HomeMy WebLinkAbout16 DIAG PKG EL CAMINO 02-16-99AGE IDA DATE: FEBRUARY 16, 1999 NO. 16 2-16-99 Inter C oe''' TO: FROM: SUBJECT: WILLIAM A. HUSTON, CITY MANAGER REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY AND PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT AUTHORIZE STAFF TO PREPARE COST ESTIMATES FOR THE PERMANT_2NT INSTALLATION OF DIAGONAL PARKING IN A SECTION OF EL CAMINO REAL IN OLD TOWN RECOMMENDATION Direct staff to prepare estimates of probable cost for the design and construction of diagonal parking spaces along E1 Camino Real from First Street to 300 feet south of Sixth Street. The estimate shall include the cost of permanent striping of diagonal parking spaces, design and construction of end- islands (including landscaping, low level walls, and other enhancements), ongoing maintenance costs, phasing opportunities and funding sources. Once the estimates are prepared, staff shall bring this matter back for timber consideration by the City Council. FISCAL 1MPA CT It is the purpose of this action to identify the fiscal impacts associated with the construction of permanent diagonal parking along the subject section of E1 Camino Real. Once costs of the instalhfion of permanent diagonal parking (including end-islands and ongoing maintenance costs), phasing opportunkies and funding sources are identified by staff, this matter will be brought back to the City Council for timber action. BA CKGR 0 UND AND DISCUSSION At the October 20, 1997 City Council meeting staff from the Tustin Community Redevelopment Agency requested that an expenditure be made to provide for the installation of diagonal parking on a temporary test basis in a certain section of E1 Camino Real. Diagonal parking in similar old town areas has been shown to reduce vehioxlar traffic speeds thereby enhancing pedestrian safety, and proxdding the sense of community and charm needed in a downtown area. Before taking any action on approving the test of diagonal parking the City Council requested staff obtain more information before they would City Council Report Diagonal Parking February 16, 1999 Page 2 take any action on this matter. Staff was directed to work with the Tustin Old Town Association to survey the business owners in the area proposed for the diagonal parking. Information fi.om the survey was obtained, and on March 16, 1998 staff was directed by the City Council to install the diagonal parking on a temporary test basis. During the test period information was to be obtained on any increase or decrease in traffic volumes, any changes to traffic patterns were to be determined, any increase in the vehicular accident rate was to be determined, and the effect the diagonal parking had upon the businesses along E1 Camino Real. During November 1998 the Tustin Old Town Association surveyed the affected businesses along E1 Camino Real towards the end of the test period (a copy of the survey questionnaire is attached as Exhibit A). Fifty-two businesses responded to the survey. Twenty-two of the responses were from the initial survey group of forty-two businesses, and ten responses were fi.om new businesses in the area. The six survey questions and the responses to them are identified in the following matrix. QUESTION DISAGREE NO AGREE oPnqION Question # 1, Are you aware that diagonal parldng has been installed along E1 8% 6% 86% Camino Real? (4 responses) (3 responses) (43 responses) Question #2, Do you believe that he diagonal parking has reduced vehicle 16% 7% 77% ~ on E1 Camino Rea]? (8 responses) (4 responses) (40 responses) Question #3, Do you believe that pedestrian safety has been increased with 23% 23% 54% the instanation of diagonal paxt~? 02 responses) '02 ~) (28 responses) Question #4 Do you believe that a more historic feel has been created in Old 23% 9% 68% Town because ofthe dia~;onal parking? (12 respomes) (5 ~es) (35 responses) Question #5,. Do you feel that your business has benefited fi'om the diagonal 29°/$ 18% 53% parkin~ 05responses) (9response) (28responses) Question #6, Do you feel that diagonal parking should be made permanent? 27% 9°4 64% 04responses) (5 response) (33 restx~es In addition to the surveys taken of the business owners as to their feelings on diagonal parking traffic counts were taken in the area. Traffic counts were along E1 Camino Real north and south of Main Street, on Main Street east and west of E1Camino Real, on Pacific Street north of Main Street, and on Prospect Street north of Main Street (a copy ofthe traffic data is attached as Exlnbit B). So that any impact of the diagonal parking could be identified, traffic counts were taken for a period prior to the test of the diagonal parking (Novemtxx 1997 through March 1998) and during the test period (March 1998 through September 1998). During this eleven month period the total traffic volumes on the aforementioned streets decreased a total of 3%. There was no drastic drop in traffic volumes after the initiation of the diagonal parking test in March 1998. Rather, there was a steady