HomeMy WebLinkAbout11 CLAIM OF MARY LYNCH 04-05-99 LAW OFFICES OF ~';OODRUFF~ SPRADLIN &: A PROFESSIONAL CORPORATION MEMORANDUM 'NO. 11 4-5-99 TO' FROM' DATE: RE: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council City of Tustin ' City Attorney March 31, 1999 Claim of Mary Ann Lynch; Claim No. 99-7 RECOMMENDATION' After investigation and review it is recommended that the City Council deny the claim and direct the City Clerk to send notice thereof to the claimant and the claimant's attorneys. DISCUSSION' This claim results from the claimant's efforts to involve the police department in an ongoing child custody and visitation dispute. Based on the facts to date, it is our opinion 'that the Police Department has been operating in accordance with court orders, and there is no evidence of City wrongdoing. LOIS E. JEFFREY Enclosure cc: William A. Huston, City Manager 102726\1 CITY OF TUSTIN CLAIM AGAINST THE CiTY OF TUSTIN (For Damages to Persons or Personal Property) The law provides generally that a claim must be filed with the City Clerk of the City of. Tustin within six (6) months after the incident or event occurred. Be sure your claim is against the City of Tustin, not another public entity. Where space is insufficient, please use additional paper and identify information by paragraph number. Complet6d claims must be mailed or delivered to the City Clerk, City of Tustin, 300 Centennial Way, Tustin, California 92780. WHEN COMPLETING THiS FORM, PLEASE TYPE OR USE BLACK INK To the Honorable Mayor and City Council, City of Tustin, California: The undersigned respectfully submits the following claim and information relative to damage to person and/or property: , a: Name of Claimant: /~/~/~ b. Address of Claimant: c. City~ip Code: '~ /~ d. Telephone Number: ~/~ e. Date of Birth: ~'~ f. Social Security Number: g. Driver License Number: . Name, telephone, and post office address to which claimant desires notices to be sent (if other than' above): ~/¢-/')'2~" /7,5 ,g'~ O~'~ . This claim is submitted against: a. The City of Tustin only. b. The following employee(s) of the City of TuStin only: The City of Tustin and the following employee(s) of the City of Tustin only' O/i) poolL¢., ~'Ol'~g'-' . p.. B//Z,/~gT60 OFF/~Ie- . Occurrence 0r event from which the claim arises: a. Date: c-Fl/' ~2/ ' b. Time' ~V~-H/P (,- !¢F££~. c. Place (Exact and Specific Location): ~//a'-5,,'//,e6:/P~~ '7"z'S77,0 7,,~/'-- d. How and under what circumstances did damage or injury occur? Specify the particuJar occurrence, event, act or omission you claim caused the injury or damage (use additional paper if necessary' e. What particular action by the City, or its employees, caused the alleged damage or injury.; . Give a description of the injury, property damage or loss so far known at the time of this claim. if there were no injuries, state "no injuries". LID In/,Tz,'F~ / b---~ - /~o' ~ ~ o sS o/~ 7'2,D ~ co/T',~t /-~ ? -s 6. Give the name(s) of the City employee(s) causing the damage or injury: . Name and addres~ of any other person injured' 8. Name and address ofthe owner of any damaged property: . 10. Damages Claimed' .. a. Amount claimed as ofthis date: /~2~'/["~[I~I¢ /,~,T'-~'///S' ~'//~' b: Estimated amount of future costs' / ~, ~O~, ~ ~ ~. 7-/~?.~/z~S c. Total amount claimed' /- d. Attach basis for computation of amounts claimed (include copies of all bills, invoices, estimates, etc.) Names and addresses of all witnesses, hospitals, doctors, etc. WARNING: IT iS A CRIMINAL OFFENSE TO FILE A FALSE CLAIM (Penal Code Section 72; Insurance Code Section 556.0) I have read the matters and statements made in the above claim and I know the same to be true Of my own knowledge, except as to those matters stated to be upon information or belief and as to such matters I believe the same to be true. I certify under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct. Claimant's Signature: ~('~/~ ~/'~.