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AGENDA I /' ~ ~ ,. 2-2-98 Inter-Com DATE' ].998 January 28, TO: William A. Huston, City Manager FROM: Ronald A. Nault, Finance Director · SUBJECT: PURCHASE OF COMPUTER WORKSTATIONS, PRINTERS AND PERIPHERALS RECOMMENDATION: 1. Accept the recommendation of Brea MIS and authorize the Finance Director to issue a Purchase Order to Dell Marketing L.P. to purchase up to ninety Workstations per the attached quotation. (The 90 units will be purchased in groups of thirty over the next ninety days. ) 2. Make the following appropriations for the purchase of Workstations, Printers and Peripherals: General Fund Redevelopment Agency Water Enterprise $ 231,000 17,000 22,000 Total.Appropriations $ 270,000 DISCUSSION: At their meeting of October 6, 1997, the City Council authorized the Staff to enter into an agreement with Data General Corporation to build out a Local Area Network (LAN) connecting the City's remote facilities to City Hall, providing E-mail capabilities to all locations, allowing access to the Internet and more efficient use of printers, FAX machines and other peripheral devices. .Data General began work on the Network Monday, January 12, 1998. Cables are being pulled at all locations and should be ready to begin connecting the various network component servers beginning the week of February 2. At the same meeting, the City Council rejected the Workstation bids we had received and authorized Staff to work with Brea MIS to develop a short list of Workstation Vendors that we would negotiate pricing for the highest level of technology we could procure within a $2,300 per unit budget. Acting as the City's agent, Brea MIS researched the field and prepared the attached report including a recommendation and quotation from various Vendors. Brea MIS's recommendation was based on quality, performance and reliability. Their final recommendations for Workstation Vendors are Compaq, Dell and Micron. The attached quotations do include a revised quote from Data General. Data General requested an opportunity to re-propose, which we agreed to accept. On January 27, Dell called to announce a price drop and they revised their original quote. The revised quotation is included in the following summary: Dell $ 2,080 Micron 2,137 Compaq 2,284 Data General 3,014 Ail quotes were for 266MHz, MMX, Pentium IIs, minimum 32MB RAM, 3.2GB Hard Drive and 24X CD-ROM Drives. We expect that within the next thirty to forty-five days pricing will drop again, just in time for the purchase of our next thirty units. This may mean an increase to 300 MHz, or the same configuration at a lower unit cost. The appropriations requested will complete the first two phases of this project. The third and final phase will be the acquisition and conversion of new Financial Application Software. We are continuing to evaluate software proposals and are projecting making a recommendation to the City Council by July, 1998. Ronald A. Nault ~ Finance Director RAN: ts Attachments RA#6:Agenda98. Jan 1 Civic Center Circle Brea CA 92821 Phone (714) 990-7777 Fax (714) 671-3617 January 26, 1998 Ron Nault Finance Director, City of Tustin 300 Centennial Way Tustin' CA 92680 Ron, As we have discussed, it is now time for Tustin to choose a PC brand and be~n purchasing PCs for the network. We have researched and developed the following PC purchase plan recommendation. Included in this recommendation are the three top contenders after our evaluation. PC vendors were asked to quote for 85 units, with delivery to be spread out over a period of two months. Brands are listed with their per-unit cost and total cost for 85 units, including sales tax. Attached, please find the actual quotations used in this recommendation. Recommendation: BreaMIS recommends the City of Tustin purchase Dell Dimension XPS D266, Pentium II PCs for deployment on the City's new microcomputer network. These PC's have proven reliability in service with the City of Brea and several other client cities over the past three years. These systems are consistently ranked at the top of all computer systems when reviewed by independent, published sources. Although priced $120 above the low-price bidder, Micron, we believe the Dell machines to be a better value. If factoring in Dell's inclusion of McAfee anti-virus'software, valued at approximately $40 per machine, the price difference between the Dell and Micron is closer to $80 per unit. As our second choice, BreaMIS recommends Micron due to their reputation for quality, performance and reliability. Recent price breaks have made these machines affordable for this project. Background: During the research stage of this project, BreabtlS consulted nationally published trade magazines who perform head-to-head PC comparisons for such things as price, performance, functionality, reliability and value. Additionally, the entire BreaMlS staff contributed personal experiences related to different PC manufacturers in the area of performance, reliability and ease of maintenance. Considering these factors, a list of contenders was produced, which includes Compaq, Dell and Micron. 