HomeMy WebLinkAbout11 EIR 573 MCAS EL TORO 12-7-98AGENDA
NO. 11
In t e r-C o rn '.
DECEMBER 7, 1998
SUMMARY~ ~ TuStin .C~ Council Vai ~ requestedpri°r t° forwarding the attached draft.
It is recommended that the City Council authorize staff to forward the attached draft response to the
County's Notice of Preparation (NOP) of an Environmental Impact Report (EIR) for the Marine
Corps Air Station (MCAS) E1 Toro Master Plan Development.
There are no fiscal impacts associated with this action.
On October 16, 1998, City of Tustin staff received a Notice of Preparation of Draft Environmental
Impact Report No. 573 for the MCAS E1 Toro Master Development Plan. The Notice of
Preparation is one of the first steps in the preparation of an EIR as required for development
projects under the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). Respondents are to provide
information on environmental issues, reasonable alternatives, potential mitigation measures and
reasonably foreseeable cumulative projects within their respective jurisdiction or interests.
Comments on the County's Notice of Preparation are due on December 18, 1998.
MCAS E1 Toro is an installation to be closed under the Defense Base Closure and Realignment Act
of 1990 with closure and realignment of all military activities anticipated by July 1999. The
County of Orange has been authorized by the Department of Defense to act as the Local
Redevelopment Authority (LRA) and is solely responsible for planning the future civilian reuse of
the closing base.
City Council Report
MCAS El Toro NOP Response
December 7, 1998
Page 2
Beginning in 1995 the County initiated Phase I of the reuse planning process that resulted in the
identification of three reuse.alternatives for the base. On December 11, 1996, the Orange County
Board of Supervisors approved a Community Reuse Plan (CRP) which included a full service
commercial passenger and cargo airport estimated to serve approximately 38.3 Million Annual
Passengers (MAP) surrounded by aviation-compatible land uses. The County had indicated at this
time that John Wayne Airport would be closed and that the existing aviation activities at JWA
would be consolidated at the proposed intemational airport at MCAS E1 Toro. This CRP is the
only plan formally transmitted to the Department of Defense (DOD) by the County and is currently
recognized by the DoD as the only approved Reuse Plan for MCAS E1 Toro.
On April 21, 1998, the Board of Supervisors considered four additional reuse scenarios that had
been formulated by County staff and discussed with County residents during a number of public
workshops on the matter. The plan selected by the Board of Supervisors as the "Proposed Project"
indicated that John Wayne Airport (JWA) would be retained in a general aviation and short-haul
passenger and cargo role with MCAS El Toro being converted to "Orange County International"
(OCX) supporting a full domestic and intemational passenger and cargo role. In this alternative,
the two airports would be linked with a transit facility to transport passengers and baggage between
the airports. The projected passenger service for this alternative is approximately 23.4 MAP at
OCX and approximately 10.1 MAP at JWA (JWA is currently limited to 8.4 MAP) projected at the
year 2020.
On September 15, 1998, the Board of Supervisors adopted proposed ref'mements that materially
reduced non-aviation related high intensity commercial and real estate development around OCX
and significantly increased the amount of proPerty proposed to be dedicated to less intense uses
such as golf courses, park and open space. This refinement has been commonly referred to as the
"Green Plan." It should be noted that the Board of Supervisors have not adopted the proposed
"Green Plan" as the official CRP for MCAS E1 Toro. Consequently, the DoD continues to
recognize only the 38.3 MAP international airport CRP as the only official Reuse Plan for MCAS
E1 Toro.
As part of the proposed project, an airport-to-airport light rail-type transit connector is proposed.
One 'transit alternative proposed by the County but generally opposed by City of Tustin staff
includes an at-grade or elevated rail-line generally along the existing Metrolink and Amtrak rail line
from MCAS E1 Toro to the Jamboree Road or Redhill Avenue corridor south to JWA. Tustin staff
currently opposes this route as potentially negatively impacting anticipated redevelopment of
MCAS Tustin. A separate environmental impact analysis is currently being prepared for release in
August 1999 and will be commented on by staff at the appropriate time.
City Council Report
MCAS E1 Toro NOP Response
December 7, 1998
Page 3
The refinements described above have been accomplished in preparation of eventual Board
· consideration and adoption of a Master Development Plan in December 1999. Prior to
consideration of this plan, the Board of Supervisors must certify an Environmental Impact Report
(EIR). Toward that end, the Coimty has now circulated a Notice of Preparation to potentially
affected parties and solicited comments on that document. City of Tustin staff have reviewed the
document and prepared a draft comment response letter for transmission to County staff
(Attachment A).