~, .~- ~~.~~-~ Executed this day of ,19 . Date Filed: 2:CLAIM (7/96) MIO0 ' ( FAX 161g-??1~2~9 ',~ PAGE 02 'FORMAL COMPI.AINT' Atl:eation: City Clerk, City o£Tustin, CA 300 Centennial Way Tustin, CA 92780 RE; Damages to Persons or Personal Propo'~ reply m "4d" I ~ tl~ Tustin Police D~anmcnt on August 21, 1998 to help me solv~ a family dispute concerning my son David Lynch, my daughter Pamela Lynch and myr~lf. David has chosen to i~ve with my ex-husband since our divorce and he is scheduled to spend a certain anmunt oftlmc with mc. On th;~ particular date, thai time was to be with mc. H~, his sist~ Pasr~¼ invit~i him to go with her on a camping trip of which I disapproved and when I discovc~od that he had a~ee,_J to go on this trip against my wishes, I went to 14692 Cheshire Place., Tustin, his dad's house and I ~skocl the police to meet me there. In speaking to the dispatclmr, ~xplaincd that my 19 year old daughtt.'r was taking David on a trip without my po-mission since I had custody of David at this tin~ and th~ dispatchrr advised mc Io bring any court orders with me to prove I had custody on this date. Along.. with a witness, Mrs. Sharon Flaugh, I met with two offlco-s, Shorw¢inand Mayficld, (incidmt #8T441433) and ! preso~t~l my documentation and a pl'~,nc tape of my ex-husband [my- lng five mrssa~ indicating that I had custody of David on that wex;k- ~ Thc two officers interrogated Pamela and David and THEY DE- CIDED that David should go with his sisler and his dad, dcmying me visitation with David. In oth~ words. THESE OFFICERS ARBIT- RARILY DECIDED TO DENY ME MY VISITATION RIGHT~ IN SPITE OF A COURT ORDER TO THE CONTRARY. They told mo to go b~ck to court...in essence dcto-rnining that my son would havo a more enjoyable time'away from his mother! Their d~cision was octrem- iy dama~ to the tenuous relationship I have with my son. I se~t a I~tt~x ami two tape recordings to Officer LUdwkk, ofmy husband deayi~ me visitation ofmy son on several occasions bul received no response or help. Since I believe my civil rights have bom violated on 13 differe~ tim~s simply becaus~ I am a divorccd female. I am prcscntl¥ seeking t~prcs~t- Mary Ann Lynch F~ruaryll, 1999 Warning: This form is for minimal violati~-., of the court order. Do Not Use for Missing Child, Chil,- ,-,zx:luction, or Restraining Order Violation/Cases! Custody/Visitation Court Order Violation Report / / ~ ~ ~ ~ ,~ ¢O~ Police/Shedfs Department Person filing report: /~.4'~lf//'~1 L YWgN DOB: ~/ Age z/7 Ddver's License No. ~'~'/~'~" _~¢ Statelssued /~ ;, Expires: '~d2 SS No. .~.~'~=,~ "~'/ . -,...,- · Home ^ddr s: Police Department City Of Tustin 300 Centennial Way Tustin, CA 92780 (714) 573-3225 FAX (714) 730-8027 C~ty Of Tustin 300 Centennial Way Tustin, CA 92780 (714) 573-3200 FAX (714) 730-5134 Warning: This form is for minimal violat, , of the court order. Do Not Use for Missing Child, Chi~,_..oduction, or Restraining Order Vio/!ation Cases! Custody/Visitation Court Order Violation Report DR ~ ~ ~ ,~ ~()~ Police/Sheriffs Department Persoil filing report: ./y/,,//Yq'/~/~//~'/L 7~CN DOB: / ,'-/ Age Z./7 Driver,s License No. ~"~'~ _~¢(~ Statelssued Expires: '~:~) SSNo. Home Address: / ' 5 ' ~; ~ ; ~- !;.' ' Day phone: - Ev,en, ing phor{e:. . hip to children: ............... · --..- .......... = ': ...... ~ ........ ' ........ -" -'~.':- .... :x.':': '-'"' ............ Child's name.~ . _ ..r, ;-/~/.).h~.' E//~":,.:' -~,'," ' ': "'~ O.C)B.~: ./ '/. ':-~> :-~-, -.-'---: .Age :'.:'. ,/:.-~,'.i · Child's name DOB Child's name DOB Child's name Age Child's name DOB -' - Age '" ..,.' ', · , __ '~;- ",' ' ":'- .... ~. ..;'~: :;;. (~ ) Witness name:. ~- P/-'~{YtM - Address'. , - ,: .... --.-: : -, ..... ~ .,- '~- _ ..,_'"'. ' . . ,,~ . . ~ . .,. ............ __.~ _~...