01/26/98 pc purchase recommendation.doc 1 Note: Per their ri it, Data General has been inch~de~ that they had origi~ally won the contract. ~is proposal due to the fact Comparisons: The PC brands Brea3,tlS recommends for Tustin are Compaq, Dell and Micron. These companies have a reputation for quality, performance and reliability. Each. of the machines listed have been configured as close to the same as possible, thereby allowing us to present an apples-to-apples comparison. Each of' these systems includes one-year, on-site, next-day service. Optional service contracts are available, up to three years. Individual components that are an advantage over the competition are highlighted in yellOw, while components that are a less advantageous are highlighted in l- Compaq DeskPro 4000 6266, Model 3200/CDS · Pentium II, 266MHz, MMX with 512K cache · 32 MB RAM 1.44MB Floppy Drive 15" SVGA Monitor · Windows 95 Keyboard and Microsoft Intellimouse · Standard Speakers · Netelligent 10/100 Ethernet Network Card · .~in--d'-'f-~,~'NT. Wb~fi°n 4.0'(cD'ROM) · MS Office '97 Small Business Edition (CD-KOM) Con: Proprietary Bios and architecture - they're not industry standard here Pro: Recognized name brand · DG/V PI1266MT · Pentium II, 266MHz, MMX with 512K cache · 64 MBRAM · 4.(JGBi2iard Drive · 1.44MB Floppy Drive · 32X CD-ROM · 4MB Video Card · 15" SVGA Monitor · Windows 95 Keyboard and Microsoft Intellimouse · DG/Viision Multimedia Kit · 3Com 10/100 Ethernet Network Card · Windows '95 (CD-ROM) · MS Office '97 Professional (CD-ROM) pc purchase recommendation.doc 2 01/26/98 Pro: Pro: Thes Zhines could be added to your exis DG lease MS Otnce '97 Pro included on all machines (increases system cost) · Dell Dimension XPS MiniTower with integrated Yamaha Sound · Pentium II, 266MHz, MMX with 512K cache · 64 MB RAM · 4.3GB Hard Drive · 1.44MB Floppy Drive · 32X CD-ROM · 4MB Video Card · 15" SVGA Monitor · Windows 95 Keyboard and Microsoft Intellimouse · Standard Speakers · 3Corn 10/100 Ethernet Network Card · Windows '95 (CD-ROM) · MS Office '97 Small Business Edition (CD-ROM) · McAfee VirusScan 3.1 Pro~ Pro: Pro: Ranks as the No. 1 or No. 2 machine in most comparisons Proven reliability - Brea has purchased approx. 300 over past three years McAfee VirusScan 3.1 included. This is worth approx. $40 per machine · Micron Millennia XKU.266 · Pentium II, 266MHz, MMX with 512K cache_ · 6.4GB Hard Di'iVe · 100 MB ZiP FloPpy Drive · 32X CD-ROM · 4MB Video Card · 15" SVGA Monitor · Windows 95 Keyboard and Microsoft Intellimouse · Standard Speakers · 3Com 10/100 Ethernet Network Card · Windows '95 (CD-KOM) · MS Office '97 Small Business Edition (CD-KOM) Pro: Pro: Pro: Pro: Con: Reputation for quality and reliability Ranks high in performance comparisons Zip floppy drive provides greater floppy storage capacity Recent price reductions make them affOrdable, previously too expensive Zip floppy disks more expensive to purchase than regular floppy disks 01/26/98 pc purchase recommendation.doc 3 JAN-2?-98 TUE 16:01 ~:{.Yz?/g8 Bg:OG:37 O IT¥ OF BREA FAX HO,714 9@02258 'm*£FAX 4-11->1-714-671-3617 DELL CD[fPDTF-J~ C[ll:~~ P, 02/05 Pa~~ BB1, DATE: January 27 1998 TO: Tim Cary COMPANY:CITY OF BREA ~HONE #: (714) 990-770~ EXT FAX #: (714) 671-3617 FROM: REN~.R LIGARDE COMPANY: DELL MARKETING L. P. PHo~IE #: (800) 9Sl-3355 EXT 68393 FAX #: (800) 433-9527 Tim- We ha~ a price drop this week and I wanted to get you current prices. Please let me know if you have any questions. Renee DET.?. MARKETING L.P. (800) 981-3355 Ek~T 68393 O~E DET.I- AY, POUND ROCK, TX 78682 (800) 433-9527 S~?.~.S REP FAX JAN-'2?-98 TUE !6:02 ~172'7/9B 89 :BE, :51 CITY OF BREA FRX NO. 714 9902258 DF~-vflX ~-11->1-714-671-3617 -~ELL £OHPO?ER EORP P, 03/05 Paffe BB2 QUOTATION Tim Caz~ CITY OF BREA NUMBER ONE CIVIC CTR CIR ACCTS PAYABLE BRF2%, C2% 928215732 SKU # DESCRIPTION 220-9062 310-0050 310-1234 311-4017 313-0320 313-0356 313-3607 313-4518 320-0035' 320-5423 Dell Dimension XPS 266MHz Pentium II MiniTower B&se With MMX Technology and 512K Cache b~ICROSOFT PS2 Intellimouse, Shipped with system WIN95 Spacesaver Quiet Key, 104 Key Keyboard, Factory Installe~ 64MB RAM, 2 DI~4S, SDRAM, . Factory Install A~tec ACS90 Speakers shipped wi~h system 14/32X EIDE CD ROM, Factory Installed No modeznrequested for Dell Dimension Integrate~Yamaha Wavetable Sound for Dell Dimension XPSMiniTower UltraScan 800HS, 15" with 14.0" Viewable Image Size, Model D825TM, Color Monitor for Dell Dimension STB nVIDIx~4MBA~P Video Card · Factory In~=aile~ ........ January 27 1998 UNIT PR~C~ 2,080.00 EXTENDED PRICE 2,080.0( For your conven, ience, .we have' ~szed your sales vour auote hummer an0 your cuszomer nu.m?er .wnicn wm pr?v,u= ~,ou w'~ faster service when you are reaoy To place your oroer. Pri~es and x~x rates are subjec[ to change. laushe~ ~ Purr. or~ ~ rM~%~a W D~l Fir,snciot Suw~:es. m~ ~~t entity. 1.8~i~g Documefltmliofl Fee S5S · DELL ~I%RKETING L.P. (800) 981-3355 EXT 68393 Sales ~presentative: RENW. W, LI GARDE Quote #: 15933928 Customer #: 2720932 ONE DELL ~Y~ ROUND .ROCK, TX 78682 (800) 433-9527 SALES REP FAX JSN:-27-98 TUE 16',02 OITY OF BRER Prix NU, /.:n ~dU,,',"ad r, u,~/U= ])ELLP~X 4-11-~1-?14-~71-3~17 ])ELL ~flMP~TER CI]RP Pa~e 0~3 QUOTATION Tim Cary CITY OF BRF2% NUMBER ONE CIVIC CTR CIR ACCTS P/LYABT.