HomeMy WebLinkAbout14 CLAIM B. SALAZAR 03-16-98 LAW OFFICES Of V~OODRUFF~ SPRADLIN & SMART A PROFESSIONAL CORPORATION AGE DA MEMORANDUM TO: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council City of Tustin FROM: City Attorney DATE: March 11, 1998 RE: Claim of Boris Salazar; Claim No. 97-47 NO. 14 3-16-98 RECOMMENDATION: After investigation and review by this offiCe and by the City's claims administrators, it is recommended that the City Council deny the claim and direct the City Clerk to send notice thereof to the claimant and the claimant's attorneys. DISCUSSION: The claimant alleges property damage and personal injuries due to a two- vehicle, rear-end accident. The claimant was driving northbound on Red Hill approaching Edinger. The claimant stopped as he observed east/west traffic on Edinger crossing in front of him. When the claimant's vehicle stopped, it'was rear-ended by another party. (The other party has also filed a claim with the City.) Based on available information, we view this case as one of questionable liability for the City. While there appears to be some evidence that the signal lights at the intersection may have malfunctioned prior to the accident, such malfunction does not excuse either party to the accident from driving safely. The claimant appears to have acted properly by braking to avoid an accident. The driver of the second car appears to be at fault, driving in a negligent manner at a speed unsafe for the conditions. In the event that litigation ensues on this claim, the City would tender its defense to Computer Service Company Division that maintains the signal lights at the intersection. If there was any malfunction of the lights, itwas related to their work and their failure to correct a known problem at the intersection. The Division has been put on notice of this claim. LOIS E. JEFFREY Enclosure cc: William A. Huston City Manager 59935_1 Office of ".e City Clerk December 16, 1997 Carl Warren & Co. P. O. Box 25180 Santa Ana, CA 92799-5180 C ity of Tustin 300 Centennial Way Tustin, CA 92680 (714) 573-3026 FAX (714) 832-0825 Re- Transmittal of Document(s) ~ ~ ~,./7 ~_ ~ Claimant' Boris Salazar - !/// Claim No.' 97-47 ~_FF~ ~ ~. 7997 Filed With City' 12-16-97 ~. ....... Receipt of Claim/Summons and Complaint by t~J"C~'~y' Ct-er.k-~?Office on- Date- 12-16-97 Time' 8-40 a.m. By' Personal Service upon the undersigned Regular Mail Certified/Registered Mail Interdepartment Mai 1 The enclosed Claim (or Application to File Late Claim) was presented to this office as indicated above and has been referred to the appropriate City department for its investigation and also to the offices of Woodruff, Spradlin and Smart, Attn: Lois E. Jeffrey, City Attorney. By this letter, you are authorized to commence the necessary investigation of this claim on behalf of the City. We request that you give such notices as may be appropriate to the City's insurance carrier(s) and further request that you submit your preliminary and all subsequent reports to the City, with a copy to the City Attorney and to the insurance carrier(s) if they so request. Upon receipt of advice from the City Attorney, we will plan to present this matter to the City Council and/or take such other steps as are directed by the City .Attorney. Other- A copy of this letter and enclosures were sent on 12-16-97 'to the City Attorney and Department Head, and the original was forwarded to the Finance Department. S,~cerely, ,~' Valerie