HomeMy WebLinkAbout09 MASTER FEE RESO 01-05-99AC FNI'IA
JANUARY 5, 1999
NO. 9
The Parks and Recreation Commission is recommending to the City Council to amend
the Master Fee Resolution and Facility Use Policies as identified in Appendices A and B.
The Parks and Recreation Department consistently reviews our facility fees and use
policies to reflect the needs of our community. Additional facilities such as Cedar Grove
and Heritage Park are now part of the total facilities available to residents in the City of
Tustin. In addition, review of our facility fees and use policies is necessary to provide
guidelines for the use of safe and well-maintained facilities.
The City Council has allocated significant dollars for improvements and development of
new park facilities. These new park facilities must be ut~ed in such a manner as to
protect their long life under conditions of extensive use. Fee review and Facility Use
Policies were last implemented in June of 1995.
City-operated recreation facilities should be available to the public when not being
utilized for City or City co-sponsored activities. In the past the City Council has directed
that local youth groups be given the highest priority when facilities are scheduled.
In 1995 the Parks and Recreation Commission recommended to the City Council Facility
Use Policies developed to regulate the use of the Senior Center, community buildings,
Tustin Sports Park, and the Columbus Tustin Gymnasiunz In August of 1998 the
Council amended the existing Master Fee Resolution to accommodate changes in the
park and picnic area facility reservatiOns. Adjustments are now requested to be made for
community buildings, game courts and adjustments in deposits.
Attached please find the Facility Fee and Reservation Priority Schedule (Appendix A).
The recommended changes include:
Changing the non-resident, non-profit building deposit from $150 to $250.
Changing the non-resident, private function deposit from $150 to $250.
Updating the cost recovery hourly rate for security as scheduled by the City from
$30 to $45 per hour.
Adjusting the rates for ball diamond and roller hockey courts to reduce resident
non-profit rates and increase non-resident private or commercial rates.
Facility Use Policies, identified in Appendix B (attached) are being modified to reflect
'the following:
A clear description of the requirements and conditional use permit process for the
purpose of sectarian instruction or religious worship.
Limiting the overall time in which the City facility is a rental from eight hours to
seven hours.
The City of Tustin has developed recreation areas and facilities that serve peoples'
interests and a wide variety of program purposes. A major responsibility of our City is to
identify administrative standards to protect safe and well-maintained facilities.
Consistently reviewing policies, procedures and fees for existing and new facilities
provides our community with accessible, well-maintained facilities that ensure the quality
of life.
Patrick Sanchez
Director, Parks and Recreation Services
C/mydocsrpS/Stafl' Reports/Master Fee Reso & Facility Use Policies.doc
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Appendix B
In order to serve you better, ail applications for facility use must be made in writing on forms
provided by Parks and Recreation Services. While department staff is happy to provide
information on the buildings over the phone, we cannot take reservations over the phone.
Please make your application in person
So that approval of your application can be expedited, be sure that it is fully completed and
signed by an authorized person and deposits are submitted.
Applications will be considered confirmed and final only when they have been signed by the
Recreation Supervisor and all deposits are paid.
Please notify Parks and Recreation Services as soon as possible of any changes in your building
use. In the case of cancellation, portions of the deposit collected will be retained. Cancellation
must be in writing by the person who sutxnkted the application.
The person signing the application must be at least 18 years of age, however, if alcoholic
beverages are serv~ the application must be signed by an individual at least 21 years of age.
Identification may be required to confirm the age of the applicant. The person si~ing the
application must be present at the event.
A chaperon may be required for every fifteen (15) youth under age 18 at a dance/social
function Chaperons must'be at least 21 years of age. A list of chaperons may be requested in
advance.of the event.
Please be as accurate as possible when you estimate attendance for your event. The number of
people allowed into the b~g will be limited to the ntanber you indicate on your application
The Police Department may deny access to the building aRer the number of people you
indicated on your application arrive.
Senior Center Bond Act grant requirements do not allow use of the Senior Center for the
purpose of sectarian instmction or religious worship.
Zoning Ordinances and the Conditional Use Process limit the utilization of public facilities for
the purpose of sectarian instruction or religious worship to no more than a thirty~y period.
Programq of a politically rehted purpose, such'as candidate nights sponsored by neutral civic
organizatiom at which candidates are given an opporttmit), to be seen and heard are allowed.
Use of City buildings for partisan or non-partisan polkical proposes that promote selected
candidates or issues are not allowed.
In consideration of bt~esses neighboring City buildings, the Police Department will
continually monitor noise from your event. Should your activity become disruptive to the
ne~borhood, you will be asked to mm down the volume on P.A. systems or otherwise
control the noise. As you plan your actMty, please keep in mind that noise becomes a special
concern after 10:00 p.m.
Smoking is not allowed in any City of Tustin buildings.
