HomeMy WebLinkAbout05 EAST TRANS CORR 09-21-98AGENDA
NO. 5
SEPTEMBER 21, 1998
The North and East Legs of the Eastem Transportation TOll Corridor are scheduled to open on October 18, 1998.
The West Leg along with the Oso segment of the Foothill Toll Corridor will open in January 1999. In an effort to
generate ridership, the North and East Legs along with the existing Foothill Corridor will operate toll-free from
Sunday, October 1'8 through Sunday, October 25, 1998..
Receive and file.
The Eastern Transportation Corridor (ETC) is a new limited access highway (tollway) between the Riverside
Freeway (SR-91) in northeast Orange County and the Santa Aha Freeway (I-5). The ETC is composed of three
primary sections: The North Leg, from SR-91 to Sanitago Canyon/Chapman Avenue, the East Leg, fi'om Sanitago
Canyon/Chapman Avenue to the I-5 Freeway near the Ixvine spectrum, and the West Leg, from Sanitago
Canyon/Chapman Avenue to Jamboree Road near Walnut Avenue. An Exhibit showing the ETC as well as the
approved toll rates is attached.
The contractual completion date for the construction of the full Eastern Transportation Corridor is December 8,
1999. However, eighteen months ago the design/build contractor announced that they could complete the full
corridor approximately one year earlier than obligated. The North and East Legs will open October 18, 1998 and
the West Leg together with the Oso segment will open in January 1999. Three through lanes in each direction will
continue to be provided on Jamboree Road at Edinger Avenue at all times. Current construction schedule
anticipates that the Jamboree Bridge structure with 3 lanes in each direction over Edinger Avenue will be open to
traffic in March 1999 with completion of the full interchange by August 1999.
The design/build contract allows the Transportation Corridor Agencies to operate the corridor toll-flee for a period
of at least seven days. The intent of the toll-free period is to acquaint the public with the toll road and generate
high ridership once the tolls become effective. Therefore, the Corridor will open toll-free on Sunday, October 18~
and would continue toll-fi'ee through the following Sunday, October 25~. Although the toll-free period is longer
than the contract specifies, it is felt that the Sunday to Sunday period will eliminate confusion when the toll-fi'ee
period ends.
Additionally, due to the potential diversion of traffic from a tolled FTC to a toll-free ETC, the TCA will operate
the Foothill North-Corridor toll-free in conjunction with the ETC. Current traffic patterns on the existing FTC
show that approximately 75% of the daily revenue is collected at the Portola-North toll plazas. Current gross
revenues average $21,000 per day for the existing Foothill Corridor. Bond payments are not jeopardized because
the payments, due in the current fiscal year, are funded with Capitalized Interest. It was determined that the benefit
of good public perception and additional exposure to the toll road offsets the dip in revenue that will be
In an effort to minimize the effects of the early opening without the West Leg and with the toll-free period,
representatives from the affected cities (Tustin, Irvine, Orange), TCA staff and the design build contractor have
developed a Contingency Plan. The TCA Board of Directors formally adopted the Contingency Plan at their
September 10, 1998 meeting. The Contingency Plan includes the formation of a response team consisting of
representatives of the affected agencies to monitor traffic during the peak hours of operation (7:00 a.m. to 9:00 a.m.
and 4:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.) and make necessary adjustments to facilitate traffic flow. City staff and law
enforcement officers will monitor intersections and critical arterial links at a minimum for the first two weekdays
after the opening, and then assess the situation and determine the appropriate approach for the remaining toll-free
period. In addition, the contractor will contract directly with CI-12P to Provide law enforcement personnel to assist
in traffic movement and respond to congestion along the toll road.
The TCA will be responsible for the additional City law enforcement costs during, the toll-free period up to a
maximum of $4,560. This equates to one officer at $38.00/hour for a maximum of 120 hours.
The TCA will provide continuous monitoring of traffic conditions and will follow-up with a report immediately
after the opening. A copy of the Contingency Report is attached for your review.
