HomeMy WebLinkAbout19 EMER MEDICAL TRANS 06-15-98AGENDA
NO 19
JTJNE 15, 1998
Review the attached materi_~]s.
Review additional available detailed information on the bid and evaluation process ff
Select Doctor's Ambulance as recommended by the OCFA (and staff) for the City's ASA
Direct stoff to finalize and execute the agreement previously approved by Council.
Three compsnies submitted proposals for ASA 23, the City of Tusdn: Doctor's Ambulance
Service (incumbent), Medix Ambulance Service, and Priority One Medical Transport.
City Manager
June 15, 1998
Page 2
There were a total of 1,050 points' available in the evaluation process. Doctor's Ambulance
scored 934 points, Medix scored 921 points and Priority One scored 697 points. Synopsized
rater comments are available in the enclosures, detailed comments are available ff neededJ
Essentially, the ratings show Doctor's and Medix are both fully capable of providing the
required services, Priority One is somewhat of an unknown quantity with some concerns over
ability to actually provide required services ff selected for multiple ASA's and concerns over
the adequacy of their business plan ff rapid expansion is required in Orange County.
The following materials are enclosed:
Staff report by OCFA.
Proposal recommendation sheet for ASA 23 by OCFA.
Proposal tabulation sheets for all three bidders for ASA 23, contains synopsized
comments of the raters.
If more det_~jl is needed, the following is available:
Copy of the RFP (containing the sample "Agreement for Services").
Copies of the actual proposal ranking sheets and proposal evaluation worksheets
completed by the raters.
Original proposals by each bidder for the ASA.
Copy of the rater's notebook used to instruct and brief the raters prior to their rating.
Copies of additional presentation materials used by some bidders.
Arrangements for viewing these materials after normal business hours can be made by c~lling
Police captain Bob Schoenkopf at 573-3310. Security of the grading materials is necessary for
the integrity of the RFP process.
OCFA administrative personnel will be available for .questions and answers at the 6-15-98
Council meeting.
Chief of Police
Orange County Fire .duthot Request For Proposals #RL0302
Emergency Medical Transpoi'tation and Related Services
Staff Report
The purpose of this report is to provide a brief overview of the selection process for Emergency
Ambulance Services.
Proposers submitted responses to the Request For Proposal which outlines the manner in which
each company proposes to meet the performance requirements as outlined in the RFP. The
proposals were required to comply with a very specific outline and numbering convention in
order to facilitate evaluation and comparison. If additional factors were offered by a proposer that
were not requested in the RFP, these were considered by the review panel in determining an
overall final score, but would not enter into the detailed grading on the evaluation sheets.
During the proposal grading period, proposers were required to make a 30 minute oral
presentation to the review panel of which 20 minutes were available for the proposers
presentation and 10 minutes for the panels questions. If a proposer bid more than one ASA, the
single presentation was required to provide sufficient overview for the panel to grade the
proposals in all ASA's bid. Following completion of the oral presentations, the review panel
completed their ratings and the materials were picked up by OCFA. OCFA staff tabulated the
numeric results and summarized the findings and comments of the raters.
Although there were no tie scores in the results, some of the proposers scores, and therefore
quality of the offering were so close as to be virtually indistinguishable functionally. OCFA staff
provided a recommendation in each ASA for Council consideration that was the top point award
in each ASA. All proposers met the test of "adequacy" merely by completing the process. The
raters indicated in their comments that all of the proposers clustered at the top of the score list
would provide satisfactory services. Council (BoD's) should consider the final scores and
comments as several of the factors in the overall decision:
Orange County Fire A a,,,ority - Request For Proposals
Emergency Medical Transt;ortation and Rehtted Services
Proposal Recommenthttion Sheet - ASA #23 City of Tusti~
Evaluation Points
1o Doctors 934
2. Medix 921
3. Priority One 697
Award Recommendation' Doctors'
Orange CounO, Fire Autn~tty - Request For ProposMs
Emergency Medical Transportation and Rehtted Services
Proposal Tabulation Sheet - ASA #23 City of Tustin
Point Totals:
(Maximum Points- 210 Per Rater)
Rater Points Awarded
A) 202
B) 202
C) 111
D) 2]0
E) 209
Total Points 934
(Maximum Possible 1050 Points)
Comments By Rater:
A) Doctors is incnmbei~t. Priman.' coverage is I Type III ambulance at 14771 Plaza #G in Tustin
(Newport and Irvine Bird) Peak load staffing I Type III (additional) 10am to 6pm.
