HomeMy WebLinkAbout04 RED CROSS RELIEF 03-01-99NO. 4
MARCH 1, 1999
The proposed Contract with the Orange County Chapter of the American Red Cross will provide training for City
staff, liability protection for the City, and permit the City to rapidly set up disaster care and reception centers in the
name of the American Red Cross.
It is recommended that the City Council authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute the Contract with the
Orange County Chapter of the American Red Cross to provide disaster relief to the City on an as-needed basis and
train City staff as Red Cross volunteers.
There will be minor expenses associated with staff time to attend the training sessions.
The City has ultimate responsibility for the preparation and implementation of plans for the protection of persons
and property within the City of Tustin in the event of an emergency.
The City and the Red Cross share a common responsibility to coordinate the utilization of their respective
emergency resources. It is generally accepted that in the event of a widespread disaster, the Red Cross would be
unable to respond for at least 48 hours, thereby leaving the City solely responsible for the care and shelter of its
This Contract will provide a basic planning and coordination document for disaster services. Under this Contract,
the Red Cross will train City staff as Red Cross volunteers, thereby, giving the City the knowledge and ability to
efficiently set up care and reception centers or shelters in the name of the Red Cross. Additionally, the Red Cross
agrees to defend and indenmify the City for any legal liability with respect to bodily injury or property damage
related to the operation of these shelter facilities and retain administrative and financial responsibility for the mass
care activities which it provides.
The most likely City facilities that could be utilized for Red Cross shelters during an emergency are the Senior
Center, and the Columbus TUstin Gymnasium. The Clifton Miller Community Center would be reserved for use
by emergency workers. The Red Cross Disaster Operations Plan currently identifies only the Tustin High School
gymnasium as a primary shelter location.
Survey and damage assessment, designation of hazardous areas and structures,
removal of debris from public property, and restoration of utilities and services;
Coordination of the care for the general public including the aged and infirm and
those persons injured, disabled or displaced as a result of man-made or natural
Coordination with county agencies in the identification and disposition of deceased
persons; and
Determination and coordination of priorities in the allocation and use of available
local resources, and channeling requests through other public or private agencies.
B. Red Cross
By Charter of the United States Congress, the Red Cross has the responsibility for
undertaking relief activities for the purpose of mitigating suffering of "disaster victims" by
man-made or natural disasters. This is accomplished by:
Providing emergency mass care including care and reception centers and shelters to
any number of persons affected by disasters or in response to threats;
Handling disaster welfare inquiries from relatives outside the disaster area;
Providing emergency assistance to individuals and families on the basis of need,
facilitating their ability to resume living in customary dwellings rather than in
Providing licensed nurses to supplement the existing community health care delivery
Providing emergency and preventive health services, including psycho-social support
to disaster victims and workers;
Providing referrals to families regarding other available governmental and private
assistance and, if necessary, assisting them in making application for such aid;
Providing additional recovery assistance on an individual or family basis, when other
resources are not available to meet disaster-caused needs. This will be in
accordance with Red Cross national standards for additional assistance; and
Providing blood and blood products for disaster victims. Red Cross assistance shall
be channeled through normal commercial establishments in the City to aid restoring
disrupted local economies.
All disaster assistance provided by the Red Cross to disaster victims shall be an outright grant
with no repayment required or requested.
IV Methods of Cooperation and Coordination
The City and the Red Cross mutually agree to cooperate in the development, implementation and
coordination of their respective disaster preparedness, operations and training plans. This will be as
Disaster Preparedness
The City and the Red Cross will exchange disaster plan information and revisions
through the Orange County Emergency Management Organization (OCEMO) to
encourage uniformity.
The Red Cross and the City mutually agree to share their respective written disaster
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Operations Liaison
During an actual disaster, the City will provide space within its Emergency
Operations Center for a Red Cross Liaison.
The Red Cross will assign a liaison to the City Emergency Operations Center to assist
in disaster relief operations during an actual disaster.
Emergency Mass Care
The City and the Red Cross agree to cooperatively conduct and maintain an inventory
of all buildings which could potentially serve as mass care facilities. As the need
arises, the City and Red Cross will cooperatively designate one or more of these
facilities based on projected need.
