HomeMy WebLinkAbout14 2000 PLAN REPORT 04-05-99DATE: inter-Corn NO. 14 4-5-99 APRIL 5, 1999 TO: FROM' SUBJECT: WILLIAM A. HUSTON, CITY MANAGER FINANCE AND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENTS YEAR 2000 PLAN STATUS REPORT RECOMMENDATION That the City Council receive and file this report. FISCAL IMPACT The fiscal impact to implement Y2K compliance and equipment for the City of Tustin is undetermined at this time. In preparing the FY 1999-2000 budget the staff will identify potential expenditures needed to complete the repair or replacement of critical systems. BACKGROUND The year 2000 (Y2K) issue involves systems and electronics that use calendar dates within their software. When application software first began to be written in the 1960's dates were represented numerically a6d did not include the century (ex. April 2, 1966 became 040166). Consequently, computers may misinterpret 010100 (January 1, 2000) for January 1, 1900. This problem may manifest itself in several ways. It may cause failures in equipment, facilities management, record keeping, traffic systems and mis-calculations; anything based on a calendar date may have problems. DISCUSSION Key management staff of the City of Tustin has been meeting regularly and working together since last year to address potential Y2K problems. Ron Nault, Finance Director and Elizabeth Binsack, Community Development Director have been designated as the City's Y2K Project leads. Y2K teams have also been organized; each team is comprised of a city department head and a key department manager. The following is the list of teams: · Police. · Public Works · Community Development · Parks & Recreation · Finance · Redevelopment · City Clerk · Administration · Personnel Steve Foster and Fred Wakefield Tim Serlet and Joe Meyers Elizabeth Binsack and Rita Westfield Pat Sanchez and Mark Leyman Ron Nault and Sofia Peterson Christine Shingleton and Jim Draughon Valerie Crabill and Beverly White William Huston Bettie Correa and Margaret Dowling City Council Report Year 2000 Update April 5, 1999 Page 2 Each city department is responsible for inventorying all components/equipment in their re'spective departments that may be affected by a potential Y2K problem. A Risk Assessment is being performed on each system, priorities are being established, manufactures/suppliers/vendors are being contacted; and, repairs are being ordered where necessary and financially feasible (Attachment B). Although much of the assessment has been completed there are still some systems that need to be evaluated and tested. It is our intent to have solutions and contingency plans in place October 1, 1999. The types of equipment, processes and systems that are vulnerable to Y2K problems for the City of Tustin may include: telecommunications, office equipment, computer hardware/software, transportation systems, traffic lights, fueling service, water pumps/facilities, contracted services and public buildings elevators, security and air conditioning/heating. An initial assessment indicates that the majority of our critical systems and equipment are Y2K compliant or can be repaired or replaced for minimal cost. Testing of our newer Y2K complaint systems and upgraded, converted or replaced equipment is on going. While less critical City equipment may be affected and may not be replaced or repaired before December 31, 1999, this will not severely affect our ability to serve and protect our citizens. Vendors and contractors who provide service to the City of Tustin are being contacted to provide evidence demonstrating that their products and services are Y2K compliant. The following are critical city facilities/components that have been tested or certified as Y2K compliant: · Utilities. Southern California Edison, Southern California Gas Company and Pacific Bell have indicated that their critical systems are generally Y2K compliant and no disruption of service is expected (Attachments C,D,E,F). · Water. Water Operations has determined that all pumping facilities can be operated manually and the purchase/delivery of imported water will not be affected. · 911 Emergency line and backbone telephone system is compliant. · Traffic signals. Twelve (12) locations have been tested and testing for the remainder of locations in city is ongoing. Traffic signal system equipment upgrades are being installed. · Computer systems. Results of the computer system tests indiCate that non-compliant hardware replacement will be minimal. All software is generally compliant, minor issues are being corrected by various system upgrades. The network server is generally compliant; various upgrades will correct minor problems. Tests or upgrades are ongoing or to be completed: · Fire Authority. The'Authority is in the process of completing programming and/or equipment replacements of affected systems. Emergency response time will not be affected by Y2K. · Full-scale test of the emergency generator for city hall is scheduled for Spring 1999. Power to the buildings will be shut off between 2 a.m.