~. 2,~":--',,.,~:.',' ~ · ._f: -'~ 't..' 'd ' .~ '.-' ,.. ~o ' -- - '' ;,,.. '~ .... · -' hone' --- · _. ,, .: ........ Y . , , - . .. - ........ ~ ~--..'- ..--' .:_-'. ." · · - · '~:,"- ~':~ --'---'-~-'- -" ' :.-";,9 -+{ - :. .:_-_---r_-x ~. .~.._-.-] z,.', ....~... ~_ ' .... ' -::"'{-,-- , Driver's License No: " ' .... : ' ':'-' "' ';? ;:"-'- - ' : State ls's~ '.-'-" fo'. ,/.-~ E-: Expires:: Dayphone /.., ..... Evening phone ...... ,-- . . . Relationship to children: · -" ' ' ....... '~._,....-:,; .,j.'.; .., ,.-~ ~ .--'~. ?..C-- ' .... --.- '.~.:; :--';;';, Height Weight ..... Hair color Eye color M F Race/Ethnic Scars,marks Highest grade completed o:". ' '.-. Oc~:up:~tion J :g ' :'":' :: ........ ' ':- City and'country of birth ' ' ": ..... Have you or the other party made a police report about domestic violence?,~,~Y/~N What police dept: 7't-~--~"~-//'O Date: ,/ 7"-' ~;---~.-" - ,-~ Have you or the other' party made a police report about, a court_ .~, .... order violation?.. .... ,Y ..... N.Wh~t... pg_ljc, e dept--'=',: ..... ' .~:,,-'-7~" ~'' ,. Custody/visitati6~' ':-- ' ' ' ' ,'~ :~'-* Court narfie: "' :,a~"-~6~?~:~/"~d*~) 7~"~'~ {"/3- (~/r('/-i..Date i~Sbed?:'~-'''' casen~mber,~ i:-.';.: ,i,";~F..:1 ''~ ..... "*' ~' .... :'* ~" , Restraining order case number '~ ~4 ~' ~ Court name: Date issued: Complainant's statement */~?b4 ' 'i~?..~b/t~b'Tt~P~ ~,/?r,y)-? ~./~.~ L &/~ A "~.t,~r'~/~'' I~"~ ~ ...~,'~/'~ . . ' ..... ~,.' ~. · . .:_~. ,'~ .~-.- ~.~''. - ~-.~"'- :t-- '; .: ::~'' ":- '' ~,., ..... ~.,~--.'.~..-'_:[",..,..:,. ~.~. .~. '_ - :: ...... ;-. ~,-' ........ ::, ,'~--'.~ ~.... .... . ' . '": ' /. ' £ -' See lr ( rtant Not'ice on the Back of this Page! Top/original--originating agency; pink copy to OCDA, Family Violence Unit, P.O, Box 808,'Santa Aha, CA 92708; yellow to complainant 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 RICHARD P. SULLIVAN, ESQ. BAR NO. 83025 ONE CiTY BOULEVARD WEST SUITE 810 ORANGE, CA 92668 (714)938-1225 .. . ATTORNEY FOR PETITIONER SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFO?=NiA FOR THE COUNTY OF ORANGE In re the Marriage of: ) ) Petitioner: GREGORY F. LYNCH ) ) and ) ) Respondent' MARY A. LYNCH ) ) CASE NO. 94D 06004 JUDGMENT ON RESERVED ISSUES This matter came for final hearing on November 17, 1995 in Department 6i0 of the Orange County Superisr Court, the Honorable Robert Hutson presiding. Petitioner was present in. court and represented by Richard P. Sullivan, and respondent was present in court and represented by Patrick McCall. A==er hearing evidence and argument from both sides the court makes the following orders' 1 ) CHILD CUSTODY: The parties shall have joint legal custody of the two minor children, PAMELA MARIE LYNCH, born June 30, 1979, and DAVID ANDREW LYNCH, born January 4, 1985. Petitioner shall have primary physical custod~'~f the minor child P.~MELA MARIE LYNCH, and the respondent shall have : 9 10 11 12 13 14 17 18 19 2O 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 secondary physical custody. Respondent shall have primary physical custody of the · minor child DAVID ANDREW LYNCH, and the petitioner shall have secondary physical custody. 2 ) VISITATION- Visitation between PAMELA LYNCH and the respondent is to be worked out in counseling. · ' Visitation between DAVID ANDREW LYNCH and the petitioner is to occur every Other weekend, from Friday after school until Monday morning when school begins, and every Wednesday night from after school until Thursday morning when school begins. 