monthly decrease over the eleven month period. The City Traffic Engineer believes that this decrease in overall traffic volume on these streets was not a result of the installation of the diagonal parking. The City Traffic Engineer believes that this is a continuation of lower traffic volumes experienced in Old Town and other city streets. For example, from 1996 to the present, traffic along E1 Camino Real has decreased by 33%. Other city streets have experienced a simil~ decrease in traffic volumes as well The decrease in traffic volumes in Old Town and other city streets is largely a result of the opening of City Council Report Diagonal Parking February 16, 1999 Page 3 the expanded 1-5 Freeway. During the test period there was one automobile accident in the area. The accident was not caused by the diagonal parking bm was the result of the vehicle's driver becoming unconscious while driving his vehicle. The results of the survey, the specifics of the diagonal test program, the results of the traffic counts, as well as a discussion of the Old Town area were discussed at a community meeting on January 21, 1999. Seventy persons were invited to the community meeting with ten individuals attending. It was staff's impression from the meeting and the survey that the majority of the business owners present favored having diagonal parking installed on a permanent basis. Staff is recommending that the City Council authorize the preparation of estimates of probable cost for the permanent installation of diagonal parking along E1Camino Real from First Street to about 300 feet south of Sixth Street. Staff would anticipate identifying costs, potential phasing oppommities and funding sources. Staff's recommendation is based upon a number of points. Fkst, the survey that was taken of business owners in Old Town shows a majority of the respondents in favor of the diagonal parking. Second, there was a favorable response received from the attendees at the community meeting. Third, there was an increase in the total number of parking spaces along E1Camino Real fi.om the installation of diagonal parking. Lastly, there may be an increase in the perception of pedemm safety and a loWering of vehicle speed in the downtown area. 'h t ;'Shin'gi ton df-- Assistant City Manager Tim Serlet City Engineer/Director of Public Works David Gottlieb Senior Redevelopment Project Manager EXHIBIT A Dear Fellow Old Town Business Owner: In March 1998 the Tustin City Council installed diagonal pm-king on a temporary test basis along E1 Camino Real from approximately6~ Street to 2~a Street. The test period for the diagonal parking was to be approximately six months. Towards the end of the test period the effected Old Town businesses were to be surveyed. The purpose of the survey is to assist the Tustin City Council in deciding if the diagonal parking should be made permanent. Please assist us, and the entire Old Town business community by responding to the following questions. Please check the following appropriate box. Box #1 indicates strong disagreement with the statement, Box #5 indicates strong agreement with the statement. ' STRONGLY SOMEWHAT NO SOMEWHAT STRONGLY · DISAGREE DISAGREE OPINION AGREE AGREE Are you aware that diagonal parking lr'l 21-1 31-1 41-1 51'1 has been installed along El Camino Real? Do you believe that the diagonal 1Fi 211 311 411 511 parking has reduced vehicle speed on El Camino Real?' Do you believe that pedestrian safety 111 211 3["1 411 511 has been increased with the installation ? Do you believe that a more historic feel1 FI 2121 3 I-1 41"1 51-1 has been created in Old Town because of the diagonal parking? Do you feel that your business has 111 benefited from the diagonal parking? 211 311 411 5!-I Do you feel that diagonal parking should be made permanent along El Camino Real from approximately 6~ Street to 2~a Street? ~[1 211 311 411 sCl Additional Comments: Name (business owner) Business Address ,FFIC DATA SERVICES, INC t-HOUR TtL-YFFIC COUNTS (N ,MBER 1997- SEPTEMBER 1998) EXHIBIT B 5500 f . 5700 EL CAMINO R~,L - N/O MAIN / 50(X) ' I ! i : ' NOV DEC JAN FEB ,X L, kR .aPR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP 10000 7000 T EL CAMINO REAL - S/O MAIN NOV DEC JAN FEB MAR APR ~L-kY .JUN JUL AUG SEP 10500. ~-i,,,.10100 0500- 7500 NOV DEC JAN FEB ~L-kR .-MAR ~L-XY .IUN MAIN ST - E./O EL CAMINO REAL 9000 JUL AUG SEP 10(X30 T 9700 9500 NOV 97O0 ~ 9300 MAIN ST - W/O EL CAMINO REAL DEC JAN FEB ~L-XP, APR ~LAY JUN JUL AUG SEP 3OOO 33OO 3200 2500 PACIFIC ST - N/O MAIN 2000 I I I ~ ; I I I I NOV DEC JAN I-'EB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP 4OOO 3500 2000 NOV PROSPECT AVE - N/O MAIN I I I I I I I I I I DEC JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP 0 0 -- -- 0 0 ~ ~ z z > > ITl ('> -- -- 0 Z Z --I 0 0 ~ Z 03 (~ ~l -~ (:33 03 O O O O O O O O O O O 18 --' O O O C:3 O O 0 0 0 0 0 O O O O O O O O O O O O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 IN3 O3 O (D O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 A Z'r.n m m -q