HomeMy WebLinkAbout18 AUTO DSGN STDS 07-20-98 NO. 18 7-20-98 /- ! n t e r- C o rn DATE: JULY 20, 1998 TO: FROM: SUBJECT: WILLIAM A. HUSTON, CITY MANAGER coMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT REVISED AUTO SERVICE DESIGN STANDARDS RECOMMENDATION That the City Council amend the City's Service Station Design Guidelines by adopting Resolution No. 98-61 approving the Auto Service Design Standards. FISCAL IMPACT There are no fiscal impacts associated with this project. No General Fund monies will be used for development of auto related uses. BACKGROUND AND DISCUSSION In November 1997, the Planning Commission requested that poliCies and the format of the existing City Council Service Station Guidelines be revisited. This was in response to a service station and car wash proposal that was approved by the Planning Commission with deviations from the guidelines to allow the pump islands to face the street. The Commission noted that service station developers would benefit from updated guidelines, that clearly summarize the City's policies on the design of auto service businesses. When reviewing proposals for new or substantially redeveloped service stations, planning staff has been following the current City Council policy. It would be appropriate for the CounCil to articulate its desires so that staff can give consistent direction to applicants. On June 22, 1998, the Planning Commission adopted Planning Commission Resolution No. 3598, recommending that the City Council approve the revised standards (Attachment A). The proposed Auto Service Design Standards are included in Exhibit A of Resolution No. 98-61. The existing Service Station Guidelines has been provided as Attachment C. The following is a list of the major policy and format changes the Commission is recommending for the City Council's consideration. Policy: The revised document makes all' auto service uses subject to the design standards, such as auto repair, auto body, car washes and lube and oil facilities. The existing policy statement, recognizing that auto service facilities are an essential service to the public, is expanded by describing the typical characteristics and identifying the adverse impacts that should be reduced. The impacts identified City Council Report Auto Service Design Standards July 20, 1998 Page 2 include: visual impacts of service bays and pumps adjacent to the street, environmental impacts of typical large areas of asphalt, and safety hazards of multiple driveways. Recommended. provisions to eliminate these impacts are described. The policy of screening work bays from public streets, adjacent residential properties, and open space areas has been included. Building openings are discouraged from facing adjacent residential properties because of the potential noise and odor disturbances. In addition to work bays, pump islands are encouraged to be placed behind structures, landscaping areas, or buffered from public view. Definitions: · Definitions for auto repair shops and car washes are provided. Site and Building Design: Maintaining the reverse design concept, as contained in the existing policy, reduces the negative visual impacts to the street, mitigates noise and odor producing impacts, and .encourages sound on- and off-site circulation.' In the cases where reverse design concept is not possible, a provision has been included that allows the reviewing body the authority to consider other site arrangements where topography, vegetation, buildings or other structures effectively screen the service bays and pumps from view. An order of preferred site design is included which first lists that a comer .lot reverse design layout is most desirable. However, a site that is designed to visually block the service bays and pumps from view is also acceptable. Written documentation is required demonstrating that a good faith effort has been made to design the facility in accordance with the order of preference. Outside waiting areas are encouraged for uses where patrons wait for services to be conducted on their vehicles. Examples are provided to design these waiting areas so that they are attractive and inviting elements. Design provisions have been added to encourage design elements, compatible materials' and colors that are consistent with the surrounding neighborhood. High quality materials that have the appearance or substance of permanency are encouraged. All building elevations facing streets should include architectural details, avoiding the appearance of the "back of the building". Building design is encouraged to contribute a positive presence to the street scene. City Council Report Auto Service Design Standards July 20, 1998 Page 3 Circulation: A provision is added that encourages truck circulation patterns for tank filling be included in the site design so that the trucks will not conflict with circulation patterns or cause stacking overflow onto streets. To preclude interference with parking and on- and off-site circulation, stacking for each pump island is specified to be a minimum of 40 feet (i.e. the length of two vehicles). Paving and Landscaping: Reduction in the amount of paving is encouraged, while still providing adequate paved areas to accommodate all legitimate and anticipated circulation patterns. Reduced areas of paving should be replaced with landscaping. Landscape provisions are included which provide landscape standards. The standards state that 15 percent of the lot be landscaped. Lighting: Lights are encouraged for the' purpose of illuminating the site and signage. However, a provision has' been added to restrict the location of the lights in a manner that contains all direct rays, avoiding an adverse impact of light glare on surrounding properties. Restrooms: Provisions requiring that restrooms be accessible during hours