HomeMy WebLinkAbout01-ATTACHMENT CATTACHMENT C Other Agencies Comments STATE OF CALIFORNIA —CALIFORNIA STATE TRANSPORTATION AGENCY EDMUND G. BROWN Jr. Govemor DOPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION DISTRICT 12 3347 MICHELSON DRIVE, SUITE 100 IRVINE, CA 92612 -8894 PHONE (949) 724 -2000 FAX (949) 724 -2019 TTY 711 wwwAot.ca.gov August 12, 2013 Ms. Justina Wilkom Tustin Community Development Department 300 Centennial Way Tustin, CA. 92780 Dear Ms. Wilkom: AUG 19 2013 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPT F0.1 Flex your power! Be energy efficient! File:.IGR/CEQA SCH #: None Log #: 572F SR -261 Thank you for the opportunity to review and comment on Tentative Tract Map 17507, a subdivision of an 78.25 -acre site into 376 numbered lots and 75 lettered lots for the development of 375 single, family detached, units, a focal park,, and other neighborhood amenities.. The Department of Transportation (Caltrans).is a rev><ewing agency:ori this.project and has the following.comment:for.,your. consideration: 1. Caltrans District. 12 reviewed and commented.on -the original Final Joint Environmental Impact Statement /Environmental Impact Report (As modified by Final Supplement #1 and Addendum to FEIS /EIR) for the Disposal and Reuse of MCAS Tustin S.CH No. 94071005. After the traffic analysis was completed, it was determined that there were no impacts that would require a traffic mitigation agreement with Caltrans. 2. As subsequent areas of the original program FEIS /EIR; such as this Tentative Tract Map are circulated for review, any total net changes to- land uses or significant changes to agreed -upon traffic /transportation mitigation under the FEIS /EIR would require additional evaluation to determine if there. are direct and /or cumulative impacts to the State Highway System, This development does not have any total net land use changes or: changes .to agreed -upon traffic /transportation mitigation from.the original FEIS /EIR. . 3. The Department encourages,and supports General >•Plans;(and related Tentative Tract Maps) that foster. efficient, land -use patterns that(a)silpport unproved mobility, and. reduced'dependency on single- occupant.vehicle trips; (b) . accommodates an' adequate, supply of housing for all incomes, (c) reduce impacts -,,,-on valuable habitat,, productive,farmland; and jair quality, (d) increase resource use efficiency, and (e) result in safe and. vlbrant neighborhoods:.. The; Department.- . recognizes that non- motorized travel is a vital element of the transportation system and therefore, encourages communities to. make pedestrian and., bicycle activity possible, thus expanding transportation options; and creating a streetscape "Caltrans improves mobility across California" ,ell: , Ms. Wilkom August 12 2013 Page 2 that better serves a range of users: pedestrians, bicyclists, transit riders, and automobiles. If you have any questions or need to contact us, please do not hesitate to call Aileen Kennedy at (949) 724 -2239. Sincerely, MAUREEN EL HARAKE Branch Chief, Regional- Community- Transit Planning District 12 "Caltrans nnproves mobility across California" F SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA IEDISON � An EDISON INTERNATIONALS Company City of Tustin 300 Centennial Way Tustin, CA 92780 RECEIVED AUG 0 8 2013 COMMUN17Y pEVEIOPMENT DEPT Attention: Community Development Department Subject: Tract Map No. 17507 August 5, 2013 Please be advised that the division of the property shown on Tract Map No. 17507 will not unreasonably interfere with the free and complete exercise of any easements and /or facilities held by Southern California Edison Company within the boundaries of said map. This letter should not be construed as a subordination of the Company's rights, title and interest in and to said easement(s), nor should this letter be construed as a waiver of any of the provisions contained in said easement(s) or a waiver of costs for relocation of any affected facilities. In the event that the development requires relocation of facilities, on the subject property, which facilities exist by right of