HomeMy WebLinkAbout15 DOWNTOWN COMMERCIAL COREAGENDA REPORT MEETING DATE: FEBRUARY 4, 2014 Agenda Item 15 Reviewed: /' City Manager i Finance Director N/A TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE TUSTIN CITY COUNCIL FROM: COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT SUBJECT: AUTHORIZATION TO ADVERTISE REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS FOR CONSULTANT SERVICES TO PREPARE TUSTIN'S DOWNTOWN COMMERCIAL CORE PLAN SUMMARY: The vision for the development of a Downtown Commercial Core Plan is to promote Downtown Tustin as the historic, economic, and cultural heart of the City in such a way that enhances a strong business climate. The plan would ensure implementation of coordinated development in the area and enhance customer visitation to the commercial corridors of Old Town, First Street, and the freeway interface. By adopting an effective plan, private- sector reinvestment could be encouraged to develop, redevelop and maintain a vibrant downtown commercial core. The City will solicit professional planning consultant assistance in developing the proposed Downtown Commercial Core Plan (DCCP). The consultant and /or consultant team responding to the RFP are expected to have extensive experience in planning and urban design, traffic engineering and infrastructure testing, market analysis and real estate finance, and community outreach. FISCAL IMPACT: The City has budgeted $307,540 (approximately $199,000 from current CDBG allocation and $108,000 from reallocation of CDBG monies) for the initial plan preparation. Staff intends to request a midyear budget amendment for the full plan preparation cost. CORRELATION TO STRATEGIC PLAN AND MAYOR'S GOALS: Strategic Plan: Goal A, Economic and Neighborhood Development: Enable business opportunities and job development and to enhance the vibrancy and quality of life in all neighborhoods and areas of the community. Strategies to achieve Goal A of the Strategic Plan: Oty Council Report Downtown Commercial Core Plan Page 21 • Create a vision and business plan for Old Town through a collaborative, inclusive process with stakehol&rs from the entire community. • Establish planning and txoning overlays in Ne ghborhoods of Tustin Town Cemer to facilitate private development. • Strengthen and facilitate business relationships for economic development purposes. Mayor's Goals: Improve and Facilitate Economic Development through business attraction and retention « Develop Downtown Commercial Core Plan RECOMMENDATION-. That the City Council authorise i nd direct the Community Development Director to advertise requests for professional consultant services 4o prepare Tustin's Downtown Commercial Core Plan. BACKGROUND AND DISCUSSION- 1. OVERVIEW AND PURPOSE While many new communities try hard to invent a charming village out of raw [and, Tustin has had a downtown since the Citys inception. The Downtown Commercial Core Plan (DCCP) will define the strategies to enhance the heart of Tustin's village atmosphere while creating a pedestran- oriented community and revitalizing the City's commercial core. The proposed master plan will identify strategies to protect the community resources and village atmosphere and improve the central road at El Camino Real through Old Town, from the freeway interface north to First Street to attract thriving new businesses. A. Project The City of Tustin will invite firms to submit a p,-oposal for the development of a Master Plan or similar document for Tustin's Downtown Commerc °al Core area. An effective plan would: • Facilitate and enhance a greater understanding and "sense of place" for the heart of Tustin; "Together, these three areas cr-c4ate Ttlstila'S DOwnLown Conn aaercial Core with tine 01apoi- tu11'It_y for a new identity that is tied to TLIStita'S history. • Increase customer visitation to the Old Town commercial corridor, First Street and freeway interface City Council Report Downtown Commercial Core Plan Page 3 • Reinforce the posit've image of Tustin's Downtown within the development and business communities to encourage private - sector investment and, Encourage and support business attraction to the Downtown area. B. Downtown Commercial Core Area The project plan area encompasses three of the core areas of Tustin including Old Town Tustin, the First Street corridor, and the commercial freeway interface at the 6 and 55 freeway intersections. 9. Northern Commercial Core Area: The northern commercial core area encompasses the First Street Specific Plan corridor. This area consists of smaller commercial and office uses with some existing historic homes and adaptively reused historic buildings. The intent of including this area is to create entryways to the core of Downtown Tustin. The focus for this area is to create pedestr an- oriented and m Ikable character and to enhance the retail vibrancy of First Street. 