of operation has been included. Restrooms should be located within the main structure with signage clearly visible. ' Air and Water Service: Provisions are included requiring that service stations and self-serve stations provide water and air service for the public available 24 hours a day. Locations for this service should be in a convenient, conspicuous, well-lit area that does not obstruct circulation patterns. Compressor Location: A statement is included encouraging the placement of compressors on interior of the site which would minimize noise and visual impacts on adjacent properties. City Council Report Auto Service Design Standards July 20, 1998 Page 4 Storage of Recyclables: A requirement that auto service facilities make provisions to store used oil and lubricants pending recycling has been added. Outside Address Systems: · A statement discouraging outdoor address systems used in outside areas is included. Water Quality: A requirement is included that all development comply with the provisions of the City of Tustin Water Quality Ordinance and all Federal, State, County and Regional rules regarding water quality as they relate to Auto Service facilities. Exhibit A: Exhibit A Diagram has been revised which illustrates the reverse site design. Photographs of auto services designed with a reverse layout are included. A description of design elements described in the design standards.is noted on the diagram (Exhibit A) and the photographs. The Planning Commission felt that the new and existing policies would be more effective if incorporated into .the City Code rather than continue to be used as guidelines. Therefore, the Commission is recommending that the previous serVice Station Guidelines be adopted as Auto Service Design Standards for eventual inclusion into the Zoning Code. ~ A~. Ludi i...ff Associate Planner Elizabeth A. Binsack Community Development Director Attachments: A - Planning Commission Resolution No. 3598 & The Draft Proposed Auto Service Design Standards B - Survey of Design Standards Obtained From Other Cities C - EXisting Service Station Guidelines D - Resolution No. 98-61 and Exhibit A - Auto Service Design Standards s :cddkcreponhautosrvstdesst. doc ATTACHMENT A PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 3598 14 20 22 24 25 28 RESOLUTION NO. 3598 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA RECOMMENDING THAT THE CITY COUNCIL AMEND THE PLANNING, ZONING AND DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS RELATED TO AUTO SERVICES AND APPROVE THE AUTO SERVICE DESIGN STANDARDS. The Planning Commission of the City of Tustin does hereby resolve as follows: I. The Planning Commission finds and determines as follows: II. Ao That City Council Resolution No. 81-50, established policy guidelines to be followed in reviewing service station development proposals. Bo That the guidelines established in part, development standards for service stations but does not include other auto service related facilities such as carwashes, lube and tune facilities and auto repair facilities. C, That guidelines and development standards are needed to promote and protect the public health, safety and general welfare and preserve and enhance the quality of the City relating to auto service uses. In preparing the Auto Service Design Standards, the Planning Commission finds and determines: Ao That certain design and development standards shall be considered by the Community Development Department staff and the Planning Commission when considering development applications for establishing auto service related uses within designated zoning districts. Bo That the design standards establish certain requirements for site develoPment, building design, circulation, landscaping and operations of new and existing auto service uses that require approval of a conditional use permit and design review. Co That the design standards provide standards that mitigate impacts typically associated with auto related uses including measures to reduce the visual impact of service bays and pump islands. 20 24 25 26 2? 29 Resolution No. 3,r Page 2 III. The Planning Commission hereby recommends that the City Council amend Resolution 81-50 and adopt the Auto Service Design Standards to be followed when considering development applications for auto service related uses within designated zoning districts, attached hereto as Exhibit A. PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Tustin Planning Commission, held on the 22"d day of June, 1998. Chairman ~/~ ELIZABETH A. BINSACK Planning Commission Secretary STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) CITY OF TUSTIN ) I, ELIZABETH A. BINSACK, the undersigned, hereby certify that I am the Secretary of the Planning Commission of the City of Tustin, Califomia; that Resolution No. 3598 was duly passed and adopted at a regular meeting of the Tustin Planning Commission, held on the 22nd day of June, 1998. ELIZABETH A. BINSACK Planning Commission Secretary ATTACHMENT A AUTO SERVICE S-T-A-T-ION DESIGN GUIDELINES STANDARDS POLICY: ,-,,.,,,-,.,,;~,t o,~ ,..,.,..,,;,.,,., ,.,,.,,~,,;,,,., ;,.,,.,,,.,o ,,., .the ,-,,.,,,;,.,.,,,m,.,,.,, ,a;o,.,,-,,.,, ,.,,.,-,,,~,.+;,.o traffic · .. c o..,.,; ~,........,, .,,~, ,,-,... the ,,;*~';*,,. ,.,~,,.~ .~, ,.. ~"'~ The purpose of ,h,-.o..., ,........ ,.,,~.,,,.,,..,,,,;,~,.,,;,,,..o,,..., the design standards is to promote and protect the public health, safety and general welfare, and preserve and enhance the aesthetic quality of the City relating to auto service uses· To fulfill this purpose, it is the intent of ,h,.,o,. ';'~"";n~s ig ...... gu ...... the des n standards to: . Establish appropriate development standards c=.r-ite~ related to site and building design, circulation, parking and landscaping to promote orderly development.. 