~. B_~.~, C~ 928215732 January.27 1998 sku # 340-7015 340-7770 412-0080 420-6092 430-1240 460-3300 900-1600 900-5112 412-0075 412-1393 DESC3tIPTION 3.5, 1.44MB Floppy Drive, Factory Install 6.4GB EIDE Ultra kTk Hard Drive, Factory Installed McAfee VirusScan 3.1,CD,Online Documentation, Factor~ .Installed,US English, Order form for printedmanu~l~ Windows '95, CD, Factory. Installed 3Com, 3C905-TX, Ethernet, Network Card~ Windows 95' Factory Installed No Microsoft Internet Explo~er v4.0, Installed SelectCare, Initial Yekr, Next Business Day On-Site Service Contract, BSC* Next Business Day, Parts Deliver~ Service, Years 2 & 3 included MS BookShelf '98, CD & Manual US English, Factory Installed b~S OFFICE 97 small Business Edition, CD, Factory InStall · US, English UNIT PRICE .00 .00 EXTENDED PR/CE For your eonvenienoe, we have listed your sales .re. pres.e..nt.ativ.e; your quote number and your customer number .which vwu pr.ov~ae you wKh fa~er servioe when you are r~-~cJy to plae~ your oroer. Prices and mx rates are ~ubje~-! ~ ehange. Business ~ ~ L-~--~J p~:NiEa~ by Dell Sales Representative '. RENEE LIGARDE Quote #: 15 933 928 Customer #' 2720932 DELL J4ARKETING L.P. (800) 981-3355 EXT 68393 ONE DELL %L%Y, ROUND ROCK, TX 78682 (800) 433-9527 SAT.F.S REP FAX ! J(~N-27-g8 TUE 16:02 0~72719EI B9:07:39 OITY OF BRER .FP,× NO, 714 9902258 P~ LF~ 4-11-> 1-714-671-3617 - ~ELL COYPU?ER £DRP P, 05/05 P~9~ 884 QUOTATION Tim Cary CITY OF BRF2% NUMBER ONE CIVIC CTR CIR ACCTS PAY2tB LE BI~'.~%, CA.' 928215732 January 27 1998 UNIT EXTENDED DE sCR/PTI ON PRI CE PPI CE This quote is subject to the terms of the agreement signed by you and Dell, or absent such agreement, is subject to the applicable Dell standard terms of sale. SUB TOTAL TAX SHIPPING . & ~/~DLING OTHER Thznk you for calling Dell TOTAL 2,080.0~ 130.0: ,,,0" $2,210.0: For your convenience, _we have listed your .sales .re. Rres.e..nta~iv.e~ your qu. ote number ancl y. ou.r customer nu,m?er .WhiCh Will pr .ovlae you wil~ faster service when you are reaay [o place your oroer. Prices and tax rates are subject to change. B~ine.~ ~ ~1 Lm~ prcMdm,el I~ ~ F'ma.-'.:J, al gawi~e~, an Independent enl~ty. Lmming ~on Fe~ ~ Sales Representative: RENEE LIGARDE Quote ~: 15933928 Cus=omer #: 2720932 DELL ~%RK~TING L.P. (800) 981-3355 EXT 68393 ONE DEt.L ~/kY, ROUND ROCK, TX 78682 (800) 433-9527 SALES REP FAX 01~ZZ/98 21'47'81 DELLF~× 4-4->1-714-671-3617 DELL COMPUTER CORP Page~881 PAX DATE: January 22 1998 TO: Tim Cary COMPANY:CITY OF BREA PHONE #: (714) 671-4495 E×T FAX #: (714) 671-3617 FROM: REN-EE L i ~aRDE COMPANY: DELL MARKETING L.P. PHONE #: (800) 981-3355 EXT 68393 FAX #: (800) 433-9527 Thank you! Please let me know if you have any questions. Renee DELL MARKETING L.P. (800) 981-3355 EXT 68393 ONE DELL WkY, ROUND ROCK, TX 78682 (800) 433-9527 SALES REP FAX " 81/ZZ/98 ZZ:16:Z? DELLF~X 4-4->1-714-671-3617 DELL COMPUTER CORP Page 882 QUOTATION Tim Cary CITY OF BREA NI/MBE~ ONE CIVIC CT~ CI}~ kCCTS PAYABLE BBw. A, CA 928215732 sku # 220-9062 310-0050 .310-1234 311-4017 313-0320 313-0356 313-3607 313-4518 320-0035 320-5423 DESCRIPTION Dell Dimension XPS 266MHz Pentium II MiniTower Base With MMX Technology and 512K Cache MICROSOFT PS2 Intellimouse, Shipped with system WIN95 Spacesaver Quiet Key, 104 Key Keyboard, Factory Installed 64MB RAM, 2 DI.MMS, SDRAM, . Factory Install Altec ACS90 Speakers shipped with system 14/32X EIDE CD ROM, Factory Installed No modem requested for Dell Dimension Integrated Yamaha Wavetable Sound for Dell Dimension XPS MiniTower UltraScan 800HS, 15" , with 14.0" Viewable Image Size, Model D825TM, Color Monitor for Dell Dimension STB nVIDIA 4MB AGP Video Card Factory Installed ........... January 22 1998 -. UNIT PRICE 2,257.00 EXT,:NDED PRICE 2,257.00 For your convenience, we have listed your sales representative, your quote number and your customer number which will provide you with faster service when you are ready to place your order. Pdces and tax rates are subject to change. Business and Personal Leasing provided by Dell Financial Services, an independent entJty. Leasing Documentation Fee $55 Sales Representative: RENEE LI GARDE Quote #: customer #: 15864997 2720932 DELL MARKETING L.P. (800) 981-3355' EXT 68393 ONE DELL WAY, ROUND ROCK, TX 7868'2 (800) 433-9527 SAT.RS REP FAX 81/22/98 22:16:58 DELLFfi× 4-4->1-?14-671-3617 DELL COMPUTER CORP Page' 883 QUOTATION Tim Cary CITY OF BREA NUMBER ONE CIVIC CTR CIR kCCTS PkYAB LE BREA, CA 928215732 Janu.ary 22 1998 SKU # 340-7015 340-7713 412-0080 420-6092 430-1240 460-3300 900-i600 900-5112 412-0075 412-1393 DESCRIPTION 3.5, 1.44MB Floppy Drive, Factory Install 4.3GB EIDE Ultra ATA Hard Drive, Factory I.nstalled Mckfee VirusScan 3.1,CD,Online Documentation, Factory Installed,US English, Order form for printed manuals Windows '95, CD, Factory Installed 3Com, 3C905-TX, Ethernet, Network Card, Windows 95 Factory Installed No Microsoft Internet Explorer v4.0, Installed SelectCare, Initial Year, Next Business Day On-Site Service Contract, BSC* Next Business Day, Parts Delivery Service, Years 2 & 3 Included MS BookShelf '98, CD & Manual US English, Factory