HomeMy WebLinkAbout04 C.D.'S INFOR MGMT 03-15-99DATE:
MARCH 15, 1999
NO. 4
sUMMARy, TheProp°sedamendment to a"~'xi~ti~g ¢ons"lta"t ServiCes~lgreement ~ee, t~e Ci¢ Il
Of Tmtin'and oPen;D~a Syste~ WOMd prOVMefor a co~rehensiveuPgmde::of the Co~Un~
~e Depa~ment,sinform~ion m~agementsyste~ Fundingfor the upgr~e w~ aHoC~ed II
duringtheI998,1999F~calYear bUdgetProc~s:.~~ :
That the City Council authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute an amended
Consultant Services Agreement with Open Data Systems, subject to the City Attorney's
approval, for a comprehensive upgrade to the Community Development Department's
information management system in the amount of $49,990.
A total of $70,000 was allocated in the Fiscal Year 1998-1999 budget for the software
upgrade and a new network server. The contract totals $49,990 and the network server is
estimated to cost approximately $10,000. A remainder of approximately $10,000 is
Open Data Systems installed the Community Development Department's original
information management system in 1992 and currently provides consultant services to
maintain the system. The existing system serves the Building, Planning, and Code
Enforcement Divisions of the Community Development Department. The system is
comprised of software modules designed to automate several functions including issuance
and monitoring of building permits and inspections, monitoring of development case
processing, and tracking of code enforcement actions. Supplemental functions include
report generation and database storage of parcel level data (i.e., parcel number, property
owner, etc.).
City Council Report
Open Data Systems Consultant Services Agreement
March 15 1999
Page 2
An upgrade to the system would accomplish the following:
· Upgrade the existing permitting and database software modules to the current version;
· Modernize the graphical user interface from DOS-based to Windows-based to be
consistent with the recent City-wide computer equipment upgrade;
· Allow importation of parcel level data from a separate vendor into the permitting and
database software modules;
· Allow exportation of permit and parcel data into geographic interface system (GIS)
applications such as Arc/View;
· Provide for future integration of intemet-based applications such as on-line permitting;
· Ensure Year 2000 compliance.
The consultant's proposal includes installation, user training, and technical support and
maintenance for one-year (see Attachment A).
For continuity, it would be beneficial to retain Open Data Systems to implement the
upgrade. As they are currently under contract to maintain the existing system and this
agreement would provide for an upgrade to current services already being provided, no
other bids were obtained. The negotiated fee for the Consultant Services Agreement is
reasonable for the amount and complexity of effort associated with the project.
Elizabeth A. Binsack,
Director, Community Development
Attachment A: Consultant Proposal
OpenData Systems Proposal to the CW of Tuslin
proposal Pricing For The Opep_D~ta System - City of Tustin
I, Permittinl~ System ~;oftwarg
A. System Software for Client/Host Systems
(details on attached pages)
1. Per user, per module for 3 modules
2. Number conc. users: 8
3. Other
4.' Total of Items 2 and 3
B. Permitting Software for Server '
(details on attached pages)
C. Permitting Software Installation
(details on attached pages)
D. Technical Support Service
Permitting Software Maintenance, Support and Upgrades
(details on attached pages)
1. First 12 months
2. Total
E. Permitting Software Upgrad~
(details on attached pages)
1. Client Software Upgrades without Maintenance Agreement
2. Server SoftWare Upgrades without Maintenance Agreement
3. Software Installation (plus travel expenses)
4. Other upgrade costs
5. Total of Items 1,2,3 and 4
6. On an annual contract
7. Lesser of Items 5 and 6
OpenData Systems Proposal to the City of Tustin
F. Documentation
(details on attached pages)
G. Tutorial Software and Materials
(details on attached pages)
II D. atabase Software
A. Database Software
l. Oracle (Not part of this Proposal)
2. MS SQL Server - 8 User License
3. Total for MS SQL Server
D. Database Soft~are Maintainance and Support1. Oracle (Not part of this Proposal)
2. MS SQL Server (10 Incidents)
3. Total for MS SQL Server
III. Inteffac. e 1. GeoTech - GIS interface (Not Included)
2. ImageTech - Document Imaging Interface (Not Included).
IV. Traini~
A. OpenData System Training
(details on attached pages)
1. General Users Training
2. System Administrator Training
3. Total Training - All Users
V..Additional Cos~ Services a~d Products
A. Project Management
(details on attached pages)
B. Services
(details and costs on attached pages)
it. Data Conversion
C. Related Services and Products OpUons
].. None
Pa~e 2
OpenData Systems Proposal to the City of Tustin
_VI. C~rand Total - Sta]pdard pricl~
(sum of total from Items I ffn'ough V)
Net To[al
Vll. Grand Total - Disco-nted Client Pricln~
Discounted Pricing - Valuable Customer
Discounted ODS System Support/Maintenance Pricing - First 12 months Incl
Details for I. Permitting System Softwar~
Details for A. Permit Software for Client/Host Systems
PC - Concurrent Users
Totnl , ,
1, Per user per module , $7oo.oo
2. Avernge price per Function / user $14.oo
Note: Regular price for additional seat per module is $1,500
Details for B. Permitting Software for Server
BuildTech for Server- Base Pprice $2o,ooo
CodeTech for Server - Base Price $20,ooo
PlanTech for Server - Base Price $2o, oo0
Total ,
Page 3
OpenData Systems Proposal to the City oT ~ ustln
Details for C. Permitting Software lnatalla~on
Note: Software pricing shown above includes installation services
Details for D. Permitting Software Maintenance, Trouble-Shooting and User Support
Note: The price covers the initial 12 months due upon System Acceptance
OpenData Systems annual Software Maintenance and Support Agrcc. ment includes free softwar
OpenData System's annual support fee is 13% plus $150 per us~r.
Details for E. Permitting Software Upgrades'
OpenData Systems annual Software Maintenance and Support Agreement
includes free software upgrades. We recommend an annual Software Maintenance
Agreement, therefore software upgrades are free.
Details for F. Documentation
OpenData System Will supply 1 hardcopy and 1 electronic copy of camera ready User Manual
1 hardcopy and electronic copy of software documentation for database administration.
Database documentation is according to the proposal of the database vendors.
Details for G. Tutorial Software and Materials
OpenData System has a extensive On-Line Tutorial software system which will be used
throughout the design, training and actual use process. The tutorial system
is offered free with the purchase of the software systom.
Details for IV. Trainine
Details for A. User Training
Opcai ata Soeware Train .
3 days
[1 day for System Administrator si,s00
Additional training at $2,000 per 1 day class (20 users)
OpenData Systems Proposal to b'-,e City of Tusan
Details for V. Additional Crosts~ Services ~nd Producl~
Details for A. Project Management
Site Vlslt~ # og ltrs Total
Project Management
Management Meetings & Status Reports 0
Business Analysis 40 Ss,oo0
System Setup and Customization 40 S5,000
Total , $10,°°°
Note: Business Analysis and System Setup will be framed around standard s, tstem processes
Details for B. Services
1. Data Conversion
OponData will provide 40 hfs of the data ~ransfcr service at no charge in the following manner:
Client will provide validated data files/historical data fries in ASCII delimited format.
OpenData will create the database tables and create data view screens when appropriate.
OpenData's service does not include correcting error of the source data.
Additional service for data ~xansfer is billed at $75 per hour.
Details for C' Services
None '