2~ Identify expected operational standards to minimize impacts on adjacent properties and neighborhoods. . Implement certain facilities and amenities necessary to protect the public safety and convenience. DEFINITIONS: Auto Repair Shops: These services include the retail sale of petroleum products and automotive accessories; automobile washing (by hand); waxing and polishing of automobiles (by hand); the sale and repair of tires; battery service; cleaning and flushing of radiators; and the installation of accessory components. The following operations are permitted if conducted within an enclosed building: painting; body work; detailing; lubrication of motor vehicles; brake service limited to servicing and replacement of brake cylinders and brake shoes; wheel balancing; testing, adjustment; and replacement of carburetors, coils, condensers, distributor caps, fan belts, filters, generators, points, rotors, spark plugs, voltage regulatorsl water hoses, and wiring; and the performance of minor emergency repairs on a vehicle. Car Wash: An occupancy which primarily provides the service of washing, waxing, polishing and vacuuming automobiles by hand and/or by an automatic machine. Services incidental to this use include the retail sale of petroleum products, automotive accessories and food items. DRAFT AUTO SERVICE D~, Revised June 22, 1998 Page 2 STANDARDS Service Station: Means an occupancy which provides for the servicing of motor vehicles and operations incidental thereto, limited to the retail sale of petroleum products and automotive accessories; automobile washing by hand; waxing and polishing of automobiles; tire changing and repairing (excluding recapping); battery service, charging and replacement, not including repair and rebuilding; radiator cleaning and. flushing, excluding steam cleaning and repair; installation of accessories; also including the following operations if conducted within a building; lubricatiOn of motor vehicles; brake servicing limited to servicing and replacement of brake cylinders and brake shoes; wheel balancing; the testing, adjustment and replacement of carburetors, coils condensers, distributor caps, fan belts, filters, generators, points, rotors, spark plugs, voltage regulators, water and fuel pumps, water hoses and wiring. (TCC 9297) PERMIT PROCESS The Tustin General Plan and Zoning %,/Vq~ldq~l~ l~l'~.~l II,,ll,.~ /k4V~/~l.~.41~,~l~.~ ~,4~.F~i~MI ~./I ~i/IV~./~I I.l~,~,) I~ILIIII. ~ identifies properties within the City where auto services are conditionally approved. The process and procedures for the development, modifiCation, or operation of auto services i.e. service stations, auto repair shops, car washes, or convenience euUe~ markets (including drive-through), shall be consistent with the General Plan and Zoning Code. PROJECTS SUBJECT TO GUIDELINES DESIGN STANDARDS Any new service station, aut° repair shop, or car wash, or an existing nonconforming facility that is altered more than 50 percent of the building's assessed valuation per Section 9273b of the Tustin City Code, shall comply with the stand=rds set forth within tr...o.. ,,;,~..~;q..o. ig da ..... g ......... These des nstan rds SITE DESIGN' ORDER OF PREFERENCE Aut° service facilities shall be designed and developed.in the following order of preference: ~ aJ On a corner lot designed so the service bays are oriented away from public view and the pumps located at the rear of the lot behind the structures to buffer them from public view (See Exhibit A). bm On a lot where the topography, vegetation, buildings or other structures provide the greatest amount of screening of the service bays and pumps. . As a part of the application process, applicants for auto service facilities shall be required to provide written documentation demonstrating a good faith effort in designing the facilities in accordance with the site design order of preference. DRAFT AUTO SERVICE Revised June 22, 1998 Page 3 3N STANDARDS DEVELOPMENT CRI-T-E-RI¢~S TAN DA R DS . . . . Placement of structures on the site should shall be clustered and oriented to shield the service bays and pump stations from view with service bays and pump islands oriented toward the interior of the property (See Exhibit A and Figure 1). The interiors of work bays should shall be screened from public streets, adjacent residential properties or open space areas. Building openings should shall be buffered from residential properties to ensure noise and odor attenuation. Site design should shall include paved areas to accommodate all legitimate, anticipated cirCulation patterns. All other areas should shall consist of decorative paving or landscaping. Driveway cuts should shall be limited to one driveway per street frontage, or as otherwise determined by the Engineering Division. When possible shared access between properties should shall be provided. Landscaping is required in all street front and side setback areas, adjacent to customer entrances to buildings, and along property lines. Landscaping should shall be designed as a buffer between the structures, adjacent properties and street frontages (See Figure 2). A minimum of 15 percent of the lot should shall be landscaping, consistent with the City Landscaping and Irrigation Guidelines. All landscaped areas should shall-have permanent irrigation systems and maintained on a continual basis. A 6" high curb should shall separate the planting areas from paving areas.. Air and water service should shall be located in a convenient, conspicuous, well- lit area that will not obstruct the on-site circulation patterns or required parking spaces. t.:o ' 'back of a DRAFT AUTO SERVICE r. Revised June 22, 1998 Page 4: .~N STANDARDS . o s o o 10. 