3) HOL-rDAY AND SPECIAL OCCASION VISITAT_~0N- Pending the outcome of PAMELA'S counseling, ?A_~ELA shall be pe_~mitted to visit the respondent on any of the occasions specified below, but PAMELA shall not be required to do so. Both minor children shall be with the respondent on Mother's Day, and respondent's birthday. Both minor children shall be with the petitioner on Father's Day, and petitioner's birthday. The minor childrens' birthdays shall be with respondent in odd numbered years, and with the petitioner in even numbered years. The Spring and Thanksgiving vacation periods shall be spent with respondent in even numbered years, and with petitioner in odd numbered years. In even numbered years, the first half of Christmas vacation from the day school dismisses until 11'00 a.m. 2 10 11 12 13 14 15 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Christmas Day, the minor children shall be with respondent, and the second half of Christmas vacation from ll '00 a.m. Christmas Day unti!~ the day school resumes, the minor children shall be with petitioner. In add numbered years, the first half of Christmas vacation shall be spent with the petitioner, and the second half of Christmas vacation shall be spent with the respondent. The Summer vacation period shall be split in half, such that respondent shall have the first half in even numbered years, and petitioner shall have the second half in even numbered years. In odd numbered years, petitioner shall have the first half, and respondent shall have the second half of Summer vacation. During the Summer Vacation period, there should be visitation with the non-custodial parent on an every other weekend basis. In the event that either parent wishes to take the minor children out of town on a vacation, the itinerary shall be provided to the other parent in advance of the vacation. In the even numbered years, respondent shall have'Martin Luther King holiday, Memorial Day, and Halloween. Petitioner shall have President's Day, Fourth of july, Labor Day and Veterans Day. The opposite schedule shall apply in odd numbered years. Visitation weekends shall be switched so that the minor children may spend' three day weekends with one parent when that parent has custody on a Monday or Friday holiday. /// 3 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 4) CHILD SUPPORT: Petitioner shall pay to respondent as and for child support the sum of $109.00 per month for the minor child, DAVID, payable $54.50. on the first and $54.50 on the fifteenth of each and every month, .commenCing December 1, 1995 and continuing until further order of court, or until the child mar-~ies, dies, becomes emancipated, reaches the age of 19, or reaches the age of 18 and is no longer a fu!!time highschool student, whichever occurs first. 5 ) FINDINGS- The ~ ' cou_~ makes the following findings regarding child and spousal support. Each party has one child in ~h=~ physical custody. Respondent has a zero percent (0%) timeshare factor with the minor child PAMELA, and petitioner has a forty percent (40%) timeshare factor with the minor child DAVID. Petitioner is filing married joint with three exemptions, and raspondent .. is filing head of household with two exemptions. Petitioner's income is $4,517.00 per month, and respondent's present ability to earn is $960.00 per month. Petitioner has a health. insurance premium of $103.00 per month, an interest expense of $700.00 per month, and mandatory retirement of $439.00' per month. 6 ) SPOUSAL SUPPORT' As and for spousal support, petitioner shall pay to respondent the sum of $550.00 per month, commenci~_~_ December 1, 1995 and continuing until respondent remarries, dies, or further order of court. 10 11 12 13 15 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 The court admonishes respondent to seek employment. The court further admonishes respondent to seek outside tutoring so tha~ she may pass the CBEST test and obtain a teaching · mat~_r shall be reviewe'd in nine (9) months to position This ~= determine respondent's progress in obtaining employment and/or passing the CBEST test. 7 ) AN-~MAL' Respondent is awarded the cat known as "Boomer". 