Staff requests that the Tustin City Council review and consider these comments and, if acceptable,
authorize its formal transmission to the County of Orange.
Dana 0gdon~J -
Senior Project Manager
Assistant City Manager
1. Draft comment response letter
December 8, 1998
County of Orange
El Toro Master Plan Development Program
Atto: Mr. Bryan Speegle
10 Civic Center Plaza, Second Floor
P.O. Box 4048
Santa Ana, CA 92702-4048
Dear Mr. Speegle;
Thank you for the opportunity to review and comment upon the above referenced document. The City of
Tustin has considered the information provided in the Notice of Preparation (NOP) and has prepared the
following comments. Please include the information discussed below in the proposed draft
Environmental Impact Report for the El Toro Master Plan Development Plan. We would also appreciate
a response from you that would clarify the status of'the December 1996 Reuse Plan submitted to the
Department of Defense. When will this plan be officially withdrawn by the County of Orange and
substituted by the currently proposed/preferred Master Development Plan?
1. Based 'upon a review of the NOP by .the Tustin Engineering Division it appears that the project will
significantly impact the City of Tustin's circulation infrastructure.
A detailed traffic study will be required for this project. The study should identify and analyze traffic
impacts to roadways within the City. The analysis should be comprehensive in addressing impacts to the
Freeways, Transportation Corridors, Arterial Roadways (Jamboree Road, Tustin Ranch Road, Red Hill
AvenUe, Portola Parkway, Irvine Boulevard, Bryan Avenue, Edinger Avenue, Barranca Parkway), and
provide a realistic evaluation of funding and schedules for MPAH implementation as it relates to this
3. The analysis for this project will need to be performed in accordance with the County of Orange's
Congestion Management Program/Measure "M" Growth Management Program requirements.
Any traffic analysis of Tustin's circulation system will need to be consistent with current City of Tustin
methodologies and utilize the most current Tustin General Plan information. The analysis should identify
all measures necessary to mitigate the traffic-related impacts of the proposed project.
The City is concerned that Figure 1-2 of the project location map proposes a rail' line along Jamboree
Road in the City of Tustin. We believe that this rail line would result in substantial adverse
environmental impacts to the planned residential areas on MCAS, Tustin site. The City of Tustin is
Mr. Speegle
Comments on NOP for MCAS E1 Toro
December 8, 1998
Page 2
already on record opposing any such rail line with OCTA. In addition, there is no existing right-of-way
available on Jamboree Road in the vicinity of MCAS, 'Tustin and proposed transit corridors/connector
routes along Jamboree Road are not identified in Tustin's General Plan. The City of Tustin requests that
the northerly Alternative Route be removed from consideration or analysis in the EIR. In addition,
CEQA Guidelines Section 15063(a)(1) states that "all phases of project planning, implementation, and
operation must be considered in the Initial Study of the project. CEQA Guidelines Section 15378(a)
defines the term "project" to mean "the whole of an action, which has a potential for resulting in a
physical change in the environment, directly or ultimately..." CEQA Guidelines Section 15378(c) further
clarifies that the term "project does not mean each separate governmental approval." Consequently, we
believe that the proposed draft Environmental Impact Report should include an analysis of the
environmental consequences of implementation of the proposed connector route rather than wait for an
analysis at some future time.
The Proposed Project, Alternative C, would increase the John Wayne Airport (JWA) service level to 10.1
MAP. Several of the other Alternatives would also propose to increase the service level above the current
8.4 MAP limitation. At present, flight paths from JWA at the current MAP limitation adversely affect the
Tustin community. Any increase in service levels would likely increase incidents of noise and complaints
in Tustin and should be identified and mitigated.
Page C-2, Statement of Probable Environmental Effects - Land Use and Planning. This section discusses
County plan amendments that are necessary to implement the Proposed Project and Alternative B. We
want to oppose adoption of a new Policy Implementation Line (PIL). The PIL is part of the County's
Noise Element that identifies areas that are noise restricted. By adopting a new PIL the County would
include areas that are presently noise restricted within a new 65db CNEL contour.
