HomeMy WebLinkAbout02 CC MINUTES 1.7.14 MINUTES OF THE JOINT REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL, SUCCESSOR AGENCY TO THE TUSTIN COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY AND HOUSING AUTHORITY JANUARY 7, 2014 7:00 P.M. CALL TO ORDER – Meeting #2336 at 7:04 p.m. PRESENTATION OF COLORS, INVOCATION AND PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE – American Legion ROLL CALL – City Clerk Present: Mayor Al Murray, Mayor Pro Tem Charles E. “Chuck” Puckett and Councilmembers John Nielsen, Rebecca “Beckie” Gomez and Allan Bernstein Absent: None City Clerk: Jeffrey C. Parker, City Clerk Others Present: David E. Kendig, City Attorney PRESENTATION - Mayor Murray presented a Proclamation to Walt Sullens from the White Cane Society in recognition of Glaucoma Awareness Month. Mr. Sullens presented a hat and cane to Mayor Murray designating him as an honorary member of the White Cane Society. ORAL COMMUNICATION/PUBLIC INPUT Harold Katzman o Pete Beatty o CONSENT CALENDAR ITEMS 1-7 It was moved by Mayor Murray and seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Puckett to pull Items 2 City Council/Successor Agency/Housing Authority January 7, 2014 Minutes Page 1 of 9 and 5 and approve the balance of the consent calendar items on the agenda as recommended by staff. Motion carried: 5-0 1. APPROVAL OF MINUTES – JOINT REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL, SUCCESSOR AGENCY TO THE TUSTIN COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY AND HOUSING AUTHORITY HELD DECEMBER 17, 2013 Recommendation: That the City Council, Successor Agency and Housing Authority approve the Action Minutes of the Joint Regular Meeting of the City Council, Successor Agency to the Tustin Community Redevelopment Agency, and Housing Authority held on December 17, 2013. 2. APPROVAL OF DEMANDS AND RATIFICATION OF PAYROLL The City Council has approved the use of Government Code Section 37208 to expedite the payment of City of Tustin and Successor Agency to the Tustin Community Redevelopment Agency obligations that are in accordance with the approved budget or continued operations authorizations. It was moved by Mayor Murray and seconded by Councilmember Bernstein to approve Payroll in the amounts of $10,156.46, $10,156.46, $622,330.90 and $626,745.93; and Demands in the amount of $10,562,375.90. Motion carried: 5-0 3. AWARD OF BID FOR THE FRONTIER PARK WATER PLAY ELEMENT (CIP NO. 20074) The bid opening for the Frontier Park Water Play Element project was held on November 18, 2013. The Frontier Park Water Play Element was identified by the Community Services Commission as the next project to be completed on their Seven-Year Capital Improvement Project Priority List. Recommendation: Staff recommends that City Council award the construction contract to International Computing Systems of Buena Park, California, in the amount of $148,500 subject to the approval of contract requirements by the City Attorney and final execution of the contract. 4. APPROVE PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS AND AUTHORIZE ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS FOR THE ARMSTRONG AVENUE AND WARNER AVENUE EXTENSION PHASE 2 STREET IMPROVEMENTS CONSTRUCTION PROJECT, CIP NOS. 70201 & 70202 City Council/Successor Agency/Housing Authority January 7, 2014 Minutes Page 2 of 9 The plans and specifications for the Armstrong Avenue and Warner Avenue Extension Phase 2 Street Improvements Construction Project, CIP Nos. 70201 & 70202 have been prepared and the project is ready to be bid. Recommendation: That the City Council adopt Resolution No. 14-02 approving the plans and specifications for the Armstrong Avenue and Warner Avenue Extension Phase 2 Street Improvements Construction Project, CIP Nos. 70201 & 70202 , and authorize the City Clerk to advertise to receive bids. RESOLUTION NO. 14-02 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA APPROVING PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR THE ARMSTRONG AVENUE (CIP NO. 70201) AND WARNER AVENUE (CIP NO. 70202) EXTENSION PHASE 2 STREET IMPROVEMENTS CONSTRUCTION PROJECT AND AUTHORIZING ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS 5. TUSTIN RESPONSE TO MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION FOR JOHN WAYNE AIRPORT PIPELINE Councilmember Nielsen and Councilmember Gomez recused themselves due to a potential conflict of interest in real property City Council concurrence is requested for the City of Tustin's response to the Initial Study (IS) and Mitigated Negative Declaration (MND) for the proposed construction and operation of an approximately five (5)-mile long 12-inch jet fuel pipeline connecting fuel storage facilities at John Wayne Airport to an existing 16-inch pipeline operated by Kinder Morgan Energy Partners. The project includes the construction of a connection facility in Tustin and additional fuel storage facilities at John Wayne Airport. It was moved by Mayor Pro Tem Puckett and seconded by Councilmember Bernstein to direct staff to forward the attached response letter to the County of Orange. Motion carried: 3-0-2 (Councilmember Nielsen and Councilmember Gomez abstained) Councilmember Nielsen and Councilmember Gomez returned to the dais 6. APPROPRIATION OF LAND PROCEEDS FOR CONSULTING SERVICES At the December 5 Special City Council Meeting, staff presented new