Crab~l_~ Chief Deputyt. Gqty Clerk U Enclosures Law Offices .Of Sheldon L. Davis, 1428 N. Broadway Santa Ana, California 92706 (714) 835- 1371 Fax (714) 835-5856 PLEASE REPLY TO: PLEASE REFER TO FILE NO.: December 10, 1997 City of Tustin Claims Department 300 Centennial Way Tustin, California 92780 Re- Our Client - Boris Salazar Claim No. : ? Date of Accident- October 16, 1997 Location - Redhill & Edinger St., Tustin Dear Sir or Madam, Please be advised that I am now the Attorney of Record for the the abOve-named client in an action against you. Please communicate with me on all further matters and submit any documents connected. With this matter directly to this office. Also, enclosed ~lease find a copy of the police repor and the Designation of ~ttorney form pursuant to section 2695.2(c). Thank ~ou for your courtesy and cooperation. S incer ~e~y~\\ SHELDON L. DAVIS, JR. Attorney at Law SLD, JR/ab Enclosures CITY OF TUSTIN CLAIM AGAINST THE CITY OF '[oSTIN (For Damages to Persons or Personal Property) The law provides generally that a claim must be filed with the City Clerk of the City of Tustin within six (6) months after the incident or event occurred. Be sure your claim is against the' City of Tustin, not another public entity. Where space is insufficient, please use additional paper and identify information by paragraph number. Completed claims must be mailed or delivered to the City Clerk, City of Tustin, 300 Centennial Way, Tustin, California 92780. WHEN COMPLETING THIS FORM, PLEASE TYPE OR USE BLACK INK To the Honorable Mayor and City Council, City of TUstin, California: The undersigned respectfully submits the following claim and information relative to damage to person and/or property: , a. Name of Claimant: BORIS SALAZAR b. Address of Claimant: , f. Social Security Number: g. Driver License Numb'er: Name, telephone, and post office address to which claimant desires notices to be sent (if other than'above): SHELDON L. DAVIS, JR. , Attorney at Law 1428 N Broadway, Santa Ana, CA 92706 . This claim is submitted against: a. X The City of Tustin only. b. The following employee(s) of the City of Tustin only: C. The City of Tustin and the following employee(s) of the City of Tustin only: Occurrence or event from which the claim arises: a. Date: October 16, 1997 b. Time: 4: 30 P.M. c. Place (Exact and Specific Location): Redhill and Edinger Streets, Tustin, CA. d. How and under what circumstances did damage or injury occur? Specify the particular occurrence, event, act or omission you claim caused the injury or damage (use additional paperifnecessary ~ traffic control lights this intersection were green ~or all directions of travel, i.e. North/South and East/West. e. Whatparticularaction bythe City, oritsemployees, causedthealleged damage orinjury? Failure to maintain and synchronize the traffic control lights. , Give a description of the injury, property damage or loss so far known at the time of this claim. if there were no injuries, state "no injuries". P~operty Damage to claimant's automobile $352.52 Injury to neck and back. . Give the name(s) of the City employee(s) causing the damage or injury: Unknown 7. Name and address of any other person injured' Unknown . . 10. Name and address ofthe owner of any damaged property: Same t.