Page C-3, Statement of Probable Environmental Effects- Land Use and Planning. This section states that
the Proposed project and Alternative B could result in a conflict with the Air Installation Compatible Use
Zone (AICUZ) and the Airport Environs Land Use Plan (AELUP). There is no mention that this conflict
will be evaluated and resolved in the EIIL
Specific flight tracks need to be identified to fully identify the areas impacted by implementation of the
preferred plan and all other aviation altematives. Please provide.
Page C-5, Statement of Probable Environmental Effects - Population and Housing. All population and
housing projections should be based on OCP-96 Modified (1997) approved by the Board of Supervisors
and endorsed by the Cities in Orange County.
Page C-14, Statement of Probable Environmental Effects - Transportation and Circulation. The Traffic
Study should use OCP-96 Modified (1997) data for analysis purposes. However, it is our understanding
that traffic generation figures identified by OCP-96 do not include trips generated by the actual operation
of the airport but are currently limited to housing and commercial/industrial trips generated by other areas
of the Master Plan. We believe that. these additional airport related trips are required to be identified and'
mitigated under CEQA.
Mr. Speegle
Comments on NOP for MCAS El Toro
December 8, 1998
Page 3
Page C-24, Statement of Probable Environmental Effects - Hazards. This section should discuss and
analyze the 'hazard related to the proposed reuse of the existing JP5 Jet Fuel Line. This NOP does not
include the existing fuel line as a hazard to be evaluated. EIR 563 indicated that the fuel line would be
retained and used as part of the airport operation. In our May 9, 1996 and October 14, 1996 comments we
requested that the EIR include discussions of all environmental impacts (including safety) related to the
conversion of the jet fuel line to commercial jet fuel. A large portion of the JP5 fuel line is within the City
of Tustin and in close proximity to residentially developed properties. The EIR should evaluate the
potential impacts and danger to properties adjacent to the JP5 fuel line, if the fuel line will be reused.
Page C-42, Statement of Probable Environmental Effects - Potential Cumulative Projects. This section
identifies a number of proposed projects in the vicinity of MCAS, El Toro. How has "vicinity" been
defined? MCAS, Tusfin Reuse should not only be included as a cumulative project within the vicinity but
also the Tustin General Plan's projected build-out 2020.
Section 1.6.2: This section states the Proposed Project has a "20-year planning horizon" pursuant to
the requirements of the FAA and will be analyzed in five year increments. Although the impacts
associated with project phasing may be useful, the worst case conditions associated with project
buildout should be identified for the proposed project and aviation and non-aviation alternatives. ·
15. Sections 1.6.2, 1.6.3, and 1.6.4: The EIR analysis should identify and analyze various operational
conditions such as arrival/departure procedures and curfews that could potentially mitigate impacts
of the proposed project and alternatives. Operational conditions that significantly reduce impacts
should be incorporated into the project description and be required to be implemented.
16. Section 2.5.3: The impacts associated with the Non-Aviation Plan (Millennium Plan) alternative
needs to be identified. Analyses of the aviation and non-aviation alternatives should be sufficiently
similar to allow meaningful comparisons of the benefits and consequences associated with their
implementation. Also, the role of John Wayne Airport in conjunction with needs to be identified and
analyzed in sufficient detail. A comparison should be possible not only for impact categories but
also economic and social effects and growth inducing impacts.
17. Noise receptor locations for noise modeling should be located within the corporate boundaries of
Tustin including East Tustin and western portions of.Tustin between Newport Avenue and the 55-
Freeway. The previous EIR (#563) did not include any locations within Tustin incorporated
18. Any noise level increase of more than 3 dB CNEL between existing conditions and the proposed
project/alternatives should be identified as a significant impact, as is generally accepted by noise
analysts. The previous EIR only identified areas that would be within the 65 dB CNEL as being
significantly impacted. Other areas, such as Lemon Heights, which would have experienced an ~20
dB increase, but were not within the 65 dB CNEL counter, were not considered to be impacted.
Mr. Speegle
Comments on NOP for MCAS El Toro
December 8, 1998
Page 4
Thank you again for the oppOrtunity to comment on this important matter. We look forward to receiving
a copy of the draft EIR when it is made publicly available for comment. If you have any questions,
please call Mr. Dana Ogdon, Senior Project Manager at (714) 573-3116.
William A. Huston
City Manager
Christine Shingleton
Tim Serlet
Elizabeth Binsack
Dana Ogdon