HomeMy WebLinkAbout03 JOHN WAYNE AIRPORT NOISE ABATEMENT QUARTERLY REPORTSAgenda Item 3 Reviewed: AGENDA REPORT City Manager Finance Director fA MEETING DATE: OCTOBER 15, 2013 TO: JEFFREY C. PARKER, CITY MANAGER FROM: COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT SUBJECT: JOHN WAYNE AIRPORT NOISE ABATEMENT QUARTERLY REPORTS SUMMARY: This report transmits two John Wayne Airport Noise Abatement Quarterly Reports for the first and second quarters of 2013. The average noise level measured at monitoring station NMS 10N, located at Columbus Tustin Middle School on Beneta Way, remained relatively constant during the first and second quarters. Average noise levels during the two quarters remained below the City, County, and State criteria of 65 dB Community Noise Equivalent Level (CNEL) for residential uses. RECOMMENDATION That the City Council receive and file this report. FISCAL IMPACT No Fiscal Impact DISCUSSION Following the conclusion of each calendar quarter, John Wayne Airport (JWA) prepares a Noise Abatement Program Quarterly Report and posts a copy of the report on their website. Attached are the quarterly reports for the first and second quarters of 2013. A brief overview of the information contained within the attachments is as follows: Measured Noise Levels • During the first quarter of 2013, the average CNEL at NMS 1 ON was 54.5 dB. This is 0.8 dB lower than the average of the previous four quarters (Q -1 2012 through Q -4 2012). For comparison, the CNEL was 0.5 dB higher (55.0 dB) during the first quarter of 2012. • During the second quarter of 2013, the average CNEL at NMS 1 O was 55.9 dB. This is 0.7 dB higher than the average of the previous four quarters (Q -2 2012 through Q -1 2013). For comparison, the CNEL remained unchanged (55.9 dB) from the second quarter of 2012. JWA Noise Report October 15, 2013 Page 2 • All measured noise levels are below the City, County, and State criteria of 65 dB CNEL for residential areas. Given the current noise levels, it can be expected that, even if increases are seen, noise levels would remain below the City, County and State criteria of 65 dB. Noise Complaints • During the first quarter of 2013, there were zero (0) Tustin area complaint calls, compared with three (3) complaints for the same period during 2012. • During the second quarter of 2013, there were three (3) Tustin area complaint calls, compared with ten (10) complaints for the same period during 2012. • The number of complaints in the Tustin area decreased for the first quarter of 2013 compared with the first quarter of 2012. This decrease is proportionately greater than the decrease in the overall number of complaints received (173 complaints) throughout the airport "Noise Impact Area" in the first quarter of 2013, compared with the overall number of complaints received (315 complaints) in the first quarter of 2012. It should be noted that 77 of the 173 complaints, and 161 of the 315 complaints were received from one household in Mission Viejo. • The number of complaints in the Tustin area decreased by 70% for the second quarter of 2013 compared with the second quarter of 2012. The number of complaints received (301 complaints) throughout the airport "Noise Impact Area" in the second quarter of 2013, did not change significantly when compared with the overall number of complaints received (351 complaints) in the second quarter of 2012, even when considering that 80 of the 301 complaints, and 181 of the 351 complaints were received from one household in Mission Viejo. • There were three complaints received from the Tustin area during the second quarter of 2013, but no complaints were received from the Tustin area during the first quarter of 2013. This increase is typical during the spring months when the weather is generally mild, windows are often left open, people spend more time outside, and therefore aircraft noise may be more noticeable. Two of the three complaints were related to low and loud aircraft, while the third complaint reported a late arrival. According to John Wayne Airport staff, the late arrival was authorized due to needed maintenance. Since noise issues are of considerable importance to the City of Tustin, the Community Development Department will continue to monitor operations at John Wayne Airport unless otherwise directed by the City Council. - � Scott Reekstin Elit6beth A. Binsack Principal Planner Community Development Director Attachments: John Wayne Airport Noise Abatement Quarterly Reports for January 1, 2013 through March 31, 2013; and April 1, 2013 through June 30, 2013. ATTACHMENTS John Wayne Airport Noise Abatement Quarterly Reports for January 1, 2013 through March 31, 2013 (Q1); and April 1, 2013 through June 30, 2013 (Q2) NOISE ABATEMENT PROGRAM QUARTERLY REPORT For the period: January 1, 2013 through March 31, 2013 Prepared in accordance with: AIRPORT NOISE STANDARD STATE OF CALIFORNIA California Administrative Code Title 21, Chapter 2.5, SubChapter 6: Division of Aeronautics Noise Standards Submitted by: Alan L. Murphy Airport Director John Wayne Airport, Orange County INTRODUCTION This is the 161 st Quarterly Report submitted by the County of Orange in accordance with the requirements of the California Airport Noise Standards (California Administrative Code Title 21, Chapter 2.5, SubChaptcr 6: Divis'on of Aeronautics Noise Standards). F ffective January I, 1986, the criteria for defining " Noise Impact Area" was changed from 70 dB to 65 dB Community Noise Equivalent Level (CNEL). Under this criteria, John Wayne Airport currently has a "Noise Impact Area." NOISE IMPACT SUMMARY CaItrans' Aeronautics Prouram has established guidelines in the California State Noise Standard to control residential area noise Ievels produced by aircraft operations using the State's airports. Under those guidelines, residential noise sensitive areas exposed to an average Community Noise Equivalent Level (CNEL) of more than 65 dB define the "Noise Impact Area." John Wayne Airport uses ten permanent remote noise monitoring stations (NMS) located in Newport Beach, Santa Ana, Tustin and Irvine to measure noise levels, at the foIlowin., Iocations: MONITOR STATIONS NMS- IS: Golf Course, 3 100 Irvine Ave., Newport Beach