Installed MS OFFICE 97 Small Business Edition, CD, Factory Install US, English UNIT PRICE .00 .00 EXTENDED PRI CE For your convenience, we have listed your sales representative, your quote number and your customer number which will provide you with faster service when you are ready to place your order. Prices and tax rates are subject to change. Business and Personal Leasing provided by Dell Financial Services, an independent entity. Leasing Documentation Fee $55 Sales Representative: RENEE LIGARDE Quote #: 15864997 Customer #: 2720932 DELL MARKETING L.P. (800) 981-3355 EXT 68393 ONE DELL WAY, ROUND ROCK, TX 78682 (800) 433-9527 SALES REP FAX 8i/22/98 22:17:13 DELLF~q× 4-4->1-?14-~?1-3617 DELL COMPUTER CORP Page 884 I. QUOTATION Tim Cary CITY OF BREk NUMBER ONE CIVIC CTR kCCTS PkYAB LE . BBV. A, CA 928215732 DESCRIPTION January 22 1998 · , UNIT PRICE I EXT,:NDED PP~ICE This quote is subject to the terms of the agreement signed by you and Dell, or absent such agreement, is subject to the applicable Dell standard terms of sale. SUB TOTAL TAX SHIPPING & HANDLING OTHER Thank you for calling Dell TOTAL 2,257.0C 141.08 .OC .0C $2,398.06 For your convenience, we have listed your sales representative, your quote number and your customer number which will provide you with faster service when you are ready to place your order. Prices and tax rates are subject to change. Business and Personal Leasing provided by Dell Financial Services, an independent entity. Leasing Documentation Fee $55 Sales Representative: RENEE LI GARDE Quote #: 15864997 customer #: 2720932 DELL MARKETING L.P. (800) 981-3355 EXT 68393 ONE DELL WAY, ROUND ROCK, TX 78682 (800) 433-9527 SALES REP FAX 01/27_/90 Z1:40:19 DELLFRX 4-4->1-714-671-3617 DELL COMPUTER CORP Page' BBS QUOTATION Tim Cary CITY OF BREu~ SKU # 220~0344 310-1234 310-3600 311-0277 313-0202 313-0232 320-0038 320-3204 340-0332 340-0418 420-0118 January 22 1998 .o u~l~ PRICE DE SCRI PTI ON Dell P6266/GXa/MT Base, With 2,437.00 2MB Video Memory, Integrated Audio, Integrated 512KB Cache 10/100 NIC WIN95 Spacesaver Quiet Key, 104 Key Keyboard, Factory Installed MICROSOFT PS2 Intellimouse, Shipped with system Factory InStalled Altec Lansing ACS 90 speakers, Factory Install 12-24x CD-ROb, IDE, Factory Installed UltraSean 800HS, Model D825~ with ~4.0" View.lc Image Size Color Monitor, .~.~.~~~. · - Matrox ~llenni~, 8~, PCI, -- t Video Board, Factory Install 3.5, 1.44~ Floppy Drive, Factory Installed 6.4GB, EIDE, GX~/MT, Factory Installed English Win95 For Optipiex PRICE 2,437.00 For your convenience, we have listed your sales representative, your quote number and your customer number which will provide you with faster service when you are ready to place your order, Prices and tax rates are subject to change. Business and Personal Leasing provided by Dell Financial Services. an independent entity. Leasing Documentation Fee $55 ....... Sales Representative: RENEE LI GARDE Quote #: 15864809 Customer #: 2720932 DELL MARKETING L.P. (800) 981-3355 EXT 68393 ONE DELL WAY, ROUND ROCK, TX 78682 (800) 433-9527 SALES REP FAX " 81/7Z/98 Z1:48:43 DELLFflX 4-4->1-714-671-3617 DELL COMPUTER CORP Page 886 QUOTATION Tim Cary CITY OF BREA NUMBE~ ONE CIVIC CTR CI~ January 22 1998 -. ACCTS PAYABLE BBv. A, CA 928215732 SKU # QTY 430-0057 900-1900 900-5112 DESCRIPTION Systems With CD Backup Media Active Expansion Riser For GXa/GnT Systems, Factory Installed SelectCare, Initial Year, Next Business Day On-Site Service Contract, BSC* Next Business Day, Parts Delivery Service, Years 2 & 3 Included UNIT PRICE .00 .00 EXT~:NDED PRICE This quote is subject to the terms of the agreement signed by you and Dell, or absent such agreement, is subject to the applicable Dell standard terms of Sale. SUB TOTAL TAX SHIPPING & =~x~Tx,~_ OTHER Thank you for calling Dell TOTAL 2,437.00 152.31 .00 .00 $2,589.31 For your convenience, we have listed your sales representative, your quote number and your customer number which will provide you with faster service when you are ready to place your order. Prices and tax rates are subject to change. Business and Personal Leasing provided by Dell Financial Services, an independent entity. Leasing Documentation Fee $55 Sales Representative: 'RENEE LIGARDE Quote #: 15864809 customer #: 2720932 DELL MARKETING L.P. (800) 981-3355 EXT 68393 ONE DELL WAY, ROUND ROCK, TX 78682 (800) 433-9527 SALES REP FAX (208) 893-3424 1/21/1998 10'09 PAGE 1/5 Micron Electronic ELEC'TI::IONIC.~, lNG. CORPORATE HEADQUARTERS 900 EAST KARCHER ROAD NAMPA. IDAHO 83687 PHONE: (800) 438-3343 FAX: (208) 893-3424 FACSIMILE REQUEST TO: Name: TIM CARY Fax Number: 714-6713617 FROM: rom: Address: Phone: (800) 588-4803 Fax: (208) 893-7479 INCLUDED WITH THIS FAX: SCOTT SOLBERG 900 EAST KARCHER ROAD NAMPA, IDAHO 83687 Ext. 34749 Order or Quote Memo: 2101687 COMMENTS' Tim, I removed the 3 year onsite warranty and added the network card to keep pdcing the same. The additional cost for the 3-year onsite is $94.99. Please call me at your leisure to discuss. Thanks Timl Scott Confidentiality Notice: This message is intended only for the use of the individual or entity to which it is addressed and may contain information that is privileged, confidential, and exempt from disclosure under applicable law. If the reader of this message is not the intended recipient, or the employee or agent responsible for delivering this message to the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any dissemination, distribution, or copying of this communication is strictly prohibited. If you have received this communication in error, please notify us immediately by telephone and return the original message to us at the above address via the U.S. Postal Service. D ate: 1,"21 ;98 ('208) 893-3424 1/21/1998 10'09 PAGE 2/5 Micron Electronic I~I.