-3 a.m., stand by personnel will be on site to verify that the automatic generator will power critical systems (i.e. police, dispatch, communiCation, computers) · Water Operations. A new Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition System (SCADA) City Council Report Year 2000 Update April 5, 1999 Page 3 will be installed to monitor and control remote operations for all water facilities. The system allows facilities to be operated after hours and weekends remotely. The nitrate plant controller and 17th Street desalter program upgrades will be included in the SCADA specifications. -Request for Proposal for new software/hardware, April 1999. Tabletop exercise and Emergency operations Center activation is scheduled for May 6,1999. The exercise will include natural disasters and responses to Y2K potential problems such as loss of power/phones. Since the Y2K problem has the potential to affect everyone in our community, the City's Action Plan identifies a public outreach/information component to keep the public informed of the City's efforts. The city will be working with the media to keep the public informed. In addition, there will be regular City Council updates on Y2K compliance status, and information in Tustin Today, the City's quarterly newsletter. Effective July 1, 1999 the department teams will be providing the City Council with monthly status reports on our progress in addressing and correcting Y2K problems. The Emergency Operation Center (EOC) will be on stand-by operations on December 31, 1999. That evening, key personnel and field staff will be manning and monitoring for potential Y2K service disruptions. The City Council may be receiving service requests for Millennium activities. These requests should be considered in light of Y2K allocated staffing resources that are necessary to ensure citywide safety and service. A draft Action Plan is being prepared. An outline of the Plan (Attachment A) and a copy of the year 2000 Assessment Worksheet completed by departments have been attached for the City Council's information. RonalQ%/~. Nault Finance Director Elizabeth A. Binsack ~ ComiC/unity Development Director Attachments: A. B. C. D. E. F. Draft Action Plan outline Year 2000 (Y2K) Assessment Worksheets Southern California Edison letter, February 24, 1999 Southern California Gas Company letter, March 2, 1999 Pacific Bell letter, January 21, 1999 Orange County Fire Authority Year 2000 Plan Update Report, March 25, 1999 OUTLINE Organization of City Efforts Ao B. C. D. Designation of Y2k project coordinator Organization of a Y2k team composed of key city staff Adopt a city-wide Y2k policy Continue work on Action Plan II. III. IV. Vo VI Inventory Ao Continue identification of systems, equipment, service providers and interfaces that could have Y2k problems Assessment & Vendor Contact Ao B. C. D. Assess the magnitude of the city's issues Contact vendors of systems and components to ensure Y2K compliance Contact service providers and interfaces to ensure Y2K compliance Prioritize systems and equipment by how critical they are to operation of essential city services Fixes & Testing ko Bo Upgrade, modify, patch or replace equipment or systems with confirmed Y2k problems Conduct tests to verify that fixes have resulted in full Y2k compliance Contingency Planning Ao Bo Develop specific plans to deal with possible Y2k-related failures of city equipment and operations Integrate contingency plans for specific systems into a city-wide Y2k Emergency Management Plan Public Information ATTACHMENT A O DOE]DE]OD °~. , . I0~ Ol ,~ z ,, ~5~ z I M'~ '~' ~-- ,.. - i ° z z I , , ~>~ I~ DO DD ~DD ~DD ~DD ~ ~DDD~DDD~DDO~DDD DDDDDDOD DD~O]D~D DD~D ~ ~ 0 w w z < ~ ~o o ATTACHMENT B .E a. 5 E zF-=~ 0 0 13 l-l I-I FI I-I 3 Iq ~1D 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ._ ...... ._~ IOn'~ OO 0 O~ 0 ~ r'Ole ,..5 n E Z~N -=_~_~ n~, ~. ~o ~ o ~ o ~ ~o ~ ~o ~ o ~- 0.. 