11. Outdoor storaqe sho'aM shall be permitted in approved areas screened from view. Accessory buildings used for storage of accessory goods to be sold at retail on site, such as tires, tubes,t waxes, lubricants, etc., should shall be architecturally compatible with the design of the main structure. Trash enclosures shall be an enclosed masonry structure, minimum 6' X 8' size. Restrooms should shall be located within the approved structure with entrances or signage clearly visible from the pump islands or cashier area and 'concealed from view of adjacent properties by planters or decorative screening. Pay Telephones shall be located within the approved structure. The pay phones shall be programmed to prohibit incoming calls. The loCation of pay phones outside the auto service establishment is Prohibited. Stacking for tWo vehicles (40 feet) for each pump island should shall be provided on-site to preclude interference with internal parking and on and off-site traffic circulation. Truck circulation patterns and positions for tank filling should shall not conflict with critical customer circulation patterns or cause a potential for stacking overflow onto a street. Masonry walls, 6'8" high masonry walls should shall be constructed adjacent to all interior property lines abutting residentially zoned or used properties. Compressors shculd shall be located in the interior of the site or within the buildings to minimize any impacts on adjacent properties. DRAFT AUTO SERVICE Revised June 22, 1998 Page 5 SN STANDARDS ' 12. Lights for illuminating the site or advertising the facility shou!d shall be located in such a manner so as to contain all direct rays upon the subject property. Fixtures and intensities should shall require the approval of the Community Development Director. 13. Outside waitinq areas shall be incorporated with the site design. The design of these areas shou!d shall be compatible with the main structure providing an inviting atmosphere with desirable elements such as shade structures, benches, decorative furniture, umbrellas, landscape planters, etc. 14. Water Quality, development shall comply with all applicable provisions of the City of Tustin Water Quality Ordinance and all rules and regulations set by Federal, State, and Regional Water Quality Boards and the Orange County Sanitation District, as they relate to Auto Service facilities. PARKING Unless otherwise specified in the Tustin Zoning Code, the following parking regulations should shall apply: Aut° repair: 4 spaces per service bay, plus adequate queuing lanes for each bay, plus I space for each 2 employees on the largest shift. Auto parts sale: 1 space for each 400 sq. ft. of gross floor area, plus 1 space for each 2,000 sq. ft., service area, plus 1 space for each 300 sq. ft. of gross floor area for a parts department plus 1 space for each 2 employees. Car washes - self-serve: 2.5 spaces per washing stall, for queuing and drying. Car waShes - full-serve: 10 sPaces, plus 10 spaces per wash lane for drying area, plus queuing area for 5 vehicles ahead of each lane. Convenience ~t, eres markets: 1 space for each 200 square feet of gross floor area. Service Stations: 1 space for each pump island pi. us as required for ancillary uses. BUILDING DESIGN . All structures, including accessory buildings, canopies and pump islands, shcu!d shall include a high level of architectural detailing consistent and appropriate for the neighborhood or center theme that may exist. DRAFT AUTO SERVICE [. Revised June 22, 1998 Page 6 ,~N STANDARDS . All building elevations should shall be architecturally detailed to avoid the appearance of the "back of the building"; buildings should shall contribute a positive presence to the street scene. o Building materials should shall have the appearance of substance and permanency; lightweight metal or other temporary appearing structures are not appropriate. SIGNS Section 9401 of the Tustin City Code or the approved sign program for the'subject property should shall be referenced regarding sign regulations. OPERATIONAL CONDITIONS . Service operations should shall be entirely within an apprOved structures, except for the services of dispensing gasoline, oil, water, air and the replacement of wiper blades, hand washing, waxing, polishing, vacuuming vehicle interiors and outdoor seating, which should shall take place only in areas designate on approved plans for such activities. No vehicle repair should shall take place in any parking space or drive aisle. . All vehicles that are not being worked on within the building should shall be parked only within designated marked parking spaces. No parking should shall be permitted in front of the roll up doors or any drive aisle . No outdoor storage or display of materials should shall be permitted except as ~,~,r,,,,..,4 k,, ,k.. r.,,~,~,,,,,;,,, n..,,..~,,,,~,..-, n;,..,.,,,r allowed by the Zoning Code. m Vending machines shall be located within the approved structure. Outdoor vending activities is prohibited. . The storage of junk or permanently disabled or wrecked automobiles should shall not be permitted. Used or discarded automotive parts or equipment shou!d shall not be located outside of the approved structure except 'within the designated trash storage area. All inoperative vehicles should shall be parked within the building. No inoperative vehicles should shall be permitted to be parked on the site outside the building, including marked spaces. . Storage or parking of buses and trucks or similar vehicles is prohibited. This excludes tow trucks, pick-up trucks., and small vans incidental to the service station use. 7. Parking and advertising of vehicles for sale or lease is not permitted. DRAFT AUTO SERVICE Revised June 22, 1998 Page ? SN STANDARDS , ' , Restrooms should shall be provided to the public at no cost and available during all hours of operation. The restrooms should shall be maintained in a clean and sanitary condition. , All service stations and self-serve stations should shall provide water and air, at no cost and available 24 hours a day. All air hoses should shall be equipped with operating' and accurately calibrated gauges. 