NMS -2S: 20162 S.W. Birch St., Newport Beach NMS -3S: 2139 Anniversary Lane, Newport Beach NMS4S: 2338 Tustin Ave., Newport Beach NMS -5S: 324 %= Vista Madera, Newport Beach NMS -6S: 1912 Santiago, Newport Beach NMS -7S: 1 131 Back Bay Drive, Newport Beach NMS -8N: 17372 Eastman Street, Irvine NMS -9N: 1300 S. Grand Avenue, Santa Ana NMS- ION: 17952 Beneta Way, Tustin The map in Figure I shows the general Iocation of each permanent remott: monitor station. Figure 2 shows the Airport's "Noise Impact Area" for the previous year (Aprik l I, 20I2 - March 31, 2013). The Fi ,-ure 2 information was developed by Mestre-Greve Associates, Inc., in consultation with John Wayne Airport. CNEL values measured for the period and current digitized land use information were utilized to calculate the land area acrea::es, number of residences and estim�:ted number of people within the "Noise Impact Area ". JOHN 'IIAYN E AIRPORT Noise Monitoring Stations (NMS) Location Map '° llAYll 7 1 -�•�* f• -� •',! '�'. �`�� is • ,� ��- . I i - � / `w � .r � � •h i•% �` � r�.' � r �� ,fir LN OF Ar fine k qk �/ ro\ !� j s • v "�� _ .��_ „r �� � �' ,:vr'`'f •r+ 4 7 �; �' ,��- f� �' ,S ��, r,�^ ��,Q% l�•�V� an 1 . , � !?'�. `� � �•,•_� i\ r • � • �Q • � • 1 F� ti W f �� }'' • r, iii ;r •�hy�* '\ t 4� FS�� 'w� •. i l �� -f i� L�st�r •!� , 1 •; I M �V'. [• ; ;t r' � r� •, �Q:� =flj � '; ,••,r `.. � psi' =d; AIRCRAFT TRAFFIC SUMMARY The Airport traffic summary for this quarter is shown in Table I and Figure 3 below. Air Carrier operat onal count histor es and average dai ly departure count: are illust -ated in Tables 9 & 1 I . TABLE 1 LANDING AND TAKEOFF OPERATIONS 13munno - 11 oo h 7111? Period Air Carriers GA Jet (1) Total Operations 2 Average Dai;y Jet O erationr Je: Pro January 7,078 01 1,768 20,207 285 February 6,376 21 1,632 19,436 286 March 7,153 0 2,113 21,329 299 First Quarter 20,607 2 5,513 60,972 290 Twelve Months 04/01/12 - 03/31/13 83,969 2 23,562 254,197 295 FIGURE 3 QUARTERLY AIRPORT TRAFFIC SUMMARY (Landing and Tak, off Operations) January- March 2013 Je7 Carr er 20,607 Military ' 125 Prop Carrier GAJe' - 5,513 GAO her 34,7Z6 0 51000 10,000 15,000 20,000 25,000 30,000 35,000 40,000 Number of Operations NOTE.: (1) GA Jet figures include a 5% factor :or operatiow, not identified by the JWA noise monitorsudions. (2) Count% in thi; column are based upon records provided by the local I'AA representatives. COMMUNITY NOISE EQUIVALENT LEVELS The monthly, quarterly and twelve month Community Noise' quivalent Level (CNEL) average values for each monitor station are shown in Table 2, while daily CNLL values are shown in Tables 3 through 5. Insufficient data is indicated by "#N/A" entries in each table. Avera;,e Sin 'le Event Noise Exposure Level (SENEL) values for Air Carrier and General Aviation Jet aircraft are shown in Tables 6 through 8. 61113 -- ACOUSTICAL INSULATION PROGRAM Four hundred eighteen residences in the Santa Ana Heights area have been sound attenuated and an avigation easement reserved through the County's Acoustical Insulation Program, which closed in December 2009. The County has also acquired 46 residences as part of the Purchase Assurance Program, many of which were acoustically insulated, an avigation easement reserved and then resold. Among these County acquired homes, those located within areas designated for Business Park uses were razed, avigation easements were reserved, and the land resold for compatible Business Park uses. A total of 464 residences in the Sang Ana Heihts area have been purchased or otherwise made compatible through the County's Purchase Assurance and Acoustical Insulation Pro {.rams. Sixty -eivht dwelling units in Santa Ana Heights remain in the "Noise Impacted Area" (within the 65 dB CNEL contour). TELEPHONE COMPLAINT CALLS (January 1. 2013 - March 31. 2013 The Airport's Access and Noise Office receives and investigates noise calls and complaints From local citizens and all other sources. During the period January 1, 2013 through March 31, 2013, tile Of; ;ce received 173 complaints from citizens. This is a 27% decrease from the 237 complaints received last quarter. It is a 45% decrease from the 315 complaints received during the same quarter last year. Figure 4 shows the distribution of the quarterly telephone calls and complaints from local commum es. FIGURE 4 HISTOGRAM BY COMMUNITY 90 77 so 70 60 so 40 310 20 is 10 7 16 12 1d 10 1 1 3 1 2 1 5 1 1 1 1 2 1 3 2 fia a ¢ a ,� � 0, e, & fie r c0 o r xo 6, ¢ tia .y o \�a `c .41 `ti P¢ •,v o� ° ¢* Ci` ¢� $a AZ e� J�` a ac4i ,� a�x ti� °y� �� Boa Q¢o ¢ aQe °``a fib,¢ �a� °.C; °cam cam tea\ °fi ` 0 o�4>e �t ¢ �a�� a�¢ aooa a¢` ,a C• ` °tea Za c�,c �aQ,\ �a� tja fia a¢�Q fi �a c�a fiaP4 OW, �¢ o a ti 'Z' �?� 'RIP, a a° Community Note: All complaints from Mission Viejo were from one household. TABLE 2 LONG TERM MEASURED LEVLLS Aircraft CNEL from 4112 through 3113 Values in dB at Each Site Period NMS Site 1S 2S 3S I 4S 5S 6S 7 N 9N 10N Apr 2012 66.3 65.6 64.2 57.3 56.2 58.0 54.4 66.5 43.2 55.7 # Days 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 18 30 May 2012 66.4 65.5 64.4 57.7 57.4 58.2 54.6 67.1'-. 44.2 55.7 # Days 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 Jun 2012 66.6 65.8 65.0 58.5 57.7 59.0 55.2 67.6 43.5 56.2 # Days 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 ?8 30 Q -2 2012 66.4 65.6 64.5 57.9 57.4 58.4 54.8 67.2 43.8 55.9 # Days 91 91 91 91 91 91 91 91 77 91 Jul 2012 66.8 66.2 65.5 58.4 57.6 59.2 55.2 67.6 44.8 55.6 # Days 31 31 31 311 31 311 31 311 28 31 Aug 2012 66.9 66.0 65.4 58.0 57.4 58.9 55.1 67.5 46.2 54.8 # Days 28 111 31 ;1 31 31 31 31 30 30 Sep 2012 65.9 6.