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Because SoutheTM California Edison (SCE) values you as a major customer and business partner, we feel it is important to share with you some additional information about our Year 2000 (Y2K) Pro,am. While the sheer volume of customers prohibits SCE from answering individual questions, this letter attempts to address many of the most common inquiries we have received, as well as provide information on our progress. The attached "inquiry response" letter outlines our year 2000 program. If you have written to request information on SCE's Year 2000 readiness, you have most likely received this response, or some prior version of it. The response letter describes two important goals for our program: the first, to be finished with the testing, remediation, certification, and implementation of 75 percent of SCE's mission critical systems by year-end 1998; the second, to be finished with 100 percent of such systems by July 1, 1999. The attached letter defines the criteria by.which a computer system or physical asset is deemed "mission critical". A number of people have asked what specific equipment is covered in our "mission critical" desigrmtion. A few examples of systems and equipment included in SCE's Year 2000 Program definition of"mission critical" are: · Customer Call Center systems, including voice response and scheduling systems · Digital meters (may measure load or may measure time of usage) Billing systems · Communications and computing infrastructure - mainframes, UNIX or client/servers, internal phone and radio systems · Transmission and distribution systems and equipment such as · protective relays programmable logic controllers · remote terminal units · pole-top switches 1525 S. Grand Ave. Santa Am. CA 92705 714-975-5548 Fax 714-973-5752 baronek~ce.com ATTACHMENT C · capacitor controls · substations automation equipment · power management system · data acquisition systems In addition to assessing and testing the systems and equipment Mthin our company, SCE is working with the Power Exchange and the Independent System Operator (created as a result of direct access in the electricity industry in California), as well as utilities with which we interface, to assess and test interdependencies for potential Year 2000 impacts. At SCE we reco.o-nize that, despite our efforts, not all aspect of the Year 2000 issue can be anticipated. Therefore, we are developing contingency plans, both within our utility and with other entities in coordination with the North American Electric Reliability Council (2q'ERC) and the Western Systems Coordinating Council (WSCC), the regional agency.for the western United States and Canada. SCE's Year 2000 Progarn Office periodically updates information on our website at www.sce.com/y2k. In addition, presentations on our Year 2000 Prom-am will be offered to major customers in 1999 at our Customer Technology ApplicatiOn Center ~'CTAC) in Irwindale. Please contact me at (714)973-5548 if you would like to reserve a spot at one of these presentations. Southern California Edison is proud of its record of utility safety and service reliability. We are applying our traditional standards of preparedness to the Year 2000 issue. Sincerely, 1)1.'~'¢)\ I\ TI:I,'X Xl'lf)\ U. February 2, 1999 THIS DOCUMENT OR ELECTRONICALLY PROVIDED INFORMATION IS A YEAR 2000 READINESS DISCLOSURE. Re: Year 2000 Readiness We are in receipt of your inquiry regarding the status of Southern California Edison Company's ("SCE" or the "Company") plan for addressing potential Year 2000 issues. 'if you have submitted a survey or questionnaire to SCE, please note that this statement is our complete response to your inquiry. Wh.i!e we would like to respond specifically to individual inquiries, it is our objective to expend our Year 2000 resources, as much as possible, on the actual remediation, testing, and implementation of critical assets. You are encouraged to consult our intemet site (http://www. sce.com/y2k) for updated information. On the web site, in addition to providing updates on the Company's Year 2000 readiness efforts, we strive to address some of the common concerns and questions raised by our customers, shareholders and business partners. SCE has a strategy in place, the goal of which is to address potential problems that the Year 2000 presents. More specific details of our Year 2000 strategy are described below: Year 2000 Program Office. The Company's Year 2000 Program Office provides overall coordination of SCE's Year 2000 plan (the "Plan"). The Program Office reports to the Year 2000 Steedng Committee which is co-chaired by the President and Chief Operating Officer of the Company, and the Chief Financial Officer. Its membership is also comprised of SCE's Chief Information Officer and executives from the Company's vadous business units. The Steedng Committee works to maintain adequate project progresS and provides the Program Office with project funding resources, and direction. The Program Office has oversight responsibility for the Year 2000 activities performed by the Company's business units and also provides centralized support functions in the areas of testing, infrastructure, vendor and supplier management, law, auditing, dsk management, communications, and contingency planning. . . Executive Sponsorship and Commitment. The Year 2000 Program Office has executive level awareness, support, and sponsorship of the Plan. The Company's executive level management has committed the resources it believes appropriate at this time to address this issue, in addition, the Program Office provides SCE's executive management with project status updates monthly and updates the Audit Committee of the Board of Directors regularly. The Year 2000 Steedng Committee meets quarterly, or otherwise as necessary, to review project status, provide input and guidance to the Program Office management, and to evaluate ongoing commitment to, and coordination of, Year 2000 objectives. I'J27 S. Grand .