORFOLK ISLAND PINE 1 Calocedrus decurrens INCENSE CEDAR 1� Cercis occidentalis WESTERN REDBUD 1 Chorisia speciosa SILK-FLOSS TREE 1 Dodonaea viscose HOPSEED 1 Eucalyptus Iehmannii BUSHY YATE 1 Gleditsia triacanthos HONEY LOCUST 1 Hibiscus rosa-sinensis CHINESE HIBISCUS 1 Howea forsteriana PARADISE PALM 1 Ilex altaclarensis 'Wiisonii' WILSON HOLLY 1 Ilex comuta CHINESE HOLLY 1 Juglans regia ENGLISH WALNUT 1 Lagerstroemia indica 'Purple' CRAPE MYRTLE PURPLE 1 Magnolia grandiflora 'D. D. Blanchard' BLANCHARD MAGNOLIA 1 Mangifera indica MANGO 1 Melia azedarach CHINABERRY 1 Michelia doltsopa MICHELIA 1 Mows spp. MULBERRY Myoporum Iaetum MYOPORUM 1 1 Paulownia tomentosa EMPRESS TREE 1 Phoenix roebelenii PYGMY DATE PALM 1 Pinus spp. PINE 1 Pinus torreyana TORREY PINE 1 Pitheceliobium dulce GUAMUCHIL 1 Pittosporum tobira MOCK ORANGE 1 Schaff lera actinophylla QUEENSLAND UMBRELLA TREE 1 Sequoiadendron giganteum GIANT SEQUOIA 1 Zelkova serrata SAWTOOTH ZELKOVA 1 . . Ei. U-_ < i 0 0 • 10"." a op r -Asti" LT., le • -: 0 a o 0 0 4,0 LLJ CO CO -J Z 0 ■.) .-( g . 0 F0 1 2 ag 1 H .._ .. , . . , .. . ..... .. ._ . . ... ., .."-.7.....; J,. • ':. CO . .. ,., \ • _ - - -.1 ''''' . - - • . 0 _ =• • r-- . . , ,'... ••: _ / ,zt. in = ' coca.,.: '' "7,,, ..,r,-- ''' „•...,. .. ..s./.:./ , . 4? • 0)• • -- - .. ..N. - • -- C) . . , .. ....... -, , , „.,F,..4. .*N. • -OD - _fX) 1 0 , .,-:.,0,,f,..-,:„.1, ,... 4-5 :: , .. 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