~-GTFIONIO,~. 900 EAST KARCHER ROAD NAMPA, IDAHO 83687 Phone: (800) 588-4803 Ex't: 34749 Fax: (208)893-7479 January 21, 1998 CITY OF BREA C/O TIM CARY GENERAL BREA, CA 92821 Dear TIM: ]hank you for inquiring about Micron Electronics, Inc. Enclosed are details about Micron systems, including specifications and current prices. At Micron Electronics, we work hard to build our foundation of excellence on the following formula: PERFORMANCE--Micron continues to win man2' of the most prestigious industry' awards for product excellence, reliability, service and support. When you choose a Micron system, you can count on technical excellence and competent, courteous sen-ice. RELIABTT.ITY--Our exclusive, indust~.,-leading Micron PowerSM warranty program includes a five-year limited warranB, on the microprocessor and main memo~,, and a three-year limited parts-only system warranty as well as our comprehensive hardware technical support policy. VALUE--Micron helps you to build the s3.~tem of your dreams from the yen/latest high-quality, high- performance computer components so you can nm the applications you need--at surprisingly competitive prices. As a U.S. manufacturer of world-class memory components and circuit boards for nearly two decades, Micron has built a reputation for outstanding manufacturing and support. This experience and passion for excellence extends to our leading edge computer systems. With our solid technical expertise and accommodating service, you'll get the best value for your money. Please let us know if you have any questions. Here's how to reach us: Phone: Fax: (800) 588-4803, Ext. 34749 (208) 893-7479 We're excited to hear from you and look fonvard to filling ),our needs. Sincerely, Enclosures SCOTT SOLBERG Sales Representative 893-3424 1/21/1998 10'09 PAGE 3/5 Micron Electronic MiI::I::IDN ELECTRONICS, INC. Quote Memo CORPORATE HEADQUARTERS REMIT PAYMENT TO: 900 EAST KARCHER ROAD NAMPA, IDAHO 83687 PHONE: (800) 438-3343 FAX: (208) 893-3424 MICRON ELECTRONICS,INC. DEPT. 1039 P.O. BOX 34936 SEATTLE, WA 98124-1936 INCLUDE REF. NO. ON CHECI~ Date: Reference No.: 2101587 Bill CITY OF BREA To GENERAL Ship CITYOF BREA To GENERAL BREA, CA 92821 BREA, CA 92821 DATE 1121/98 CU ST # 1466584 QTY 100 ID Ref CFG3754687 C S E001356-00 C PU001104-00 MOD001204-00 MC0001 H DI001109-00 CC0010 RM D001006-00 CDI001076-00 VC D001230-00 MNN001043.O1 KBR001018 MOU001017-00 S FO001525-00 SCM001393-0O MO0002 MM0001 NWO001078-00 MM PO01032-00 OS S 001142-00 SW0008 LAB001078-02 SALESPERSON SCOTT SOLBERG P.O./ACT # SHIP VIA i PO- UPS Ground ACT- DESCRIPTION Configuration - MILLENNIA XKU.266. Case' ATCX.MINI TOWER.XKU Processor' DRAM RAM Cache' Hard Disk Controlla' Card' Floppy' CD ROM' Video Card' Monit(x' Keyboard' Mouse' OEM Software' Sound Card' Modems Multimedia Options' Network Option MULTIMEDIA System so~vare' Micron Sdution Pack' Service Options' UNIT PRICE NET PRICE $2,136.81 $213,681 O0 INTELPENTIUM 11.266MHZ PROCESSOR 64MB (2-4M DIMMS)SDRAM MEMORY 512K INTERNAL L2.SECONDARY CACHE 6.4G B.ATA 33. HDD PCI 32BIT.MODE 4 EIDI CONTROLLER.ON MBD ZIP W13.5 FLOPPY.MINI TOWER [L'-'-'-'-'-'-'-'-'~ 32X.IDE.CD-ROM.MINI TOWER.MILLENNIA DIAMOND.NVIDIA 6e~HZAGP.V1PERV330 VIDEO CARD L[~\(~ 15 INCH (13.8 VIEWABLE).28DP.MONITOR 104 KEY ENHANCED PS2 KEYBOARD MS.INTELLIMOUS E.(ENG LISH).KJT MS.OFFICE 97.SMALL BUSINESS EDITION.CD YAMAHA WAVETABLE.(WtADVE NT 009 AN D SU BWOOF ER) NO MODEM STANDARD SPEAKERS 3 COM.3C905.10/100. PC I.KIT ADVENT.POWERED SUBWOOFER.SPEAKERS MS.WIN 95 PLUS.W.,'USB NO MICRON.SOFTWARE SOLUTION PK 1 ST YR.(USA ONLY) OPT. O N-S ITL. BY DEC (2©8.) 893-3424 1/21/1998 10'09 PAGE 4/5 Micron Electronic CORPORATE HEADQUARTERS 900 EAST KARCHER ROAD NAMPA, IDAHO 83687 PHONE: (600) 438-3343 FAX: (208) 893-3424 Quote Memo REMIT PAYMENT TO: MICRON ELECTRO NICS,INC. DEPT. 1039 P.O. BOX 34936 SEATTLE, WA 98124-1936 INCLUDE REF. NO. ON CHECK. Date: Reference No.' 2101587 FOB Status SALE AMOUNT Origin · $213,681.00 IF TAX EXEMPT, CERTIFICATE MUST BE PROVIDED AT TIME OF PURCHASE. (NOT APPLICABLE IN MINNESOTA) Estimated ship date is based up~ a,=;~-o,~ed ~edt Mic'on Elect-chics, Inc. cannot respen~ble for cmiss~oqs and/or errors in typography 30-day. dsk4ree money back guar~qtee does n(~ include freight and (x-i~na~ shipi~n~ancling charge~ applies only to Micron brand products, other h3't recondt~med products, md begins from date of shipment .NI returns re,~Jire RMA numbers and must 5e shipped in lhe oHgina~ condilJo~ pre~aJd and insured By sig~ing this Micron (~Jcte Memo, I agree to purchase the equipment listed above furhe¢ underst~d ~-td agree Ihat this p~c~ase ~11 be ccnl~dled by Micron's Terms ;~d Conditions ~ Sa~e document, that the eq,Ji~ment will 5e cove'ed bythe applicable Micron limited w;~-ranty document, and that I have reviewed bo~ documents. Finally, by signing this document I confirm that I have he authodtyto bind mysdf er (if applicable) my company or purchasing entity to ~ese terms ;~d SHIPPING/HANDLING SALES TAX TOTAL $0.00 $16,560.28 $230,241.28 Business Lease as Iow as $7,265.15. Contact your Micron sales associate for more detail& N amc 'l~e (if applica~e) ('208) 893-3424 1/21/1998 10'09 PAGE 5/5 Micron Electron-' Terms and Conditions of Sale Binding effect. The sale of all new Micron produc;,s is subject to Micron's thirty-day money back policy. Failure to return such product to Micron within this thirty-day period constitutes acceptance of thee terms and conditions and all applicable warranties. Other documents. This sale is subject to the terms and conditions stated herein, on the face of the invoice, and in all other documents accompan'¢ing the purchased productls) which a~e in lieu of and replace any and all terms and conditions set forth in any documents issued by the customer, including, without limitation, any purchase o~ders and any specifications. In case of conflict between the terms and conditions stated here and those on the face hereof, those on the face hereof shall control. ANY ADDITIONAL, DIFFERENT, OR CONFLICTING TERMS AND CONDITIONS ON SUCH DOCUMENT ISSUED BY CUSTOMER AT ANY TIME ARE HEREBY OBJECTED TO BY SELLER, SHALL BE WHOLLY INAPPLICABLE TO ANY SALE MADE HEREUNDER AND SHALL NOT BE BINDING IN ANY WAY ON SELLER. No waiver or amendment to these terms and conditions shall be binding on Seller unless made in a writing expressly stating that it is such a waiver or amendment and signed by Seller. Definitions. 'Software' shall mean such software programs provided by Seller in machine readable object, printed, or interpreted form; 'Product' or 'Product(s)' shall mean any configuration of hardware and software, including documentation, sold or licensed to the customer. 'Seller' shall mean the Seller of the Product(s). Acceptance. All Product orders placed by customer with Seller are subject to acceptance by Seller. Payment. Customer shal pay Seller for all charges ' listed on Seller's invoice, including all shipping and handling charges. Unles~ otherwise stated on the face hereof, all payments shall be due upon receipt of invoice. On any amounts not paid when due, customer agrees to pay interest at the rate of 1- 1/2% per month (18,% per year) or, if such rate is in excess of the rate allowed by law, then custome~ agrees to pay the highest rate allowed by law. In addition, customer agrees to pay all costs of collection, including costs of litigation and reasonable attorney's fees. Seller reserv~ the right to obtain a security interest in the Products sold to customer, and in proceeds thereof, unt~ payment is made in full by customer. Customer agrees to execute financing statements and other instruments at Seller's request. A $15.00 collection fee will be charged for all dishonored checks. Taxes. Unless otherwise stated on the face hereof, stated prices do not include any customs duties. sales, use, value added, excise, federal, state, local or other taxes. All such duties or taxes shall be paid by customer, or, in lieu thereof, customer shall provide Seller with an a;)propriate tax exemption certificate. Title. Title to Products passes from Seller to customer upon shipment from Seller's facility. Title to Software remains with the applicable licensor{s). Retums and adjustments. No Product may be returned for any reason without the prior approval of Seller. All returns shall be delivered or shipped with shipment prepaid to Seller's facDity in the original packaging or equivalent, together with a dated proof of purchase (including irrvoice) and a returned material authorization {RMA) number. All costs incurred in returning Product(s) to Micron, including insurance, duties or other fees must be paid by Customer. The RMA number may be requested flora (1-888-349-0972 or 1-208-,993-3434) and should be written on the o[.tside of the shipping container. Customer shall be responsible for all shipping p~escdbed by Micron for si,ch return; or (iii) wh an RMA number written on the outside of the shipping container; or (iv) without p~oper packaging, Micron retains the right to refuse delivery of such return and charge you the retail p~ice of such parts or systems at the time the parts or systems were shipped to you (as determined by Micron) plus a charge of $60 to cover Mic~on's collection and handling costs. In the event a customer fails to return pa~ls or systems to Micron within the required time period, Micron retains the right to: (i) charge the customer the ~etail price of such parts or systems at the time the parts or systems were shipped to the customer (as determined by Micron) plus a charge of SOO to cover Micron's collection and handling costs, (ii) charge the customer for any other collection or legal expenses incurred by Micron due to such failure to .etu~n (iii) inactivate the customer's account until