-\vt. '<:mia ..\ha. C.\ q2705 February 2, 1999 Page 2 Scope. The scope of SCE's Year 2000 program includes three categories' mainframe computing, distributed computing and physical assets (also known as' embedded processors). The mainframe and distributed computing assets, which contain both computer application systems (software) and information technology infrastructure (hardware), include operations and business information systems such as.financial, matedal management, and customer information and billing systems. The physical asset portfolio includes systems in the generation, transmission, distribution, telecommunications and facilities areas. SCE divides its Year 2000 activities into five phases: inventory, assessment, remediation, testing, and implementation. · · Schedule. The Company has already completed Work on its key financial systems. Year 2000-related activities for the matedal management system are also complete. The customer information and billing system is scheduled to be replaced by the first quarter of 1999 with a system designed to be Year 2000-ready.. Other informational and operational systems have been assessed and detailed plans have been developed to address systems modifications required by December 31, 1999. SCE has met its first major goal of having its work (including testing and implementation) 75% completed for "mission critical" systems by year-end 1998. As of January 1, 1999, 80% of SCE's "miSsion critical" systems are Year 2000 ready and SCE is on track to meet its second major goal of having 100% of "mission critical" systems Year 2000-ready by July 1, 1999. "Mission critical" is defined as those applications and systems, including embedded processor technology, which if not appropriately remediated may have a significant impact on customers, revenue stream, regulatory compliance, or. the health and safety of personnel and/or the public. Vendor/Business Partner Management. In addition to its efforts concerning its internal computing systems and physical assets, another aspect of SCE's Year 2000 readiness program is to identify and assess vendors, their products and services,. and other business partners for Year 2000 readiness. Examples of such products include information systems products such as hardware, vendor application software, operating systems, access methods, PC hardware and software, compilers, schedulers and tape library management systems. Also, telephone equipment, devices with embedded logic based on microprocessors, secudty systems, HVAC systems, and other facility-related equipment are being reviewed. The Company's general policy requires that all newly purchased products be Year 2000-ready or otherwise designed to allow SCE to determine whether such products present Year 2000 issues. SCE will be working with the recently formed Power Exchange and Independent System Operator, entities created as a result of the implementation of direct access in the electricity industry in California, to address Year 2000 issues related to interfaces. February 2, 1999 Page 3 Contingency Planning. Although SCE is confident that its critical systems will be fully Year 2000-ready pdor to year-end 1999, SCE believes that prudent business practices call for the development of contingency plans. SCE's contingency plans shall include developing strategies for dealing with Year 2000-related processing failures or malfunctions due to SCE's internal systems or from external parties. In addition, SCE is working with certain industry groups, including the North Amedcan Electric Reliability Council (NERC) and the Electdc Power Research Institute, in the development of contingency plans.. SCE is working with the Western States Coordinating Council, NERC's western regional agency, to develop contingency plans for the electrical grid. · · Again, for the most current information about SCE's Year 2000 project, please check the Company's website at http://www, sce.com/y2k Eric G. Trapp Manager, IT Risk Management cc: Year 2000 Program Office SCEY2KJNQ3.doc SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON An EDISO:¥ INTERNATIONAL.s~': Company To reserve your space at Edison's Year 2000 Pro.am at our Customer Technolo?a, Application Center (CTAC), please call Kim Barone-at (714) 973-5548. Due to numerous requests and limited availability, we are asking that each city send no more than two attendees and attend only once. Year 2000 Pro.ams will be held from 9:00 - 11 '00 mm. on the following dates' 'March 18 April 8 May 20 June 17 July 15 August 12 September 23 October 7 November 18 December 16 After we receive your reservation, we will fax a confirmation and map directing you to our CTAC facility. The Gas CompaL. March 2, 1999 City. of Tustin Atto: Rita Westfield 300 Centennial Wav Tustin, CA 92780 Dear Ms. Westfield: Thank you for your inquiry about how we're preparing to meet the technological challenges posed by the beginning of the new century. We know many of our customers are concerned about the potential problems that might come up if businesses are not adequately prepared with system solutions - and contingency plans for the Year 2000 issue. Sempra Energy, the parent company of SDG&E and Southern California Gas Company, has continued the programs put in place by its utility companies by establishing a special task force to identify the problem areas for not just SDG&E and SoCaIGas, but also all its affiliate companies, and to work to resolve them by June of 1999. Here's how we're taking care of the problem: · First, we've been cataloguing and assessing all software, hardware and operating systems. More than 500 application systems have been inventoried and assessed, and 200 mission critical systems have been identified. At SoCalGas, our estimated budget for these solutions is approximately S27 to S30 million. · Approximately 60 percent of our systems require remediation. We are converting, replacing or upgrading all impacted applications and products. This includes mainframe and non-mainframe applications and technology, transmission systems and telecommunications. · A complex series oftests are being run periodically to check the system and the solutions put in place. · Our existing contingency plans are being modified to address Year 2000 performance issues, and these are scheduled to be in place by June 1999. We can't tell you more about the specifics of our plan - confidentiality prevents us from sharing all the details. We believe this letter provides you some assurance and answers your questions regarding Sempra Ene?gy's commitment to delivering "century date" processing for all the systems used to support all of its products and services. ' If you have any other questions or concerns regarding this matter, please contact the Year 2000 Project Office response line at (213) 2444321 or address any correspondence to the following address: Southern California Gas Company c/o Sempra Energy Year 2000 Project Office 555 W. Fifth Street: ML 20E3 Los Angeles, CA 90013-1011 Sincerely, Warren I. Mitchell Chairman and President Southern California Gas Company 555 Ii~: F~h Street Lo$.4ngeles. C.4 90013-10II Enclosure ATTACHMENT D John £. Stralrnan, Jr. Dh'.ezIo~ 17310 Red Hill hvine, California 92b ¢4 (949) 440-6638 Office ((949) 250-0515 Fax January 21, 1999 uite 270 PACIFIC ~'~1~ BE LL® FINANCE DFEP . Mr. William A. Huston City Manager City of Tustin 300 Centennial Wa3' Tustin, CA 92780 Dear Mr. Huston: I would like to thank you for the time you took out of your busy schedule to meet with me yesterday. I look forward to continuing to work with you and the City of Tustin in the corning year. Enclosed is the Year 2000 Readiness Disclosure Statement recently updated by SBC. I hope that it will answer your questions surrounding this quickly approaching issue. If you should have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact me. As I mentioned yesterday, I will continue to forward on to you any information pertaining to the Year 2000 Compliance. On behalf of Pacific Bell, I thank You for your continued support and look forward to building upon our relationship.. Sincerely, Enclosure ATTACHMENT E Year 2000 Readiness Disclosure Statement of SBC Dear Mr. Huston This is in response to your request for information concerning SBC's plans for the Year 2000. SBC, and its family of companies-Southwestern Bell, Pacific Bell, Nevada Bell, Cellular One and Southern New England Telephone-have been working on the Year 2000 issue since 1996. Most of our efforts have focused on two primary areas: the internal computing systems which handle functions like billing,' network management, payroll and operator services; and network switches, which are housed in local central offices and serve as the "relay" medium for all telephone calls. At the end of 1998, we finished upgrading