easement or otherwise, the owner /developer will be requested to bear the cost of such relocation and provide Edison with suitable replacement rights. Such costs and replacement rights are required prior to the performance of the relocation. If you have any questions, or need additional information in connection with the subject subdivision; please contact me at (626) 302 -4473. Steven D. Lowry Title and Real Estate Services Corporate Real Estate Department 2131 Walnut Grove Avenue Rosemead, CA 91770 i 1971 Community Development www.cityofirvine.org City of Irvine, One Civic Center Plaza, P.O. Box 19575, Irvine, California 92623 -9575 (949) 724 -6000 August 12, 2013 AUG 19 2013 Ms. Justina Willkom, Assistant Director COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPT City of Tustin Community Development Department 300 Centennial Way Tustin, CA 92780 Sent via USPS and email to: iwillkom(�tustinca org Subject: Tustin Legacy Tentative Tract Map 17507 Dear Ms. Willkom: Thank you for the opportunity to comment on the Tustin Legacy Tentative Tract Map (TTM) 17507. The map area is bounded by Warner, Jamboree SB off - ramp, Park and future Moffett. The project proposes 375 single - family dwelling units along with park facilities and neighborhood amenities. The TTM 17507 map area is a portion of Neighborhood G (Planning Area 15) in Tustin Legacy. Updated information is needed to assist in our review. An updated Table 3 -3 (Planning Area Trip Budget for MCAS Tustin Specific Plan) was not included as part of the recent 2013 Amendment to the Specific Plan for the ATEP project, however Tables 3 -1 and 3 -2 were updated and included as part of that Amendment. Based on the data taken from those updated Tables 3 -1 and 3 -2, City of Irvine staff has prepared and included with this comment letter, a Table 3- 3 that documents our understanding of the Planning Area Trip Budget for land :.7SeS ypuratCti.1 In 20,113 - PIcuSc provide riii:»iny data 1171 lvcilJ. t 1uvrl t�OOd A and Neighborhood F highlighted in the enclosed Table 3 -3. Please return the enclosed table to City of Irvine staff.with comments and /or revisions so that we may correctly reflect updated land use assumptions within the Specific Plan. Provision of this updated Table 3 -3 will confirm whether the proposed TTM 17507 is consistent with the Specific Plan or whether there is a new assignment or transfer of ADTs with greater than 50 peak hour trips that triggers the need for City of Irvine's review of a traffic analysis for this. project. Additionally, any revisions to this Table 3 -3 will help Irvine staff update land uses in the City's ITAM traffic model to correctly reflect current MCAS Tustin Specific Plan land use assumptions. Ms. Justina Willkom August 12, 2013 Page 2 If you have any questions, 1 can be reached at 949- 724 - 6521, or by email at bjacobs(a)-cityofirvine.org.. Sincerely, Bill Ja bs, AICP Principal Planner 1. Enclosure:; T able 3 -3 cc: (via email) Barry Curtis, Manager of Planning Services Sun -Sun Murillo, Supervising Transportation Analyst Kerwin Lau, Project Development Administrator NOTES [1] Neighborhoods "A to G' in Tustin, Neighborhood "H" in Irvine PA38 (TAZ 551) [2] Table 3 -1 Tustin Legacy Specific Plan Amendment 05 -21 -13 [3] Table 3 -1 of SPA 05 -21 -13 does not provide sufficient information to determine land uses. ITAM ADT estimates based on Table 3- 3.(2012) [4] Table 3 -1 states 1,373 TSF Commercial but only 931 TSF exists today (both numbers exclude 70 TSF Multiplex)' Updated Table 3 -3 (Planning Area Trip Budget for MCAS Tustin Specific Plan) Proposed ITAM Land Uses for Tustin Legacy Neighborhoods A to H [3] Land Use derived from Calibrated ITAM ITAM Code Neighborhood Table 3 -1 [2] Units ADT Proposed ITAM Trips by Tustin Neighborhood A Neighborhood Calibrated ITAM ADT Table 3 -3 (2012) [5] 158 Commercial (Tustin Legacy Neigh) -. Misslrigidata(3j TSF A 24,285 19,972 154 Commercial (Tustin Legacy) ' =.mss x's> fvlissir%g<data[3] TSF 8 16,452 16,121 136 ELEMENTARY /MIDDLE -ITAM . �- Mi ;sing= grda data,(3] STU C 4,202 4,343 151 Learning Center Ivl-is singdaW 31 TSF D 83,202 82,988 