such payment is made. While a customer's account is inactivated, Micron shall not provide that customer' witl~ technical support or customer and warranty service. In all cases, the return by Seller to ct~stomer of money due to the return by customer of P~oduct will not include the return of shipping and handling charges. UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES SHALL SELLER REFUND SHIPPING AND HANDLING CHARGES TO THE CUSTOMER. Upgrades/downgrades. The price of upgrades or downgrades is set forth in Seller's price list. Seller will issue a credit to customer for the return of the parts being replaced from the system(s) being upgraded or downgraded. Seller must receive such original parts within thirty (30) days of the date Seller ships such parts for customer to receive such credit. Upgrades and downgrades are only available on new Product(s) purchased from Micron and only for the first thirty (30) days after shipment. Force majeure. Seller shall not be liable for any delay in performance directly or indirectly caused by or resulting from acts of nature, fire, flood, accident, riot, war, government intervention, embargoes, strikes, labor difficulties, equipment failure, late deliveries by suppliers or other difficulties which are beyond the control, and without the fault or gross negligence of Seller. Quantities are subject to availability. In the event of production difficulties or Product shortages, Seller may allocate sales and deliveries at its sole discretion. Component resale. Customer shall not engage in the business of ~eselling components purchased from Seller, or remove components from Product for resale, except upon express prior written authorization of Seller. Limited Warranty. UNLESS OTHERWISE EXPLICITLY AGREED TO IN WRITING BY SELLER, SELLER MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, ANY IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE OTHER THAN AS SET FORTH IN THE LIMITED WARRANTY DOCUMENTS PROVIDED WITH THE SELLER'S PRODUCT(S) AND ALSO AVAILABLE FROM SELLER ON ITS WEB PAGE (http://www.micronpc.com), OR BY CALLING (1-888-349-0972 or 1-208-893-3434). Any claim against Seller must be made within tl~e applicable warranty period and Seller has no liability thc~'eafter. All warranties cover only defects arising under normal use and do not include malfunctions or failure resulting from misuse, abuse, neglect, alteration, problems with electrical power, usage not in accordance wHh product instructions, acts of nature, unusual temperatures or humidity, improper installation, or damage determined by Micron to have been caused by the customer, or repairs made by anyone other than Micron, Micron-qualified third- party service providers, or you with tl~e assistance of Micron technical support. Micron reserves the right to substitute functionally equivalent new or serviceable reconditioned products for products replaced under warranW. Micron's responsibility under its limited warranties is limited to repair or replacement, either of which may be selected by Micron at its sole discretion. Any parts replaced by ~.-~.11.. i ........ i. ........... j /,,~_ ,1._ Custome~ agrees to indemnify and hold seller harmless horn all claims, judgments, liabilities, expenses, or costs arising flOlrl custol~er's bi each of these terms and conditions of sale and/or acts o: omissions. Customer is ~esponsible for backing-up customer's hard drive o~ other device containing data prior' to forwarding same for repair or replacement. SELLER WILL NOT BE RESPONSIBLE FOR DATA LOST ON CUSTOMER'S HARD DRIVE OR OTHER DEVICE DURING THE COURSE OF SHIPMENT, REPAIR OR RI~PLACEMENT. Critical components. Seller's Products are not authorized for use as critical components in life support devices or systems without the express p~ior written approval of the P~esident of Seller. Life-support devices or systems ale those which are intended to support or sustain life and whose failure to perform can be reasonably expected to ~esult in a significant in july to the user. Critical components are those whose failure to perform can be reasonably expected to cause failure of a life support device or system or affect its safety o-r effectiveness. Limitation of liab~ity. IN NO EVENT SHALL SELLER BE LIABLE FOR ANY INDIRECT, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES RESULTING FROM SELLER'S PERFORMANCE OR FAILURE TO PERFORM UNDER THIS SALE, OR FROM THE FURNISHING, PERFORMANCE OR USE OF ANY GOODS OR SERVICE SOLD PURSUANT HERETO, WHETHER DUE TO A BREACH OF CONTRACT, BREACH OF WARRANTY, THE NEGLIGENCE OF SELLER, OR OTHERWISE. No warranty of intellectual property rights. CUSTOMER EXPRESSLY UNDERSTANDS AND AGREES THAT SELLER DOES NOT WARRANT THAT PRODUCT(S) ARE FREE OF CLAIMS OF PATENT, TRADEMARK, TRADE SECRET, OR COPYRIGHT INFRINGEMENT BYA THIRD PARTY. SELLER HEREBY DISCLAIMS ANY SUCH WARRANTIES OR INDEMNIFICATION FOR SUCH INFRINGEMENT(S) OF INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS. Substitutions and modifications. Seller reserves the right to substitute or change materials, parts, Product specifications or functional attributes at any time without notice. User Rights to Software. The Software