8 ) GAZEBO' The gazebo located ih the backyard of the family residence is awarded to petitioner at zero value. 9) ATTORNEY' S FEES AND COSTS' The court denies respondent"s re.cuest pursuant to Family Code Section 271 for attorney's fees and costs. The court awards respondent attorney's fees and costs under Section 270 in the amount of $3,500.00. The $3,500.00 shall be payable at .. the rate of $150.00 per month, payable one-half on the firs'- and one-half on the fifteenth of each and every month Commencing December 1, 1995. THE PARTIES STIPULATED AND AGREED PRIOR TO THE TRIAL TO THE FOLLOWING' 1) Petitioner represented to the court that he has no interest in the Laguna Beach storage units. 2) Petitioner is awarded the Buick Century automobile at zero value and the respondent is awarded the 1984.~_~odge Caravan at zero· value. 3) Respondent shall be awarded the $8,800.00 IRS tax 10 11 12 13 14 15 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 return fUnd at zero value, and the petitioner is awarded the parties' savings account with Orange County Teachers Federal Credit Union in the approximate amount of 58,200.00 at zero value. - 4) Each party shall be awarded all household furniture and furnishings presently in their possession as their sole and separate property. 5) The parties shall be awarded all life insurance policies presently in their name as their sole and separate property at zero value. 6) The court shall reserve jurisdiction over petitioner's STRS retirement plan. Said account shall be divided according to In re Marriaae of Brown. 7) The parties shall split equally any tax liability on the limited partnership the parties jointly own. The court reserves jurisdiction over the 1995 Federal and State tax '. liabilities until these liabilities have been maid. 8) The parties stipulated that neither party shall molest, attack, strike, threaten, sexually assault or otherwise disturb the peace of the other 'party. Neither party shall incur any debts or liabilities for which the other party may be held responsible. /// /// Iil ili ili 9) Respondent shall reimburse petitioner for moving expenses in the sum of $494.00, and for her share of the furniture appraisal' in the sum of $88.00, for a total reimbursement of $582.~D0. 10) Respondent shall return the custom made bay window cushion to petitioner forthwith. · DATED' IT IS SO ORDERED JUN 0 7 'IW6 ROBERT .;3. HU'],,,;i.: ROBERT HUTSON JUDGE OF THE SUPERIOR COURT 10 APPROVED AS TO FORM AND CONTENT' 11 12 13 DATED ' PATRICK McCALL Attorney for Respondent 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 /.' PROOF OF SERVICE BY MAIL (1013a, 2015.5 C.C.P.) STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) I am a citizen of the United States and a resident of the County aforesaid. I am over the age of eighteen years and not a party to the within entitled action, and my business address is One City Boulevard West, Suite 810, Orange, CA 92668. On March 15, 1996, I served the foregoing document described as' JUDGMENT ON .RESERVED ISSUES on ~the iNTERESTED PARTIES in said action by placing true copies thereof in a sealed envelope in the United States mail at Orange, California, addressed as follows' Mr. Patrick McCall, Esq. 800] Irvine Center Drive Suite 117 Irvine, CA 92718 X (BY MAIL) I am "readily'familiar" with the firm's practice of collection and processing of correspondence for mailing. It is deposited with the U.S. Postal Service on that same day in the ordinary course of business. I am aware that on motion of party served, service is presumed invalid if postal cancellation date or postage meter date is more than one day after date of deposit for mailing in affidavit. (BY PERSONAL SERVICE) I delivered such envelope by hand to the offices of the addressee(s). (VIA FACSIMILE) I sent, via te!ecopier, a true copy thereof to the following number' I declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing is true and correct. Executed this 15 day of March., 1996~at Orange California. Pam Sullivan /~-~.