�.1 64.5 57.0 56.5 58.0 54.1 66.8 45.1 54.2 # Days 301 30 30 30 ';0 30 30 30 27 30 Q-3 2012 66.5 65.8 65.1 57.9 57.2 58.7 54.8 67.3 45.4 54.9 # Da s 89 92 92 92 92 921 92 92 85 91 Oct 2012 66.1 6; }.4 64.7 57.5 56.9 58.8 54.8 67.0 4:).0 55.2 # Days 31 31 31 31 '.1 31 31 1 1 31 Nov 2012 66.2 65.4 64.6 57.6 57.1 58.5 54.8 67.1 44.3 55.2 # Days 27 30 30 30 30 30 301 30 271 30 Dec 2012 66.0 65.1 64.4 57.6 57..E 58.9 55.3 66.8 44.7 552 # Days 31 30 '31 31 31 30 9 31 29 31 Q-4 2012 66.1 65.2 64.6 57.6 57.1 58.7 54.9 67.0 44.7 55.2 # Days 891 91 92 921 92 91 70 92 87 92 Jan 2013 65.0 64.1 63.6 56.6 56.1 58.1 53.3 65.4 44.7 52.9 # Da s 31 29 ?1 28 31 31 29 31 30 31 Feb 2013 65.2 64.5 63.8 57.1 56.5 58.3 54.5 66.2 42.7 54.6 # Days 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 27 28 Mar 2013 65.7 65.0 64.0 57.6 56.9 58.4 54.6 67.1 41.6 55.7 # Days 31 31 31 31 31 311 31 311 28 31 0-12013 65.3 64.6 63.8 57.1 56.6 58.3 54.2 66.3 43.2 54.5 # Days 90 88 90 87 90 90 88 90 85 90 0-2 2012 th ru 04 2013 Total 1 66.1 65.3 64.5 57.6 57.0 58.5 54.7 67.0 44.4 55.2 # Da s 359 362 365 362 ,665 364 341 365 334 X64 Q -1 2012 thru Q-4 2012 (Prevlous4 Quarters) Total 66.2 65.4 64.6 57.7 57.0 58.6 54.6 67.0 44.7 55.3 s 360 365 363 332 366 358 340 366 337 364 ge from Previous 4 Quarters Eta -0.1 -0.1 -0.1 -0.1 0.0 0.1 0.1 0.0 -0.4 -0.1 -6- TABLE 3 DAILY CNEL VALUES AT EACH MONITOR STATION January 2013 Date NMS Site 1S I 2S 3S 4S 5S 6S 7S 8N 9N 10N 1 65.8 64.4 64.2 57.2 56.5 58.4 #NIA 64.7 43.0 50.3 2 64.0 62.7 62.9 54.8 55.1 58.5 56.2 66.6 46.7 53.2 3 65.7 64.5 63.8 56.7 55.8 57.8 53.6 65.8 45.2 50.3 4 65.4 64.5 63.3 56.51 55.9 56.81 53.5 65.41 44.6 52.8 5 64.81 64.1 62,7 56.3 55.8 56.7 53.2 64.6 43.2 53.5 6 66.2 65.4 64.6 57.8 57.8 59.1 56.6 66.7 50.1 56.3 7 65.2 64.4 63.8 56.2 56.8 58.4 55.0 65.9 42.4 52.5 8 65.8 64.7 64.0 56.5 56.5 57.2 54.0 66.0 40.3 52.4 9 65.9 65.1 63.9 57.21 56.8 57.81 54.8 66.8 41.7 56.1 10 65.31 65.5 63.3 56.5 58.5 58.4 56.3 66.71 43.5 54.5 11 64.3 64.1 63.1 55.6 56.5 58.5 53.0 65.7 35.5 53.6 12 63.4 62.6 61.1 55.6 54.6 55.7 53.0 63.5 46.5 51.7 13 64.7 63.8 62.9 56.51 56.0 57.11 54.6 66.2 48.0 53.2 14 54.4 51.7 64.4 33.6 40.6 60.9 49.7 60.01 43.0 37.5 15 59.3 58.6 64.7 49.4 51.5 61.8 48.8 63.3 41.5 47.1 16 65.2 64.6 63.5 56.4 56.6 57.9 54.6 65.2 48.6 51.4 17 64.5 63.7 64.0 55.3 54.8 57.6 52.6 64.5 41.7 48.6 18 65.2 64.1 63.8 #N/Al 55.7 57.51 53.6 64.7 36.8 51.3 19 62.8 61.8 60.8 #NIA 53.0 54.5 51.1 61.7 41.7 46.3 20 64.3 #NIA 62.7 #NIA 54.2 55.7 52.1 64.7 42.7 47.0 21 64.4 #NIA 63.6 57.0 54.6 56.5 52.7 65.3 #NIA 47.5 22 64.1 62.6 62.3 54.7 53.8 55.3 50.0 64.0 46.0 47.3 23 64.3 63.3 62.4 57.01 55.3 56.81 54.2 65.8 46.7 52.9 24 66.7 65.7 65.1 59.3 58.1 59.6 40.5 66.0 45.1 56.1 25 66.8 65.3 65.0 58.9 57.6 59.2 42.5 67.1 44.5 56.2 26 64.2 62.6 62.2 55.8 55.2 56.5 41.4 64.3 34.2 53.4 27 66.1 64.8 64.4 58.3 57.5 59.0 #NIA 66.51 46.0 55.4 28 66.0 64.9 64.7 56.91 57.8 58-51 47.6 65.7 44.1 53.4 29 65.7 64.8 63.7 57.9 57.1 58.21 54.7 65.5 38.8 54.0 30 65.5 64.8 64.1 57.6 57.1 58.3 54.9 65.9 47.3 53.5 31 66.0 65.2 64.4 57.6 57.3 58.7 54.8 65.8 40.7 54.2 Days 31 291 311 281 31 31 291 311 30 31 E n.Ayg 1 65.0 64.11 63.61 56.61 56.11 58.11 53.31 65.41 44.7 52.9 #NIA indicates insufficient data. -7- TABLE 4 DAILY CNEL VALUES AT EACH MONITOR STATION February 2013 Date NMS Site 1S 2S 3S 4S I 5S 6S 7S 8N 9N 10N 1 65.3 64.2 64.1 57.41 56.8 58.1 54.4 66.4 39.0 54.7 2 63.7 62.9 61.9 55.8 54.7 55.7 52.3 63.4 35.4 50.2 31 64.7 63.9 1 62.9 56.7 56.2 57.3 1 54.0 65.7 34.3 53.3 4 65.8 64.9 63.9 57.1 56.6 57.91 53.8 66.5 33.5 54.6 5 65.8 64.9 63.7 56.9 56.1 57.3 52.6 66.2 43.7 56.2 6 65.5 65.0 63.6 58.1 57.5 58.6 55.4 66.6 46.7 55.9 7 1 66.3 65.7 64.7 58.5 58.4 59.1 56.4 67.2 #NIA 57.1 8 65.6 65.21 63.9 58.2 58.3 59.0 56.0 66.91 35.4 56.9 9 63.5 62.7 61.7 56.0 55.3 56.11 53.6 63.5 42.7 51.8 10 65.9 64.7 63.9 57.9 57.2 58.21 55.5 66.4 42.7 55.8 111 65.9 65.0 64.3 57.7 57.6 58.5 55.7 66.5 38.9 53.4 12 65.5 64.9 63.7 57.61 57.2 58.0 55.0 65.8 43.3 54.1 13 65.7 65.2 63.9 57.61 57.1 58.1 54.9 65.91 37.4 54.0 14 66.5 66.2 65.1 57.7 57.7 58.8 55.4 66.8 42.6 52.6 15 60.9 59.7 65.5 50.8 50.5 61.11 47.6 63.3 46.6 46.3 16 63.0 61.8 60.6 54.0 52.9 53.9 50.9 62.7 30.8 47.8 17 65.3 64.3 63.2 58.0 55.9 57.3 54.5 67.3 30.7 56.5 18 66.5 65.5 64.7 59.11 57.6 59.1 55.5 68.21 36.5 57.6 191 65.6 65.1 63.6 58.1 57.4 58.5 56.5 68.1 46.2 58.7 20 65.1 65.2 63.4 56.8 57.5 57.91 56.5 67.6 46.5 55.4 21 66.6 65.7 64.7 58.6 57.7 58.9 56.4 67.3 38.4 56.0 22 66.2 65.5 64.7 58.1 57.3 58.4 55.2 67.5 47.3 55.2 231 64.4 63.5 62.2 56.31 55.0 56.6 53.2 64.4 41.4 53.4 24 56.9 53.6 66.0 45.1 47.8 62.2 44.0 60.9 41.01 40.2 25 65.8 64.8 63.5 56.9 56.2 57.01 54.9 66.7 45.1 54.7 26 65.1 64.8 63.6 57.4 56.5 57.9 54.2 65.9 41.9 52.8 271 64.0 63.8 62.2 55.4 54.9 56.5 52.7 66.3 39.2 49.6 28 65.0 64.6 63.3 55.51 55.3 57.7 53.4 65.91 45.7 49.5 Days 28 281 28 28 281 281 28 28 27 28 En.Avq 1 65.21 64.51 63.8 57.1 56.51 58.31 54.5 66.2 42.7 54.6 #NIA indicates insufficient data. -9- TABLE 5 DAILY CNEL VALUES AT EACH MONITOR STATION March 2013 Date NMS Site 1S 2S 3S 4S I 5S 6S 7S 8N 9N 10N 1 64.4 63.9 63.6 55.41 54.8 57.8 53.1 64.8 44.9 51.6 2 62.6 62.5 60.6 54.4 53.6 54.8 51.7 62.6 35.2 49.0 3 65.5 64.51 63.5 57.5 56.4 57.21 54.2 67.5 #NIA 56.2 4 66.0 65.1 64.1 58.6 57.5 59.01 55.3 67.2 41.2 56.1 5 65.2 64.8 63.2 57.2 56.2 57.0 52.1 67.2 34.1 57.2 6 65.2 64.8 63.5 57.7 57.0 58.0 55.4 67.5 40.9 57.2 7 66.0 65.1 63.9 58.8 57.0 58.6 55.0 67.4 41.2 56.6 8 65.9 65.41 64.0 58.2 57.8 58.6 55.7 68-61 28.8 57.8 9 64.0 63.0 62.3 56.5 55.6 56.81 53.7 65.2 43.5 54.0 10 65.4 64.7 63.8 56.9 56.6 58.01 53.6 66.8 43.1 49.5 111 66.1 65.2 64.2 57.5 56.7 57.91 52.7 66.6 43.6 56.0 12 65.9 65.6 1 64.2 56.51 56.5 57.81 51.7 66.7 39.0 54.1 13 65.7 65.2 63.7 56.3 56.1 57.31 54.1 66-91 36.8 55.0 14 66.7 65.9 65.1 57.3 57.0 58.7 55.3 66.8 43.0 54.1 15 65.7 64.8 63.8 56.6 55.7 57.4 53.1 68.0 40.9 57.0 16 64.3 63.5 62.6 55.7 55.0 56.3 52.5 65.2 33.3 53.9 17 65.9 64.9 64.9 58.11 58.0 59.2 56.3 67.5 43.3 55.9 18 66.7 65.6 65.1 58.61 58.0 59.81 56.4 67.61 41.2 57.3 19 66.2 65.5 64.6 58.3 57.6 59.2 55.9 67.5 45.7 55.6 20 66.31 66.1 65.3 58.6 58.3 59.5 56.5 67.6 36.7 56.4 21 66.61 66.0 64.6 58.5 58.1 59.7 56.1 67.9 41.1 56.3 22 66.9 65.9 65.3 59.31 58.1 60.1 56.51 68.2 47.01 56.3 23 64.8 64.1 63.2 56.9 56.3 57.7 52.8 66.1 40.8 54.5 24 66.2 65.8 64.6 57.6 57.2 59.6 54.8 67.5 #NIA 55.7 25 66.0 65.0 64.3 57.6 56.9 58.4 55.9 67.51 43.5 55.7 26 66.11 65.2 64.5 57.9 57.3 58.61 51.7 67-01 38.5 55.5 27 65.9 65.0 64.0 58.41 57.0 59.0 55.3 67.5 34.8 56.3 28 66.5 66.2 64.8 58.31 57.9 58.9 55.5 68.0 37.8 56.5 29 65.9 65.3 64.3 56.8 56.8 58.3 54.2 67.5 #NIA 56.8 30 64.6 64.1 63.1 56.4 56.0 57.4 52.2 65.9 44.1 53.7 31 65.51 64.9 63.9 57.9 57.8 58.81 55.6 67.6 34.1 57.0 Days 31 311 311 311 31 31 31 31 281 31 En.Avq 65.7 65.01 64.01 57.61 56.9 