HomeMy WebLinkAbout13 MCAS MKTG STRATEGY 08-03-98AGENDA DATE' NO. 13 8-3-98 L.-' ,./' / ', ./~ '" Inter-Com AUGUST 3, 1998 TO: FROM: SUBJECT: WILLIAM A. HUSTON, CITY MANAGER CHRISTINE A. SHINGLETON, ASSISTANT CITY MANAGER MCAS-TUSTIN MARKETING STRATEGY RECOMMENDATION Pleasure of the City CounCil. FISCAL IMPACT Funds for the MCAS-Tustin Marketing Strategy have been previously appropriated. BACKGROUND The City Council at a regular meeting of July 20th, cominuedtheir discussion of a possible name for the MCAS-Tustin project to a workshop scheduled for 6:00 p.m. on August 3rd. Based on the results of the workshop and recommendations from the firm of Interra, the City Council may wish to provide direction to Interra and City staff. Also attached for the City Council's information are two interesting articles on naming of a community or master planned development. Christine A. S~ Assistant City Manager CAS :kchccreportkmcasmrk'tstrat.doc Attachments To: Chris Shingleton · ...3u'I-Z~-9~ 0~-' 17A ~i! Date: 7t28/98 Time: 10:08:20 AM rd Burn~ GNU2 4, · 59 5170 Page 3 0,f 3 P.02 An ¢le i im¢o What'sin N'ame? Who Cares as Long as It Sells i.Iy BRADLEY INMAN Whm~ lhe Fieldstone' Co. dubbed oi~e of ]ts ,San Diego subdivisions ,~lirador Park, the name stuck among area resiclenL~ as a place with a certain status. It created "a little snob appeal" in working-clans Mira Me~ and hell)Od ~ales. according to fieldstone Mat- .keting Manager l,aura Jolmston. [na competitive real e~tate market, commas up with Lhe right subdivision name can be valuable Lo developers who are trying to distinguiAh their homes from the compebtio[) next door. But naming developments )s often a superficial marketing exercise, said Rich- ard Burns, president of the ONU 0reap, Sausalito, which helps real e~t~te develop- ets ch~e names for their projects. Devel.- opcr~ often t~e together environmental and architectural buzswor&~ that have little relatmnship to thc quality of the communi, ty or the design of the prnj~t, he said. While famous commtu~ities such as Bev- erly Hmlls, Rancho Santa Fe and Palos Verdes started out as the names of housing development,, the California real estate lal)dscape ha~ been blotted with forgettable maniker~ such au Sunrise Meadows on the Imke. Silverbr~k on the )tills, Shadow- ridge Vis~ b~tates and HavenridRe by the Bay. Rutgers University Political ~cicnce Prof. Ross Baker spoofed subd~v~iun name~ with a mathematical matrix for "Naming That. Town." lie a~signcd num- bers to words m four categories, upbeat adjectives, b~ie~ el water and botanical and tupograph~e nemm. Given the m~bdivi- ~iot3's ZIP code, a deveiol~r eon instantly obtain a name. The first four numbers il~ a Pahndalo code, for example, would translate into the lyrical "l'~lm Hills aL Bubbling Br~k ." Itc also offered possibilities for re'ban houai,g and achier projcet.a. leer example. Baker recommended "10 urban nouns including courts, corners, squares and the ever-pop- ular view." A name m avoid with Um "feisty and active" senior crowd, warns I~ker, is '"rtanquili- ty Meadow at ~isurc Shores." To make it easy ot~ developers ~eeking an instm~t name, ltome- builder ~okstore in Orange Coun- [y publishes thc "l'roj~t Name Book," which li~L~ new home com- munibes [rom all over the country, 'rl~c book offer~ 2,~ listings "con- veniently sorted by tl~eme (water, country and architectural style). project types (attached or de- tached) and gcograpl~icai I~ation. For an animal theme, offers Cricket I~nclave. Cater Trace, Beagle Club, Hawkncst at Metrowest or Cat Mountain Villas. l,'or ~ r~reational flavor, there's Summer Walk at Laguna l leights, Steeplechase al. [,ocust Grove Farm~ or Summit Run. In large planned-uniL communi. tie~ that b3ke years to hut.Id, devel- opers look for I~al~s I.hat will have more lasting apl~al, rl'i~cir pr'ecrus o¢ ,amc selcc, t.ion is Of Lml more aophishcated than buying a name book or adopting the ia. Lest theme buzzword. Si~ialists are .hired to study the history, telegraphy and the mu'rounding community. "Here, [the namel goes b0yond architectural styles or obvJou.