10. Provisions should shall be made for the storage of used oil and lubricants pending recycling. 11. Public address systems should shall never be used in outdoor areas. 12. All requirements of the City's Noise Ordinance (Chapter 6 of the Tustin City Code) should shall be met at all times. LL:vehicles.do¢ DRAFT AUTO SERVICE Revised June 22, 1998 Page 8 ,N STANDARDS POTENTIAL ACCESS TO ADJACENT .. COi~)IERCIAL CENTER · . PROPERTY LINE .. 6'~" MASONRY WALL DRIVE APRON LANDSCAPE BERM TRASH ENCLOSi PAVEHENT · / / \ AIR & WATER SERVICE ,/ ' HANDICAP PA~. KING ~\ \ ~ ' XX'. F,X', /" " N_~_ A.~ ' .'~.' co~ ~s~s ~ . ~0~ ~ ~00~ SETBACK SERVICE BAYS 6 ; C'ONCRETE MONUMENT SIGN DRIVE APRON. PROPE~ ~rSS STREET. TREES' PER CITY MASTER PLAN ' STREET EXHIBIT A ATTACHMENT B -' SURVEY RESULTS H ~0 H H ATTACHMENT C EXISTING SERVICE STATION DEVELOPMENT GUIDELINES. Xi!. SERVICE STATION A. Po!icy ATTAC~IENT C [~t~ [~ ~LOPMENT GUIDELINES The City Co~ci! of the city cf Tustin recognizes the vehicle service station as ~n essential service to the public. The location ~nd design of service stations shall be such as to provide a-n aesthetic a-~enity, free from.hazards and urban b!i.~nt, in addition to beLng a service to the public. A use permit shall, therefore, be required for any service station, self-serve station, drive-throuch convenience outlet, or related facilities ~nd cpera~tions, to assure compatabi!ity with the surround/_ng area. B. Definition !. Service Station shall me~_n ~n attended occupancf which primarily pro- vides for the sale of motor fuels, but also supplies the servicing a-nd operations incidental to motor vehicles rated at one a_nd cne-ha!f (! 1/2) tons or less. These Lncidenta! services include the retail sale of petroleum products and automotive accessories; automobile washing (by hand); waxLng a-nd po!ishLng c~ automobiles; the sale ~nd repair of tires (excluding recapping)~ battery service; cleaning a-nd f!ushLng of radiators (excludLng ste~ cleaning amd repair)~ and the installation of accessory components. Also, the following operations are permitted if conducted within a building: lubrication of motor vehicles (1 1/2 tons or less); br~-ke service limited to ser¢icing a-nd ~acement of brake cylinders and br~ke sho~s; wheel ba!~-ncing; and the testing, adjustment, and replacement of carburetors, coils, condensers, dis%ributor caps, fan belts, filters, generators, points, rotors, spark plugs, voltage regulators, water hoses, and wiring. The perfor- mance of minor emergency repairs is allowed for vehicles of one a_nd ' one-half (! 1/2) tons or less. 2. Self-Serve Station shall mean an occupancy which primarily provides for the self-dispensing cf motor fuels, a-nd may also include automatic c~_ washLng, ~-. excludes the service_nc and remai~ or maintenance cf _ vehicles. 3. Drive-throuch Conve'nience Outlet shall mean a~n occupancy which pri- mari!Y provides for the sale of food items with the incidental sale of m~tor fuels. C. Operational Conditions 1. The operation ~nd display of merchandise shall be within ~n approved s~r~cture, except those directly required for the dispensJ_ng of caso!ine, oil, and water and ~ ~ 2. The storage of pe_~manent!y disabled, junk, or wrecked automobiles .shall not be pe_~mitted. Further, no used or discarded automotive parts or equipme_nt may be located outside of the bui!dLng except within the desi?nated trash storage area. 3. Storage or parking of buses ~nd trucks or similar vehicles is pro- h~--bited, except tow trucks, pi~k-up trucks, ~nd small vans incidental · to the se~ice station use. The storage of rental trailers is Der- _ mitred, provided said trai!e~s are adequately screened from view and said storage or rental trailers is specifically covered in the use 4. Parking and advertising of vehicles for sale or lease is p~ohibited. D. Deve!ooment Criteria 1. New developments and substantially modified existing sites shall be desi?ned so as to provide interior traffic circulation ~and non-interference with through traffic on a public street, a suggested design is illustrated · by E~2nibit XII-A. 2. Parkin~ accommodations shall be provided as follows: a. Service Station - 6 spaces b. Se!f-se-~e Station - (gasoline and oil only.) - 3 spaces c. Self-service Station _ (automatic car wash) - 6 spaces plus 2 spaces d. Drive-thrcu 'onvenience Outlet - 3 £mac o!us 1 space for each 200 square -'~et of building area cn the site. 3. Accassory~ buildings for the storage of accessory goods 'to be sold at retail on the site, such as tires, tubes, waxes, !ubric~nts, etc., shall be architecturally ha_~nonious with the design of the main structure a-nd~ shall require specific use permit approval. 4. Trash storage areas shall be an enclosed masonry struct~e, mini~m six (6) feet by eight (8) feet. 5. Lights for i!lu~inating tine site or to adve_~ise the facility shall be loCated J.n such a manner so as to contain all direct rays upon the subject property. FJ~xtures ~nd intensity shall re?uire the approval of ti. ne Community Development Director. 6. Si.cning shall be in accordance with the City of Tustin Sign Code (Ordinance No. 684). 7. M~_~ximum Allowable Heicht - thi~y-five (35) feet. 8. M~_~.ni~ BuildEnm Site - ten thousand (!0,000) scuare feet. . 9. Maximum Lot Coverage- (bui!d~_ngs ~nd structures) fifty (50)percent. !0 U~nimnnn Lot '~ '~ · . W_c~h at Pro?e~y Line: Corner Lot: One hundred (!00) feet Interior Lot: One hundred (100) feet !1. Yards and Setbacks: Frontage on m~jor highway (120' ROW) (measured from centerline) Front Side Rear 75' 75' Frontage on pr~--~ry highway (100' ROW) 65' (measured ~ ~_om centerline) 65' 65' Frontage on secondary highway (80' ROW) (measured from centerlLne) 55, 55' 55' Ail other sites ~nd yards not abutting a primary or secondary highway: Front yard: Fifteen (15) feet, Unless otherwise indicated on zoning map. Side yard: Twelve (12) feet, unless othe_~ise indicated on zoning map. Rear yard: ?