concepts for the future development of the Tustin Legacy project. As part of that strategy, staff is recommending that the City Council appropriate City Council/Successor Agency/Housing Authority January 7, 2014 Minutes Page 3 of 9 $500,000 from Legacy land proceeds to be used to hire the appropriate land use and development consultants to assist in implementing the changes to the Legacy plans. Recommendation: City Council appropriate $500,000 from the land proceeds fund balance to be used for land use and development consultant services to implement the Legacy plan. 7. ADOPTION OF THE 2014 INVESTMENT POLICY The California Government Code, as amended, requires that Cities annually adopt their Investment Policy. This legislative action was in response to the Orange County bankruptcy. It requires the elected body and the Treasurer to review the existing Investment Policy as least annually and confirm its content at a public meeting and annually delegate authority to invest. Recommendation: That the City Council adopts the City of Tustin Investment Policy for calendar year 2014. REGULAR BUSINESS ITEMS 8-9 8. ORDINANCE NO. 1438, AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN AMENDING ARTICLE 1, CHAPTER 6, PART 2 OF THE TUSTIN CITY CODE REGARDING THE CITY PURCHASING SYSTEM Ordinance No. 1438 amends Part 2 of Chapter 6 of Article 1 of the Tustin City Code to satisfy a management comment finding in relation to the City's June 30, 2012 independent audit and to provide staff with a purchasing section of the Tustin City Code that is relevant and provides clear guidance. It was moved by Councilmember Nielsen and seconded by Councilmember Gomez to introduce and have the first reading by title only of Ordinance No. 1438; and, set the second reading at the January 21, 2014 meeting. ORDINANCE NO. 1438 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN AMENDING ARTICLE 1, CHAPTER 6, PART 2 OF THE TUSTIN CITY CODE REGARDING THE CITY PURCHASING SYSTEM Motion carried: 5-0 9. 2014 MAYORAL APPOINTMENTS TO COMMITTEES Annually, following selection of the Mayor, the Mayor appoints those members of the City Council who will serve on various City and Regional committees. City Council/Successor Agency/Housing Authority January 7, 2014 Minutes Page 4 of 9 It was moved by Councilmember Bernstein and seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Puckett to: 1. Confirm the attached appointments as recommended by the Mayor; and 2. Adopt the amended FPPC Form 806: Agency Report of Public Official Appointments and direct staff to post on the City's website. Motion carried: 5-0 OTHER BUSINESS/COMMITTEE REPORTS URGENCY ITEM: The Brown Act permits the City Council to take action on items of business not appearing on the posted agenda under the following condition: If the City Council finds by a two-thirds vote of those present, or if less than two-thirds of the body is present, by unanimous vote, that there is a need to take immediate action on an item and the need for action came to the attention of the local agency subsequent to the posting of the agenda (Section 54954.2 (b)). The Association of California Cities of Orange County e-mailed the City Manager’s office on Tuesday, January 7, 2014 at 5:22 p.m. regarding an upcoming advocacy trip. The Association of California Cities of Orange County and the Orange County Business Council advocacy trip will be held on February 24 and 25, 2014. The registration is due by Tuesday, January 15, 2014. It was moved by Mayor Murray and seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Puckett to agendize the urgency item for consideration. Motion carried: 5-0 The registration fee is $1,000.00, which includes meals and lodging. It was moved by Councilmember Nielsen and seconded by Councilmember Bernstein to approve travel for two members of the Council and expenses up to $1,500.00 for each member. Motion carried: 5-0 CITY MANAGER JEFF PARKER Congratulated Chief Celano for organizing the memorial tribute for Officer Wally o Karp City Council/Successor Agency/Housing Authority January 7, 2014 Minutes Page 5 of 9 COUNCILMEMBER BERNSTEIN Wished everyone a Happy New Year o Provided a report on water conservation o COUNCILMEMBER GOMEZ Hoped all had a safe and restful holiday season o Provided an update regarding the donations received for the Senior Santa o program: Drew By from the Orange County Social Services Agency picked up the o gifts on December 19 A local Indian maidens group made blankets to distribute to the seniors o Thanked all who contributed to the successful program o Attended the Christmas luncheon at the Senior Center on December 20 o Announced the deadline for the Planning, Community Services and Audit o Commission vacancies is January 29; more information is on the City’s website Thanked all for the memorial tribute to Officer Wally Karp; expressed gratitude for o members of the public who attended the ceremony Looking forward to a productive 2014 o COUNCILMEMBER NIELSEN Wished all a Happy New Year; looking forward to a great 2014 o Attended the Orange County Sanitation District Board of Directors meeting; o attended the Steering Committee meeting; the Board of Directors elected new Vice Chair Tom Beamish; announced he was appointed as Chair of the Operations Committee Attended the Southern California Association of Government Community o Economic and