HomeMy WebLinkAboutPOWERPOINT PRESENTATION - COMMISSIONER SELECTION PROCESSCOMMISSIONER SELECTION PROCESS Tustin City Council — November 5, 2013 Background ME ❑ The Tustin City Council selects the members of the City's three commissions: Planning Commission Community Services Commission Audit Commission D The process by which the Council interviews and evaluates candidates and appoints the commissioners has varied. Background ME E: At the October 1 meeting, the Mayor requested that the process of commissioner selection be brought back for Council consideration. The Process Mt W 9 o Two primary phases Interviews Appointment of the process: Interviews M= o Several options for conducting the interview process include: The full Council interviews each candidate, An ad hoc committee interviews each candidate and provides a summary report to the Council, Individual Council members meet individually with each candidate, or No interviews Interviews Mm ❑ When there are a small number of candidates for a vacancy, the interview process is less time- consuming, so more thorough interviews of each candidate by the full Council are more feasible. As the numbers of the candidates increase, the feasibility of the full Council conducting thorough interviews of all candidates decreases. Appointment W MW The appointment process that follows the interviews can be done in a number of ways, including, but not limited to: Verbal nomination, second, and appoint by verbal vote of a majority of the Council. Verbal nomination, second, and appoint by electronic roll call vote. Appointment W V V 7 Vote on each candidate consecutively (either verbal or roll call) until a candidate receives a majority vote, then halt voting. All Council members concurrently fill out ballots that identify the candidate(s) each would appoint, and then the ballots are read by the City Clerk (with the voting Council member identified for each ballot). Revised Staff Recommendation 7 Direct staff to return with a written policy that would establish the following process: When there are two or fewer candidates for each vacancy on a commission, the full Council will interview all candidates for that commission. Revised Staff Recommendation ME ❑ When there are three or more candidates for any vacancy on a commission, the Mayor may, in his/her discretion, appoint an ad hoc committee of two Council members to interview all the candidates for that commission. The Committee will submit a written summary of the interviews back to the full Council for consideration, with the application materials for all candidates. The Committee will recommend one (or more, at the Committee's discretion) candidate for each vacancy on that commission. Revised Staff Recommendation MW ■ ■ ■ Appointment10. Vote to be by electronic roll call vote The vote will be on: Each recommended candidate when there is an ad hoc committee recommendation; or Nomination(s) when there is no ad hoc committee, or when a recommended candidate does not receive majority support. Questions? M ■ ■