HomeMy WebLinkAboutPOWERPOINT PRESENTATION - WILCOX MANORJ l;a f i S !� M 0 1 ol m m m 0 ri"IMA m I M a u DI M LVA I m WAII VAN D INTRODUCTION . Request Approval Authority Purposes of the Cultural Resources District Project Site and Surroundings Planning Commission Actions Applicants' Request y Analysis: Policy Issues Analysis: Noise, Parking and Traffic, and other C Findings: General Plan Consistency, Purposes o: and CUP Public Input y Council Options Outdoor events Districts. (non -listed use) within R-1 and CR CUP for paid outdoor events Initially - Up to 24 outdoor paid ev( Revised - Up to 36 outdoor events, Continued and Re -noticed 200 maximum persons Weddings, receptions, etc. Held in outdoor yard areas only Most events -weekends Off-site parking Four new restrooms APPROVAL Per TCC Section 925232(a)(1),all uses shall be permitted in the Cultural Resources Overlay District as are authorized in the underlying Residential District. Per TCC Section 925232(a)(2), the City Counc consider a proposed non -listed use of a prop within the CR District when the use supports purposes of the CR District, following a publi hearing and recommendation by the Planning Commission. Purposes of Cultural Resources District PT;RPOSES OF CR DISTRICT Safeguard the heritage of the City by preserving neighborhoods, structures, sites and features which reflect elements of the City's cultural, architectural, artistic, aesthetic, political, social, natural and engineering heritage. Encourage public knowledge, understanding, and appreciation of the City's past. Strengthen civic and neighborhood pride and a sense of identity based on the recognition and use of cultural resources. Provide the private and public enjoyment, use and preservation of culturally significant neighborhoods, structures and sites appropriate for the education and recreation of the citizens of Tustin and visitors to the City. PTJRPOSES OF CR DISTRICT Enhance the visual and aesthetic character, diversity architectural styles and aesthetic appeal of the City. of Enhance property values and increase economic and financial benefits to the City and its inhabitants. Assure that new construction and subdivision of lots ii Cultural Resource District are compatible with the character of the district. Identify as early as possible preservation of historic and alternative land uses. and resolve conflicts between cultural resources and PROJECT SITE AND SURROUNDINGS PITE AND SURROUNDINGS - -. I A VI -j F 'I I I I If r -1 F 'I I TTW7 Within R 1 and CR Zoning Districts Y Single family to north and east Multiple family to the south Y Freeway to the west PITE 17,000 SF lot Main house Carriage House Built in 1880 New garage New landscaping New additions PITE PLAN Outdoor Event Area l�EE�MAT New ADA RPGtrnnm-q 9 RUsTD��D�tEVENT �t��i� P2 /P2 P2 0 P2 0 0 P4 har Wilcox Manor Site Plan with Tables and Dance Floor 310 South Pasadena Ave Planning Commission Act Applicants' Request PLANNINQCOMMISSION-�-Ti-S?IYs� Adopted Resolution No. 4207 with modifi�^�4^"^ as follows: "24 paid outdoor events" to "24 outdoor even Delete 2 findings and revise one finding Revocation considered after 3rd infraction Adjust Sunday through Thursday hours - 9 pr Require proof of shuttle use Require non -diesel vans, 12 maximum capaci Require shuttle use, no walking Adopted Resolution with 60 conditions of apr APPLICANTS'REQUEST__ Initially requested 24 paid outdoor events/year Voluntarily agreed to conditions being applied to both paid and non -paid events Request total of 36 events/year Request that conditions be applied to events of between 50 and 200 people Request changes to the findings and conditions recommended by the Planning Commission APPLICANTS' REQUEST FOR MODIFICATION TO PLANNING COM "24 outdoor events" to "36 outdoor events" Events with 50 or fewer not subject to the CUP Add two findings recommended by staff No consideration of revocation w/3rd infraction No proof of shuttle use Diesel shuttle vans, larger than 12 passenger Allow walking Do not tie CUP to applicants Clarify ambient noise exceeds City standards Allow event info fewer than 30 days in advancE ANALYSIS -POLICY ISSUES Other cities with historic districts, such as Orange, Fullerton, and Pasadena have approved outdoor events in residential areas. Conditions were imposed to address impacts. Allowing outdoor assembly uses in the Cultural Resource District, and the factors that may influence the establishment of a precedent. The appropriateness of using off-site parking lots and associated shuttle services when deemed appropriate through the approval of a conditional use permit. d Other outdoor functions have occurred in Old Town without significant disruption, and no permits have been required, except for large gatherings of 500. ANALYSIS -POLICY ISSUES Other assembly uses are conditionally permitted in the R I District. Appropriateness depends on factors: Type, intensity, frequency of the use Location of the use Lot size Required measures to alleviate impacts Adequate off-site parking Experience/Professionalism of operators ANALYSIS - POUCY I$SUES--- These 6 factors influence precedence. All parcels not conducive