152 Office (Tustin Legacy) M` a'ta 3] TSF E 18,022 17,975 149 S Sports Park Missi g dataif ACRE F 34,955 35,450 148 Transitional Housing Nlissm at'Q ROOM G 39;829 35,395 Neighborhood ATotal [3] 24,285 H 4,415 4,166 B Total 225,363 216,410 103 Apartments 438 DU Notes 154 Commercial (Tustin Legacy) 10146 TSF [5] Excludes approx 10,000 additional ADT approved May 2013 102 Condominiums 252 DU 152 Office (Tustin Legacy) 144.84 TSF 106 Senior Housing 242 DU '101 Single Family Detached 145 DU Neighborhood B Total 16,452 C 154 Commercial (Tustin Legacy) 57.5 TSF 139 Park 84.5 ACRE Neighborhood C Total _D 4,202 - - 103 Apartments 891 DU 115 ,,CINEMA - ITAM 1000 SEAT 158 Commercial (Tustin Legacy Neigh) 75.45 TSF 154 Commercial (Tustin Legacy) 128.21 TSF 126 Health Club 30, TSF 135 HIGH - SCHOOL - ITAM 1850 STU 111 HOTEL - ITAM 500 "TSF 155 Industrial'Park (Tustin Legacy) 319.51 TSF 152 Office (Tustin Legacy) 2402.9 TSF 156 Office (Tustin Legacy- Large) 1383.8 TSF 139 Park 23.2 ACRE 113 Restaurant 18 TSF 149 Sports Park 46 ACRE Neighborhood D Total 83,202 E 158 Commercial (Tustin Legacy Neigh) 18.13 TSF 155 Industrial Park (Tustin Legacy) 333.24 TSF 152 Office (Tustin Legacy) 941.66 TSF 139 Park 2.5 —ACRE Neighborhood E Total 18,022 F 115 CINEMA'- ITAM 3500 SEAT 157 Commercial (Tustin Legacy District) lvtfssingdatag[4] TSF 152 Office'(Tustin Legacy) 40.85 TSF Neighborhood F Total 34,955 G 103 Apartments 882 DU 158 Commercial (Tustin Legacy Neigh) 26.68 TSF 154 Commercial (Tustin Legacy) 185.84 TSF 102 Condominiums 965 DU 105 Convalescent Home 386 BEDS 136 ELEMENTARY /MIDDLE - ITAM 1200 STU 152 Office (Tustin Legacy) 150.28 TSF 139 Park 1 49 ACRE 101 Single Family Detached 586 TSF 149 Sports Park 14.1 ACRE Neighborhood G Total 39,829 H (PA38 in Irvine) 101 Single Family Detached 166 DU 102 Condominiums 283 DU 129 Community Facility 3 TSF 135 HIGH - SCHOOL - ITAM 500 STU 139 Park 1 3 ACRE Neighborhood H Total ADT 4,415 MCAS Tustin Total 225,363 NOTES [1] Neighborhoods "A to G' in Tustin, Neighborhood "H" in Irvine PA38 (TAZ 551) [2] Table 3 -1 Tustin Legacy Specific Plan Amendment 05 -21 -13 [3] Table 3 -1 of SPA 05 -21 -13 does not provide sufficient information to determine land uses. ITAM ADT estimates based on Table 3- 3.(2012) [4] Table 3 -1 states 1,373 TSF Commercial but only 931 TSF exists today (both numbers exclude 70 TSF Multiplex)' August 12, 2013 Community Development City of Irvine, One Civic Center Plaza, P.O. Box 19575, Irvine, California 92623 -9575 Ms. Justina Willkom, Assistant Director City of Tustin Community Development Department 300 Centennial Way Tustin, CA 92780 Sent via USPS and email to: iwillkom(cr- tustinca org Subject: Tustin Legacy Tentative Tract Map 17507 Dear Ms. Willkom: Thank you for the opportunity to comment on the Tustin Legacy Tentative Tract Map (TTM) 17507. The map area is bounded by Warner, Jamboree SB off- ramp, Park and future Moffett. The project proposes 375 single- family dwelling units along with park facilities and neighborhood amenities. The TTM 17507 map area is a portion of Neighborhood G (Planning Area 15) in Tustin Legacy. Updated information is needed to assist in our review. An updated Table 3 -3 (Planning Area Trip Budget for MCAS Tustin Specific Plan) was not included as part of the recent 2013 Amendment to the Specific Plan for the ATEP project, however Tables 3 -1 and 3 -2 were updated and included as part of that Amendment. Based on the data taken. from those updated Tables 3 -1. and 3 -2, City of Irvine staff has prepared and included with this comment letter, a Table 3- 3 that documents our understanding of the Planning Area Trip Budget for land uses updated in 2013. Please provide missing data for Neighborhood A and Neighborhood F highlighted in the enclosed Table 3 -3. Please return the enclosed table to City of Irvine staff with comments and /or revisions so that we may correctly reflect updated land use assumptions within the Specific Plan. www. cityofirvine. org Provision of this updated Table 3 -3 will confirm whether the proposed TTM 17507 is consistent with the Specific Plan or whether there is a new assignment