all of our computer systems and approximately 75 percent of our network switches. We have also reviewed and upgraded building infrastructure and assessed ali desktop PCs. SBC expects to complete upgrades to its systems by June 30, 1999, with testing continuing throughout the year. Testing of 'our network is being conducted within our own laboratories and in supplier labs. As a participant in the Telco Year 2000 Forum-which is a consortium of the major telephone companies dedicated to the interoperability testing of data and voice networks-SBC has pooled its resources with other major telecommunications companies to share lab facilities and avoid duplicative testing. These tests include 911 and emergency services, SONET rings and data facilities, intelligent network features, network management controls and, of course, basic telephone service. Results from these tests will be available during first quarter 1999 on the Telco Forum web site at http://www.telcoyear2000.org, in addition to testing, Telco Forum members share information and ideas on technical and operational issues, including contingency/continuity planning. SBC is also a member of the Alliance for Telecommunications Industry Solutions, better known as ATIS. This organization is comprised of the major telecommunications companies and will test the long distance network and its interfaces to the local network. To ensure your service works smoothly into the new millennium, SBC is developing an overall business continuity plan that will address any problems that may occur during the date change roiiover. For our network, our continuity plan includes working with our Emergency Operations Centers (EOC) that are located in our major metropolitan areas. · We will work with the EOCs to ensure generators and back-up fuel are on hand in the case of a power outage or natural disaster. A Year 2000 Command Center is being established and will have links to all EOCs in our territory. The SBC Y2K Command Center will serve as a central point of contact to report and address any situations that may arise. The center will be linked with our critical vendors, the National Security Emergency Preparedness organization (NSEP), the Teico Forum members, interexchange carriers and international telecommunications companies so that we may monitor and quickly address Year 2000 situations that could impact our service and our customers. Following is our timeline for completing work on our Year 2000 effort: SBC Year 2000 Timeline Targeted Completion Date Timeline I Status ~vento~ Complete .~sessment Complete Testing , SBC is committed to ensuring a seamless transition into the new century, which is why we have made the Year 2000 one of our company's top business priorities. For updates on our project, please visit our web site at http:ilwww.sbc.comlyear2000. Sincerely, *These dates are contingent upon our vendors meeting the dates they have quoted us for delivery of Year 2000 compliant software and/or hardware. CONSENT CALENDAR-AGENDA ITEM #5 EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MEETING March 25, 1999 TO: FROM: SUBJECT: Executive Committee, Orange County Fire Authority Hugh Wood, Assistant Chief Technical Services Department Year 2000 Plan Update Report Summa _ry: This item is submitted as an update on the Year 2000 Plan. Recommendation: Receive and file report. Back~ound: The year 2000 issue involves systems and electronics that use calendar dates within their software. In the 1960's when many of the programs used today were developed, they did not include the century when they processed information using numerical dates, such as April 1, 1966 became 040166. OCFA has known for quite some time that some of its key equipment and systems did have this problem but were able to identify solutions for each. We are in the process of completing our programming and/or equipment replacements of those affected systems. It has also come to our attention that some less critical equipment and systems may also be affected. We are in the process of identifying these potential problems so that solutions can be put in place before January 1, 2000. The following are key updates for this month: 1. We have received wTitten confirmation from most of our manufacturers of our Fire Apparatus stating our equipment is Y2K compliant. We are also in the process of purchasing software to test the electronics on our equipment. This software will allow us to change the date in the electronics, start the engine and run it while the date changes into the year 2000 to validate proper operation will continue. 2. We have received written confirmation from Union Bank that our Trust and Tax Processing services software is Y2K compliant. 3. We have also received written Y2K confirmation from PEBSCO. 