~ geographical features sucil as lakes and rivers." said GNU Oroup Pres- ideal Burns. "Delving into the history and the socioeconomic fab- ric of the community is importanL," he said. Burns did such a study for a major new c. ommm~ity out~ide Chi- cago and turned up the name "Ituntley," the term residents al- ready used to refer to the area. "It connoted a rural. ~oul~Lry and tra- ditional setting," said l~,urns. Historically, religion and geog- raphy have been the most intpor- rant factors contributing to endur- ing community names California. 'l'l~e ~tate itself got ils ri,nme from a IGth-Cenmry story about a remote island kingdom ruled by Queen Califia. Early ex- plorers thought Southertl Cailler nia was an island. In ureas that tlave no .noose of place or definite geographic boundaries, the marketern must create identity and image. Century City is one of the 'most successful Thc name selection procfs~ is deemed triumphant when u new development becomes a neighbor- hood and residents still use the Ilallle. 'I'hol~, "thc marketmff ve- ,,ocr goes away and thc comn~unity takes over," Burns said, "What people call it is wlmt il. becomes." he said. cotuznn£¢t. JUL-28-1998 10:28 619-291-9370 92Z P.03 To: CMs Shingleton Date: 7/'28/98 Time: 10:08:20 AM Page 2 of 3 Jul-28-g8 Og: 17A Rich ' DEMOGAFFES / Rt,ss K. Baker NAME THAT TOWN i Burn~ GNU2 BAKER'S RANDOM NOMENCLATURE 0ENERATOR B Iii co,,, ~ Br~k FOR SUBDIVISIONS · bob#ir, al aou~ lepo~r~plll¢ aoua dplle~l ad/ecllv~ 41~ ;g 5'170 P cai place narnc.K for hard.lo-name subdi- vision.,; like Cem~pl()n, California. Thai zip code' gives you "(_:actu.~ Meadows al Happy I larbor." Yo~ dcm'! need to rcstricl yourself m zip codes lo generale place names with appeal. If you feel patriotic, how about 17767 Thal's "Cypress Point(e) at Grand (or Great) Bay." Sounds dreamy and iropical. A developer bom in ! 94:5 could dub his project "Cypress Forest at Pheas- ant (or Pleasanl) Brook." You can also reverse the nouns and adjectives lo produce some profilable combinations..Smrting with colunm three and proceeding Lo column two and Ihen to columns one and tout gives you' felicitous combination of"Windy Fortsl al Oak Brook." Column two comes with an optional drop-in module for urban areas. Instead -of aL Iisi of topographic features suitable only for thc wide-open spaces of subur- bit the optional module offers the fol- lowing ten urban nouns: court(s), mews, comers, ~uare, close, circle, walk, gar- dens, place, and the ever-popular view. The Giber optional module, s are ma- cho in mood. They can be dropped into columns one and three, ptoduclng in- triguing possibilide6 such as "Sm:sggim"s Shores al Brlgand's Creek." or "Whis- k(ely Point(e) al Poachers Cove." Devel- opers of subdivisions for s~niors would do well to consider using the macho modules, becau~ there is bound to be a backlash against the insipid names for retirement communities. What feisty senior wants to live in "Tranquility lii Hicko,7 Ii] Meadowfs) ~u m Rocky I~ Stream Recently, i've become aware thai devel- opers aclually pay bu.~inesses good money to coin names for their subdivi- sions. In a gesture of public philanthropy, i'm publishing the above handy nomen- clature generator. Thc 10x4 matrix will produce !.600 dclighlful development fi#mca. II works like this: As soon as you know where you want lo build, look up the zip code. Take the firsl four digits of Ro~s K. Baker is o p,'~¢e~c,r ¢~ political sc'iem'¢ at Ru/gers UnA'er~;it~ in Ne.' Brun~4.ick. Ne.. Ye,'so'. and a a'o,uribut. inx editor of Americun Dcmographics. the zip code. go to thc nomenclature gcncralor, and plug in the numbers. . Suppose you wahl to develop in Princclon corridor of New Jersey. Prince- mn has ~he zip code 08540. Knock off the la.~ zero. and you get 08:54. This combination of numbers gives you lyrical name, "Hickory Glen at Bubbling (Burbling) Creek." How about u hot California location like Palmdale? The zip for that fast- growing area is 93550, which give.~ you "Palm Hills a~ Bubbling Brook," or alter- nately, "Cactus I lill al Burbling Brook." Sounds idyllic, doesn't ii? The nomen- clature generu~or will even provide po~ti- Vleadow al Leisure Shores"?. · COMING NEXT MONTH THE AGING' MEDIA DISCRETIONARY INCOMES MARKETING SERVICES IN FUTURE MONTHS THE BLACK MARKET THE REAL AMERICAN MARKET .ol 7Z ~u~nc.~ DEMOGRAPHICS /SEPTEMBER JUL-28-1998 10: 2? 619-291-93"",'~ 93X P. 02