HomeMy WebLinkAbout09 VEH TIRES & TUBES 01-05-98DATE: JANUARY 5, 1998 NO. 9 1-5-98 Inter-Com TO' FROM' SUBJECT: WILLIAM A. HUSTON, CITY MANAGER PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT/FIELD SERVICES DIVISION EXCEPTION TO PURCHASING PROCEDURES - VEHICLE TIRES & TUBES RECOMMENDATION: Council authorizes the waiver of Formal Bidding Procedures per Section 1624 of the Tustin City Code, and authorizes staff to purchase tires and tubes under the State of California Contract 1-97-26-01 for the period January 1, 1998 to April 30, 1999. FISCAL IMPACT: The Vehicle Maintenance section of Public Works purchases approximately $17,000 worth of tires annually. The State of California Tire Contract purchases such a large quantity of tires annually, that the City would be unable to match this pricing. Staff believes that the City would pay approximately 15% to 20% more per tire if not purchased under this agreement. DISCUSSION: The Vehicle Maintenance Operation purchases tires for use by all city vehicles including all Police units, Public Works tracks and' heavy equipment, and all administrative units. The city has purchased tires under the previous State contract for several years and beheves the continued utilization of this pricing structure provides the City the most economically advantageous means of acquiring these goods. The service from the vendors has been on time and with the correct stock, and staff does not anticipate any problems with this.contract. The closest dealer contracted with the State is Parkhouse Tires, Inc. of Santa Ana, CA. Tim D. Serlet Director of Public Works/City Engineer Martin Pastucha Manager, Field Services Attachments TDS:MP:CR:TIREBID.DOC STATE OF CALIFORNIA OEP~$~?MENT OF GENERAL $1~¥1C1~ - PRO~UR~{;~av OIVl$|ON CONTRAC 1' NOTIFICATION CONTRACT NUMBER: 1-97-26-01 DESCRIPTION: TIRES, TUBES & SERVICES AS SPECIFIED CONTRACTOR: G OLD EN ST T~U CK ! CAL G EN'L TIRE EFFECTIVE DATES: 5/ 1/1997 THROUGH 413011999 SUPERSEDES CONTRACT NO.: 1-95-26-01 AREA: STATEWIDE DISTRIBUTION: C-26-01 * TAX:. Add appropriate sales and use tax. Exempt from Federal Excise Tax. *Food contracts are tax exempt. C. F.(GRADY, Deptffy. ' Director Use of this agreement by all agencies 'is mandatory with monetary exceptions stated herein or contained in State Administrative Manual. To obtain assistance or report non-compliance by vendor, or For any suggestions or recommendations write: Department of General Services. Procurement Division. P.O. Box 942804, Sacramento, CA 94204-0001. or call: Contract Administrator. STATE OF CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF GENERAL SERVICES PROCUREMENT DIVISION Contract: 1-97-26-01 Page 2 VENDOR ID: NAME: ADDRESS: CONTACT: TERMS OF PAYMENT: FOB: MINIMUM ORDER: 611114 GOLDEN ST TRUCK/CAL GEN'L TIRE ATTN: ANNE PRESTO 8211 N WILSON WY/BOX 8343 STOCKTON, CA 95208 209-465-1365 FAX: (209) 465-2147 Net Destination THE MINIMUM ORDER IS ONE TIRE. ~GENC¥ NOTE: DRUG-FREE WORKPLACE CERTIFICATION The contractor(s) on this contract, by having submitted a signed contract (bid), certified under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California that the contractor(s) will comply with the requirements of the Drug-Free Workplace Act of 1990 (Government Code Section 8350 et seq.) and will provide a drug-free workplace by taking the actions required of Government Code Section 8355 (a), (b) and (c). Based on the above, when ordering against this contract, using agencies are not required to have the contractor(s) submit a Drug-Free Workplace Certification. SCOPE: This contract covers the annual requirements for tires, tubes for these tires, and