The City will advise the Red Cross immediately when the possibility of a shelter is
The Red Cross will retain administrative authority and financial responsibility for the
mass care activities which it provides. A Red Cross shelter manager will be assigned
to each mass care facility and will be responsible for managing the shelter, including
assuming responsibility for the costs involved in providing Red Cross shelter and
feeding operations.
The City agrees to admit properly identified Red Cross volunteers. Training will
consist of those courses outlined below. Upon completion of said training and
approval of the Red Cross, individuals will be able to open a care and reception
center or shelter, the Red Cross will assume administrative and financial authority.
City staff opening these facilities must complete at a minimum the following training
which will be provided at no cost by the Red Cross:
.Class Hours
Volunteer Orientation 3
Introduction to Disaster Services, ARC 3066 3 (Self study)
Mass Care: An Overview, ARC 3068 3
Shelter Operations, ARC 3068-11 3
Shelter Simulation, ARC 3068-12 3.5
Advanced Training to become a qualified shelter manager is available through Red Cross;
actual shelter experience is also required to qualify.
Damage Assessment Operations
The City and the Red Cross mutually agree to exchange and share damage
assessment information and to conduct assessments cooperatively to the maximum
extent possible.
The City agrees to admit Red Cross Personnel into disaster areas to render assistance
and conduct disaster damage assessments.
Direct Assistance to Families
The City agrees to assist the Red Cross in establishing facilities as disaster service
centers by providing the use of City-owned facilities as available and requested.
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The Red Cross will provide emergency assistance to disaster victims. In carrying out
any relief activities, the Red Cross will exercise administrative and financial authority
over its own operations.
Disaster Health Services
The Red Cross agrees to recruit and train volunteer, licensed nurses to supplement
local health care delivery system.
The Red Cross agrees to staff Red Cross shelters with at least one trained, licensed
nurse on a 24-hour basis.
The City and Red Cross agree to collaborate and exchange information regarding
health services issues and concerns.
G. Recurrent Local Disasters
The City will notify the Red Cross of recurrent disasters (such as house fires) when families
or individuals require immediate assistance. The Red Cross shall use its best efforts to
dispatch a Disaster Action Team to meet the emergency needs of victims.
H. Notification and Contact
The City agrees to promptly alert the Red Cross of actual or potential disasters at the earliest
possible time, using a pre-designated Red Cross 24-hour emergency reporting number.
IV. Indemnity
A. Red Cross' Negligence
The Orange County Chapter of the American Red Cross agrees to indemnify, hold harmless
and defend the City, its City Council and each member thereof, and every officer and
employee of the City, from any legal liability in respect to bodily injury, death and property
damage, reasonable costs, and expenses arising out of the negligent acts or omissions of the
Orange County Chapter, American Red Cross or its officers, employees or agents (this
includes City staff and volunteers when working under the supervision and control of Red
Cross) in the performance of its responsibilities under this Contract.
B. City's Negligence
The City agrees to indemnify, hold harmless and defend the Orange County Chapter of the
American Red Cross, and every officer and employee of the Red Cross, from any legal
liability in respect to bodily injury, death and property damage, reasonable costs and
expenses arising out of the negligent acts or omissions of the City or its officers, employees,
or agents in the performance of its responsibilities under this Contract.
V. Conformity with State/Federal Agreements
Nothing in this Contract shall be considered to invalidate or change any existing agreements
currently entered into with federal or state agencies, by City and/or the Red Cross and in the event of
future understandings with federal or state agencies, the parties may revise this Contract to assure
compliance thereto. This Contract shall be reviewed annually and modified as appropriate by mutual
agreement of the parties.
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VI. Cancellation
The City and the Red Cross agree that either party may cancel this Contract at any time, for any
reason, by providing the other party a written notice thirty (30) calendar days prior to the termination
William A Huston, City Manager
City of Tustin
Patrick F. Baker
Chief Operating Officer
American Red Cross, Orange County Chapter
Date Date
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