~ q,astinns l. a;b; & c. as answers to Damages Claimed: a. Amount claimed as ofthis date: $352.52 b. Estimated amountoffuturecosts: Unknown C. Total amount claimed: Unknown d. Attach basis for computation of amounts claimed (include copies of all bills, invoices, estimates, etc.) Names and addresses of all witnesses, hospitals, doctors, etc. WM. E. DIFIORI, WARNING' IT IS A CRIMINAL OFFENSE TO FILE A FALSE CLAIM (Penal Code Section 72; Insurance Code Section 556.0)' I have read the matters and statements made in the above claim and ! know the same to be true of my own knowledge, except as to those matters stated to be upon information or belief and as to such matters I believe the same to be true. I certify under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct. Claimant's Signature' , ..~~_~..._ Executed this / ~ day of ,/Q~c ~,~_/~,~ , 1 9 Date Filed: 2:CLAIM (7/96} TO: CITY OF TUSTIN Claim Number: .. Date o~ Losg :10/16/97 pUrsuant to Section 2695.2 (c) of the California Code of Regula.- tions Title, 10, Chapter 5; .[ At~thorize Sheldon L. Davis; ( Name ) . my Attorney to }~ar~dle my Personal Injury (q~ype of Claim) claim under the above captiol~ed loss. This autorizatior, shall be valid flor only one year from the below date unless renewed by the undersigned. Any and all prior author~.zation are hereby revoked by the undersigned as of the date o~ this authorization. S I g'na t t~r e BORIS SALAZAR Pti.ted Name October 17, ]997 Date ] Address ( Telepl~one I,RA~'J,-IC C'OLLISION RI~PQRT _ :IAL DISTRICTNUMBER SPECIAL CONDITIONS NO INJ I H&R FEL 1 [ ] TUSTIN cENTRAL  couNTY Dl~r BEAT 9 7 -- 0 7 3 12 ~ MO DAY YE.AR TIME(2403) I'd:lC I I OFFICER I.D. COLLISION OCCURRED ON: ~o REDHILL AV. 1-0116197 1608 3022 000718 .. C DAY OF 'WEE~ TOW AWAY pHOTOGRAPHS BY: A MILEPOST IN'FORMATION: T THURSDAY [ ] YES IXI NO I STATE HWY REL O N p~ AT INTERSECTION ~'rl'H: .,LLY.,,~L.~.~_ ~~ ~ VE" Y"----~ MAKE'MODEL/COLOR ] UCENSE NUMBER STATE 'PA. RTY DRIVER'S LICENSE NUMBER 1 83. TOYT.CELICA.Bt~I. .... DRIVER NAM E(FIRST.MIDDLE.~ ~ BORIS SAI_~Z/X_~ ------ -- OWNER'S NAME [X~-]SAME AS DRIVER PEDF-.S- S'rREET ADDRESS .~ OWNER'S ADDRESS [~r] SAME AS DRIVER )ARKED CITY/STAI'F./ZIP ~ ~.cETUST . , s~ ............. ~'~'"~ ,,RTHDATE £,,SPOOFVE.,C,.EONOR'~ERSOF: [ ] OFFICER ~ DRIV~ []OTH~ BcY- DRIVEN OTHER HOME PHONE BUSINF-.~S PHONE ' PRIOR MECHANICAL DEFECTS: NONE APPARENT .~ [ ] ( ( Cm'USEONLY ] DF_SCRIBE VEHICLE DAMAGE SF[ADE IN DAMAGED AR] - -- VEHICLE TYPE J -- INSURANCE CARRIER POLICY NUMBER J ' [ ] UNIC []NONE [~] MINOR ~ TOTAL ALLSTATE : :. --------- I SPD LMT R~.DH I V . 4 __ ~uCF..~SE m~.ER s'rA~ VEHYR M AK E./MODEUCOLOR i ~ DRIVER'S LICENSE NUMBER STATE ~A~ETY 2 ~88. TOYT..COROL~-.~/BT... DRIVER NAME(FIRST.MIDDLE.LAS'T) ~ MICHELLE LINDA CL~VIJO -------- OWNER'S NAME ~] SAME AS DRIVER PEDES- STREET ADDRESS T_~ OWNER'S ADDRESS [~] SAME AS DRIVER PARKED CITY/STATE/ZJP ~ BICY- SEX HAIR EYES HEIGHT WEIGHT ~IRTHDATE ~ DISPO OF VEHICLE ON ORDERS OF: [ ] OFFICER [~r] DRI~E~ [ ]OTHER ~ ~' H DRIVEN OTHER ~OM£ P~ONE BU$1NE~ P~ONE PRIOR MECHANICAL DEFECTS: NONE APPARENT ~L REFER TO [ ] ( ( Cl,P OSE ONLY i O~CR,BE vE~,CLE D^MA~E ~H~DE IN DAMAGED - - VEHICLE TYPE [ JUNK [ ]NONE []MINOR ~,..~ INSURANCE CARRIER POLICY NUMBER J STATE FARM .:,,~-',~ 'r'-~'~ oN STREET OR .,~"rWAY DHI L V ~ ' -- ?AR~ DRIVER'S LICENSE NUMBER STATE ~--~ SAFETY VEH YR ] MAKEnaOD£~OLOR UCENSE NUM~Ea .' . o o · . . . . · · · . · · · · · · · . . o , o . o . . . . . DRIVER NAME(FIRST.MIDDLE.LAST) __il_ PEDF. S- STREET ADDRE. SS ~CATED. COr'iSD 'ARRED CITYo'S-I'ATEYZIP I~.