Application Process Due Dates
To allow for timely notification of building staff who will assist you with your event,
applicafiom must be submitted at least fifteen (15) working days prior to the date desired. Set-
up plans are due with your application
Please make full payment of all fees thirty (30) days prior to your building use or upon
submission of your application if less than 30 days. Deposits are due with submission of your
Buildin~ Use Scheduling
Please be prompt with your arrival to the btfiMing. Building staff will be on hand to admit you
to the building at the time you specify on your application Be as accurate as you can with the
times you indicate on.your application You willbe allowed to occupy the building only during
the times listed on the application and only while btfilding staff is present..
Remember. Be sure to notify Parks and Recreation Services as soon as possible of any
schedule changes. Changes w;II be allowed only ten (10) working days or more in advance of
date of the building use.
As you plan your schedule for your event, be sure to take into account time for:
A. Set-up/Decoration
B. Deliveries*
C. Program
D. Clean-up
* Please plan to be present to sign for deB, eries. Deliveries and pick-up can only be made
during' the time for which your bu/lding use is approved.. Please, no overnight storage of
equipment or supplies.
So that your activity will begin on _time, building staff will make every effort to have your room
set up and ready for you upon arrival
The ~gs are generally available for rentals during the following hours:
Fridays - 5:00 pm to 1:00 am
Saturday - 8:00 am to 1:00 am
Sunday- 8:00 am'to 11:00 pm
On certah occ~iom, City buildings may be closed for holidays. A schedule of these holidays
. is available at Parks and Recreation Serxfces.
Set-up time for any event is limited to two (2) hours prior to when your activity is scheduled to
begin. Exceptions can be made for activities such as wedding receptions when event
organizers need to attend a ceremony or related activity immediately before the event.
The consum~ion of alcoholic beverages is prohibited during set-up time.
Please limit your set-up party to ten (10) people.
To Provide priority reservations to Tustin residents, reservations are accepted up to one year in
advance. Reservations for non-residents will be accepted 270 days in advance. Proof of
residency is required. A driver's license or utility bill is acceptable as proof of residency.
To make the btfilding available to the largest number of user groups as poss~le and to allow
for scheduling flexa¥fity, applications for continuous activities are limited to four meetings.
Subsequent apPlications will not be considered for approval until all dates have been used on a
current application Reservations do not imply proprietary fights or benefits for any group,
organi?.ation or individual
Continuously scheduled non-resident activities may be pre-empted by City of Tustin sponsored
or co-sponsored actMties and resident groups. While this situation rarely occurs, tiffs policy is
in place to provide priority for one-time special City and resident actMfies.
Before an activity is pre-empted, the pre-empting group must pay all fees and deposits prior to
notification of the pre-empted group. In the event the pre-empting group cancels their activity,
all fees and deposits paid are non-refundable.
To keep the ~g in top condition for your use, equipment and finifimre may not be
removed from the building. Only those items located within the hnlting wffl be ava~able for
your use. 'Should you need additional equipment to conduct your event, you should mmuge
for such at your expense. The rrfixing of outside tables and chairs with those from City
build~gs is not allowed. Should a renter wish to bring in tables and chairs from the outside,
none will be provided by the City.
The Stmefintendent must approve equipment brought in from the outside and setup of same at
least te~ (1 O) working days before your event and must be delivered and picked up during the
time approved for the activity. Your assistance may be required to set up equipment brought
in from the outside.
To make your use of City buildings more convenient, building staff will set up all City fimai~e
and equipment acco~g to standard set-up plans you provide. If no set-up plan is submitted,
building staff will set up the building according to standard set-up configurations for the type
and size indicated on the application_
After an equipment setup is complete, building staff will make any necessary changes. Your
assistance may be required to ensure that changes are ready before your activity begins.
Due to limited space, storage will not be provided for building rentals'. All equipment, supplies,
food stuffs and decorations brought in by renters must be removed by the renter before leaving
the building.
Pianos are not ava~able for public use.
In order to provide a safe, attractive building, the following regulations are necessary:
1. Decorations must be flame retardant.
2. There are no open flaree decorations such as candles or lanterns allowed.
3. Please do not fasten decorations to light fixtures, window coverings, window panes or fire
sprinklers. Only masking tape may be used to affix decorations. Please do not use tacks, nails,
staples, scotch tape or other fastening methock
4. Existing decorations must remain in place (such as pictures, plaques, etc.)
5. Please remove any decorations you bring before leaving the building.
6. Hay, straw, confetti, popcorn and rice are not permitted. Such materials are very difficult to
clean up and can create unsafe conditions.
To speed consideration of your application's approval, please submit your deposit with your
fully completed and signed application
The City will retain ail or portions of your deposit under the following conditions:
A~ For repair of damages to the building while premises are under responsibility of the
B. Costs for City personnel to perform clean up tasks for which the renter is respons~ble;
Costs for the City personnel should renters event nm past the ending time indicated on
the application or should additional police or maintenance personnel be necessary.
3. For deposit and fee mounts refer to the current fee schedule.
1. In order to qualify for a full retired of all your deposits, the fonowing tasks must,be completed:
Deposit all bottles, cans, cups, paper products and other refuse in proper
B. Wipe up sinks and table tops; and
Clean kitchen, e.g. wipe up spills, clean range tops, remove food from storage, etc. (if
Generally, building users are asked to return the building to the condition in xvhich it was
found. The building staff will provide guidance and assistance to the building user.