~elve (12) -25- E. De sic?. S t ~_ndards 1 ~ui!dincs ~-.nd ~!ot ~lans shall be. designed and of such ' ~ . ~ mat___a_s as to assure compatibility with existing or a-nticipated deve!oument in the neighborhood ~nd the total community. · 2. ~¢nenever feasib'!e, service stations shall be desi?ned so as to. pre- clude open bays facing a public street. 3. ~Lnenever feasible, service stations ~nd self-serve stations shall be designed for the location of service pumps on the rear potion of s~,~___ with drive entrances a-~.d exits located at ti~e en~__m_~_es~= ~' of the lot lines. (See Exhibit XII-A). 4. Ln all instances, traffic flcw and stackLng room shall be provided to preclude interference with internal parkLng a_nd on a_nd off-site traffic circalation. 5. Perimeter m~-sonry walls, 6'8" in height, shall be provided on all Lnterior lot 1Lnes abutting residential land uses. 6. Perimeter and interior landscaping shall' be provided in accordance with the st~_ndards contained in Section XI of these ~cuidelLnes. F. Process and Procedures for Deve!ooment Permit The process and procedures for the development, modification, or operation of a 5e~ice station, self-serve station, or drive-through convenience outlet shall be as required for a use pe.~mit, as contained in Section III of these guide!Lnes. -36- 6" CO?.!CRETE CUR.R STREET TREES PER CITY MASTER PLAt'.! ARTERIAL HIG'~'''r'v. .,,,,,. ATTACHMENT D RESOLUTION NO. 98-61 RESOLUTION NO. 98-61 2O 24 35 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA REPEALING RESOLUTION 81-50, THE PLANNING, ZONING AND 'DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS RELATED TO AUTO SERVICES AND APPROVE THE AUTO SERVICE DESIGN STANDARDS. The City Council of the. City of Tustin does hereby resolve as follows: I. The City Council finds and determines as follows: Ao That City Council Resolution No. 81-50, established policy guidelines 'to be followed in reviewing service station development proposals. B, That the guidelines established development standards for service stations but do not include other auto service related facilities such. as lube and tune facilities and auto repair facilities. Co That guidelines and'development standards are needed to promote and protect the public health, safety and general welfare and preserve and enhance the quality of the City relating to auto service uses. Do That on June 22, 1998, the Planning Commission adopted Resolution 3598, recommending that the City Council repeal the Planning, Zoning and Development Guidelines related to Auto Services and adopt the proposed Auto Service Design Standards, provided in Attachment A. E, That on July 20, 1998, the City Council conSidered the Planning Commission's recommendation to repeal the Planning, Zoning and Development Guidelines and adopt the Auto Service Design Standards, provided in Planning Commission Resolution No. 3598. II. In preparing the Auto Service Design Standards, the City Council finds and determines: Ao That certain design and development standards shall be considered by the Community Development Department staff and the Planning Commission when considering development applications for establishing auto service related uses within designated zoning districts. a. That 'the design standards establish certain requirements for site development, building design, circulation, landscaping ]4 l? 20 2! 22 24 25 26 2? 28 Resolution No. ~ Page 2 and operations of new' and existing auto service uses that require approval of a conditional use permit and design review. Co That the design standards provide standards that mitigate impacts typically associated with auto related uses including measures to reduce the visual impact of service bays and pump islands. III. The City Council hereby repeals in part Resolution No. 81-50 and adopts the Auto Service Design Standards, attached hereto as Exhibit A. PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Tustin City Council, held on the 20th day of July, 1998. THOMAS R. SALTARELLI MAYOR PAMELA STOKER CITY CLERK STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) 'CITY OF TUSTIN ) I, Pamela Stoker, City Clerk and ex-officio Clerk of the City Council of the City of Tustin, California, do hereby certify that the whole number of the members of the City Council of the City of Tustin is five; that the above and foregoing Resolution No. 98-61 was duly passed and adopted at a regular meeting of the Tustin City Council, held on the 20th day of July, 1998, by the following vote: COUNCILMEMBER AYES: COUNCILMEMBER NOES: COUNCILMEMBER ABSTAINED: COUNCILMEMBER ABSENT: PAMELA STOKER CITY CLERK EXHIBIT A RESOLUTION NO. 98-61 AUTO SERVICE DESIGN STANDARDS POLICY: The purpose of the design standards is to promote and protect the public health, safety · and general welfare, and preserve and enhance the aesthetic quality of the City relating to auto service uses. To fulfill this purpose, it is the intent of the design standards to: . Establish appropriate development standards related to site and building design, circulation, parking and landscaping to promote orderly development. . Identify expected operational standards 'to minimize impacts on adjacent properties and neighborhoods. . Implement certain facilities and amenities necessary to protect the public safety and convenience. DEFINITIONS: Auto Repair Shops: These services include the retail sale of petroleum products and automotive accessories; automobile washing (by hand); waxing and polishing of automobiles (by hand); the sale and repair of tires; battery service; cleaning and flushing of radiators; and the installation of accessory components. The following operations are permitted if conducted within an enclosed building: painting; body work; detailing; lubrication of motor vehicles; brake service limited to servicing and replacement of brake cylinders and brake shoes; wheel balancing; testing, adjustment, and replacement of carburetors, coils, condensers, distributor caps, fan belts, filters, generators, points, rotors, spark plugs, voltage regulators, water hoses, and wiring; and the performance of minor emergency repairs on a vehicle. Car Wash: 'An occupancy which primarily provides the service of washing, waxing, polishing and vacuuming automobiles by hand and/or by an automatic machine. Services incidental'to this use include the retail sale of petroleum products, automotive accessories and food items. Service Station: Means an occupancy which provides for the servicing of motor vehicles and operations incidental thereto, limited to the retail sale of petroleum products and automotive accessories; automobile washing by hand; waxing and polishing of automobiles; tire changing and repairing (excluding recapping); battery service, charging and replacement, not including repair and rebuilding; radiator cleaning and flushing, excluding steam cleaning and repair; installation of accessories; also including the following operations if conducted within a building; lubrication of motor Exhibit A, Resolution No. City Council JulY 20, 1998 Page 2 vehicles; brake servicing limited to servicing and replacement of brake cylinders and brake shoes; wheel balancing; the testing, adjustment and replacement of carburetors, coils condensers, distributor caps, fan belts, filters, generators, points, rotors, spark plugs, voltage regulators, water and fuel pumps, water hoses and wiring. (TCC 9297) PERMIT PROCESS The Tustin General Plan and Zoning Code identifies properties within the City where auto services are conditionally approved. The process and procedures for the development, modification, or operation of auto services i.e. service stations, auto repair shops, car washes, or convenience markets (including drive-through), shall be consistent with the General Plan and Zoning Code. PROJECTS SUBJECT TO DESIGN STANDARDS Any new service station, auto repair shop, or car wash, or an existing nonconforming facility that is altered more than 50 percent of the buiiding's assessed valuation per Section 9273b of the Tustin City Code, shall comply with these design standards. SITE DESIGN ORDER OF PREFERENCE , Auto service facilities shall be designed~and developed in the following order .of preference: a, On a corner lot designed so the service bays are oriented away from public view and the pumps located at the rear of the lot behind the structures to buffer them from public view (See Exhibit A). bo On a lot where the topography, vegetation, buildings or other structures provide the greatest amount of screening of the service bays and pumps. . As a part of the application process, applicants for auto service facilities shall be required to provide written documentation demonstrating a good faith effort in designing the facilities in accordance with the site design order of preference. DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS , Placement of structures on the site shall be clustered and oriented to shield the service bays and pump stations from view with service bays and pump islands oriented toward the interior of the property (See Exhibit A and Figure 1). The interiors of work bays shall be screened from public streets, adjacent residential properties or open space areas. Building openings shall be buffered from residential properties to ensure noise and odor attenuation. Exhibit A, Resolution No. City Council July 20, 1998 Page 3 . . o 5, Site design shall include paved areas to accommodate all legitimate, anticipated circulation patterns. All other areas shall consist of decorative paving or landscaping. Driveway cuts shall be limited to one driveway per street frontage, or as otherwise determined by the Engineering Division. When possible shared access between properties shall be provided. Landscaping is required in all street front and side setback areas, adjacent to customer entrances to buildings, and along property lines. Landscaping shall be designed as a buffer between the structures, adjacent properties and street frontages (See, Figure-2). A minimum of 15 percent of the lot shall be landscaped, consistent with the City Landscaping and Irrigation Guidelines. All landscaped areas shall have permanent irrigation systems and maintained on a continual basis. A 6" high curb shall separate the planting areas from paving areas. Air and water service shall be located in a convenient, conspicuous, well-lit area that will not obstruct the on-site circulation patterns or required parking spaces. Outdoor storage shall be permitted in approved areas screened from view. Accessory buildings used for storage of accessory goods to be sold at retail on site, such as tires, tubes, waxes, lubricants, etc., shall be architecturally compatible with the design of the main structure. Trash enclosures shall be an enclosed masonry structure, minimum 6' X 8' size. avoids the .~ ,,..~ .... ck' ~£"a building. Figure I Exhibit A, Resolution No. ~. City Council July 20, 1998 Page 4 o . o o 10. 11. 