to assembly use. Each request is reviewed on a case by case basis. a Imm /\ 1 L' " Ilk �., ,.......... --�� I Ar All - a r � a KEVIN LE VU '' _ PASAMNA Wor Y- 1:40 : '- ''231 i,A REDROSS Cr's IHAPTI %—I I-- I 1-ER0 11 HO1 &''% IUI vSE-j 1--. -rjw t� w :imow1:e.T MILO,+�'��eti� ANALYSIS: Noise, Parking and Traffic and Conditions ANALYSIS-NOISE Ambient noise exceeds standards Increases to Noise Ordinance standards are allowed Increase depends on level of ambient noise and duration from its source Noise not expected to violate City standards, given interv, structures, distance, and ambient noise Noise that may be audible from adjacent properties 1s not necessarily in violation of City standards Live entertainment and/or amplified sound are proposed Curfews on amplified sound/music and removal of equips •ANALY -fTa4"IS — ;\ATISE EXAMPLE Ambient noise assumed to be 70 dB (A) Amplified music, speech, and other noise up to 60 dB (A) would rio increase an ambient of 70 dB (A) Noise of 65 dB (A) would increase an ambient of 70 dB (A) to 71.2 dB (A) A If ambient is 70 dB (A) during an hour period, noise of 70 dB (A) would be in compliance ANALYSIS - Off-site parking with shuttle service Proposed parking at 100 N. Tustin Avenue Parking location requires City approval Parking and traffic management plan Attendants at parking lot and at event site ANALYSIS -OTHER CONDITIONS Maximum of 24 events per year Maximum of 5 events per month Maximum of 200 persons Litter removal Alcoholic beverage service Lighting Emergency access Restrooms Precitation Notice/Add'l AMA AIIA N 0 FINDINGS To allow the proposed use, the City Council v need to determine if the proposed use: Is consistent with the policies and goals of City's General Plan Supports the purposes of the CR District Approve CUP with conditions appropriate project FIIIPINQ5- Y x Consistent with several General Plan Land Use Element Goals and Policies, including: Policy 6.5: Preserve historically significant structure and sites, and encourage the conservation and rehabilitation of older buildings, sites and neighborhoods that contribute to the City's historic character Goal 10: Improve and strengthen the Tustin Old Town/First Street area with a unique pedestrian environment and diverse mix of goods, services, and uses. r-19 32 FINDINGS PURPqSES OF DISTRIQT. The proposed use would introduce many first-time Old Town Tustin visitors to Tustin's historic resources which would foster knowledge, understanding, and appreciation of Tustin's past. The proposed use would complement and bring recognition to a historic resource, which would promote the identity of Old Town Tustin. 6 The proposed use would allow for the enjoyment and use of a locally significant historic property by Tustin citizens and visitors. The proposed use has the potential to directly and indirectly generate additional revenue for the City in the form of business license taxes, sales tax, and transient occupancy tax. The proposed use would be conditioned to avoid potential conflicts between the events and the surrounding Cultural Resource District. FINDS - CUP Seven Findings in Resolution No. 13-74: Supports purposes of District Similar to other assembly uses Consistent with other private/public Bath( Additional conditions or revocation possik Experienced owners to manage events Conditions ensure compatibility Adequate parking required off-site AMA AIIA N 0 Im PIJBLIQ_INPL►T 29 letters of support Includes 8 support letters from neighbors 351etters/petitions of opposition 8 other pieces of correspondence Additional correspondence received 18 spoke at the Planning Commission hearing PIJBLIQ-INPL►T ��TP--P-S2IiT Comments in support include the following: Use would enhance community character Use would introduce guests to Tustin's histor, Backyard sound not highly audible in front Generosity of the applicants Paid events recover costs for charity events Professionalism and respect of applicants Enrichment of local economy PTIBLIQ-iNPu`r - OP Concerns address potential impacts: Weekend disturbance, Noise, Loitering Parking/Shuttles; Parking enforcement; Traffic Emergency, ADA access Trash and debris Alcoholic beverages; Safety Number of events, including charity events Signs Verification of invitation Subletting to separate business Food preparation enforcement; PTIBLIQ-iNPu`r - OP Concerns include the following issues: Precedent for similar uses in the community Incompatibility with residential neighborhood Proposed use is a party facility Spot zoning Inconsistency with General Plan Impacts to property values Restriction on interior access to the home Inapplicability of findings Impacts to quality of life and public safety Use of CEQA Exemption; CEQA issues Potential conflicts of interest Supporters who are not local residents CITY C( OPTI QPT.IT,-ONS Approval of CUP 2012-10, with conditions, for outdoor events per year (PC recommendatio Approval of CUP 2012-10, with conditions, fog outdoor events per year (applicants' request; Denial of CUP 2012-10, and articulate denial findings Other actions as deemed appropriate 9. a J l;a f i S !� M 0 1 ol m m m 0 ri"IMA m I M a u DI M LVA I m WAII VAN D