2. Central Commercial Core Area: The central commercial core area consists of the Old Town commercial corridor where the majority of Old Town's historic structures and uses remain. The intent of including the commercial corridor is to focus on the economic vitality that this cultural resource has to offer while encouraging new compatible development within the commercial core. Residential areas were excluded so the focus would remain on the commercial vitality of the area. Tustin Commercial Core Area Northern Commercial Core Vim S U..6 ;n MM1 OW eb*m chin Street S m � 5 A m 2 „WH e,..M �arw.r� Main Street y b LC I V ig e Finer Svw Central Commercial Core Southern Commercial Core City Council Report Downtown Commercial Core Plan Page 4 3. Southern Commercial Core Area: The southern commercial core area consists of the existing commercial and industrial use areas which are adjacent to Old Town and the 5 and 55 freeways. These areas were previously addressed in the Neighborhoods of Tustin Town Center and offer an opportunity to improve the area for its full potential while also maintaining a respectful buffer from the historic residential neighborhood located adjacent on 61h Street. Together, these three areas create Tustin's Downtown Commercial Core with the opportunity for a new identity that is tied to Tustin's history. C. The Vision The vision for the Downtown Commercial Core Plan is to promote Downtown Tustin as the historic, economic, and cultural heart of the City in such a way that enhances a strong business climate and bolsters the City's high quality of life. Specific objectives are as follows: 1. Placemaking in a multi- faceted approach to the planning, design and management of public spaces to create a "sense of place" for the three combined areas to create Downtown Tustin, an economically vibrant community. 2. Identify positive physical attributes and design goals and policies necessary for future development to successfully meet the "Vision" for Downtown Tustin. 3. Identify underutilized land and analyze existing land use patterns and regulations to recommend potential General Plan, Zoning Map, and Zoning Code changes necessary to implement a new vision for the Downtown Commercial Core Plan. D. Goals and Objectives 1. Inventory - Recognize the inventory of historic resources within the commercial portion of the Old Town, freeway interface and First Street areas. Identify existing industrial, commercial and any residential properties within the core area that may be rezoned or adaptively reused for the most economically beneficial and viable use for Downtown Tustin. Identify positive physical attributes of Old Town Tustin and outline the design goals and policies necessary for future development to successfully meet the "Vision" of the plan. 1. Connectivity — Provide a sphere of influence area that will connect the surrounding existing residential areas and commercial core area. 2. Incorporate existing resource documents — Incorporate recommendations of the Old Town Parking Study. Utilize and combine prior studies to provide a comprehensive plan for the Downtown Commercial Core area including: ■ Tustin General Plan City Council Report Downtown Commercial Core Plan Page 5 ■ Tustin Old Town American Institute of Architects, Regional /Urban Design Assistance Team (RIUDAT)(1991) ■ 2003 Tustin Historic Resources Survey ■ First Street Specific Plan and Design Guidelines (2012) ■ Parking Study for Old Town Tustin (2007) • The Neighborhoods of Tustin Town Center: A New Beginning (2010) ■ Cultural Resources Distrct Residential Design Guidelines (2012) • Old Town Parking and Outdoor Restaurant Seating Ordinances (2010) ■ Residential (2012) and Commercial Design Guidelines for Old Town 3. Streetscape Plan - Include a streetscape plan that would: ■ Public Realm - Include specifications for the elements within the public realm (e.g., sidewalks, travel lanes, on- street parking, street trees, street furniture, etc.). Identify future infrastructure and hardscape within the public area landscaping /public art that create a sense of place unique to the Downtown Commercial Core project area and demonstrates design excellence and enhances the "public realm ". ■ Right -of -way landscaping - Assess potential to upgrade and establish a new, uniquely unifying streetscape for Downtown Tustin. Design and incorporate gateway entries that announce arrival to Downtown Tustin. ■ Pedestrian oriented - Fac,litate pedestrian circulation from, between and among commercial properties to enhance walkable neighborhoods. Insure that the pedestrian and visual amenity of both residential and business communities are maintained or enhanced. Focus on the aesthetic quality, Ci- y Council Report Downtown Commercial Core Plan Page 6 usability and accessibility of sidewalks, public parking, and other public spaces within Downtown Tustin. ■ Private use of Public Property — Facilitate private use of public property such as outdoor seating and display areas while maintaining public safety and aesthetic attractiveness of the community. ■ Transportation - Incorporation of public transit plans and enhancement•> including bikeways, bus routes with possible linkages to the Tustin Train Station, Civic Center, etc. Include bicycle "friendly" paths and accessibility. ■ Traffic Calming — Incorporate traffic calm;ng methods at each of the "Entr�es to Downtown" through the use of curb extensions (aka bulb outs), pedestrian crossings, chokers (curb extensions that narrow the roadway to a single lane at points), and pedestrian refuges. ■ Protect resources — Ensure that important views and vistas are protected; locations for the interpretation of (historic) gateways are ident =fied, enhanced, and protected and public safety considerations are addressed to create the "sense of place in Downtown Tustin. ■ Utilities - Provide an updated analysis of all existing utilities that serve the Downtown Commercial Core and identify utility needs (if any) to support implementation of the Plan. 4. Public And Private Funding Streams — Consider options to fund projects within the project area boundaries such as a Business Improvement District. E. Zoning T. Alternative Zoning — Consider alternatives to conventional .,oning, such as Form Based Code, in implementing the Commercial Core Plan. Provide a plan and map of the commercial core area designating the locations where different building form standards apply based on clear community intentions regarding the physical character of the q rea being coded. City Council Report Downtown Commercial Core Plan Page 7 2. Mixed Use - Consider incorporating regulations to allow additional mixed -use or higher density residential development within the Downtown Commercial Core to generate additional market interest in Old Town, First Street and Freeway interface commercial uses. 3. Land Use - Identify underutilized land and analyze existing land use patterns and regulations in order to recommend potential General Plan, Zoning Map, and Zoning Code changes necessary to implement a new vision for Downtown Tustin (with a focus of 10 years). II. PROPOSAL REQUIREMENTS AND SCOPE OF SERVICES The Request for Proposals (RFP) will be prepared to solicit professional planning consultant assistance in developing the proposed Downtown Commercial Core Plan. The selected consultant would be asked to achieve the following objectives: 1. Work closely with a staff steering committee throughout the project in order to identify and address opportunities, issues and concerns prior to initiating, drafting, and finalizing the Downtown Commercial Core Plan. 2. Engage, by way of charrettes, workshops, forums, and other types of face -to- face events; property owners and business owners of Old Town and First Street; and other stakeholders; and incorporate community members' views on the direction the Downtown Commercial Core area should take on how the area should develop in the future. 3. Recommend strategies for continuing public input and involvement in future development and planning projects. 4. Develop a master plan that would: a) Facilitate and enhance a greater understanding and "sense of place" for the heart of Tustin; b) Increase customer visitation to the Old Town commercial corridor, First Street and freeway interface; c) Reinforce the positive image of Tustin's Downtown within the development and business communities in order to encourage private- sector investment; and, d) Encourage and support business attraction to the Downtown area. Proposals received by the City of Tustin will be evaluated by City staff. The proposal determined to most fully respond to the RFP will be recommended to the City Council for contract authorization. City Council Report Downtown Commercial Core Plan Page 8 Amy Stonich, AICP Senior Planner Eh.. :abeth A Binsack Community Development Director Attachment: Downtown Commercial Core Area Map Tustin Commercial Core Area �C� jI i UT f � -First tre and I,' [� , i -EI fi -- III_ f -.�-- f n r 1 � t eet. � :X r If fl Legend -J, Tustin Commercial Core Area TUSTIN bUIwIMG (X'R Wit RI HONORING OUR P.t1i