or transfer of ADTs with greater than 50 peak hour trips that triggers the need for City of Irvine's review of a traffic analysis for this project. Additionally, any revisions to this Table 3 -3 will help Irvine staff update land uses in the City's ITAM traffic model to correctly reflect current MCAS Tustin Specific Plan land use assumptions. PRINTED ON RECYCLED PAPER (949) 724 -6000 ti Ms. Justina Willkom August 12, 2013 Page 2 If you have any questions, I can be reached at 949-724-6521 or by email at biacobsCa.cityofirvine.org.. Sincerely, Bill Ja bs, AICP Principal Planner Enclosure: Table 3 -3 .cc: {via email) Barry Curtis; Manager of Planning Services Sun -Sun Murillo, S'upervis i ng Transportation Analyst Kerwin Lau, Project Development'Administrator NOTES [11 Neighborhoods "A to G" in Tustin, Neighborhood "H" in Irvine PA38 (TAZ 551) (2) Table 3 -1 Tustin Legacy Specific Plan Amendment 05 -21 -13 [3] Table 3 -1 of SPA 05 -21 -13 does not provide sufficient information to determine land uses. ITAM ADT estimates based on Table 3 -3 (2012) [4], Table 3 -1 states 1,373 TSF Commercial but only 931 TSF exists today (both numbers exclude`70 TSF Multiplex)- Updated Table 3 -3 (Planning Area Trip, Budget'for MCAS Tustin Specific Plari) Proposed ITAM Land Uses for Tustin Legacy Neighborhoods A to H (1) Land Use derived from Calibrated ITAM. ITAM Code Neighborhood Table 3 -1 Z Units [) ADT Proposed ITAM Tripdby ' Tustin Nelgliborliobd A Nelghborhbocl Calibrated ITAM ADT Table 3-3 (2012) [5} 158 154 .Commercial (Tustin Legacy Neigh) Commercial (Tustin Legacy) I(f'j.db TSF 16911 64 j! TSF - A ..24.285. 1497_2,. B 16;452 16,121, 136 ELEMENTARY /MIDDLE - ITAM 3 6.14 (3 . STU C. 4,202 '41-34-3 351 Learning Center (tAi _ Y p TSF D._ 63,202 82,988 152 Office (Tustin Legacy) sefngj3jll TSF _ E 18,022 17;975 149 Sports Park (3j1 ACRE F 34,955 - 35,450 148 Transitional Housing M2ata3jj ROOM G . , .. - 39,829 _ 35,395. _ Neighborhood A Tot I[3) 24,285 H 4,415 4.166 B > ., •Total _. 225,363 _216,410- 103 Apartments 438 DU Notes 154 Commercial (Tustin Legacy) 103:46 TSF [5] Excludes approx 10,000 additional ADT approved May 2013 102 Condominiums 252 DU 152 Office (Tustin Legacy) 144.84 TSF 106 Senior Housing 242 DU 101 Single' Family Detached 145 DU Neighborhood B Total 16,452 C 154 Commercial (Tustin Legacy) 57.5 TSF 139 Park 84.5 ACRE Neighborhood C Total . 4,202 D 103 .Apartments 891 DU 115 CINEMA -ITAM 1000 SEAT 158 Cormercial (Tustin Legacy Neigh) 75.45 TSF 154 Commercial (Tustin Legacy) 128.21 TSF 126 Health 61ub 30 TSF 135 HIGH - SCHOOL -.ITAM 1850 STU 111 HOTEL= 'ITAM 500 TSF 155 industrial Park (Tustln'Legacy) 319:51 TSF 152 Office`(Tustin Legacy) 2402:9 TSF 156 Office (Tustin Legacy- Large) 1383.8 TSF 439 Park 23.2 ':ACRE '113 Restaurant 18 TSF 149 LSports Park 46 ACRE Ni igFihbrhood D Total 83,202 E 158 Commercial (Tustin Legacy Neigh) 18.13 TSF. 155 Industrial Park (Tustin Legacy) 333.24 :TSF 352 Office (Tustin.Legacy) 941.66 TSF. 139 Park .215 ACRE Neighborhood E Total 18,022 F 115 CINEMA - ITAM 3500 SEAT 157 Commerci al (Tustin Legacy Di strict) fNgdif ' riA'`# G41 TS 152 Office(TustinLegacy) 40:85 TSF Neighborhood'FTotal G 103 Apartments 882 DU 158 Commercial (Tustin Legacy Neigh) 26.68 TSF 154 Commercial (Tustin Legacy) 185.84 TSF 102 Condominiums 965 DU 405 Convalescent Nome 386 BEDS 136 ELEMENTARY /MIDDLE -ITAM 1200 STU 152 Office (Tustin Legacy) 150.28 TSF 139 Park - 49 ACRE 101 Single family Detached 586 TSF 149 Sports Park 141 ACRE :Neighborhood G Total 99,829 H (PA381n Irvine) 101 Single.FamilyDetached 166 DU 102 Condominiums 283 DU 129 'Community Facility 3 TSF 135 HIGH- SCHOOL - ITAM 500 STU 139 Park 3 ACRE Neighborhood H Total ADT 4,415 MCAS Tustin Total J 225,363 NOTES [11 Neighborhoods "A to G" in Tustin, Neighborhood "H" in Irvine PA38 (TAZ 551) (2) Table 3 -1 Tustin Legacy Specific Plan Amendment 05 -21 -13 [3] Table 3 -1 of SPA 05 -21 -13 does not provide sufficient information to determine land uses. ITAM ADT estimates based on Table 3 -3 (2012) [4], Table 3 -1 states 1,373 TSF Commercial but only 931 TSF exists today (both numbers exclude`70 TSF Multiplex)-