Public Works Director/City Engineer
TDS:DA:klb/COUNCIL:Early Opening ETC
Figure 1:
Figure 2:
Figure 3:
Opening Dates
Toll Rates
Proposed Monitoring Locations
Contingency Plan
Douglast[('. Anderson
Senior Project Manager- Transportation
/~nuary 1999
~~ Fi ute
Windy Ridge
Tomato Spdngs
x~/ -- stem Toll Roads
! \ Foothill' ~a . a
~ '. Toll Rates
"/! portola
i Portola (,S) t
T-'"--' Existing Rates
~ Proposed Rates
Rates shown are for 2 axle vehicles
August 26, 1998
Eastem Transportation Corddor
Traffic Monitoring
August 21, 1998
Table of Contents
1. Introduction
Proposed Openings
What Happens When a New Road Opens
Phased Openings
Toll-Free Operation
3. The Plan
Plan Developmem
Response Team
Response Team Actions
Monitoring Locations
Before and After Traffic Study
Community Outreach Plan
· ...
Planning for the Eastern Transportation Corridor began more than 20 years ago. In 1976, the
Orange County Board of Supervisors initiated the Northeast Orange County Circulation Study
(NEOCCS) for the purpose of developing an information base to revise the Master Plan of
Arterial Highways (MPAH) in Orange County. When completed in 1980, the study identified
the need for a major transportation corridor between the Riverside (91) Freeway and I-5,
following a route parallel to the Costa Mesa (55) Freeway.
Between 1980 and 1992, numerous environmental impact reports and alignment studies were
conducted with input from the surrounding communities. The final EIR was certified and a
route was chosen by the Board of Directors on May 14, 1992. The Record of Decision on the
final EIS was received in November, 1994. In May 1995, $1.5 billion in non-recourse toll
revenue bonds were sold to~ pay for construction, and in June 1995 the unrestricted Notice to
Proceed was given to the Design/Build contractor, Silverado Constructors.
The project, which was originally scheduled to open in three phases in 1999, will now open
ahead of schedule in two phases. A 17-mile portion of the project between SR-91 and 1-5 will
open along with a 2-mile connection to the existing Foothill Toll Road on the morning of
October 18, 1998. The west leg, which runs parallel to Jamboree Road between Chapman
Avenue and Walnut Avenue, together with the Oso Segment of the Foothill Corridor, will open
in January 1999.
The benefits of the Eastern Toll Road:-
Regional access to Inland Empire and South Orange County for East Orange
Improved access into Orange from South Orange County for people who work and
do business in Orange.
Long-term reduction in traffic on city streets, including Chapman Avenue, Santiago
Canyon Road.
Regional access to Inland Empire for Tustin Residents.
Direct Access from Inland Empire and Anaheim Hills/Yorba Linda area to Tustin
Business Complex and Tustin Market Place.
Long-term reduction of traffic on Jamboree Road, Irvine Blvd. and Redhill Avenue.
Page 1
Regional access to Inland Empire and Anaheim Hills/Yorba Linda area for North
and West Irvine Residents
Direct access from Inland Empire and Anaheim Hills/Yorba Linda are to Irvine
Spectrum and the Irvine Industrial Complex.
Direct highway access from Rancho Santa Margarita Area to Irvine Spectrum.
Long-term reduction of traffic on city streets including Irvine Blvd., Culver Avenue
and Barranca Parkway
This report outlines how TCA and. Silvemdo Constructors, in cooperation with the cilties of
Orange, Tustin and Irvine, will address any traffic issues that may occur as travel patterns in the
area of the Eastern Toll Road adjust to the new alternative before and after the west leg opens.
Page 2
prOposed Openings
What Happens when a New Road Opens?
The existing transportation system produces motorist travel patterns. People find the most
efficient route to their destination and establish somewhat regular travel romes.
When a new road opens, these established patterns change. People begin to experiment with
different routes including utilization of the new road, which for the initial opening is the north
and east legs of the Eastern Toll Road (ETC).
During the initial period of opening there could be some uncertainty, confusion and possibly
congestion while motorists experiment with travel. Time will establish the new equilibrium for
travel and people will again fred regular routes to their destinations.
Phased Openings
Phased Opening- The ETC will open in two phases. The first phase will open on October 18,
· 1998 and will include the north and east legs. The second phase, involving the west leg will
open in January of 1999.
Phasing of the opening will create two "opening" periods because traffic patterns will shift after
each portion is opened.