included with the Product is protected by copyright law and/or international treaty provisions. Rights relating to a particular Software program are listed in the license agreement document provided by the owner(s) of the Software that is i'ncluded with the Product. United States Government License Rights. United States Government license rights in the Product(s) a~e limited to those mandatory rights identified in DFARS 252.227-7015 (b). Governing Law, Jurisdiction and Costs. This agreement is governed by the laws of the State of Idaho, without regard to its conflict or choice of provisions. Customer acknowledges and agrees that Idaho is an appropriate place for venue of any litigation and that Idaho courts have jurisdiction over this agreement and customer. In the event the customer and Seller are unable to resolve any customer dispute, and any collection action, suit or other judicial proceeding is commenced, the prevailing party in any such collection action', suit or judicial proceeding shall be entitled to recover its costs and reasonable attorneys' fees incurred. Assignment. Customer may not assign its fights or obligations hereunder without the express prior written consent of Seller. Entire agreement. These terms and conditions, including those on the face hereof, constitute the entire agreement with regard to this sale and expressly supersede and replace any prior or contemporaneous agreements, whether written or oral, relating to said sale, including any terms and conditions on any of customer's documents or purchase orders. This agreement shall be binding upon the heirs, successors and assigns of the parties hereto. If any provision of this agreement shall be held to be invalid or unenforceable, the ..... :_ .~.. _z .1~: ............ ,..~1 .... :_ .._ z..1, · GkM DIRECT - COMPAQ 1/22/1998 16'58 PAGE 1/3 Right?AX COM Government- Education · Medical Sales 20555 State Highway 249 · MC 580401 · Houston, Texas 77070 Fax Cover Sheet Company: Phone: Extension: Fax: Tim Cary City of Tustin I (714) 671-3617 From: Phone: Fax: Fax Notes Michael Faherty I (800) 727-2472 (800) 585-8507 Date and time of transmission: Thu 01/22/98 04:57PM Number of pages including cover: 03 GEM DIRECT - COMPAQ 1/22/1998 16'58 PAGE 2/3 RightFAX COM PAG Compaq Computer Co~poration - 20555 State Higtm, ay 249 -MC 590301'- ttouston, TX 77070 Government - Education - Medical Sales January 22, 1998 City of Tustin 300 Centennial Tustin, CA 92680 Dear 'ISm, Thank you for your recent interest in Compaq GoVernment, Education and Medical (GEM) Sales. Compaq is excited to offer a broad line of computing products designed to help meet the needs of your organization. Attached is the price quotation you requested. When submitting a purchase order directly to Compaq, please be certain to include the requested information on the Ordedng ProCedures page to avoid unnecessary delays in processing your order: - Please reference the CMAS Contract (3-95-70-01~0A) terms and conditions. The terms and conditions of the CMAS Contract(3-g5-7¢OffOA)will apply to any order placed as a result of this inquiry, no other terms or conditions shall ar}DIv. If you should have questions regarding this quotation or need any other assistance, please contact your GEM · sales representative. Sincerely, ichael E. Fahcrty Michael E. Faherty Gem Terdtory Sales Representative 1-800-727-2472 GEM DIRECT - COMPAQ 1/22/1998 16'58 PAGE 3/3 RightFAX Compaq Computer Corporation - 20_553 State H~hwa. v 249 -MC 590301 - Houston, TA- 770 70 Government- Education- Medical Sales PRICE QUOTATION Quote Number: GA24136 January22, 1998 Provided by: Michael Faherty Page I of I Tim Cary City of Tustin Contract: CMAS (3-95-70-0110A) Product availability and product discontinuation is subject to change without notice. The prices in this quotation are valid for 30 days from quote date above.- Please include the quote number from this quote on the corresponding purchase order. 270680-003 Deskpro 4000 6266X, Model - 3200/CDS, 32MB Ram, Processor - PI!/266 Pentium II 266MHz/MMX, 512K L2 Cache, 3.2GB SMART II ULTRA ATA Hard Drive, 32MB RAM, Matmx MGA/1064 SG Gmphics/2MB SGRAM, Netelligent 10/100 Ethernet, 24X CD-ROM, Enhanced Business Pro Audio, MS Windows NT Workstation 4.0. 90 $2,014.00 $181,260.00 90 $27~~-00. O0 264150-004 V50 COlor Monitor LE ES AssetControl - Model 610 Note: Sorry for the delay! Here is the information that you requested. These systems ship with Windows NT 'TOTAL PRICE $205,560.00 I Note: This item is not included on the current c~ntract. 2 Note: This item has been discontinued. Data General FAX PAGES: TO: Tim Carey City of Brea January 7, 1998 FROM: DIANE KIPP 310/643-1207 310/536-0954 FAX MESSAGE: rm resending the quote and "fixing" the quantity for MS office to 85. Please note on DG quote: * 1 year on-site maintenance by Data General is included on each PC. ~, Full Office 97 in included - not Small Business Edition (SBE). (SBE is a sealed down version that doesn't include Power Point, etc.) · DG will ship 32X CD/ROM with units · PC's can be rolled into DO lease' " DIF~NE KIPP ID'Tlzl-Sz]68688 JF~N 23'98 14'13 No.O02 P.02 ' D~NE K~PP Z~'714-8468688 3RN 23'98 14'~4 No.O02 P.O$