4. The Finance/HR System continues to be scheduled for upgrades by the end of April to make the system Y2K compliant. 5. OCFA's Internet Webpage continues to be updated every month with our status and provides links to other internet Y2K sites. ATTACHMENT F Consent Calendar-Agenda Itbm//5 Executive Committee Meeting March 25, 1999 Page 2 6. Work continues on developing a Authority-wide contingency plan. 7. Continued development of additional testing plans. 8. OCFA regularly meets with the County's OCEMO Y2K subcommittee. Impact on Cities: No impact. Fiscal Impact: Capital Improvement Plan includes budgeted systems and equipment upgrades and replacements. Staff Contact for Further Information: Roger Stites, Manager Information Systems (714) 744-0491 Attachments: Year 2000 Plan, March 12, 1999 Update Orange County Fire Authority Year 2000 Plan Updated 3/12/99 Purpose To ensure OCFA Information Systems, Telecommunications, Networks, and any other electronic based systems and/or equipment is able to function properly in the year 2000. Goal/Objective To estabhsh a plan to ident~' and implement modifications and/or replacements where appropriate to all systems and equipment within the organization that can be or may be affected by the change to the year 2000. To establish a focal point for all internal and external questions and requests for informa- tion. To provide a centrahzed hbrary of identified systems, activities, statuses, testing, and formal writ- ten responses from vendors for review and audit purposes. Background The year 2000 issue involves Systems and electronics that use calendar .dates within their software. When application software first began to be written in the 1960s, dates were represented numerically that did not include the century (ex. April 1, 1966 became 040166). Consequently, computers may mis- interpret 010100 (January 1, 2000) for January 1, 1900 which will cause problems in mathematical cal- culations. This problem will manifest itself in several ways. It can cause incorrect financial calculations to be performed in determining such things as interest, late payments, amounts due, etc. Also activities that rely on forecasting and/or scheduling events based upon a calendar day may have a problem. (ex. 010100 would be interpreted as a Monday in 1900, but in the year 2000 it is really a Saturday). The year 2000 is also a leap year which some systems may not account for and cause problems in February. One last issue as it relates to systems and dates is that even in 1999 there might be a problem with dates being interpreted as 9999 which some software recognizes as "end of data ftc" and signals the computer to permanently close files for that day. (ex. April 9, 1999 is the 99th day of 1999 and September 9, 1999 both may be interpreted as 9999). "Scope · Estabhsh an overall year 2000 plan, a department focal point, and responsible individuals within each section for project management. · Identify all potential internal systems and/or equipment that may be affected. · Determine any external systems that affect OCFA or are affected by OCFA. · Estimate and allocate any funding that may be necessary in modifying, upgrading, replacing, and/or ehminating any system or piece of equipment. · Prioritize the systems and equipment which are core or critical to the business operation of OCFA or public served. · Create a contingency plan and/or impact analysis in case planned activities cannot be implemented prior to JanUary 1, 2000. · Identify solutions/alternatives needed to ensure systems and equipment are year 2000 compliant. · Schedule and begin implementation plans for all known required changes in the 1998/99 fiscal year and plan funding for remaining systems in the 1999/00 budget year. · Develop and implement a speciahzed testing plan. · Pro~-ide regular updates and monitor implementation and testing plans. · Continue to research for any potential systems or equipment which has not been identified. Orange County Fire Authority Year 2000 Plan Page 2 Current Activities · Completed Tasks · Year 2000 Manager (focal point) identified and Major Milestone and Timeline established · Senior and Middle Management advised on planning, responsibility, and current activity · Created centralized documentation and vendor confirmation library · Prioritization of critical and core business systems affected · Segmentation of areas of responsibility, and identified responsible individuals - Sept 1998 · 911 Computer Aided Dispatch (CAD) system completed and tested - March 1998 · CAD Mobile Data Terminals (MDT) - March 1998 (not tested) · Motorola Pagers completed and tested - July 1998 · Defibrillator equipment completed for day-to-day operation - Feb. 1998, and gathering software