Toll;Free Operation
The first phase of the toll road is planned to be opened toll-free for 8 days from
October 18, 1998 to October 25, 1998. During this period, traffic volumes are expected to be
significantly higher than after tolls are imposed.
Page 3
The Plan
The intent of the ETC Contingency Plan (Plan) is to address the temporary short-term impacts
of opening the Corridor during the initial period - two to six weeks. The Plan includes
strategies to address potential congestion during peak hours to assist the traffic flow.
The Plan is intended to ease the issues that may be mused by opening the ETC. Monthly pre-
opening meetings are being held with Caltrans, the Cities of Orange, Tustin and Irvine, and the
County of Orange prior to the Corridor opening to discuss and develop contingency traffic
congestion management efforts. The Plan provides a mechanism to coordinate early opening
actions, and develops a communication network, to deal with any traffic problems that may
arise out of the early Corridor openings. If other actions and details become available, they will
be added to the Plan.
Plan Development
Monthly pre-opening meetings have been held since April. These meetings included the
member agencies and jurisdictions directly effected by the opening of the Corridor, including
the cities of Orange, Tustin, Irvine, and the County of Orange, as well as Caltrans.
The ETC Contingency Team has met to identify and address issues during the early stages of
opening. Members of the team include:
Silverado- Pat Stricldin, Tom Rademacher
Caltrans- Joe E1 Harake, Habib Temori
Transportation Corridor Agencies- Russell Zapalac, Mike Endres, Macie Cleary-Milan
City of Orange- Hamid Bahadori
County of Orange- Nacho Ochoa and Michelle Jordan
City of Tustin- Tim Serlet and Doug Anderson
City of Irvine- Jim Eldridge, Skip Tmcy and Ban'y C_rreenstein
Discussions revolved around the anticipated problemq and solutions available to the Response
Team during predominantly peak hour periods of traffic.
Page 4
Response Team
Names/Phone Numbers
The members of this Response Team are responsible for viewing the areas of concern along the
corridor during the initial period after opening. The Response Team will identify the
appropriate solution and person to implement.
These team members will work together to provide congestion relief during peak periods.
Silverado: Greg.LeBlanc
City of Ir vine: Barry.Greenstein
City of Orange: Dennis Sctmaitz
City of Tustin: Doug Anderson
County of Orange: Dave Piclcrell
Caltrans: Habib Temori
505-7500 ext. 122, pager 737-8913
(based at the Silverado Communication Center)
724-7306/pager 262-8340
532-6427/pager 314-0628
Response Team Actions
The following is a list of actions that have been identified to address traffic problems.
Silverado will prepare a staging plan to show process of k-rail removal - lane
delineation and traffic control prior to opening the SR 241 ETC/SR 91 -October
1, 1998
2. Silverado will prepare a plan for the Transition Area interim traffic staging.
Silverado to show an interim signing plan for the '~1o West Leg" condition at the
SR 241 ETC/Chapman Interchange
Silverado to prepare the proposed opening sequencing concept plan. The TCA
will review the sequencing of the opening to identify potential problem areas and
to assure validity. This will be made available to the member Agencie~ and
TCA will provide graphic information, to Fastrak patrons and other interested
Page 5
October 1998 Opening
TCA will open the road segments at night/weekends to minimi:,e impacts. The
first phase of the ETC is planned to open early Sunday morning, October 18,
Staff and operate the Silverado Communications Center located at their Irvine
Ranch field office.
Coordinate with the Jamboree/F_.3/nger Construction.
Coordinate with. Jamboree/Barranca Construction of three through lanes on both
Jamboree and Barranca as well as right and left turn lanes where appropriate.
Have in place Jamboree Road improvements near canYon View as required by
Have in place Tustin Ranch/Walnut stripping modifications as required by the city
of Tustin.
Have in place the Transition Area frontage roads across raikoad tying into the
Jamboree~ger traffic staging plan.
The Response. Team will be stationed at medals along the Corridor to observe
and monitor the traffic patterns and flow during peak periods, evaluate traffic
signal timing and effect changes in real time. This will include the monitoring
and adjusting of signals at Jamboree/I-5 to sequence with arterial traffic flow.
Provide graphic maps and information at toll booths for motorist assistance.