12. Restrooms shall be located within the approved structure with entrances or signage clearly visible from the pump islands or cashier area and concealed from view of adjacent properties by planters or decorative screening. Pay Telephones shall be located within the approved structure. The pay phones shall be programmed to prohibit incoming calls. The location of pay. phones outside the auto service establishment is prohibited. Stacking for two vehicles (40 feet) for each pump island shall be provided on-site to preclude interference with internal parking and on and off-site traffic circulation. Truck circulation patterns and positions for tank filling shall not confliCt with critical customer circulation patterns or cause a potential for stacking overflow onto a street. Masonry walls, 6'8" high masonry walls shall be constructed adjacent to all interior property lines abutting residentially zoned or used properties. Compressors shall be located in the interior of the site or within the buildings to minimize any impacts on adjacent properties. Lights for illuminating the site or advertising the facility shall be located in such a manner so as to contain all direct rays upon the subject property. Fixtures and intensities shall require the approval of the Community Development Director. £1 Figure 2 Exhibit A, ResOlution No. 9, City Council July 20, 1998 Page 5 13. Outside waiting areas shall be incorporated with the site design. The design of these areas shall be compatible with the main structure providing an inviting atmosphere with desirable elements such as shade structures, benches, decorative furniture, umbrellas, landscape planters, etc. 14. Water Quality, development shall comply with all applicable provisions of the City of. Tustin Water Quality'Ordinance and all rules and regulations set by Federal, State, and Regional Water Quality Boards and the Orange County Sanitation District, as they relate to Auto Service facilities. PARKING Unless otherwise specified in the Tustin Zoning Code, the following parking regulations shall apply: Auto repair: 4 spaces per service bay, plus adequate queuing lanes for each bay, plus 1 space for each 2 employees on the largest shift. Auto parts sale: Car washes - self-serve: 1 space for each 400 sq. ft. of gross floor area, plus 1 space for each 2,000 sq. ft., service area, plus 1 space for each 300 sq. ft. of gross floor area 'for a parts department plus 1 space for each 2 employees. 2.5 spaces per washing stall, for queuing and drying. Car washes - full-serve: 10 spaces, plus 10 spaces per wash lane for drying area, plus queuing area for 5 vehicles ahead of each lane. Convenience markets: 1 space for each 200 square feet of gross floor area. Service Stations: I space for each pump island plus as required for ancillary uses. BUILDING DESIGN . All structures, including accessory buildings, canopies and pump islands, shall include a high level of architectural detailing consistent arid appropriate for the neighborhood or center theme that may exist. . All building elevations shall be architecturally detailed to avoid the appearance of the "back of the building"; buildings shall contribute a p°sitive presence to the street scene~ . Building materials shall have the appearance of substance and permanency; lightweight metal or other temporary appearing structures are not appropriate. Exhibit A, Resolution No. t City Council July 20, 1998 Page ~; SIGNS Section 9401 of the Tustin City Code or the approved sign program for the subject property shall be referenced regarding sign regulations. OPERATIONAL CONDITIONS . , . o , o , o Service operations shall be entirelY within approved structures, except for the services of dispensing gasoline, oil, water, air and the replacement of wiper blades, hand washing, waxing, polishing, vacuuming vehicle interiors and outdoor seating, which 'shall take place only in areas designate on approved plans for such activities. No vehicle repair shall take place in any parking space or drive aisle. . All vehicles that are not being worked on within the building shall be parked only within designated marked parking spaces. No parking shall be permitted in front of the roll up doors or any drive aisle No outdoor storage or display of materials Shall be permitted except allowed by the Zoning Code. Vending machines shall be located within the approved structure. Outdoor vending activities is prohibited. The storage of junk or permanently disabled or wrecked automobiles shall not be permitted. Used or discarded automotive parts or equipment shall not be located outside of the approved structure except within the designated trash storage area. All inoperative vehicles shall be parked within the building. No inoperative vehicles shall be permitted to be parked on the site outside the building, including marked spaces. Storage or parking of buses and trucks or similar vehicles is prohibited. This excludes tow trucks, pick-up trucks, and small vans incidental to the service station use. Parking and advertising of vehicles for sale or lease is not permitted. Restrooms shall be provided'to the public at no cost and available during all hours of operation. The restrooms shall be maintained in a clean and sanitary condition. All service stations and self-serve stations shall provide water and air, at no cost and available 24 hours a day. All air hoses shall be equipped with operating and accurately calibrated gauges. Exhibit A, Resolution No. ~ City Council duly 20, 1998 Page ? 10. Provisions shall be made for the storage of used oil and lubricants pending recycling. 11. Public address systems shall never be used in outdoor areas. 12. All requirements of the City's Noise Ordinance (Chapter 6 of the Tustin City Code) shall be met at all times. LL:vehicles.doc Exhibit A, Resolution No. 9 City Council July 20, 1998 Page 8 PROPERTY LINE .. POTENTIAL ACCESS TO ADJACENT CO14I,IER CIAL 'CENTER '6'8" MASONaY WALL DRIVE APRON BERM PLANTER PA~ TRASH / \ AIR & WATER SERVICE ,// ~ \\ . HANDICAP PARKING ~ ~ ~ ' STO=~=S~'RO0.S V . Z SERVICE BAYS SETBACK PERImeTER P/am'ER 6 ~ C-ONCRETE DRIVE APRON PROPER~=~ STREET. TREES' PER CITY MASTER PLAN ' STREET EXHIBIT A