58.4 54.61 67.1 41-61 55.7 #NIA indicates insufficient data. -9- TABLE 6 MEASURED AVERAGE SINGLE EVENT NOISE EXPOSURE LEVELS Commercial Class A January - March 2013 Carrier AC Type # Deps NMS Site 1S I 2S 3S 4S 5S 6S 7S BN 9N 10N Ala ka Air B7374 13 Average 97.0 95.9 96.3 89.1 89.7 90.4 86.8 93.6 #NIA #NIA Count 12 12 12 12 12 12 10 1 0 0 B7 77 791 Average 92.0 91.6 88.5 81.9 83.3 83.9 81.0 89.6 78.9 77.7 Count 736 717 745 711 751 739 628 39 5 3 67378 36 Average 98.0 96.6 96.7 88.4 88.4 88.7 85.11 90.8 #NIA 79.8 Count 33 32 33 31 33 33 31 3 Q 2 Amencan 87378 1069 Average 97.9 96.6 95.8 88.2 87.8 88.6 85.41 91.9 79.8 81.1 Count 981 957 991 954 1000 984 851 62 (12 ) (32 Del A319 410 Average 94.6 93.8 93.1 86.4 85.6 86.5 82.8 90.5 79.8 81.3 Count 360 350 373 353 374 367 309 35 9 12 A320 4 Average 95.6 94.7 94.6 87.1 86.0 90.1 82.7 #NIA #NIA #NIA Count 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 Q 0 D 67.77 3 Average 94.4 93.6 91.1 85.1 85.8 86.7 83.1 92.6 82.9 #NIA Count 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 i 0 B7378 2 Average 94.1 93.1 92.1 86.8 85.6 87.1 83.1 #NIA #NIA #NIA Count 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 0 0 0 B757 266 Average 95.5 94.5 93.7 87.1 86.4 87.3 84.0 89.9 83.7 80.0 Count 237 (238) 246 237 247 244 204 18 2 (7 F,.dEx A300 62 Average 95.4 95.0 93.2 87.2 87.2 88.5 85.3 92.5 78.8 80.0 Count 60 56 59 58 6D 60 48 2 1 2 A3 0 1 Average 93.0 92.6 89.9 85.5 85.2 85.7 83.3 #NIA #NIA #NIA Count 1 1 1 1 1 i i 0 0 0 FrontierAirlines A31 8 Average 92.8 91.6 91.3 84.8 84.1 84.6 80.5 #NIA #NIA #NIA Count 8 $ 8 8 8 8 6 0 0 0 A31 252 Average 93.4 92.8 91.9 85.8 85.5 86.1 82.3 89.4 79.2 83.0 Count 229 221 232 223 233 228 188 14y 2 9 Intelet A3 0 189 Average 93.8 92.7 92.0 86.5 85.5 86.3 82.3 87.1 77.9 79.9 Count 173) 170) 172 168 174 169 (140 (14). 2 2 Mesa Airlines CRJ9 83 Average 91.4 90.1 92.0 83.2 84.6 84.8 80.1 88.5 #N1A #NIA Count 76 72y 76 74 76 76 50 6 0 0 Southwest B7 77 1676 Average 91.0 90.6 88.9 83.8 83.4 84.5 82.5 89.8 79.5 78.4 Count JIM j 1520 1579 1516 1581 1578 1266 78 20 12 67 7 23 Average 92.5 91.8 88.9 83.8 82.7 84.0 82.4 91.1 81.3 #NIA Count 19 19 21 20 21 21 21 2 1 D Uni---d A3, 0 1034 Average 92.6 91.9 90.9 85.1 84.6 85.8 82.6 88.3 81.0 79.7 Count 927 907 946 909 955 947 765 72 8 12 B7377 476 Average 94.9 93.8 92.1 84.8 84.4 85.3 82.9 91.0 79.21 79.5 Count 434 424 438 423 445 443 367 28 9 10 B7 7 61 Average 96.1 94.7 92.5 84.9 83.9 82.9 91.6 78.6 79.9 Count 48 49 52 51 5047 8 4 4 6757 38 Average 94.7 93.5 93.1 87.3 86.2 84.0 87.6 79.0 82.9 Count 35 35 36 35 36 27 2 1 1 UPS B757 50 Average 95.7 95.4 93.3 85.7 85.7 1.9 91.8 #NIA 78.8 Count 47 47 46 45 48 42 2 (Q) 1 USAirw.ys A320 499 Average 92.4 92.0 89.7 84.3 83.6 $33 1.1 85.8 #NIA 78.6 Count 455 456 470 446 473 64 25 Q 1 A321 2 Average 95.4 95.7 90.8 83.4 84.6 81.7 #NIA #NIA #NIA Count 2 1 2 1 2 2 0 0 0 B757 1 Average 90.5 91.2 87.6 82.8 82.9 8.9 #NIA #NIA #NIA Count 1 1 1 1 1 1 D 0 0 W Ue B7377 90 Average 94.6 93.8 94.0 87.6 87.4 88.1 83.2 89.81-77.8 #NIA Count 86 82 86 82 86 85 70 4 1 0 -10- TABLE 7 MEASURED AVERAGE SINGLE EVENT NOISE EXPOSURE LEVELS Commerc-al Class E January -March 2013 Carrier AC Type # Deps NMS Site 1S 1S 2S 3S 4S 5S 6S 7S SN 9N 10N SkW%Aa�tComl. CRJ9 237 Average Count 90.6 216 89.2 (213) 89.0 (223). 79.9 {149 794 142 82.9 216 80.1 167 89.1 14 #NIA 0 #NIA d Southwe. A 87377 2651 Average Count 89.5 (2494) 89.4 2412 87.9 2511 83.5 22) 24 82.7 2515) 83.8 2496 81.9 20291 89.0 1 1181 78.5 15) 80.3 (8) TABLE � MEASURED AVERAGE SINGLE EVENT NOISE EXPOSURE LEVELS Commut)r January - March 2013 Carrer AC Typr r De.ps NMs Site 1S 2S 3S 4S I 5S I 6S 7S 8N 9N 10N SkyWe.:,{ CL60 1 Average Count 83.3 1 80.1 1 80.0 1 #N/A. 0 #NIA 0 82.4 (1751 #NIA 0 #NIA D #NIA D #NIA 0 CRJ7 274 Average Count 87.1 263 86.7 253 86.0 263 79.6 185 79.5 191 PONIA 79.2 141 87.8 11 #NIA 0 #NIA 0 E12D 1 Average Count 83.0 (1 82.1 1) 83.4 1 #NIA 0 #NIA 0 #NIA (d) #NIA (0), #NIA 0) #NIA 0) MEASURED AVERAGE SINGLE EVENT NOISE LXPOSURE LEVELS General Aviation January- March 2013 Carrier AC Type # Deps I NMS Site 15 1 25 1 3S I 4S I 5S I 6S I 75 I 8N I 10N General Aviation Jet 2625 Average Count 87.6 2146 88.7 2077 88.5 2062) 82.5 1089) 82.2 (820 82.4 (1751 82.5 454 84.2 119 78.1 4 80.} 1 TABLE 9 AIR CARRIER OPERATIONAL HINTORY Carrier AC Type Year 2009 2010 1 2011 2012 2013 Air Canada AC A319 340 4 E190 52 Alaska Air AS B7374 163 152 110 84 25 B7377 6,687 6,839 7,435 6,238 1 584 B7378 1,198 893 761 942 71 American AA B7378 7 744 7 493 71208 7,667 2,137 B757 1,722 1,999 1,519 911 MD80 10 4 4 Compass CP E175 1,352 Continental CO B7375 2 B7377 4,239 4,646 4,124 B7378 855 1,190 1,163 Delta DL A319 3.903 5.348 3,436 820 A320 372 36 31 8 B7377 1,707 3,082 3,373 1,860 5 B7378 X88 433 87 55 4 B757 1,539 362 45 1,073 534 MD90 1,745 371 FedEx FM A300 369 500 506 508 124 A310 141 4 2 2 2 Frontier Airlines F9 A318 233 284 88 369 15 A319 2,616 2,596 2,751 2,368 505 A320 6 2 Interjet 40 A320 346 378 Mesa Airlines YV CRJ9 2,533 1,437 7 "0 626 166 Northwest NW A319 2,255 162 A320 21 4 Sk West Coml. SC CRJ9 584 475 Southwest WN B7373 2 4 B7377 30,058 30,986 31,187 33,490 8,655 B7378 132 46 UPS 5X B757 434 416 420 414 100 US Airways AW A319 3,290 783 1,152 2,442 665 A320 2,270 1 333 1 086 1,485 333 A321 77 444 586 247 4 87373 988 1,632 1,349 B757 1 472 281 32 8 2 United UA A319 1,741 1,900 1,931 2,133 701 A320 2,798 4,053 4,419 4,554 1,366 B7373 441 B7375 379 1 B7377 447 3,fl786 87378 77 1 B7379 8757 2,071 1,482 916 1,Virgin Amen a VX A319 1 266 104 A320 773 962 West.let WS B7377 766 1, 50,000 1 45,000 40,000 35,000 30,000 25,000 27,000 :5,000 10,000 5,000 0 - TABLE 10 AIRCRAFT OPERATIONAL HIgTORV Aircraft Year 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 A300 369 500 5061 508 124 A310 1414 21 2 2 A318 233 284 88 369 15 A319 11,168 9,788 11,186 10,379 2,691 A320 5,862 6,724 5,547 6,418 2,085 A321 77 444 586 247 4 B7373 1,431 1,632 1,353 B7374 163 152 110 84 25 B7375 1 381 1 B7377 42,691 45,553 47,332 46,467 11,377 B7378 10,485 10,009 9,296 10.203 2,378 B7379 2 8757 6,238 4,287 2,932 3,445 713 CRJ9 2,533 1,437 720 1,21Q 641 E175 1,352 E190 ' MD80 10 4 M D90 1,745 1 FIGURE 5 AIRCRAFT OPERATIONAL HI{ TORY R fl Sy Year -13- M2009 ■ZOlo ■2011 92012 ■ 201' TABLE