Human Development Committee (CEHD) meeting on January 2 Thanked Chief Celano for organizing the memorial tribute for Officer Wally Karp; o expressed support to dedicate a street name at the Legacy in honor of Officer Carp; suggested agendizing the item for discussion or as an administrative decision MAYOR PRO TEM PUCKETT Wished all a Happy New Year o Thanked Chief Celano for organizing the memorial tribute for Officer Wally Karp; o expressed support to memorialize a tribute in honor of Officer Karp Thanked Officer George Vallevieni and the Tustin Police Department for their o dedication to the Santa Sleigh program Thanked the Tustin Community Foundation and Tustin Pride for the holiday o lights program; 100 special awards were presented; congratulated his neighbor Dominique Masdea who displays a nativity scene each year and collects food for the Second Harvest Food Bank City Council/Successor Agency/Housing Authority January 7, 2014 Minutes Page 6 of 9 Mentioned Councilmember Gomez had an article in the Tustin News o encouraging residents to volunteer in the community; he also had an article in the Tustin News recapping significant events from 2013 Expressed interest in extending the holiday lights year round in Old Town o Reminded all the Mayor’s Inaugural Dinner will be held on Friday, February 7, o 2014 MAYOR MURRAY Attended an employee holiday celebration at the Orange County Transportation o Authority on December 19 Attended his daughter’s water polo tournament at Costa Mesa High School on o December 20; Beckman High School’s girls team finished in second place Thanked family for a wonderful and restful holiday season o Congratulated Councilmember Nielsen on his new leadership role at the Orange o County Sanitation District Complimented the Tustin Police Department and the leadership of Chief Celano o for the memorial tribute to Officer Wally Karp; expressed support in memorializing Officer Karp’s sacrifice in addition to the annual memorial tribute; requested the item be agendized for discussion Wished all a Happy New Year and is looking forward to a great 2014 o CLOSED SESSION MEETING CALL TO ORDER – Meeting #2336 at 7:58 p.m. ATTENDANCE Present: Mayor Al Murray, Mayor Pro Tem Charles E. “Chuck” Puckett and Councilmembers John Nielsen, Rebecca “Beckie” Gomez and Allan Bernstein Absent: None City Clerk: Jeffrey C. Parker, City Clerk Others Present: David E. Kendig, City Attorney PUBLIC INPUT – None CLOSED SESSION ITEMS - The Brown Act permits legislative bodies to discuss certain matters without members of the public present. The City Council finds, based on advice from the City Attorney, that discussion in open session of the following matters will prejudice the position of the City in existing and anticipated litigation: City Council/Successor Agency/Housing Authority January 7, 2014 Minutes Page 7 of 9 1. CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL – INITIATION OF LITIGATION [Government Code § 54956.9(d2)] – Department of Finance and One Case 2. CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL – EXPOSURE TO LITIGATION [Government Code § 54956.9(d2)] – Two Cases 3. CONFERENCE WITH REAL PROPERTY NEGOTIATORS [Government Code § 54956.8] – Three Cases 1. Property Lots 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9, 10,11, II, D, Final Map 17144; Address/Description Lots 32, 34, Tentative Tract Map 17404; a portion APN’s 430-27-31 and 33 and a portion of APN 430- 37-10 Agency City of Tustin City Negotiators Jeffrey C. Parker, City Manager, Elizabeth Binsack, Community Development Director, and John Buchanan, Deputy Director of Economic Development Negotiating Parties O.C. Property Company, LLC, represented by Rick Kaplan, Mark Smith, John Tran and Mark McGranahan, Cushman Wakefield of California, Inc., Irvine, CA. Under Negotiation Price and terms of payment 2. Property 2345 Barranca Pkwy, APN: 434-021-22, Army Address/Description Reserve Center and 15 acres of the Northeast corner of Red Hill Avenue and Warner Avenue Agency City of Tustin City Negotiators Jeffrey C. Parker, City Manager, Matt West, Principal Management Analyst and David E. Kendig, City Attorney Negotiating Parties United States Government acting through the Department of the Army, represented by Stan Wallin, Jeremy Hollis and Cheryl Connett of the Army Corps of Engineers Under Negotiation Price and terms of payment 3. Property Tustin Legacy Disposition Package 1C to include Address/Description Lots 1, X and Y of Tract Map 17404 Agency City of Tustin City Negotiators Jeffrey C. Parker, City Manager Negotiating Parties Regency Centers, John Meehigan Under Negotiation Price and Terms of Payment City Council/Successor Agency/Housing Authority January 7, 2014 Minutes Page 8 of 9 RECESSED TO CLOSED SESSION – 7:59 p.m. RECONVENED IN OPEN SESSION –9:08 p.m. CLOSED SESSION REPORT – David E. Kendig – No reportable action ADJOURNED at 9:09 p.m. The next meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, January 21, 2014 at 5:30 p.m. for the Closed Session Meeting followed by the Regular Business Meeting at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chamber, 300 Centennial Way, Tustin, California. ____________________________ _____________________________ ELWYN A. MURRAY, JEFFREY C. PARKER, Mayor City Clerk City Council/Successor Agency/Housing Authority January 7, 2014 Minutes Page 9 of 9