~_~ pc~,z~¢~ type or print name .signature .o Mary, Thank you for encouraging and allowing David to be with PameIa on her birthday today. They both enjoyed each other's company on this special day. David and I went out shopping, and got Pamela something that she wanted. The kids went ~wimming together. We went to dinner with some friends, including Pamela's boyfriend, Brian, and his dad, both of whom I like very much (Brian got straight A's on his report card.). It was a very positive day, and both kids were happy to be together. Thank you; it was'a good choice. · . Speaking of grades, Pamela got three A's (Choir, WoHd Cultures, and Track .(P.E.) and three B's (Spanish, .Geometry, and English Honors (B-). As surprising as this may soUnd, I am glad that things worked out at court the way they did on Wednesday. It was' never my goal to cause you a difficulty (fine or jail). My total purpose was to ask the court to force you to simply honor your agreement with me regarding sharing custody of David. Since you were not doing so, and I wound up not seeing David for five weeks (and didn't know how many more weeks I wouldn't see him), I had no other choice. If you w/Il keep your word, I won't have to ask the court to force you to keep your word. -7'~'~ ..... , - . ~u wur~ togem~r fo D ' ' · ne~~cp~~from ~~~s ben~~~ilt~. P ~l~~~~~m.~~~o_~w~iI~im~toxb~~ roomers aay reg~dless of who's weekend is sch~ule~. "5i~il~rly,"k "~ould be mc~ for ~ to spend Fa~er's day wi~ me reg~dlcss of ' · 5h~dul~. We MI_benefit by b~ing flexibl~ and - ' ' ~a~-th., ........ ' "~~, mcr Unch~act~ris~caIly, I d~clined yo~ last request to have David join you at a bi.day party a week ago (I no~ly always say "yes" to your r~quests.). I would have preferred to hav~ s~d "yes", but, as I indicated in one ,of my r~cent letters, ~ long ~ your response, to me being co-operadvc and flexible with you is to t~c advantage of ~at co-op~radon and flcxibiHV, . . and bc un-co-operative with my r~ucs~, I cannot afford to bc flexible with your requests. I will m~k¢ you ~e same offer again: I will be very flexible with your reques£s if you will give me the same courtesy in return. That way we all win (especially David), instead of all lose. There will be times that it will work out better for you and David if he spends some of my weekend time with you, and v/ce-versa. We need to u'ade times to make it bettor for us all. David will lose out if we do not do so. ' - Let's start again, and try to both be flexible for David's benefit. I am saying "yes" here to you in writing in advance for the next time that you request to have David during part of one of my weekends. In exchange, I would like to have David spend part of Saturday, August 26th (one of your weekend days) with me from about 9:00 a.m. to about 5:00 p.m. I will' transport him both ways. Since paper remembers better that memory, ! have included a written request to you for this trade of time. If you would like to accept my "yes" in advance for the next time you would like to have David during part of one of my weekends, and start us again trading times with him, please approve and return the enclosed request. In order for David to not miss out on things, we need to trade times on occasion. I will do my best to honor all future requests of yours as is possible. 1 3 ,t 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 c., .~ ;'; 9 :f'" ~ '-" - 3 .~: ~: 1 ' C: I-1 :-.