mounting and balancing services where required, for the State of California (SAH 3626.7). F.O.B. POINT: All items shipped by contractor shall be F.O.B. delivered to any location in the State of California £or lO00 pounds or more. Items picked up from or shipped from one of contractor's dealers are F.O.B. that dealer location for lO00 pounds or less. Delivery is to be completed within 15 days after receipt of order by the contractor. If contractor is temporarily out of stock and cannot provide the ordered tires within the required delivery time, he mU~t purchase the required tires meeting'all specifications from an approved manufacturer and make delivery to the ordering agency within the time specified. NOTIFY PROCUREMENT DIVISION IMMEDIATELY IF TIRES ARE NOT DELIVERED ON.A TIMELY BASIS. ORDERIN6 PROCEDURE: All contract delegation orders shall show the. quantity, contract number, item code number, description, and unit price. SEE THE ABOVE LIST OF DISTRIBUTORS FOR LOCAL PURCHASES. Hail the order (individual and bulk) to the address below. Golden State Truck P.O. Box 83q3 Stockton, CA 95208 Phone: (209) q65-1365 Fax #: (209) q65-21q7 STATE OF CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF GENERAL SERVICES PROCUREMENT DIVISION Contract: 1-97-26-01 Page 3 Dealer order problems may be d/rec*bed *bo Golden S*ba*be Truck c/o Anne Pres*bo, (209) ~465-1365. Delivery *bo S*ba*be agencies will be upon recetp*b of a S*ba*be Con*brac*b/Delega*bton Order (Std. 65). Local *b/re requ/remen*bs will normally be picked up or ~ns*balled a*b a dealer loca*bton. Bulk orders will be delivered *bo the address on the purchase order. S*ba*be agencies will be requ/red *bo forward *bo contractor (or dealer) all Con*brac*b/Delega*bion orders (or work orders issued against a blanket Contract/ Delega*bion order) wi*bh/n 7 calendar days af*ber a t/re ts picked up from a dealer. The con*brac*bor or his dealer w:].ll not be reau4~ed *bo deliver *b/res upless he is oresen*bed with a writ*ben =urchase order or work order. Acceptance of verbal orders wt*bh conf/rm/ng wrt*b*ben o~ers follow/ng w~ll be a*b *bhe op*bton of *bhe con*brac*bor. Follow-up delinquent orders and unpaid or Incorrect /nvotces will be *bhe respons/bili*by of the con*bractor and no*b *bhe Procurement Division. PRICING: Prices are FIRH for *bhe con*brac*b period. PAYMENT OF INvoIcES: The con*bractor w/il issue /nvoices calling for all payments *bo be mailed *bo one central' locat4on. Please forward your payments to the address shown on *bhe invoice, no*b *bo *bhe w~_veh0use 0r dealer *bo which the purchase order was SPECIFICATIONS: All 2/res supplied agains*b *bhts con*bract mus*b comply with S-bate .of Calfornia Specification #2610-qlF-OZQPL dated June 199q. NO SUBSTITUTIONS OF BID ITEM TIRES SHALL BE ACCEPTABLE WITHOUT PROCUREMENT DIVISION APPROVAL~ (NOTE: Some dealers on the list may no*b carry a full 1/ne of t/re sizes.) RETURN OFDEFECTIVETIRES: Any t~res not meeting the above, any t/res found *bo be defec*btve in *bhe field due to'design or manufacturing, and passenger tires no longer useful due *bo ma*berials and workmanship are to be returned freight collect for adjUstment and credit. Such *b~res are *bo be re*burned *bo *bhe warehouse or dealer *bhat originally delivered *bhe *b/res. ~or CALTRANS. D~S S~a*be Ga~aoes. and De~t. of Forestry in Davis and Riverside ONLY: The factory authorized *bruck t~re rep~esentatives are as follows. ~neral T/re: Hartin Braven (800) ~8-527~, ID! 731~/q8 Br~doestone/Fires*bone: Dave Redfern (800) 681-62~5, ID# 19035 The contrac*bor~s warran*by is available from *bhe contrac*bor or one of his