The law enforcement from cities of Irvine, Orange and Tustin, the County and the
CHP will be available to manage congestion at intersections within their
respective jurisdictions that are observed as an issue.
Place portable Variable Message Signs (VMS) on key arterials, SR-261 to notify
motorists of traffic congestion ahead in order to mitigate the congestion. Have
additional VMSs on standby to place on site if needed.
Have pavement striping forces on stand by to make necessary land marking
modifications to reduce congestion at intersections.
13. Have moveable barriers available for use in temporary emergency situations.
Page 6
14. Arrange for a quick response towing service to provide prompt removal of any
stalled vehicles that may cause traffic congestions.
15. Coordinate with police, tow trucks and ambulance service to provide a fast
reaction in the event of an accidem in impacted intersections.
Prior to the January 1999 West Leg Opening
Silvemdo to prepare plan for transition area traffic staging immediately prior to
Silverado to prepare conceptual plan for sequence of activities to effect the West
Leg and Oso opening.
Have in place Jamboree widening and Jamboree/Barranca intersection
improvements as required by the Cities of Tustin and Irvine.
Page 7
Monitoring Locations
Traffic monitoring will be provided initially during the peak hour periods of 6:30 a_m. to 9:30
a.m. and 4:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. at selected locations within several jurisdictions, i.e. cities of
Orange, Tustin and Irvine, County of Orange and Caltrans. As traffic stabilizes, these hours
and locations for monitoring will be reduced as appropriate.
The key monitoring locations identified within each jurisdictions are as follows:
County of Orange
City of Orange
City of Tustin
City of Irvine
SR-241 Mainline at Portola-N
SR-91/SR-241 Confluence
SR-133/1-405 Confluence
SR 241/Chapman Ramps
SR 133/Irvine Blvd. Ramps
SR-133/1-405 Ramps
Sand Canyon/Irvine Blvd.
Chapman Avenue/Jamboree Road
Canyon View/Jamboree Road
Tustin Ranch Road/Jamboree Road
Irvine Blvd./Jamboree Road
Bryan Avenue/Jamboree Road
E1 Camino Real/Jamboree Road
Edinger Avenue/Jamboree Road
Michelle/Jamboree Road
Walnut Ave./Jamboree Road
Barranca/Jamboree Road
Harvard AVe./Walnut Ave.
If it appears that differem areas are an issue, the monitoring will be shifted as appropriate.
Page 8
Before and After Traffic Study
Traffic Count studies have been commissioned by TCA to assess the changes occurring upon
opening the Corridor. Initial counts will be taken September 1998 with post October 1998
opening counts taken November 1998. Additional counts will be taken February, 1999 after the
January 1999 West Leg opening.
The count locations were initially planned for the north and west leg impacted arterials, but
show also include the East Irvine and Oso Segment. These locations have been coordinated
with the cities and consensus has been obtained. The data collected will be summarized in
reports and made available to those interested. These interim reports will be available
approximately two weeks after data is obtained with the final draft report available for review -
about four weeks after collection of the final data.
Page 9
Community Outreach
Lisa Telles
Office Direct Line-
Pager -
Home -
Betty Jo Bailey
Office Direct Line -
Pager -
Home --
The community will be notified of the contingency plan through the following methods:
Before October 18, 1998
Our next edition of ETCetera (the project's construction community newsletter)
will include a story about our plans to manage traffic on Jamboree Road prior to
the opening of the West Leg.
An ETC Opening Web Page will be part of the TCA website
(www. tcageneies.com)
Included in this page will be opening announcements and background information
in the Eastern Toll Road.
TCA public affairs staff will work with City of Orange staff on disseminating
information to the Orange. residents. This will include community meetings
sponsored by the City of Orange.
A press release will be sent to local newspapers in Orange, Tustin and Irvine on
the contingency plan. A tour of the contingency plan area will be offered to the
local media.
Beginning on October 18, 1998
1. A 24-hour hot line linked to pagers (714-513-3433) will be in place to handle
any calls from the public regarding traffic issues. This information will be
immediately directed to the command center for assessment.
2. Any necessary announcements about post-opening activities will be
disseminated to the local press and posted on the ETC Opening Web Page.
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