~.nC~ ex-.eDt ns p · .. BIRTHDATE DIS BICY- SEX ~Q~.13~.,!,..n. 1 ,,, '~n O~E~HOMEP"ONE AOE S,-~DE'NDAMAOED' c,,P ~ D~CR,BE VE.,C~E DAM [ ] VEH'C%~ ~YPE I [ ] U~ [ ] NONE [ ]M,.OR -- INSURANCE CARRIER POLICY NUMBER ~ i ~R S NAME ---'-----' I DISPATCH NOTIF ~~'l~rM_ ~,I~ PREPA ' · 000718 ~--//~ 6~'~',/ STATE . 10 - 16 - 97 I 160~ 3022 00~,-8 i97-07312 I ,NOTIFIED DWNERS NA I~{ E,'ADDRESS PROPERTY DESCRIPTION OF DAMAGE DAMAGE - SAFETY EQUIPMENT EJECTED FROM VEH SEATING POSITION OccuP^NTs ~,,c BICYCLE- HELMET I - DRIVER ~A - NONE IN VEHICLE L - AIR BAG DEPLOYED 0 - NOT EJECTED 2 to 6 - PASSENGERS B - UNKNOWN M - AIR BAG NOT DEPLOYED DRIVER I - FULLY EJECTED '7 - STA. WON. REAR C - LAP BELT USED N · OTitER V - NO 2 - PARTIALLY EJECTED I 2 3 8 - RR. OCC. TRK. OR VAN D - LAP BELT NOT USED ' P - NOT REQUIRED W - YES 3 - UNKNOWN 9 - POSITION UN'XNOV,'N E - SHOULDER ItARNESS USED F - SIIOULDER HARNESS NOT USED CilILD RESTRAINT PASSENGER 4 5 6 0- OTHER G - LAP/SHOULDER ttARNESS USED Q - IN VEHICLE USED X - NO It - LAP/SHOULDER HARNESS NOT USED R - IN VEHICLE NOT USED Y - YES ? J - PASSIVE R~ILAINT USED S - IN VEHICLE USE UNKNOWN K - PASSIVE RF.&TRAINT NOT USED T - IN VEHICLE IMPROPER USE U - NONE IN VEHICLE -- IT K{ARK. WW lC A F L V,' R ' H PAIN D N H ARR T V f'RI~IARY COLLISION FA~OR='~"~~ r TYPE OF YElUCLE COLLISION LIST N1.,Ud BER I/) OF PARTY AT FAULT J L' TRAmC CONTROL DEVlCSS . . -- A vC SEc'r~ON V~OLATED: CITED A CO,',~'ROLS FUNCTIONING X X A PASSENGER C*,USTN. WON.., ,A STOPPED 2 2 2 3 5 0 NO X B CONTROLS NOT FUNCTIONING' B PASSENGER CAR W I TRAILER_ X :a PROCEEDING STRAIGHT B OTHER IMPROPER DRIVING' C CONTROLS OBSCURED !C MOTORCYCLE / SCOOTER [C RAN OFF ROAD ,. C OTHER THAN DRIVER' D NO C~NTROLS PRESENT/FACTOR D PICKUP OR PANEL TRUCK D MAKING RIGHT TURN D UNKNOWN' TYPE OF COLLISION E PICKUP/PANEL TRK. W/TLR. E MAKING LEFT TURN I~ FELL ASLEEP' A llEAD-ON F TRUCK OR TRUCK TRACTOR F MAKING U TURN WEATHER fbtARK I TQ 2 j f~MS) B SIDESWIPE G TRK./TRK. TRACTOR W/TLR. G BACKING ~ A CLEAR X c REAR END H SCHOOL BUS X H SLOWING/STOPPING ~ B CLOUDY D BROADSIDE I OTHER BUS I PASSING OTHER VEHICLE C RAINING E HIT OBJECT $ EMERGENCY VEHICLE ; CHANGING LANES iD SNOWING F OVERTURNED K HWY. CONST. EQUIPMENT K PARKING MANEUVER E FOG / VISIBILITY: G VEHICLE / PEDESTRIAN L BICYCLE L ENTEklNG TRAFFIC F OTIIER': H OTHER': M OTHER VEHICLE M OTHER ~TURNING _ ~ ~ V ! NV V W N PEDESTRIAN ~ -- -- N XI2q~ INTO Ot-"~-R~NG LANE LIGHTING A NON-COL~ ~ION O MOPED O PARKED X A DAYLIGHT B PEDF..STRIAN ~ I [ I P MERGING B DUSK- DAWN X :c OTHER MOTOR VEHICLE ~ 2 3 OTHER ASSOCIATED FACTOR -- MARK I TQ 2 J'I=~MS ~Q TRAVELING WRONG WAY -- C DARK. STREET'LIGHTS D MOTOR VEH ON OTHER ROADWAY A VC SECTION VIOLATION: CITE IR OTHER': __ D DARK - NO STREET LIGHTS E PARKED MOTOR VEHICLE E ~ARK - STREET LIGHTS NOT FLI~qCTION F TRAIN B VC SECT1ON VIOLATION: CITE ~OADW&Y SURFACE G BICYCLE PI.~'SICAL ~ A DRY H ANIMAL: C VC SEC'I'ION VIOLATION: CITE ~L ~ (HARE ! TO 2 ITKHS1 _ X X A ~D ~,:rr B~-~ D~',~U,,O B WET C SNOWY - ICY { FIXED OBIECT: E VIS. OBSCURED:. B HBD- UNDER INFLU~ {F INA'rI'EI~'TION' C HBD - NOT UNDER INFLUENC~' D SLIPPERY (MUDDY.O~LY.ETC.) I OTHER OB,~ECT: G STOP & GO TRAFFIC D {-~D - IMPAIRMENT LINK.' ROADWAY CONDITIONS il pEDESTRIAN'S ACTIONS H ENTERING / LEAVING RAMP E UNDER DRUG Uq'FLUENCE' {U[ARK ! TO 2 ITEM5 ' A HOLES. DEEP RUTS' X I A NO PEDESTRIAN INVOLVED I PREVIOUS COLLISION F IMPAIRMEh'T - PHYSICAL' B LOOSE MATERIAL ON RDWY' B CROSSING IN XWALK/INTERSECTION ,IUNFAMILIAR WITH ROAD ;C IMPAIRMENT NOT KNOWN C OBSTRUCTION ON ROADWAY' C CROSSING IN XWALK NOT AT K DEFECTIVE VEH. EQUIP.: CITE H NOT APPLICABLE INTERSECTION I ~rL. EEPY ! FATIGUED -- {D CONSTRUCTION - REPAIR ZONE E REDUCED ROADWAY WIDTH ,. D CROSSING NOT IN CROSSWALK L UNINVOLVED VEHICLE ~'ECIAL I~TORMATION F FLOODED' _ E IN ROAD - INCLUDES SHOULDER M OTHER':" A HAZ.AROOUS MATEICIAL _ iN G OTHER': F NOT IN ROAD X X ' NONE APPARENT B SEATBELT FAILURE SKETCH · · : I'^gl~ 9F DATE OF COLLISION TII,,IE(2400J _- ,' NClC NUMBER ' OFFICER I.D. NUMBER 10 - 16 - 97 1608J 3022 000710 J 97-07312 EXTENT OF INJURY ('X' ONE) INJURED WAS "X' ONE.) WIT NE.SS PASSENGER AGE SEX PARTY SEAT SAFETY EJECTED ONLY ONLY FATAL SEVERE OTtlER VISIBLE COMPLAINT NUMBER POS. EQUIP. INJURY INJURY INJURY OF PAIN DRIVER PASS. PED. BIKE OTHER 25 M X X i i g 0 NAM E."D.O.B.IA DDR ESS TELEP! 10NE BORIS SALAZA-R } ( (INJURED ONLY) TRANSPORTED BY: TAKEN TO: DESCRIBE INJURIES: COMPLAINT OF PAIN TO NECK AND BACK. I' 1 VICTIH OF VIOLENT CRIME NOTIFIED TELEPHONE ~AM F./D.O.B.IADDRESS (INJURED ONLY) TRANSPORTED BY: TAKEN TO: DESCRIBE INJURIES: v v M NTII NAME/D.O.B./ADDRES$ '{INJURED ONLY) TRANSPORTED BY: TAKEN TO: DESCRIBE INJURIES: VI V M N i NAM EID.O.B.IA DD R F..SS (INJURED ONLY) TRANSPORTED BY: TAKEN TO: DESCRIBE INJURIES: · v! M V ~AM E;D.O.B.IA DDR F-.-SS ( NL TAKEN TO: DESCRIBE INJURIF~: [ ] v,cr, M oF VIOLEnt CR,ME N~r,F,ED S:TATE OF CALIFORNIA NARRATIVE/SU PPLEM El,.. ,Al p^~ q · DATE OF INCIDENT TIME NClC NUMBER OFFICER I.D. NUMBER 10/16/97 1608 3022 000718 97-07312 1 2 3 4 5 6 7- 8 9 10' 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 NOTIFICATION- Dispatch received this request for service as a non-injury collision at 1612 hrs. I responded from Walnut St. and Newport Av. for the report. All times, speeds, and measurements are approx. Measurements were paced. SUMMARY: D1, SALAZAR, stated he was N/B Redhill Ay. in the #3 lane at approximately 35 MPH. The signal for his direction of travel was green. As D 1 reached the US with Edinger Ay. he noticed E/B traffic was also proceeding through the I/S and he presumed they had a green light as well. D1 braked to avoid a collision with E/B traffic and was rear-ended by V2. D1 complained of pain to his neck and back and did not desire immediate medical attention. D2, CLAVIJO, stated she ,,vas N/B Redhill Av. in the #3 lane at approximately 35-40 MPH behind'V1. The signal for her direction of travel was green. D2 noticed E/B traffic at Edinger was also proceeding through the I/S. D2 saw V1 brake ahead of her and D2 applied brakes and rear-ended VI. The signals at this intersection have been functioning improperly since 101597. Traffic signal maintenance has been to the intersection 5-6 times on this date and 3-4 times today. The phasing has been faulty and has allOwed two opposing directions to proceed at the same time. Upon my arrival at the collision scene, i observed E/B traffic with a green signal and S/B traffic vdth a green signal at the same time. I set the signals on 4 -way flash to prevent any further problems. AOI: 4' N/O NCL EDINGER AV. AND 17' W/O ECL REDHILL AV. CAUSE: Based on statements and physical evidence D2, CLAVIJO, caused this collision and was in violation of: CVC 22350: Unsafe speed for prevailing conditions. RECOMMENDATION: Refer to the traffic supervisor for review. PREPARER'S NAME J CA.R.TWRIGHT I.D. NLrMBER 000718 DATE REVIEWER'S NAME DATE 10/16/97