dealers/dis*bribu*bors. NOTE: Refer *bo Sta*be Admtnts*bra*btve Hanual, Section 3626.7 and 3629 regarding eme~qenc¥ purchase~ of *b/res. Sub-purchase order or delega*bton order may be used as well as credi*b cards in *bhe described si*bua*bions. · STATE OF CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF GENERAL SERVICES PROCUREMENT DIVISION Contract: 1-97-26-01 Page 4 Passenger T~es: Hount~ng and balanc~ng ~eights $ 6.00 each $ 2.00 each Light Truck T~'es Hounting and balanc:tng weights $ 8.25 each $ 2.00 each T~re Trailer 3rd Medium Duty Truck Mounting and balancing weights $ 30.00 each t~re $ 5.00 each t~re Valves and Value Stems: Passenger $ 3.00 Light Truck $ 6.00 (metal) Medium Truck $ 10.00 (metal) Dual Bead Truck TLres Mounting and balanc~ng weights $ qO.O0 each t~re $ 5.00 each t~re (Only some distributors will perform services on dual bead t~res and/or accept the old casing ~n lieu of mounting chargeS. ContaCt the dealer prior to requesting service.) The contact for problems concerning bulk orders is Anne Presto at Golden State Truck. T~res problems may be dLrected to: SAME Use the stock item numbers listed at the end of the contract for items purchased from the Supplemental Price List (DISCOUNT SCHEDULE). Do not use the d~scount schedule for bid ~tem t~re types and sizes. A t~re d~sposal charge for each t~re shall be pa~d at the t~me of purchase. shall apply. Some local agencies and municipalities have additional ordinances governing d~sposa! fees. State agencies may d~spose of their t~res per their own departmental policy. This contract does not cover disposal of used For State Agencies that require tLres not listed on th~s contract, use the Price List and General TLre Net State and Open Market Price List dated q/15/97. The discounts are: Auto q0~ Lt. Trucks 35% Med. over the road Radial 30~, Med. off the road Radial Passenger 10X 'AerofLre 35~ Super Town & Country 20% Lt Truck Radial '12% Med. over the road Radial. 12% Med. off road Radial 10~ All others have no discount frOm price list. THE DEALERS BELOW H~'~. CIDNTRACTED TO PROVIDE TIRE $~ICES. Dealers List by City_ Arcata (Eureka) Whiteley Tire PO Box 129 95 W. 5th Street Eureka CA 95502 707 443 4529 Bell Gardens Parkhouse Tire inc. 5960 Shull Street PO Box 2430 Bell Gardens CA 90202 2430 562 927 8333 Bakersfield Gold Coast Tire 501 E 18th St Bakersfield CA 93305 Country Tire and Wheel 7118 Rosendale Hwy Bakersfield CA 93308 805 589 2893 Symons Tire 1264 N Main St Bishop CA 93514 619 873 3528 Chico (Oroville) · Smyth Tire 624 Broadway Chico CA 95928 5526 916 342 8338 Redding Les Schwab 3161 S Market St Redding CA 96001 5O3 447 4136 - Red Bluff Big O Tires 16 Antelope Blvd Red Bluff CA 96080 916 527 3654 Riverside Parkhouse Tire Inc 1205 W Valley Bivd Colton CA 909 825 9945 Sacramento California General Tire 1312 Fulton Ave Sacramento CA 95825 916 488 3047 U. S. Tire Sales 6530 Franklin Blvd Sacramento CA 95823 916 395 2245 GCR 1401 Richards Blvds Sacramento CA 95814 916 447 4220 Salinas Firestone Store 150 Northridge Cente~ Salinas CA 93906 408 449 4494 San Luis Obispo Waynes Tire 3595 S Hiquem San Luis Obispo CA 805 543 5492. San Luis Brake and Alignment 109 S. St San Luis Obispo CA 805 544 7133 Santa Ana Parkhouse Tire Inc 711 S Grand Ave Santa Ana CA 714 542 4161 Santa Barbara Wayne's Tire 302 W Betteravia Santa Maria CA 93454 Firestone Store 3948 State St Santa Barbara CA 93105 805 559 1451 ~anta Rosa McLea's Tire 800 Piner Road. Santa Rosa CA 95401 707 542 0363 Rudy's Gold Coast Tire 9817 Inglewood Ave Inglewood CA 90301 310 330 0330 · . Commercial Tire 601 Bay Shore Blvd San Francisco CA 94124 1901 415 648 0266