~ ..,f' . : ~ ~':id 15 '" "" '~"" I L . - 17 18 20 21 c) ,::) 2,1 25 2(; 27 28 RICHARD P. SULLIVAN, ESQ. BAR NO. 83025 ONE CITY BOULEVARD WEST SUITE 810 ORANGE, CA 92668 (714)938-1226 ATTORNEY FOR PETITIONER In re the Marriage of' ) ) Petitioner' GREGORY F. LYNCH ) ) and ) ) Respondent' MARY A. LYNCH ) ) SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA FOR THE COUNTY OF ORANGE · CASE NO. 94D 06004 JUDGMENT ON RESERVED ISSUES This matter came for final hearing on November 17, 1995 in Department 610 of the Orange County Superior Court, .the Honorable Robert Hutson presiding. Petitioner was present in court and represented by Richard P. Sullivan, and respondent was present in court and represented by Patrick McCall. After hearing evidence and argument from both sides, the court makes the following orders' 1 ) CHILD CUSTODY' The parties shall 'have joint legal custody of the two minor children, PAMELA MARIE LYNCH, born June 30, 1979, and DAVID ANDREW LYNCH, born January 4, 1985. Petitioner shall have primary physical custody of the minor child PAMELA MARIE LYNCH, and the respondent shall hav~ 1 1 3 5 ! $ 9 10, 11 ;'; 1_ o ;. · · ~ ~5 17 ;9 20 2~ o_7 secondary physical custody. Respondent shall have primary physical custody of the minor child DAVID ANDREW LYNCH, and the petitioner shall have secondary physical c6~tody. 2) VISITATION' Visitation between PAMELA LYNCH and the respondent is to be worked out in counseling. Visitation between DAVID ANDREW LYNCH and the petitioner is to occur every other weekend, .from Friday after school hntil Monday morning when school begins, and every Wednesday night from after school until Thursday morning when school begins. 3) HOLIDAY AND SPECIAL OCCASION VZSITATION' Pending the outcome of PAMELA'S counseling, ?A~ELA shall be permitted to visit the respondent on any of the occasions specified below, but PAMELA shall not be required to do so. Both minor children shall be with the respondent on Mother's Day, and respondent's birthday. Both minor children shall be with the petitioner on Father's Day, and petitioner's birthday. The minor childrens' birthdays shall be with respondent in odd numbered years, and with the petitioner in even numbered years. The Spring and Thanksgiving vacation periods shall be spent with respondent in even numbered years, and with petitioner in odd numbered years. In even numbered years, the first half of Christmas vacation from the day school dismisses until 11'00 a.m. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 10 I1 . . ~ 15 17 18 20 21 22 25 27 'Christmas Day, the minor children shall be with respondent, and %the second half of Christmas vacation from 11-00 a.m. Christmas !Day until the day school, resumes, the minor children shall be · . · iwith petitioner. Ik'"0dd numbered years, the first half of '.Christmas vacation shall be spent with the petitioner, and the second'half of Christmas vacation shall be spent with the "'respondent. · · The Summer vacation period shall be split in half, such that respondent shall have the first half in even numbered years, and petitioner shall have the second half in even numbered years. In odd numbered years, petitioner shall have the first half, and respondent shall have the second half of Summer vacation. During the Summer vacation period, there should be visitation with the non-custodial parent on an. ~very other weekend basis. In the event that either pareDt wishes to take the minor children out of town on a vacation, the itinerar~~e provided to the other paren~in advance of the In the even numbered years, respondent shall have Martin Luther King holiday, Memorial Day, and Halloween. Peti~toner shall have President's Day, Fourth of July, Labor Day and Veterans Day. The opposite schedule shall apply in odd numbered years. Visitation weekends shall be switched so that the minor 'children may spend three day weekends with one parent when that parent has custody on a Monday or Friday holiday. /// 3 1 2 6 7 8 9 10 19 20 2I 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 4) CHILD SUPPORT' Petitioner shall pay to respondent as and for child support the sum of $109.00 per month for the minor child, DAVID, payable $54.50 on the first and $54.50 on the fifteenth of each and every month, commencing December ], 1995 and continuing until further order of court, or until the child · marries, dies, becomes emancipated, reaches the age of 19, or reaches the age of 18 and is no longer a fulltime highschbol student, whichever occurs first. · 5) FINDINGS' The court makes the following findings regarding child and spousal support. Each party has one child in their physical custody. Respondent has a zero percent (0%) timeshare factor with the minor child PAMELA, and petitioner ha~ a forty percent (40%) timeshare factor with the minor child DAVID. Petitione~? is filing married joint with three exemptions, and respondent is filing head of household with two exemptions. Petitioner's income is $4,517.00 per month, and respondent's present ability to earn is $960.00 per month. Petitioner has a health · insurance premium of $103.00 per month, an interest exPense of $700.00 per month, and mandatory retirement of $439.00 per month. 6) SPOUSAL SUPPORT' As and for spousal support, petitioner shall pay to respondent the sum of $550.00 per month, commencing December 1, 1995 and. continuing until respondent remarries, dies, or further order of court. 4 ~..~ ] -' The court admonishes respondent to seek employment. The court further admonishes respondent to seek outside tutoring §o that she may pass the CBEST test and obtain a teaching position. This matter shall be reviewed in nine (9) months to determine respondent's progress in obtaining employment and/or passing the CBEST test. 7) ANIMAL' Respondent is awarded the cat known as "Boomer". · · 8) GAZEBO' The gazebo located in the backyard of the family residence is awarded to petitioner at zero value. 9) ATTORNEY'S FEES AND COSTS' The court denies respondent's request pursuant to Family Code Section 271 for attorney's fees and costs. The court awards respondent attorney's fees and costs under Section 270 in the amount of $3,500.00. The $3,500.00 shall be payable at the rate of $]50.00 per month, payable one-half on the first and one-half on the fifteenth of each and every month commencing December l, 1995. THE PARTIES STIPULATED AND AGREED PRIOR TO THE TRIAL TO THE FOLLOWING- ]) Petitioner represented to the court that he has no interest in the Laguna Beach storage units. 2) Petitioner is awarded the Ford Taurus automobile at zero value and the respondent is awarded the 1984 Dodge Caravan at zero value. 3) Respondent shall be awarded the $8,800.00 IRS tax ~ return fund at zero value, and the petitioner is awarded the 2 parties' savings account with Orange County Teachers Federal ': ," 3 ~dit Union in the approximateo amount of $8,200.00 at zero '~' 4 ~"' Value. 4) Each party shall be awarded all household furniture ..6 'and ~urnishings presently in their possession as their sole and 7 separate property. 5) The parties shall be awarded all life insurance policies presently in their name ~s'their sole and separate property at zero value. ]] 6) The court shall reserve jurisdiction over petitioner's :; 12 STRS retirement plan. Said account shall be divided according - . ir 13 to In re ~arriaqe of Brown. 5 14 7) The parties shall divide equally any tax liability on · '~_ 15 the limited .partnership the parties jointly own. The court · ;;' IG reserves jurisdiction over the '1995 Federal and State tax 17 19 20 22 23 95 20 27 28 liabilities until these liabilities have been paid. 8) The parties stipulated that neither party shall molest, attack, strike, threaten, sexually assault or otherwise disturb the peace of the other party. Neither party shall incur any debts or liabilities for which the other party.may be held responsible. IT IS. SO ORDERED DATED- ROBERT HUTSON JUDGE OF THE SUPERIOR COURT APPROVEd AS TO FORM AND CONTENT' DATED'