HomeMy WebLinkAbout07 CIP 700154 11-03-97AGE N 9A, ? DATE: NOVEMBER 3; 1997 NO. 7 11-3-97 I n t e r-C o TO' FROId' SUBJECT: V~qLLIAM A. HUSTON; CITY MANAGER PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT/ENGINEERING DIVISION REQUEST TO THE ORANGE COUNTY TRANSPORTATION ALrrHORITY TO RELEASE A PORTION OF THE COMBINED TRANSPORTATION PROGRAM FUNDS FOR THE JAMBOREE ROAD/EDINGER AVENUE INTERCHANGE (CIP NO. 700154) SUMMARY: Adoption of Resolution No. 97-102 will enable the Cit)., to req~uest and receive an initialI i $5~786.743 in FY 98-99. for the Jamboree Road/Edin_oer Avenue Interchanee. ] pa~.xnent of Combined Transportation Pr%roam Funds from OCTA of $2,8~3,000 in FY 97-98 and[ RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council, at their meeting of November 3, 1997 request the Orange County Transportation Authority to release a portion of the Combined Transportation Pro,am Funds for the Jamboree Road/Edinger Avenue Interchange project by adopting Resolution No. 97-102. FISCAL LM~ACT The City's Capital Improvement Program budget for 1997-98 FY provides $5,500,000 for Tustin's share of construction and right-of-way acquisition for the project. The Orange County Transportation Authority (OCTA) has allocated $2,833,000 in FY 97-98 and $8,752,000 in FY 98-99 for the Construction ImPlementation Phase of this project through the Smart Street Pro,am. Adoption of Resolution No. 97-102 x~-~ill enable the City to request and receive an initial payment from OCTA of $2,833,000 in FY 97-98 and $5,786,743 in FY 98-99 for the project. Tustin, as designated lead agency for the Smart Street Project, will also receive Irvine's share for distribution to the contract. BACKGROUNI) On May,, 15, 1995, the City Council approved the Master Funding Agreement (MFA) with OCTA for projects funded in the Combined Transportation Funding Program (CTFP). In February 1997, OCTA approved Smart Street funds for the construction of the Jamboree Road/Edinger Avenue Interchange as part of the Moulton Parkwvay Smart Street Project. On September 8, I997, the OCTA amended the MFA and allocated construction funds in the amount of $2,833,000 in FY 97-98 and $8,752,000 in FY 98-99 for the Jamboree Road/Edinger Avenue Interchange project. The Jamboree Road/Extinger Avenue Interchange is a joint project x~dth the City of Irvine and the Transportation Corridor Agency (TCA) in conjunction with the southerly terminus of the west leg of the Eastern Transportation Corridor (ETC). TCA is the lead agency for the Construction Implementation Phase and shares in the final construction cost but does not receive any Smart Street reimbursement. TCA has arranged for the County to administrate the construction of the interchange. The County awarded the constmcti°n.contmct for the interchange project to Kajima Engineering and Construction Company in the amount of $14,366,238.00. The City of Tustin is the lead agency for the Smart Street reimbursement fund allocation. DISC[~SSION Pursuant to OCTA guidelines, once a construction project has been awarded, the participating agency may request release of funds from OCTA of 90 percent of the lesser of either the total allocated prqject funds o'r the construction bid amount. In this case, the Cities of Tustin and lrvine's share (2/3) of 90 percent of the construction bid is the lesser, therefore, this is the amount to be requested. It is recommended that the Tustin CiB, Council pass and adopt Resolution No. 97-102 which requests that the Orange County Transportation Authority release $2,833,000 in FY 97-98 and $5,786,743 in FY 9g-99. Upon completion of construction and full project accouming, including final construction costs, construction administration and contingencies, the CiB, will then request the remaining allocation of eligible expenses up to the original allocation of $11,585,000.00 Tim D. Serlet t- Director of Public Works/Cih, Eng/neer Nestor Mondok .Assistant CMl Engineer Wisam ,~dtowaiji Associate C/vii En~neer TDS:NM:klb/COUNCIL:Releasc of OCTA Funds Attachments 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 :20 9~1 23 25 :26 :27 28 RESOLUTION NO. 97-102 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE' CITY OF TUSTIN, .CALIFO}LNIA REQUESTING THE ORANGE COUNTY TR~4,NSPORTATION AUTHORITY TO RELEASE A PORTION OF THE COMBINED TRANSPORTATION PROGRAM FUNDS FOR THE JAMBOREE ROAD/EDINGER AVENUE INTERCHANGE AS A PART OF THE MOULTON PARKWAY SMART STREET PROJECI (PROJECI NO. 700154) WHEREAS, the Orange Count).: Transportation Authority approved a Combined Transportation Funding Program (CTFP) for fiscal year 1997-98; and WHEREAS, the pro,am includes $2,833,000.00 in fiscal year 1997-98 and $8,752,000.00 in fiscal year 1998-99 for the Jamboree Road/Edinger Avenue Interchange as a part of the Moulton Parkway Smart Street Project; and ~VItEREAS, the Cib, of Tustin has adopted a General Plan Circulation Element which does not preclude implementation of the MPAH within its jurisdiction; and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City of Tustin, hereby requests the Orange County Transportation Authority allocate $2,833,000 in FY 97-98 and $5,786,743 in FY 98-99 of CTFP funds from the Smart Street Pro,am for construction of said project to the CID'. This request is in conformance with the CTFP allocation process and does not exceed ninety (90) percent of the pro~ammed amount or ninety (90) percent of the construction contract. AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City of Tustin, a~ees to funds its share of the improvement costs during Fiscal Year 1997-98 and 1998-99 and any additional costs over the identified pro~ammed amount. AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the County on behalf of the TCA has awarded the contract for the project in the amount of $14,366,238.00 AN~ BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City of Tustin has: 1) rexfewed the project improvements prepared under the supervision of the County of Orange; and 2) completed required preparatory work in accordance with the standards required by the City and other affected jurisdictions involved xvith said project. ANq) BE IT FURTItER RESOLVED that the remaining ten (1 O) percent in CTFP funds will be transferred to the City of Tustin when construction is completed and a Final Report on the project is accepted by the Orange Count), Transportation Authority. The Cit), of Tustin a=orees to submit the Final Report to the Orange County.Transportation Authority within. one hun&ed twenty (120) days after acceptance of the improvement.. 1 :2 3 5 6 7 $ 9 10 I1 12 13 15 16 17 18 19 2O 21 22 2.3 25 26 27 28 PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Tustin held onthe 3a day of November, 1997 Jeffery M. Thomas, Mayor ATTEST: City Clerk