I I - AIR CARRIER AVERAGE DAILY DEPARTURE HISTORY Carver AC Type Year 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 Air Canada AC A319 0.466 0.005 E190 0.071 Ala ,ko Air AS B7374 0.222 0.203 0.151 0.115 0.144 87377 9.159 9.373 10.178 8.527 8.789 B7378 1.644 1.225 1.049 1.284 0.400 Amercan AA B7378 10.605 10.266 9.877 10.484 11.878 6757 2.359 2.737 2.082 1.235 MD80 0.014 0.005 0.005 Compass CP E175 1.847 Continental CO B7375 0.003 B7377 5.778 6.342 5.649 B7378 1.197 1.652 1.597 Del-.) DL A319 5.353 7.321 4.699 4.556 A320 0.5041 0.055 0.041 0.044 B7377 2.340 4.219 4.627 2.538 0.033 B7378 0.940 0.597 0.115 0.079 0.022 B757 2.107 0.499 0.063 1.462 2.967 M D90 2.395 0.510 Fedt_ x FM A300 0.507 0.685 0.693 0.694 0.689 A310 0.192 0.005 0.003 0.003 0.011 Front er Ai r' nt. s F a A318 0.318 0.389 0.121 0.503 0.089 A319 3.584 3.559 3.770 3.235 2.800 A320 0.008 0.003 Inte 'et 40 A320 0.473 2.100 Mesa Airlines YV CRJ9 3.466 1.973 0.986 0.8551 0.922 Northwest NW A319 3.088 0.222 A320 0.030 0.005 Sk West Coml. SC CRJ9 0x01 2.633 Southwest WN B7373 0.003 0.005 B7377 41.189 42.466 42.737 45.770 48.078 B7378 0.180 0.256 UPS 5X B757 0.595 0.570 0.575 0.566 0.556 US Airways AW A319 4.507 1.071 1.575 3.331 3.689 A320 3.110 1.819 1.488 2.025 1.856 A321 0.104 0.614 0.805 0.344 0.022 B7373 1.353 2.238 1.849 6757 0.647 0.038 0.044 0.011 0.011 United UA A319 2.392 2.605 2.627 2.910 3.911 A320 3.825 5.553 6.077 6.240 7.578 B7373 0.611 B7375 0.515 B7377 0.608 5.178 5.289 B7378 0.110 1.921 0.678 B7379 0.003 8757 2.836 2.033 1.252 1.418 0.422 Virgin America VX A319 1.734 0.142 A320 1.058 1.318 WestJet WS B7377 1.049 1.492 1.000 -14- NOISE ABATEMENT COMMITTEE MEETING No meetin:; was held as there were no attendees From the community. -15- NOISE ABATEMENT PROGRAM QUARTERLY REPORT For the period: April I, 2013 through June 30, 2013 Prepared in accordance with: AIRPORT NOISE STANDARD STATE OF CALIFORNIA California Administrative Code Title 21, Chapter 2.5, SubChapter 6: Division of Aeronautics Noise Standards Submitted by: Alan L. Murphy Airport Director John Wayne Airport, Orange County INTRODUCTION This is the 162nd Quarterly Report submitted by the County of Oranye in accordance with the requirements of the California Airport Noise Standards (California Administrative Code Title 21, Chapter 2.5, SubChapter 6: Division of Aeronautics Noise Standards). Effective January 1, 1986, the criteria for defining "Noise Impact Area" was changed from 70 dB to 65 dB Community Noise Equivalent Level (CNEL). Under this criteria, John Wayne Airport currently has a "Noise Impact Area." NOISE IMPACT SUMMARY Caltrans' Aeronautics Pro: ram has established ;guidelines in the California State Noise Standard to control residential area noise levels produced by aircraft operations usinL the State's airports. Under those guidelines, residential noise sensitive areas exposed to an average Community Noise Equivalent Level (CNEL) of more than 65 dB define the "Noise Impact Area." John Wayne Airport uses ten permanent remote noise monitoring stations (NMS) located in Newport Beach, Santa Ana, Tustin and Irvine to measure noise levels, at the followirn,- locations: MONITOR STATIONS NMS -IS: Golf Course, 3100 Irvine Ave., Newport Beach NMS -6S: 1912 Santia- -o, Newport Beach NMS -2S: 20162 S.W. Birch St., Newport Beach NMS -7S: 1131 Back Bt-,y Dr-ve, Newport Beach NMS -3S: 2139 Anniversary Lane, Newport Beach NMS -$N: 17372 L&,tman Street, Irv:ne NMS4S: 2338 Tustin Ave., Newport Beach NMS -9N- 1300 S. Grand Avenue, Santa Ana NMS -5S: 3241.2 Vista Madera, Newport Beach NMS -ION: 17952 Beneta Way, Tustin The map in Figure I shows thegeneral location of each permanent remote monitor station. Figure 2 shows the Airport's "Noise Impact Area" for the previous year (July 1, 2012 - June 30, 2013). The Figure 2 inform,i Lion was developed by Mestre -Greve Associates, Inc., in consultation with John Wayne Airport. CNLL values measured for the period and current digitized land use information were utilized to calculate the land area acreages, number of res dences and esti mated number of people w--thin the "Noise Impact Area ". JOHN W YH E AIRPORT Noise Monitoring Stations (NMS) Location Map i :NtWolel ri ;A elk 46 r NI ZN4 • {' * �iiJ 1 r i - a' 't•�'��, r '•IF' -' : �•,fry*y �� /t. * � ��' .1" , jI `' •y gg� , {�_ +.; ., _ 'ice rl .� ti{ f, f a + w v♦ Y J� w �� • -'rt4 . 4.• F +r'•'� -k • r�! i.E Y Imo' 1��' •.lyf IW •� r t�Nr• {'� � � - �� . w '� �'_ { �_��' : • r- ��. �rS• taw f�. ". � � It ��' ..'t, >''y J►�,,itA i °�J; �; >♦'Yr•{ ' Cop, ♦, rte' oi AIRCRAFT TRAFFIC SUMMARY The Airport traffic summary iar this quarter is shown in Table I below. Air Carrier operational count histories and averae daily departure counts are illustrated in Tables 9 & 11. TABLE I LANDING AND TAKEOFF OPERATIONS April - June 2013 Period Air Carriers GA Jet (1) Total Operations (2) Average Daily Jet Operations Jet Prop April 7,063 0 2,134 21,058 306 May 7,268 0 2,146 23,383 303 June 7,170 01 2,092 20,881 308 Second Quarter 21,501 0 6,372 65,322 306 Twelve Months 0T01 '12 - 06.1013 3 84,562 0 24,058 252,506 297 NOTE: (1) GA Jet figures include a 5% factor for operation, not identified by the JWA noise monitor stations. (2) Counts in this column are based upon records provided by the local FAA representatives. COMMUNITY NOISE EQUIVALENT LEVELS The monthly, qu::rterly and twelve month Community No'se Equivalent Level (CNEL) average values for each monitor station are shown in Table 2, while daily CNEL values are shown in Tables 3 through 5. Insufficient data is indicated by ";�N A" entries in each table. Average Single Event Noise Exposure Level (SENEL) values for Air Uirrier and General Aviation Jet aircraft are shown in Tables 6 through 8. ACOUSTICAL INSULATION PROGRAM Four hundred eighteen residences in the Santa Ana Hei -,hts area have been sound attenuated and an avigation easement reserved through the County's Acoustical lm ulation Program, which closed in December 2009. The County has also acquired 46 residences as part of the Purchase Assurance Program, many of which were acoustically insulated, an avigation easement reserved and then resold. Among these County acquired homes, those located within areas designated