The consumption of alcoholic beverages during clean up is proh?oited.
Because activities at which alcoholic beverages are served have a greater impact on the
building than activities without alcoholic beverages, a special application is necessary. This
application, which can be obtained at Parks and Recreation. Services, is submitted with the
Facility Use Application
To protect those attending and the Center, sectary will be required at activities where alcoholic
beverages are served and may be required even when alcohol is not served. These services will
be provided at the expense of the building user. Fees for these services are payable with
building rental fees prior to the event.
In order to ensure that your event is safe and secure for you and your guests, please adhere to
the following roles:
Serve alcoholic beverages only to persons 21 years of age and older; and
Please see that anyone under 21 is accompanied by a parent, adult relative or legal
Depending on the nature of the event, Parks and Recreation Services may require deposits in
excess of those outlined in the fee schedule.
Alcoholic beverage applications will be considered only in the Auditorium and Multipurpose
Room at the Senior Center and at the Clifton C. Miller Communky Center.
In order to ensure that your event is safe, secure, and enjoyable, the Tustin Police Department
asks that renters observe the following:
Alcoholic beverages may be Served and consumed only during the hours of event
indicated on your application Please, no alcoholic beverages during set-up or clean-up
· Please, no "bring.your own bottle" parties.
Plan your event carefully. Once your event begins, you will not be allowed to bring
additional alcoholic beverage supplies from outside the bu~_ing.
The service of alcoholic beverages must be ended one half. hour prior to the end of the
Applications to serve alcoholic beverages at City buildings will not be considered for approval
for any activity with a youth emphasis. This includes such activities as birthday parties for
minors, coming out parties or student activities.
The consmnption of alcoholic beverages is limited to the room rented. Alcoholic beverage
consn ~m!xion is not allowed in parking lots, grounds, lobbies, restrooms or kitchen.
Activities at which alcoholic beverages are sen, ed will be limited to six hours.
.Since the sale of alcoholic beverages is regulated by the State of California Alcoholic Beverage Control
Commission (ABC), all activities at City b~gs at which alcoholic beverages are sold must receive
an Alcoholic Beverage Control License. These permits can be obtained at:
Alcoholic Beverage Control Commission
28 Civic Center Plaza
Santa Aha, CA
(714) 5584101
To ensure, that events at which alcoholic beverages will be sold have proper ABC
authorization, a copy of thi.~ permit must be filed with the Facility Use Application and the
Alcoholic Beverage Permit before an application can be considered approved.
2. The ABC permit must be in possession ofthe applicant throughout the activity.
In order, to determine fees to be charged as well as to determine building scheduling priority, the
following definitions and specifications are provided:
Group #1.
Group #2
Group #3
Group ga,
Group #5
Group #6
Group #7
Group #8
Group #10
Group #11
Parks and Recreation Services sponsored or initiated youth activities.
Parks and Recreation Services sponsored or initiated adult activities.
' Youth activities sponsored or iakiated by the school district.
Adult activities initiated or sponsored by the school district.
Youth recreational activities, open to the public, initiated or spOnsored by local non-
.profit organizations whose membemhip consists of at least 60% Tustin residents.
Adult ~ecreational activities, accessu~ole to the public, initiated or sponsored by local
non-profit organizations whose membership consists of at least 60% Tustin residents.
Resident youth recreation activities registration is not open to the general public.
Resident adult recreation activities not open to the general public.
Non-resident recreational activities initiated or sponsored by non-profit organizatiom.
Non-resident recreational activities not open to the general public.
Commercial, business, and those activities and organizations which are profit-
making. Individuals or organizations which cannot provide proof of non-profit
standing, who are organizing events at which fees are charged or donations are
· solicited. (Commercial)
To provide for the safety of your guests as well as the security of the property at the Center,
the City may require off-duty Tustin Police Officers to be present at your event. These officers
will be under the COmplete direction and control of the Tustin Police Department.
To protect the greater Tustin commtmity as well as the visitors and property of the City of
Tustin, the use of the tmtlling, w:~ not be granted to any organization which is deemed
detrimental to the public welfare by the Tustin Police Department. Use agreements will only be
continued with organizations or persons who demonstrate responsibility.
If officers are requked, the m~mber of officers will be based on the number of people attending,
whether alcohol is being served, and the nature of the function When an application is made,
Parks and Recreation Services staff will base the fee for officers on the above criteria. 'Final
determination on the assi~tmment of police officers is totally at the discretion of the Police
Depamnent. The expense for these officers will be borne by the building user. See fee
schedule for costs. Should additional security be necessary at your event, the expense for such
will be deducted from your deposit at the responding officer's rate of pay.
Police SeCurity officers will arrive at the building one half hour prior to your event starting time
and will leave on half hour after your event is scheduled to
All groups'with resetwations are required to provide the City with a Certificate of Insurance
naming the City of Tustin as additionally insured.. Policy limit is a $1 million minimum of
combined single limits. The City of Tustin offers lia~ insurance as an option to providing a
Certificate of Instm~ce.
Revised ll~3~7