is scheduled for upgrade in mid- 1999) · Finance Accounting Recording System (FARS) completed - Prior to 1998 (Timekeeping, FSLA Payroll, Fire Suppression Staffing Interfaces to Banner, Credit Unions, etc.) - · Automotive Fleet Management System - July 1998 · OCFA Telephone system Northern Telecom SL1 PBX - Prior to June 1998 · 911 GTE Telephone Switch completed - Prior to June 1998 Fire Alarm Central Fire Station Monitoring System - Prior to June 1998 Treasury System (PC) provided by Union Bank for Treasury Mgmt. - October 1998 3rd Party Evaluation of OCFA's Y2K Plan - October 1998 3rd Party Evaluation of Computer Room Equipment and DEC/Compaq Software - November 1998 Integrated Fire Prevention System (IFP) - November 9, 1998 OC Grand Jury Commendation of OCFA's effective & proactive Y2K Plans & Actions - Nov. 1998 Monthly status/updates to OCFA Board Agendas * November 1998 Evaluated all service and equipment contracts to ensure multiple alternatives are available - Dec 98 Letters Sent to OCFA jurisdiction City Managers with OCFA's Y2K plans/status - Jan 99 Update OCFA's Web-Page to include a Y2K section (Plan, Status, Hints, Links, etc.) - Jan 99 Obtained verification on Y2K compliance for Metro-Net Fire Dispatch system - Jan 99 Outside Risk Analysis and Insurance carrier evaluation - Jan 99 Obtained comphance letters from providers of EMS Defibrillator Equipment - Jan 99 Obtained compliance letters from 4 Ambulance Dispatch Centers - Feb 99 Obtained compliance letters from Engine/Truck Manufacturers - Feb 99 (Smeal, Pierce, E-One, KME, Detroit Diesel, Cummins) · Obtained compliance letter from PEBSCO - Mar 99 · Obtained compliance letters from Trust and Tax Processing Services - Mar 99 · Receipt of letters from vendors confirming Y2K compliance - ongoing Work In-progress · Finance/HR system (Banner) upgrade is scheduled for completion in April 99 · Additional Treasury systems - State Treasurer, State Controller · PC replacements (Gateway Pentium II PCs) that are certified as NSTL Year 2000 Compliant. Gateway PCs are tested with both NTSL's (YMARK2000) software and Microsoft's Millennium Test software. (Replacements: Headquarters- 1/31/99, Career Stations-3/3/99, Reserve Stations 8/1/99) · Perform an additional OCFA Y2K PC test using National Testing Laboratory software · Ambulance Company Dispatch Center computer systems evaluation · Alarm Company Dispatch computer system evaluation · All copier machines are being replaced with new Xerox models that are Y2K compliant · Development of detailed contingency plans · Testing of integrated and/or embedded systems · Fire Apparatus evaluation and testing · Special Fire Operations equipment evaluation ( HMRT, USR, SWR, TR, Helicopter, etc.) · Continued identification of any additional internal and external potential systems and/or equipment Orange County Fire Authority. Year 2000 Plan Page 3 Current Activities con't Additional Scheduled Milestones · Orange County Fire Incident Reporting System (OCFIRS) - targeted for 10/99 · OCFA Training Records System (TRS) - targeted for 9/99 · Accounts Receivable "AR" system (Prophecy) migration to the Finance/HR Banner system targeted for 7/99 · Fixed Asset System - To be eliminated/incorporated to the Finance/HR Banner system · Replacement of the Motorola radio Network Control Program (NCP) system - targeted for 9/99 Detail Information & Charts · Detail charts have been developed and are used as work in progress to identify, isolate, and monitor upgrade/replacement progress, see attached. · Letters from vendors and suppliers are being accumulated. Letters are on frle in the Information Systems Office Summary OCFA does not believe that the year 2000 will pose a major threat to it's computer systems or the serv- ices it provides to the citizens of Orange County. OCFA has already taken steps to ensure that our core and critical systems will be year 2000 compliant in early 1999, and we are in the process of identifying and resolving issues surrounding all of our non-critical systems and equipment. Efforts will be made throughout the remaining months to continue research, identification, and resolu- tion of any potential internal and/or external system or equipment that potentially will be affected by the year 2000 and may impact or have direct influence on OCFA's systems. O~ ¢3 -. ~ ' "ri 5'o D. -- m-- m_ m " ~ ]' m em em em _. · _. · _. · . ~ < < < < < o o ~' o o o o o o o o o o o o C C C C C ................ C ~ C C Z Z Z Z Z o o o o o o o o o o 0 0 0 0 0 c~ 0 0 (nm ;:o-I "o-~ ;;000 > o > o ~ ,... o~ 8~ < o-,_ .-~ o. ,< ~ Z (~ ~. ,-,- Z o ~ '-' ~ ----, _. -.~ ~' o='~ = ~ ~ -.~. ~ · 13-- ~ ' m 0 :1 o 0-o -o 63~: ::> 0 0 0 0 '~ -o 0 ::o ~' am ~ .-. -.. .-. 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