for Business Park uses were razed, avigation easements were reserved, and the land resold for compatible Business Park uses. A total of 464 residences in the Santa Ana Heights area have been purchased or otherwise made compatible through the County's Purchase Assurance and Acoustical Insulation Pro-4rams. Seventy -one dwelling units in Santa Ana Heights remain in the "Noise Impacted Area" (within 65 dB CNEL contour). TELEPHONE COMPLAINT CALLS (April 1, 2013 - June 30.2013) The Airport's Access and Noise Office receives and investi:, +tes noise calls and complaints from local citizens and all other sources. During the April 1, 20 ii 3 throu h June 30, _013, the Office received 301 complaints from local citizens. This is a 74.0% increase from the 173 complaints received last quarter. It is a 14.2 1,,o decrease from the 351 complaints received Burin„ the same quarter last year. Figure 4 shows the distribution of the quarterly telephone calls and complaints from local communities. -4- FIGURF ] HISTOGRAM BY COMMUNITY Balboa island Balboa Peninsula Bar shoe e Corona Dal Mai Costa Mesa Cowan Heights Eastbluff Hai ba Cove Huntington Beadi Irvine Laguna B ?ach Laguna Woods r r Lemon Mks Lido Island o V Mission Viejo N. Tustin Newport Beach Newport Bluffs Orange Panorama Heights Santa Ana Santa Ana Heights Sea Island Tustin Unl.nown Westcliff FIGURF ] HISTOGRAM BY COMMUNITY 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 Number of Complaints Note: All complaints from Mission Viejo were from one household. s 28 1 i 21 I ( r 25 1 i � 3 90 10 I � � I I 5 � I i 75 J 8i � I 35 i 19 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 Number of Complaints Note: All complaints from Mission Viejo were from one household. s TABLE 2 LONG TERM MEASURED LEVIELS Aircraft CNEL From 07101:` 12 through O& 30! 13 Values in dh at Each Site Period NMS Site 1� 2S } 4; -S 6S 7S #N 9N ION Jul 2012 66.8 bb.2 �r5.5 5,.4 57.6 59.2 5-�.2 67.6 44.8 55.6 Ft Days 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 28 31 Aug 2012 66.9 66.0 65.4 ..8.0 57.4 58.9 55.1 67.5 46.2 54.8 k Days 28 31 311 31 31 31 31 +1 30 30 Sep 2012 65.9 65.1 64.5 57.0 56 58.0 .•4.1 66.8 45.1 54.2 k Days 30 30 30 30 }0 30 30 30 27 30 Q -3 2012 66.5 65.8 65.1 57.9 57.2 58.7 54.8 673 45.4 54.9 Days 89 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 85 91 Oct 2012 66.1 65.2 174.7 ,17.5 56.9 58.8 54.8 67.0 45.0 55.2 # Days 11 31 31 31 31 31 31 ;1 31 31 Nov 2012 66.2 65.4 64.6 57.6 57.1 58.5 54.8 67.1 44.3 55.2 # Days 17 30 30 10 30 30 30 ;0 27 30 Dec 2012 66.0 65.1 64.4 57.6 573 58.9 55.3 66.8 44.7 55.2 9 Days 31 30 31 31 31 30 9 1l 29 31 Q -4 2012 66.1 65.2 64.6 57.6 57.1 58.7 54.9 67.0 44.7 55.2 # Days 891 91 92 92 92 91 70 92 87 92 Jan 2013 65.0 64.1 63.6 56.6 56.1 58.1 53.3 65.4 44.7 52.9 # Days 31 29 31 28 31 31 29 31 30 31 Feb 2013 65? 64.5 63,8 57.1 56.5 583 54.5 66.2 42.7 54.6 Day 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 T' 27 28 M 2013 65.7 65.0 64.0 57.6 56.9 58.4 54.6 67.1 41.6 55.7 Day 31 it 31 31 31 31 31 3128 31 Q -12013 65.3 64.6 63.8 57.1 56.5 58.3 54.2 66.3 43.2 54.5 Days 90 88 90 87 90 90 88 90 85 90 Apr 2013 &.7 64.9 64.3 57.7 57.1 58.5 54.9 67.1 43.2 55.7 # Days 30 30 30 30 -�0 30 30 30 25 30 May 2013 65.9 65 .2 64.5 58.0 57.3 58. 55.2 67.3 43.3 55.7 Days 31 31 31 31 ) 1 31 31 31 29 31 Jun 2013 66.8 6-�.9 65.1 58.0 57.6 58.9 55.1 67.7 43.5 56.2 � Days 30 30 30 26 30 30 30 30 26 30 Q -2 2013 66.2 65.3 64.6 57.9 57A 58.6 55.0 67.4 43.3 55.9 # Days 91 91 91 87 91 91 91 91 80 91 Q -3 2012 thru Q -2 2013 Total 1 66.1 65.3 64.6 57.6 57.1 58.6 X4.7 67.0 443 S S.2 Days k9 362 365 3581 365 364 341 365 337 364 Q -2 2012 thru Q -1 2013 (Previous 4 Quarters) Total 66.1 65.3 64.5 57.6 57.0 58.5 54.7 67.0 44.4 55.2 ; <- Da s 359 362 365 362 365 364 341 365 334 ;64 Chan a from Previous 4 Quarters -0.1 -0.11 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.1 0.1 -0.1 0.0 -6 - TABLF- 3 DAILY CNLL VALUES AT EACH MONITOR STATION April 2013 Da[c NMS Site IS I 2S 3S 4S SS 6S 7S 8N 9N ION 1 66.2 65.8 64.5 5?_9 58.4 59.3 56.4 67.4 42.3 56.5 2 66.5 65.8 64.8 58.4 58.0 59.2 55.7 67.4 43.7 55.7 3 65.8 65.6 64.8 57.7 57.5 58.9 55.6 67.7 42.4 55.8 4 65.8 65.7 64.5 57.4 57.9 58.81 54.8 67.9 9N.:A 55.7 5 66.51 65.6 64.7 58.5 57.5 59.1 56.7 67.7 36.4 56.7 6 65.01 64.1 63.6 57.3 56.6 58.1 54.6 65.0 39.5 53.7 7 65.9 64.8 64.4 57.9 57.3 58.9 54.1 67.5 PN /A 55.9 8 65.9 66.0 64.2 56.81 58.8 59.0 56.0 67.7 36.41 56.1 9 65.8 65.3 64.0 57.1 57.4 58.61 55.2 66.4 34.4 53.7 10 64.9 64.6 63.9 56.4 56.5 57.9 54.6 66.9 42.1 55.5 lI 66.2 65.1 64.4 59.3 57.2 53.5 55.7 68.2 44.1 57.3 12 66.6 65.9 64.9 58.6 58.0 593 55.3 67.5 44.3 56.3 13 64.4 63.6 62.7 56.31 54.5 56.1 51.1 65.1 32.81 54.9 14 66.1 64,8 64.2 59.0 57.2 59.11 56.2 67.8 40.4 57.5 15 66.1 65.0 64.3 58.9 57.7 59.1 55.3 68.0 ON..-'A 58.0 16 65.5 65.1 64.2 58.2 57.4 58.9 55.0 66.6 44.2 55.3 17 62.6 63.0 63.0 53.8 55.3 58.3 49.6 66.4 42.0 51.9 J8 63.7 63.4 63.8 54.51 55.3 58.4 53.0 66.5 44.8 53.0 19 64.6 64.1 63.3 55.5 55.8 58.0 53.1 66.8 45.7 52.5 20 63.7 62.8 61.9 55.9 54.8 56.0 53.3 63.8 35.1 52.4 21 66.1 65.1 64,8 58.1 57.0 58.9 55.3 67.3 44.6 55.3 22 66.6 65.4 64.9 58.8 57.6 59.5 55.9 67.9 43.21 57.1 23 66.0 65.1 64.9 58.61 57.6 59.4 55.3 67.3 48.5 56.2 24 65.8 64.9 64.3 58.11 56.9 58.1 54.8 67.5 45.3 56.5 25 66A 65.7 65.0 58.81 58.4 59.3 56.1 67.4 47.1 55.8 26 66.1 65.6 65.0 58.2 57.9 59.3 56.1 67.11 44.9 55.0 27 63.8 62.4 62.5 55.9 55.9 56.61 52.7 64.7 38.1 52.6 28 65.9 65.0 64.6 57.0 56.6 58.0 53.8 67.5 4AUA 56.0 29 66.3 65.4 65.1 58.1 57.3 58.2 54.4 67.4 35.8 56.3 30 65.8 64.6 64.3 58.8 56.8 58.6 54.0 67.3 #NSA 57.0 Daysl 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 251 30 En. Avgj 65.71 64.91 64.3 57.7 57.21 58.51 54.91 67.1 43_21__ 55.7 r N/A indicates insufficient data. -7- TABLL 4 DAILY CNF-.L VALUES AT EACH MONITOR STATION May 2013 Date NMS Site IS I 2S 3S 4 -7, 5S 6S 7S 8N 9N ION 1 66.0 65.4 64.9 58.1 57.9 59.4 55.4 67.5 38.7 55.4 64.6 64.3 64.6 55.1 55.8 59.3 53.3 66.2 43.2 45.3 3 65.0 64.3 63.7 55.1 55.1 57.2 52.5 67.1 46.3 53.3 4 63.9 62.8 62.2 57.3 54.6 56.7 53.2 65.5 44.2 54.2 5 65.91 64.6 64.1 58.9 56.9 58.6 55.8 68.3 42.3 58.0 6 66.1 64.8 64.4 58.9 57.5 58.7 56.1 68.0 #N.'A 57.4 7 65.5 64.4 64.0 57.7 57.3 53.7 55.5 