B) Experienced company that has grown in sophistication over time. Excellent commitment to clinical
performance and number of vehicles, equipment. Supplies exceeds standards. Company training exceeds
standards. Company is above norm. Training dispatchers to be EMTs. Propose EMT-D level training
and equiplnent. Commitment to response time exceeds standard for urban. ,neeting standard for lnetro.
C) Good ambulance deployment proposals - more than adequate coverage - seems to have "user friendly"
management - behind Care and Medix in points only due to scope of inhonse programs to augment
proposal - would certainly be a strong parlner with OCFA in EMS.
D) Doctor's Ambulance presents a well managed company which is both client and employee oriented.
Their key personnel possess the credentials necessar), Io establish credibilih., in the medical field. Their
employees are neat, friendly, and display an attitude reflective of superior work conditions. They are
invoh,ed in the'community and maintain the highest performance and equipment standards.
E) Incumbent provider. No additional equipment or supplies needed. I Type III frolll Olle primary station
location. 20 3'ear history IO this cily. Provides extensive Iraining to exceed basic scope of practice for
EMT's. Well maintained fleel. Very involved with community education, supporl of OCFA. and local
hospitals. Charges maximum rales.
Orange County Fire Aurn°rity- Request For Proposals #RLtrJ02
Emergency Medical TransI~ortation and Rehtted Services
Proposal Tabulation Sheet- ASA #23 Ci0, of Tustin
Point Totals:
(Maximum Points- 2 I0 Per Rater)
Rater Points Awarded
A) 188
B) 206
c) 13o
D) 188
E) 209
Total Points 921
(Maximum Possible 1050 Points)
Comments By Rater:
A) Medix will lease new satellite station in Tustin at Irvine Bh,d and Newport. Two new ambulances ,,,,'ill
be stationed there. Additional coverage will come from Medix's existing station and 2 ambulances at
Chapman and Kathleen.
B) Large provider with largest number of ASAs seeking more of 911 business. Strong 911 track record
with full service operations including maintenance. Uses doctors and nurses as medical support. High
consistency proposed in response tilnes. Strong inhouse training program. Highly stocked vehicles.
Prepared to do counryvdde public training through TV. Uses best quality vehicles and equipment.
Willing to partner with OCFA for direct dispatch (per presentation) if OCFA will comply.
C) Many features added to proposal beyond essentials - of note is the willingness to place two OCFA
melnbers on the inhouse CQI committee to assist quality management of OCFA ASAs - disaster unit
available - many outreach progralns - proposes more than adequate ambulance coverage generally with
OCFA dedicated units.
D) Medix can provide the greatest amomH of resources to its contract cities and maintains a smooth
functioning internal infrastructure to operate efficiently on a large scale. It is not knowil if its projected
expansion ,,,,,ill reduce its ability to be responsive to the needs of the local community.
E) Charges maximuln rates. Stated goal of National Accreditation for Ambulance Sen, ices in 6 months.
Aggressively pursning expansion of business in many ASA's. Provide extensive support of community
education. Ver)., well equipped.
Orange County Fire Aut,~_. tty- Request For Proposals #RL03 .....
Emergency Medical Transportation and Related Ser~,ices
Proposal Tabulation Sheet - ASA tt23 Ci0, of Tustin
PROPOSER: Priority One
Point Totals:
(Maximum Points - 210 Per Rater)
Rater Points Awarded
A) 119
B) 167
C) 72
D) 169
Total Points 69 7
(Maximum Possible 1050 Points)
Comments By Rater:
A) Will provide one unit.
B) This is a relatively new ambulauce Iranspon company that has not provided 911 sen, ices. High tech
communications equipmenl (communications company subsidiar)'). Small conlpany that bid on most
ASAs. Concerned that if awarded each ASA indMdually, this company lacks the start up, transition plan
to provide sen, ice. Vehicles proposed meet standards, satisfi~ctory comndtlnent to clinical performance.
Relatively inexperienced management team. Proposes less than maximum cost. Low cost alternative for
limited number of ASAs.
C) A largely unknown entity in Orange Com~ly - proposal put together in short time frame - seems to
underestimate the number of ambulances needed to cover larger ASAs - vague in many operational areas
(proposed station locations, backfill procedures, syslem coordination) - an innovative communications
company still learning ambulance operations.
D) Priority One presents a highly technologically advanced ambulance sen'ice that offers some features
not offered by larger companies. Non-specific information on station locations and a lack of a specific
business plan to open new conlracis leads one to queslion the company's ability to expand.
E) Will charge less. Am concerned does not have a solid business plan for rapid expausion into Orange
County emergency work. Sen,ice levels could be affected. Have applied for many ASA's throughout