66.9 41.51 55.9 8 65.9 65.3 64.7 57.81 57.9 46.71 56.0 67.3 41.5 55.9 9 66.4 65.8 64.9 58.6 58.1 59.0 55.9 67.6 47.5 55.5 10 66.41 65.8 65.0 58.3 58.3 59.4 55.4 68.0 37.5 55.6 11 64.3 63.3 62.7 55.7 55.2 56.1 52.7 64.5 42.1 52.1 12 65.9 64.6 64.0 56.3 55.8 57.1 54.0 66.8 43.21 53.7 13 66.0 65.1 64.4 56.11 56.8 57.51 53.1 66.4 41.6 53.7 14 65.8 65.4 63.9 57.8 57.2 58.51 54.0 67.3 42.5 55.2 15 66.3 65.5 65.0 ".1 57.9 59.8 56.1 67.6 47A 56.8 16 66.6 65.8 65.3 .0 58.2 60.0 55.9 67.7 36.7 57.3 17 66.5 65.7 65.0 0 58.2 59.3 56.7 67.8 45.71 56.9 18 64.3 63.5 63.1 56.91 56.4 57.4 54.0 64.9 34.6 53.5 19 66.0 65.0 64.6 57.9 57.2 58.81 55.3 67.8 37.4 56.2 20 66.5 66.2 65.3 583 57.9 59.4 55.9 67.3 452 55.4 21 66.3 65.7 65.0 57.8 57.5 58.5 54.6 68.1 35.0 56.9 22 66.7 65.9 65.3 59.2 57.8 59.6 55.7 68.4 #NIA 57.7 23 66.9 66.2 65.1 59.1 58.21 59.8 56.3 68.0 47.5 56.6 24 67.0 66.3 65.7 59.2 58.2 60.0 56.5 68.0 42.8 57.0 25 64.6 63.7 62.7 56.3 55.7 57.1 53.5 64.4 38.1 52.9 26 63.7 62.8 62.0 56.3 55.2 56.6 53.0 65.6 32.9 54.0 27 66.0 65.3 64.5 58.11 57.7 59.11 55.6 67.8 41.01 56.6 28 67.5 66.4 66.2 59.4 58.6 59.9 56.6 67.8 47.8 56.6 29 66.3 65.6 64.8 58.4 57.9 58.8 55.6 67.3 41.1 56.6 30 66.5 65.6 64.8 58.6 57.9 58.9 55.3 67.8 43.9 56.7 31 66.4 65.7 64.51 58.4 57.8 58.9 55.0 67.6 42.2 54.9 Days 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 29 31 i .n. Avg 65.9 65.2 64.5 58.0 57.31 58.51 55.21 673 43.31 55.7 N. A indicates insufficient data. -8- TABLE 5 DAILY CNEL VALUES AT EACH MONITOR STATION June 2013 Dau NMS Site IS I 2S 3S 4S 5S 6S 7S 8N 9N ION 1 64.4 63.8 62.9 56.0 55.8 56.6 52.6 65.4 38.7 54.0 2 66.5 65.1 64A 57.3 55.8 57.5 53.6 67.8 W A 57.2 3 66.9 65.7 65.0 58.6 57.6 59.3 54.5 67.9 33.8 57.4 4 66.2 65.4 64.6 58.1 57.7 58.7 55.4 67.6 43.11 56.7 5 66.71 66.3 65.3 58A 58.4 59.5 55.2 67.8 38.91 55.9 6 66.9 66.4 65.3 58.1 58.1 59.1 54.8 68.0 45.0 56.1 7 67.0 66.2 65.2 58.2 57.6 58.7 54.1 68.1 31.2 57.5 8 64.6 63.7 62.5 55.01 53.8 54.51 50.7 65.4 #N /A 55.2 9 66.7 65.8 65.0 57.9 57.0 58.2 54.5 68.1 35.9 57.6 10 66.91 66.1 64.8 58.2 58.2 59.1 56.0 67.9 47.31 55.3 II 66.5 65.9 64.9 58.2 57.8 58.9 54.8 67.9 45.4 55.1 12 67.1 66.5 65.3 57.7 57.5 57.9 54.4 68.0 32.9 57.3 13 673 66.9 65.8 58.91 59.0 60.11 56.3 68.9 49.7 56.7 14 67.0 66.1 65.4 59.3 58.2 59.8 56.1 68.3 4NIA 56.7 15 65.9 64.8 64.1 #N!A 56.7 57.9 55.0 65.9 36.4 54.4 16 66.8 66.1 65.2 4N..'A 58.2 59.6 55.9 68.2 41.1 56.4 17 67.6 66.8 66.0 #NxA 58.0 59.4 56.0 68.3 44.3 56.4 18 66.8 66.3 65.3 4N.'Al 57.7 59.21 55.7 68.2 40.8 56.1 19 66.9 64.3 65.6 58.5 56.3 59.2 55.6 68.0 34.0 55.9 20 67.1 67.4 65.8 58.9 59.7 59.7 56.3 68.0 45.3 56.4 21 67.6 66.3 65.9 57.2 57.9 59.6 55.9 67.3 39.0 55.6 22 65.8 64.8 64.1 57.5 56.5 58.0 55.9 66.1 46.5 53.8 23 67.2 66.2 65.7 59.0 58.4 59.81 55.5 68.3 28.91 57.7 24 67.6 66.5 65.9 58.9 58.1 59.8 55.8 68.2 36.0 57.2 25 67.6 66.5 66.2 58.5 58.7 59.5 55.5 67.9 44.1 56.2 26 67.4 66.3 65.8 58.1 57.9 59.4 55.4 67.9 47.7 55.3 27 67.3 66.2 65.5 58.0 57.6 59.0 54.5 68.2 38.5 56.8 28 67.1 66.2 65.5 57.4 57.4 58.51 55.0 67.9 45.21 55.6 29 65.6 64.7 64.3 56.0 56.2 57.5 53.2 65.7 46.6 53.3 30 66.5 65.0 64.7 57.9 56.4 57.9 53A 67.8 ONA 54.4 Days 30 30 0 26 30 30 30 30 26 30 En. Avg 66.8 65.9 .0 57.6 58.91 55.11 67.7 43.5 56.2 9N.-'A indicat. s insu icient data. -9- TABLE- 6 MI'ASURI: d AVERAGE SINGLE EVENT NOISE FXPOSURI; LEVELS Commercial Class A Apri 1- June 2013 Car•ier AC Type # Deps NMS Site IS 2� 3.11' 4S 5S 6S 7S 8N 9N ION Al ; A' 13 -34 6Avera 97.5 96.0 97.0 89.5 90.7 91.0 87.8 #NIA #NfA *N/A Count ((,) (6) (6) (6) (6) (5) (6) (0) (0) (0) 8737 674 Average 91.9 91.6 88.6 81.9 83.7 84.2 81.2 90.9 77.9 77.3 Count (654) (647) (657) (635) (655) (625) (602) (13) (1) (3) B7 }8 178 Average 48.3 97.1 97.0 88.0 88.8 89.2 85.5 4N. .'A #N,'A #N /A Count (177) (173) (178) (147) (171) (169) (169) (0) (0) (0) A.-,v is . i 8738 1105 Average 98.3 97.0 96.3 88.5 88.3 89.2 85.8 93.0 79.8 81.3 Count (1073) (1052) (1078) (1008) (1063) (1029) (1000) (17) (7) (14) Odia A319 429 Average 94.9 44.2 93.7 86.7 85.9 86.7 82.7 91.3 80.8 79.8 Count (413) (407) (413) (388) (409) (398) (377) (9) (4) (3) A .0 2 Average 94.4 93.6 93.1 85.9 83.9 86.4 82.4 #NIA #N. :A #NIA Count (2) (1) (2) (2) (1) (1) (2) (0) (0) (0) 8737 3 Average 93.8 93.2 91.5 85.4 86.3 87.4 84.8 #N /A #N/A #NIA Count (3) (3) (3) (3) (3) (3) (1) (0) (0) (0) B7 8 3 Average J4.5 93.4 92.4 87.0 86.2 88.0 84.2 #N!A #NfA #N /A Count (3) (3) (3) (3) (3) (3) (2) (0) (0) (0) 7. 2 281 Average 95.7 94.7 94.1 87.3 86.4 87.5 83.9 93.1 80.8 82,0 Count (261) (258) (26,) (247) (259) (252) (239) (18) (4) (12) A 06 64 Average 96.1 95.7 94.6 88.6 88.6 90.2 86.6 #NIA #N,'A #NIA Count (63) (62) (64) (6 2) (63) (59) (59) (0) (0) (0) Fra t._; A;;,in... A318 I Average 91.4 92.9 90.4 84.2 87.1 86.9 83.8 #N:'A #N +A #N/A Count (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (0) (0) (0) A319 309 Average 93.9 93.2 92.4 86.2 85.6 86.5 825 90.7 76.3 80.7 Ca.int (295) (288) (295) (279) (291) (286) (278) (7) (1) (5) lnterjct A320 182 Average 94.7 93.6 92.7 86.5 85.8 8.0 83.4 89.1 #N /A 82.9 Count (1 °6) (170) (1771 (1661 (!74) (t68) (153) (4) (0) (1) Mesa Airlines CRJ9 84 Average 91.7 90.3 92.3 83.7 84.7 85.3 80.6 89.1 #N;'A 77,2 Count (80) (78) (80) (76) (80) (75) (73) (s) (0) (1) Southwest 8737 16_,1 Av_ra, 91.4 90.9 89.5 843 83.8 85.1 82.3 91.1 77.9 80.8 Count (162 0) (1593) (1633) (1540) (1608) (1574) (1482) (21) (4) (5) 8738 41 Average 91.8 91.3 89.7 84.7 83.6 85.8 82.7 #N!A ON ?A #N +A Count (41) (40) (41) (40) (41) (39) (39) (0) (0) (0) United A320 1004 Average 92.6 91.9 91.3 85.5 84.9 86.3 82.8 91.6 77.7 80.2 Count 1 (965 ) (946) (970) (912) (958) (926) (854) (31) (1) (11) B737 406 Average 95.3 94.2 92.6 85.4 85.0 86.1 83.2 91.1 79.0 78.8 Count (397) (389) (397) (372) (391) (385) (371) (7) (1) (4) 8738 1 7 Average 96.1 94.9 93.0 85.5 84.8 85.9 82.8 89.6 #N /A t=N,'A Count (121) (121) (124) (115) (172) (121) (111) (1) (0) (0) 8752 128 Average 94.8 93.9 93.3 87.1 86.2 87.4 83.4 90.9 #N.-'A 78.9 Count 1 (122) (123) (125) (113) (123) (124) (120) (2) (0) (1) UPS B752 52 Average 95.8 95.4 93.5 86.0 86.0 86.9 82.2 #N ;'A #NfA #NIA Count (52 ) (51) (52) (50) (50) (48) (52) (0) (0) (0) US Airways A320 390 Average 92.2 91.9 90.0 84.5 83.8 84.6 81.0 86.8 77.6 irNlA Count (376) (372) (378) (350) (372) (360) (314) (8) (1) (0) A321 100 Average 97.6 97.0 94.6 87.0 86.0 86.7 83.6 92.0 OWA 82.$ Count (95) (92) (9.) (86) (92) (93) (86) (2) (0) (2) wesuct 13737 91 Average 95.4 94.5 95.0 88.8 87.9 88.9 84.1 N A PN;'A 4N/Al Count (90 (89) (91} (8 7) (90) (84) (81) (0} (0) (0) -_I - TABLE 7 MI'ASURC D AVI= ItAGI,' S1NGL1:1_VENT NOISI EXPOSURE LEVELS Commercial Clams E April - June "2013 Camer AC Type k Deps NMS Site IS 2S 3S 4S �;S 6S 7S 8N 9N ION SkyWu4t Coml. CRJ9 262 Average Count 90,6 (253) 89.2 (249) 88.8 (254) 79.8 (172) 79.2 (16 ?) 819 (243) 80.0 (199) 90.3 (4) MA (0) #N7 (0) �outf«vst 1373' 2867 Average Count 89.8 (2310) 89.6 (2754) 88.4 (2818) 83.8 (2664) 82.9 (2776) 84.2 (2686) 81.8 (2502) 90.0 (35) 79.5 (I) 78.9 (4) [ 738 1 Average Count 92.1 (i) 92.3 (I) #NIA (0) 84.9 (1) 84.3 (I) 85.9 (l) 83.6 (1) dNrA (0) W-'A (0) #N A (0) TA13LV 8 WASURLD AVIMAGE SINGLE EVENT NOISE EXPOSURE LEVELS Commuter April - June 2013 Camer AC Type Or Deps NMS Site 15 25 35 4S 5S 6S I 7S ; N QN ION Sky West CRP 294 Average Count 87.6 1 (289) 877 (291) 84.5 (289) 79.71 (199) 79,6 (M) 8 1.91 (278) 79.E (207) n +..) (.•) . v. A (0) F 1.7 (') MUMURIiD AVLPAGI= SINGLE EVENT NOISE EXPOSURI LI-VI LS General Aviation April - June 2013 Carrier AC Type # Deps NMS Site IS 2S 3S 45 SS F6S T, 1 8N I 9N I ION General Aviation Jet 3034 Average Count 88.1 (2584) 867 (2513) 88.8 (2522) 82.7 (1314) 82.2 (996) 82.5 (212 ") 82.1 (6. +0} 85.4 (64) 83.2 (3) 84.? (2} _II - I .Ll I AIR CA RII R 0' 3 1'rIONAL FIISTORY 4 .i 14 lu A Year U 2010 2011 2012 2013 Asir Caru,aia AC A 1 340 4 E1 '1 52 Alaska Air AS B734 163 1�2 110 84 37 8737 6.687 6,839 7.435 6,238 2,929 B738 1,198 8931 761 9a2 430 .'mariean AA B738 7 744 7.4931 7.208 4,347 B752 1.722 1,999 1.519 MD92 10 4 Compass CP El 70 'antinerval CO B735 2 B737 4,2; 9 4.646 4.124 13738 855 1,19[! 1.163 Delta DL A319 3.903 5,348 3.436 1.677 A320 372 36 31 12 5737 1,707 3,082 3.373 1,860 11 5738 688 433 87 55 ]0 B752 539 362 45 1,073 1,096 MD90 1,745 371 LL _ , FM A306 369 5001 506 508 252 A310 141 4 2 2 2 Frunrit:rArl ; F9 A318 233 284 88 369 17 A319 2,616 2.596 2,751 7,368 1,123 A320 6 2 jfkler' en 40 A320 346 742 Maa Alrl'incs YV CRJ9 2,533 1,437 720 626 334 Northwest NW A319 2,255 162 A320 21 4 .`lt Wtstcoml, SC CRJ9 584 999 SoathwcsS W B733 2 4 13737 30,986 31.187 a.i,490 17,726 B --- 132 1311 Urr•:d UA A3ty 1.741 1.900 1.93F 2,133 1,312 A320 2,798 4. 4,419 4,554 2,759 8733 441 8735 379 1 8737 447 3,786 1.765 8738 77 L407 37y B739 2 B752 2,071 1; 1,0391 334 UPS 5X B752 434 4 4141 204 US Airwaas AW A319 1290 7831 1,152 2,442 1,304 A320 Z70 1 333 1.086 1.485 4-1 A321 77 586 247 206 B733 )88 t, 349 8752 472 32 8 2 Virgin An=ca VX A319 1,266 lv, A320 773 962 ' WS B737 766 tN3 362 83,527 81,241 1 ?9,658 8001 1 40,968 - 12. TABLV. 10 AIRCRAFT OPI RATIONAL 11 [STORY Aircraft Year 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 A306 369 500 506 508 252 A310 141 4 2 2 2 A318 233 284 88 369 17 319 11.168 9.788 11,186 10,379 5,416 A320 5,862 6,724 5,547 6A 18 3.984 321 77 444 586 247 206 B733 1,431 1.632 1.353 B734 163 152 110 84 37 B735 381 1 B737 1 42,691 45.5531 47.332 46,467 22,793 B738 10.485 10,0091 9,296 10,203 5,292 B739 2 B752 6,238 4,287 2,932 3,445 1.636 CRJ9 2.533 1,437 720 1,210 1,333 E170 1.352 E190 52 MD82 10 41 4 MD90 1,745 37)l 1 Total 83,527 81,241 79,658 1 80,691 40,968 -13- TABLE I1 AIR CARRI• R AV[ RAGE: DAILY DGPARRPRh IIISTORY i I AC . y pe Year 00 010 t'Dl1 2012 i A.- C d AC 19 .005 1 i y0 .0 Al A AS 0734 227 .151 .115 .052 13737 9.159 9,373 10.178 8.527 4 OW B738 1.644 1,2251 + 049 L284 ,586 Amerruan AA B738 10.605 10,266 ..677 10,484 5.956 B752 2.359 2.737 2.082 L235 MD82 .014 .005 .005 CP V 170 1.847 i I CD 8735 .003 8737 5.778 6. 5.649 8738 1.197 1. 1 1,597 I kIt.1 b 5. 7,321 4.699 2 299 320 .055 .041 .016 8737 2,340 a 4.627 2.538 .4116 B738 _940 .171 115 .079 .014 B752 2.107 499 .063 1.462 1,501 M090 2.395 ,51 FM A306 .507 .685 ,693 694 .345 A310 ,192 .005 .003 .003 .003 f rontier Arrimcs F9 A318 318 .389 .121 ,503 .025 A319 3,584 3.559 3.770 3.235 1.537 A320 ,008 .003 inier'et 40 A320 1 .473 1.016 Mesa Airlines YV CRJ9 466 .986 .855 .458 rthwesl NW A319 .,.088 A320 ,030 Sky West Coml. SC CR,19 .801 1.367 Southwesi Wrtti 8733 .003 .005 8737 41,189 42.466 42.737 45,770 24.285 8738 _180 .178 011,D -,l UA A319 t 392 2.605 2.627 1910 1,800 A320 3.825 5.553 6.077 6.240 3,784 8733 .611 8735 515 B737 .608 5.178 2.416 B738 .110 1.921 .515 B739 .003 B752 2.836 2,033 1.252 1.418 .455 UPS 5X B752 .595 .570 .575 .566 ,279 U5 Airways AW A319 4,507 1.071 1.575 3.331 1.786 320 3.110 1.819 1.488 2.025 ,649 A321 ,104 614 .805 344 .279 B733 .353 2.238 1.849 B752 _038 .044 .011 .003 Virgin Am rica VX A319 .142 A320 1.058 1,318 WestJet WS B737 OM9 1.492 .496 Total 1 114.422 111.329 107.15.1 110.270 56,132 NOISE ABATEMENT COMMITTEE MEETING No meeting was held as there were no attendees from the community. -1 SNA John Wayne Airport SUMMARY OF STATISTICAL INFORMATION FOR CALIFORNIA DEPARTMI NT OF TRANSPORTATION Size of Noise Impact Area as de-fined in the Noise Standards (Califon iia Code of Regulations, Title 21, chapter 2.5, Subchapter 6): 4.28 acres or .007 square miles 2. Estimated Number of dwelling units included in the Noise Impact Area as defined in the Noise Standards: 71 dwelling; uniti 3. Estimated number of people residing within the Noise Impact Area as defined in the Noise Standards: 178 (based on 2.5 people per d.u.) 4. Identification of aircraft of ty pe having highest takeoff noise level operatin.; at this airport together with estimated number of operations by this aircraft type during the calendar quarter reporting period: 137378 -2,914 ops (arrivals + departures) 5. Total number of aircraft operations during the calendar quarter: 6. Number of Air Carrier operations duri ng the calendar quarter: (Not mandatory) 65,322 21,501 7. Percenta;-,e of Air Carrier operations In aircraft certified under Federal Aviation Regulation (T AR) Part 36, Stage I H. (Not mandatory) I00% Estimated number of oper-4tions by General Aviation aircraft during the calen6irquartt•r: (Not mandal ory) 43,644 9. Estimated number of operations by Military aircraft during the calend;ir qu -.1mr; (Not mandatory) I77